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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hello Gogumas..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































really its a week full of happiness to us gogumas and to our yongseo..so for the year 2011 i wish us all..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































continous BLESSINGS AND HAPPINESS..yongseo fighting..gogumas fighting..

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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we saw an angel descending to earth at SBS Gayo award.. :wub:

and we've seen yong's professionalism at handling the mic malfunction,

yong choding with fellow Busan mate, Simon D, having a good time

and staying oh so close to buin at KBS Gayo. :w00t::wub:

so tonight, i hope to see another daebak yongseo moment..

its MBC after all...

even tho they won't be performing their banmal song -_-


but its going to be okay...

will still look forward to CN Blue & FT Island rock collaboration!

and more yongseo fancams ;)

ah! i forgot to thank kaptenkarein (long time no see!)

for those lovely wallies..daebak!

and to the rest of my lovely gogumas for links & caps of last night show..hugs!

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Hello my dear goguma villagers!
























































































Oh! So much good news for the end of this year! Can't wait to see them on MBC this afternoon... I can't help but hope for a surprise Banmal Song stage <3
























































































Seohyun was totally the QUEEN during SBS Gayo, especially the Maknae circus... She was so beautiful... I bet Yonghwa was looking at her like that: 0_0
























































































And yesterday, Yonghwa was so impressive on KBS Music Festival... He was handsome, and showed such a strong charisma... I was totally mesmerized, and I'm sure I was not the only one ;) Seohyun must be proud of her hubby^^
























































































Tomorrow's episode will be DEABAK! The first goguma of the year... Can' wait! =D
























































































Oh, by the way, chapter 3 of Once Again is out! > Read me!^^
























































































 I wish you all a wonderfull end of the year :) Take care of yourself... And wish the best for 2011! <3









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Hello Fellow Goguma shippers!
































Happy New Year to everyone and their love ones, including our lovely YongSeo couple and their bands :)
































I was recapping the previous memories of YongSeo, in particular the episodes which they took their driving test (Written) + Training for Practical. It was pure coincidence provided that I will be taking my driving practical this coming Jan :)
































Just a couple of printscreen to share (from Ep 15-16)
































































































































she look so geniunely cute :D
















































the reason for Banmal............. which Yo~ng is looking so much forward to. hahaha
































































rmb the cause for Sarang Bit? :x
































































Sync actions ^^
















































Yong talking about his mother kimchi chingae :D Busan trip ~~
















































Didnt know she will meeting Yong's mummy during the Busan trip :x (rumored that they did meet??)
















































Yong talking abt his mummy.
















































Yong asking hyun buin to act pretty. hahaha. sync walking :D
















































imagine them registering their wedding?? (Nope, this is for their practical driving :) )
















































CR: rundevilrun sub :)
































last but not least, sharing lip gloss :D
































I hope fellow goguma shippers adore those printscreens (its my first time sharing pix ~)
































I am away for dinner and gonna be back in time for the 3rd - MBC Gayo Daejun (another YongSeo stage!) and looking very much forward to 2011 and WGM YONGSEO - SATURDAY!!!
































Enjoys! :)

















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Guest Yesunglovie




Hello fellow Gogumas!








Hyun was the last Maknae to show up in the rendition of Circus on 29th, and what an entrance. She totally stole the stage from there on. My jaw dropped when uri Hyun showed up, and I am a happily married woman with 2 kids, mind you! Beautiful sexy classy Hyun. (Yong must be having nightmares now, having to fend off all of her fanboys, old and new! :w00t: )






Yong rocked the stage and CNBlue's performance on the 30th. Yong was mesmerising (at least to me!). His quick thinking saved their performance. Due to the mishap with his microphone, he quickly took Jonghyun's when JH finished his lines, and from thereon, rocked and stage and the audience. I am in total awe with Jung Yonghwa!








Hihi... Yes... i am so totally in love with your post... Besides being the one who has the best prounication.. Seohyun also stands out cos of her stage costume... its golden bling while the rest were either black or white... of cos she stands out... the last sec was the blown up picture of her, Taemin and Jiyoung.. nice and sweet...



I was just watching the telecast on KBS world.. and I saw exactly what yong did... he saved the whole performance... it was such a big event and yet the sound system was terrible.. i started watching the earlier performance and practically there would be lke 2 to 4 mics not working well and not being able to catch te singers' voice... Yong was fast... and rock the stage boy...



also... the stage kinda far away from the audience... i think being quick he decided to leave the guitar and come nearer to the audience to add climax to their performance...






YongSeo Hwaiting!!!


