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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest DJHinata

Aigoo i feel sad T_T  i've been far around 1 week and i can't read all the comments T_T !! aigo , i'm missing You all! Really!! chinchaa chinchaaa !!!!

Aww ~~  YongSeo couple too cute this episode~  I love the part when their was in japan and run  and... nothing happen XD MCkim you are the best~~ Jashik ~~ kekeke

I've been busy with the Translations of Yongseo Couple to Spanish ^^!! i want the spanish people who don't know very well english can be part of the goguma family and ofcourse fall in love with our beautiful Couple !!!

Thank you for all the long post! i really enjoy it when i'm reading~ Thanks for the captures and the gifs , Please keep supporting to Yonghwa and SeoHyun, on inkigayo , Yonghwa and Hyun look so mischevious because they can't talk very well only with those stares ~ You know the Famous stares of yongseo couple

Artwork For you goguma lovers T_T but  i'll make more ~~ i promise ~ (it's not like who anyone cares about that) 

and it is true that not will be Yongseo couple for 3 weeks ? send me please a mp 


if you speak in spanish see this ohmy.gif

 Visita sweetpotatoinspanish.blogspot.com  

Reposting this image~~  so cute 


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Guest cindyle
















































How can I survive??? No WGM this week. Such a hard torture.
















I just by chance find a clip of uri Yong. He did some DJ. Hottest ever. Huyn has to see this. Can any one tell her that Yong is defenitely her man.

































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Wonderful insights from wonderful Gogumas.  Thanks for the different and refreshing POV gogumas. I'm not going to do anymore analyzing on YongSeo. I'll just be happy with I see and imagine what I couldn't see wink.gif  Hope the next episode will bring more sweetness and love which will make all gogumas here curl their fingers in excitement.

Just wanna share a FMV with everyone. Nothing special. Something I made while having a short 'YongSeo' break from studies biggrin.gif

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I agree with gogumas who think that she was not trying to make Yong jealous  ^_^... Let me quote this part of J2dlee translation.












H: This one is taken when I was in Trax’s music video.












Y: Uh, I saw it.












H: Did you? The song’s good, isn’t it?












Y: Yes. I even met Jung Mo hyung.












H: Really?












MC Park: Jung Mo used to teach Hyun how to play guitar.












Y: When we met for the first time, he suddenly said to me, ‘Yonghwa, I heard that you’re jealous of me.’












H: Haha!












Y: So I said it’s not that, I was only joking. And he said he’s joking, too.












H: Then I’ll show you something else.












H: Tada!












A Trax’s album in question(?)!












Y: Ah, this is why you had to wear a wedding dress.












H: Yes.












H: With Jay oppa and Jung Mo oppa.












Y: Eyah~ You’re a goddess!












H: Ah~












Y (in Busan accent): Seo Hyu-i, you’re a goddess.























I think all she wanted was to know if Yong had seen the video of Oh My Goddess and know what he thought about it ...  And maybe maybe she wanted him to tell her how pretty she looked :wub:.
























 And remember that part of the video is about how she is treasuring the moment when an unknown guy held her hand... pretty much like yongseo story. Maybe she was telling him, hold my hand again Yong :wub:! (Delusional me) ^^.





























































this is from jnj

5 - when he asked her what she'll do if she misses korea?

she said she'll look at the photobook.












and we know what/who is in that photobook, don't we?

















































at first I thought in the photobook too, but after rewatching a couple of times I think they were talking about the selcas :wub:, I don´t know, awwww but this make me feel giddy hahaha ^^.



































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Guest .:love_ya:.
















































































Did anyone notice this? :D
































































Hy~un bowed when she saw Yong walking to the center ^^
































































but hubby was too busy looking at his cue card (___")
































































watch it in the video @ around 3:20? :D
































































































































And finally!!! ^^
































































































































sorry the gif's are kinda huge lolz forgot to resize them, my bad ^^
































































edit: uki, this is lame lolz I'll upload it on another host ^^









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Guest Faith_memory
















Yong on running man yesterday, keke~ he looked great! ♥ spotted ring dong!












anyway here are some caps.
















































there were no shot of him there without that ring. from the beginning till the end. kekeke~ strong proof he values these whole thing so much. ♥
























yo~ng~ ♥
















































dreamyboo i PMed you the link.



