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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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panGG... UWAAHHHHHHH~!!!!! daebakkkkk~!!!! keekekkeek knew i could count on ya! *hugs tight* muahahahahaha yay~!!!! don't mind me using ur pic for something eh (i think i might be using ur pic atm)? i'll promise to credit ya for it :D *saves*

yay~ lenovo-cuz! u finally appeared after miel called ya! keekekekek i ROFLed at ur post... xD extremely nice imagination u have there :w00t:

aneng, miel.... thanks so much for sharing those pics! RING DING DONG indeed! :D but i dunno why, lately yong looks pretty exhausted... it just shows in his pics :(

pollykpy, that post of urs just made all my negativities gone right away! thanks so much for sharing~! :wub: jyeaaa...YONGSEO FTW!

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Guest magicaL.chubi3




@panGG : nice work. :) it looks like real. :) also the i don't know why pic. :) nice job. *thumbs up* :D


@shane: woah~ it isn't at the back of seohyun...anyway...thanks for clearing it up. :D


and for yong's ring, thanks for those people who shared the pictures. :) nice one. :)


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Guest Angel27391




I had a feeling (of familiarness,perhaps) when I saw Hyun's photo shared by puukpui...





Then I knew that it reminded me of someone, YONG!! :D




I'm not a good photo editor so I hope that one of many of our talented Photo-editing Gogumas can create something magical out of it. :)



Their heads a little tilted to the side,

with one hand holding on the jeans and the other hand relaxed.

reminds me of Yong's "Couple are alike" statement. Haha!!!I mean how much more alike can they be?? :wub:


Love the Yong & Hyun version of "I Don't Know Why"!! Haha!!

Aww...RING DING DONG!! Seeing the pretty rings make me feel so sweet~



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Guest SophiaPia






OMG! OMG! lovely lovely lovely thanks for sharing the photos in Taiwan. YongSeo Taiwan, CNBlue Taiwan, SONE Taiwan kamsahamnida. No more question if it's old or new ring. it's pretty obvious that it is a lovely new ring and couple ring. wub.gifwub.gif YongSeo are both so sweet wearing their ring all the time. I love it. Hmmm! hubby Yong u can keep the ring in the safe place if u want after wgm. But wearing it so that will not lose it ehem! ehem! i guess u have lovely reason more than that kekeke! You want to wear the ring because both u and SeoHyun are proud to be we got married yahoooooooooo or maybe the reason is to keep the love alive, to remind that both of u that "i got u babe" kekeke! i'm always happy and inlove w/ YongSeo couple even if it's only the ring i'm looking at :) That ring is the best thing that happen to YongSeo couple hahaha! remind them that it can be real (in time maybe) just take ur time kids kekeke! and even it will become real of course u will not admit it :) but we will know coz actions speak louder than words kekeke!




cheers to all lets be happy coz life is too short :)


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Guest zatt2411

Does anyone know how to translate??? cause i could time the episode and edit stuff and i'll make it quick as i can but i need someone to translate. Pm me or reply to this post ^^

Goshhhh the episode was epic!!!

seohwa is soooooooo real.

I need the translations so i could time the episode and sub it so khuntoria fans/goguma couple fans/adam couple fans could watch ^^

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OMG!!!! Yong!!! what a sweet guy!... yeah say that it is for not lose it, but WE gogumas, know thw true ;) hahaha...
























you´re right Shane U.u... I didn´t realized it... thanks :sweatingbullets:
























Angel27391: Our couple! every day they are becoming more and more alike ^^... like a REAL couple ^^, and I like your edition ^^
























Thank you for all the pics and news... I feel a little sad for Yong, he will always has to be answering about his Hyun... hahaha poor guy! I´m affraid that someday press will scare him out :rolleyes:, but, How I love hearing about it ^^.









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Was looking for a fan made videos and stumbled with this.

I really like how it was edited. It showed how the couple gradually grew closer every time they meet.