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im watching this fancam, thank you melibu for the tip..i really can't stop myself from spazzing on YongSeo :crazy:




it's so obvious yonghwa, you wanted to be with your wife :)






and minho here, reminds me of clumsy's fanfic :w00t: meanwhile, yonghwa, still making his presence behind seohyun :lol:






and btw, about seohyun's maknae special..can someone clarify this? :)




i read one comment on youtube that the strange voice we heard while taemin was performing was actually yonghwa's and they believe yong was saying "hyun, are you ok?" i don't know but i hope someone will be able to clarify this..





have a successful and great 2011 everyone!



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For once I thought my eyes deceeived me but wasn't it Junsu from 2pm who had his arm around Yonghwa in the fancam?!! And isn't he known to be Seohyun's fanboy as well? Yonghwa really tries to keep his "supposed enemies" close to him :phew:









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Guest Rouenna

































































For once I thought my eyes deceeived me but wasn't it Junsu from 2pm who had his arm around Yonghwa in the fancam?!! And isn't he known to be Seohyun's fanboy as well? Yonghwa really tries to keep his "supposed enemies" close to him :phew:
































































































































































































































































Your eyes are not deceiving you. :lol:
































































































































































































































































All the Busan namja in the house (Yong, Simon D, Jonghyun and Junsu)
































































































































































































































































I can still remember Junsu's cheesy "Right now, its Seohyun Shi Dae" line from Idol Army. :lol:
































































































































































































































































What's funny is that when they first came out, Yong and bro-in-laws moved to the right end of the stage, then suddenly after a few minutes, he appeared at the back of Hyun (SNSD standing off left of center) doing this antics or his attempt at dancing. He seems to be enjoying himself, haha!

































































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Guest crystalblue


I just wanted to hop on here for a moment to wish all of my fellow Yongseo Goguma Villagers Lovers Shippers a Happy New Year where ever you all are!!! I live in the states so it will be in about 21 more hours. I wanted to thank you for being HERE in this thread where I come to read, lurk, post and learn and be entertained and feel the love. The love we all share for two people who we do not know but boy, do we know and love! What an amazing magical thing for Yonghwa and Seohyun to have done for all of us. The power of their relationship, love and growth have brought so many around the world together to this place. The fantastic spy jobs, the projects and gifts, the sharings of thoughts, POV, concerns and emotions, the photos, screen caps, clips, fanmade videos and artwork and fan fictions and especially the super fly and generous translators... what a COOL place this is!!! Right??? I am very glad in this crazy, too often self fulfilling world we live in, there is a place to go to that feels like home. I love CN Blue and I love SNSD via Seohyun and Yonghwa. They have brought me a year of love, suspense, excitement, spazzing joys, wonderment, hope and enhanced my life greatly. I've fallen in love recently myself after 4 years of being single. He and I are dorks, we say corny romantic things and we are sweet to each other. I stayed single for a long time with fear of being hurt or wasting time again. In my heart, I know watching this young couple reminded me of how beautiful and fresh and magical love can be. They truly affected me to open my heart up. I am very very thankful for them!

Happy New Year everyone!!! Wishing you much health, love and more love!!! :wub:


No! top of page? well go watch their Banmal Song video again! My link


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Guest Seychan

















3. Giving a mission in WGM to take care babies/kids.































Giving a mission in WGM to take care baby































I totally agree with u :wub: I was thinking about this for a long time and wanted to send a letter to the PD. What will be interesting if Hyun hold a baby and Yong make porridge or milk for the baby. Yong & Hyun will be confused but happy and look at as a young married couple so much. I saw the show Hello Baby and Huyn totally can take care of a baby 1 year old. Yong & Hyun will lead baby to a park. And they can bring baby to CNBlue's dorm or SNSD's  for help. I guarantee baby will get a lot of love from 3 nice guys and 9 beautiful girls.  I think they look great 2gether. And that mission will have after the wedding album. Do you agree that they will be very happy?






























































They will understand how much they need each other. Will be wonderful and beautiful when Huyn become a mother and Yong is more kind and sweet when become a father :wub:






























































If we send a message to the PD 2gether, do you think they might consider?

















































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Guest Kerube-Chan







What a month, what a year we have... First of all I want to say that I love this place, this really feels like a family, we give support to each other, knock some sense and reality when needed and share the love always... I really love my goguma family and I wish you and YH and SH a happy new year, full of good things and to always stay healthy.





On another note, a lot of great news around here, the preview... I am sorry for this, but I love to see Jealous YH, it is funny (I know it is not funny for him and I should not be happy during his not so happy moment) but I love the boy to bits and jealous YH is Jjang.





