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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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according to this account 
































































































































found at dcmarried (rough trans by google translate)

Hyun apparently spent 10 min. hanging on the wires because the stage crew had trouble pulling it down...
































































































































Yet she still performed so professionally
































































































































Indeed once again she is Genius Hyun!

































































































































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@sun_sun but I heard SNSD performed in pre recorded show. so yong might not see hyun




















correct me if I'm wrong:sweatingbullets:




















but really hope they still met each other bcz their performances were really really amazing:wub:




















I wonder how the backstage was after their wedding photoshot. they must feel sweeter indeed







































The SNSD performance was indeed pre-recorded, but Seohyun's maknae performance was not. The other eight girls have left already for Japan while Seohyun hasn't so I'm sure Yonghwa got to see her ^^




















I've only got one thing to say; I wish I was a guy so that I can fully admire Seohyun without feeling a bit awkward about it :ph34r:





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Guest i.said.hi














^ i believe the maknae performance was pre-recorded as welll ;)












both performances were pre-recorded.. from what i heard...












basically, snsd pre-recorded first and went straight to japan while seohyun recorded the maknae show right after snsd's perf which is why she didn't go to japan with the other girls..












BUT, i think yong saw the video at least on the big screen


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agree with you aisuo415, i also think at this moment i would be a guy, hehe so that i will try to take her from Yong. :rolleyes: just for a while but i will return her to Yong.




I never known her before even her face till WGM and i have to say she is really attractive because of her unique, the more you know her the more you will be attrated by her. But yong also really attractive. They should be together :wub:




I hope there is more fancam from Seohyun, she is so stunt


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^ i believe the maknae performance was pre-recorded as welll ;)




both performances were pre-recorded.. from what i heard...




basically, snsd pre-recorded first and went straight to japan while seohyun recorded the maknae show right after snsd's perf which is why she didn't go to japan with the other girls..




BUT, i think yong saw the video at least on the big screen







I think the snsd's performance is pre-recorded a lot earlier, cos the cameras were avoiding the audience. As for the maknaes' performance, yes it was pre-recorded but I think it was recorded right at the beginning of the show, before the cameras starting rolling live cos I can see the audience already and also if I'm not wrong, there were some people sitting at the singers/performers' seats at the front, not sure...




Seohyun looks FABULOUS!!! My jaw dropped as well and my heart was racing well fast! It is her aura! Just BEAUTIFUL!



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Guest Yangie12











About Seohyun winning a popularity award at the MBC Entertainment Award..was it not Seohyun and Yonghwa winning it together along with the Khuntoria couple? Or did allkpop make a mistake?









And Seohyun looked gorgeous with her golden dress, really stunning (:


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Guest MountainMadman

Hi everyone! Hopefully everyone's enjoying the afterglow of yesterday's Gayo Daejun...seriously, how pretty can Seohyun get? Every time she comes onstage, she manages to get even more beautiful. ^_^

Anyways, I felt a little bad for going so long without updating Love Story, so I went ahead and compiled the first 5 episodes into a single chapter, and added in some new dialogue and description...the story remains the same, but you'll find some new parts here and there. Happy reading.


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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































omg so i watched the mankae special for the nth time!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i cant get over how gorgeous huyn looks!! (i'm a girl too)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anyways the dress she wore was total bling bling (yong must've liked it) ahahahah































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i want fancams of yong while seeing his wife performing that! (:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































seems like the mankae special was not prerecorded...since 8 members of snsd arrived at japan first































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so hopefully there where interactions between these two love birds (:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































again congratulations the yongseo! for winning the popularity award!!
































































































































































































































































they must be proud of themselves!! as well as the other couples on the show!!
































































































































































































































































the cnblue members went to get the award for yongs behalf and jungshin chingo said the thank you speech
































































































































































































































































did he say something hyun...?? that made the guys giggle?
































































































































































































































































IDK korean so i could be wrong!! ahahaah
































































































































































































































































and thank you kaptenkeirin for making those banners!! im totally stealing them (:

































































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The honors for the Banmal Song video:

#10 - Most Discussed (This Week))

#1 - Most Discussed (This Week)) - Hong Kong




















#1 - Most Discussed (This Week)) - Music




















#1 - Most Discussed (This Week)) - Music - Hong Kong




















#73 - Most Discussed (This Month))




