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Guest Single_lady_YongSeo

















after they hang out together in Japan and have a sweet date...i hope they have to take a rest enough cause i thought they look so tried...









but for pics of yongseo in Japan, i guess they don't care anythings just want to spend their time together ^^









it nearly saturday again...hope to see more closer relationship and skinship ^O^ 









i don't why, i don't know why, i love u HYUN ~~~rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif



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Although is not always easy I always try to look at the bright side, specially in our Goguma World!!biggrin.gif




For those who were sad about the re-run today there is something positive about it!! Guys, Seohyun was not in Korea when the original horror special was broadcasted. Now that she was back, hopefully she got to see the special and see all their awesome scenes. How he took care of her and stuff she may have not paid attention because she was scared or not looking at him (ex. Yong's happy/ecstatic/amazed/proud smile when she won at wrestling!!). I am also thinking that according to an interview, these days SNSD was going to have time with their family, right? Maybe she got to see the special with her parents!!! That would have been amazing because Yong~ is definitely a son-in-law they would or should be proud of, so I hope they have taken notice and gave her advice and their blessings.




Now out of my fantasy cloud! 




jnj: Thank U for the translation of the newsen news about the SM tour in LA. I posted the collage of photos and the only thing I could understand from google translate was Broadcast the SM trip to LA but was not sure what they were talking about during the rest hahaha




panGG: Ohh I really like the photo of Yong jumping in the air with his guitar and wild longish hair!!! It looks cool. Maybe I am biased because I am mostly into rock music and I play guitar so thats why it looks extra cool for me hahaha




aneng and miel_1301: Than U for the Taiwan ring photos!! It is definitely a new ring!! This is random but I could not help but notice that I think that Yong can't grow a beard (not that I want him to!!). It is just that one of the photos is such a closeup and I only see shadow in his chin biggrin.gif.  




This may be out of topic but I also want to take the opportunity to congratulate CNBLue for winning two platinum in Taiwan with two of their albums. This is special because they are the first artist to win the awards with two different albums at the same time. Hyun would be happy for them and we as Yongseo fans should be proud. They definitely are the Rookie of 2010.


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srsly, I'm getting crazy over the ring thing. I badly want to know how, when, where and why they got that new one!













































aigoo... :sweatingbullets: MBC, please spare my sanity... orz




































































aneng, thanks for sharing the vid! it's soooo yong pov! :wub:




































































since I'm not really sharing anything nice in this thread :sweatingbullets: here's another macro... entitled... THEIR SECRET...























Hyun version














































Yong version

























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Guest Crystal392



Thanks to everyone who shared pics, links, videos, translations and everything :)


It is 100% confirmed those are new rings! I am also curious when did they get it... hmmmm...


Can't wait to find that out!


I am proud to be a CNBLUE and SNSD fan ^^ And also proud to live in Goguma World! :)


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Guest DJHinata

Hello everyone in gogumaland ! *i love goguma land so much *  

my second long post ooh yeah Baby !! 

ichigo_kawai: your videos are the Best!! // i really feel in love when i watch it ! thankyou thankyou

crystal_malfoyDJHinata: *hugs* Can't wait until you make more graphics! // Thankyou And i will !! cool.gif

dreamyboo: DJHinata~!!! thanks so much for sharing those beautiful artworks~! u know how i love fanarts...xD *saves* //it's my honor

PanGG: //You have a Eagle EYE !! and you artwork is so great ! thanks for sharing 

genxv: DJHinata nice work dear! thank you for sharing your artwork.And ThankYou for the japan Pics *o*!! // i cream like crazy ! and i think the vanilla is my favorite flavor of icecream (?)

Nazweena: Thank you so much DJHinata for you awesome artwork! *save*save* Keep up the good work, I'm proud of Goguma families who have lots of talents here.// omg thankyou Very much all for love a goguma Art

j2dlee:DJHinata: Thank you for cool pics! Here's another talented Goguma lover-omg! thank you SO MUCH , and THANKYOU for the translations, you are OUR goguma translator, please keep doing the translation,  thankyou thankyouuu

aneng and miel_1301:// Thank You  for the Taiwan ring photos!! i love Yonghwa Hands so manly !

clumsy:// You make my day XD hahaha thanks for sharing hahahahaha 

well now the presents !

i made this for all the girls who sharing the all images and the info of goguma couple! Thankyou Really i love be here in gogumaland *hugs and kisses* unnies

GogumaLove in Pink!wub.gif


Wallpaper version



Omg yonghwa is so cute! he thinks in the future


is right when we are in love, we start to look like the other person



yonghwa:mmm i feel lonely...


yonghwa:better i'm closer


yonghwa: Now i'm Better ♥

sorry if it was a long LONG post ! but well have a nice goguma Day ! yongseo couple be with you !! and i can say this is one of the best parts of the horror special


