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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Omo what's this I see? Jonghyun who hates dancing is dancing to Oh! XD ahhh the love of the brothers-in-law for their sister :D






















































































































































































































































Jinwoon was definitely pushing Yong to go to Hyun and you can clearly see Yong saying "Hajima!" Hehehe Yong so shy still XD I bet his heart was going deguen degeun and prolly debating whether he should go over or not XD






















































































































































































































































And I love how Hyun is not scared to show her happiness when CNBlue won an award. The SNSD unnies' reaction were epic too XD Yuri-ah, must you really hit the poor maknae due to your excitement?? hahaha






















































































































































































































































Grats to CNBlue and SNSD! They deserve those awards. Man, I was even crying when SNSD won daesang... I wasn't sure they were gonna win it cos SJ was there but I was hoping deep inside that they would... and they did~!!! Even the girls were not expecting it; Taeyeon was just laughing around and Hyun jokingly announcing their names and was shocked that they were actually called out~ Aish I should stop spazzing XD






















































































































































































































































Tomorrow's episode seems exciting too~ Can't wait~!









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Guest SophiaPia










Oh! that's sad the fancam of YongSeo couple hi-5 is removed :( i hope we can see it again pls.






Thanks to all who shared the fan cam. To all the owner of the video thanks so much. Fan cam always the best kekeke! Still watching over and over again wife Hyun reactions when hubby Yong won, + points her unnies reactions kekeke! daebak. And their eye to eye contact. Yongseo couple trademark EYE TO EYE CONTACT + Rings :)






Hubby Yong + jinwoon moment kekeke! another daebak scenes hahaha! hubby Yong so shy and maybe nervous to go and congratulates his wife esp when wife Hyun tearing for joy. For sure YongSeo couple GOT THEIR MOMENT. This hi-5 is one of the moment. I hope we can get the fancam vid again Pls. share it again pls. :(






Thanks every one












edit : Thanks babyloveseo i hope they re-upload again the hi-5 moment 



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yongseo hi-five..i got that from the fancam that has been removed...































screen caption only,i don't know how to post picture here..i'm sorry..















































thank you so much lovebabyseo! I was having a hard day at work & finally managed to visit soompi for YongSeo updates & was so happy when i saw the fancam link, but alas it was removed! :( Thank goodness u managed to screen cap it! :wub:






























































I wonder why Blossom removed that vid though... :mellow: anyone managed to DL it? please PM! ^_^






























































We're all so hungry for YongSeo interaction that even the hands make us happy! :lol:
















































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Guest desirenhope
































































































Hello! Hmm saw this at twitter. Apparently, MC Kim tweeted again.































































































































































V교..!우겔..!용서..!..카드이벤트 편집없기를 바라며...모든분들 주말잘보내세요..밤에잠 안오면 낼저녁 키센더 시티까지...V5!!!!!!!
















































































Based on the ever useful google translate, seems like he's hoping our couple's segment won't get edited. Just by his tweet alone, I think tmr's episode is gonna be very daebak!









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Guest ricevol





This is today Music Bank. At the end, the MCs said something about a lot of artists, including SNSD and CNBLUE. Music Bank 20101210



Look at the comment, maybe next week will some kind of special episode with many "OMG" performances. And I AM looking forward to our couple interaction. A DUET for example? :wub:



And thanks all of you for the screen caps and vids. I don't know how we get to the 1483 pages in such a short time. Oh I think it's because the power of both YS(YongSeo)and YSS (YS shipper) like us.


