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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest yongseo_fighting


Hi, everyone, seriously this episode comes in 1st as the best episode to me besides the birthday episode. I totally agree that this is another one turning point for our yongseo couple. I am glad Yong seobang spilled it all out and pushed for serious conversation. I am glad Hyun initiated he talk first. Both must have had taken a lot of courage to say that in front of camera esp Yong. I LOL at the scene when Hyun is talking bout the dried apples. Can't she see what Yong wanted as response was far more than "the dried apple machine"? Haha... And also when Yong told Hyun not to come over his room... hha.. he must have thought of doing that.. LOL...rolleyes.gif




Anyway, thanks a lot to Mountainmadman for posting the translation up. I can sleep in peace tonight.. Love ya.. Thanks to my other beloved gogumas who posted up the video link... Sorry can't remember each of you, but this thank you comes from my heart sincerely.."jin xim".. wub.gif


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Guest nadihee












(random post) sorry for out of topic. wanna share this:
















we can see ring ding dong :wub:








another shot
















and this
















hehehe i cant stop spazzing bout the ring. sorry gogumas for out of topic. u all can continue to spazzing bout today's episode :))








cheers! yongseo couple hwaiting! :wub:








cr: cnbstorm



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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































































































































































































I was very close to tears in some parts... I cried in some parts after reading the translation. Thank you Mountainmadman!!!
































































































































































































































































OMG I cant express how good I feel, there were several issues in the conversation that when they bring it up and deal with it, it made me feel totally happy!!!
































































































































































































































































1. SH saying thanks to yong for changing her... She has grown sooo much I am proud of her.
































































































































































































































































2. YH saying he didnt do it for her thanks... That was so sweet, and i think he wanted to say he did it because he wanted her to like him.
































































































































































































































































3. SH breaking her wall... For me that was the most meaningful thing she did, she accept what was the issue that was bothering YH and in the spot decided to break through it to make him happy... OMG OMG OMG OMG
































































































































































































































































4. YH saying to not ever again do the Mildang thing... Aish it almost broke my heart, him saying that show us how really hurt he was during that time... OMG OMG OMG
































































































































































































































































They were been real and I love it... Now I can really say that they like each other in the same level, in the begining I though YH was more involved but now SH have step foward and now stand side by side with YH...
































































































































































































































































They are so cute and my best wishes to them!!!
































































































































































































































































To all the gogumas sharing goodies THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Happy spazzing my fellow Gogumas!!!

































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Mountainmadman, you're daebak! Thank you for all your hard work! That must have taken quite some doing. I bow to your
































awesomeness. Also to sun_sun, j2dlee and all the regular contributors for making it so easy for us non-Koreans to follow
































the yongseo couple. I'm normally not a poster (*hanging head in shame*) but this conversation so makes me want to write in.
































First of all, how intimate a conversation was this? Watching it raw, one sensed that what they were discussing is important, but
































when you read the translation, for a moment you step back and feel almost guilty for having eavesdropped on something so
































personal. If I thought Hyun reaching out and grabbing Yong's hand was courageous, her thanking Yong, knowing fully well that
































this will be broadcast around Korea (and watched around the world!) really took a lot of courage. And then when they expressed
































their disappointment with one another, to me, that was a true turning point in their relationship. Because by saying what they
































didn't like so openly, they're telling the other person what they would like them to do in the future. Hyun wants Yong to
































pay more attention to her activities. Yong wants Hyun to call him on her own, without him calling first. They both want to take
































this relationship forward (and I may be getting delusional here), and not just as friends. They've definitely changed one another,
































specially Hyun... when she drives up to the house in that truck, she looks amazngly gorgeous, and very very happy!! In love?
































I don't know, but definitely delighted to see her Yong again.
































Also a quick thanks to Trent, crystal_malfoy, lovetokki, lunasol, dreamyboo, Mrsjoker, lovekin, jnj, magdal, and many more I can't name right
































now without scrolling thru 1400 pages. I love all the comments, screencaps, MVs, fanfics, news that you contribute. It makes this
































thread a very vibrant, active and fun place to be. I really enjoy the discussions, and if I don't post its only because I feel that whatever
































needed saying has already been said, and far more eloquently then I could have said it. So thank you to all of you.
































Thank you keoconvoine for the quick upload.
































And lastly, mountainmadman I really really love your ongoing fanfic! Its amazing, and I promise I will comment on it as soon
































as I'm able to sort out all the login issues I'm having with livejournal.....

















