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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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is this shared?
































































































a bit insight of Hyun's reaction after the hand holding with Yong
































































































Seohyun on holding hands "Compared to my dad's hands, his are a bit smaller, but they are more soft" and she also mention how it became cold that day and she said "his hands are warm"

































































































































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one of the best episode so far..
















there have been so many debates about the meaning of love light songg..
















and indeed its true that yongwha wrote it while thinking about hyun!
















so sweet!





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I just want to shout

I hope Yong & Hyun will be the first ever Korean Sweethearts

So many people love the two of them together and at the same time both continue to be sucessful in their individual career. I really wish that they will be the first to make a breakthrough in the Korea entertainment industry. That is my wish for them.

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Guest archiehon
























































Someone posted and wondered why YH only started being seen wearing the ring around mid july. Well my guess is they may have to adjust the ring size a little bit as it seemed smaller. SH had to push the ring harder when she put the ring on YH finger (hmmm......so romantic). Well, that's my opinion.









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Guest heartbreak_warfare22








the thread became crowded all of a sudden. currently 713 users. well when the episode aired it was more than that. 800+ users online I think. hmmm. seems like people are waiting for someone. I'll give you a hint, its j2dlee. hahaha. the episode was so epic. I've never seen the MC's so animated. even threatening to kill someone, right MC Kim? was there a preview for next episode? I really don't mind next episode because like Yong, I'm still floating in Cloud 9, watching the episode again and again and again. :) what Seohyun did blew my mind. she was thinking about Yong even if he didn't text her for her birthday. If my girl did something like that for me, I'll marry her on the spot. it was extremely sweet.



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Guest starsundaepower






actually, now that I have calmed down, I am just beginning to be abit sceptical and just to share with everyone my thoughts (pls dun bash me):




- did the WGM crew has any hand in plotting all these stuff? I thought some of it maybe, like buying the 2 rows of goguma, but i think buying the necklace for Seohyun and her mum is genuine...




- why is it that Seohyun's gift only got to be presented at night? All that moonlight and by the waters, hmmm seems like some scriptwriting involved?? But maybe this two needed that kind of setting...




- Also the ring, yeah somehow it has to be replaced so did the crew ask Hyun to buy it? since Yong lost his? But then the moment when she put the ring on his finger, his expression was priceless and real.




Just my thoughts, today is still a great day for all gogumas!






sorry to cut your post.... yeah lets say, MAYBE, just maybe, WGM crew has something to do with these stuff (some of it).. I think I'm fine with it.


because if we plan something like surprise party we still need help from others to make it success right? I mean, if u plan surprise party, u'll ask a friend who close to him/her about "what did he/she want?" or "what his/her schedule?" so u can plan it precisely... as long as the person itself doesnt know about the surprise plan, i guess it's ok. rolleyes.gif




Maybe yonghwa/seohyun told the crew about their plan at first and then they managed to made it come true by creating the circumstances that was suitable for the plan. 


and whatever plan that they made (with or without the WGM crew), i can say that others had no clue about it (based on their reactions, eyes, face, gesture, yong/hyun just surprised, like us!! hehehe)




I hope u understand what im trying to say, english is not my first language *phewwww*  wink.gif



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Guest SophiaPia




I just want to shout



I hope Yong & Hyun will be the first ever Korean Sweethearts



So many people love the two of them together and at the same time both continue to be sucessful in their individual career. I really wish that they will be the first to make a breakthrough in the Korea entertainment industry. That is my wish for them.










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Wow! Everyone is not sleeping yet? keke I've to rewatch and rewatch again the episode. It's worth to less down my stress. :P Welcome to all the lurkers! Don't forget, we have our 3rd project going on! You guys can read them here.








To answer qwenli, basically this is a variety show. Some of them were scripted and some of them did not. Based on my experience involve in entertainment industry, usually the scripted one is just the flow of the story plot and the unscripted one is the action/dialog from the actor/actress themselves.








