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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest SophiaPia

This is translated by Betty.Thanks Betty of sweetpotatodays.blog

so, yesterday yong was quite late when he arrived inki, when snsd was performing on stage, yong watched them on the monitor, he also danced along hoot hoot hoot, but the way he danced was really funny, when it was towards the end, the coupld stand next to each other naturally, he handed the trophy to hyun, also, on his way to handing the trophy to hyun, he shouted"seohyun", hyun turned to him, yong congrautulated her and then went off stage, he also said hi/bye to other snsd members, but it wasnt shown, 

oh, i also read from another post that, when hyun was doing the "shoot shoot shoot" pose on stage, yong pretended as if he had been shoot,,,haha

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Guest constantia11





Your post is so touching and it made me shed some tears.

It is a big revelation for me,, the way you explain how Yong and Hyun must feel towards each other.

It hurts my heart too to realize that they must have hurt inside for not being able to express freely what they feel.



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Guest Crystal392



So many long posts *_* I love it! hehehehe


hafunohane: I love what you wrote, I really hope you will keep posting. And thanks for showing us the difference between Yoshinoya at Japan, Indonesia and US. :)


SophiaPia: Thanks for sharing that (and thanks Betty!). I am really hoping fans will upload fancams soon *using Goguma powers*


Reading all your posts I've realized I'm not the only one who spends lots of time thinking about YongSeo. As d3j1k0, I also feel emotional watching them; I began watching YongSeo cuts because I was a YongHwa fan and I immediately fell for them and learned to love and admire Hyun~ too; I didn't want to get too into YongSeo, but before I knew it I was obsessed with them. If they feel sad/dissapointed I feel sad, if they are a bit angry I feel angry, if they are happy and smiling I can't stop smiling; and they make me remember some things I had already forgotten, there are soo many things I can relate to. That makes me love them even more. A couple of months ago I realized how much I was into YongSeo and I tried to leave the thread for a while but I couldn't, I kept thinking about them and sometimes I would laugh if I remembered something funny they (Yong~ or Hyun~) did. Usually I get bored easily so it surprises me I love this two more and more each day. I am really grateful to WGM PD's for pairing them, both have learned so much! :)


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Guest FallenAnjewl




























I dont know if this has been posted but here are some pics from yesterday where CNBLUE was at Yongsan Ipark square – Hope Concert “We Are One”




















Apparently event was after INkigayo and hence we can see why yong is super happy because hyun was at inkigayo and won the mutizen award. Even if it wasnt after and was before, he is probably that happy because he is going to see his lovely buin.




















Here is the link of a fancam:




















CNBLUE 101107




















credits:ranrancam @ youtube




















Lol he is extremely happy when he says love light and has a small smirk when he sings "im genie for you girl" :wub:




















Ahhh i love yongseo happy. I dont know how am going to survive until next next week for the next episode. I hope all this waiting will reward us with a daebak episode
























































































































credits: omonOona 





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Guest seohyun_yh



i have proof of it at Seohyun's soompi thread.So,she deleting those pictures show that she care about what Yong will feel if he saw that,tho i'm a bit dissapointed because i would love if she show him.Not that she playing another mildang or try to make him jealous,rather she is being honest.Thats all i want to say.


i think Seohyun not deleting her photos. XD she just showed him a photo  and that was all.  Whatever, also Yonghwa  has this habit of asking her about it, Seohyun knows it pretty well.  




another view:


however, Yonghwa doesn´t admit that  he´s  jealous.


another point, Yonghwa had a photo scenes with a girl,  where their mouths were too close,Yonghwa hasn´t talked to her about his photo section yet.   and seohyun rejected the proposal of the kiss with Trax.


and yet many people continue to speak  of Seohyun. <_<  Yonghwa also has done many things,  but most are complaining of Seohyun.


that's not fair. :tears::tears:



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Guest crystalblue





Your post is so touching and it made me shed some tears.

It is a big revelation for me,, the way you explain how Yong and Hyun must feel towards each other.

It hurts my heart too to realize that they must have hurt inside for not being able to express freely what they feel.






Crying is good for the soul... it means we are people with compassion for others and to be able to put ourselves in their shoes just for fleeting moments now and then allow for us to not only cry together at times but also giggle and laugh, dream and hope together. It's the most basic beautiful thing we can share with each other no matter where in the world we are... Thank you for feeling touched with these thoughts of mine. On the other hand, imagine how exciting and loved they must feel to have found each other through a TV show and imagine if they are reading this thread, the warm and fuzzy love they must feel from all of us- people who don't even know them yet, we can perhaps just perhaps feel what they feel... from time to time. Ahhhh... love hurts so good!!! Happy times to come!!!Cheers!


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Guest moniertu

Before watching any new Yongseo episode, I always firmly tell myself to just sit back, enjoy the show and not to read too much into whatever they say and do, or did not say & did not do, for that matter.  And after every single episode I fail with a CAPITAL F at not being affected by their actions and words.  Why?   I guess this couple simply grew on me; I just can't shake them off!!  So, I understand why so many of us feel the need to delve into whatever is being portrayed to us by our Yongseo couple.  And my, oh my, we've got some very interesting, intelligent, humorous, romantic and emotional insights.

I hope my fellow Gogumas will not "shoot, shoot, shoot" at me because I hate causing "trouble, trouble, trouble".  I would like to be open about my feelings and intuitions with regard to our couple, and it does not mean that I favour one person over the other.  I'm a Yongseo shipper, remember?

But one thing that bothers me still is the REAL reason behind Yong's need to resort to "mildang" after the birthday episode.  He said that he wanted to tear down the so-called invisible wall between them, but the birthday episode was THE episode that showed Hyun's vulnerability; she was open, honest and sincere.  This was THE episode when our lovely and innocent Hyun serenaded Yong with Sarangbit, she drew out the truth behind the lyrics of Sarangbit, she nervously but romantically put on the brand new silver ring on his finger and she even held hands with him!  If the wall was there in the beginning, it must have been a weak wall which was about to fall.  To me, this was the first turning point in their relationship.  I beg to differ when some of us started to say that maybe Yong was tired of waiting; our Hyun was already starting to be responsive.  Do you think that maybe our Yong was scared about how their relationship has evolved?  Maybe anxiety and uncertainty in handling Hyun and the whole WGM thing crept in.

I guess, Hyun was very much affected by his decision to play "push/pull".  We can't blame her since she had put her heart and soul during the birthday episode.  This explains her giving Yong practical gifts such as soap, room spray and tiger balm as opposed to the birthday gifts that were laden with sentimental value.  But Hyun, being the kind and thoughtful girl that she is, still added the two books as part of the 200th day gift package, she wants her nampyeon to share her proven ways of managing difficulties and obstacles in reaching success, that is via books.   And when Yong mentioned about CNBlue being on the Oricon charts together with SNSD, and she claimed that she wasn't aware of it, well I think she was just pretending not to know.  Even if she didn't monitor the charts, I am sure that at least one of her 8 unnies would have updated her about it.  She's just testing Yong to see his reaction, this was one of my favourite moments as well when he said she had no reason to monitor the chart and Hyun laughed.

