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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest shane09

















































































































































































































































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because im so excited for next week episode..i searched some events/pictures that we can connect to it.








DAUM Screensaver preview Oct06.2010




















Oct 13th : Kiko Citizen Awareness Cultural Festival








my first gif that i made..hehe...im so proud!..








WATCH FULL PERFROMACE: http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/2010/10/sweet-potato-day_13.html




(recorded at 11.06.2010 and aired 11.11.2010)
























gif by me!.. hehe




























credit to all the owners of these pic. ^_^




so this is proven right...thanks to all goguma's fans









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uwahhh thanks everyone for the caps, links & fmv :D


thanks so much for showing us the yongseo's gift bezbezbez!!! u guys are jjang!!! :D keep up the good work!


and THANKS SO MUCH mountainmadman for the speedy trans~!


heehe i smiled so widely throughout the ep that my mouth hurts right now! ^____________________________________^


i thought the manager oppa was gonna spill more beans but i'm content enough to know that he approves of yong. he's like a father figure to both yongseo in this ep! heee~


and ROFL @ yong's romantic-hand-holding-scene that turned into some kinda childish-fingers-cracking-scene xD i guess he didn't wanna look cheesy although he didn't wanna let go of hyun's hand & found an excuse by cracking her fingers instead LOL! sly yong!! ekekekek


ohhh dang!!! the PREVIEW IS DAEBAKKKKK!!! :wub:


the hand-holding looked soooo natural! i guess they could've been doing it for quite some time offscreen WGM after the japan's breaking of the wall event LOL! wow... only in this ep that i find them being a REAL COUPLE. i know yongseo is in a situation whereby, they're naturally being boyfriend & girlfriend without having to say a word about it & even the ppl around them also know about it just by looking at them! :wub: that's the power of YONGSEO'S LOVE! :wub:


oh, i wonder what song is he gonna reveal? issit IDKW???!! is he gonna reveal that IDKW was written purely for hyun?! i hope so!!!!!!!!!!! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa xD




shane, thanks for the gifs :)


d_????? thanks for the pics~!


wootae, haha u'll be even more spazzier after watching it with the trans!


wally!! we've got the same mind alright! i also think it coult be I DON'T KNOW WHY! xD


btw, here are a much clearer version of ep34:






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Guest zztingling
































































































Just dun understand why i like this YongSeo couple so much!
































I started watching Khuntoria & YongSeo couples together, but yet directed ALL attention to only YongSeo couple now! :rolleyes: Khuntoria couple just seems too "couple-ish" to me, & watching them is simply like watching any other real-life couple. But watching YongSeo couple is like always searching for FIREWORKS between them on-screen..... For instance. I'm always guessing, "Are they really in love, or simply acting"? Thus, their little interactions are terribly fun to watch!:rolleyes:
































And, Seohyun is simply such a charming lady. She may be bashful & all, thus making their progress so...so...so slow. But yet, her innocence & the way she tries so hard to "break the wall" between her & Yonghwa (the Japan episode) can just bring everyone to love her even more!! Such an innocent & unpretentious girl. Wow! Too adorable!! :wub:
































Watching YongSeo couple is like eating Lollipop. Hee hee So sweet. Just like puppy love.

































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Guest scatterbrain

Thank you for translating, MountainMadman. i haven't watched the show, yet i laughed a lot when i read the translation.

about the chinese-based word that you can't translate...

Sub: this is why we're [____] [NOTE: Chinese-based word that my Korean skills aren't enough to handle]

i went to check in baidu, and this is how they translate it..

Sub: the wife picked the sweet potato while the husband whistled... that's why we're a match made in heaven

as i told you before, i haven't watched this episode yet...so did yong literally whistled? if not, then maybe it was some kind of proverb, meaning that both of them worked together to steal the goguma? wife picked up the goguma while husband pretended as if nothing happened? i find this part really funny :lol:

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Guest wallpaperfood


I had to miss live airing today because of a doctor's appointment.

As soon as I came back, I went to meet chingus on sweetpotatodays to ask what I had missed out on,

then everyone there said "GO WATCH THE PREVIEW FIRST"!!!

***and I lived happily after in go-chun***


anyway, a BIG THANK YOU to mountainmadman for the fast subs, and to kevoconvoi for the fast uploads =)

I haven't had time to back read yet, so I've most likely missed out a whole bunch of people who have contributed hitherto, so I'm really really really sorry if I've left you out! Kamsahamnida to u guys too!! <3

On to the episode:

FAVE: the thing that stood out to me the most from this ep wasn't the skinship in the truck - it was what Hyun said about Yong and Manager oppa's (mutual) close relationship!!!

He's like a really close older brother to Hyun, and she's his fave out of SNSD, so for him to approve Yong (I spazzed when Yong and manager hugged btw), is a really really daebak sign. Imagine how close they must all be for Yong to be able to hug SNSD's manager like that. They all looked like a big happy family.

And he was even willing to talk about skinship and Yongseo in general while the cameras were rolling! That made me very happy, I can't explain it in words (I'm starting to run out of vocab to describe how I'm feeling!). I thought it was usually part of the job description of managers to halt all dating and threathen potential suitors.