To make it easy, I think before the filming, the couple will discuss separately with the PDnim of course about what will they do for the next episode. Like an example, the recent episode. PDnim & the crews had to know what's Yonghwa's plan and Seohyun's plan for the day, so that they can basically prepare all the filming equipments.








Thus, only the PDnim and the crews know what will going to happen, and of course PDnim will do script for their story plot to make other crews especially the cameraman know what to shoot. And YONGSEO will go with the flow scripted by PDnim, not their conversation or act. Just the plot. :D








Hope it's clear, thanks for the opinions. :D I always believe in YONGSEO whether it's REAL or REEL. Only God knows their real feelings. :wub:








Back to the episode, I don't know why but I saw lots of spark came out from the couple eyes. I really love how Yonghwa gave the necklace to Seohyun and her Omma. I bet Hyun's father will starting to find a new necklace also for her wife and her daughter. Like the one he imitates calling Seohyun's mom Al~ keke!








j2dlee Lots of people will throwing the confetti here to you dear! keke~ Thanks a lot for other translation as well, to name some of them redtulip, Yukilovesyou etc etc










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please for the moment lets not say even a single negativity..lets savor this moment at least for a day...








maybe afterwards ok..if you have something of a doutb..but for now lets celebrate...








today must be only a day of positivity..happiness and luv..









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After watching the part where they held hands for the nth time (while waiting for the translations keke tongue.gif) I must say that in my opinion it is IMPOSSIBLE for seohyun and yonghwa to not feel anything e.g butterflies, giddiness while they held hands. Even if this was a fake wedding, you can't take away the feelings involvedrolleyes.gif


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Guest j2dlee
















Hi, happy Goguma lovers!








Just got back from work a few hours ago (T^T), couldn’t concentrate on translating with such a sweetness overload! Sorry for keeping you guys wait. This is the translation of part 3 (from keoconvoineverdie’s channel, thanks keira 53 for the link) where everyone seems to spazz about. Huhuhu… Will do the rest of it as quickly as I can. Thank you Yukilovesyou, redtulip, unnieria, armedbattle for the translation and many others for awesome posts, links, caps, summaries, news, pics and all!








p.s: I didn’t translate all the caps, so if there’s anyone who would like to sub the videos with my translation, could you please PM me? I’ll send you a completed version after posting parts in the thread (if you can wait).








I think I explained about 'Jashik' in my previous post(heartbreak-warfare 22, jnj, you already know about it, don't you?), it means something like a kid, a dude, a punk, a babe.... Yong seems to use the term to Hyun when she acts especially adorable and cute^^;;;








(Part 3)








H: Two-row-field!








Y: Not everyone can dig it, even if it's only two rows!








H: I’d say.








MC Park: People say, in an exchange of gifts there grows feeling. There should be something to give and receive…








NY: That’s right.








Y: Seo Joo Hyun…








H: So you should keep hold (of her).








Y: Your mind is so different from others.








MC Park: He loved it so much.








Y: Haaaaaaaah…….








H: Haha!








Y: Really……..








(Backroom interview)








(after receiving his wife’s gift)








Y: It’s just… something…ahaaa…..








MC Kim: He looks so happy.








NY: Ahoooo~








JW: He can’t stop smiling~








Y: Is it her true character, or has she changed…?








Y: (I’ve come to realise that) There’s a different side to her as she plays a guitar and sings a song for me…








Y: That I don’t know her truly well…








Y: Something… It filled my heart with emotion.








A moving… and special gift!








Hyun: I had to choose… should I look beautiful or should I complete this gift? And, ‘I should complete the gift!’








MC Park: Aww….








H: So I did it. The dark circles came down to my chin. I only slept for about 1 ½ -2 hours last night.








MC Park: Really?








When look around other people...








H: There are so many anniversaries.








H: I used to wonder, ‘how do they keep a record of every anniversary?’ and couldn’t understand it.








She couldn't understand it at that time...








