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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest BigSmileAgain


Wow ..Finally they heard us and release Banmal Song..Oh like a dream come true...and that mean YongSeo already recorded it in studio...I Hope WGM will filming on that day and show us behind scene of record...Cant stop smiling.^^ 


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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































they are going to release the banmal song that means they'll do the recording of the song? wow, i hope it will be shown on wgm  including all the promotions and on stage performance that they will do., if there's any































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks aneng for the translation and news you gave to the entire goguma villagers!!!!wub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gif

































































































































































































































































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hello gogumas..
































































































































































































































































































































































































is it confirmed that they will releaesd a cd our couple song? will they release only in korea?
































































































































































































































































































































































































i want to buy im here in europe, how could i buy or order..lets support this yongseo song...
































































































































































































































































































































































































fighting gogumas international..lets buy the cd..

































































































































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aisuo415 you are really talented! i really like your before and after photo album. I think you have the highest number of (+) signs in our YongSeo forum. Good job! I have a similar project in mind but I don't have enough time to complete it. So glad you did this. Something to guide us walk the memory lane. May I suggest this to be posted at sweetpotatodays just like sally7's calendar? Sweetpotatodays is my personal favorite when it comes to repository of YongSeo memorabilia. I'm sorry to the administrators of sweetpotatodays if I am asking too much. I know that genxv is still in hiatus (?).
































































































































I thank also the administrators of our soompi forum for adding YongSeo to the Seohwa. I never knew it can be done. (Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread ♥)
































































































































And I know this has been confirmed but I still want to share the starred signatures of our couple. These have been really their signature even before they have been paired in WGM. I wonder if they talked about this similarity when they went to the sunrise trip:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest tkagoguma
































































































































































































woah..what a great news..
































































i can't wait to buy banmal song cd..rolleyes.gif
































































i just found these in dc gallery..
































































ahh..ottoke..i'm falling more and more deeply for these two cuties..heeewub.gif

































































































































































































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Guest lovelybee
































































































































I just noticed that our Forum has something change
































































Excellence!!! for  Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread ♥
































































Thanks you to Administrator of this thread whom concerns.































































































































































I thinks this thread will be more popular and famous for all korean and international, more member means more supporter then more power right?
































































So Our Yongseo couple will get  more love and welcome that will make our couple stay longer  and longer on WGM.

































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tkagoguma, tks for the caps.

'hyun was asking for a kiss on the cheek, and yong looking all shy' :lol:

hacker, shall we call that same signature, another clue to yongseo's destiny?

with the single, there maybe an MV, then promotions and duet performances

in all the music shows. that is my wish....

i hope yongseo will find time doing it all, despite their killer schedule..

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Hi guys, reading this thread really like riding a roller coaster.














Firstly, there were previous vs now episodes pictures bringing back my nostalgia on these lovely couple, seeing how they met each other, how they grown, how they changed, all the way they've been walking thru together until now... :rolleyes:














Then, it comes to rumors and worries that they will be ending filming of WGM, which leave everyone here depress. Pls dun get upset, as we should be happy and enjoy every moment of them together. In fact, this is a variety show, and of course there will be some one leaving and some one new coming in in order to continue the variety show, right? But I believe, even till the end of the filming, uri YongSeo will treat each other as close friend (shall I use the word- soul mate? ^_^)  in real life (but of course, we here all wish and hope that they will be real dating couple in real life or perhaps a real married couple :P). They have created a lot of memories together. Those memories, are only meant for them both and will always in their heart forever.














Now, it comes to the 14-Jan date!!! Banmal song will be released as digital single!!! That is a great news!! I just can't wait any longer.. haha.. Wondering what will be the official title for this song? Will digital single have cover? if yes, how is the cover look like? Will they put their wedding photos as the cover bla bla bla... all these wondering keep on playing in my mind... I just can't wait... haha.. Is it the only way we can buy the single in Soribada?














Sorry for such a long post, just that when come to typing regarding uri YongSeo, my hand just can't stop.. haha... Btw, I'm from Malaysia. Nice meeting all of you here... muaksss... 



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Even their sign is couple-like *__* These two...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married

































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I just noticed that our Forum has something change
































































































































Excellence!!! for  Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread ♥































































































































































































































































lovelybee I've noticed that too! I was wondering that something seems different with my toolbar when I visited this thread and found out the change of name.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































The recent Come to Play with SNSD was awesome! (although I didn't understand 99% of it)































































































































































































































































There are some WGM scenes and YongSeo mentioned during the show. Lol at Leeteuk naming their team 'TeukSeo Couple' so that they can be like YongSeo Couple just for the CTP show =p






























































































































































































































































































































































































































And there's one particular part that I want to highlight






























































































































































































































































































































































































































110103 SNSD @ Come To Play [5/5]































































































































































































































































Cr: thesonesource19






























































































































































































































































































































































































































at 3:40 - did the MC Yoo jae Suk and MC Wonhee ask Seohyun what she would do if her parents against her from dating/marrying her boyfriend?































































































































































































































































and judging from the MCs' and the guests' reactions, i think Seohyun gave a very wise and smart answer.































































































































































































































































