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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest shinhdeplol
































































YongSeo couple also won 'Popular Couple' at MBC Entertainment Awards
















C: allkpop
















Congrats Seohwa :wub:

















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WAAAAA...congrats t our couple and to adam couple!!!!!! yaay..so happy for yongseo....just wanna ask if anyone knows, in sbs gayo when heechul mention about maknae perf he mention seohyun to yong...do any of you knows what they talking about??? and also when the maknae perf finish the mc mention about it too...plz anyone knows korean tell me what the talk about???









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cr to dc

so this lady here is actually yong's mom who happens to be a fan of hyun's.

and she does look classy didn't she?

just like daughter-in-law..hehe

she must've surely adored hyun.. :wub:

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Guest andyhitman




Hey everyone and especially to translators, did you guys catch the SBS Gayo?




Just before the maknae performance, when Heechul was introducing, he teased Yonghwa about Seohyun.




Can anyone translate that portion? Youtube has the videos.



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Guest Soshimunky






So... all three WGM couples win something tonight! Congratulations!



This is the best decision by MBC - avoid fanwar kekeke






Although, I'm confused about Yongseo's award (and Khuntoria's too) because it seems like they both got the 'Popular couple' award or something. Correct me if I'm wrong...



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Guest MountainMadman

Hey everyone and especially to translators, did you guys catch the SBS Gayo?

Just before the maknae performance, when Heechul was introducing, he teased Yonghwa about Seohyun.

Can anyone translate that portion? Youtube has the videos.

Would you mind posting the link to the video? I can't find it and I'm just as interested as you are...I missed the live stream and I'm catching up on the performances on AKP, but they don't have the MC cuts.  :(

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Guest Crystal392










andyhitman: I don't think he said anything in particular... they were reading the names of the maknaes that will perform and Heechul read SeoHyun's name louder and... well I guess that was his way of teasing Yong~ hehehe :lol: although I am not sure because I don't know Korean xD But that's what I understood hihihi


















Thanks to everyone for the info you've shared and screencaps. I am still a bit confused about who won what exactly but congratulations to all the winners!! :w00t: Specially to uri Yong~ and Hyun~.


















I watched SBS Gayo Daejeon and both (Yong and Hyun) were awesome :) Hyun did a good job on maknae perf and with her unnies (SNSD) and Yong did a good job as MC and with his brothers (CNBLUE). I am so proud of both of them :D










































YongHwa MC cuts: http://www.tudou.com/home/item_u58366737s0p1.html There are 7 MC cuts, I don't know exactly which one is about maknae perf




:P I know it's not cut 4 xD













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Guest shawn_daebak
































































































































































































































ya!!! Yonghwa-ssi, can you resist that???
































































Better keep moving YONGHWA-SSI, if not ill take her from you...:rolleyes:































































































































"i feel the adrenaline moving through my veins..."































































































































"better be ready, hope you feel the same..."
































































































































when I saw HYUN...
































































i was like "OMO"!!!
































































just like me?!
































































YONGHWA dropped his jaw...and said..."Im in GO-CHUN"

















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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































Wooh! Goddess Hyun descending from above. PAWN! B)
































































































































































































































































When I saw DJ Yong on CNBLUE's performance, I was half expecting there's a cut of Hyun's laugh and scream at the end part. :lol:
































































































































































































































































Congratulations to Yonseo for winning the Popularity Award, together with KT couple, I believe. :) It's so nice of the bro-in-laws to receive the award in behalf of them.

































































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Guest Kyungmix2




Does anyone have links to Goguma couple eng sub ep 37 and ep 38? (If ep38 has actually been released)




I would appreciate your help :D



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Guest finalemarch
















































Mountain madman, heres the MC cuts..
































For Heechul talking about Seohyun to Yong
















































For imitating Yongseo 200th anni singing lovelight

















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Would you mind posting the link to the video? I can't find it and I'm just as interested as you are...I missed the live stream and I'm catching up on the performances on AKP, but they don't have the MC cuts.  :(































































































































































































































































Here's the correct mc cut where 
































































hyun is mentioned in front of yong































































































































































































































































or should i say 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyunnie so daebak today
































































































































I wouldn't be surprised if she's earned herself more admirers!































































































































































































































































& the return of DJ YONG!
































































































































ooh! this couple was flaming tonight! SO HOT!































































































































































































































































& Indeed our couple deserved the MBC Popularity Award 
































































































































They're so popular they have achieved millionaire status on Youtube in 2 days
































































































































They're so hot that they can't even get their own award
































































































































They're so in demand , they have to be in 2 place at the same time






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong: Did you also feel the adrenaline moving through your veins?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Pic Spam because the Goddess deserves it































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yongseo = Smoking Hot Couple

































































































































































































































































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Guest chilipadi_22

Does anyone have links to Goguma couple eng sub ep 37 and ep 38? (If ep38 has actually been released)

