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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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GAAH. Same with the other Goguma Lovers. Im disappointed right now because MBC moved the airing time of WGM








































which caused that many Goguma Fans wasn't able to watch the new ep. of Yongseo. TVU also for not working. :|















































































And, for the Raw uploaders Me and the Goguma Fans are waiting so yeah, we'll be appreciating it if you share it now








































(because everyone needs it very bad)








































jd2lee I understand you :D so yeah take care^^






















































































































Goguma Fighting! >w<















































































mbc didn't move the airing time.








































it started right on time it's just that some programs had trouble streaming. it sucks I know. i watched through soshified channel 5. there was some buffering but it was a stable viewing experience








































but if we wait just a little bit longer we'll be able to watch raws. & with raws you can watch over and over again!








































anyhow this week was my first time streaming live in a couple of weeks actually. i really love the experience esp watching while in the sweet potato days chatroom








































i loved this episode too; it had some funny moments








































my favourite was the part wherein:








































Yong gets jealous when hyun mentions hers and Kyu duet during smtown live.








































so he goes by the balcony corner in their living room and watched out the window while singing a song.








































perfect display of: I'm a Loner!!!
















































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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9
































































































































Hi guys. There's no YT cuts yet but since I'm a creeper I searched chinese sites even though I'm not chinese ahah
































































































WGM 용서 CUT 101023
































































































I'll be right back for translations ㅋㅋㅋ enjoy guys.































































































































































































Thank you so much! Oh you'll do the translations?! Awesome ^^
































































































Thank you everyone who posted about next week's preview. I totally forgot about it (since mbc usually is weird and doesn't air previews). Just reading those posts makes me already excited ~
































































































baby_bo, thanks for the link.

































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Guest DJHinata

Why he looks sooo hot in this pose to me ? !! my god he look like a real husband/boyfriend


omg lyrynne!!! THanks Thanks !!  for the link !!!


Pangg thanks for you artwork i really love it !! ♥


OMG they are so cute !! ♥ 



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Guest _d3seohyun

Here's the preview

thanks @yongseofacts for the link

No link for the whole epi yet.

Im dying to watch it

thank you! O M G!

another one on my YONGSEO wishlist granted..acccccccccckkk!

TOO CUTE!!! *squealing like crazy at 530 in the morning*

@panGG and the rest of the GOGUMA artwork makers...you guys are amazing!

always something new! thank you!

thank you for the updates everyone! I'm so happy to see Seobaby with the boys. I've missed them.

LOL. so i'm assuming it was part of Seobaby's plan not to wear her ring during the sm town concert with ky hahha

I wonder what are the SM family's reaction for the past couple of episodes...trax last week now kyu? :lol:

their innocent maknae is kinda using them hahahha

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i bet Yong prepare something for their 200 day anniversary..
































































































Yong is really good when it comes to events..
































































































is this his way to gain back his goguma point, get Hyun's forgiveness and upgrade his place in Hyun's heart?
































































































go Yong seobang!! win back her heart 100%, we'll be cheering for you! :wub:

































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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































My personal dream... I was watching the preview and I was thinking, why will YH want SH to wear an school uniform (aside from her looking damm good even wearing a uniform), well I think he wants to make an statement, when issues about ex-girlfriends appear SH is always worried if he did that with someone else, maybe he wants to say to her that she is totally different and is making a hole new event just for her.
















































My wish: A personal concert, just the two of them (CNBLUE in the back, maybe)and him dedicating "I dont know why" to her.
















































If this come true, I will die a 1000 deaths!!! But this is just my crazy imagination at 4:44 a.m.
















































Happy spazzing!!!

















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omigoshhhhhhh >.<

i missed them! by the time i tried streaming, it was the Adam's couple already.

dang.... oh, i know i seldom log in around this time... keke at my future in-law's house right now :P

just wanna say.... KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA at pancakesflappyjake's trans of the article, hachimitsu's fanarts, panGG: u're AWESOME!!! HOW DID U DO THE YONG BUBBLES THINGY? DANGGGG >.< oh, i'll be waiting for ur MV ekekekek xD & EVERY GOGUMAS here LOVE U ALL~!!!! MUWAHHHHHHHHH

gtg help out with uhhh my future.... xD

wokeh...cya guys laterz!!!! dang i missed yongseo i still can't get over it! i hope someone will be able to translate for us since our dearest j2dlee isn't able make it later.