What is it about this couple that makes us so attached to them?  Why are we so thrilled at the sight of them looking into each other's eyes?  Why do we listen so intently to every word uttered by our Hyun and Yong?  Why does even the slightest shoulder brush that occur excite us so much?  Even outside WGM, we watch them like hawks, scanning for the couple rings and we sharpen our ears for any WGM or Yongseo related words.  Even an old hen like me can learn something new by just watching them in action.  Even though I choose to be grounded and not hover too much in the clouds with regard to their relationship outside WGM, I can't help but pray hard that only the best will happen to our Yongseo.  Let's all spread more Goguma love and continue to watch their relationship evolve...

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Guest Crystal392



seohyun_yh: Yong and Hyun didn't talk about the photoshoot because neither of them mentioned it, Hyun didn't because she probably didn't care because she knew it was job or was too shy to mention the photoshoot, Yong didn't mention it because why would he? Or they probably talked about it but got edited out... Who knows... People were talking about why had Hyun tried to give Yong a TRAX cd, some said because she wanted to make him jealous, some said because she was promoting TRAX album, etc... But I don't think they were complaining. They were just wondering....

Moniertu: I disagree with some things you've said like imo the real reason behind the mildang thing is the one Yong had said, he realized Hyun seemed to care about him so he wondered if she would miss him; if they didn't talk for some time how would she react? As if nothing happened or would she get mad? I think Yong was trying to figure out if Hyun did all that for the show or for real... And I really think she didn't know about Yong's new CD nor her unnies, probably because she was so into Japan's promotion and super busy. But thats the beauty of uri thread right? We get to share our opinions :) I also want the best for them <3


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Hello Goguma Villager......happy monday to all of you...im really in a good mood today....hehe

1. J2dlee........wahhhhhhhhhhhh u back......i miss you.....feel like years waiting for you....hehehehe..ok dont go anywhere anymore...it killing me....luckily there are a few goguma villager who also can do the translation....many many many thanks for them.....oh btw thankx for the translation...

2. sun_sun thanks for the vid with sub.....now i can really enjoy the show....

3. _hatchimitsu...thanks for allowing me use your art.....

4. to all villagers, many many thanks for the vid, pic, info sharing........love u alls.....

now i want to share my personal opinion about :

10 moments i like about Yong Seo

10. Hyun put blanket on Yong shoulder, when she need to choose her husband among CN Blue member

09. When they play and sing ‘’Falling’’ together. Im so touched with their voice

08. Late night train trip. When they listen to MP3, when they take quiz, when Yong hold her hand ( is it consider hold, or just touch), when Yong tease Hyun during the eye mask. I found they really cute at that moment

07. During they moved to new house, Hyun played “What’s going on” with guitar

06. On their 3rd meeting, they met at café before went out to buy guitar for Hyun. Eye battle. I think that is the first time they really look at each other eyes.

05. A visit to CN Blue new dorm. I can see how Hyun really try her best to be the best sis-in-law. She prepared kimchi (hahhaha salty cabbage according to Jonghyun), she cooked for them (even she's not a good cook), she and her mum prepared side dishes for them, she really support Minhyuk when he show his magic performance

04. Horror episode. Hold hand from the beginning till the end. Yong become over-over-over- protective toward his wife

03. 1st Pool game. Piggyback ride. Maximum unrealized skinship….hahhaha

02. 200th day celebration. School uniform, presents, the mood

01. Birthday celebration and the trip. From the beginning till the end. Really love the moment they put their couple ring to each other finger. Also the Love Light song confession. Also the holding hand moments...even it short, but its really meaningful... 

About this week episode, continue from last week, everyone are dying to know what's inside the box (inc me)....hehe..i found it simple but really sweet. then she had 2 books for him. good present...about Banmal, hehehe...as what Yong always said, Hyun mind is different from other person.....hehehe....

im waiting for the next episode...meaning i need to wait for another 2 weeks....DYING here.....what should i do next Saturday???

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I truly believe that when Hyun showed the TRAX album to Yong, she wanted to show her pics in the album cover to Yong.
































































































































































































































































I didn't sense in any way she wanted to make Yong jealous by showing the pics.
































































































































































































































































This girl, even she's in SNSD, she felt happy that she was chosen as the model to someone's album cover.
































































































































































































































































Not only that, she wore a wedding dress (you know how we girls always dream wearing a pretty wedding dress, looking so pretty, like a princess :) )
































































































































































































































































and she also in the MV as goddess hehe..
































































































































































































































































So, it's natural she wanted to show this pretty side of her to the one she cares, in this case, her wgm husband, Yong.
































































































































































































































































It's something common in a relationship, I often do that too to my husband, if I happened to take a pic that I look nice in, I would eagerly showed him haha
































































































































































































































































Even, when she showed the pics the 1st time on Hyun's phone; I also didn't sense any hidden motive from Hyun to make Yong jealous.
































































































































































































































































I think it's the way PD edited the scene to make it that way.
































































































































































































































































Yong's reaction, however, although I did feel a tiny bit jealousy, but it wasn't towards Jungmo, it's more like he wanted to see her in wedding dress too, in real.
































































































































































































































































One thing I find hard to believe from last ep was the fact that Hyun didn't know about CNBLUE's new album and it was on Oricon charts too.
































































































































































































































































I think there's more to it in next episode. Maybe Hyun pretended she didn't know to surprise her husband or something.
































































































































































































































































I hope Hyun did go to CNBLUE's last concert without Yong knowing about it; then told him during their night talk hehe...
































































































































































































































































but that's just my wishful thinking ^^
































































































































































































































































Btw, any information about the two books that Hyun gave Yong as gifts?
































































































































































































































































I wanna know the choices of book she gave him :)

































































































































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Hi, happy Goguma lovers!




















I missed you all! I see cindyle has already posted the translation- thank you! (by the way, is it from a Chinese translation? Since it's different from mine...only a little!) Does that mean I can go back to my lurker mode? Huhuhu...




















Anyway, here's the translation of today's episode (ah, I forgot the preview! Will do it soon, after dinner. Is that okay?)




















Will be back soon to spazz with you guys~




















(skip the last week's episode...)




















What is this box…?




















Hyun: I don’t know.




















Yong: Pucket?!




















MC Park: Uh?




















MC Kim: She bought his gift!




















MC Park: Ah, from Pucket!




















Y: (You said didn’t buy any gift for me…)




















Y: Oh~ what’s this? Oh, good smell~




















MC Kim: She said she didn’t buy any.




















Gift bought from various places in Pucket, thinking of her husband




















H: They’re your gifts from Pucket.




















An elephant shaped mobile phone string




















H: A fan suddenly came to me singing ‘I’m a loner~’ and gave me that.




















She even brought a couple gift from a fan in Thailand




















H: I have one, too.




















Y: Oh, really?




















H: Yes.




















His hand is reaching for the next present already…




















Y: What’s this?




















H: A room spray.




















A room spray for her hubby who frequently stays in overseas hotels







































A room spray, soap… gifts that you can use in everyday life ^^




















H: That’s soap, and that one is…




















Y: A Tiger Ointment!




















H: That’s right! A Tiger Ointment!




















Y: This is a cure-all!




















H: I know~




















Y: When you have a scratch, even when your heart is bruised…!




















Even when your heart is bruised(?)….




















Y: You can cure it all! A Tiger Ointment.




















Y: Why are you giving me these now? You said you didn’t buy any.




















H: Well, there’s a reason….




















Y: What is it?




















H: I’ll tell you later.




















Y: What should I do with all these waiting?!




















H: Tada!








































Y: What’s that? A book?




