2ndFAVE: when Yongseo held hands firmly in response to what manager oppa said about the lack of skinship on display, not the fact that they merely held hands (although that makes me smile very passionately too). It was like a secret announcement - they looked somewhat proud and accomplished that they have come this far, lol! I'm so proud of them <3

Hyun scaring Yong by talking to the gogumas was freaking hilarious - it's what Yong wanted, right? For her not to mind her image when with him ^^

So happy right now. Preview was simply the best. My dad told me I looked a bit creepy smiling to myself while looking at my laptop in the room corner earlier on today. XD

Did Yong compose some rap for her? Maybe it's something that's going to be featured on their next album? Maybe it's I DON"T KNOW WHY? Whatever it is, it's about time he serenade her! Yeah baby... hit that note~


omg dreamyboo, you ARE my twin - I also thought that cracking her fingers was an excuse to touch her hand more XD. nice...  (and yes i rly hope it's IDKW, seems to suit it kyaaa!)


watching the preview, one would not think that Yongseo has just spent the whole day unsuccessfully digging gogumas, would they? They look so energised just to be around each other! Not tired at all!

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Guest wootae.luv
































































Hi, i cant help but joining in, with the spazzing ^_^
































on the preview~
































hehe, i haven't watched the ep yet, or the translation that MountainMadman provided >_<
































i know, im crazy >_<

















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Thank you for translation MountainMadman
































while waiting j2dlee for other version of translate
































share my fav scene this episode
































































































































































































































































































can't wait next episode so sweet

















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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HEYYY! Im new here...and I really love this couple! they are so cute together. n_n
























I was wondering if someone know where a I can see the episode with subs? I watched till episode 12 (I can´t believe that its possible...I used to be up-to-date with this couple...blame collegue ughh! =/) anyway, if anyone know where i can find the episodes with eng subs...it would be amazing!
























Hope i can seee themmm =(





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I was wondering if someone know where a I can see the episode with subs? I watched till episode 12 (I can´t believe that its possible...I used to be up-to-date with this couple...blame collegue ughh! =/) anyway, if anyone know where i can find the episodes with eng subs...it would be amazing!




Hope i can seee themmm =(






Here you can watch from ep22: http://www.dailymotion.com/user/TheCouplet/2,




and others are from : http://www.rdrsubs.org/ go to streaming/download, some videos you have to download it. Have fun:-)




I hope i didnt break the rules by post the link here.


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@lizsch: http://www.facebook.com/pages/SNSDSeoHyunForever/346207347887 you can watch all the eps with eng subbed and HQ here :D
































































Annyong~ gogumas 
































































Ive been spazzing this topic for a while but I havent posted anything yet xD My 1st post dedicated to uri Yongseo hehehehe 
































































I've read following our couple since their first eps, and I'm totally in love with them <3 Then, I once passed by one of cnblue fan sites, and I was upset seeing them saying that Yong is just acting in WGM and it looks obviously fake. Then I figure out that because they boice wanted Yong to be together with Minhyuk lol fandom. 
































































Since then, I started camping at sweetpotatodays and this thread, and what i've been watching every saturday so far totally pleased me <3333333 I can see that Hyun~'s eyes have "Love is all around love is in the air" inside. 
































































Awww and after watching the preview, i was truly happyyyyyyy and can't wait to next Saturday xD xD xD 
































































































































Hmm i wanted my 1st post to be a fanfic about uri couple, but I don't have enough time yet :( This post is a waste :( 

































































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Guest wallpaperfood

Ada same-age chingu, annyoung!!! your first post here , welcome =)

Please do post ur fanfic about yongseo here when it's ready! :D

To be honest, I was a skeptic who thought Yong was acting at first, even up until ep 27. I don't know when I started thinking otherwise. I was still doubtful (a little bit, but not publicly) when eps 28-9 aired, but I think Yong got the better out of me when he presented Hyun with the handmade japanese guide. I knew then for sure that he couldn't possibly be acting. And looking at the preview, and their interactions as of late, it all looks too real =)

I could slap myself for being able to think that Yong was acting! >:0

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Guest Crystal392
















aneng: Your screencaps are... really... awesome. I feel giddy by just watching them ^^


























kenjisam, sally7, annann: Thanks soo much for all the screencaps you've shared ♥


























DJHinata: I've missed you too :(


























YongSeo: We Gogumas will post lots of screencaps so you won't miss a thing :P


























bezbezbez: Thanks soo much for putting together such an amazing project. You and Goguma team are awesome!


































hahahaha it was a post about YongHyuk (YongHwa&MinHyuk)? hehehe




:lol: I know fans of a group sometimes ship couples from the same group... what I find funny is some S♥nes ship YoongHyun (Yoong is Yoona and Hyun is SeoHyun) and some Boices ship YongHyun/JongHwa (Yong is YongHwa and Hyun is JongHyun). hehehehe and we also ship YongHyun!(Yong is YongHwa and Hyun is SeoHyun) :P





























I was just reading old posts and watching the fancams of the Korea-China event... YongSeo interaction made me smile ^_^


























To all new Gogumas: Welcome to Go-Chun!!! *throws lots of confetti*


























*YongSeo preview subbed by yukiandjudy:












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Guest ninyaah
















































































































































































































Seohyun looked REALLY happy in this episode -- or should I say in love? :D I can now conclude that the Japan trip did wonders for them. Seobaby has finally stepped out of her shell; it's very obvious in the way she talks and acts in front of Yonghwa. But before continuing with the episode itself, I would like to thank everyone for the Busan filming pictures which made me spazz like some lunatic who managed to escape from rehab and the fancams and screencaps from the Korea-China event. Their little moments and stolen interactions outside of We Got Married gives me hope for their... future. And as always, thank you so much to MountainMadman and j2dlee (in advance) for the translations. To everyone who shared screencaps, pictures, etc. Cheers!
















































































































































































Things I loved in this episode:
















































































































































































- A little thing I've noticed. When Yonghwa approached Seohyun in the truck, she greeted him with a chirpy 'Hi!' instead of greeting him with her usual 'Annyeong Hasseyo.' As far as I can remember, she never greeted him in such a casual way before. I guess she doesn't greet him using respectful terms anymore, as seen from Inkigayo (where they waved at each other) and the Korea-China festival (where they high-fived?).
















































































































































