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Guest bolmaejung

From what I heard, yonghwa pretended he was being shot with arrows, during SNSD's arrow dance at inkigayo.

And he copies seohyun's dance(if you try to float on water I'll make you sink..-this part!)

He called seohyun "seohyunssi." with trophy. '....ssi' is jondaemal(formal language). kkkkk

he is so adorable.

my english is poor. Do you understand? sorry.

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crystalblue, what u posted is the most realistic post i've ever read! BRAVO! u really made me think out of the box there! ahhhh now i get to understand better about this couple! yahh i agree with u, WGM's downside is really cruel i must say :tears: ... but it still brought happiness & also teaches us some things about life. everything has its pros & cons i guess. -_-

baby_bo & jnj: i support both of u 1000000% :wub:

faith_memory dearie... yong showing his ring in running man just reminded me of what crystalblue posted. CODED MESSAGES. keekeke oh ya, where can i watch what u've just capped??? if u don't mind, could u pls gimme the link? thanks in advance~ ^^

DJHinata dear~! i LOVE ur wally!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA *saves immediately* xD

love_ya, what sharp eyes u have there! *_* haha thanks for the info~! i feel giddy from looking at those scenes many times! xD

mimayree, thanks for the info ^^

redrev, i can't seem to open ur fmv... it says that it's private?


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
















@Faith_memory: all 3 episodes of Running Man where Yong was the guest (by the way, he is the only one to guest in Running Man 3 times), he was wearing the RING. too bad I can't make caps of them but its really clear that he was wearing it. seems like he really is wearing it everywhere. I wouldn't be surprised if he wears it during his sleep.












about the issues lately here in this thread. I think Seohyun's intention of showing the TRAX album was for Yong to see her pictures in the album. she already showed him the BTS pictures, now she wants to show him the "finished product" I think its nice of her to show it off to Yonghwa. her intentions was clear, she was not making him jealous at all. other points have been said ny other gogumas here so I won't repeat it anymore. my opinion on the matter is that they are entertainers. and the they show of to each other the products of their hardwork, even if that "work" is an album cover for another band. just like me and my girlfriend. even though our line of work is completely different from each other, we still tell each other how our work is going. and show off some of the things that we have done in our respective lines of work. 












by the way, I influenced her in watching YongSeo couple. she absolutely loves them. she likes Yonghwa and I like Seohyun, but an ideal is just an ideal. although sometimes we feel a little bit of jealousy, but not a very serious kind of jealousy. :)












I hope MBC release some BTS of YongSeo couple. to keep the sanity of the fans. :)



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Guest Faith_memory
















dreamyboo I PMed you the link. try to visit running man thread here at soompi too. I heard that the running man ratings went up after yong's guesting.












heartbreak_warfare22 yeah, i think he wore the ring on his past episodes there too. he should take care of the ring since, running man is a show full of games. he might dropped it and stuffs. ahhaha! ♥ And also, i kinda notice whenever he listens to the others talking, he tend to hold his left hand or the ring!! keke~ ♥ mannerism? haha! yeah, he was kinda twisting his ring whenever he does nothing. ♥ keke~ running man loves him, 3 episodes already. o.o and all his episodes were all great.












the couple ring, only our yongseo has it. kekeke~ the rings are the proof of our existence.












anyway, got to sleep now gogumas! see you guys tomorrow..!! ♥ good night!



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Guest yslovelightys
























I'm really happy that people liked or acknowledged my first post even though it's a bit serious and loooong. blush.gif I think I won't be doing any rambling like the first one on my next posts though (including this one) because I made a resolution to myself to just enjoy WGM, enjoy yongseo. I just want to spazz! seriously, overanalyzing them affects my mood. LOL!. i just want to be happy SO I'll just spazz. w00t.gif 















BTW, I just recently found this song by G.NA ft. Rain, if I'm not mistaken the title is" If I have a lover " and I really feel like it's a song made for yongseo! The lyrics seemed to be describing them and some of their experiences in WGM. I'm so addicted to the song right now. I know some gogumas have already made FMVs using this song and it's just really lovely. wub.gif I think I'm rambling again but this time, its a happy rambling. nothing serious. haha. 















