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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest maybelove








i know everyone is shocked by this and i still am... OH MY GOD!!! It's the best christmas gift ever! *jumping around from excitement*




i logged in this morning just to lurk around but was shocked to see why uri YongSeo couple is sitting on the chair facing each other with the guitars screencaps. Dying from excitement i quickkly read everyone's comment and found the link to the MV!!! :wub::wub:




THE SONG IS AMAZING! banmal song DAEBAK DAEBAK!! How can i get to know YongSeo's banmal song MV without you guys!! Great job you guys!




Uri YongSeo should just create an album together.. or maybe a single/digital album is good enough!! :lol:




So it's confirmed that sweetpotato4339 is the official channel of uri YongSeo?




good job on the tough observant of 4-cnblue, 9-snsd, but why 33?? HMMM :blink: i'm still wondering...




and with the 301 views, maybe there's too many goguma fans out there watching the MV, hence the server went crazy and couldn't count properly. :lol:




By the way, i still see alot of people reposting the banmal song when i typed 반말송 (banmal song)!! let's report them and prevent them from spreadingggg!!! fury.gif




EDIT: @bolmaejung!! thanks for sharing the pic! Honeybee Yo~ng is shining!! :wub:




The current view count is 4981 now!! :w00t: and it's the 'Most Liked' video on youtube chart!!! YongSeo FIGHTING!



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Anneyeong Goguma's :wub:
















What a nice morning :rolleyes:.  When I left the thread past 1 or 2 o'clock here in my country, the page was 1560, when I logged in the morning I saw that it jumped about 5 pages.  I didn't read right away but was wondering why the thread was moving so fast.  So finally, when I started reading I came across the link to their banmal song and wow, I didn't expect it to come out this early ( this is probably the reason why there was no preview for the next episode last Saturday...hehehe, PD's you really are wonderful :rolleyes:).  They look so beautiful, both hands and feet of mine are clapping while watching the video, and, their voices really blends well.  My question is, is that the full song already, or they're not done yet? I can't wait to download this song blush.gif 
















To YongSeo, thanks for this awesome gift :wub:









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Guest jitluvyongseo

Morning Goguma.....

I already read all the post about the total of viewers at yongseo banmal song...

That's ok if the number didn't increase as much as we want....

As long as the number of ''LIKE'' growing much is better....

So....all goguma's here must invite or tell other people to watch and like the button on the video...

Goguma villagers fighting!!!!!!

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Guest kevin1320






OMO, these two r just so cute together...this is the best best best best ever late Christmas gift for everybody here, especially Goguma village...


i swear, these two definitely fell in love with each other  and they r so cute together...i still cant get enough of them....


Let make it at least 1 000 000 views or over 10 000 000...i swear i will watch it over and over again for the whole day time....


Yongseo fighting...u two were born for each other



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Guest shawn_daebak































































































































































































































































































YongSeo = DAEBAK































































































































DAEBAK = BANMAL SONG ( or should we call it "BENMEL SONG")































































































































































































I really really like it...































































































































how can it be 301 views only...































































































































we should make it millions of views...
















































































































































































































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Guest teuksunghae



dang, so many people reupload it now.....dry.gif

at least 1000 more views if they don't do it... dang....

anyway the view count is updated to 2571 views 


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Guest scatterbrain

anyone notices yong's pin? he made the korean character "yong" looked like snowman, with snow falling. seems like they were still in Christmas mode?so did they make the video yesterday and upload it it immediately?

maybe that's why there's no yongseo preview last episode?because they are going to air the process of uploading the video on youtube, and the filming would only be made after the episode regarding the mission aired? it makes sense to me...

and PSH's message. so yong had announced it beforehand to all his friends that he was going to upload the banmal song on youtube this morning.

i'm amazed at the technology nowadays. the video was released early in the morning in korea, and now we get to enjoy it. and it brings us closer to Yongseo CP since we can comment on the video, comment on their channel which means the couple can read them. hope they have the time though. the comments keep adding every milisecond :lol:

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Guest yongseocouple












so, this is much much much better than just preview, am i right gogumas??? HAHAHAHA. god surely love people who have big patient (like us) HAHAHHA. so, let's not upset bout such a small thing after this.
























hehehehe and the banmal song is sooooooo awesome. i wont regret if i dont have 100 previews if PD-nim always give us such an unpredictable thing like this. ILOVE YONGSEO FOR REALL!!! I LOVE GO-CHUN! FULL OF LOVE LOVE LOVE :wub::wub:








P.S: AND LOOK! on the pic that bolamaejung shared, yong only wore the one and only ring!! which is, the lovely couple ring :wub: :wub:. aaaaa surely i dont hate monday anymore since today :wub:



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anyone notices yong's pin? he made the korean character "yong" looked like snowman, with snow falling. seems like they were still in Christmas mode?so did they make the video yesterday and upload it it immediately?

and PSH's message. so yong had announced it beforehand to all his friends that he was going to upload the banmal song on youtube this morning.

i'm amazed at the technology nowadays. the video was released early in the morning in korea, and now we get to enjoy it. and it brings us closer to Yongseo CP since we can comment on the video, comment on their channel which means the couple can read them. hope they have the time though. the comments keep adding every milisecond :lol:

just left a comment for the video. hopefully they do take some time to read some of the comments. if not all, randomly reading would be good.

on another note (related to the post above), up til today i am still pretty amazed with the detective eyes of all the gogumas here. i am pretty happy to be getting subs and videos of YongSeo but the details that go un-noticed and the great insights given by many... seriously you all are so DAEBAK! thanks... again and again. just know that whatever you say, whatever that have been uploaded or posted :) there will always be ME (who is more of a lurker and hopefully will be able to contribute more in the future) who is very very grateful :)


Happy New Years!

