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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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qwenli~!! i also think yongseo's warmth that made the MV indescribably beautiful!!! :) btw, if i'm not mistaken, u just bought a head band like hyun's right? i also bought mine quite recently but i still don't dare to wear it as i'm actually not a very girly type of person LOL (my style is more to the cool-sporty type :P) i hope i'll be able to wear it soon! haaha

rjcm127, i just remembered that SO is always the instigator, i.e skinship! he did ask hyun to kiss yong! and there was rumor about a kiss! i wonderrr! hmmm, u've got a point there about hyun not being ready for a bbobbo on the lips but hey, it could be on the cheek or the forehead ;) even that would make me go gaga!!! :w00t: oh here's the subbed vid of NAN when yong was caught red handed :lol:

jazziejec: hi there! :) i believe u're quite new to the rules here. but pls know that u're not allowed to post in other languages unless it's just a few words only. and i guess that's why u're getting negatives on ur post. pls do read the Soompi Forum Rules for more info yah~! ^^

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Guest yongsarang
































































































































































































































































































































































































to yongsarang
































































































































































































































































thank you for subbing. 
































































































































































































































































By any chance are you euni from cnbluestorm? and one of admin at CNBYonghwa at twitter?. I think that's you when i saw your nick.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YES~! I'm Euni from cnbluestorm, admin of cnbyonghwa :) Nice meeting you~! I've heard from Indi that some gogumas cheated just to vote for Yongseo (i dont know the other details). Guys, we must keep our credibility here :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest jerbear89



hi guys!! just want to know hot to put a message in spoiler?

i think jnj (hello chingu) posted that before.. but i forgot how.. ehehe

kind goguma chingus, teach me please........ rolleyes.gif

thanks to all people who share fanarts, translating news and to everyone who made this thread alive.. biggrin.gif

ei, so many Pinoy chingus here.. nice to meet you all.. *waves*


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Guest yongsarang















































































[Photos] Yong @ Beautiful Icon Concert















































[Fancam] DJ Yong Feel the Blue in Seoul































































[Fancam] Geek in the Pink (Beautiful Icon Concert)































































[Fancam] :ove light (Beautiful Icon Concert)
















































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Guest dOnewdubu
















































i see there are a lot of Filipino gogumas here!
































I am from Cebu. biggrin.gif
















I have been asking online Kpop sellers here in the Philippines  if they sell WGM stuff. Unfortunately they don't.sad.gif
















But I already suggested that they sell them since WGM is getting more and more popular especially YongSeo. We will definitely buy, right?
















I badly need a pair of YongSeo socks!!! tongue2.gif

















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Good morning/nights gogumas!!
































































































































I want to thanks the screencaps and quotes from _d3  ^^, she never fails to amaze me! haha thank you so much! and of course thanks to _Hachi, full-of-love, tinybeat, wendy AND Everyone for all the goodies.
































































































































Are talking about kisses again??? Ottokeeee be careful gogumas because you know that if we wish for something here, it will definitively happen!!!!:wub:. I personally think that their first kiss should be away of WGM cams, but I won´t complain if we get to see the following ones ^^.
































































































































I was thinking about YongSeo´s little convo at the end of the video, but before taking out the big delusional in me I want to ask if it is a talking that makes sense, cause I read in youtube a lot of comments making fun (in a good way) of what Yong said :rolleyes: and I was wondering what´s about his "me too" that people find funny^_^.
































































































































However, one thing is undeniable, he WAS waiting for Hyun to say him something... what?, well that´s what I´m not sure about :rolleyes:.































































































































































































































































stay in Go-chun Gogumas!!! and welcome to the new villagers!! please dear gogumas, follow the rules
































































































































A quick review:
































































































































don´t write in another lenguage without translating what you post in English,
































































































































write more than 20 characters,
































































































































don´t quote images from another gogumas (you can quote the url or taking out the quote´s button while crediting the goguma who posted first).
































































































































don´t spam with youtube viewers´s count :tears:... and I don´t remember anything else haha...
































































































































Welcome, let´s spread goguma love!:wub:
































































































































EDIT: jerbear89: like this [ spoiler ] [ /spoiler ] (without spaces, all together)...  you can use quote button and just change the word for spoiler ^_^.

































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Guest jerbear89
























i keep on refreshing the BanMal song in YT.. YONGSEO fighting!!! biggrin.gif









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Guest jerbear89


today filming yongseo wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in Apgoojung-dong wedding studio. lol

I read at dc WGM gall. it's true..

OMO!! OMO!!! whaaattt??????????

i'm about to say good night to this thread.. just then i saw bolmaejung chingu's post.. w00t.gif

kyaaah!! this made my night a good good one.. Gogumas always DAEBAK.. can't wait..

hopefully it's true biggrin.gif


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I am also a Filipino who live in Goguma Planet... kekeke...  i Love Love Love the way they interact with each other.  The BANMAL Song is a very touching song which inspire most of us Goguma Citizens (Gogutizens)... kekeke... YongSeo Fighting...  



