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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392




OMG vanilla88 that pic you posted is daebakk!!!!!!


God I am supposed to be sleeping but I can't stop spazzing over the latest ep (and I haven't even watched it because I'm using my itouch and the battery is about to end)!!!


Seriously this two make my heart flutter :wub:


What did you think of the latest ep? Of yong's gifts?


They looked so young wearing thei school uniforms.


I really can't wait until Shane or soleil share some gifs and d3seohyun some screencaps of the latest ep!!!! Or any amazing Goguma!


I wonder what does Hyun think of boys now ;) hehehehehe :lol:


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Guest lingzw87






hey my goguma lovers!!


i finished watching the raw cuts from sweet potato days blog...


i have to say the episode is DAEBAK!!!!! i love their staring moments... it seems that they are communicating silently... love how their eyes seem to sparkle when they are looking at one another...


the concert part was real cute... but for me the best scenes start from the time they enter the house... haha they are so cute... and i swear in their own way they love each other.... i mean i would like to think that way... haha 


both of them are so cute and sneaky the way they prepare their surprises to one another... i think for Yong is is a give away... you love her... i mean no guy will remember such small details like the small talk on the way to the driving centre unless they have feelings for the girls... Yes... they look real cute in their school uniforms... haha 


the restaurant scene eating the ice thing was cute... she looks so pretty and he so handsome... *apologies... i was spazzing like a mad woman...* thank god i am along in my room with my laptop... they are too cute already... the book was so sweet... Seriously... they never fail to surprise me and leave me spazzing like crazy...


haha yes she went to the concert and there is PROOF... my friend owe me 20 bucks now cause she thinks is just a rumour... no evidence at that point when the news was out... i am real happy to know that she went cause she wants to support her hubby and not for the sake of WGM... 


PD-Nim... why are you so mean to us?!?!? i really wanted to know what was her gift to hubby Yong... sighzzz looks like it is another week's wait... but no fret... inki is tomorrow... even though they could not act like a married couple but hopefully there will be interactions cause usually they will interview the new performers right?? Yong's wish coming true tomorrow... to see his wife dance a whole song in front of him... hopefully our Korean goguma lovers will be there to capture fancams or something?


sorry for an essay... just spazzing like mad... off to watch the raw cuts again!! *whee!!*





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Guest MoonHeeTae


annyeong oppa eonnie..:lol:

I'm a newbie here..^^

May i just ask, why is We Got Married not airing on MBC? nd TVU wont open..

Where could I watch its livestreaming?



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Guest Crystal392




Archedlover: seriously thanks a million for your translations <3 hehehe sooo sneaky of Yong~ tosend her look for his socks :P


And thanks to the one who shared screencaps. Seriouslythis two are super cute :wub:


^ Dear WGM is already over, but YongSeo cuts have already been uploaded at YT and the links were posted on the previous page. Hopefully someone will post it on this page too so it will be easier for some Gogumas to find it :)


Btw, happy 1300 page ^______^


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Guest SophiaPia

wow! thanks armedbattle for the translations :) we will wait for continuation kamsahamnida.

Wifey Hyun is a good actress pretending she don't know their 200 anniversary :) and hubby Yong really trap on that acting kekeke! both got same idea's SURPRISES none stop surprises wub.gif that story book that wifey Hyun made and gave to hubby Yong on their bday's and this scrap book that hubby Yong made to wifey Hyun U CAN'T BUY THAT :) IT'S REALLY SPEACIAL AND COMING FROM THEIR HEARTS AND U REALLY CAN SEE HOW THEY FELT BOTH RECEIVING THAT GIFT. SWEETNESS. TOTALLY SWEETNESS. Watching raw epi many times now :) 

wow! Qwenli that info about YongSeo father really makes me wow! for me i read here last time that Yong's father he is a doctor but only now i found out Hyun's father is a intellectual property rights lawyer w00t.gif YongSeo couple are so blessed. And both really down to earth. 