I would appreciate your help :D

u can go to rundevilrun subs to find the eng subbed videos.

ep 38 will be released this saturday. :)

just finished watching SBS Gayo Daejun!

and it was just OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!

uri seobb has really grown up alr. her maknae performance was stunning!

i bet yong must have watched it well, like we did!

yong's MC-ing was also great as compared to last year and yong's DJ-ing was also amazing.

oh, before i forget, chukkahae to yongseo for winning the "most popular couple" award! they deserve it.

and i am so excited for the coming episodes of wgm. uri yongseo seems to be getting more and more interesting.

the wedding episode. OMG OMG OMG OMG !!!!!!

i want to see that episode so badly! ^^

anyways, yongseo hwaiting!

nights fellow gogumas! :)


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Guest sun_sun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is a place that MC sit...Maybe Yong can see his wife clearly ^^...I wish someone there have fancam ....Tonight Hyun really gorgeous like an angel and sexy also...Yong really smart in MC and great performance as always ....Love this couple

































































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Hi everyone...it has been a while since I last post here...i'm glad tht the gogumas are growing in number everyday...this is my newest batch of banner using screencap from uri yongseo banmal song video..feel free to use them ^^



































By kaptenkeirin at 2010-12-29

These are banners I've made for CN Blue fan






By kaptenkeirin at 2010-12-29

please keep supporting yong n hyun now n 4ever <3 Goguma Hwaiting!

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Guest LJH_Helen
































































































































































































































































Hi everyone.:)
































































































































































































































































What a week huh?!  We finally reached our target for the Banmal MV, we have the wedding photo shoot, the not-so-good-mistranslated-news, SBS  Gayo Daejun.. and New Years is just a few days away. :D































































































































































































































































































































































































SNSD was not present in the show, so we’re a bit deprived of some YONGSEO interaction.  Even so, Seohyun was so great tonight. Hyun nailed the Maknae Perfomance, from her dramatic entrance to her sultry voice. The outfit matched her so well (and it’s Yong’s favorite color, right).  And she strut her stuff so well even if her dance routine is just very minimal compared to the others.
































































































































































































































































My jaw dropped just watching her perform.  And my mind is going haywire just thinking about Yong and what is going on his mind while he is watching his wife… hehe  :w00t: Hyun is indeed a goddess. Yong should be very, very careful.  :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong’s MC skills have definitely improved… he looked very dashing in the black suit and during his performance as well.  But my God, the PANTS (during the 2nd half)… oh my! I wonder what will Hyun say when she sees this.  The design is… aigoo.. I’m lost for words. But it did highlight his asset though blush.gif:blush:.. Well I still love him. 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Goodnight, good morning and good day to everyone.






























































































































































































































































EDIT:  i forgot to mention... (i didnt stream mbc tonight.. sorry sweatingbullets.gif:sweatingbullets:sweatingbullets.gif)































































































































Congratulations to our beloved couple, to Yong and Hyun, for winning the popularity award!!! 
































































































































we may have failed in winning the best couple award, the ADAM Couple deserves it.  but i guess, being more popular is also equal if not better than being the best couple right? :D
































































































































































































































































Congratulations to all of us, wonderful gogumas of goguma ville!!! 

































































































































































































































































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Guest athrun_azzoe
















































@sun_sun but I heard SNSD performed in pre recorded show. so yong might not see hyun
































correct me if I'm wrong:sweatingbullets:
































but really hope they still met each other bcz their performances were really really amazing:wub:
































I wonder how the backstage was after their wedding photoshot. they must feel sweeter indeed









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Guest pamparampap
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wow SEOHYUN is truly GODDESS !































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































she's soo beautiful :wub:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I LOVE THAT MAKNAE STAGE ! Seohyun have it all !































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YONGHWA must be proud of you ..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but GOGUMAS would you like to comfort me? :tears:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































why i became so sad about the award thing?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































our couple winning 'popular couple' award it's a good thing right?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but i kind a sad that another couple who won MOST popular couple ..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so why must that 'popular couple' exist ? if there is MOST popular ?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i'm sorry i have this negative thinking .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but that award really make my heart hurts.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































what should i do GOGUMAS? :tears::tears::tears:

































































































































































































































































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Guest lovelybee
































































































































Title of award that Yong and Hyun recieved = Popularity Award































































































































































Info From allkop.com this MBC award  also give to MC and other too 
































































that can see below:
































































Popularity Award: Kim Gook Jin and Kim Gu Ra / 2PM’s Nichkhun and f(x)’s Victoria
































































SNSD’s Seohyun and CNBLUE’s Jung Yong Hwa / B2ST’s Lee Ki Kwang and Simon D.
































































Best Couple Award: 2AM’s Jo Kwon and Brown Eyed Girls’ Ga-in

































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