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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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hi gogumas.



i backread like 8 pages, want to thank every single person out there, but it'll take up



soo much space. so...



THANK U ALL GOGUMAS, for making this thread such a beautiful place to be every day.



be it pics, links, fanarts, fanmade MVs, translations, and mostly for sharing your views.



i also like the fact that the male goguma population is increasing!! ;)



good job guys!! :wub:



:phew: now back to the latest news.



hugs lovekim for the translations






dugeun dugeun... yong's special event!! :w00t:





reposting the 2 translations by lovekim



Yong and Hyun: What happened in the field!






To celebrate / remember both their birthdays, Yong & Hyun rode on a bus to some (unknown) destination~~



Yong told curious Hyun that their destination will involve fishing~ but when they arrived, all they could hear in the wide open field were sounds of insects!



What was Yong seobang's reason in bringing Hyun buin here?



And....Yong seobang's special event "No questions asked(?) birthday outing" all planned out.



To deliver that surprise gift to Hyun buin, Yong seobang used his bare hands to dig into the soil for it!



It's is even more nerve-wrecking than (watching) "007 series" as we see Yong seobang battle to present the gift to Hyun buin, will he succeed?





Another article about tomorrow's yongseo episode:


Jung YongHwa, he has a plot of land that he didn't tell SeoHyun about?






Jung YongHwa has a hidden 'suspicious plot of land'??



Last week, at Jung YongHwa's suggestion, the YongSeo couple set off on an outing. So, Yong, whose intentions were hidden from SeoHyun, together with SeoHyun, who had no doubts in following her husband, finally came to their destination, which wasn't the supposed sea, but wide open-spaced field crop!






Seeing the field, SeoHyun showed forth an expression of incomprehension as to why they are there. At that, YongHwa pointed at the field and claimed that it belongs to him, all the more confusing SeoHyun. When finally he reveals that the plot of land is the present he prepared for SeoHyun, she was completely touched by him.






So what exactly is the meaning of YongHwa's 'plot of land'? Why did he give SeoHyun that land as a gift? YongSeo couple - Birthday Special to be aired on the 2nd Oct.


somehow, he might bury the rings somewhere at the plot of land...



and knowing hyun, yong may not be the only one getting



his hands dirty.



imagine both of them getting down on all fours, with hyun happily digging for gogumas



while yong pretending to also be hard at work looking for....their new rings!!! :w00t:


oooh..i can't wait to see what hyun has prepared for hubby too..


everyone, no penalty for those who wish to use their imaginations now.. :P



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Guest monie1909

Trent, you don't have to personally break Yonghwa's legs now. He did planned for an event and did not let all the gogumas who believed in him down.

Now the question is what is the "gift"

1) A plot of land full of gogumas ( too expensive, more likely pretend to own to tease Seohyun or planted them himself many weeks ago)

2) The couple ring (hide beforehand in the soil)

3) A necklace (hide beforehand in the soil)

4) Expect the Unexpected from Yonghwa

Thanks,guys for the input.I think it make more sense now,that Yong might just choding around about giving her the land before present her with the real gift.Cause if he really did give her a land of sweet potatoes for her birthday and they still play push and pull in ueno juri episode,it will be my turn to personally fly to korea,to knock Hyun on her head,ask her why she havent tatooing Yong's name on her arm yet.. :phew: Tho,digging a ring,necklace out of the soil is just as sweet :wub: but sweet potatoes land is just personal declaration of love :wub:.

Ok,i'll just have to wait for tommorow episode patiently and see what suprise he prepare for her and see if i still have to fly to korea.

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Guest digidigibob

I'm so sorry if this was already shared before.

I'm watching this video (I think it is a Taiwanese show) where the CN Blue guys are playing something (it's called 'pogs' here in our country), then when it's Yong Hwa's turn already, a picture of Seo Hyun flashed on the screen. I don't know why cause I can't understand Chinese :sweatingbullets:


Here's the vid.


HAHAHA! I didn't notice that Yong took off his ring before playing. I have a bad eyesight. Sorry. :sweatingbullets:

Thanks alucard!

Edit 2:

scatterbrain, thanks for correcting me. I really have a bad eyesight, I guess. Haha.

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Guest alucard81




























Seohyun is saying "you dare to take off our couple ring?!!!"





