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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest ชะอมทอด&












This week Ep. is DAEPAK ><"








and I Wish that WGM will on air everyday I love to see every singledays of yongseo couple.








And I just watch fancame from GDA when Hyon~ cheer Yoong up by standing and clap her hand!!! It Look so sweet.....is mean that she care about him isn't it !! it so touching to yoong........








if MBC make a BOX set of YongSeo Couple I'am gonna buy it with no doub HAHAHA and if it possible add cut seane that not on air......for Us!! it will be brillion (it just my dream that wish it come true)








Love this forum so much cause make me smile almost everyday when I visit



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Hi Sweet Potato Couple fan didn't see you for long ^_^

so I would like to ask you guy know Chinese language some question

me and my friend saw this


some pic at epop magazine so that fan art from my friend he made it ^_^

he just wanna know what they say? hope you guy can help me

I don't understand Chinese much I will translate to him ..thank you

I will translate it from left to right.

1) The first meeting of the goguma couple.

2) Yonghwa was angry because of the points his members gave to Seohyun's Spaghetti. 

3) The first outing of the goguma couple was dampened by the rain. (I don't know why they said its their first outing)

4) The goguma couple are making kimchi ~ they look cute!

5) Classic Scene ~ Seohyun scared the hell out of CNBlue ~ The fan(drawer) had even exaggerated the expressions of the CNBlue's members ~ Cute!

6) YongHwa and Seohyun are too into each others' conversation that they did not noticed Ueno Juri was behind them.

7) The failing of driving test twice had caused them to remember it forever.

8) Keeping to his promise, Yonghwa dressed Seohyun's glitter outfit and danced 'Genie' ! JungShin and HyoHeon were also there.

9) The birthday surprises they had prepared for each other.

10) The two rows of goguma field Yonghwa gave to Seohyun for her present.

11) Yonghwa's wife sisters caused him to be very nervous.

12) Seohyun lost the bet with Yonghwa and she had to carry him for a short distance ~ Seohyun's expression looks very cute!

The yellow circle: Wow wow wow~ They are so sweet and cute together! The best Couple is here! Fans had put in their sweat and efforts to draw this comic of the goguma couple.

Above the pic of them: Jung YongHwa + SeoHyun  Goguma Couple

The picture is not very cleared and my english may not be good but i tried my best to translate. Hope it helps

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Hi Sweet Potato Couple fan didn't see you for long ^_^








so I would like to ask you guy know Chinese language some question








me and my friend saw this
















some pic at epop magazine so that fan art from my friend he made it ^_^








he just wanna know what they say? hope you guy can help me








I don't understand Chinese much I will translate to him ..thank you























I think i can help....








the pic is the scenes from the show.








the wording in chinese is mainly a summary of what has happened for that particular comic strip:








from left 1st column top to bottom :








the (fated husband to be) 1st meeting of ep1, the sunrise watch spoilt by the rain, the uneo yuri(?) episode when they actually missed noticing her presence








2nd column top to bottom:








the marks given for the spagetti( it says that Yonghwa is angry at Jonghyun for giving a low marks), how cute they were when making the kimchi, the gloom they felt when they failed the driving test, the double BDAY surprise, how nervous Yonghwa was when meeting his sis-in-laws.








3rd column same sequence:








how cute it was when cnblue got scared by seohyun, the genie danced, when yonghwa pointed out the goguma field, seohyun lost the pool match and she has to piggyback yonghwa.








the wording in the big yellow circle says that:
















its really sweet-








its really sweet! the best couple is here!!








Fans really pit in a lot of hardwork to put up this cute version of the couple...








Hope this help....


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Guest The Hamzter
































































WGM 35 with RDR English Subs - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CefnAPgH3Z0

















































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@Ethex and @windx Wow!!! really really thank you
















































I will translate to him he really want to know
















































and when I saw you guy translated into English for me wow~ so great
















































I'm really really happy to watched the last epi so sweet
















































I'm proud to be Sweet Potato couple fan too I know that pic from
















































Sigapore magazine ^_^ oh btw I watched Khuntoria Thai epi and I saw
















































Jongshin shingu said "have many Thai fan watched WGM" haha
















































he know that true thank you for your translated to me ^_^









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Hello everyone, happy  1500 pages guys.Wow amazing we reach this much page already and i'm hoping we can double this pages...more power to us guys. thank you for all the comments, the shared emotions, the pictures, the gifs, the translations and to all the contributors, THANK YOU ! you know who you are.We love you.wub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gif 
































































































































































































Whenever i read this thread there is a bad effect on me because i tend to forget the time....biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif Reading all the comments it may be bad or good,seeing all the pics...well its worth it...And reading also those fanfics...wub.gif love it all...
































































































































But now gtg...i'm sleepy already and still morning duty...bye nyt...

































































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Guest crystalblue


@ aisuo415 about your thoughts on WGM and feelings of the couples, etc. ....