- Yonghwa and manager oppa's chumminess. My hyper-active imagination tells me that SNSD's manager is the type to help them arrange secret dates meetings. I can dream, right? But really, the manager looks more like a real oppa than a manager. He strikes me as someone who's laidback, strict (but can be easily bribed by the girls. LOL.) and someone the SNSD girls and YongSeo couple could confide to without any worry. 
















































































































































































I'm not that surprised that he likes Yonghwa, because the guy is very, very likeable. He's blessed with a natural charm and easygoing personality, and I believe that this is what manager oppa saw in him as well. Men have this instinct when it comes to other men. A father knows when a guy who's courting his daughter is worthy or not. It's similar here. Manager oppa has been with the girls since God knows when, and it's quite obvious that he treats the girls as his dongsaengs. If he doesn't like Yonghwa, he wouldn't have hugged him or told him about the slow skinship.
















































































































































































- The oh-so-natural clasping of hands in the truck <3 They're getting so good at skinship. Haha. Sitting THISCLOSE to each other.
















































































































































































- Seohyun's playfulness. During the earlier episodes, she would just laugh at Yonghwa's silly antics. But now, she joins in on the fun! Instead of just laughing shyly, she started to embrace her inner choding and join his childish games <3 She's changed a lot. From the timid, conservative and mature maknae to a confident, sexy and playful girl.
















































































































































































- THE PREVIEW. NEED I SAY MORE <3 This week is going to be loooooooong. The MC's are going to have so much fun in next week's episode since they are always experiencing skinship frustration with YongSeo. LOL. I'm not the only one grinning like a silly fool staring at the preview screencaps, no?

















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According to the company staff, Yonghwa was in very bad condition. The day before, Yonghwa filmed in cold windy beach and other outdoor places till 2am, arrived Seoul in the morning.

Their modeling contract with NII is over. It's a new contract with another clothing company.


I don't know the company name yet, the contract period is 1 year. I hope they signed it with high price.


New NII model is JYJ.


cr. saturn@cnblue thread



whoa... does that mean yong's health condition became worse after their busan filming?! or was he already sick when he came for WGM filming in busan? and was it 'cause of that, we see him wearing glasses? uhhh this is just my guessing... i hope he's alright by now. >.< i'm sure hyun will take care of him!


so, i guess they didn't overnight in busan huh :mellow:


sleepy already...goonite everyone~!




mrsjoker: aigoo just when i was about to go i saw ur post... haha loveeee ur messages to yongseo :wub: goonite~!




j2dlee: yay~!!1 thanks so much for the trans...u're daebak as always! :wub: LOL was about to go off after editing my post -.-" anyways, am going off for sure! keke


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Guest mrsjoker


Those little sweet moments just makes my heart goes extra giddy and extremely fluffy~~~ So real, sublte at times, breathtaking at onother time... The feeling of knowing "something" is boiling up and it's one highly addictive happy pill, goes by the name of YongSeo.

After watching today episodes, i want to write a set of letters for Yong and Hyun instead of posting my ussual liner... I put them in spoiler so i don't overflowed the thread. I hope you guys don't mind... if anyone is in the mood for an "extra reading" feel free to click on my spoiler. ^_^ 

And once again...THANK YOU for all the links, translation (MountainMadman, and in advance to J2dlee), gif, caps and etc... Goguma Villagers is JJANG!!   sorry if i didn't mention one by one, but i do sincerely wanted to say thank you to all of you awesome people.

To Yong :


Yo~~ng... annyong.

Jasshik~~ been in a happy mood lately huh? You are smilling so wide almost the entire episode...your cheek bones are popping out... Noona had notice the extra happy vibe from last week preview and turns out noona was right huh...Both of you are oozing with happiness... and making this helpless noona smilling ever so silly again and again. :rolleyes:

The Japan trip really is the icing on your cake right Yong? so happy to finally get to see You and Hyun resolving some of the basic "issues" that has been bothering both you all this time. Jasshik~~ give your self a pat in the back okay... because you did so well. Noona admire You for being the little gentlemen you are, for being patience, for listening and trying to understand Hyun, eventhough at times Noona can feel that you're confused, tired and a little frustrated here and there... ah but we have notice from the get go that Hyun is really worth all of this aren't we? especially You Yong.:wub:  

Isn't it adorable how she's so giddy showing off her driver license to you and I know You know that Noona will notice that she greets you with a new high level of enthusiasm, with her big "HIIII~~" to you instead of saying annyonghaseo like she use to do in the past right? and that will make Noona want to ask you several things... so how many phonecalls in a week now? did the two of you settled on a schedule? Hyun must have call first several times huh? gaaaaaaa... Noona IS SO HAPPY FOR YOU~~~ That's right...talk... talk more often, talk about anything, share things with her, make her laugh...that's the right way to go you Jasshik~~ kekekekeke...