OMG, how can I survive a saturday/saturdays without WGM? mellow.gif I hope news about them comes out though. The fanaccount about Yong pretending he was shot by hyun's arrow was just wub.gif















 I think I won't be going back to my JUST LURKING in this thread. I seem to be enjoying sharing my thoughts to everyone or to those who are interested.  w00t.gif









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Guest anne0129
























Hello!!! Just wanted to share what my favorite moments in the most recent episodes were....not in any particular order... blush.gif
















1. The DJ Yong moment....I remember reading in this thread that when Hyun was reading the Japan handbook Yong was also embarrassed and so now it is Yong's turn not to embarrass her but to play the cutesy game of theirs.
















2. Another moment when Yong and Hyun was at the station and trying to look for each other. I find it funny that when Hyun entered the station and she was talking to herself saying that something like "is he here? No he is not here..." but yet she never left that area and in fact she kept looking back until finally her eyes lit up when she saw him....It just felt like her head may be telling her that he can't be in the place but her heart tells her to not look away because he is just right there..... :wub: It's like there is an invisible pull that kept her in that place until she saw him and he saw her.
















3. I love when Yong was talking to himself of whether Hyun will find her way to the station and with confidence he answered himself saying "Of course, she'll come. It's because she is Seo Hyun." I remember him in the blackroom interview during the Ueno Juri epi when he said he knows her the most....It seems he really does because she found her way to him in the station.
















4. Of course we can't leave out the running toward each other scene. It was like so romantic and so funny at the same time....I love how when Yong spotted her at the end of the corridor he immediately ran towards her. And also I find it funny that Yong ran like a kid who got lost in a mall when he let his mother's hand go. It was just that he seemed so glad and was so excited that he just wanted to go to her as fast as he can. I also loved the expressions and squealing of all the MCs during that scene. MC Na Young was clasping her hands together when that scene was showing and she was just so cute. I think she finally got hook on the YONGSEO couple when Yong gave Hyun that Japan Handbook. She can't stop telling how cute Yong was at the bakeshop. As everyone else, I love the BG music during the running scene and I equally love that Jin Woon was singing along with the song. And the failed hug or hand holding or whatever the MCs were expecting, I find it funny that MC Park just laughed when they didn't do anything at all....it was like though she wanted them to hug she was also used to expect the unexpected in these 2 lovebirds.
















5. I love the other scene of Hyun noticing Yong's features right after they saw each other. And then as they were walking out of the station...Hyun said "I found you, amazing." I was wondering if she was saying that because of the station incident or because of their situation in general...hehehe!!! This is just my imagination running wild....I mean of all the people to be paired with her it was Yong who was paired with her and so it is AMAZING THAT SHE FOUND HIM!!!! :wub::wub::wub:
















6. I also love the avatar thing. It was just so cute. I was wondering how tiredness factor in with the way Hyun was being all silly and sweet in that bakeshop. You can tell that Hyun seemed so tired and sleepy (may be?)....when Yong was explaining to her not to use banmal anymore...her eyes looked so sleepy. And then she became all silly and sweet when they started taking pictures and then the AVATAR thing....
















I have high hopes for the next episode or rather the rest of the Japan episodes....(though I will try not to get too emotional if it does not become the 2nd double birthday celebration kind of thing). It because I just remember that after their Japan filming Yong's next stop was their Taiwan concert and it was in Taiwan that Yong said in one of the interviews that if he doesn't wear the ring he will get scolded so...I'm thinking that may be something did happen during the Japan filming.....(okay, I'll keep an open mind if it does not live up to my expectations). Anyway, I will continue to watch and support these 2 as a couple or as individuals....Yong Hwa fighting!!!! Seo Hyun fighting!!!!! YongSeo Fighting!!!!





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Guest ichigo_kawai

Anyeong all my lovely family...waves waves waves to everyone in here....

Wowww..so much page I have to read.. thanks for all your post....

@ DJ Hinata....^_^ thanks for wallpaper....love it.... :wub:

@ Dreamy boo...unnieee anyeong ke..ke..ke......