I thought about the very same things when Hwangbo and Kim Hyun Joong were together. For them, it felt like despite their age difference, they had a real friendship and closeness which had some potential in growing in to more should that relationship have had more time. I think some couples are being themselves 95% and some are only being 60% or less of themselves while filming WGM. That is why a few of them got married soon after they got done filming WGM to some other people which left me believing "Man... they were really just 100% PRETENDING on WGM". Hey, it's a TV reality show after all.

HOWEVER! I also think the audience can pretty much tell if the couple is "Natural" and their chemistry as in our Yongseo couple. The other important factor is their age. I think now, these idol couples are at a much younger age than the couples matched up at the beginning of WGM (except for KHJ who was only 21 at that time). Wouldn't one be able to control one's feelings and what they wanted to project on WGM more if you are older and have had experience with love before?


Personally, I like all of the current WGM couples- However, in my personal opinion, Adam couple is like brother & sister or bosom buddies and Khuntoria has been very "delivered" (that's the best word I can think of and still be respectful toward them but there is a chance that some true feelings may emerge for them just from spending time together). For some strange reason, as much as I like Nick Khun, he seems to me like he COULD be a player in real life. I don't think that of Yonghwa. I think Yongseo couple is different because of a few things: 1) Seohyun was completely naive and innocent about dating, boys and love at the beginning of WGM. She cannot possible control her feelings because she wouldn't recognize it when it came. For her age, she is strangely responsible because she's lived out on her own for so long without her parents but in regards to love, she had no clue. She's more vulnerable and sensitive and you could spot that through the mildang phase. For Yonghwa, as far as we know, he's dated before but not much experience neither and HE himself admitted that he's never met anyone like Seohyun before so perhaps lightening did strike when he landed her on this show. Important to note that unlike other male idols on WGM, he didn't really get to become a big popular idol until after WGM started. I watched You Are Beautiful and thought he kind of looked like KHJ but I didn't know who he was until WGM. I became a CNBlue fan after knowing YH on WGM. I would think that most of his and CNBlue fans got to know him after he started WGM filming so for this reason, I think fans are more capable of supporting Yongseo relationship since part of his charm is being a good boy friend and being jealous and loyal to his girl.


Like in real life, each couple and relationship is different from the other. Every once in a while, there is a couple on WGM that we BUY in to in believing that their feelings are real. For me though, no other couple has been as REAL as Yongseo couple. No other guy has been willing to display such emotions and jealousies and vulnerabilities as Yonghwa has. I do think part of the reasons why he Mildanged was because he realized he was being too insecure and jealous so he pulled back. Perhaps this was the only period in WGM where he was controlling his feelings and behavior but it back fired because he forgot Seohyun doesn't have the experience or understanding of controlling feelings yet. However, it's her innocence that he fell for in the first place so he couldn't bare hurting her feelings or playing her. I don't think YH is able to Play a girl as he's too genuine in my belief. Because they wear their rings outside of WGM, because their behaviors have been fancam-ed outside of WGM, because goguma spies have proven that their relationship exists outside of WGM and because of the thousands of little things they do on WGM that are so candid and vulnerable, dorky and raw... we have come to believe that their relastionship MUST be real. Most of their WGM missions have come from their own list of goals they made together and not solely from the WGM PD's. They differ from other couples for this as well! So for them when WGM ends, I think they will continue their relationship whether it's close close friends or dating because like Yonghwa said "A wife is someone you go through a journey with." and certainly, they've journeyed together.

This may just be a personal dream of mine but I do believe that these two idols are different than other idols. 1) They are both very active and popular current musicians who run into each other often at events so it's not like they won't get opportunities to see each other after WGM ends. 2) They seem to be more responsible for their own lives and not as "managed" and controlled like perhaps many other K-idols.

So at the end of the day, I think they will make decisions based on what they feel is right instead of what they are told to do by their management people. I am only worried about how I WILL FEEL when I won't be able to watch them any more. I have more confidence in their relationship and I'm not so worried that their relationship will just BAM! ends when they stop filming for WGM. I believe their relationship is different and unique and it will continue....