H: Yes.




















A book gift...!




















MC Park: A book~




















H: I’ve been carrying it with me for who knows how long…




















MC Park: Since she couldn’t get in touch with him.




















Her message in a book:




















‘Hubby, in your life whenever there are hardships and challenges, wish you could overcome those wisely with a book.




















JW: My head hearts suddenly.




















(the message continues): ‘Always maintain your core and run towards your dream…! (Yong bursts into laughter)




















H: What? What’s so funny?!




















Y: No, no, nothing.




















H: I really mean it.




















Since he knows her mind…^^




















Y: Got it.




















Y: I’ll definitely read this.




















H: Definitely!




















H: I think I haven’t given you a book for a long time…




















Y: I know.




















H: So I have one more!




















MC Kim: So she gave him two books!




















Y: (reading the title) A letter to@$%^*%~




















H: Please read it, promise! (She said ‘kkok~’ which means: by all means, on all accounts, should, ought to, and so on. So I just translated it as ‘promise!’ rather than ‘You ought to read it!’)




















Y: I’ll read this everyday while I’m abroad.




















H: Really?




















Y (nods)




















So overwhelmed by book gifts…(?)




















(backroom interview)




















And the last gift from Hyun…




















H: I don’t know whether to say this is a gift or not…. Since I use Banmal (speaking informally) to the friends of the same age and don’t to Yong hubby…




















His wife still speaks formally to him…




















H: I think that’s the reason why he thinks we’re still not close enough… (in his letter ‘a wall between us’)




















H: So I thought, ‘Ah, then I really should use Banmal to him.’ So that was my last gift for our 200th day, but…




















MC Kim: Is she going to use Banmal to him?




















JW: She takes it (Banmal) really seriously.




















MC PArk: Yes.




















Y: I’ve never been to Pucket, but I can smell it.




















H: Can you?




















Now he reads Hyun’s letter….




















Y: (making a facial expression) Do you know what this is?




















H: What?




















Y: A smiley face that you drew here.




















H: Haha!




















Hyun’s 200th day letter:




















‘Still it’s hard to speak everything in Banmal, but I’m trying albeit slowly…




















Today is a really meaningful day, isn’t it?




















It’s Yong and Hyun’s 200th day!




















Y: You knew it, then.




















H (nods)




















JW: Do we get to hear his ‘jashik~’?




















(The letter continues): ‘You thought I’d forgotten about it, didn’t you? But I knew it all~!




















H: That’s right.




















Y: I’ll read this in a DJ style.




















Suddenly became Yong DJ (Disk Jockey-a radio presenter)




















Y (in a DJ’s tone): ‘It feels like yesterday when we donated the blood and went for a movie to celebrate our 22nd day…




















H: Uh~




















Y: ‘But many days have passed since then.




















H: Why don’t you just read it at home?




















JW: He’s like a coffee shop DJ.




















Y: ‘It seems like we made so many wonderful memories together.




















H: Eurgh~




















Y: ‘Everyone has hardships in (his/her) life, but let’s trust each other even more…




















H: Eeugh~ What’re you doig?!




















Y:’ …support each other, to make our dreams to come true…




















Yong DJ is funny even in this serious situation




















H: Ah, really!




















MC Park: Hahaha!




















MC Kim: Oh my…




















Y: ‘Let’s run (towards our dreams) together…




















Y: ‘Please take care of me…. Hyun.’




















H: (nods)




















Y (still playing Yong DJ): It’s really moving.




















H: Hahaha!




















Y: Here goes a song for Hyun, CNBlue’s ‘Love Light.’




















Y: So you knew it. Your bag seemed heavy~




















H: What’s heavy~ Ah, really!




















Y: Jashik~ You could’ve given me a letter sooner!




















MC Kim: Jashik~




















MC Park: Jashik~ He says that whenever he(Yong) is happy~




















Yong’s mood barometer, Ja~shik




















Y: You could’ve given me a letter sooner, Jashik!




















H: Hmm! Anyway I knew it.




















Y: You really should be an actor. You’re an actor.




















H: Am I?




















So this way such a long ‘pull and push’ game is ended…




















Y: Brother! (he said ‘hyung-nim’ which is more formal than ‘hyung’, but both mean ‘brother’)




















H: Why is he your brother?!!




















Y: This is a smell of Pucket.




















MC Park: To whom is he squirting a spray?




















MC Kim: To the owner of the bakery! He’ll get scolded!




















JW: He’s so happy~




















MC Park: He looks like a child~ In someone’s bakery!




















NY: He’s cute~




















H: Hm~ such a good smell.




















Y: The smell of 200th day.




















Have you ever smelled it, the smell of 200th day?




















Y: Why did you pretend as if you had forgotten about it?




















The reason why Hyun buin was acting…




















H: Why? There’s a reason…




















Y: What is it?




















H: Hmm… because there was no Goguma left…




















MC Park: Ah~




















H: I’m curious though, why did you start ‘pull and push’?




















The reason why Yong starts his long-term ‘pull and push’…?




















Y: I…




















H: I… yes?




















JW: I thought I could have you in this way~




















Y: I thought there’s a wall between us…




















A wall… between us…




















H: Oh~ a wall? Give me an example.




















Y: You speak Banmal with easy to your friends…




















H: But…




















Y: But you didn’t…with me.




















H: Eh~ it’s not like that.




















Y: What’s not?




















H: It’s not that I became closer to brothers in law (than to you). It’s because I wasn’t really close to them, I intentionally used Banmal.




















She tried to speak informally in order to get rid of awkwardness…




















Y: Who does that?




















H: Me, I do that.




















But in truth, Hyun feels closer to her hubby than anyone…!




















Y: Then why@%&*$~




















H: Then, do you really want it?




















Finally, Hyun’s last gift for their 200th day…




















Y: No! I’m not going to force you anymore.




















H:?!! Hmm…




















Y: You don’t have to!




















Y: I don’t think about it that way anymore.




















H: Really?




















Yong hubby objects to her Banmal




















Y: Because I think we’re close.




















H: Hmm…




















Y: I think today we became even closer than before.








































Y: I know you were unhappy (as a result of his long term ‘pull and push), that’s the reason why I’ve been trying hard to make you feel better.




















H: Hmm…




















So Hyun’s Banmal gift is going to be wasted?




















Y: You may not understand this, no, you can’t understand… but…. (with his eyes: ‘you know how I feel, don’t you?’)








































H (in Banmal): I understand!




















Y (in Busan accent): Leave it, don’t do it!




















Hyun’s attempt to use Banmal is rejected straightaway…




















JW: (mimicking Yong) ‘Leave it, don’t do it’!




















Y: Just speak formally, okay?




















H: I’ll think about it.




















Y: Don’t think, just speak formally.




















H: Really?




















Y: You get the feeling that we respect each other (when speaking formally).




















H: Yes.




















Y: I like that.




















Y:…but I’ll speak Banmal.




















H: Haha!




















So with the hubby’s strong objection Hyun’s Banmal is postponed…




















H: Okay.




















Y: Don’t forget your handbook.




















H: I’ll read it definitely.




















Y: Read my letter once more before going to bed.




















H: Okay, I will.




















While they’re apart, decide to solace themselves (?) with the handbook and reading…




















MC Kim: They won’t be able to see each other for a while after today.




















MC Park: That’s right.




















H: How should we do it?




















