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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest tinybeatingheart

I seriously miss these episodes.


Watching it right now. wink.gif Ah, I want the 8 SNSD unnies on We Got Married. It'll be fun, I guess. CNB is always wth them. Right? And, yes. I miss these episodes, their being lovey dovey. keke~~ Seriously, I want these episodes rather than the skinship episode nowadays. They are more sweet and innocent here wub.gif

Now playing: Seohyun and Tiffany's cover of Britney's 'Sometimes.'

The lyrics kinda suits our Yongseo couple. wub.gif

Sometimes - Britney Spears

You tell me you're in love with me 

Like you can't take your pretty eyes away from me 

It's not that I don't want to stay 

But every time you come too close I move away 

I wanna believe in everything that you say 

'Cause it sounds so good 

But if you really want me, move slow 

There's things about me you just have to know 

Sometimes I run 

Sometimes I hide 

Sometimes I'm scared of you 

But all I really want is to hold you tight 

Treat you right 

Be with you day and night 

Baby all I need is time 

I don't wanna be so shy 

Every time that I'm alone I wonder why 

Hope that you will wait for me 

You'll see that you're the only one for me 

I wanna believe in everything that you say 

'Cause it sounds so good 

But if you really want me, move slow 

There's things about me you just have to know 

Sometimes I run 

Sometimes I hide 

Sometimes I'm scared of you 

But all I really want is to hold you tight 

Treat you righ 

Be with you day and night 

Baby all I need is time 

Just hang around and you'll see 

There's nowhere I'd rather be 

If you love me, trust in me 

The way that I trust in you 

Sometimes I run 

Sometimes I hide 

Sometimes I'm scared of you 

But all I really want is to hold you tight 

Treat you right 

Be with you day and night 

Baby all I need is time

If you wanna watch their cover, it's here -> LINK

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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































































































































wowww !!! If kyuhyun appears on the WGM episode, yong would totally be jealous. But i think he would also be quite uncomfrtable and not himself because they are both from the same company so they are like brothers and sisters but at the same time kyu and hyun did hold hands.
































































































































































So it would be a conflict relationship except yong would still have to treat him nicely since they are kinda brothers ish, if you get what i mean
































































































































































But i duno if he does appear, would yong be more outspoken to try and get hyun's attention or would he be more closed off and just try and stay silent, so he doesnt get into any trouble :SS hmm im confused
































































































































































On the good side, i think kyu's appearance would reveal to hyun her true feelings about yong and let her know how much she does care for him and like him. I would also hope she understands the different feeling between her husband and what she feels for her fellow co-worker i.e. the LOVE she has for YONGGGG !!!!
































































































































































Please update us with any new news about this rumour or activities by either yong or hyun. BTW hyun looked soo beautitful at the G20 she is lookig rpettier and prettier every day
































































































































































They say a person shines when they are in love hehehe :wub:
































































































































































Has iSUBS subbed running man episode 11 yet???

































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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































































































































































































I understand that the rumor came from Soshified, but where is their source? Did they see it? I won't believe anything without some sort of proof. But, that will make an interesting episode.. Yo~ng will be very jealous and he'll make sure to shield his buin even more! So, if it's true.. it's a good thing! I don't worry about Seohyun because I don't think she likes Kyu that way.. they're more like siblings.

































































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Guest Faith_memory
















































































to avoid getting a warning again, and to avoid our thread to close, let's talk more. okay? ♥ ahaha let's fangirl more! or spazz more. and let us do this in paragraphs to make sure we don't get warnings anymore. hehe everyone panicked. ♥ is it one more warning and we're closed?. welcome to new gogumas!! ♥♥♥ and anything related to yongseo can be posted here i think. spotted couple rings and stuffs.
















































tinybeatingheart wow, pretty gifs thanks. yeah, those days.. lol. look at them now. hmm, for me i prefer the yongseo today, haha! ♥ more interesting and exciting things happening these days. and more emotions are showing. but yeah, those past episodes are really cute and innocent. haha ♥ i'am really waiting for hyun to show new kinds of emotions. ♥
















































gosh thanks for those pretty gifs. can anyone make a gif of yongseo in the couch, after one month of not seeing each other. the part where yong keeps on bumping his head to hyun's shoulder. thanks!! ♥

















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Guest soshisoshisoshi




just want to post something that I found from the latest episode...... Do you guys notice that seobaby was actually speaking in banmal in some conversations (not all though). is that a prove she herself cannot deny that she is very close to yong??


try watch the part when they were practicing at home...... feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. CHEERS phew.gifphew.gifphew.gif