#1 - Most Discussed (This Month)) - Hong Kong




















#7 - Most Discussed (This Month)) - Music




















#1 - Most Discussed (This Month)) - Music - Hong Kong




















#17 - Most Discussed (All Time)) - Hong Kong




















#3 - Most Discussed (All Time)) - Music - Hong Kong




















#2 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - South Korea




















#22 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Hong Kong




















#29 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Taiwan




















#20 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - Australia




















#28 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - Canada




















#41 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - New Zealand




















#30 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - Japan




















#1 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - South Korea




















#3 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - Hong Kong




















#6 - Most Viewed (This Week)) - Music - Taiwan




















#10 - Most Viewed (This Month)) - Hong Kong




















#4 - Most Viewed (This Month)) - Music - Hong Kong




















#13 - Top Favorited (This Week))




















#1 - Top Favorited (This Week)) - Hong Kong




















#3 - Top Favorited (This Week)) - Music




















#1 - Top Favorited (This Week)) - Music - Hong Kong




















#1 - Top Favorited (This Month)) - Hong Kong




















#42 - Top Favorited (This Month)) - Music




















#1 - Top Favorited (This Month)) - Music - Hong Kong




















#102 - Top Favorited (All Time)) - Hong Kong




















#67 - Top Favorited (All Time)) - Music - Hong Kong




















#8 - Top Rated (This Week))




















#1 - Top Rated (This Week)) - Hong Kong




















#1 - Top Rated (This Week)) - Music




















#1 - Top Rated (This Week)) - Music - Hong Kong




















#86 - Top Rated (This Month))




















#1 - Top Rated (This Month)) - Hong Kong




















#12 - Top Rated (This Month)) - Music




















#1 - Top Rated (This Month)) - Music - Hong Kong







































Their account somehow has Hong Kong as location which explains the many honors for that place.




















And I want to once again share this one-shot from Lovekin. He/she posted it right at the moment of the rumors so it got buried away somehow. Why I want to put emphasize on this one fic is because it's just so beautifully written. The first kiss of Yonghwa and Seohyun (which we discussed a few pages back) is what this one-shot is all about, but everything written around it goes so much deeper and gives so much more meaning to the kiss.




























































The first time Yonghwa kisses her, his heart stops.




















FYI, Lovekin didn't ask me to do this but I've just fallen so much in love with her writing and this one-shot that I just had to share it again.





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Guest aya otohata

Wow, Maknae Special Stage is really SPECIAL. A lot of ppol on youtube commented that Seobaby stole the spotlight. I TOTALLY AGREE! And, it only took her a few seconds to do that. I love all the Kpop artists that were on stage but I dnt knw...I just suddenly forgot about them once the camera was focused on Seohyun. Whoever directed that special stage is a genius. Seonhyun's entrance is so fitting for her image: a goddess.

lol I apologize for my spazzing. Can you tell I'm a big fan of her lol

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Guest monkie2804

@aya otohata: you're right. She looks like the center of the performance the moment she appeared. Even her dress is the most special there. Seobb seemed like a queen/ a goddess to me. I think she really suits anything sparkling like that golden dress and the sparkling eye makeup [same as one of the very first Inkigayo perf for Hoot back then].

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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hello  my fellow kamotes (gogumas) laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif  another day, another reason to be in go-chun!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Chukhahaeyo (congratulation) seohyun-shi and yonghwa-shi!!! for winning popularity award in MBC
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































saw their performance in SB gayo it was the best!!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I just have few questions though, hope you can enlighten me biggrin.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Is SB Gayo an awards night only for drama? does our yongseo only there to perform?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SB GAyo held the same day and time with MBC awards? so that means that CN Blue brother in law went to MBC right after their performance in SB Gayo to receive yong's award































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































is the maknae performance pre-recorded? is that means no yongseo moment sad.gif  any fan cams please































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but im glad both of them did well on their respective performance.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lastly, Seohyun meet with brother in law many times and now with yong's mom in busan, hope yong meet the entire SNSD family, also i hope he already meet hyun's eomeoni (mom) and abeoji (dad) before the photo shoot wub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































spread the love- the yongseo way
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest SophiaPia












Happy New Year's Eve every one :) Have a blessed New Year to all of us (2011 year of the rabbit)















Our 2010 year end really so great because of our lovely YongSeo couple success. Happy for the success of their mission banmal song, happy of the success of their individual work (snsd & cnblue) , happy of their improved relationships in wgm. And for sure there is a lot more in 2011. And wishing our YongSeo couple all the best not only on their careers also on their personal life. 