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Guest Caliope


[ENG SUBS] Yongseo Preview 36:




Translation by jdlee2 and lalacakes. Timing by me ^^










(The video in twitvid, will be deleted in 2 days)







[FAN ACCOUNT] 101209 SNSD @ GDA 2010




The first part of the GDA has ended so the all the artistes returned to the backstage. Sunny, Hyoyeon and Yuri were the first few to return to their seats when the second part of the GDA show started. Yuri was sitting on Sica’s seat and she…started to behave so crazily throughout the whole second show. At first, she and Hyoyeon (who was in the crazy mode thorughout the whole ceremony) danced to SHINee’s Lucifer. Then she kept patting maknae and congratulated her when Jung Seobang received award. In the end maknae gave a slap in return which makes Yuri kind of startled. Yoonyul kept signaling to Jung Seobang and pointed at maknae then after Yuri hugged maknae…She’s behaving like a choding.






Original Fan account by: eleven09ing


Translated by: _shikshin@twitter


Link: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/7eucsc


By silent_scream@soompi in Girls Generation thread.






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Crystal_malfoy; that's interesting what you're saying there, because I honestly don't believe either of them has thought about it before the show started. Especially on Seohyun's side as she felt that this would be a good experience to have now that she's an adult. I don't think she thought it'd be even possible to fall for someone at the time let alone tell herself beforehand not to do it. We of course don't know for sure as we're all just seeing it from a third person point of view.






Crystalblue; Great post of yours and I agree with you. Thanks for letting me see it from another point of view. I haven't thought about the age issue. It's true that people with more experience in love are able to control their feelings better. I just find it odd how everything is so contradicting. It's okay to hold hands and do all the things real life couples do and that without any real consequences afterwards, because it's 'a show' after all. I just wonder how at the end they can pull themselves so quickly out of it while they must've invested some feelings into it. Or that may be what they're trying to get us to believe of course.






I don't believe Yonghwa is playing Seohyun at all or is being insincere in any way. I've dedicated a whole post on that previously as well (that also took up a whole page lol). I don't doubt either that Yonghwa and Seohyun will continue to be in contact with each other once their time is over on WGM. But I am afraid that either both or one of them will end up hurting once this is over, because as I said before that this show is dangerous. Because I believe that what they're showing us is real and genuine, it worries me that they both will get hurt when this show ends before they've gotten the chance to really confirm their feelings towards each other romantically. I've carefully worded my sentences before about being friends and what not, but it's becoming more clear for me that they're romantically interested in each other. Of course, what we're seeing now isn't the most recent display of how relationship is so we're basically running behind the facts.






About the mildang situation, when that happened I felt that he realized that this situation was turning into a serious one - where both sides have showed their raw feelings towards each other (Yonghwa with Love Light, Seohyun with the rings) and that he needed time to carefully consider what his feelings really were and whether he wanted to continue WGM in that condition. I don't know why, but at that I felt like he would've requested to stop WGM if he realized his feelings were just infatuation in order to prevent himself from hurting Seohyun. Therefor the mildang gave him confirmation on Seohyun's but also his own feelings. I think he realized WGM could be a help for both of them to build up their relationship further from there and that he also wanted it to progress further.






Ugh, I don't know why I always post such long comments T.T


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Guest DJHinata

hi boys and girls!! O.M.G.!! what a romantic episode of uri yongseo couple!! Hyun is daebak!! and yonghwa make me fall in love !! i have these little presents for you goguma lovers!!! *working in my xmas present*



these is for our beautiful Genxv!! thanks for your amazing work!! *kissus*


thank you so much for the translations !!!! soompi goguma lovers are the best !!!





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Guest crystalblue


aisuo415 I enjoyed reading your post as well as it gave me thinking time about Yongseo. I was trying to convey that if a couple goes in to filming WGM controlling their feelings and not being themselves all the time, then when it ends, they wouldn't be hurt as they did not invest feelings. For the couples that actually become close but more like friends then when it ends, they are still friends - maybe closer or maybe not as close. For the ones that did not pretend and allowed the cameras to capture their true selves and especially if they had fallen for each other like I believe Seohyun and Yonghwa have, then when it ends, they will face challenges for sure. They will need to decide if they should go public or keep it to themselves or go their own ways. I don't think there is anything wrong with celebrities keeping things a secret because of the paparazzi and crazy looney fans who can potentially endanger their lives or make it a prison. I recently read about Kim Jaejoong's twitter posts of the crazy fans that hire people to chase after him in taxis. That he can't ever meet his family on time and that he felt trapped. I think sometimes that they do what they have to do to protect themselves and their freedom.