You also knew Manager oppa? i didn't knew that? wait... i didn't even expected that... Hyun said that this manager oppa talks a lot with you? what is this? so does this means during filming breaks You actually manage to gradually talk and built relationship with Manager oppa? gaaaaaaa... smart boy~~ and i see Manager oppa is already fallen for you too huh? good...that's your prize for being so damn admirable for a young man. aigooo... jasshik... It's been a GOOD DAY lately huh... ^_^  and what's with the adorable "WE HELD HANDS" announcement/parade in the car? I sense you're getting greedy for PDA (public display of affection) huh... Jasshik... spare the manager oppa's will you... Now how will he manage to answer diplomaticly about the two of you~~ aigoo... manager oppa brace yourself...;)

oh and one thing... are you trying to really make noona diabetic because of your next week preview?? grabbing her hand tightly with that ever so confident grin plastered in your face... Jasshik... right... Seo JooHyun is YOUR WOMAN and it's a damn NICE FEELING huh to finally know for fact Hyun share the same feeling as you do. Jasshik~~~ feeling like you can concuer the world now huh because you already have Seo JooHyun's heart?! Yeah... I know you do... Jasshik~~:wub:  


To Hyun :


Seo JooHyun... annyong.

aigooo...Seo JooHyun~~ Hyun~~~ what am i going to do with you Hyun~~~ why so adorable and beautiful at the same time? aigooo...you'll get that choding bursting out his cheekbones any time from smilling ever so widely throughout the episode... kekekeke... Miss him that much huh? can't wait to show of that driving license to him... so how's Yong nampyeon looking today? handsome as ever huh? he's still determine geeting his fringe styled the way you like it with a twist of "pama" style... He looked like a duckie there...an adorable one.

How is life after the Japan trip? Happier right? isn't it nice to finally able to be open and able to resolve your issues together? yes...that's what make relationship works Hyun~ communicate. Talk alot with Yong... Call him first at times...talk to him that you've seen his latest event and that you think he's great and that event must be a fun one... share with him just about anything...trust Unnie words... Yong oppa LOVES IT when you do that. So, Unnie has asked Yong the same thing, now Unnie will ask you too.. so Seo JooHyun... how many phonecalls in a week now? did the two of you settled on a schedule? You must have call first several times huh? aigoo Hyun~~ look how far you have come... I am so proud of you... aigooo *teary eyes*

The car ride to that special place again is really something huh? isn't it great and felt hommie to have a road trip with Your man? and not to mention your favourite manager oppa is there also...felt safe and warm and happy...right hyun? kekekeke... and i see you are pratically "Glued" to Yong in the car and how cute of you to seat slighlty facing towards Yong directions, while you could've just sit straight facing front... WAE? because Yong's arm and he's signature smell you've come to know is just too tempting to be missed out huh? kekekekeke and what's that i see you two being cheesy holding hands, spare manager oppa will you... kekekeke... Jasshik... do you feel that greediness creeping at you? don't get scared...it's normal... it's called affection. People do that when they adore eachother, so there...it's normal dear... and Hyun~~ so is this true? manager oppa loves him more than you? kekekekeke...how did that happen? Your Yong is one smooth Jasshik isn't he? look at Manager oppa wide grin in the car...Unnie sense he's a Yongseo shipper too huh?

aww...Hyun~~~ i can't stop myself feel this big proud feeling of You... You truly truly have come a long way ... you have grown so beautifully it's as if i'm seeing my baby sister finally blooming into a lady...thank's to that Jung choding :wub:  .  The goguma villagers here thinks today episode is fun and cute but not much sweetness, and in general i do agree, but why i find myself spazzing so hard on you CLINGIN to Yong's bag and being overly talkative the whole time when both of you were walking towards the farm owner's house? To Unnie, it's the MOST ADORABLE gesture of your affection... so Hyun-like... subtle but so full of aegyo.

and one last thing... next week preview... made Unnie wanted to scream at the monitor and yelled DON'T YOU DARE LET GO OF HER HAND YONG~~ you two... aigoo JASSHIK~~~ :wub: :wub:  Be gentle with him Hyun... He has been wearing his heart on his sleeve for a long time now...and all he's asking in return is your hand. ;)  aigoo aigoo aigooo... you two... *sigh* JASSHIK~~





Ps : The letters is also dedicated for Jossa Unnie...will PM you this soon unnie~~

oh and by the way I LOVE your post Lovekin. ^__^


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Hi, happy Goguma lovers!












Thank you AngelVillain, WendyLoveSoshi, MountainMadman for your translations! MountainMadman did an awesome job, I’ll just put mine here since there’s a subber waiting for this.












Yongseo’s sweet potato harvest day, Hyun turns up with a truck












H: Hi!












Y: Hahaha!












Y: When did you pass the test?












H: Well~~~~~~~ it’s cool, isn’t it?












H: Even I can’t believe it.












(an amazed wife in the driver’s seat) (an amazed hubby in the passenger seat)












H: I’m going to show you my licence!












Y: How could you do that without telling me?!












H: Tada~ Kyyah!












Y: You’ve finally done it! I envy you~












H: You’ve been busy.












Y: I should do it soon.












H: Yes!












Y: Hang on, are we going in this truck?












H: Of course, to Kanghwado!












Y: You must be joking!












H: I’m not!












Y: It’s dangerous!












H: I’ll drive slowly~












H: Shall we go?












Y: Start!












H: Hold it tight, I’m nervous.












MC Kim: Look at him holding the safety handle!












Y: I’m already nervous even without your warning.












H: Look at you!












MC Park: It’s always the passenger who gets more nervous.












H: I-I-I’ll start then.
























H: Start!












NY: Hahahaha! he’s cute~












Hyun’s maiden truck voyage~!!












MC Kim: It’s a proper truck.












Y: Hahaha!!!












H: Yea~












MC Park: She’s doing well.












Y: Now you’re a woman trucker.












A good start…a woman trucker












H: Cool, isn’t it?












MC Kim: Soon there’s going to be a topic of ‘a pretty woman trucker in Kanghwado’ on the internet.












JW: To Kanghwado at that speed?












Slowly turning around the bend….












MC Park: At this rate, it’s going to be dark when they get to Kanghwado.












(unavoidable fidgeting)












MC Kim: Look at him fidgeting!