H: But when I did my best to prepare it, and when he liked it, I realised, ‘Ah, is this the reason why people do it, because there’s such a joy in it.’








The first time she learned about such a joy








H:…I did it by myself, like this.








Y: I see.








Y: Jashik (kid)!








Y: You couldn’t even look at my face when you sang a song without a mask.








H: What~!








Y: Jashik, I saw it all.








H: Eh~








Y: Jashik, were you embarrassed~?








H: Ah, really!








H: No, how can you sing looking at someone directly?








Y: Why, why not? Can’t you?








H: Then try!








Y: I will.








Y: 'You’re a darling, even prettier than a star in the sky~'








(Yong falls over)








H: I told you!








H: Hahahaha!! Where’re you going?!








H: I told you, you can’t sing looking directly.








Y: (coughing) Hy-un!








H: Yes?








MC Park: It’s gone quiet after that… something is in the air…they might break into a cold sweat.








H: I have something to ask.








Y: Hmm?








MC Kim: She starts talking.








H: Your song, the ‘Love Light.’








Y: Yes.








H: It’s about first love, right?








Y: Hm, yes, why?








H: I was just curious.








Y: The ‘Love Light?’








H: Yes, I like that song very much.








Y: Then, what?








H: What?








Y: What are you curious about?








MC Kim: I saw it on the internet, that he wrote the song for Seo Hyun.








JW: Yes.








H: Just, curious.








Y: About what~?








H: Just…








Y: (seems to know already) What are you curious about~?








H: Hmm, writing a song itself is amazing…








Y: Yes.








H: And even more that you wrote a song for your first love.








She can just ask for whom he wrote the song.








Y: Why are you asking me this, out of the blue?








H: I was just curious.








Y: Is that really what you were eager to know?








H: Yes…








Y: Just that?








H: Ah, and one more!








Y: What’s that?








H: Why is there a part of the ‘TMYW’ lyrics (in his song)?








NY: Oh my god!








H: Do you like ‘TMYW’?








Y: What?








H: Is it because you listen to that song often?








Y: What, listen to it often?








H: Because when you like a certain song, you tend to write a song that is similar to your favourite. Don’t you?








Y: Okay-








H (keeps going roundabout): You like ‘TMYW’, don’t you?








Y: I do.








H: Hmm~ is that the reason?








Y: What is it you really want to know?








The wife keeps beating around the bush and the husband holds out without telling her








Y: Just ask me directly.








SO: Yes, just tell him directly!








MC Park: Haha!








MC Kim: She wants to know, ‘Is your song for your first love or me?!’








SO: They both know what they're talking about, just won't admit it!








Y: Just ask me, it’s okay.








H: Ask you what? That’s what I’ve been wondering.








Y: Jashik~








Y: Just curious?








H: Yes!








Y: All of a sudden, now?








H: No, from long ago.








Y: Long ago? Why?








H: What why?








Y: You’re curious about writing a song…








(Backroom interview)








PD: You kept beating around the bush…








H: People say it’s about his first love, but if I kept asking… because he once said ‘aren’t you asking about my past too casually?’








H: So I had to be careful, I thought, ‘if I keep asking about this he will say something in the backroom interview later, won’t he?’








H: I wasn’t sure whether I should ask or not, so I did it, in a roundabout sort of way.








Y: Why you ask me in such a roundabout way?








H: Ask what?








Y: Just say it, with confidence!








H: Say what?








Y: ‘Did you write the song for me or not?’ Like this!








MC Park: That’s right!








H: Ahahaha!








H: It’s not that.








Y: You want to know.








H: No, I don’t.








Y: Then what?








Y: Just talk to me, clearly. Clearly!








H: No, I don’t want to.








Y: Hahaha, such a kid (jashik).








Y: You were curious about it, weren’t you?








H: Yes.








H: Ah, really!








Y: Why do you go such a long way to ask about it?








Y: Don’t go roundabout from now on!