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haahah woolly~!! yo lady~! kekekeek u must've have had a fair share of goguma blast during the kpop concert eh! jealous much here!!! xD it's wokeh! we're the opposite in a similar way... me slow in tweetville & u vice versa xD will spy on ya guys in tweetville when i'm more free ;)

winnieho~!! it's been a long time since i saw ur post! LOVE UR POST! well, after rewatching ep28 many times, i've to say... hyun seems like the type to get angry over something important to her for a longgg time eh. umm i guess most of us ladies do anyway :P we're the more sensitive & sentimental being >.<

soshisoshi, haha thanks for the lyrics! after i went thru' the Hoot lyric.. omigosh! could it be??? they wrote it based on hyun's feeling, or even better... hyun wrote the lyric herself! :w00t: hahah if it's really based on hyun's feeling, i wonder if it's true that yong looks at other girls! ahh could it be that interview with him & jokwon where one of sulli's friend told the MC that according to sulli, yong kept on looking at her during his performances in inkigayo! KYAAAAAAA u're busted, yong! xD sulli could've told hyun too wahahaha... ahh that's just an assumption though!

awww tinybeatingheart, thanks so much for the gifs~! am saving them :wub: btw, britney's SOMETIMES kinda fits yongseo's situation eh kekeeke


shawie, once posted, the only thing u could do is edit. generally, only admins are able delete posts. hope that'll help :)

kubih: hahaha good one there! but who knows u may be correct! LOL

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wollylamb...anneyeong :wub:
















I am not offended at all with what you posted pages while back so please don't get me wrong blush.gif
















By the way, may I ask, how I can remove or delete a post?  I did some back reading and I saw that one of my post got a couple of red marks, I'd like to remove it to avoid getting more marks.
















Thank you.































shawie829: Annyeong! :)






























































I don't see a delete button anywhere, so the next best thing is to amend your post, let me know which page it's on & I'll give your amended post a thumbs up. I'm sure other gogumas will help too.






























































you might want to use this as an img in your post and enclose it in img tags. I'll remove this spoiler once you fix your post. Change the word "url" within the [] square bracket to "img", both at the front & back of the link.





























































































Credit: fyseohyun tumblr














































feel free to use other images/artwork which u find better. :D






























































here's Yong's beautiful wife in the recording studio with her unnie:






























































Credit: seo-tae-ny tumblr

















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Guest Faith_memory
















































































FallenAnjewl hmmm kyuhyun in WGM for yongseo?? hmm.. rumor huh.? i think that episode would be interesting. I have a feeling that Yong will just be cool with it.. haha! dunno why i think it that way. and Hyun will be just worried about what her husband thinks. ahaha! ♥ for what i think, cn blue members are the threat in yongseo.. hahaha! ♥ i think Yong thinks that his members are dangerous. haha, hyun calls his members oppa, but she never calls yong an oppa. cn blue brothers are much of a threat than kyuhyun, i think. XD
















































uh-ohxev yeah, i seriously think that Hyun will easily pick Yong over Kyuhyun. hahaha! ♥

















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Guest Faith_memory
















































































credits to nika-pl's tumblr
































































































yong being such a kid.. ♥ ahaha! he wants to be CLOSER hy~un!!! lol. ♥ let him please! lol, yong is so obvious in some points isn't he? he is trying his best to be close to his wife. ♥ i wish, he won't get tired and just keeps on doing his best to get his wife. on the couch he even said the closer thing, but hyun just won't admit it. haha! ♥ push and pull thing sucks!! haha! ♥
































































































yong keeps on giving us interesting expressions, huh.? such an eye-candy.! ♥ i just hope that they will understand each other more.. lol, im getting worried all of the sudden!! ♥
































































































credits to: ivananagrapes on tumblr.

















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in fact kyuhyun already did make an appearance in wgm last saturday. yup, i'm pretty sure he did but in the picture of article posted in the internet during the scene where seohyun mentioned about the holding hands part with kyuhyun to yonghwa. okay, i'm sorry about me lame joke.
















p/s: the couple are doing well together without having an outer interference to spice things up. they manage to create their own drama after all to entertain us.
















@Faith_memory i'm sorry but you have posted a double posts (where the 2 of your posts appeared continously on the thread) which is not allowed by the rules too. please just edit the first post without posting a second one next time. thank you.





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Guest Faith_memory
















































































kubih wahahahaha! that joke! lame!! haha! ♥♥♥ but still! ♥ oh.. double posts? but i posted different things in each posts.. that's not allowed?? from what i have experienced. double posts with SAME contents are not allowed.?♥
































































































awww this gif here is really.. ♦ yong, hold on to your wife..!! fighting! ♥
































































































i wanted to post more, but.... no one's posting after me.. -_- please can someone post after me.. so i won't do double posts as a violation to the 'rules'. lolz.
















































































































































yongseo as gangsters! ♥ haha!

