(don't quote me on this-it is totally based on my verrry limited knowledge on korean language)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































maybe anyone that is fluent and have full understanding on Korean language can enlighten me with this part? thanks

































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Hi everyone I feel ashamed got nothing much to share












Just wanna say I have been reading most of the POV regarding our Couple and I am totally at lost of words don't know what write as much as I want too, I am just not a person who writes long post but, I do LOVE reading all the long post and I must say they are well written like a novel :D I may not remember who but I wanna say my thanks to :












aisuo - for the wonderful scaps shared from then & now I had teary eyed looking @ those sc.























lovekin- love the colorful insight of your's












fluorescent.flower, luvtokki, biancacoolio, ppsf, SophiaPia, lunasol, bee_ichigo, zealous, sweet_spy, aneng, and to each and every goguma shipper who may not share same views,thought's & opinion's but all comes to this thread because of one reason and that is  the LOVE for  YongSeo












I'm currently watching












Right Now It's Girls' Generation

























and they showed A YongSeo clip
























the gf & bf arguing about who is lucky Yong or Hyun just to cute




































and this its so cute SeoHyun was ask about Marriage






































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















WOW!!! You guys are seriously awesome! this thread has jumped a lot!! I  know I'm a little bit late but stil,,,,,,,,,,,,,,HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011!!














I noticed that the worries about the rumored WGM ending and new couples  arise again............... *sigh* can't we just ignore that guys, since  it's just a RUMOR. Oh and that article from DC, I'll just wait for a  proper translation and then voice my opinion.














I can't believe I'm talking about this matter again, but I just need to sort things out because seeing your worries worries me too. Oh well, WGM is a VARIETY SHOW and it will definitely end someday, whether you like it or not. This is what brings a pretty dangerous effect on some of us - maybe all of us - because it plays with your hearts right?? Actually we should know that by now, and perhaps to some who wouldn't have thought YongSeo would last for a long time on WGM, it's an excitement but at the same time couldn't believe it. So before you think you would end up as a DEAD SOUL should WGM ends, I suggest you should download and get all the YongSeo episodes, wallpapers, OST, etc etc, or anything related to them, so that you will have things to look for if you miss them. Did WGM followers since season 1 do that?? answer me  :P. Believe me, it's what I'm anticipating ever since their first episode, and for a person with a sensitive feeling like me (I'm a guy for god's sake) I think it's good to do that. Oh well.. I shouldn't be talking about this anymore............. carry on!!
















OH YEAH..... OH YEAH..... OH YEAH...... YAHOO !!!!! (I know it's lame :sweatingbullets:).  are we still on the same page??? are you guys eagerly waiting for the  release of the BANMAL SONG??? OH YEAH...... Anyways, I'm actually hoping  that they will release it with some musical instruments, not just  guitar. Maybe they could make it a ballad version of the song (would  that sound nice?). If they do it will surely melt my heart :wub:. anyway since the song is already well-known internationally, I think the WGM staff should consider selling to the international fans too. This song is PURELY based on YongSeo's ideas, not the creation of any music producers, so I hope the public knows that and i also hope it will have explosive sales, just like adam couple's duet song....
















cheers to all!!
















P/S Lovekin .... it seems that you are back to colorful mode again :D. After used to your colorful posts, it felt weird reading your colorless posts :P
























































cr: DC
















gosh... why do your gestures and expressions have to be similar? :wub::wub:

















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Here are some of my thoughts about the latest news on releasing the Banmal song as a digital single.
































































































































































































































































Why didn't the WGM management think of releasing the song before the Banmal song was up in youtube? The hype of this song would go down slightly if we have to wait until 14th January.
































































































































































































































































I am worried about the poor response of the Banmal song digital single as the song has already been played many times in the youtube video(if you kept refreshing the video)
































































































































































































































































Many people have ripped the mp3 song of the Banmal video because they didn't know a digital single would be released, so there is a portion of them who do not want to purchase the song as they have already downloaded the song.
































































































































































































































































If I am not wrong adam couple's song had explosive sales as fans were informed about the song before it was released, hence not knowing what is the full song like, fans start to preorder and buy the cds.
































































































































































































































































They deserve to have explosive sales as the song is orginally composed by Yonghwa, song lyrics by Yongseo couple. There is no other people involved to help autotune their song or digitalised the song or correct their singing. The song is purely made from scratch and completed by the Yongseo couple.
































































































































































































































































I would prefer this sequence, which is more fair for the yongseo couple.
































































































































































































































































1. After the episode whereby they were composing the lyrics, the WGM management should propose to them and their management about releasing a teaser track of the Banmal song. Fans would start to preorder the song, even non-yongseo fans who hears the teaser of the song and loves the fresh feeling of the song, would preorder the song too.
































































































































































































































































2. After a few days, release the digital single of the Banmal song
































































































































































































































































3. 1 week after the release of the song, upload a MV video like the youtube video we have seen. The reason to why the video should be uploaded 1-2 weeks after the song is released, is to create publicity and awareness. More people would purchase the digital song.
































































































































































































































































Even with poor management and lack of foresight of the WGM productions, I hope that Yongseo's Banmal song would still have explosive sales.
































































































































































































































































P.S: Just a suggestion: Since many idol groups have fanclubs preordering the albums in advance, I hope the international Yongseo fanclub is able to propose this idea of helping international fans to purchase the album. Some Yongseo fans are really young and do not have VISA.

