Y: Don’t pull your face back!




















And one more! An updated photo of each other to keep in their wallets…




















H: What?!!




















Y: You are the front.




















H: Okay!!




















A staff: One, two three.




















JW: Arms around the shoulders!




















MC Park: Well done!




















NY: Ah~!!




















H: I look better in this one, and you in that one.




















MC Park: What’s with their expressions?




















H: We really look like high schoolers, don’t you think?




















H (before saying good bye, trying to connect with him…?)




















Y: What are you doing?! Are you trying to do the (Avatar) connection? Are you an Avatar?!




















H: No! I just wanted to compare my hair colours to yours, whether it’s similar…




















Y: A connection tail(?), a connection tail!




















H: Haha!




















Good bye for now, only for a month~




















Y: When you miss Korea…?




















H: …Look at the photo!




















Yong hubby’s Asia Tour, Yong hubby in Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan, Shanghai…




















H: It looks like there are so many people out there!




















Hyun buin…in LA, Shanghai, Taiwan…   







































The Yongseo couple are busy with their international schedule…







































When we will meet each other again, how, where…







































And a month later…




















SO: It’s been a month!




















A day in Sep. Tokyo in Japan…







































Hyun receives a mission card parcel.




















H: What are so many in this?




















Mission Card: To Yong & Hyun, Since your Japan schedules are coincident, we prepared a day off for both of you. Go on a free trip to the place notified below.




















H: A free trip?




















MC Kim: In Japan?!!




















NY: Wow~




















SO: I always wanted to do that!




















MC Park: Do what?




















SO: Go on a trip abroad with a girlfriend.




















MC Park: Really?




















MC Kim: I’ll give you permission. Go next week!




















SO: With whom?




















MC Park: Jea!




















MC Kim: It’s up to you!




















NY: With Jea, Jea!




















Meanwhile, tired Yong hubby…




















Y:…Go on a free trip. Saitama hyun(a prefecture), Kawagoe si (a city)?




















H: Saitama hyun, Kawagoe si… a place of sweet potatoes…?!




















MC Park: A place of sweet potatoes?




















H:…A popular tourist spot with its well known history and culture, Kawagoe…




















(where) the traditional houses are still preserved and you can taste an atmosphere of Japan...




















H: A meeting place: Saitama hyun, Siki Station. 21st Sep, 8:30am.




















H: I go on a trip? Sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes!




















Y: Why are there so many Chinese characters? I can’t even read a Korean map very well…




















Yongseo bubu, go on a trip in Japan…







































A week later, a meeting place, Siki Station, 8:15am.




















MC Park: They meet in about a month!




















SO: Their hearts must be throbbing.




















Still quiet morning…




















NY: It’s like a scene in a movie!




















H: Ah~ what should I do!




















Y:Siki Station, Siki Station…




















Y: Where is the Siki Station?




















(A Japanese lady gives him an explanation)




















NY: Does he understand what they are saying?!




















NY (to Seulong): Can you speak Japanese?








































JW (in Japanese): Sushi is delicious!




















Japanese genius Jung Jin Woon?!




















MC Park: Sushi….Hahaha!




















MC Kim: Oh, not bad.




















Y: Nearly there. Hahaha! (Looking at a restaurant) A Set~




















8:25am Yong hubby arrives in the station




















H: Hello~




















Y: Are you inside the station or outside?




















H: Here….a rental car centre (Re-ta-ka)!




















Y: Okay, Mensaka!




















MC Park: Will he be able to find her? He misunderstood her Retaka to Mensaka.




















Y: Mensaka~




















(Hyun’s waiting for her hubby)




















He even asks to a Japanese…?




















Y: Excuse me, do you know where Mensaka is?




















A lady: (Men-sa-ka)??




















On a phone again.




















H: Then don’t hang up, I’m on my way.




















Y: There’ll be a sign written in Korean saying ‘The East Gate’.




















H: Hm?




















Y: Ah! At times like this! The battery is dead!




















MC Park: The battery is out!




















Hyun buin hurries to the station




















NY: This is exciting!




















H: Uh?!




















Hyun buin arrives in the station




















MC Kim: He was standing just there!




















Meanwhile, Yong hubby is waiting for her in the opposite side




















MC Park: No~!




















Y: Seo Hyun will find her way to here…. Why…? Because it’s Seo Hyun.




















MC Park: Like in a drama, they run towards each other shouting ‘Yoebo (honey, darling)~’ then hug!




















JW: Or approach without him (or her) noticing, then a back hug~




















Hyun buin comes inside the station




















H: He won’t be here…no, definitely not!




















At the end of this corridor, there’s her husband waiting for her!




















NY: Ottoke~




















H: Hm?!




















MC Kim: Did she see him?




















MC Park: She must have done!




















MC Kim: They saw each other!




















Y: Uh? Seo Hyun, right?!




















NY: They’re running towards each other!!




















Yong~ Hyun~ Finally the married couple meets!




















H: Where were you?




















Y: I’ve been just walking to-and-fro.




















MC Kim: At least hold her hands!




















NY: They should’ve hugged each other.




















Always one thing’s missing…




















Y: Here’s an apple juice you like.




















H: Ah~ Thank you.




















Y: And for me, a coke!




















H: Your hair is so long now!




















Y: It’s because they straightened it.




















H: Really?




















Y: Yes…




















H: I found you! Amazing~




















(backroom interview)




















PD: Yong hubby in a month…?




















H: His hair has gotten brighter and longer. And his face became a V-shape. I was really ha~ppy to see him again.




















Y: I have to make an analogy again…during the war, while being swept along in the crowd I let her hand go. So I didn’t know where she was, but finally met her again in a couple of days….that’s how I felt.




















H: Ah, Yoshinoya!




















Y: You’ve been there?




















Recommended in his guide book




















MC Park: He recommended her the ‘A set’ of that restaurant in his guide book.




















JW: Ah~




















H: No, I haven’t. Didn’t have a time.




















Y: If you didn’t have a time, now is the time.




















H: Now?




















Y: Yes.




















H: Now?!




















Y: Yes.




















A free trips starts from here…!




















MC Kim: I want to eat, too!




















MC Park: Wow~




















NY: What will it taste like?




















On the second floor…




















Y: ‘A Set’!




















H: Then I’ll have it, too.




















JW (in Japanse) : A set is delicious~




















Finally get to eat an ‘A set’!




















Y: You were in Oricon Chart (=billboard in the States) by the way~




















Y: I saw you in No.4.




















H: Did you? It feels amazing.




















Even in Japan, Yong hubby keeps track of his wife’s news




















JW: There were a big hit in Japan.




















MC Park: Yes, you’re right.




















A staff: Here’s your order, ‘A set’.




















Here comes ‘A Set'!




















MC Park: So this is the ‘A set’.




















Y: But you have to keep the balance of meat and rice while eating this.




















H: Haha!




















Y: And a sprinkle of…




















H: Is it hot?




















Y: No.




















MC Park: Because it’s not so expensive and filling, students like to eat Kyudong (what Yongseo’s eating).




















Y: Look at this meat!




















H: It’s tasty.




















Y: It’s good, isn’t it?




















H: Yes.  




















Y: What about the guide book I made for you?




















H: Ah, of course! I read it a lot.




















Y: Ah, really?




















H: Yes, I finally ate the ‘A set’.




















Y: (brings out toys) The kids were inside the house all day….




















