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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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...You know what? Screw it. I'll do the translations.
































I'll be regretting this tomorrow morning, but I just can't bear watching all of you suffer. ^_^
































I'll see you guys in a few hours...with the trans.
































@bezbezbez, that goes for the work I do for you as well! Send me the PM anytime you're ready!























































i will wait faithfully at this soompi thread, right after the entire live broadcast finished, because you are really fast in your translations.
































and thanks for sacrificing your time for the happiness of us, all goguma shippers.
































nevertheless, i still wanna spread my thanksgiving appreciation to you, j2dlee and other translators in this YongSeo soompi :)
































cant do much to thank you except to credit you ( + ) points on your post ^^

















































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Guest glennpaulo


love love love it..

super i'm scream like now

like a mad woman..


i don't know if i just misheard

the lyrics but the

intro is like

"i'm starting to feel like you like me." (4 times i think)

"i'm starting to feel your love"

"i'm staring with you staring at me with hope"

and its super sweet because while saying that

he's looking at her..

I think thats not actually the lyrics of the song.. base from the translation, it is a placeholder.

and from my mind placeholder is like a replacement.. something like that. correct me if im wrong. 

cause im not sure either..hehehe


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i think there should be more to this scene that what is shown, since

it ended abruptly..


don't blame me for having such pervy thoughts with this..i am not the only one.. :P


so who is the shy one now..u've been Shoot Shoot Shoot, yong.. :rolleyes:



oops! i was doing my caps when semi fly posted hers..

well its okay...above scenes a just a few of my many fave scenes...

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They edited out when she feed her the first time, he held her hand really tight and then another one not anymore, hmm, why pds cut all the skinship from our couple. i want more, i want unedetied version, where i can get that PDs. word can describe how i love this couple :wub:




there are so many scence have to discussed and spazzed this time. hm, i dont know how to do the cap. see how Yong looks when Huyn come to him to look upside down :wub::w00t:


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Guest wishwash












I think thats not actually the lyrics of the song.. base from the translation, it is a placeholder.








and from my mind placeholder is like a replacement.. something like that. correct me if im wrong. 








cause im not sure either..hehehe













Glennpaulo is right. Those are not the actual lyrics. I read a CN Blue interview in which Yonghwa mentioned he uses gibberish english when composing songs (and Jonghyun uses gibberish Japanese because his english is not good).








Besides what everyone mentioned, I also like how chatty seohyun is now when she's with yonghwa. she can even counter his jokes now. their chemistry is so strong, like they are either best friends or a real couple, so it's really enjoyable to watch.





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Thanks MountainMadman for the fast translations. The line between real and reel becomes blurrier and blurrier with each episode :) but hey who is complaining?!!




But I am so curious about Mc Kim's tweet. it must be something special that they edited out otherwise he wouldn't complain the moment WGM broadcasting is over.




I am greedy and I sooo badly want to know what else happened between this couple.




Can some kind soul tweet him back and get some infos?




Or maybe he is not allowed to say something.




ahhhh ... terrible, so we will never know?!!!




Awesome episode!!





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Posting what sapphire18 requested
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Professional Yongseo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: SBS; dc married

































































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Guest yslovelightys





How is it no one, as far as I've seen, has commented on this little scene. I'm sure a few individual's imaginations ran a little wild at the notion/thought of something happening (the music probably is to blame :phew: ):




















semi-fly i was definitely spazzing over that moment. haha. my imagination definitely ran wild. w00t.gif




















everytime i watch that part what comes to my mind was/is KISS~KISS~KISS!!!! laugh.gif




















I think I've been watching too many romantic movies. lol. 





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Guest maybelove



YES!!!! it's confirmed already right????? YONGSEO COUPLE'S OFFICIAL DUET SONGthe preview proved everything, sooo gogumas! it's what we have been waiting for months......... I think the song should be ready by now so....THEY MIGHT PROMOTE THE SONG IN 25TH DECEMBER 2010 MUSIC CORE!!!! truly that would be a great christmas present for all of us here in GO-CHUNhey.... I can speculate right?? please don't take my comment seriousIy just yet because once again ...... this is just my speculation and goguma-biased mind. hope the song will achieve a great success just like adam couple's duet songEDIT : MountainMadman....... that was the fastest translation ever!!!! *bows 120 degrees* hope you can continue with you studies peacefully...