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Guest ahn_annann










too late to share my caps ..






YongSeo ep38
























388z.th.jpg 387cy.th.jpg 386y.th.jpg






384l.th.jpg 383e.th.jpg 381rz.th.jpg



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Guest fabiistar07












hello everyonee!




(this has nothing to do with the topics talked about right now, excuse my randomness :sweatingbullets: )




i was watching "100 points out of 100" yesterday and, idk if anyone has shared this, but minho mentioned he likes reading those "self improvement" books and novels




and that immediately reminded me of our dear hyun who loves self improvement books




i've heard that since they are the same age they must be good friends, so maybe she has influenced him as well hehe





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Guest yongseorockin


Was watching Come to Play SNSD. So our maknae seo hyun was paired up with Lee Teuk as a couple and they named their group TeukSeo couple with the idea of the name coming from YongSeo couple.




When they first shouted the name of their group, it appears that Seo hyun only shouted the SEO part while Lee Teuk shouted TeukSeo.




Haha. Check out the video below.






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Guest lovelybee
































































































































Waiting for Banmal Song CD/Digital release On  14th JAN is exciting just like countdown to the day of gogumas the celebration.
































































All goguma shipper here will support our belove couple in their own way. Like as done before, more than hits in youtube Banmal song will be
































































the first in every Korean and international chart , I hope that. keke

































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Guest sayroo














Can I say how excited I am right now with that official announcement about the release of the single?!










I know this day would really come, but this is just really surreal, and I'm ignoring all negative comments already!










What a prosperous way to start 2011! Let's rejoice! MANSE! MANSE!



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Guest intoxd
































































































































































































Hello! This is my first post here...^_^ I hope I follow the rules well x)
































































I don't really have much to share because I normally come on here to find Goguma news and such but I noticed something during episode 38 and I thought it was pretty funny so I thought I'd share. I can't make screencaps sorry :sweatingbullets:
































































Around 8:07, when they're filming the talk scene during the song, Yong stops playing the guitar for a couple seconds but Hyun is still "strumming" her guitar! And then she realises that she's strumming air and nothing is playing, so she starts stopping but then Yong restarts playing :lol: They looks soo cute here, like they were both trying not to laugh, but fail in the end xD
































































































































And also here, at 0:55, I love how Hyun just stops because she knew Yong missed haha x)
































































































































I don't know about you guys, but the part at 1:10 when Yong says "When it comes to this part and I have to look at you, I get too nervous" was sooo cute! He touches her shoulder and then even put his hand on his heart! :wub: Hyun just freezes in semi shock from hearing it and says "Ahhh...is that so?" xD And Yong's face is just frozen hahaha! I feel like that part was not just an NG because you get nervous knowing you missed that part (like the MCs said), Yong was probably nervous about that part but the fact that he looked at Hyun made it even worst, which I find totally adoraable :)
































































Okayy..well I will stop boring you with my randomness haha :sweatingbullets:  I will try posting more often now because I've been following this thread for a while now but never made an account x) I'm so happy the Banmal Song is going to get released!! w00t.gif
































































Oh I also have a question...Am I allowed to post Artwork type of stuff about Yongseo on this thread? Like Photoshopped pictures and such? If so, please let me know, I'd love to make lots of cute Yongseo pictures!! :D Thank you!! :)

































































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Guest fabregas215

Hi everyone.

Happy New Year!!!

i know i'm late again.been spending my holiday away from my home. only managed to watched it today.

ommo!!! only 2 episodes, and look what i had missed.

the thread move so fast, and i know,someone must have mentioned it before, but alas, i still wanna write it again.

i'm really suprised to see how hyun have been initiating skinship and also eyeship in the recent episode.

just look at the way they sit on the sofa. we can seen that hyun is then one that moves closer to Yong.

and all the way through their singing, its hyun who always stares at Yong.

and the last part where they said saranghae, hyun keeps her eyes on yong even when yong look at other side.

and remember who is the one who suggested them to look at each other when singing.

its Hyun rite?

hyun is giving Yong all the sign for them to move on to the next level. hugging maybe?

and now,its yong time to feel shy.kekekek..

i just love both of them..

@ jastubee: i strongly agree with you. its the poor management of MBC that shud be blamed for. and its kinda unfair to yong actually.  because he is the one who composed the whole music, and he should have the right for most of the profit from the song. 

i personally think that Yong had his own lyrics for the whole song at first. ( remember when he bluntly sing, kiss me? that shud be the original lyrics)and all of sudden, MBC just told him to use the music for their own programme.its really unfair.

at first, i thought it will be included in his new album.huhuhu..

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