About Taeyeon is comment, OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG... Woah, I was left totally speechless... so unnies really really approve, last time was Tiffany is letter during their fanmeeting and now Taeyeon, unnies are really supporting and encouraging this relationship, they must be goguma shippers too! kekekekeke





Last thing, I was watching their first episode again and I discovered that Tiffany gave SH the best advice ever... In resume, she told her to just be herself, because it is troublesome to try to keep an image when you are not like that, I know SH is very true to herself but I think she take Tiffany is advice seriously, and I think that is the best you can do when knowing someone, just be true to yourself... If it is for you, is for you, if not, just be happy with the experience and move on.





Well, again happy new year, lots of love and happy moments to the goguma villagers, take care, see you next year!!! :D





We are just begining the last day of the year in this side of the world!!! :P


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sweetpotato4339 just comment in youtube.. oh my god that means yoong and hyun together right now???










soory for my poor english..



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hehe.. yeah sorry.. mianhe.. i just too excited..










so i wrong read the name.. sorry..



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Guest glennpaulo
































sweetpotato4339 just comment in youtube.. oh my god that means yoong and hyun together right now???
















soory for my poor english..































Nope i think it is a poser.. Check their last visit and it says it 5 days ago. Just check the spelling maybe there's an added letter or quotation.
















































































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I just want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR! to the Oriental part of the world first and then to the Occidental part one ^^.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This was, after all, a very happy year here in Go-chun land and my hope for us and for our YongSeo couple is an even better 2011 full of love and sincerity and  good vibe ^^. May this 2011 brings you more things for what you can be happy gogumas, in your personal life and here, in our little place full of love in the net, the Go-Chun :wub:.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now, I´m so loving Taeyeon!!!! Why did she? Why did she? Why????? :rolleyes:. That is brave of hers, right??? I love you leader ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you all for the latst goodies ^_^, Yong jealous again?? hahaha, I can´t wait, I have missed Jealous Yong ^^.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Well thank you all gogumas and my best wishes for all of you!... BTW to the new villagers... WELCOME!!!!

































































































































































































































































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sweetpotato4339 just comment in youtube.. oh my god that means yoong and hyun together right now???








soory for my poor english..















Hai...after i saw your post, i came to visit their channel and i saw comment in the name of JUNGYONGHWAOFFICIAL.








Can anyone tell me it is the original channel YongSeo couple???








Sorry if i asking that question...i'm a little bit confused about the original channel.



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Guest BluMistLaydee
































Thanks to everyone who's been posting, the pics, videos, and translations :wub: . Well I have to say 2010 has been an interesting year right? 1st CN Blue debut and then the heavenly powers that be at MBC decide to give us the best present ever by putting these two unlikely people together. We had many ups and many downs (a lot of downs) this year but yet, most of us knew that there was something extremely special about these two. I know some left before they even gave them a chance, said they were "boring" "lack of skinship" "too slow" but YongSeo have proven to us that age old testament "Good Things Comes to Those Who Wait" and I have to say, all of our waiting has paid off.
















So I want to say, a big of thanks for the Goguma villagers who's stuck by them and didn't jump ship during the hard times. A thanks for all of the subbers, translators,those who continue finding articles, the admins of: SweetPotatoBlog, SeoHwa International Fan Project,ILoveYongSeo, GogumaLove@tumblr, YongSeo@facebook, and all of the wonderful Go-Chun angels here at Soompi because without you, many wouldn't have come to know and love this wonderful couple. :wub:
















And Happy New Years Everyone! May 2011 continue to be as awesome in YongSeo land as it was this year.









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Guest chanchan4ever




i hope yongseo bubu could have their movie or drama after WGM..


can you imagine them in a romantic scene??


ahahahah <3


i just wanna post..it ok right?


From: lovergoguma11..a yongseo-addicted one..!


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@rica_vidya, those are posers... letter L was slyly placed in between sweet and potato so at first glance you will think its sweetpotato4339 but it is actually sweetLpotato4339. as for JUNGYONGHWA Official, i dont think its Yonghwa because of the fact that Yong is probably very busy preparing for MBC Gayo. There are some people out there who wanted to be Jung Yonghwa and Seohyun to the point of frustration hence they pose as them.

on another note, Happy New Year to all the Villagers... i am looking forward for more of YongSeo in 2011. I am glad about the news of Taeyon "approving" Yongseo dating in real life, they definitely make a gorgeous pair and what is so special is that, should they really date in real life, their love story unfolded before our very eyes.


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