@ jnj... that's all my favorite part too.

@ Faith _memory..thanks for share that....ring ding dong........ring ding dong....

@ mimayre thanks for the link

@ Love_ya thanks for the gif....

@ redrev...I can't see your fmv..private?

Here is I wanna share my favorite caps.....^_^







And the last......


Thanks everyone....... :wub: 

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Do you guys remember the 6th episode, where the rest of the CNBlue members made their official introduction on the show? I was actually so touched with what the dongsengs did for the both of them, they were impressing Hyun for their Hyung.

I don't know if you guys remember but I it was very adorable and moving of the brothers to serenade Hyun with Yurisangja's song, "Can I love You?"

I still think that song fits them the most, if you took time and read the lyrics you'll see why JongHyun and the brother-in-laws chose this song:

The door is opening you come in

I knew at first sight that you were mine

Your face that shone as you came toward me

Is so beautiful it can make me blind

I don't know why but it's not strange

But my heart is fluttering

You took all of my heart

*I want to tell you carefully

I want to be brave

Can I love you from today?

It's the first time

I don't want to lose this obvious feeling

I think love is going to come

I'll give you only good things

I don't know why but it's not strange

But my heart is fluttering

You took all of my heart

I endured a lot of goodbyes and a lot of tears

So it's a little late, but I think I finally met you

Can I love this person that's sitting in front of me?

I'll confess to you with my pounding heart

I still think this song suits our couple the best, aside from "Love Light" and "I Don't Know Why" of course. Yong's chase and unsaid feelings for Hyun, as described by Jong Hyun XD

Now that I think about it, it would make so much more sense now, if ever "IDK WHY" was actually written with thoughts of Hyun. Yong is an emotional, type A person and has troubles voicing out his problems and desires. He could have taken the opportunity of the mildang period and the month of no physical contact and was inspired to write that piece. Of course, who knows but choding himself :P (Please excuse this delusional post of mine XD going crazy here because of studying for tests).

Hope you can forgive this goguma alien's random post of the day. :phew:

PS: Refer to the first episode where Hyun arrived late and Yong's excited, happy face when listening to the song :D so cute~


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 I'm back on short 'YongSeo' break biggrin.gif  reading more postings from fellow gogumas to refresh.

Seems like all gogumas are not only obsessed by YongSeo but also their rings laugh.gif  

heartbreak_warfare22 & Faith_memory, agree with both of you. He loves to play with the ring as if it consoles and comforts him in some way. Maybe thinking of the person who gave him the ring a.k.a Hyun buin makes him more relaxed happy.gif

dreamy_boo, sorry for my mistake. here is the link again. Hope you'll like it. 

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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































@baby_bo. Your post totally cracked me up, too. :lol:
































































































































Anyway, here's my little take on this. I feel like one of the reasons that we haven't seen a jealous Yong on certain situations where we usually expect him to be is because his mind is sort of at ease already. We can probably chuck his old jealousy to some insecurities, (like the question of closeness with Hyun or using banmal to her friends or other things he feels jealous about) and when Hyun made her explanation (about using banmal to bro-in-laws), perhaps Yong has somewhat understood that she really feels much closer to him than any other guy and somehow he took it as an assurance. It's like he doesn't feel the need to be jealous anymore.
































































































































It is probably why during the Ueno Juri episode, he's the one who asked where was Chiaki-senpai and even told Hyun she can meet Chiaki in Japan and maybe invite Johnny Depp to eat steak with them at their home next time. During their meal at Yoshinoya, Yong even shared that funny conversation between him and Jungmo and complimented Hyun on the photos from the Trax album. So, yeah, I think Yong is on that stage already, that he is at least pretty much unruffled because he knows now that he is much closer to her than ever.
































































































































I, too, didn't think Hyun is making him jealous. She really looks nice on the pictures and probably only want to let his nampyeon see her looking good in a wedding dress. If she is indeed trying to make him jealous, she wouldn't have shown that frowning face when Yong mentioned what Jungmo asked him, she would have shown a mischievous, curious look but she didn't. If you watch closely, when Yong repeated what Jungmo said, "Yonghwa, I heard you were jealous of me." Hyun's expression was like, "Eeh? Why would Jungmo oppa even say that?". But when Yong said they were just joking in the end, Hyun laughed. What I find funnier is that she laughed leaning towards Yong and not the other side. :lol::w00t:
































































































