Byebye ~~  Kissus and Hugs from Colombia !!wink.gif

edit: We are in the page1050

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Guest kellybag








OMG im sooo sooo late on jumping the bandwagon for this beautiful couple...they just tooo kawaii for words - i only started watching their cuts today and up to ep 4, i so desparately wanna watch them that im actually watching it without the subs...can any kind soul out there direct me a link where i can watch their cuts from the beginning to present. Seriously i spent literally hours trying to find their cuts in english but all eventually i can find are cuts unsubbed on dailymotion...so please please help guys, i really watch these guys in action... :rolleyes::lol:





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Thank you guys for all juicy lovely awesome and great pictures, translations, information and the lists continue.. I'm very happy after had a very hectic day in the office. *energyrecharge* Thanks to all of you.
















OMG clumsy the macro are killing me~ :lol: *imaginethatistrue* :w00t: Thank you for sharing my dear~ I'm sooo going crazy over that ring now.. LOL
















THE RING! Oh my Oh my! Someone please help me from getting fainted after few second~ Can I say we can CONFIRM that the rings are the new set of expensive ring? :w00t: Because I noticed before Seohyun had said her diamond ring also is missing and she glued with glitter from nails accessories. Correct me if I'm wrong. :D
















Now I'm really crazy to know ~































WHEN they bought those rings?
















HOW they bought them, together?
















WHO is in charge or giving opinions about buying the rings?
















(They listed as one of their wish other than getting driving license)
















WHERE did they bought them? Jewelry shop? I hope it's not the cheap one muahaha :P































Anyone wants to add more questions? hehehe~
















Thanks to TW pictures, the rings are so CLEAR & please gogumas, we need Goguma stamped to make a proof that they are wearing the new set now. keke~ :phew: *cloud9*
















And is it just me or what? I saw both of them resembles each other a lot nowadays! From inside WGM, outside shooting etc etc.. Oh my~ it is my imagination only? Yeah! Couple resembles each other. Like husband like wife. I can feel the pure real love now, maybe it's not reel anymore.. lols :D



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Guest heartbreak_warfare22




























@kelly bag: try looking for episodes 1-7 here: sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com and for episode 8 onwards, it is on rdrsubs.co.cc. click on streaming/download tab. you should be able to find episodes from those sites. :) enjoy watching. we all did, and is waiting patiently every saturday for more. :)





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my thinking-out-loud moment:




































































can it be that these new set of rings are custom-made and patterned from their original rings?























can anybody post a clear pic of the first rings?























reposting this credits to real_piw@pantip+taonaka














































naz, yes twin, seriously the ring ding dong is hella epic!























and thanks to those liking my crazy macro :lol:


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taonaka, thanks so much for the ring pic~!!! now that we have the clearer version of yong's ring, we can now see that their ring has the exact same design! ohohhoho! deng, i've been with my bf for 8 years & yet we don't even have any couple rings at all! <_< i guess we're the unromantic type :P LOL~!

Angel27391~! that's a very nice one~!! brilliant of u! :w00t: i also hope someone could do a PS on those pics keekeke but u did it pretty well too. am saving it :)

ROFL!!! clumsy~! i... *showing the L-sign* ur macros!!! :wub: daebak! u just made me ponder if they did kiss already or not! deng, i wonder if they'll show a kissing scene in their photoshoot... not that the kissing scene is very important but it'll surely make us all DIE a gazillion times! xD

heyo nazweena~! yes, from the very 1st day... the yongseo already has the couple-look & now, they not only have the couple-look but they are now couple-like in many ways! kyaaaaaaa! :wub: oh! i'd like to know where & when did they buy the rings.

and yes, i agree with u, crystal that those are custom-made rings. designed by who i wonder.... kekeke must be more to hyun buin's taste eh :lol:

edit: LOL miel~! i'm glad that i'm ur "indirect" guardian angel... yay~! didn't know i could be that haha xD

another sweet fanmade vid... credits to yongseofacts@YT


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Guest joojong289


I think the ring of two people is the same , if the reverse of Seo rings again you will see two identical rings.

I think only two people wearing opposite !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


sorry i can't post imagine because i think i haven't enought point to post imagine excl.giftears.gif


anybody can help me


thanks so much <3333 :wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:


i belive if anybody reverse (backstop) the ring of Seo in picture so will see """couple ring""" like me


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