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Just one more day everyone :D I feel like they're entering a new stage in their relationship and we lucky bastards get to watch it lol

jnj; I didn't mean to say that this thread was negative sweatingbullets.gif I meant all the news that surrounded YongSeo the last couple of days made me feel uncomfortable and worried for them as I honestly didn't know some fans could say things like that. I was overwhelmed by it and as YongSeo is sort of my vitamin, I felt it was better to stay away from the thread for a while and focus on other things to brighten up my mood. I was a bit gloomy the past week so my personal real life state made me be a bit more affected by it I guess. No worries! This thread is making me smile again. I'm in anticipation for tomorrow.. w00t.gif

A special thank you to crystal_malfoy for comforting me over PM lol you're the sweetest potato... (too cheesy? :ph34r: )

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lol at Yong and Jinwoon's fancam..totally bromance..
































































































































































































































































they holds hands for few times blush.gif (and quite long) and joking cutely with each other.. :wub:
































































































































































































































































Yong looks like he wants to sit beside Jinwoon at 2AM's table..
































































































































































































































































Jinwoon definitely ask Yong to congratulate Hyun, Yong become shy and sit down and he say Hajima(which means don't want).. :lol:
































































































































































































































































i see Jonghyun also asking Yong, he and Jinwoon kinda pushed Yong to go to snsd table..

































































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thank you so much lovebabyseo! I was having a hard day at work & finally managed to visit soompi for YongSeo updates & was so happy when i saw the fancam link, but alas it was removed! :( Thank goodness u managed to screen cap it! :wub:

I wonder why Blossom removed that vid though... :mellow: anyone managed to DL it? please PM! ^_^

We're all so hungry for YongSeo interaction that even the hands make us happy! :lol:

hi wolly..

not only the hands, but the did-yong-touched-hyun's-chair

also made us spazz crazy.. :lol:

desirenhope, i think this is the 2nd time MC Kim tweet abt the editing.

prsy we get to see all yongseo sweet scenes tomorrow. hwaiting!

aah..i see. hope everything is okay for u now, aisuo. hug u :)

tks for the hi-5 cap, lovebabyseo. hope someone will upload the vid again..

yongseo shippers need to see this..

aww..i'm going to miss WGM & MusicBank next week..


tks for caps, mxiahcky.

hahaha..yong getting all shy..

didn't dare to look hyun in the eyes.....look at that shy smile... :wub:

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Guest Single_lady_YongSeo


















yongseo hi-five..i got that from the fancam that has been removed...







screen caption only,i don't know how to post picture here..i'm sorry..




















Really thanks for your shared another happiness capture for today wub.gif









longtime did't post here but i always come to see all your love this couple with many cap cilp and trans




@ speacial THANK to all goguma support... ^O^









can't wait to see tomorrow EP. hahaha









YongSeo always show real love light kekeke









YongSeo Daebuk!!!!




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Just wanna share some pic
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong & Seo HI FIVE
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit : mooh_mai

































































































































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Guest SophiaPia










Thanks MXiahcky for hi-5 screen caps it's so nice :) 






credit also to mooh_mai













It's the other way around now hubby Yong is the one who's shy now not wife Hyun kekeke! that reactions of her when hubby Yong and bro in law won, + all the unnies i feel the love. There's must be really love kekeke! since wife Hyun break that wall in Japan date and she says bit by bit, one by one she will show to hubby Yong her feelings we can see that wife Hyun is so comfortable now. She don't mind if theres a camera or fancam she show to hubby Yong that she is so happy that cnblue won what a lovely wife indeed.






Tomorrow it's a date YongSeo couple dosage. Yeah baby!






Cheers every one

















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Guest glennpaulo






This is the first time Mr. Kim tweeted twice hoping that it will not be edited. Maybe this is gonna be a DAEBAK episode.


I hope it will not be edited out.  They really Hi five. although spite of those crowds, our Goguma FBI manage to see it.


GOGUMA FBI is really awesome.



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Guest duckduckduck





[Fancam] (101209) 2010 GOLDEN DISK AWARDS CNBLUE 6 


yongseo hi-five @ 5:17...:wub:




oopps..top the page..:)






someone has back up?


it deleted by boadcastertears.gif



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Wah... Goguma FBI are really good. Thanks for the various fan cams. So happy to watch them all. But, missed the hi-5 moments. Well hoping for the fan cam to be uploaded again. I don't mind waiting.










They are indeed happy for each other for winning. The interaction between Yong & JinWoon is sweet smile.gif Glad that Yong is friends with him and MinHo too.