MC Park: Here comes our Yong choding~




















Y: They should see the world, too.




















H: It’s been a while.




















Y: ‘Are you having fun?’ ‘I really like being outside like this!’




















Yong’s so vivid ventriloquism(?)




















Y: ‘Why aren’t you coming home?’




















And photos taken in the last month!




















H: Oh~




















Y: Kyah~




















SO: Keeps showing her pictures which he looks good in.




















And Hyun buin…




















H: And….




















Y: Are you deleting images?




















H: No, I’m not. I just pushed a wrong button.




















Y: Show me pictures already! Why you keep hiding them from me? Did you take pictures with other men?




















H: No.




















Y: No?




















H: I don’t know.








































H: This one is taken when I was in Trax’s music video.




















Y: Uh, I saw it.




















H: Did you? The song’s good, isn’t it?




















Y: Yes. I even met Jung Mo hyung.




















H: Really?




















MC Park: Jung Mo used to teach Hyun how to play guitar.




















Y: When we met for the first time, he suddenly said to me, ‘Yonghwa, I heard that you’re jealous of me.’




















H: Haha!




















Y: So I said it’s not that, I was only joking. And he said he’s joking, too.




















H: Then I’ll show you something else.




















H: Tada!




















A Trax’s album in question(?)!




















Y: Ah, this is why you had to wear a wedding dress.




















H: Yes.




















H: With Jay oppa and Jung Mo oppa.




















Y: Eyah~ You’re a goddess!




















H: Ah~




















Y (in Busan accent): Seo Hyu-i, you’re a goddess.




















Y: I have something to show you, too.




















Y: A brand new CD, Kyah~~~~~ It’s so cool.




















H: Woah~ Haha!




















H: It must’ve been tiresome while taking all these pictures.




















Y: No, it was a good fun.




















H: Was it?




















Y: Yes.




















Y: When you were in Oricon (chart), we’re there too.




















H: Ah, really?




















Y: You didn’t see it, did you?




















H: Daily? I didn’t know…




















Y: To be honest…I thought you know.




















H: Ah….




















Y: It’s okay, you have no reason to check it every day.




















But his eyes are somewhere far away…




















H: I’m sorry…




















Y: (Wasn’t our ‘pull and push’ over…?)




















H: I’ll take a good care of this (his album).




















Y: And are you giving this (Trax’s album) to me?




















H (nods)




















Y: No, I’ll buy mine.




















H: No, it’s okay.




















Y: No, I’m going to buy. I’m going to buy a new CD!




















H: Ah~ that’s good.




















Y: I’ll get an autographed one.




















H: Me, too.




















Eventually the couple starts their childish fight…




















H: I’ll get an autographed one, too!




















Y: I’ll get an autograph from him personally.




















H: Ha!




















It looks like today’s trip will become a really joyful one…




















Y (A dance move?)




















H: Haha! What’s that?




















MC Kim: But they look happy, since they’re not pressured.




















MC Park: It’s such a hard-earned day off.




















Now to Kawagoe!




















H: Everything looks alien!




















A subway trip!




















MC Park: I’ve been in a Japanese subway once, it was so confusing!




















MC Kim: It’s not easy.




















MC Park: They have to go Kawagoe on a subway, right?




















MC Kim: Yes.




















An experienced Yong hubby leads a trip!




















Y: Since it says go to No.1…




















To Hyun, everything is new.




















On the way to Kawagoe…




















H: Today’s going to be fun!




















Y: It feels like going to the countryside on a train in Korea.




















H: Yes!




















Later… arrived in the Kawagoe Station!




















Y: Let’s just go, there’ll be a way.




















But a minute later…




















Y: We came out to the wrong gate.




















Y: Here…




















(A staff shows him a direction)




















Finally in Kawagoe!




















MC Park: Are sweet potatoes of that place really delicious?




















MC Kim: Since they say it’s a place of sweet potatoes…




















JW: Wouldn’t there be many foods made in sweet potatoes?




















Simple…yet traditional Kawagoe’s streets….




















MC Kim: There’re all traditional Japanese houses.




















JW: They look beautiful.




















MC Park: Doesn’t it look like Insadong (in Korea)?




















MC Kim: It looks similar.




















Walking on a small, endless pavement…




















(Japanese ladies recognise Yong)




















H: Woah~




















Even in a small city, he’s popular!




















Y: It’s because of ‘You’re Beautiful’.




















Y: Uh, it’s sweet potato!




















Finally they found sweet potatoes!




















Y: Do you want a bowl of chestnuts?




















SO: Sampling foods!




















JW: No, it’s just display.




















It’s only a food model for display…




















H: It says this place is famous for sweet potatoes, right?




















Y: Yes.







































Thank you so much for writing this translation! I was able to follow raw video with your translation perfectly. No please, don't stop writing it. I love that you even put what the MC's were saying and not even some sub videos have everything the MCs say translated like you do Please keep writing it, if you can. Thanks again! :D





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1. the language issue, been wanting to address this but never did, so here goes...
















1.1 for seohyun, the language she uses does not dictate the degree of relationship. for her, the use of formal language (jondaemal) is a sign of respect. and it is her habit to speak the formal language to people older than her, to people her age and to people even younger than her whether she just met them or she's known them for years. and note that she only uses informal language (banmal) to people her age or people younger than her if and when she feels comfortable enough to drop the formal language. it was snsd's project to find seohyun friends of the same age in other idol groups but it took time for seohyun to drop the formal language with jinwoon from 2am and she later did because they are of the same age. in 2009, seohyun was still using the formal language with key of shinee despite being the same age and knowing each other for some time since they are in the same company. and seohyun still speaks the formal language to snsd whom she has known for years and considers as her sisters and her family - definitely can not get any closer than that. out of topic but in korea, families may have different values: a. husband and wife both speaks jondaemal, b. husband speaks banmal while wife speaks joendaemal, and c. both husband and wife speaks banmal. perhaps the difference in perspectives regarding which language to use for both yonghwa and seohyun stems from their respective families. anyway, so how can you tell seohyun's degree of relationship with the other party if she uses formal language to people she is close with and to people she is not close with? well seohyun's use of the formal language does not restrict her from speaking her mind and from showing her true self to people she is close with. snsd has said that seohyun speaks in the formal language but still she says whatever she wants to say and that seohyun has aegyo which she only shows to people she's close with. back to yong~hyun couple, if you watch their interactions from the first episode until the last episode regardless of the timeline, it is inevitable to notice that their interactions have progressed significantly. before, seohyun answers questions with ~de and just smiles shyly thus, making yonghwa frustrated because they could not have a proper conversation at all. through time though, seohyun began to talk more, share her thougths, and ask questions thus, making yonghwa flustered every now and then because it sometimes seems that seohyun says things without thinking about it such as asking yonghwa about his past relationships or asking if it smells in the cnblue's dorm because yonghwa's shoes are all over the living room floor and the like. seohyun finally speaking her mind more, observing her body language and watching her facial expressions in her interactions with yonghwa implies that she actually really feels comfortable enough with yonghwa to not censor her thoughts and her feelings. seohyun speaking her mind, body language and facial expressions with yonghwa - can not reiterate this enough but these says a lot regarding the status of yonghwa and seohyun's relationship in seohyun's perspective.
















people are expecting her to speak in banmal because people understands that for yonghwa, the use of banmal is supposedly a sign of closeness. but people should also understand that for seohyun, the language she uses is not a sign of closeness at all. it is not right for seohyun to entirely change herself for a guy (eventhough yonghwa is special!) but it is okay to compromise in some things and she is willing to do that in their relationship because seohyun is trying and working hard to give yonghwa what she thinks is important to him ~ that her speaking in banmal with him is an assurance to him that they are really close. and not saying that he should give up asking seohyun to speak in banmal with him because it seems it really is important to him, not that but it is just that yonghwa should understand seohyun's stance regarding languages ~ and realize that in fact she already thinks they are close despite of her speaking in jondaemal.
