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Yeah, I know.






















































































































































I thought it was okay to post viewers count too.






















































































































































But one time, when  everyone was spazzing and they keep posting the viewers count,






















































































































































the mods warned the PLAYFUL KISS or GUMIHO THREAD (i don't remember which one lol)  that they will close the thread if they didn't stop posting it.






















































































































































That it is agains the rules. I think it's considered as spamming.













































































































































































































wow... thats amazing. haha. like not amazing awesome, but amazing as in whoa surprised me! lol. again thanks for the heads up!
















































Here's the preview































































































thanks @yongseofacts for the link
















































No link for the whole epi yet.
















































Im dying to watch it































































































thanks thanks for the link!!
















































Why he looks sooo hot in this pose to me ? !! my god he look like a real husband/boyfriend



































































































































































































































































































































































omg lyrynne!!! THanks Thanks !!  for the link !!!












































































































































































































































































































Pangg thanks for you artwork i really love it !! ♥






























































































































































































no problem glad you liked it! and i was going to post the same caps too! lol
















































thank you! O M G!






















































































































































another one on my YONGSEO wishlist granted..acccccccccckkk!






















































































































































TOO CUTE!!! *squealing like crazy at 530 in the morning*













































































































































































































@panGG and the rest of the GOGUMA artwork makers...you guys are amazing!































































































always something new! thank you!































































































your very welcome! ;)
















































here are 4 preview caps (two are very similar to djhinata unnie's)
















































































































































































































































awww they look so cute together. in those uniforms!
















































just thinking... how sweet would it be if yong created this scenerio where their 'high schoolers' again and hyun ends up being his 'first love'. :wub: yea, ridiculous i know. and i think someone mentioned about yong singing "i dont know why" which would be AWESOME! but also if he sang and prepared "love light" that would be super sweet too (since the song is about first love, hence my beginning... lol) gosh, cant wait for next week. and hyun still seemed upset in the preview. maybe yong told her to go in there and so she was annoyed. lol. yong what are you planning?!?!?!
































































































dreamyboo hello! must have just missed you! but good luck with the future... ;) but i made it from the cap of hyun from the snsd comeback preview from music bank. and i just took the facial expressions from the "i dont know why" album pictures and copied and pasted :) lol. gladed you like it! and video... :phew: we'll see when that gets done! lol









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please someone uploud in YT cause tudou is not working for me hiks,,,help me,,,i want to watch today's episode

































































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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































































































































































































Omo! Melted so many times.. my heart is still beating fast! I can't wait for next week! :wub:
































































































































Does anyone know what that uniform is? It's like schoolboy/school girl right? When I saw Yo~ng sitting next to the uniform seductively I got some bad mental pictures! o___o Like "YONG SEOBANG, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO INNOCENT SEOHYUN?!" but, then I snapped out of it and realized not everyone has a dirty mind like me! :lol:
































































































































Next episode.. I'm anticipating it! I think YongSeo will get more airtime next week.. lets hope! :w00t:

































































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Guest iloveyousixteen

mbc didn't move the airing time.

it started right on time it's just that some programs had trouble streaming. it sucks I know. i watched through soshified channel 5. there was some buffering but it was a stable viewing experience

but if we wait just a little bit longer we'll be able to watch raws. & with raws you can watch over and over again!

anyhow this week was my first time streaming live in a couple of weeks actually. i really love the experience esp watching while in the sweet potato days chatroom

i loved this episode too; it had some funny moments

my favourite was the part wherein:

Yong gets jealous when hyun mentions hers and Kyu duet during smtown live.

so he goes by the balcony corner in their living room and watched out the window while singing a song.

perfect display of: I'm a Loner!!!

KEKE~ really? 