Cheers to all

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Since I can´t give you points anymore (reached my limit) I´m going to spazz hahaha. I love love love this ep so much ^^:wub:, I was missing as hell their lovey dovey way and today was just daebak!!!
































































































































































































So, now we have evidence about Hyun going to CNBlue concert!!! squeeeeeeeeeeeeee, although I think yong´s face was sufficient enough that day hahaha :phew:.
































































































































































































Thank you gogumas for bringing the picture, thanks for translation, for the links, thanks for screencaps, the gif up there, and everything!!!
































































































































































































I´m so Happy, Yong is so cute, he loves her, HE LOVES HER, how can he become that shy in front of a shy girl?. and after the bday episode he started with his nervous gestures again (like touching his hair) arrrrrrgggggggggg this boy, seriously... he IS in love ♥
































































































































































































and Hyun, can you see the SWEET look in her eyes?, now she is the one who leads their relationship, she can make him nervous! In the couch he was like, please, don´t get close to me ♥... Hyun, please listen to your unnies, acept their help now!!!
































































































































































































I almost forget about gifts... Yong... what can I say... you are sweet sweet sweet!!! and Hyun, could her presents be all the things that she has bought to him, but has been keeping with her  because she was "ungry"???? arrgg I don´t know :rolleyes:.
































































































































































































Can´t stop spazzing!! off to watch it again ^^
































































































































































































greets gogumas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

































































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Guest anne0129



Did anybody posted Yong's schoolmates comments on him? I just saw it on Baidu. Apparently Yong's dad is a Chinese doctor and they are quite well off. Hyun's father is a intellectual property rights lawyer. Now we know where Hyun got her IQ from! Sounds like a good match to me! :D








Sorry for cutting your post....Wow!!! Did not know that Hyun's father is a lawyer. I knew Yong's dad was rumored to be a doctor but what do you mean by Chinese doctor? Yong is of Chinese descent? :unsure: Wow!!! They do came from good family.....Gosh! I am loving this episode more and more. I want a Yong in my life too....(My bf will kill me for this :sweatingbullets: )



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when yongseo were leaving the house for the date, camera zoomed to the 2

soft toys on the sofa.

did anyone see that?

the yellow elephant leaning against the blue one.

is PDnim telling us something? ;)

feel free to use our imaginations, gogumas...

as for me...its a way of telling us,

that yongseo is indeed very close now... :w00t::wub:

i can't stop laughing at the part where yong getting all shy while

taking out the photobook!

is this the same yong who can rock the stage with his charisma? :lol::w00t:

armedbattle, hug u for fast translations.

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Happy 1300th page! I also wish that will reach 2000, 3000 pages, until forever. :)
































































































































































































































































First of all, thanks to the Chinese Gogumas! You are unbelievable!!!
































































































































































































































































Second, thanks to the pollykpy for posting what our Chinese Gogumas discovered. That's why I keep on coming back to this forum. Small things that I miss are being captured by people here and those are actually the ones that make the YongSeo couple real.
































































































































































































































































Third, thanks armedbattle fort the quick translation. (and BTW, i really like your name!)
































































































































































































































































So, yes! Hyun really came to Yong & CNBlue concert.
































































































































































































































































jnj is right, the photo signifies something since it was candidly taken.
































































































































































































































































Seems like there was no WGM around to film the event.
































































































































































































































































There were no leaked photos of Hyun attending the concert meaning they were really careful not to make it public.
































































































































































































































































This precious picture was not even focused by PDnim, instead the framed scene actually slide fast to Hyun's turning of the next page.
































































































































































































































































Of course, Hyun already met Yong's parents and brother.
































































































































































































































































So, what proof do we still need?
































































































































































































































































I'm sure we are all in the same page! :w00t:
































































































































































































































































I hope there are no WGM BTS of Hyun watching the concert because that is more meaningful for us. THAT. IS. REAL. :wub:

































































































































































































































































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i like the way seo hyun checks yong hwa with the uniform..hehe :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































such a sweet guy..he remembers what her buin told him..
































































































































































































































































































































seo hyun was showing her aegyo..teasing yong to look the notebook.. :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































what i like more is that eating bapingsoo...ahh...sharing together... :w00t: .(saliva)..hahah..
































































































































































indirect kiss!... :wub:

