1.2. people might be saying now, if it's that hard for seohyun to drop the formal language but why then is she suddenly speaking in banmal with her cnblue brothers-in-law? even yonghwa have this impression that this implies seohyun became closer with her cnblue brothers-in-law quite easily compared to him having to work hard for months for seohyun to become closer with him. but actually how seohyun interacted with her brothers-in-law basically shows how attached she feels to yonghwa. seohyun considers herself as married to yonghwa and thus consequently also considers cnblue as her family so she feels responsible in a way for her brothers-in-law to feel comfortable with her and to rid of the awkwardness - these are the reasons why she dropped the formal language with cnblue. does not really make sense? look at it this way, korea is a highly patriarchal society - the position of the wife in her husband's family is determined by her husband's position in the family. and furthermore, korea is also a hierarchal society - age and seniority matters. both of these concepts are evident in cnblue - yonghwa is the oldest and yonghwa officially is the leader now (jonghyun was the leader of cnblue in japan but yonghwa became the leader of cnblue in korea, and it is said that yonghwa will still be the leader for cnblue's overseas activities). seohyun is snsd's maknae but now she is also married to cnblue leader yonghwa so she feels the need to make an effort to establish a relationship with cnblue. and seohyun being yonghwa's wife - her status in relation to yonghwa elevates her in the cnblue family hierarchy despite the fact that essentially she is the outsider and well added to the fact that snsd debuted first compared to cnblue... that's a lot of walls between seohyun and other cnblue members - seohyun having cnblue's leader as her husband and snsd being senior to cnblue - which is why she purposely dropped the formal language with cnblue brother-in-laws ~ for them to feel comfortable around her and to rid of the awkwardness precisely because of yonghwa and because she thinks of herself as yonghwa's wife and consequently she thinks of cnblue as her family. if seohyun psychologically separates her wgm married life with yonghwa from her reality then she would distance herself and would not feel the need to establish any kind of relationship with cnblue at all. but obviously that is not the case because based on her actions she does feel and think that way - that she is married to yonghwa and that cnblue is now part of her family too.
















also seohyun speaking banmal with cnblue is another evidence why seohyun's use of a language is not really a sign of closeness with her. after the duet in their 200th day, seohyun suddenly said that she became closer to cnblue brothers-in-law that day despite her speaking in banmal with them for some time. and this is further implied when she told yonghwa during their cafe date that she deliberately used banmal with them the reason being not because she is close with them but for the situation to actually be comfortable and to rid of the awkwardness.
































2. other issues in general
















the push-and-pull situation, the 200th day gifts, the japan date and many others being lumped together as other issues in general is because most, if not all, of their issues can be attributed to their differences in personalities, characters and values which is further influenced by specific situations and circumstances which is essentially how a real relationship actually works - for both of them to know more about each other, for both of them to understand each other, for both of them to accept each other, for both of them to learn to compromise with each other, and for both of them to grow individually and together helping and inspiring each other to be a better person. therefore, there is really no other issues at all - just that their relationship is evolving.
















one example of their differences is how they keep track of each other. seohyun perhaps being a girl is more concerned with subtle changes in the person and not their activities because she commented that yonghwa's hair was longer and his v-line is more pronounced implying that he lost weight. while yonghwa perhaps being a guy is more concerned with facts and figures like ranking in the japanese oricon charts. during that time frame snsd had smtown concert tour, snsd concert tour, japanese debut and overseas performances - seohyun was probably overwhelmed with all the group and individual activities and traveling to at least four different countries every two weeks. and snsd (much like snsd fans who are not into jpop) is relatively new in the japanese music industry so perhaps seohyun may not have realized the importance of the japanese oricon while cnblue debuted in japan first before debuting in korea so yonghwa was already knowledgeable about the japanese charts and rankings. not excusing seohyun's lack of interest in yonghwa's activities but just pointing out that she is in fact keeping tabs on yonghwa albeit in a different way. snsd seohyun is not your typical girl - the should haves, would haves, could haves may not be applicable to her. also, she is still young and is still learning about being in a relationship what with this being her first relationship and 24/7 in the scrutiny of the public eyes at that. but snsd being vocal about yonghwa and seohyun's wgm married life and seohyun mentioning snsd's opinions and suggestions regarding her wgm married life is an assurance at least that seohyun receives insights about relationships and stuff.
















and said this before already but... judging with the progress in their relationship, whatever way yonghwa and seohyun choose to handle their relationship IS the right way for the both of them.
































japanese oricon charts are a little complicated - it's based only on physical cd sales updated daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly where both ranking and sales figures are considered important. and there are different kinds (singles, albums, music dvds, total dvds, etc.) and there are different types (general, foreign, indie, etc.). also it's doubtful snsd monitors the oricon site themselves, probably they are just told of the results. but snsd's schedule during that time frame is all over the place so that definitely is a factor in some way.
































seohyun is a little hard to figure out even for the people who do know her.

















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I just visit SNSD thread and i see this news
























SNSD Fan Signing schedule for Hoot
























11/9 7:00PM KST at ' 'Yongsan Children's Park mall' ► Jessica, Tiffany, Yuri, Sooyoung ◄
























11/9 7:00PM KST at 'Yongdeungpo Time Square' ► Taeyeon, Sunny, Yoona, Hyoyeon ◄
























thanks to silent_scream
























maybe about YongSeo (rumour) WGM filming it is true :wub:








sorry for my bad english blush.gif



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Guest wallpaperfood

aisnsd, i like your post so much but I've exceeded my "positive click" quota of the day and can't give you a green (+)...

Hence I'm posting to tell u how much I appreaciated what you said in your post. It's become very clear since you wrote from Seohyun's perspective, and I am quite in awe of your ability to back up your reasoning with substantial facts and examples. Bravo :)

Hopefully Yong has realised the things you pointed out! ^^. I think he has, regarding the banmal issue (although some say he didn't "let it go" with conviction, but I digress). You could be right about the Oricon chart, but it seems unlikely, as SNSD would have debuted in Japan with the aim of making it big, and to make it big, one needs to make it on to the Oricon chart. I'm sure the company manager would have prepped them up on the significance of ranking there. In addition, same (ex) company DBSK sunbaes also made it on to there, and I'm sure SM would have made a big deal about it/ at least everyone would have been aware.

So I'm inclined to believe that Seohyun was just too busy to follow up - not that she doesn't know the significance of placing among the ranks in Oricon. (OR hopefully, as some have pointed out, maybe she was just testing his reaction for her sake again....)