@soshisoshisoshi I HOPE THEY WILL SURPRISE US WITH THE NEW DUET TOO!! :wub::wub:




@MountainMadman Thank you thank you for the super quick translation!! You are our lifesaver!!! cheonmal kamsahamnida!! B)




As always, this episode is another DAEBAK ep. i can't find words to describe uri YongSeo couple coz there's too many to list (cute, adorable, sweeettt,...etc!!!




Yo~ng is funny when he tried to show Hy~un CNPINK dance move.. :lol: oh and the skinship!!!! :wub:




I'd love to hear the song that Yo~ng composed in full!!! The part when Yo~ng sang in the episode sounds very romantic already! I think my heart is gonna explode when the full song is out!!! :wub::wub: Anyway, i was grinning like a mad girl when watching the whole episode. Luckily i'm hiding inside my room. :ph34r: else, i think my parents would think i'm crazy. :lol: I want next saturday to come now!!! Hy~un seems more comfortable with the brother in laws, kya~~~` and they even joke around :D



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Guest Faith_memory




























gosh, how are the gogumas after those heart-exploding moments? haha! ♥ ♥ ♥




















CNBLUE’s Yong Hwa composes a song for SNSD’s Seohyun




















CNBLUE’s Jung Yong Hwa made a surprise reveal of a song he composed for his virtual wife, SNSD’s Seohyun, on this week’s episode of MBC’s “We Got Married.”




















The episode focused on more footage of the couple’s vacation trip and continued where they left off last week where the couple had been enjoying dinner after a busy day.




















After finishing their meal, Yong Hwa stated, “I have something I’ve been preparing for Seohyun. It’s going to be one of the greatest hits of the season. Honestly, it’s a song about Seohyun. The song’s about something I’ve been meaning to do for a while, but haven’t. It’s about ‘informal speech.’”




















On the spot, he revealed a bit of the song’s melody and, as if too shy to reveal the chorus, he murmured a bit of the lyrics, further increasing the curiosity of the viewers and Seohyun alike.




















Much anticipation is being put on how the song will turn out and what message the lyrics will contain.




















Source + Photos: Star News via Nate







































comment and show the love: http://www.allkpop.com/2010/12/cnblues-yong-hwa-composes-a-song-for-snsds-seohyun





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Crystalblue - you spelled my name wrongly but its ok. I guess we are all so excited about this ep!























I think the Yongseo love story is such a fairytale. Two beautiful people meeting on chance account and gradually developing feelings for each other and we get to witness the whole process.























All that hand holding is so wonderful, and Yong is so clever to put her hand in his pocket, first to keep warm and secondly who knows how they are holding the hands in the pocket? It could be a full 10 fingers locked or they could be feeling each other's hands. :wub: hahah, oh I get high just by imagining. heehee.























Hyun has relaxed so much with Yong, even insist on grabbing his hands to eat the prawns. And she can even open her arms wide sometimes.























The song that Yong sang was lovely, if he sing it looking at me I will certainly melt. I thought I saw tears in Hyun's eyes? Or is that the PD's clever editing? haha. But it is sure to touch any girl's heart for a boy to write a song for her and such a lovely song too. Yong is really talented.








Just some condolences for the prawns that were eaten, food lovers may choose not to read this:








Personally as an animal lover and also as a buddhist, I am really against eating anything live. I know it is supposed to be fresh and tast real good. But it is cruel at the same time as well, cooking anything live, watched it die and then eat it. It is a different feeling when you buy frozen or chilled stuff at the supermarkets because the beef/pork/chicken/fish whatsoever are already dead.








Hmmm, I know I may offend alot of food lovers for saying this, but I just hope that everyone do think twice about eating anything live. I mean to us, its just food but to these creatures, its their life. If they have to sacrifice their lifes to feed us, at least let them die peacefully in one way or another?















So next week will still be on Busan right? Looking fwd to some Christmas special!


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Guest angg_jagiya
































































Lovely Yongseo
















































Yongseo always rocked my feelings. :wub::w00t::lol:
















































i really2 like their body language at the beach, they look very close to each other and i imagine Yong playing with Hyun fingers when their hands together in pocket. :wub:
















































sweet moment
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































About the song i think maybe associated/connection when yuri say 'saranhea' at GDA.
















































looking forward for next ep~~looking DAEBAK!!
















































@MountainMadman thanks you so much , really appreciate your hard work.