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Guest raindrops_919




annyong GOGUMA  :wub:




HA ! i'm fainted reading all of this recent post from you all  :w00t: Yong really shocked me a lot, you ROCK dude!!




i'm just really curious if Hyun is planning on some surprise too *there's no hint yet, right?*




now i'm counting the hours to uri heavenly time tomorrow *ever since i watch WGM, saturday is the most DAEBAK day for whole week*




i think it's not only us who curious about this, i'm sure Yong's and Hyun's friends and family are also curious about tomorrow episode (even SNSD unnies are monitoring Hyun's show)..they must be questioning them so much and i can imagine Yong's answer is singing: "no no no nobody knows"  :w00t:




i'm pretty out of my mind right now.. :huh: hahaha.. GOD BLESS GOGUMA, this couple has brought a lot of HAPPINESS for us  :wub:










LOVE LOVE LOVE ! everybody, clap clap clap :D



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OMG if he bought a plot of land that is awesome!!! I think it was in Kiss the Radio that her unnies said that for her graduation gift she would want a Goguma plot, right? Even if  he didn't buy it (because I think a plot of land is not cheap), the preview is saying that he dig the dirt with his own hands looking for the gogumas??!!  






He did make it a point to tell her on the bus that he monitors her interviews and news and stuff so it could be that he did buy her a sweet potato field... and maybe he only purchased a part of the field?


Wow, if this is for real, combined with all the other things he has done for her and most especially for his *patience*, where can I find someone like him? Seriously Hyun, you need to know he is a gem. But something tells me I think she knows. :) It'd be nice if WGM showed more than 20 min. of them this week if they're showing the Japan trip the following week?! I think this might be the first time I watch the live stream - even if I have to get up at 4:00 in the morning to do it! :)




Thank you for translating lovekim!




Also wondering if him battling to dig up something in the field means he's having a hard time finding his other gift for her! :lol:


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Guest scatterbrain

@digidigibob: like what alucard81 said. but actually yong didn't take off their WGM ring. he took off the ring in his right index finger. they made a mistake.

but it shows that this couple are popular in Taiwan since they try to comment what yong did and connected it to hyun.

even if yong didn't buy a land for seohyun but just rent it for one day...it is already very touching. maybe they are going to play some type of treasure hunt?hahaha...it would be fun.

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































thanks lovekim for the translations. Yong definitely planned this ahead. but he was scolded by Hyun on the bus. hehe. If I remember correctly, someone pointed out (sorry I don't remember the name) that on the day of Hyun's birthday, the other CNBlue members had schedules except for Yong. so probably he had enough time to prepare for his gift to Hyun.
































































so now Hyun owns a sweet potato field. that why when Ueno Juri visited them, there was already sweet potato inside their fridge that was used as a mic. they now have a lifetime supply of sweet potatoes. :)
































































18 hours to go. :)

































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Guest miel_1301


will hyun cry?

feeling soo touched, she might.

what do u think gogumas?

Last week, I said in my post that as much as I love our Seobaby to every bit and piece, I would pay just to see her ballistically angry. And heaven granted my wish. Again, now I'm making another wish,--- I would love to see our Hyun cry. Not that I am being a sadist here--- but tears of joy is the kind of reaction that I would like to see from her this time, as a response to whatever "touching" token of care that her Yong Nampyeon has in store for her. Who knows, maybe the "tough nut" will be completely cracked this time?

Hugs to you lovekim for the preview translation.

Good heavens! At last, after three long months of patiently waiting for the "story of THE RING" that YongHwa said in his radio interview [last July] which we all ought to anticipate for, looks like we'll be getting a very interesting and a sweet "story" that will be unfolded in tomorrow's episode. This couple never really fails at pulling surprises.

As YongHwa has been constantly and consistently saying in WGM, "Trust Yong!".


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jnj, i think u may be right! she might just be so touched to the point of being teary-eyed. she seems to have a very soft heart. :)

miel, pls count me in... i seem like a sadist but am actually not! LOL but i would luv to see hyun cry for once... especially in front of yong seobang! deng, that would be epic!!!! xD i wonder how will yong react to that!!! kekekeke pat her? hug her? kiss her? let's imagine! xD

kekeke who knows, it's gonna be another big surprise for us gogumas since yongseo is known for their unexpected actions.