Maintaining a relationship would be difficult for sure just with how busy they are but maybe now that they both have their driver's license, they can sneak off late at night on long drives alone. hahaha... I have lots of romantic thoughts of them outside of WGM. Hey, to a certain extent, these people KNOW what they signed up for. They've seen the shows so they know what it's about. We don't see camera men and staff, but they do. I would think it's much easier under that circumstance to be fake and harder to be real. People take risks and fall in love and are vulnerable to getting hurt in real life so if Yongseo IS indeed real, then they have the same risks to take. Seohyun would get hurt any how whether by Yonghwa or another namcha as it's her first love. UNLESS Yonghwa and Seohyun ends up together for life. They wouldn't get hurt unless there was real love. Loving and hurting happens to all of us right? They are humans after all... :wub:


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Hi everyone, I'm new here.

Would like to give a comment on pholover's , aisuo415's, crystalblue's comments (not that anyone asks me anyway, lol).

I think these entertainers are pro. Granted the first seasons couples are more mature / older and probably can handle themselves better than the current couples. For the current couple, I'm sure they've seen other WGM episodes before them, and they know more or less what they will be doing there. It's work where you can show parts of yourself and are encouraged to. I think Seohyun first started this wanting to have a social experiment in dating experience, like her self-improvement books. She was totally detached, and took an observant stance on the earlier episodes. She's like "oh.. i see.. so that's what people do". I actually think she can control herself/thoughts better than Yonghwa, but we'll see. I actually feel that Yonghwa is trying to introduce the feeling of dating bit by bit to SH. I think he's scared at the thought that her first experience of dating would be on television in such a way.

I'm also sure that for most couples, even though they are natural on screen and they didn't change their personality according to scripts etc, there are suppressed / over actions/reactions because they are being watched. When cameras are that close to you, with lighting and stuff, especially on scenes like the night beach I think people would feel conscious that there's a camera right in front of you and that will generally affect their behavior. So whatever they do, eventhough it doesn't betray their personalities much, are still entertainers' acts to entertain us.

As much as we like them on screen, and they have chemistry and such, I am skeptical that they will have a long term romantic relationship after they quit WGM. because when the camera is off and you're really together, there are going to be real fights, sensitive conversations, differences in views, etc. I have not seen a couple on wgm in a real fight over really an important issue / mindset based. Having great chemistry and being attracted are not enough (especially for these idols). Just like the previous couples, if they cry so much about separating, why didn't they ever contact each other afterward or become very good friends? They all seem to just go on back to their own businesses.

Conclusion: The sweet potato couple are young, and yes susceptible to growing feelings. But I think after they finish WGM, I doubt they will date even if they want to, because SM wouldn't let them anyway. Once SH date, the other girls would want to too, and then chaos will reign.

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Hello, everyone.

I'm pretty sure all the SNSD girls have dated before, especially Sooyoung and Tiffany. It's next to impossible to reign in a bunch of hormone driven teenagers, no matter the official public relation statement of their company. There were hints that these things have happened in the past - especially the WinWin episode. I think Lee Hyori once mentioned something about idols and dating (and having two cellphones and stuff) and, of course, Ock Joo Hyun. So - if four SNSD girls are able to go out to Lotte World, they can go out and meet a boy. Just my opinion.

As for Seohyun and Yonghwa (and all the other couples from season 1 & 2): If any of them would have ever dated, I don't think the public would know about it. Being single and therefore being a target for their fan's dreams is part of their job. The Shin Se Kyung / Jonghyun thing has taught them all a lesson, showed everyone that idols ARE dating and made everyone even more careful. So ... basically, we don't know anything besides the fact that most WGM couples stayed at least friends.

Best regards,


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Guest nafa_yongseo







My  favorite yongseo moment is... when they met again after Pull and Push period...





even the period was so hurt for hyun but... the project made them realized something...














for yong... i think he realized that he love her... he always want to protect her... so he wrote "i don't know why"...









and so hurt to be separated from hyun...














for hyun... i think that she realized that she can't be apart from yong... n change her mind to protect yong...









even she got angry but she still watxch yong concert...









i think that she know that yong was so important person for her...



















my conclusion is... the pull n push time make them realized that they LOVE each other...:wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:



















Sarange yongseo....