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Guest miel_1301

It feels like ages since the last time I posted something about my thoughts [this long] in the thread. Before anything else let me quote these two posts that I know are now buried deep in the pages of this thread as soon as I get to finish with mine.

his anology and hyun's wide arm gesture(in their darkroom interviews)

are enough (for me) on how they feel towards each other. :wub:

Oh... writing this stuff just makes my heart aches for them. How do they even sleep at nights. I know I'd want to hear my man's voice if I'd sang him a birthday song and given him a ring. Imagine having to express your feelings in codes because you don't get to see each other when you want to! She's wearing blue to tell him Hi! I miss you. He makes hand gestures and ring flashes globally knowing she would see the photos on the web. That's his way of letting her know he is keeping her with him wherever he travels to. My heart aches for them more now because at the end of it, these little awkward times of reconnecting once apart or jealousy spats or push and pull game tricks... you know what it all means??? To me- it means that their feelings for each other goes wayyyy deeper than they can express or say or show and these little times when we think they lack spark or have awkwardness? It's really not. The truth is there is SOOOO much TO say now because their bond and love has grown beyond what WGM should show so they have to "control & manage" their expressions. I saw it ALL in the way they ran toward each other in this last episode and then stopped cold. When he gave her the apple juice she likes, that is the same as saying "I've missed you more than I can say." When she gave him those books to read - it wasn't that she is not romantic or not thinking about what HE would want. No- it was the same as when he gave her the guitar because he wanted to share his love of it with her. Giving him books to motivate him when things get tough is so caring and God don't creep out.... but it's so mothering. If you really care and love your guy, you will have a bit of that mothering instinct in wanting to protect and nurture him. Her uniqueness is what he finds charming about her. He calls her "genius" because he admires her smarts. They have their own qualities and quirkiness that the other don't have and they dig that about each other. When he said that the tiger balm cures everything including a wounded heart. Oh God... that was not a dig... That was his way of saying "Not getting to spend more time with you, missing you, having you be upset at me breaks my heart." There was sooooo much coded love between them in this last episode, my heart needs an aspirin! It is aching and I hope that God is generous to them and join them in life as they deserve each other's hearts.

This mole hill was a hill filled with planted goguma love, not a cold mountain we sometimes see it to be. Believe with me. Yeah- Ahh...

I took the liberty of chopping these posts of these two gogumas, for me to use as my spring board to make a follow through. I hope you both wouldn't mind. You made me go out of my lurking mode.

crystalblue, I highlighted portions of your essay which you so eloquently and rhetorically put forth and which for me are worth re-emphasizing or reiterating. I was in fact initially wanting to quote your entire post, not wanting to delete any single detail. Like _d3seohyun, I found myself laughing while my eyes have gotten wet after reading your post. It was such a good read... a heart warming one.

Like you jnj, I personally give much credence to that blackroom interview [start of Japan episode] and which for me is enough, more than enough, to continue holding on to my faith for this couple. As I watched the raw vid clip of this episode and even before I got to read j2dlee's complete translation, I knew and I sensed that there is an aura that both Yong and Hyun have been exuding in their blackroom interviews. It was such a good aura to be missed or to be dismissed. And true enough, I got my validation of my impression after reading the translation. The very animated SeoHyun while describing how she felt when she saw YongHwa after 3 weeks, describing his grown colored hair and gesturing the v-shaped face, seemingly implying that Yong has lost some pounds, and her outstretched arms as she said, "I am very happy to see him".--- those were sufficient for me to clearly "read" SeoHyun. Now equally interesting, but not surprising for me, is YongHwa's own blackroom interview when he was asked the same question and he resorted [again] to making use of an analogy.

If only these two would be articulate enough in expressing their thoughts and feelings for each other as they come face to face with each other rather than revealing their emotions and sentiments openly, seemingly devoid of any inhibitions, in their own respective blackroom interviews, then everything would have been a "bed of roses". Exactly the reason why I personally pay closer attention to the demeanor of both YongHwa and SeoHyun in their interviews with the PD. These blackroom interviews are recorded after the filming of the episodes, so these give us much clearer and deeper insights into their own personal assessments of their own individual behavior and of their interaction with each other as a couple after having filmed their episodes.

I have, since the very start, made known through this forum my personal observation that YongHwa is someone who may not be very good, who is not very articulate in expressing himself through verbal language and so he makes use of written language to properly albeit accurately channel his emotions. He is a song writer--- a lyricist by nature. He has proven this through WGM in some instances, thus far, --- starting off with the YongSeo Notebook in an earlier episode which was then followed by two [not only one] letters to SeoHyun--- a birthday message addressed to her and, surprisingly, another one addressed to her mother. As if these hadn't been enough? He even made a follow through by giving a very detailed Journal as his present for their 200th Day Anniversary. I would like to think that the Journal contains more than what had been shown to us viewers. Its full contents had not been completely disclosed. I believe that it's more than just a survival guide in Japan for SeoHYun.

I have, time and time again, said that YongHwa is someone who doesn't resort to sugar coatings that more often than not serve to make statements appear to be too good to be true. But being an artist that he is, he makes use of analogies, metaphors, figures of speech in how he has been revealing his thoughts and sentiments, leaving one to marvel at what he has said and making one to read him between his every line.

Again he has proven this in not one but in a number of instances in the program. I remember in an earlier episode that he made use of "The mother feeling proud.." as a simile to an emotion that he was describing then. And I recall how such statement of his had been a topic of scrutiny amongst us gogumas. And then in the Ueno Juri episode, when the PD asked him to differentiate between the concept of "ideal girl" vis-a-vis a "wife", without batting his eyelid he firmly stated that an "ideal girl" is someone who possesses traits that he likes and that an "ideal is just an ideal". While a wife according to him as he said, "A Buin is someone whom who go on a Journey with...together." As if these hadn’t been enough? In the blackroom interview of the recently aired episode, he again made use of an analogy in response to the PD's simple question of how he might have felt upon seeing SeoHyun after 3 weeks. A simple question that could have been answered simplistically.

I have to quote this part of j2dlee’s translation as these, for me, are very interesting and significant statements disclosed by YongHwa in his blackroom interview.

Y: I have to make an analogy again…during the war, while being swept along in the crowd I let her hand go. So I didn’t know where she was, but finally met her again in a couple of days….that’s how I felt.

I am not surprised at YongHwa making use of a figure of speech once again [like he normally does] but I am rather surprised at the metaphor he used. I marvel at such wonderful analogy by which he encapsulated his feelings and I tried hard to read him between his every line. And in my attempt to do so, I arrived at this question in my mind, “Is YongHwa implying that “letting go of SeoHyun’s hand” --- that losing SeoHyun--- would be a “matter of life and death” for him? YongHwa, you have never failed to challenge this old-timer goguma with your "puzzles" and "enigmas".

I still hold on firmly to my belief that there's more than what meets my very own eyes, so that for me to even attempt at making my own conclusive interpretations, moreso rendering judgements, basing them on a "20-minute span of time" once a week that I get to watch this couple, would be rather unfair for both individuals.

I concur with you crystalblue when you said, "There was sooooo much "coded love" between them in this last episode".

---"The Tiger Balm being a "cure all" medicine even to his bruised heart"--- YongHwa had been very much aware of the repercussions brought about by their mildang episodes which he initially started causing SeoHyun to be unhappy and be hurt and which eventually left him with a bruised heart as well.

---Yong's parting words to SeoHyun asking, “What will you do if you miss Korea?" and to which SeoHyun spontaneously replied, "I will look at the photos".