H: You’re nervous, aren’t you?












Y: Hello~












MC Park: Their car is as fast as the granny walking next to them.












NY: Hahaha!!!












Y: At this rate, we’ll…..












H: We will what?
























After getting out of a side street with dignity (?)…now on the main road…












MC Kim: Now the main road.












NY: Yes, the main road.
























H: I… even more than men…












Y: Where did you take your test drives? In Kangnam?
























H: Yes, Kangnam, but my… what is it?



































Honk, honk!












H: What? Why?












Traffic jam












Y: You should’ve gone already.












The way to becoming a trucker is long and difficult












NY: I can’t watch!












Y: Just a learner, a learner.












H: I’m sorry!












SO: Who did Hyun say sorry to?












The timid trucker decided to get off the main road for a while…












Y: OK,OK, keep going.
























Took 10 mins just to get near to their house…












Y: Stop, stop,stop, stop….












This is not going to work…what should we do…












Y: Hahahaha!












H: I think we’re being too ambitious. Don’t you think?












Affirmative silence?!












H: I should send an SOS.












Hyun’s solution: I should send an SOS…












Y: To whom?












H: Uh…an oppa you like.












Oppa Yong likes…?












MC Kim: Ah!












MC Kim & NY: Jung Mo oppa!












Trax’s Jung Mo?












Y: An oppa I like?












(Who is it…?)












The oppa: Hello~












H: Oppa!












(Y: Who’s it?)












The oppa: Yes, how’s it going?












H: I have to go (to Kanghwado) in this truck…












The oppa: Ah, it’s still a bit dangerous.












H: Yes, oppa, then…












The oppa: Hahahaha… To there, to Kanghwado?












H: Yes…












Hyun already told oppa (?) about the plan just in case












H: If you keep coming up the road…












The oppa: Got it, see you soon.
























The oppa: Seo Hyun!












H: Ah~ oppa!












Y: Hello~












(Yong hubby knows him as well?!)












Hyun’s road manager’s been waiting near the house












MO (Manager Oppa): How did you manage to come this far?












H: Not so bad, huh?












MC Park: Ah, he’s Hyun’s road manager.












NY: Yong looks so relieved.












H: You sit there.












Sit on the passenger seat together…












Y: Yea~












H: Ye~ oppa, thank you so much.












(two men say hello to each other)












(backroom interview)












Hyun’s road manager Sung Min oppa












H: He knows more about me than anyone…and talks to Yong hwa oppa quite often. He seems to adore Yong hwa oppa very much, even more so than me!












Finally…to the sweet potato harvest…GoGo~!












Y & H: Start!












H: This is just like lyrics of ‘Tell Me Your Wish’.












Y: What?












H: ‘Ride in my dream car~’












H: ‘You’re seating next to me~’












(you’re seating next to me~)












NY: The blue truck dream car…












You…are seating next to me (happy happy)












Y: I’ve been watching our episodes from the beginning.












H: Yes.












Y: I noticed your trade mark, ‘Ueung~~~~’.












Y: I can’t even make that sound.












H: Do I do that?












MO: Yes, you do. ‘Ueung~~~~~~’












Y & TO: Ueung~~~~~~












H: Do I really do that?! Stop it already!












Y: I’m not joking, see them (the episodes) for yourself.












MO: When I first heard that Seo Hyun’s going to do WGM…












The Manager Oppa tells the couple what he’s been thinking












MO: Not only is she young, but also hasn’t seen anyone before. She hadn’t got a clue about men, so naturally I was so worried. ‘What kind of men is she going to meet?’, then when I heard that it’s Yong hwa, I was relieved…












I was (because it’s Yong wha) relieved…












Y: Oh, really? That’s good.












H: Hehe.












MO: Because, Seo Hyun is not the type who can chat easily unless there’s someone to lead her.












H: That’s true.












MO: So, Yonghwa managed to do that just right, but not without humour…












MC Park: He really sounds like her real brother.












MC Kim: Yes, he thinks of Hyun so dearly.












The kind Manager Oppa just like a real brother












NY: He seems very nice.












MC Park: My road manager is not so bad.












MC Kim: My manager even does wardrobe.












MO: So it was really good.












(suddenly became solemn after the praise)












Y: Thank you.












H (to Yong) Thank YOU.












Y: For what?












(you like it…)












H: Nothing.












MO: I know you two heard about this before… ‘why are they so slow?’ ‘hold hands already!’












Y: I was told why I don’t hold her hand already.












SO: Who?!












MC Park: Oh?












Y: Now we’re holding hands.












H: Yes, we’re.












MC Kim: Ye~a!!!












SO: It’s me who told him!












NY: They did it, did it!












They became a lot closer after the trip in Japan












Y: Here we are, Yongseo, now holding hands!












H: Yes. W-what’re you doing?












Y: Hahaha~












H: Ouch! What’s that for?!












Y: Knuckle cracking! Knuckle cracking!












H: Ah, really!












That’s unexpected












MCs: What is he doing?! He’s so childish!












NY: Choding, choding!












He’s our Yong Cho Ding












Y: Only I can make this sound.












(MO: Yong wha, you’re almost perfect except…)












H: It’s strange.












(The hubby keeps doing…)












Y: Hahaha!












H: Woah~












Y: It doesn’t hurt, does it?












(The buin seems to enjoy it…)












Meanwhile…already in Kanghwado…












Y: Oh, it’s Kanghwado. By the way, who should we give our sweet potatoes to?












Y: Our members,












H: members,












Y: Our parents,












H: parents, and manager oppa.












MC Kim: I don’t think they’ll remember us.












JW: No, I don’t think so.












H: And the WGM Studio panels!