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Guest Purehearted11












Hey guys, not going to burst anyones bubbles for tomorrow or when the day Yongseo couple reach 1 million views but, please if you want to spazz about it reaching the 1 million mark, go to sweet potato days. the Moderator already warned us about the spam of the view count of our couple. We don' t want our thread to be shut down do we? Sorry to say it out of the blue, just a warning as I can see our couple reaching the mark soon. Anyways sorry, this is my second post and I'm still not familiar with it all, hope I dont break any rules/regulations. Everyone have a happy new year and holidays ! Stay safe and .. peace !

























- purehearted11





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today filming yongseo wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in Apgoojung-dong wedding studio. lol
































































I read at dc WGM gall. it's true..































































































































sorry to cut your post... OMO is it true??? oh my heart beats so fast!!! please please gogoma spies share pics and news about this!!! i really want to cry of so much happiness!!! thank you so much BOMAEJUNG!!!!!!

































































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Guest fannyluluu








translate by 小雨


i translate into english and i want to say OOOOMMMMMMGGGGGGG!!!






they take wedding photos from 7:00 AM today in a photostudio ............

and DC fans confirm that this information is true!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Guest glennpaulo
















































Whaaaattttt.....sincha????!! wedding photoshoot.....amff.....the most awaited wedding photoshoot.... i want to really see it.... base on the time line i think it will be showed in their one year anniversary or late january.... I'm not yet over in their Banmal video and now here's another wave of excitement. i need to calm down....kekeke...
















I hope in their wedding photoshoot that all member of CNBLUE and SNSD will be their. It will be meaningful and the best moment of their life and our life as well...kekeke
















EDIT: I top the page accidentally...anyway i will share it by fannyluluu




























































































































translate by 小雨 































i translate into english and i want to say OOOOMMMMMMGGGGGGG!!!





























































































they take wedding photos from 7:00 AM today in a photostudio ............































and DC fans confirm that this information is true!!!!!!!!!!!!































 Since Yongseo couple give us another blow of happiness let's make it to 2million views until saturday.....kekeke

















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sorry to cut your post... OMO is it true??? oh my heart beats so fast!!! please please gogoma spies share pics and news about this!!! i really want to cry of so much happiness!!! thank you so much BOMAEJUNG!!!!!!


OH YEAHHHH! It's a day I ever wanted finally. You guys know, I 've been dreaming about it always, all day..... And now, it's come. LOL LOL LOL


I wonder how sweet they are!! I think we will get more and more surprised because our couple is so talent, genius and so funny. They always have their own way in every day....[so sorry! my bad English, I angry myself for not express exactly what I THINK! Hope You will comprehensive what i said. ]




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OMG. YongSeo filming their wedding photoshoot today?!























Such great news! I'm so happy!























Dream come true for every YongSeo shipper!























Seohyun! Kiss Yonghwa already. kkkk~ :P























But I'm just worried that they might end filming WGM. :(












Nooooooo, I'm still all positive! Sorry for that! Hahaha. :P












Spread the love! :wub:

















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i dont know i should happy or not about the wedding photos news. i really want they wear that when they marry. but now a little bit too soon for me. but i would love to see them in beautiful dress.




i just wish them last long toghether and one day wear their own wedding dress. that will make me happy the most


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Hope to see fancam about this especial event. I can't wait anymore!..................ahahhhhh .............i so excited!


It's so funny but why the Gayo award is not my concern nowwub.gif. ^^ I 've just looking forward to see YONGSEO wedding dress.biggrin.gifsmile.gif


I think Hyun~ definitely choose the White, Pink and,may be, a Blue dress....... ahahhahh ...Just thinking about it make me crazy!!




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Guest nafa_yongseo






today filming yongseo wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in Apgoojung-dong wedding studio. lol





I read at dc WGM gall. it's true..














i just crazy about their banmal song video n then this news  make me more n more crazy about yongseo...





i get dispneu right now... DAEBAK!!!





OMO, i curious about their outfit??? it's BLUE, PINK or WHITE???how about theme???





oh, waaaahhhhh..... CAN''T WAIT...:wub:...:wub:...:wub:










it's not their WGM ending right??? i'm gonna be CRY if that true...





i just read that comment from youtube... (fans comment for banmal vid)...





i can't imaging that my days without yongseo...   :wacko::(:huh:


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I hate to be a Hamburger
































































































































but in reality this Wedding Photoshoot date is still just a RUMOR
































































































































I've been monitoring dcmarried and even the korean gogumas are expressing their doubts.
































































































































the mention of the baidu fans referring to the confirmation by the dcmarried fans...
































































































































really it's not safe to trust a rumor from a 3rd party source
































































































































we'll wear our hearts out 
































































































































If you do want to monitor dcmarried to see if the rumor is true or false
































































































































this is the link
































































































































and if you're worried about them having a shoot and potentially ending WGM
































































































































I wouldn't believe it just because no other couple besides Adam couple has continued with their marriage for so long on WGM.
































































































































If Adam couple can stay in WGM for so long after their Wedding pics then YongSeo can do it too!
































































































































Goguma VIllagers Fighting!
































































































































& remember it's not true unless you see proof 
































































































































































































































































until we actually get to the real Wedding Shoot
































































































































here's some fanworks to satisfy Goguma Villagers

































































































































































































































































































































































































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