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Guest DJHinata

OMG ! thanks for the translations !! i can't wait for this saturday !! OMG !! omg !! Yonghwa ♥ 

Goguma lovers are the best !!

Thanks to everyone who share !! 




Fightiiing !! yongSeo LOVE !!


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i think hyun will shed a tears... maybe not cry so much... hehhe :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but if yong we talking bout...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































we can just expect the unexpected.. hehee..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































we didn't even think that he will suggested engagement time...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































we didn't even think he will bought hyun a guitar...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































we didn't even think that he will make a forgive book...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































we didn't even think that HE WILL SUGGEST PIGGYBACK ride...to hyun....hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so many thing that we didn't expected or think of....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































we will be surprise tomorrow...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































to many idea of what yong will give..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but i do think that hyun will be so much touch...maybe all not only hyun will be touch... hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































nation wide + across country and continent... hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































like mc kim said...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































all male in korea will be in trouble if they watch what yong been doing to his wifey... hehhe...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































just my opinion..... blush.gif

































































































































































































































































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she will not bawl her eyes out, that will be so over the top! hehe



she might not cry that much but my money is on






hyun may shed a tear or tears of joy.






and that is my wish ONLY because i want to see hyun gave yong a hug this time





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Guest Catkat

a plot of land which of gogumas are growing and yong earned hundreds of gogumas credits from hyun. how about the piece of land is in hear-shaped ? does anyone have the video about cnblue on the radio program in early July at which yong was asked about the couple ring and he asked the audience to watch WGM. i recall that he showed the ring in the program. is that already the new one ? if it is, then probably we will see the new ring in tomorrow ep. by the way, he did not wear the old couple ring at last week ep. spare the finger for the new ring ?

remember that hyun only gave yong three gogumas in the 1st ep. now i think he gained hundred goguma credits already.

in the first season, khj said that hb made him a better person. i was touched when hearing that. for yongseo, i am also happy that they made each other better and meaningful and amazing. wgm is not purely a job to them, but a place where they met their soul mates. through this program, they sincerely open themselves to each other, building their trust to each other. yong's efforts, patience are very important and now hyun is starting to pay him back, giving all her trusts to him, bringing him into her life. "being loved and cared of" is the happiest and the most beautiful thing and they already made each other energetic and beautiful. i think if they don't have each other in these tight schedule days, they can't look so bright. that is the magic of love. look at the photos they took in japan recently, do you believe that they had just had their work done. they just like having a honeymoon, smiling happily and sweetly, walking togethr with each other side by side, hpw sweet they are ! just love them because they are yong and hyun. sweet little couple !!!

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gogumas, i need some help here.


can someone post the link to TVU?


i lost it somehow..


catkat, zealous, i agree with u both.


as for me, a plot of land is more like a long term plan.


whether its the real crop or their relationship,


watever it is,(hopefully its love)


it needs nourishing, trust and tender loving care... :wub:


hmm... maybe i'm reading too much



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Guest Catkat

jnj, here is the link.


happy that i can offer some help in this thread

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Guest lovekim







Hi everyone!!





Sorry!! My bad!! I was rushing to translate the article that I misunderstood the meaning of the article. Not the preview text, it's the second trans i'm referring to.





Sorry!! YongHwa didnt give the plot of land to SeoHyun as a gift.





The actual meaning should be:





The land was part of his "prop" to present the actual gift to SeoHyun. When he finally revealed the actual intention of his, SeoHyun was immensely touched.





I think that should be it....those who are able to translate better, do enlighten us...heh!!





So no no no...most likely no land giving...he's not that rich...oops! hahaha!





EDIT: I'm still re-reading the article...I'm abit confused by the sentence structuring. so...do pardon me if I got it wrong. We'll find out the truth on Sat!!!





But I did think he was teasing hyun by saying he owns the land. Muahahaha!





PureStupidity dear!! I missed you too!!! Muarks!


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okay i just had to run in here super quick before work and read the PREVIEW! OHMYGOD!
































































































































































































thats pretty freaking sweet. he bought her a "plot of land". like its not romantic but its so very... husbandly. haha. but its still sweet to me. anything i suppose he does for her is sweet to me! lol. okay cant wait till tomorrow. gtg now.
































































































































































































have a goguma day and night everyone!

































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