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good morning gogumas! :) its my first time to post here and all for the love of yongseo.

what a great morning for everyone right? :D waking up to see the couple's MV is such a refreshing feeling :) i really love the part where they sang saranghae while looking at each other's eyes, its as if they're actually saying that to each other and i really hope they are ;) i can feel that this couple is for real, with all the love that can be seen through their eyes plus the fact that all their in laws are very supportive.

thanks yongseo couple for the best gift this Christmas and hoping for a great start of the year on this week's WGM episode :wub:


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Guest haemin13
















































































































although Youtube seems to be foolishly stuck at 301 page views, as of a few mins ago we currently have:
















































good thing they updated already..so the views are not realtime after all..it kinda takes..9 hours to update? :lol:
























































so, keep it up guys! let's work on this! i hope this one's accurate
















































btw, i was using google translator and it translates 용서 as forgiveness. is that correct?
















































@-insideout, thanks!









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just reporting some trends for today....
































































































































































































banmal trending on twitter in singapore! Yongseo fighting http://prntscr.com/1c246
































































































































































































































































































































































































yongseo #1 most liked today in music category on youtube http://prntscr.com/1c23p
































































































































































































































































































































































































yongseo #3 most discussed today in music on youtube http://prntscr.com/1c23n
































































































































































































































































































































































































and for those that want proof of psh's comment here's a capture:
































































































































































































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and top favorited video today:

































































































































































































































































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Gogumas!! love you all, I´m so happy about Banmal song :wub:. Thank you duckduck and wishwash and all of you seriously!!!... my heart, my butterflies! I can´t take them anymore :wub:.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They are pure love, just love, how more lovely they can get?...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Expect the unexpected from them right? This is the best after christmas gift ever!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry gogumas, I can´t stop spazzing sweetpotato4339 ^^ CNBlue Yong Hyun 9:wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Love you all, thanks for everything!

































































































































































































































































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Guest -insideout





btw, i was using google translator and it translates 용서 as forgiveness. is that correct?




























yes it does translate to forgiveness :)




























and ahh they updated the view count!




























4,981... almost 5,000 views!!! ahhhhhh!<3

































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Guest jitluvyongseo

Thank you very very much for the translation. I love the part that Seohyun said "I understand, Yong" and yong said " Me too" Love this couple Yongseo Fighting!

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Guest saranghaex130






Hey everyone! :)




The views on the video are now shown :P it says 4981 :)






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Guest laila-chan
































































my favourite moments from the video:
































1) yellow couches are now synonymous with the yongseo couple ^^
































2) how adorable is it that they decided to have their "children" cameo in the video as well?
































3) Hyun sitting veeeery closely to Yong even though there was a huge space beside her on the opposite end of the couch :D i was hoping for their knees to bump against each other during the song..heh..
































4) the eyeship! OMG the eyeship! :wub:
































5) Yong's cheeks that were on the brink of exploding from happiness :D
































6) Hyun's smiles each time Yong turns to look at her
































7) the talking bit in the song..flirty Hyun asking Yong how much he wanted to hear her speaking in banmal ;) you sure know how to pull your nampyeon's strings huh?
































8) the "Yong" and "Seo" badges they were wearing! just wondering, was it fan-made? or they made it themselves?
































9) the ending - "saranghaeeeee"..daebak..totally and utterly daebak!
































10) our favourite couple wearing their rings! ^^ it's like they knew how we've been ring-deprived for the last few weeks..kekeke..































































sorry to cut your post ^_^. i'm totally agree with you, especially no.9
































OMG.. the look in teir eyes, the words that come from them just so sweeeettt. kyaaaa.. totally in sync and you can feel that love is on the air..:w00t:.
































(kekeke.. forgive me my lovely goguma villagers, i'm still in spazzing mode until now:D)
































p.s : update. view already reach 4981 :w00t:. lets spread the goguma love!!

































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Guest seolove




annyeong gogumas,





i think i need u guys help.





can u guys mention which part of the video that eyeship happen?





i mean can u please give me the timing.





my internet is so slow yet i still wanna watch it!please help me gogumas! kamsaheyo~ ^^



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Guest sweetcandy1061






BTW GOGUMAS! to raise the views you must refresh the page and not just click replay cause that doesnt count.



If you want each view to count then refresh the page AND LETS SHOW YONGSEO SOME LOOOVE <3





OH, and about the view count being frozen on a number, thats just Youtube being really slow.. but trust me the views are going up ^^



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Guest YongSeoForever












I am so happy that all our gogumas are showing so much love to our couple:wub:!! but at the same time, I am very upset about the number of views which I think there is definitely some problems with youtube!!!!! YOUTUBE GOT TO FIX WHATEVER ISSUE THAT IS GOING ON! WE WANT THE CORRECT NUMBER OF VIEWS!!!!!





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