MCs: Yea~!!!












MC Kim: Seo Hyun! Seo Hyun!












Y: You’re going to dig sweet potatoes with us, don’t you?












H: Let’s do it together.












MO: Actually there’s someone I ought to see in Kanghwado…












MC Park: Meaning count me out.












The joy of field work is reserved (?) solely for Yongseo couple…












The dream car keeps running….























To somewhere looks familiar…












MC Kim: I want to go to the country side, too.












MC Park: Me, too.












What will Yongseo’s two-row-field be like?












H: Ah, it feels good!












Y: Haha, look at Hyung’s pose.












(where are you going in that pose?...?)












MO is going to see his friend (?) in Kanghwado…












MO: Have fun, kids. See you later.












Y & H: Okay~












(Bye, hyung~)












But as soon as they turn around…!!












H: Hang on a minute, are we in the right place?












Whose field is this?












SO: That’s not what it looked like last time.












NY: Surely not…
























MC Kim: Has it grown that big?!












Definitely looks different from 4 months ago












Y: It was on that side...












H: Yes…












Where is our two-row-field?












H: Oh…we can find it since it has our own name board!












Our two-row-field name board












Y: Yes, I made it.












H: Yes, you did.












H: I finally get my birthday present today.












Y: That’s right.












H: Yea~












The two-row-field was for Hyun’s birthday












H: Then, everything from that two-row-field is mine, right?
























H: Keep going!












Y: It’s all yours, have, like, 200 sweet potatoes by yourself!












Y: Oh, there‘re kids on a field trip.












H: Aww~~~~~~












NY: Ah~ cute!!












SO: Sweet potatoes and kids are just about the same size.












Y: Hey, kids!












H: Hey, kids!












Y: Let’s eat sweet potatoes!












Can we eat this big sweet potato…?












MC Kim: Oh, it’s big!












NY & MC Park: Aww~ she’s cute!












Y: Hey, boss!! We’re back!!!












MC Kim: Being a rocker, his voice is almost deafening!












H: Do you think he heard us?












Y: I’m sure he heard us.












Y: Boss~!












H: Boss~!












Y: I want your soy-bean stew!












MC Park: Do you remember that soy-bean stew?












JW: Yes!












MC Park: They’re nearly there.












SO: He’s finally met his (choding) friends.












Y: Hey, kids! This field is ours.












(Yong choding keeps talking to the kids)












(Good kids wave hello)












H: Ah, they’re so cute!












Y: Cute!












H: Hello~












Y: Boss!












Meet the boss in 4 months












H: How have you been doing?












The boss: Been alright?












(the second time, now it’s automatic)












The boss: Do you know what this is?












H: No.












The boss: To cut the grass…












(the hand mower)












SO: I always wanted to do that…












The boss: Sweet potatoes didn’t come out very well this year.












H: Why?












The boss: Because of the weather…












Due to the unusual change in the weather…












The boss: Summer was too hot, then in autumn it rained all the time…












The boss: But hey, don’t worry too much. It’s all good, right?












H: That’s right!












SO: He’s so optimistic.












MC Park: He sounds like he’s from Chungchung province.












The way to their first harvest












Y: My hair’s got much longer since then, hasn’t it?












The boss: Has it…?












Y: Your attention is still on Hyun… Only Seo Joo Hyun.












H: Hahaha!












The first meeting: The lesson on how to plan sweet potato shoots












The boss: Seo Hyun’s so famous…












It was clear from the start that the boss is a fan of Hyun












(The boss’s two assistants)












MC Park: Shoots need to be cut first…












Cutting sweet potato shoots












MC Kim: It’s not easy.












MC Park: We used to cut every shoot by hand, but the mower does it a lot quicker.
























H: Woah!












Y: Ah~












Shoots are cut off swiftly












MC Kim: They can only dig after he cuts off the shoots…












While the boss is cutting off the shoots, the couple help him along.























The tractor will clear the field












MC Kim: It’s not easy work at all!












Y: Charismatic driving! Charismatic driving!












Y: There are sweet potatoes!












H: Wow!












MC Park: Look at the sweet potatoes coming out! Did you see them?












(jaw dropping)












The field is cleared












MC Park: There are at least three sweet potatoes on each stem.












Y & H: Eeeyah~!!












The father of sweet potatoes












MC Kim: The father of sweet potatoes!












(Boss…) (you’re cool…)
























The boss: Now you can dig it with a hoe, it’s easy.












(getting a sack…)












Y & H: Thank you.












Finally sweet potato harvest starts!












H: Haha, this is fun!












Y: I have a feeling that my row has more (sweet potatoes) than yours.












H: They’re hidden deep inside.












Y: I think so too.












JW: If you’re not careful, the sweet potatoes will get all bruised.












MC Park: That’s right. You have to dig carefully.












Y: My first sweet potato!












H: Where?












(finally the first one)












MC Kim: It looks bigger than I thought.












Yong’s first sweet potato












Y: My first sweet potato.












H: Yea~












(Hyun’s found one, too)












Y: Sweet potato, sweet potato…












H: Here, too!












Meanwhile Hyun buin…












H: What’s going on, where are my sweet potatoes?












Y: All the sweet potatoes are on my side!












(more and more)












Four months ago…












The boss: You’re good, Seo Hyun!












H: Really?












(but Yong hubby is struggling)












After four months, the situation has changed…












H: Oooooh~












Finally found one…! W-what….?












H: But this looks… funny….












Here comes a shovel












MC Park: He shouldn’t do it that way.












H: Is it better that way?












Y: Yes, it is. I’ve got this many already!












MC Kim: Yongwha’s side’s clearly got more.