Yong being shy when JinWoon tried to make him go congratulate Hyun when SNSD won the Daesang was cute biggrin.gif Probably he doesn't want to be too obvious in front of the others, but they do hi-5 after that wink.gif





















MXiahcky, Thanks for sharing the cap. They hi-5 and in the 3rd cap did they hold hand for a little bit longer after the hi-5?










And they did this in front of Hyun's SM brothers (Shinee & Suju) happy.gif





















dreamy_boo, Thank U biggrin.gif



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Guest bizzie_b


wow! thank you very very much for all the fancams, screencaps and povs! LOVE IS IN THE AIR! GDA WAS GO-CHUN!  Our Yongseo are JJANG! rolleyes.gif Since it was mentioned that they filmed on the 7th and 8th, all the sweet memories of their filming are still fresh, and that made me happier!  I really can't wait for tomorrow's daebak episode! biggrin.gif




I really love how Jinwoon seemed to tease Yong about coming over to Hyun! Since Jinwoon is a real fanboy, he has also come to love YONG!  He is a true Hyun fan indeed!  Truly happy with whatever makes his idol (Hyun) happy (Yong). wub.gif  I'm so loving the friendship of all the idols. rolleyes.gif








Oops! topped the page without any goodies. anyway, i hope someone could translate what aneng shared a few pages back regarding MC Park talking about our couple. Thanksrolleyes.gif


















thanks for the translation scatterbrainrolleyes.gif




waaaaaaaah.  looks like we missed a lot of this couple's skinship! whoah! hope they won't edit too much!  please please please wub.gif


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Guest Nett_Prinzessin




"someone ask blossom to reup yongseo hi five clip on youtube...


she answer "I'll reupload soon because of editing error. sorry




cr: yongseofacts



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Hello fellow goguma lovers!!
































































































































































































































































Congrats to CNBLUE and SNSD for winning the award!!!! :w00t: and Hyun's reaction was just :wub: when CNBLUE's name was called... not to mention her unnies!!! :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































And OMG Wetori in jazz!!!! I'm so spazzed over Yong's flawless voice!!!! :wub::w00t:
































































































































































































































































And lastly my fic.. clicky here: Cherubin
































































































































































































































































excited for tomorrow's episode!!!! :w00t:
































































































































































































































































Now :ph34r:

































































































































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Jinwoon definitely ask Yong to congratulate Hyun, Yong become shy and sit down and he say Hajima(which means don't want).. :lol:
























































i see Jonghyun also asking Yong, he and Jinwoon kinda pushed Yong to go to snsd table..















































































































Doesn't "hajima" mean "stop it"? x_x Sorry just want to confirm :)














































































































































































For MC Jake to say that in his tweet, the episode must be another great one from our YongSeo. He's such a shipper kekeke~ ^^ MC Jake~!!! MC Jake~!!! Besides I've gotten used to the fact that one filming is dragged into many episodes. I guess it's better than cutting a lot of scenes out and having us miss out on our couple's progress and sweet moments.














































































































































































Ahhhh still can't get over the fact that Yong and Jinwoon are like super close now~!!! ^^ Ahh~ things that guys would do for Hyun~ kekeke~









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Thank you everyone for the lovely fancams, screencaps and everything :D kamsahamida :) huwaaa.. i love to saw jinwoon and yong interaction so brother-ish hhe... and for another fancam i saw onew talk with yonghwa too.. Wooo... love SNSD unnie's reaction hhe... Hyun~~ proud to her husband :D LOVE.. LOVE... Cant wait for tommorow episode :)









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Guest _wildcat































































































































Good morning, everyone!
















































And thank you for all the screen caps (MXiahcky - yours is particularly spazz worthy!^-^) & fancams (a pity I can't watch any of them yet...)
















































If Blossoms uploads it again or if any of you find another source...would you please be so kind as to save it and maybe provide a download link? I would love to watch the scene in actual motion. :(
















































@ crystal_malfoy - Ah, so, Yong's straight and gloomy face was most likely due to nervousness? That explain a lot...thank you! I honestly can't get over how great he sounded on the performance; he totally nailed it. (I've had the audio on repeat all morning! Lol)
































































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