H: Why~








Y: I’m just going to say it.








H: Yes.








Y: Don’t go roundabout.








H: Yes.








H: Ah, really…!








Y: kkkk….








Y: This is the first time I have ever talked about it…








MC Park: Woah!








NaYong: Don’t go roundabout.








MC Kim: If you cut the episode here, you’re dead meat!








Y: While writing the rap part…








H: Yes.








Y: I had been writing that song since long ago.








Y: But it didn’t have a lyric yet.








H: Yes.








Y: Then I started WGM with you.








H: Oh…








Y: When was it…?








H: When did you start writing…?








Y: The day when we did the ring performance…








H: Yes.








Y: That day, I started writing the lyrics.








H: That day, you w-w-wrote, s-s-s-started writing the lyrics…?








Y: Yes, from that day.








H: Hmm…








Y: And as I spent days with you…








Y: It became like…‘Let’s write a song, thinking of you.’
















Y: While writing the rap part...








SO: I like it….








MC Park: Really?








MC Park: Does that mean he wrote a song, thinking of Seo Hyun?








SO: Yes.








NY: Oh my god-








MC Park: Then, does that mean his song is dedicated to Seo Hyun?








MC Kim: You can say something like that.








SO: That’s every singer’s dream…








JW: True…








NY: Then write a song for me…








MC Kim: Please be quiet!! Let me hear what they’re saying!!! It’s the important part!!








Y: Let’s write the lyrics thinking of you… that’s what happened.








H: Ah!








Y: While writing the rap part….








H: Oh…..








Y: Then the ‘TMYW’ came to my mind.








H: Haha!








SO: I like it.








Y: And later, I came to dance to that song!








H: Hahaha!








Y: Ah, really!








H: It’s funny.








Y: That’s how it happened.








H: I see.








H: It’s getting really dark.








Y: Jashik~








H: I feel good.








H: We should catch a fish soon.








H: Uh? Uh?!








Y: What, what?








H: It’s moving, it’s moving!








H: Eyah!








H: Oh, it’s nothing…








Y: Hahahaha!!








H: It was nothing.








Y: Hahaha!








H: Hahhhh~ I was sure that there’s a fish…








Y: Hahaha!








MC Kim: He enjoys it so much!








MC Park: Yes.








H: What should we do?








Y: Where is it?








H: Here.








Y: Give it (a fishing rod) to me.








Y: Seo Hyun-a, at times like this, you should walk arm in arm.








NY: He said, should walk arm in arm!








Y: Jashik!








MCs: Woah!!!!!








MC Park: Yes!








MC Kim: Bravo!








H: Yes, let’s go.








Y: Aigoo, you look so awkward!








H: Ah, really~!








MC Park: That’s not how you link arms!








Y: Why, why, why, why?








H: It’s good, let’s go.








Y: Ah, you jashik~








SO: They’re holding hands!!








MCs: Woah!!!!!








Y & H (singing): ‘Walk to the pace of your footstep, holding your hands~’








MC Kim: Today’s such a meaningful day for both of them.








SO: I’m going to cry, really…








Y: Seo Hyun~








H: Yes~








MC Kim: I should listen to the ‘Love Light’ once again.








MC Park: They keep holding hands.








MC Park: I heard that that day was really hot. Their hands will be all sticky~








SO: Oh my god.








(backroom interview)








H: He told me that I can, no, should link arms. When he said it, I thought ‘I really should do it now.’ But when I linked my arm with his, it was really awkward. How could it be so awkward?! But, really… at that moment… I was getting slightly cold, somehow… his hand was warm. Hmm… His hand was a little smaller than my dad’s hand. And it was a little softer than my dad’s hand. Yes, it was.








See you soon!





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Guest constantia11

I just need to post one more time before going to bed (though I still want to linger a little bit more in this thread but I have to go to sleep now coz I'm going to church tomorrow).

I re-watched the last part and I noticed that before Yong and Hyun climbed up the stairs, Yong called Hyun "Seohyun Yang". Is it right? Or I just misheard it?