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I would be really irritated if the rumor of Kyuhyun is true ... that would mean the WGM PD has decided to manufacture jealousy and conflict in the future. Most of us (at least me) watch and love this couple because it feels real, feels like a journey, and I honestly believe both Yong and Hyun are developing feelings for each other. But as a guy myself and guys are naturally jealous, and Yong has shown he's the jealous type, we tire rather quickly of feeling jealous. Think to the last episode when Yong said he was exhausted - now throw in worry and jealousy and you have the makings of man feeling beat down in his manhood, i.e, pride, and that's a lethal mix, ladies.

It's probably the same for women when they have a flirting boyfriend and not necessarily just a guy thing - but too much jealousy leads to re-evaluations of relationships. Just imagine being Yong and wanting to "really" date a SNSD girl, the women every male in Korea and many men internationally dream of, there's naturally going to be a lot of concerns. The richest men in Korea, chaebol children, the really affluent want these girls, other celebrities too, and the PD is going to play on those fears. This is a awful road to take these two down in my opinion - especially Yong.

Note too: In my opinion Yong has used jealousy to make the point he likes Hyun. It's been playful jealousy like Yong being jealous of students taking photos with Hyun. He isn't really worried about those photos. I'm not into seeing real jealousy or real hurt feelings and I don't want situations created that would unnecessarily toy with their emotions.

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Greetings to all Gogumas....

I've watched the latest ep many times already yet can't make the time 2 spazz with the other gogumas due 2 work & studies tears.gif

Well... done with work! (at least part of it... more still waiting) sad.gif It's time 2 SPAZZZZZ..... wub.gif

  I wub.gif Yong and Hyun...

SERIOUSLY!!!!! These 2 r just SWEET.... ADORABLE.... INTERESTING... CUTE... 2 watch wub.gifwub.gif

Like what the other gogumas said.... their love story is getting more interesting as they are more open 2 each other.

 I almost scream out loud when these things happened...

1. Yong grabbing Hyun's hand during their LOVE LIGHT practice at home

2. Yong looking into Hyun's eyes softly & sweetly while singing

3. Yong saying he indeed calls & texts Hyun outside WGM

4. Yong being dorky saying 'merong' hahaha...

5. Yong turning his back from Hyun with a smirk.... biggrin.gif

6. Yong watching Hyun's back when she was at the kitchen

7. Yong epic fail while trying 2 put his hand on Hyun's shoulder kekeke...

8. Yongseo holding hands during the performance (though I've watched it countless time b4, the scene still makes me grin silly)

9. Yongseo in the school unifrom. Aigoo... they really look like playful students going out on a date wub.gif


It really is interesting at how Yongseo makes you feel dissatisfied at the end of each ep. coz u keep on wondering what'll happen next even b4 d ep ended. U'll always hope 4 d next saturday 2 come b4 the day itself ended bcoz of Yong & Hyun....

I'm sure all gogumas are praying.... Let it be saturday everyday as long as Yongseo is on.... wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif

Sorry 4 d long post guys... 

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Guest putri172



sorry for unrelated topic..But I`m kinda confused to find the yongseo wgm part when they pick the wallpaper for their new house.In what episode that scene is?Does anyone know?I`m kinda late become goguma villager he he..


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Guest Faith_memory
















































































otty ohhh you are right!! ♥♥ i wouldn't like our natural couple be manipulated. ~ ♥ it just up to yongseo to progress.. ♥ I do think that Yong has fallen for her. and his goal is to become closer to her so she could speak comfortably to him. ♥ he jokes around a lot for hyun.. really.
































































































yey found it finally! ♥
















































thanks to yea8sme of tumblr.! ♥
















































redrev yeah i so agree! ♥ i like what i've been hearing lately, yong doing a lot of things for him and hyun, outside WGM. have you guys read about the push and pull thing that yong did that the crews had no idea about. that one. and texting and calling each other.

















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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































































































































I would be really irritated if the rumor of Kyuhyun is true ... that would mean the WGM PD has decided to manufacture jealousy and conflict in the future. Most of us (at least me) watch and love this couple because it feels real, feels like a journey, and I honestly believe both Yong and Hyun are developing feelings for each other. But as a guy myself and guys are naturally jealous, and Yong has shown he's the jealous type, we tire rather quickly of feeling jealous. Think to the last episode when Yong said he was exhausted - now throw in worry and jealousy and you have the makings of man feeling beat down in his manhood, i.e, pride, and that's a lethal mix, ladies.
































































































































It's probably the same for women when they have a flirting boyfriend and not necessarily just a guy thing - but too much jealousy leads to re-evaluations of relationships. Just imagine being Yong and wanting to "really" date a SNSD girl, the women every male in Korea and many men internationally dream of, there's naturally going to be a lot of concerns. The richest men in Korea, chaebol children, the really affluent want these girls, other celebrities too, and the PD is going to play on those fears. This is a awful road to take these two down in my opinion - especially Yong.
































































































