---And Oh! I shouldn’t miss his incomplete statement when he said, "You may not understand this, no, you can’t understand… but…" --- such maybe a puzzling, incomplete statement for us viewers but to which SeoHyun in a rigid-manner of banmal retorted, “I understand!”. Yong Hwa, ensuring that his message will be clearly read and understood by SeoHyun, concluded their talk by him saying, “ Don’t forget the handbook. Read my letter once more before going to bed". And to which SeoHyun reassuringly said, “Okay! I will.”.

Clearly, they have their own "language" that could only be comprehensible to both of them.

I am, likewise, inclined to believe that such “CODED LOVE” [Oh! I love this term of yours, crystalblue] they manifest within WGM somehow is transcended even beyond the confines and context of WGM --- to name only a few would be:

---the wearing of the "couple rings" consistently and faithfully by both SeoHyun and YongHwa even in their individual performances and appearances outside of WGM. THE RING that has turned a majority of gogumas so obsessed with due probably to the frequency in seeing them wearing it as a testimony of their commitment as a couple, albeit in a pretend context.

---SeoHyun’s current preference for blue in her choice of her dresses, seemingly making a very bold statement--- a demeanor that is not very SeoHyun.

---and just very recently in an episode of Running Man, YongHwa in his exasperation of not being able to guess the tune being played blurted out, “Tell Me Your Wish”. I didn’t see this as rather intentional on his side as he did so after quite some time, and only after having been so frustrated in not being able to take the clues from the other cast of the program.

Skeptics [for the lack of a better term] can very well argue that all these may be part of a marketing strategy--- to promote themselves as a WGM couple. I have not intended since then, and up and until now, to dispute such possibility. However, the probability of "IT" being otherwise--- that "ALL" these could be, in reality, not a part of a grand marketing scheme--- should never be discounted.

In hindsight, if my memory serves me right, Seohyun started wearing blue just this September during the Premiere of “Despicable Me”. Then it was followed through in a number of instances. It seems rather belated for me if indeed it is a promotional strategy. However, I am not implying that one can undoubtedly make a categorical nor a conclusive statement from SeoHyun’s sudden manifestation of her penchant for the color “BLUE”. But, likewise, it couldn’t be dismissed completely and totally as something insignificant.

To end my post let me quote your intro to your essay crystalblue...

“While I DO appreciate having this thread to read often and love it just as often, I do think some times, maybe we "drill down" on Yongseo's mole hills and make them in to mountains.”

I share the same sentiment as yours.

In our weekly routine of watching, viewing this couple in WGM, it seems like quite a number in this thread have started to build their expectations of this couple--- and expectations that seem to be mounting. So that if one of them or both of them fail to deliver in the way and in the manner people expect them to have delivered------ discontentment and dissatisfaction set in. People may have become unmindful that in the course of setting up such expectations, standards that are bound to be dictated by ones own preferences, prejudices and biases are likewise set.

This may come as an unsolicited advice, but let me spill my piece nonetheless...

Let us not watch...Let us not view the YongSeo couple within the confines of WHAT and HOW we want to see them because, clearly and undoubtedly, they are in their OWN, UNIQUE "Journey in life... Together" ...very much different from our own.

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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































@aisnsd, Thank you for your amazing post... It really helped me understand SeoHyun more.






























































































































































































































Honestly, i was never really bothered with the language issue.






























































































































































































































That's Seohyun for you, polite and respectful. As much as i want to see her speak banmal with Yong,






























































































































































































































I definitely don't want her to do something that's making her uncomfortable.






























































































































































































































If she wants to speak banmal with him, I'd want her to do it in her own accord.






























































































































































































































As far as i know in korea, in more traditional couples, men/husbands use banmal while women/wives  use jondae.






























































































































































































































Maybe she really does see herself as Yong's wife, that's why she's speaks in jondae with him.






























































































































































































































With the last episode, i think Yong already understands Hyun. That's why he said it's ok that she doesn't use banmal with him.  

































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I totally agree with aisnsd thought about this couple...just think that both of them have totally different personality, Yong Hwa is a very open, cheerful and don't forget to mention that he has this dating experience before whilst on the other hand Seo Hyun is so pure and innocent..yes she is very famous but she's started her career since she's still very young so I think he spend most of her teenage time with working and school..no time for romance..so she's very 'blind' about this whole dating thing.

Lots of people here think that Yong doesn't act the same like he did at the beginning, I mean the way he used to smile when Seo Hyun is near him..the way his giggled and everything...but let me put it like this...well this is my personal thought..I think at the beginning of this relationship, Yong acted like her fans not like a boyfriend/husband (I remember he's expression when he knew that Seo Hyun is his wife and he reacted like one of her fans - once again this is only my thought)..and as the time goes by he realized that she's a girl..I mean not a famous girl but a girl that's close to him and accidentally his wife..so he started to treat her as his wife..well the main reason why I love this couple because they are so different with the others..they build this relationship from zero!

And since they experienced lots of thing together..Seo hyun became more expressive and we and even her unnies noticed that she's became more mature and she's even joking around while she's with Yong! and top of it she's doing the avatar thing with her hair...! I can't forget Yong's expression when she did that! she even lied that she just want to checked if their hair have the same colour :)

Anyway..I just want to share what I have in my mind..I love all the gogumas here! you are all Daebak!! ^^

keep posting about yongseo couple... ^^


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Hi, why do I get the vibes that when I mentioned that Hyun shouldnt have shown the Trax album to Yong, that some folks here got very upset and defensive? Cant we love someone and yet be critical?












I can tell you 10 points why I love about Yong and Hyun but I can equally point out 10 areas why I dun like them, but overall I still love them. That is where I stand, I am a realist.












My point is, if my boyfriend show me a pix of him taken with another girl especially in wedding outfit, I will be quite upset and rather not see it. So I am saying that if Hyun do really step into Yong's shoes she should have considered this point. If she is showing him as a piece of job/work that she has done, then I accept that as well. If she is just treating him as a friend or partner at work and showing him the album as another job that she has done. Then thats fine as well.












My point is, Yong already know that and have seen the photos on the handphone, no need to keep bringing up this Trax thing.












Yep I guess writing this, will get me bashed up again. But well, I just feel that I need to speak my mind.


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@qwenli Don't feel upset, nobody was bashing You ;D i hve not read any negative post that personally attack your point of view. People here are sharing their personal view. So every poster should be aware that not everyone Will have The same opinion as you (i am not referring to qwenli Only) By sharing your opinion On open forum means You have to be open minded because You cant see The other party's expression hence positive post could be viewed negatively depending On your own interpretation of The writer's intention. So cheer up OK. Don't be offended. Anyway i personally think that The Photo On The CD maybe different from The Photo that she had On her handphone because The Photo In The CD was taken By professional photographer. She may want To show her pretty Photo to her husband. But again This is My opinion Only ;)





Ah i am seriously hoping for wgm shooting tomorrow So that we can spazz On it ^_^


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Guest noinimod




i kinda got the feeling that hyun showed the trax album only because she wanted him to compliment her on how she looked in the dress. Maybe i'm wrong, cos I don't remember yong ever telling hyun directly that he finds her beautiful and stuff like that, so maybe there's that part of hyun that yearns for her hubby to say that.




i love hyun's reaction in the backroom interview when she was asked how it felt to see him after a month. Her face lit up like a bulb and she smiled SO brightly. i think that's very telling



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