Even at the start though, back in the episode when she first showed her photo wearing a wedding dress, I don't think Hyun was making him jealous at all. Being playful to him, yes, but, making him jealous, not really. I would chuck it to the way it was edited and the way it was captioned. I could actually site a lot of scenes where the captions doesn't go at all with the video shots but I'm afraid it would make you more confused :sweatingbullets: so, it's probably best to leave it at that and just enjoy watching the show. ;)
































































































































I think we gogumas have been feeling on the brink lately because we know there's no WGM this Saturday, so it seems everything else is coated with strain as well. I have a feeling by next week, we'll all be on our wit's end. :crazy: Huwaaah! PD-nim, please upload another BTS on your site. In the meantime, let's just try to watch old favorite episodes to warm up the long week. :D

















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hi guys...suddenly smth struck me when i was watching RDRSubs video....

j2dlee also translate the same thing but i didnt really notice it before...

wen hyun gave one of the bok to yong...she said smth along tis line

'i had been carrying this book for god knows how long...but cant gv it to you bcos of the mildang (no contact period)'

do u guys ever wonder y hyun kept carrying the book?? does it mean that they have a habit of meeting up outside wgm filming??

logically speaking...if they only meet up during wgm filming...hyun didnt need to carry the book everywhere she go to gv to yong when she has a chance to meet him...she knows well when is the wgm filming were scheduled....so she could bring it during that time...

any opinions??


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and here comes my thank u 'speech', :sweatingbullets:


crystalblue, of all the things u said, i love this part the most..

and these are the scenes i rmbr the most, more than anything else..

*this goguma believes in what she sees*


Can you imagine the joy, laughter, heart racing thoughts that must occur during every stare, glare, lips licking, hands waving, hair flipping, fingers touching, food feeding, cute whining, eye lash batting, richard simmons checking, voice dwelling (you get the drift...) that these two share with each other?

hafunohane, u should post more dear.

it feels good reading your long but positive post.

yslovelightys, i may have missed your 1st post blush.gif

but i'm not too late to say Welcome to Goguma Village

your resolution is the same as mine..

just stay happy, be positive and don't over analyze things that can give u a headache

sophia, hug u for sharing the inki BTS trans.

shane, tks for gifs.daebak!

miel, so true!

In our weekly routine of watching, viewing this couple in WGM, it seems like quite a number in this thread have started to build their expectations of this couple--- and expectations that seem to be mounting. So that if one of them or both of them fail to deliver in the way and in the manner people expect them to have delivered------ discontentment and dissatisfaction set in. People may have become unmindful that in the course of setting up such expectations, standards that are bound to be dictated by ones own preferences, prejudices and biases are likewise set.

aisnsd, i'm with u on this

judging with the progress in their relationship,

whatever way yonghwa and seohyun

choose to handle their relationship IS the right way for the both of them.

DJ, ichigo..i'm saving those wallies..tks guys!


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Guest BluMistLaydee




I go away from this thread for a few days and seems nothing has changed much. As someone said already.. Let's please not get over analytical over a heavily edited show that doesn't show everything they do and say to each other. I love analyzing YongSeo as much as the next person but there is such as thing as over-analyzing, which isn't fair to them as we don't know what they discuss all the time on or off cameras. We can't make assumptions of actions and conversations that's been edited by the directors to show us what they want us to see.


And for those who keep bringing up inkigayo. Let's remember, Yong and Seohyun are under contract not to act as a married couple, etc outside of WGM. Be happy that they subconsciously seek each other out. I thought it was rather cute how on Sunday, Jo Kwon and Sulli immediately went to the outside while Yong just automatically went to Seohyun to give them the trophy. It couldve been done any other way, Sulli could've been the one to give it to them since they're all in the same company but we saw how it all played out. And I love the fact doing the encore, Seohyun made a point to look to him and bow. Something she's never gone out of her way to doing before.


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