(Hyun silently brings a shovel)












H: This is not easy!












JW: You shouldn’t do that, sweet potatoes will get bruised!












MC Kim: Sweet potatoes will get hurt!












(eventually gave up on shovelling)












Hyun buin after all that trying and failing












H: Woah!!! Look at this!












JW: That’s not a sweet potato, more like a yam!
























(smile in full bloom)












Y: Let me have a look.












(but it’s mine…)












Y: Is this a sweet potato or a tree?!












A tree-sweet potato?!












H: It’s huge! It looks like a tree!












Y: I told you, there’s a sweet potato as big as a person!












Y: This is a baby, if you keep going, there’ll be a Grandfather sweet potato.












H: Yea~












This is the joy of harvest~























Since it’s their first harvest,























The couple does their best












MC Kim: Their backs must be killing them!
























(only tiny sweet potatoes)












H: Why are they so small?












Less and less sweet potatoes












MC Park: It doesn’t look that promising as they go on.












H: I didn’t realise that there was so much work involved behind the sweet potato that I eat everyday.












MC Kim: That’s so true.












The pride of a young farmer is long forgotten












H: Aren’t you tired yet?












Dig…dig…dig...and more…












Y: Where are they? They’re becoming scarcer!












H: I know!












MC Park: The sweet potatoes didn’t do very well on that side.
























Y: Uhhuuueh!!!












H: Uhhuuueh!!!












H: Where are they?!!!












MC Park: They’re digging at the speed of light!












The angry hoe action












Y: Where on earth are they?!!












H: I can’t see any!!












Y: Come out while I’m being nice~












(her nose flares)












SO: When Seo hyun is angry, her nose flares,












When she reaches the limit, her nose flares!












SO: And Yong starts speaking in his Busan accent.












and Yong hubby speaks in Busan accent!!












Y: Aigoo~ what a wretched day we’re having. Sweet potatoes are nowhere to be seen…












H: We’re doomed….!












Y: Hang on,
























Y: Only this big…












(a finger-size sweet potato)












H: Oops!












Her legs go all wobbly due to the disappointment












H: Let’s think again about the list of people we should give our sweet potatoes to.












H: Our group members, manager….. how we can give them this? It’s almost as big as a finger!












Y: You should give the biggest one to your parents.












H: Okay…












MC Park: Look, he thinks of her parents first even in this situation.












H: I have to give up on mine, I won’t have any.












MC Kim: You don’t have to give them to us. Just have all of them to yourselves.












(A ginseng sweet potato)












Y: It looks like a ginseng.












H: Help yourself.












Y: I found a ginseng!












H: Me,too!












MC Kim: It just looks like a root.












The couple’s slowly losing their mind























They dig the whole two-row-field from the beginning…












H: Seriously, there’s none!












No sweet potatoes whatsoever appear












MC Park: They’re having a bad harvest. Due to the heavy rain and all…












H (Rapper Hyun): Look, just look at this! There’s none! Do you think this makes sense? These are just stones!
























H: Hey, sweet potatoes, come out, come out, come out already!












Y: You’re scary…












MC Kim: What, talking to sweet potatoes?












H: Sweet potatoes…..












Is this sweet potato your sweet potato?












MC Kim: She’s losing her mind!












H: This just doesn’t make sense! How come there’re no sweet potatoes? We definitely planted enough shoots…!












Y: Seo Hyun!












Catch my sweet potato~












H: Woah~












Y: It’s a sweet potato!












H: Every little helps, in it goes…Aigo…..Sweet potatoes~












Meanwhile…in a peaceful village…












MC Park: Who is it?












Hyun’s manager who’s supposed to meet his friend in Kanghwado












(a familiar looking dog?!!)












MC Park: Does he have a cameo in today’s episode?












This puppy….












Y: Come here, Jaerong! Sit, sit!












Has grown this big?!












MC Park: Really? Is it that dog?












MC Kim: It’s so big now.












MO: Jaerong~ this is the reason why he called you Jaerong (*Jaerong means a cute trick, usually used when a baby makes sweet gestures)












After a playful meeting (?) with his Kanghwado friend (?) Jaerong…












MO (sniffs): Yuck!












Anyway, Manager Oppa’s having a good day (?)












MO: Oh my, my jeans…












Regardless of Manager Oppa’s misfortune(?), the couple is already having a hard time…












Y: We may found sweet potatoes in here if we’re lucky.












H: Maybe.












Y: This is young radish kimchi!












H: Hahaha!












The couple has totally lost it












Y: And this one…?












H: A sesame leaf!












Y: A sesame leaf.












(dizzy dizzy)












Y: We should’ve chosen a lettuce…












H: A lettuce?!












Y: Before the price rocketed… (*he’s confusing a lettuce with a cabbage, of which the price’s gone up so much due to the heavy rain, but it’s still in demand since it’s a main ingredient of kimchi, as explained in MountainMadman’s trans.)












I’m sorry, we have sweet potatoes instead












Y: I’m sorry, you have such a useless husband…












Y: I didn’t know that a lettuce will be more profitable, should’ve seen it coming…












(with disappointment, retuning to the sweet potato field)












Y: Just one more!












Y: We shouldn’t give up, I’ve learned a lot in our sweet potato field.












The lesson of a sweet potato field: “Shall not give up till the end!”












H: But…how come there’re so few…












Y: (definitely lost it) Ohohoho~ ohohoho~












(covered in soil)












H: Eeyah! Come out!












(still doing her best)












Y: At least your attitude is right!












Looking defeated….












H: I have an idea! Let’s take the sprouts!












MC Park: You can eat sprouts, too.












Y: W-why?












H: Instead of sweet potatoes, let’s make a sweet potato sprouts salad.