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everytime, the lyrics for "i dont know why"just clearer. yeah Yong always wonder and dont know. and Hyun always waiting for Yong. from this epsiode. it is totally confirm the song is for Hyun. and maybe Hyun already knows it :rolleyes:




from this turning point, our couple will learn more about skinship :w00t: hahha, when they started they will addict on this, and one day another turnning point is their kiss, hahaha. i am crazy now. but i just think if they let their relationship going this way, and so obvious with the surrounding, then the kiss will come natural as they are before this 2 people know it. hahha. then all mcs and goguma villagers have happy endding :wub:


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Guest yoreizei










Hyun's preference before and now






Before: From KBS Sweet Night (2009)






MC : Song Seung Hun vs Goguma?












Hyun : Goguma (Straight answer)












Now: From this episode






PD : Do you like gogumas, or your husband?












Hyun : That's stupid! How can you compare something you eat to a person?












Nothing can compare her husband now, even gogumas ^^






@MountainMadman Thank you very much for your good and fast translations. ^^



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Guest nadihee










everytime, the lyrics for "i dont know why"just clearer. yeah Yong always wonder and dont know. and Hyun always waiting for Yong. from this epsiode. it is totally confirm the song is for Hyun. and maybe Hyun already knows it :rolleyes:








from this turning point, our couple will learn more about skinship :w00t: hahha, when they started they will addict on this, and one day another turnning point is their kiss, hahaha. i am crazy now. but i just think if they let their relationship going this way, and so obvious with the surrounding, then the kiss will come natural as they are before this 2 people know it. hahha. then all mcs and goguma villagers have happy endding :wub:















hahahaahah i've already curious about this since the beginning. but i'm not really sure, "i dont know why" is for seohyun or not. but it is now confirmed that it IS for her. haaa~~~ how sweet uri yong to uri hyun. love em too much. it is not so much but too much haha.



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Guest Crystal392








It's good to know I'm not the only one who got teary-eyed while reading the translation blush.gif:)




I remember once someone on a YT video questioned Yong on what he meant with invisible walls (she/he was very sarcastic about it)... And now as Kerube_Chan said, Hyun accepting that issue was one of her walls and deciding to break it was very meaningful. I wonder if there are more invisible walls between them... but I'm sure if there are Yong and Hyun will break them together :wub:




I'm really glad WGM pD put them together... They probably wouldn't have known each other if it werent for WGM ^^




The latest ep is definitely one of my faves <3 Kay77 was right when he/she said that according to rumours Japan date was a turning point for uri YongSeo :)



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Guest archiehon
































































































































































































































Hi Gogumas!
































































































































































Just finished watching the vids with the translation. A million thanx to MountainMadman! Aaah…. This whole japan trip episode is really something. I noticed that they are more comfortable in communicating their thoughts. Previously, when they were trying to tell each other of their dissatisfactions, there were some restrains and hesitations, i.e. trying to please each other. So this time I thought they had passed that level. They truly told each other of their worries. I was really touched because isn’t every relationship grow that way? I truly feel their effort to understand each other and work things out. I’m truly thankful of the ‘mildang’ event as it has helped to catapult their relationship to where they are now. Though Yong Hwa thought it was a disaster (he forbid Seo Hyun from doing it again), I believe it worked. It opened up issues which were buried before as they wanted to avoid confrontation. Their conversation after the trip to 7-11 was waaaaay more intimate than Seo Hyun initiating skinship, truly! I’m glad I found this lovely pair and I hope their friendship remains strong forever.
































































































































































                I found myself learning a lot from the people in this thread. I could become an expert on relationship after all the psychology input (lovekin) and zodiac interpretation! I do watch the other couples but not as religious as YongSeo couple. I’ve found the reasons through this episode. When I first watch their early episode, I thought this couple would revolve around Seo Hyun learning to be in a relationship with a man. The PD chose Yong Hwa, I assumed because he was more mature and had previous experiences with girls. Boy, was I wrong! It turned out that Yong Hwa was not that suave around girls (ep 11 anyone). He was sweet and nervous around girl(s) he tried to impress (sis-in-law and wifey). He was trying every thing he knew with Seo Hyun to create a closer bond. But most importantly he was patient. I think we could learn a thing or two about patience from this man.
































































































































































                Seo Hyun, what can I say about this sweet girl. From the awkward ‘OTTOKE!’ and ‘almost cried’ in ep 1 to this amazingly lovely woman, she has blossomed so much. She is a wonderful person but awkward in relationship (I read somewhere that her unnies actually get her to be close to her now BFF Nicole from KARA- sorry if my info is incorrect). She is quite a rigid person, always follow the rules, etc. However, with her husband, she made the effort to build a relationship, to loosen up a little.
































































































































































                We see a different side of them in this program. Not Yong Hwa the CN Blue Leader, not Seo Hyun Maknae of SNSD, but two young people trying to find their way to work in a relationship. I’m so sorry for blabbering too much but the reason is I found an honest and real relationship in this TV program, it touched me as a person. I hope we can all learn through them, that love is not all roses but there are thorns that could hurt you. You should not give up but pick up the pieces and work hard to make it a success. Love, Archie.
































































































































































p.s. mrsjoker, you are DAEBAK!

