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Guest hottest-generation

i ripped out the audio from the video and made it into mp3

because i love it so much! LOL

here's the link~


cr. gogumalove@tumblr

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Guest yongseo_fighting


HI, everyone, this episode really suprised me. Hyun is so comfortable with Yoong and just like wishwash said, she can counter his jokes now! So much different compared to the last episode. Well, I agreed with Yoong, Hyun looks very beautiful with her hair down. It made her looks more feminine compared to her ponytail and braided hair. And also the song composed by Yonghwa is really very nice. I am glad the next mission is to compose the song. I really would like to have the song to appear in CNBLUE or SNSD album. Definitely would want to get one for myself.




Thanks to Mountain madman to sub this episode for us. That is really so kind of you to think of us despite your exam and studies!! Million of Goguma to you. Good luck for your exam and I wish you have flying colors results!! Muah....




Oh by the way, can any kind hearted goguma show me any download link for Yongseo's Japan episode on the honest conversation, Episide 34? Since rdrsubs is not subbing it, I do not know where to get it. :( 


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Guest bettechai




Hello GOGUMAS..!!!



you can check my profile in daily motion (*note: just wait for 15 minutes i think DM is loading it)for the first part of the latest episode...thanks to MountainMadman for the vid and eng trans.


for the part2 maybe ill a\upload it tom.. my computer got busted when i was in the end of subbing.:( gah.!! hate it..anyways enjoy..its my first time to sub a video so please appreciate it..:) thanks




if you cant see the WGM Sub Videos ill re-upload it tomorrow..


Sorry for the inconvenience...have to sleep now, have a work tom...:(


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Guest crystalblue




Crystalblue - you spelled my name wrongly but its ok. I guess we are all so excited about this ep!








OMGosh! qwenli, I'm so sorry! It's the American in me automatically typing "u" after "q". I'm a bad thanker! Sorry for butchering spelling to your name. I went back to edit and corrected it! In any case, thank you for helping me watch the episode and you are a great goguma yongseo thread pal!!!! I think they just posted a clearer version on baidu so I'm going to have to watch it again! Mienne... and also! I agree with what you felt in your spoiler. I am also a Buddhist ;O)




Plus!!! Thank you to Mountainmadman. At times like this when I'm in a country that cannot access youtube to watch eng subbed videos, I really really really am thankful there are such kind and generous Korean ---> English bi-lingualists like you that allow us the ability to understand their words.


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Guest reiran18




back from christmas party of my father's station...




i was shocked when I saw the thread,,it moves  so fast,, 




while watching today's episode, i'm shouting her like crazy when I saw them holding hands..wooooooooooo!!




I thought dat it was the end when ong dancing to Cn pink but i was shocked when he held for hyun's hand again... felt like crazy her..w00t.gif



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To Mountainmadman...thank you very much, you are heaven sent!  Even with your upcoming exam, you have still managed to squeeze in a bit of your time just so you can translate today's episode for all of us. So to you, I hope and pray that you pass your exam with flying colors :wub:  And to everyone else, for sharing the links, screencaps, gifs and other things....THANK YOU! :wub:
















I am so happy with today's episode.  The relationship of Yong and Hyun had really progressed sooo much.  Can see that they now looked so relaxed in each other's company.  This two are becoming more and more REAL, their interactions outside WGM tell's a lot, in fact the reactions from both sides friends and colleagues says it all.  Just like one goguma had said in one of the posts here, Hyun's reaction on the GDA awards night, when Yong's group was announced as winner, is not a reaction of a virtual wife but more of a real wife.  She looked so happy and proud even to the point of rising from her chair just to clap her hands.  Yong, on the other hand, I believe, has always been so vocal of what Hyun is to him, so the glances he throws from where he was seated says that he is checking Hyun from time to time.  In short, this two is really now acting more like sweethearts and I think the people around them knows what the real score is, they are just keeping it low???  so as not to irk some fans...hehehe...  I really am not sure If what I am saying makes any sense, but one thing is for sure, for me, today's episode spells LOVE IS IN THE AIR for this beloved couple of ours and I am so happy that they were paired with each other, I can't imagine them with anyone else.
















Anneyeong everyone :wub:









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