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Guest full-of-love

Wow reading all the comments from different goguma's perspectives, i've realized something. Our GoGuMa couple story is just like Romeo & Juliet(and god knows how much i hate that story :angry: ). Ex: in Romeo & Juliet, the parents were the one keeping them from getting together, just like Uri YongSeo who has (SM, FNC, and their fans in their way) I really hope that URI YongSeo ending would not be like Romeo & Juliet but instead they would end in the alternative version, just like Taylor Swift love story :lol: (here's the song if anyone wants to listen Taylor Swift - Love Story ). I get really sad after reading all the comments and knowing that possibilities of YongSeo ending up just friends or even worst strangers might come true (knock-on-wood). I know that the truth hurts but i'm just sitting here wishing and praying that this beautiful couple of mine will end up differently from the rest, because they are different and beautiful in their own way. I'm sure they'll make this complicated situation work some how. I have hope in Uri YongSeo :)

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I think these entertainers are pro. Granted the first seasons couples are more mature / older and probably can handle themselves better than the current couples. For the current couple, I'm sure they've seen other WGM episodes before them, and they know more or less what they will be doing there. It's work where you can show parts of yourself and are encouraged to. I think Seohyun first started this wanting to have a social experiment in dating experience, like her self-improvement books. She was totally detached, and took an observant stance on the earlier episodes. She's like "oh.. i see.. so that's what people do". I actually think she can control herself/thoughts better than Yonghwa, but we'll see. I actually feel that Yonghwa is trying to introduce the feeling of dating bit by bit to SH. I think he's scared at the thought that her first experience of dating would be on television in such a way.






In essence I agree (sorry I didn't answer in spoiler text cuz I think this is relevant statement to YongSeo and everyone here who follows them! :) ). I saw this in Hyun, most glaring is that at first she would not let Yong touch her. She would immediately say "what are you doing? Why are you doing that?", in other words, "back off." As a result she scared him off, and he knew his place.




But he found another way to monitor their relationship; by testing her. He has always done something to test the waters with her and remarkably, at the same time, build up their relationship to a point where she can trust and feel even more comfortable with him. For someone as shy and inexperienced and introverted as Hyun, she cannot verbalize easily; and not pushing her into doing anything was so considerate and so important. It was a great idea to suggest they get to know each other first before taking the plunge into their "marriage".




So yes, in the beginning especially, with everything being so new to her, Hyun could more easily control her emotions/feelings. But as time passed and they deepened their relationship, Yong tried another test, and it turned out to be a big one. In my opinion, Hyun passed the test; and it was extremely hard for her to contain her feelings and emotions in this test. And even tho it may have hurt her and she did not understand why he did it, I believe as she grows older and looks back, she will understand. He never left her... never wanted to leave her... he just wanted to see where she stood and in the process, draw her closer to him.




There will still be times when Hyun will close herself off until she's confident of what's coming and what she is feeling and how to handle a relationship with a boy that goes beyond "just friends." Yong is like the Teflon man for someone so young (an ability to roll with the punches) and while eager in some regards, he is patient when it matters the most. These traits make him the perfect teacher IMO (and I think deep down Hyun knows it too). Whether they become real or not (tho I really, really hope they can have that chance in the future) I know they will be remain good friends and keep their promises to support each other, even when separated. I couldn't be more grateful to the PD's of WGM for bringing these two together.


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Guest Kerube-Chan








































Hi! There have been very nice and well written POV around here, me like that a lot, the goguma planet is a place for respectful open discussions.
































Now about this topic, we are mere spectators of all that is happening between Yongseo, they are the only owners of the truth and we can just expeculate about how their story is going to end.
































In my Goguma Villager mind I really hope and pray really hard that they value this experience and appreciate the great person they have by their side right now... It is not our place to judge how they must deal with this, but I am sure they will decide was is best for them and I am going to respect that.
































As YH said this is a journey, and how lucky we are to get to see them grow together in this journey... I am very grateful for that.
































I will enjoy the ride until it last and be happy for them whatever happens at the end.
































I love them both as individuals and the great artist that they are.
































Well, happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!! I love you all, keep sharing the love!!!





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Guest WendyLoveSoshi




[TRANS][12.13.10] MC Jake Tweets




Dropping the translations here. :)








Translations As Follow:




1) The Whole Part Got Cut. I Quit I Quit.




2) Ahh.. No. This is the 2nd Time it got cut. Today, the whole thing got  cut. Ahh.. Adam, Coguma Couple & believers I'm Sorry.. Everyone  send in a postcard..




The ''thing'' that got cut is actually this so don't mistaken and go scolding at MBC's Doorstep. >.<


It's the card that MC Jake made for YongSeo 300th Day. Wondering how he's feeling right now..










Credits: Baidu


Translated By: WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews



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