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i'm dying while watching today's episode..
































































































oh gosh, can Yong be any cuter and sweet?his scrap book is PRECIOUS..It's much more valuable than any expensive gifts..
































































































honestly, generally guy really dislike doing something handmade like what Yong made..
































































































they only do this kind of things if they have enough patience and that someone is really SPECIAL to them..
































































































look at how much effort he put in the scrap book considering how crazy his schedule are..
































































































i don't want any other gifts if i received that scrap book from Yong..
































































































he's trying his best to help and provide something useful but meaningful at the same time for hyun who will start promotions in Japan..that is so BF material^^
































































































i died when i saw the pic of him wearing the necklace with SH's pendant( which he draw on his pic),that's a HUGE and BOLD statement..
































































































giving someone a necklace means marking someone as his( that's what he did by giving the butterfly necklace to hyun)
































































































but drawing a necklace with SH's pendant is more or less stating that he belong to hyun..HYUN'S PROPERTY..
































































































how OBVIOUS is that..yah, Jung Yonghwa, you REALLY REALLY LIKES HYUN DON'T YOU? :wub:
































































































Hyun is really considerate considering how she still attend Yong's concert even when she still mad at him..and she still prepared gifts( big box) for him..
































































































ah, she's glowing in this episode..
































































































she must really like the fact that Yong prepare a school uniform date for her..
































































































she really wish to go play at night with school uniform and she can't before due to her being an artist at such early age..
































































































Yong fulfill her every wishes..he is indeed HER GENIE.. blush.gif
































































































Hyun is so playful in this episode..haha..she's teasing Yong..
































































































Yong was so cute being so shy..
































































































haha..now our couple are playing role reversal? :w00t:
































































































































































































ah i forgot one thing that i want to say..This is based on my own observation and analogy..
































































































you know how OBSESSED Yong with STARS?
































































































I think it's relates to Hyun..Hyun is his OWN STAR..star reminds him to SEO JOO HYUN^^
































































































Lovelight talks about how his love sparkles brightly on the sky..to the point it blinding him
































































































what thing sparkles on the sky?STAR
































































































and i noticed on the pic with Yong's pic from YAB and his drawing of hyun during OH with the no 11, the pic pointed to hyun's drawing..
































































































and on Yong's pointed hand in the pic,there is a STAR!! :phew:
































































































subtle confession anyone?

































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Guest Cjbaby12


Hello fellow gogumas!!! For those who missed the live stream here are the uploaded videos from youtube in case it hasn't been posted.

Credit: Latz1323




Enjoy and Spazz on!!!!!!! :)


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Guest constantia11






^ Dear WGM is already over, but YongSeo cuts have already been uploaded at YT and the links were posted on the previous page. Hopefully someone will post it on this page too so it will be easier for some Gogumas to find it :)




Btw, happy 1300 page ^______^






FOr all gogumas who haven't seen our Yongseo cuts

Yongseo cut 1

yongseo cut 2

yongseo cut 3



I want to spazz with you guys, but I'll wait a little bit later. happy spazzing Gogumas!!!


edit: credit to diodano1



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Guest xxraqSTAR

I hope there are no WGM BTS of Hyun watching the concert because that is more meaningful for us. THAT. IS. REAL. :wub:

(sorry to cut your post :))

i agree with you, with no WGM BTS it only means that hyun came to their concert on her own like.. without any missions

and it means they meet up without any cameras around them ^^

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d_, not only did hyun checking on hubby, she is soo obvious in doing that,

BUT did u see yong's eyes checking out wifey too.

(your 2nd cap)

see those eyes doing a quick check from wifey's glowing face to her smooth long legs?

i think yong should not be afraid of hyun's unnies cause by now, not only is hyun smitten by hubby, but i think the rest of snsd too...how can they not be...

so much to spazz abt i dont know where to stop.. :lol:

btw, d_, are u related to d3, since your caps are as daebak as hers...

and i'm with u abt the saliva thing...