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@ Mountainmadman... as usual, thank you for the translation, though, I honestly don't understand what Yong meant about the goguma points he's giving Hyun...he said something about everything, except one? totally don't get it...does he mean she can have every goguma's except one? Why? Or does he mean, she's only getting one...because for him she's everything and the one and only ??? hahaha...totally I got confused here...anyway, whatever it is, today' episode is a sweet one.




@mrsjoker... I agree with what you said "This whole episode had a subtle REAL vibe to it... watching it gives the feeling as if we are peeking into their real and raw emotions... so real, so raw, so simple, so much in love." honestly, I think from all the couples I've watched since the first season of WGM, our goguma couple is the most realistic one, and I mean REAL in every sense of the word. Lucky for them that they've crossed each others path on this show...if, they do end up together in real life, their love story would be the most sweetest, romantic and cutest love story heard and seen...for me....hehehehe.

























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Guest lovelybee
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi gogumas,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































After watching Preview next episode
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I just curious that who is the driver? Is he SNSD manager oppa? ( he smiles while the couple teasing each other)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyone know? pls let me know , thank in advance :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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annyeong :)












i'm newbie here.. Yoroshiku












thank you so much Mountainmadman for all the translations thank you... and for all gogumas villagers here to sharing awesome pic and stuff... 












I'm in love with this couple huwaa.. DAEBAK... 












I think I will wait next episode with smile.. hhe..



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You can tell that SeoHyun is deeply affected by her husband.


His wife is doing a MV, does he know? does he care? and when she got to know the fact that he already knew it, why didn't he call to say if he liked it?!


Awww I liked it when she said his wife I don't know why but for me it implies so many emotions, call me crazy.


And the fact that both are monitoring the other and Seohyun saying that if you type either name of them in the search engine the other ones name in the search results would come up to, its so cute.


Is she implying something :wub:


I know I am greedy but I need them to have more skinship to visually show their affection for each other, a tight hug that would be great. :phew:



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♫She is not fussed about my news, I don’t care ,I understand... She is not fussed about my news Would you mind look at me boo♫
































































































































suddenly I felt like singing keke :rolleyes:.
































































































































Thank you so much mountainmadman, I´m so touched for this episode, I still have the smile in my face and while reading your post gogumas I feel all giddy again...
































































































































What else can be said about these two... they are so sweet to each other, they are so real to each other.:wub:
































































































































Seems like Hyun can´t live without hearing YongHwa´s voice :rolleyes: and seems like Yong can´t live without his Hyun (she is so important to him, so important).
































































































































Hyun telling Yong about her change was daebak! Seriously, how hard must be for her to say something like that, but she still did, to her Yong.
































































































































Hyun telling "That is stupid, How can you compare something you eat to a person"!!!!! was even more daebak!!! hahaha... i love you Seobaby... or Seolady? :P
































































































































And Yong, I have no words for him, just I´m going to say that HE DESERVES Seohyun´s heart and sould and all about her.
































































































































I was hurted too when he asked for not doing mildang again, and he said "because you don´t need it" and I think behind that phrase there is a huge meaning. I feel like if he was telling her, you don´t need it because I love you ahhhhhhhhh (this is dreamland right?, but I think this is not just a dream).
































































































































And about number of gogumas, I wonder what Yong would have said if Seo would ask him why he was not giving her that particular goguma? i think something cheese again ^^ ... haha
































































































































And Finally (Yeah, finally) remember guys that we were worried about Yong´s face while singing Lovelight in the time when CNBlue knew that their new album would be delated??? (and we read that he said something about shinwoo making him sad?)... well I think goguma pick episode was filmed one or two days after and we can see how happy he is! So Yes, indeed Seo is his vitamin right???
































































































































I wrote a lot... happy spazzing Gogumas and Thank you all for every single post, and Thanks to J2dlee and sun_sun too for always being here for us :rolleyes:

