Congratulations to our lovely couple for being so popular, yes i guess that popularity award is about right. Congrats to Adam couple for winning best couple. 








OMG! that performance of our wifey SeoHyun, i think i'm like hubby Yong while watching it open mouth kekeke! She is so so lovely and yes! she shines on that performance. From her entrance, her expressions, from her outfit, and her moves when she dance OMG! what can i say, wife SeoHyun your a goddess. Hubby Yong must be super proud. 








Hubby Yong mc he done a good job, about his pants PLS. someone share the pix of his pants i didn't see it kekeke! (although i didn't see the last year hosting) but i think he done a good job hosting and their performance every time i see that thing he used i always thought the wife scream are there kekeke!








I just want to say i had a great time last night in SPD chatbox cause everybody are there even my stream is lag but happy to see jnj, miel, dreamyboo, rxp, bezbezbez, kubih,  and every body, every one happy family indeed.








So, let's all be happy and continue support our lovely YongSeo couple coz they deserved it. Evert saturday paliiiiiiiiiii :)








To all of you good people CHEERS








edit: OMG! that lady that we thought is hubby Yong teacher in high school is not his teacher but she is hubby yong Mum's WOWWWW! so lovely to see mum w/ daughter in law together Busan date paliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii



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Guest baby_bo
































































































Im still not sure how SNSD will attend the gayo for kbs since they are currently in Japan, they flew right after recording SBS Gayo yesterday, all 8 unnies then i think Seohyun followed. Where she was, that i do not know haha
































gogumaforever, let me try to answer your questions.
































FIRST: SBS GAYO DAEJUN last night wasn't an award show but a YEAR-END SONG FESTIVAL :) no awards given.
































2ND: Yes, I think the bro-inlaws went straight to MBC Ent Award to receive Yong's award
































3rd. Yes, the maknae perf was pre-recorded :)
































hello  my fellow kamotes (gogumas) *quoted image**quoted image**quoted image*  another day, another reason to be in go-chun!!!































































Chukhahaeyo (congratulation) seohyun-shi and yonghwa-shi!!! for winning popularity award in MBC
































saw their performance in SB gayo it was the best!!!!































































I just have few questions though, hope you can enlighten me *quoted image*































































Is SB Gayo an awards night only for drama? does our yongseo only there to perform?































































SB GAyo held the same day and time with MBC awards? so that means that CN Blue brother in law went to MBC right after their performance in SB Gayo to receive yong's award































































is the maknae performance pre-recorded? is that means no yongseo moment *quoted image*  any fan cams please































































but im glad both of them did well on their respective performance.
































Lastly, Seohyun meet with brother in law many times and now with yong's mom in busan, hope yong meet the entire SNSD family, also i hope he already meet hyun's eomeoni (mom) and abeoji (dad) before the photo shoot *quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image*































































spread the love- the yongseo way















































































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Guest full-of-love
































































































































































































































































OMG!!!! guys after watching the Maknae stage performance, i think i've developed a girl crush on Seohyun :blink: . The result of Mr. Jung Yong Hwa's affections toward Ms. Seo Ju Hyun :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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It's weird to know that there are reports saying that Seohyun wasn't in the same flight as her sisters. Considering that (I think) the maknae special was pre-recorded before SNSD's performance. Hah. Seohyun, what's up? XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Korean reporters and netizens noticing how goddess-like Seohyun was last night. If we are stunned by her glow, let's think how Yonghwa reacted when he saw his 'friend'. He must have been proud....or I don't even like to imagine.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And Heechul, please. Refrain from making it obvious whenever you are about to say 'SNSD'. That look you gave Yonghwa was kind of giving away, baby. Yonghwa couldn't even look straight at you.

































































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Guest calculator

You know when I first watched the Maknae's show.

Wow, I was really amazed how SeoHyun is like a different level compared to

some of her actual SM Town members. It was so amazing when she flew in

from the top.

YongHwa probably thought to himself, "Damn, that's my wife right there."

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You know when I first watched the Maknae's show.
















Wow, I was really amazed how SeoHyun is like a different level compared to
















some of her actual SM Town members. It was so amazing when she flew in
















from the top.
















YongHwa probably thought to himself, "Damn, that's my wife right there."































to think, Yonghwa & the audience witnessed this live:
















Way Back into Love
















I love the coincedence...
















YongSeo Couple & SSH - duet heaven!

















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