Note too: In my opinion Yong has used jealousy to make the point he likes Hyun. It's been playful jealousy like Yong being jealous of students taking photos with Hyun. He isn't really worried about those photos. I'm not into seeing real jealousy or real hurt feelings and I don't want situations created that would unnecessarily toy with their emotions.































































































































































































































































Thanks for bringing that up.. you make a good point, actually! I have to agree. I wouldn't mind if it were true, but after reading your post I changed my mind. They really shouldn't add Kyuhyun there for ~drama~... I know it's a show and they look for ratings more than anything, but it'd be pretty unnecessary for Kyu to make an appearance.
































































































































Let's just see what happens... I'm just waiting for the PDs to give them a wedding photoshoot already! :wub: We all got to see Seohyun in a wedding dress because of TRAX's promotions.. I'm sure she'll shine even brighter in a wedding dress standing to Yong seobang! :wub:

































































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Dear Otty, you are so right! Thank you for raising your voice ;)








Putting Kyuhyun on the show is a bad idea (even though I love this boy <3), because it would create a kind of "unhealthy" jealousy. If the PD-nim do this on purpose, the show will lose its pureness. When they put Ueno Juri, it was diferent. Of course, one of the goals was to make Hyun jealous, but on the other hand, both of them are her fans, so it was a great occasion to meet all together, whereas Kyuhyun has NOTHING to do with Yong. And do we even know if he is actually this close with Hyun? People often pair them together because they are the maknae of their bands, but we don't know what they feel. I don't mean that they hate each other, of course, but we have no proofs that there's really something going on between them.








I would not like it at all. The reason I like WGM is the innocence behind the show. Sure, it's a king of game, it's not real life, but everything is done to be cute, pure, to make people share a good moment with the couple they are following. I don't want this show to become an unhealthy TV-reality game like we have so much of them in our westerner countries.








To my beloved Goguma followers, let's keep spreading the pure sweet potato love all over the world, right?^^









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Guest tinybeatingheart

Faith_memory, dreamyboo, Ye, ye. You're welcome! ♥

For Faith_memory,


Bonus! ♥ Haha, kinda having fun making GIFs tongue.gif



Ah, 5 days before Saturday and 6 days before Sunday. Okay~ Too near yet too far lol I kinda feel that Yong seobang is more excited for Sunday than us. Haha

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Guest soshisoshisoshi






sorry for unrelated topic..But I`m kinda confused to find the yongseo wgm part when they pick the wallpaper for their new house.In what episode that scene is?Does anyone know?I`m kinda late become goguma villager he he..






reagarding that scene, I think it's from episode 9. try watch that episode ( i'm not sure)




arrgh I don't have anything to post, but need to have morea than 20 words aaaarrgh crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif




well, I guess this is my last post for today, since tomorrow is my exam excl.gif excl.gif and it only ends after three LONG weeks, I guess I will miss next week's episode because study is more important (well I'm studying about love when watching our yongseo couple's episodes) hehehe


soooo,, ADIOS, 안녕, BYE BYE

wish we all the best for my exam


I hope to comeback and spazz with awesome gogumas some time in the future tears.giftears.giftears.giftears.gif






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Guest chedda31
















Hi all!








This is my first time posting on soompi so please tell me I've done anything wrong :)








Firstly I would just like to say thanks to everyone on this thread for being so enthusiastic, nice and nourishing my love for wgm. I used to feel suffocated during the week in between wgm cause none of my friends are into korean pop culture so I had no-one to spazz with... Until I found this thread!!








I've been a long time lurker and I've finally decided to make my first post :)








Anyway, I just wanted to say that I agree with otty; the thing that I really like about the yongseo couple is that they feel so real and natural compared to other couples. Sure they might not be as outward and emphatic with their feelings as the other couples but I think seeing their relationship progress as they get to know each other and become close is what is so special about them. its like witnessing the development of a real relationship and for all their awkwardness at the beginning, and their misunderstandings (as we see now with their bickering) and their sweet moments, we can actually experience the growth of the relationship. 








So what I was trying to get at was that I feel that having the PD's sending in guests (like Ueno Juri or Kyuhyun if the rumor is true) just detracts from the experience for me. I don't know about you guys but I didn't really enjoy the Ueno Juri episodes because I felt that they were focusing too much on her, with all the cuts to her at her movie premiere and showing her at the back of the sushi restaurant instead of what Yong and Hyun were doing. I for one really wanted to know what they were talking about, especially now that I know where that episode fell in terms of the timeline of their relationship.








Anywho, that's all I wanted to say for now. And once again thanks to everybody on this thread for being so awesome and giving me a place to spazz about wgm! 













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