WAAH IM excited for the raws~~~

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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































































































































ahhhh cant wait to watch the raw videos
































































































































































hmm the tuduo link doesnt seem to be playing??? Does anyone else have this problem???
































































































































































im so eager to watch the episode. ahh just wish the entire time slot could be filled with yongseo love:wub:

































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Guest hyoonite

Me, being random. ^^


Don't you think the shirt woori Seohyun is wearing looks like their new Gee uniform? The one they used at Music Station performance :D

*random me is random*

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22




























[News] '우결' 용화♥서현, 달달한 첫 듀엣 무대..'닭살 애정행각' http://bit.ly/cwxEu9 [source 스포츠투데이] from YongSeofacts twitter. it seems to be news about the latest episode. used google translate but as always, it not that reliable. is said something about the duet and the word 'affair' showed up.





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Guest wallpaperfood


i think b/c Yong knows Hyun is "pure" and has never dated in high school, maybe he's taking her on a 'date' while wearing high school uniform so she can experience it??? omo Yong really has a knack for preparing events....

In the preview, when they walk out of the house wearing the uniform, Yong does sth (i think wets his lips or something, can't rmb), and it looks like the shy hs boy who wants to hold the pretty crush's hand.. <3

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Guest lunasol


Remember Seohyun said during the SNSD fanmeeting in (Sept 2X,2010):




Seohyun – Why I think I am now older

1. It’s been 3 years since debut. And more than 3 years with Sone. It must be so hard for you to support us. Thank you~

2. When unnies are having wine they don’t leave me out anymore

3. I feel old when I look at students in uniform that I can’t wear



From the preview it seems like it is Yong who brought uniforms for them to wear.


Do you think he brought her the uniform because is something she told him she miss since she graduated high school in February?? This recording was done at the end of Aug and the fan meeting was at the end of september so if it is true then Yong new about it before she made that public comment.



OR maybe he want to give her a 'school date' because she never had one? 


Either way they are celebrating their 200 day anniversary in a school themed date!! wub.gif


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Guest DJHinata

no problem glad you liked it!  and i was going to post the same caps too! lol

your very welcome! ;)

here are 4 preview caps (two are very similar to djhinata unnie's)





kekekeke XD thats aweosome right ?!!!! XD we think in the same ~~ hi5!!

i'm watching the episode right now i cant wait for download ~ My brother is fan of yongseo couple now XD haha he watch me watching all the time and he was so curious this week he ask me for the last episode and i was like O  _ O ! omo !! he likes it !!! XD

now he is inlove with seohyun and he sings the cnblue songs XD he is in the pc and says LOVE LOVE LOVE asdadakdsaqpm`asd  because he doesnt know the lyrics XD but so cute ! my brother have 19 years old XD so coool !! 

another thing that i love yongseo couple !! 

edit : omg i'm top in the page !blush.gif   

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uh-ohxev OMG!!!! i thought i was the only one who thought that about yong sitting beside the uniform! kahh!!! your not alone. i was thinking like... ;) you know. hahaha. gosh, i seriously need to get my head out of the gutter!
















































Me, being random. ^^
































































































Don't you think the shirt woori Seohyun is wearing looks like their new Gee uniform? The one they used at Music Station performance :D
















































*random me is random*































































































when i saw the preview, since i didnt get to see the beginning yet, that her shirt was very similar to their performance that was just aired. good job for pointing it out! and i love random stuff :)
















































wallpaperfood you know thats a good idea too! seohyun's high school sweetheart can be yong :wub: i'm loving this!






































































































































































































DJHinata omo! where are you watching it at? i'm waiting for the download too. and thats cool that your brother watches it too. my nephews and niece watch it with me, when i am watching it. but they dont by themselves. lol. and HI5 back!









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Oh the school uniform preview is so cute!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think its the PD's plot. I think he really get that Yongseo's love is like a sweet high school first love and make them wear it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But poor Yong must be very tired. Rushing to Incheon to perform, than going to the house to continue filming for WGM. Poor boy! But why do Hyun always look so fresh? She is a superwoman!

































































































































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Guest reiran18




hyun's eyebags is bulging in dis episode but it suits her..hehe!!i find it cute...




 better get enough sleep seobaby!!



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