H: And, we can give sprouts to the people instead of sweet potatoes….












H: We’re giving you this because we don’t have any sweet potatoes.












Please take sprouts instead because we don’t have any sweet potatoes












Y: Stop it, Seo Hyun, please stop it!












H: Shoots~












Y: Stop it! We don’t need any sprouts!!












An innocent shovel is thrown away












H: We’ve got tons of sprouts here~ It’s delicious, too…












Sweet potatoes~












I…I only wanted…sweet potatoes….












Y: I want sweet potatoes…












H: Here, have sprouts!












MC Kim: Suddenly sprouts appeared from the sky.












The dream of a sweet potato harvest turns into a miserable pain…












Y: Let’s give up now.












H: The end?!












(a humble sack…)












MC Park: Is that all?












H: We may be able to find something if we keep going.












Y: kkkkk…..












MC Park: It’s a lot more fun when sweet potatoes come out in bunches…












MC Kim: Yes.












H: Sweet potatoes~!!












(exhausted exhausted)












Y: Give up! Just forget it, there’s no sweet potato.












Now it’s time to leave…












JW: Hahaha!!! What's with the music?!












Y: Give it up, there aren’t any more sweet potatoes.












H: I think it’ll be just about enough for my sisters, one each.
























JW: Still she thinks of her sisters…












JW: I thought I could have tons of sweet potatoes in this way!












MC Park: Hahaha!












(2 modest sacks of sweet potatoes)












H: Eeeyah….












MC Kim: It’s really few…












After such a hard work, just enough to fill one sack












MC Park: And so little…












Y: How are we going to divide them up and give to people?












H: First of all, for parents.












(the biggest!)












Y: (a slender one) This is for Jungshin.












MCs: Hahaha!!!












Oh my…























The leader Yong’s love for his brother












MC Park: Did you eat that one?












JS: Yes.












Y (a slender No.2):...and Minhyuk…












H: They’re too small! You’re mean!












H: Oh, a broad bellflower~ (*MountainMadman translated this as a mushroom, but ‘doragi’ is actually a type of Chinese (broad) bellflower, to my knowledge. Anyway, it’s only a small matter)












Y: Is this a sweet potato or a chilli?












H: Look at this, I found a ginseng.












Y: You sure it’s a sweet potato?












More like a root of ginseng…!












H: It is!












H: We’re going to sell it as a hybrid, a bellflower sweet potato!












Y: Actually that’s not a bad idea at all!












H: I know!












Y: Yongseo’s…












H & Y: Bellflower sweet potatoes!












Yongseo’s bellflower sweet potatoes












SO: I’m sure it’s going to be a catastrophic failure.












MCs: Hahahaha!












MC Park: I mean, really…












JS: He’s holding her bag as well.












The real country side drama, Yongseo’s diary












H: Oh, look! A sweet potato! It’s big!












Did kids drop it here…












H: It’ll be still okay, won’t it?












MC Park: She picked up the sweet potato the kids left behind…












(the wife picks it up…)












(the husband whistles…)












This is the reason why we’re a couple made in heaven…












Y: Hello, boss.












The boss: It’s not easy, isn’t it?












Y: No, it’s not.












The boss: But still….these are small ones….












H: Yes, they’re small.












The boss: Still, not bad.












H: Really?












H: Oppa, you’re there!












And…the Manager Oppa returns from meeting his friend in Kanghwado












MO: It looks good, well done. Shall we move, now?












MC Kim: ‘Move now’!












So they learned the joy of the harvest and the value of sweet potatoes…












MC Park: The truck is too big for their harvest.












After Yongseo’s first harvest…























Where are we going…?












MC Park: I knew it!
























Y: Come and catch me~












H: No, no, no!












Where are we, after the sweet potato harvest?












Y: Seo Hyun, your arm! In here, here.












H: Hahaha!












Y: Seo Hyun, this is my first time eating this…












The couple dining out in the evening in Kangwhado!












Y: Ah~












H: Stay still, ah~, quick!












They’re having Yellow Sea Prawns…












Y: Did you think I’d fall for that trick?












H: Hahaha!












And husband carefully (?) brings up a subject…












Y: I’ve been writing this song for a long, long time.












Y: ‘Yo~ Seo Hyun~’












H: I’m so looking forward to this.












What is THIS that Yong hubby’s been preparing for a long time?!












Y: I’m so embarrassed!!












H: You’ve done it well!





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Thank you j2dlee and moutainmadman to translate, i really enjoy to read your translations, wwith both translations i can understand better.:-) you 2 are so daebak.




now continue rewatching the eps, cant wait for next week, sarturday please come soon


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OMO OMO OMO totally spazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!! first thank you montainmadman and J2dlee, our angels ^^.
































Ok, now, did I read in a wrong way or Hyun did just say: "He seems to adore Yong hwa oppa very much, even more so than me!"
































So Hyun ha, you adore him??? YOU ADORE HIM??? hahahahahaha!!!! I love Math logic XD!!!! :wub::w00t:
































OK, I think I´m going to die before next saturday because I can´t take this!!! it is soooo sweet ^^
































with my happiness I forgot... :(... THANK U guys, thank u so much for pics, links gifs and all ^_^






































































































































J2dlee: hope you read this!!! I always love to reading your translation, I´m so used to it that I feel like something is missing when I don´t read yours. I don´t care if you do it 1 hour, 6, 12 hours, one day or even a week after, I will always be waiting for your translation, because I like it!!! and I think that we, as proud gogumas villagers, would read 30 differents one if we have the possibility, so please don´t stop posting it here, please ^^.
































mountainmadman: please don´t you stop either!









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