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Yea. I'm really happy that it wasn't a WGM event. Seohyun simply went to the CN Blue concert because to support Yonghwa and not to film content for WGM. That makes it an even happier thing (even though we the fans of the couple don't get to see it) it makes he happier for their off-screen relationship (even if it just means friendship and not relationship).


BTW, wasn't this the concert that Yonghwa's parents attended? So I wonder if she did meet his parents...


Looking at the translations posted earlier this part cracked me up


"Seohyun! Annyeong! Your friend, Our friend, The friend Jungshin!" ans Seouhyun burst out laughing as well. LOL the natinal friend Jungshin!


lol. Jungshin-chingoo is like his official name now from WGM. I love how even the hosts call him that.



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Sorry for cutting your post....Wow!!! Did not know that Hyun's father is a lawyer. I knew Yong's dad was rumored to be a doctor but what do you mean by Chinese doctor? Yong is of Chinese descent? :unsure: Wow!!! They do came from good family.....Gosh! I am loving this episode more and more. I want a Yong in my life too....(My bf will kill me for this :sweatingbullets: )
















dear anne0129, i was going to leave for a late dinner when i spotted your post. :) Just a short note for clarification. I'm pretty sure Yonghwa & his dad are Koreans (but then again most asians originated from China many moons ago), but his dad could be practicing TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) which makes him a Chinese Doctor/Physician. You can read more here if u're interested: TCM Background






























































This week's episode seemed really short but it was a whole episode with Epic Sweetness. Exactly like our YongSeo couple who spend so much effort on each other in the midst of their busy schedule. I'm really so happy that they met each other. Off for my dinner. Will be back to read more spazz posts later. Thank you all for your lovely YongSeo goodies! :wub:






























































Edit: Why in the world did i get a thumbs down in soompi? :unsure: I'm pretty sure i didn't violate soompi rules. It's getting pretty stressful to post here these days. Maybe I should stick to tweetville instead.






























































2nd Edit: It could have been a case of accidental clicking 'coz i received a msg on this. You know who u are & I'm grateful that you made the effort to drop me a msg on this. blush.gif I'm really touched by our goguma community here & on tweetville and hope things will go back to the way it always was in soompi.






























































armedbattle thank u for your baidu translations. I teared at Yong's message to Hyun on the last page. Hwaiting on your exams preps! Hope to see u back here after u're done with your As. ^_^

















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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun's present look very impressive. Such a big box!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think when Yong opened it, he will be overwhelmed.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Actually I can see Yong's true self slowly coming out, when Hyun kept pretending that she doesnt knw that it is their 200 days. He was not his usual bubbly outspoken/joking around personality.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I know, right? It was a big box! :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When I watched that scene earlier as Hyun puts the slim notebook gift into her bag, I was like, "Aww man, Yong, what a gift!" :wub: Then Hyun pulled out that big blue box and I was like, :w00t: "WOAH, WHAT A GIFT!!" :lol: Are they trying to outdo each other??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The thing with Hyun is, when she receives something that moves her (gifts, a caring gesture, a thoughtful remark...), she tends to give back three-fold. Look what happened to that birthday episode when she pulled the works.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now, I'm wondering even more what her gift will be. Maybe she made an album of 200-pages full of photos, quotes or snippets of memory. Bwahahhaha! (Vivid imagination mode: ON)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And that backstage pic at the concert is definitely DAEBAK! Like what @baby_bo said, that photo pawned it all!! :D:lol:

































































































































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I've been thinking a little more about this confirmation of Hyun attending the concert. Hyun was "maybe" a little irritated with Yong for not calling or texting her, the whole push/pull stuff, but she wasn't about to let that get in her way of her making a good impression on Yong's parents. More so in Korea than America where I'm from, and Koreans who would know better than me please correct me if I'm wrong, but when a girl puts herself in the presence of a boy's parents it means something doesn't it?

Notice too Yong buying Hyun's mother a gift and writing a letter. It's as if both are trying to hint to the parents in their own little ways we like each other, so parents why don't you get together and promise us together, we'll dutifully obey our parents! LOL

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