Isn't "Yang" used for a young lady you first met? or a polite way to say "Miss" in Korean? (In drama Boys Before Flowers, So Yi Jeung used the word Yang to call Ga Eul)

Wow! j2dlee, you are so quick!! you are truly our Goguma hero (or heroine)?

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Guest shawn_daebak












YONGSEO was so real!!!








i've benn lurking here long time ago. and this is my first time to post something. i really want to express my happiness for both of them. though i wish i was yong, In a man's perspective he was really moved by Seohyun charming moves. again.....











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just left this thread like a couple of hrs, and i have to backread like 5 pages?!

seriously gogumas? i thought we have all fainted already... :lol:

even tho i've calmed down, but the silly grin doesn't leave this face!

when MC Kim shouted to the PDnim.

"edit this and i'll kill u!" i just want to kiss him!

our saviour MC, love ya! muah!

excerpts from redtulip trans. tks redtulip!

"Yong said it was the first time he help to put on a necklace "

u trying to say something yong? :rolleyes:

"Seohyun praised the soup which Yong said was no different from the one made by her previously. Seohyun don't believed him so he told her that after a few tries, her soup will taste like this."

yong giving confidence to buin ...how can we not love him

"In the black room, YOng still could not believe that was this side of Seohyun"

u've been hit by cupid's arrow, yong

hacker, i salute u again!

blueshoes, tks for sharing hyun's pic book.

ah..some BTS pics there. love the one with yong lying on their bed'

unnieria, tks soo much for sharing the translation on that part! hugs

was dying to know what yong said abt Love Light!

to all lurkers(ex) and gogumas at tweetyland ;) glad u can join us today

and thank u EVERYONE for making this home so much much hyper today.

i'll say it again...Cupid Is In The House!!

god! j2 is here! :wub:

yes dear, i rmbr jashik! u taught me well...

somehow, yong makes me love the word!!

hugs and kisses to u buddy for the awesome trans. :wub:

did u recd my PM?

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Guest codename_burning






tanx j2dlee for the fast sub!!


ur really Daebak!!!


i will start reading it...



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Guest adriana_kian86








Thanks a lot j2dlee. you made my day. Hope to hear from you soon for part 1 & 2. Hwaiting J2dlee...












I cant get enough of YongSeo Couple. Need to wait another week for new video from YongSeo Couple..

















Thanks all for the update and subs..



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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








Finally saw j2dlee arrived in this thread, after read your translation then i can sleep in peace now. It's 22:18 here :D




My endless thanks for all gogumas here :wub:



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Guest kimjica
































may gawd!!!this episode is DAEBAK!!!DAEBAK!!!DAEBAK!!!
















i love the way yong and hyun prepare their surprises for each other...







































-the necklace
















-the surprise performance for yonghwa oppa~
















-the ring
















-the revelation about the "LOVE LIGHT"























































its full of LOVE LOVE LOVEwub.gifwub.gifwub.gif (NOW EVERYBODY CLAP CLAP CLAP)
















i'm sooo happy for seohyun, now she knows the feeling of preparing something special for the person she loves...w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif
















its her first time doing such thing but its a daebak!cheongmal!!!
















like mc kim, i am grinning from ear to ear...kekeke
















j2dlee: thank you for the translation...ur the best!!









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Just finished watching the episode..


Well how should I say this.. This episode is like DAEBAK!!!!!!




I'm smiling like crazy while watching this episode..




Especially at the last part when they're talking to each other. Both of them are using the playful tone, it gives me goosebumps..




Wow this is the first time ever I felt so so so happy watching WGM...




In other words YONGSEO is DAEBAK!!


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thank you idlee for the trans...youre really great....take your time , we are just here waiting patiently.








i think most of the gogumas like me will be here...not minding all the supposed tasks to do for the day.








i for one even told my hubby and sons not to bothered me..hahaha









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