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To all Goguma's































































Good Morning/Noon/Night.































































& Happy Thanksgiving to all whose celebrate it.














































































































1st thanks to all goguma's.































































to madman.... BIG TQ for quick translation.































































to sun-sun ... TQ for quick vid































































advance TQ goes to j2 & sun_sun... (you guys will be on my list to check on Sunday for vid with sub... hehehe)














































































































This ep totally in my list best-of-the-best....































































they really open up to each other.














































































































I just notice something.































































Don't you guys think that they really can open up to each other feeling when:-































































1. They go "vacation" somewhere else.































































2. They feeling tired or sleepy














































































































I can only remember 3 scene when they really open up to each other.































































1. The train trip (forgot bout the name of the place.. only "J" I can remember. kekeke )































































--> this time in sleepy hours when Hyun said that she's wanna cry in the van...































































2. The fishing trip (BIG DAEBAK episode)































































--> when Yong ask Hyun to be more open bout everything. i.e: the big Q Hyun wanna ask Yong.































































3. Today episode. (no need to explain more..hehe)































































--> when they really can open their heart/mind to each other.














































































































Maybe you guys remember anything other than this scene.














































































































My fav scene for today;































































1. The "apple-machine" talk































































2. The "wall-breaker" talk































































3. The "bed-prepare-by hubby"































































4. The good night wishes to each other































































5. The blackroom interview































































6. The happy face of buin in the truck. --> A face of love.... ;)














































































































Ok that's all bout today.































































Unfortunately, no caps for today, but a kind heart's goguma already share the fav caps and gif of today.































































TQ all.














































































































Me, Zealous
































































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Guest luv_yesung




MountainMadman,thank u for the amazing translation,now i can fully understand what they're talking about. i'm sure i'm not the only one touched or even crying watching their heart to heart convo.i love the fact that hyun acknowledge everything yong do for her,his patience and his effort to get close to her.he knows that hyun is different from any other girls he know before.she pure,innocent and clueless about love and relationship.he's willing to take a baby step go get closer to her,to open her heart for him and now his patience worth him diamonds or better gogumas :D and now i confidently say that hyun already broke that invisible walls between them and open her heart for him,thanks to yong patience.aigoo can't get over their love and sweetness :sweatingbullets:



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*waves at mrsjoker, crystal, jnj, shawie, sophiapia, miel, kerube-chan, nadihee, rushgiri, yoreizei, linh80, l1nn3, qwenli & manyyy more* ^^

wowow!!! thanks mountainmadman for the trans~!!! u're one of our angels in this thread! :D

hi hachi~! glad to see u dropping by despite ur busy sched :) gahhh i'm getting busy myself here... *sigh* oh ya thanks for the caps! now i know what to expect when i watch them later heh heh

mrsjoker~! I LOVE UUUU!!!! ahahahah :P ur post is DAEBAK!!! i haven't even started watching ep33 but just by reading ur post, i also feel shy blush.gif LOL! kekekeek yes! that was the effect of ur post ya know! dang, can't wait for my download to complete! >.<

shawie~! haha you know what... IMO, i think yong does have the intention of furthering his relationship with hyun. if not, why did he even make an effort to go to such temple that is famous for tying relationship in their japan trip? no wonder we all get the REAL vibe from him & not forgetting our inexperienced hyun too. :wub: DAEBAK COUPLE!!!

yayyy downloads are finally complete!!! cya guys!!! :D


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Guest Crystal392








To the ones wondering who is the guy driving that appeared on the preview: it's SNSD manager ^_^ he seems to approve of YongSeo right? Hehehehe :w00t:




To the ones wondering about Yong giving Hyun goguma points: if I'm not wrong there were only 6 gogumas. He gave Hyun one and she was like " :o ?????" and then he said "You can have all the others". So he gave her 5 gogumas :P Imo he was being cheesy and funny hahaha like some other goguma mentioned, I wonder if his answer would have been cheesy too if she asked her about the goguma he gave her ^_^




I love you Gogumas ... I love YongSeo <3



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To Zealous: agree with you about the time they have turning point offen at night. just remember at NAN program, the man said that during that time you are more open with feeling. now i think it worked with our couple, then i think they should do more filming during the night, just them and the stars and moon, than we will have turning poin :wub:


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Anneyeong Boo... I think from the time that Yong realized that he finds Hyun unique, he has been making his move slowly but surely to woo Hyun.  I just hope that their visit to the temple in Japan really helps to do wonders on their ongoing relationship :rolleyes:



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