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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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cannot wait for subbed video,this eps is debak since all 3 couple appeared in the eps.

































































































































































































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Guest anayuson
















Simon D talked about Yonghwa in this article :




































Journalist: Are there any specific things you guys are proud about Busan?




































Simon: Athlete Lee Daeho. Me. Lizzy. And (Jung) Yonghwa. Puhaha.












Simon: Yonghwa is actually my school junior from Namsan High School in Busan. We have a bit of a large age gap so we didn’t attend together but I knew a kid named Jung Suchul in my class. His brother always said he’d be a singer and I recently found out that that brother was Jung Yonghwa. When I first saw Yonghwa again, I didn’t have a good impression because he used Seoul’s dialect and felt a bit cold. As I saw him more on broadcasts, though, I noticed that he was actually really nice and we’ve become like brothers now.












full article here: http://www.allkpop.com/2010/09/simon-d-and-lizzy-converse-about-busan












some people really have this impression of Yonghwa to be cold and stuff even Simon D had this impression but when you get to know Yong he really is very friendly and can be very talkative and fun to be with.




































I never really had this impression of him though when I first saw him in Your Beautiful I liked him then I saw him in star golden bell I was like this guy is cool and seems nice (talkative ajjumma ahahaha)and then In WGM im inlove with this guy his just too adorable!



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Wow~ the page so fast I love to read all your comment
















































I don't know this post yet?
















































Jang Geun Suk is jealous of Jung Yonghwa
















































Being good friends and the two main characters in the SBS drama
















































“You’re Beautiful“, Jang Geun Suk recently revealed that
















































he was jealous of CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa.
















































The most recent episode of MBC’s “Section TV“
















































showed footage from Jang Geun Suk’s Asian Tour,
















































which ended in Seoul on the 4th.
















































Section TV got a chance to interview him backstage.
















































He revealed, “There was a time when
















































I couldn’t eat due to a large group of people
















































gathering around. The police told me to get out,
















































so I left without finishing the dessert.”
















































He then revealed what he always carried around on vacations.
















































“I have a slightly perverted personality.
















































I carry around four laptops, one for internet, one for watching movies,
















































one for editing, and another as a backup.” A reporter then asked him,
















































“Is the backup laptop for porn?”, which he answered,
















































“I keep all my porn on a separate hard drive…”,
















































bringing laughter amongst his fans.
















































He was then brought into the topic of marriage,































































































which mentioned Jung Yonghwa and SNSD Seohyun’s parts in MBC’s “We Got Married“.































































































Jang revealed, ” I am jealous; if I had someone that I loved at the moment,































































































I would like to get married as soon as possible… Tomorrow.”
















































He revealed his ideal types as Jeon In Hwa (married), Han Hye Jin (attached) and Soo Ae
















































The tour exhibited Jang Geun Suk’s extreme popularity all over Asia,
















































thereby proving his position as a Hallyu star.
















































His next project will be playing a role in a drama with talented actress Moon Geun Young.
















































cr allkpop
















































If he watched Chuseok Special: The WGM horror special he will jealous more ^_^









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hi gogumas..many2 thanks to all who share subs, pic, links etc etc....Love u all

.i think this week episode is something that everyone is waiting for....lots of LOVE and also lots of skinship.from the moment i watched this episode it full of WOW...AWESOME..and of coz scream..hahahha previously i guess Yong will be scared like hell, but im proud with Yong coz he can protect his wife eventhough i can bet his heart also pumping fast.......im impress with Hyun....indeed she is so smart..eventhough some said their question is more easier than other couple, but when if we think in their situation (scary, pressure etc etc), is not easy for you to solve the math problem...

the t-shirt so cool....like couple shirt ( the design like levi's valentine couple shirt).....it's great to see them wearing it.....

note ( this comment is not about this episode)

i read 1 comment ( not in soompi) about YongSeo...they comparing them with Adam couple and Khuntoria...im saying this is not im biased with YongSeo couple...but it's not fair for them to judging this couple, since the lack of skinship....please be more considerate, this two are stranger, they join this reality show but they also like us ordinary people....not everybody can be so open minded, to have skinship in 6 months....plus they are not meet up everyday 24/7....plus Seohyun also dont have any experienced in relationship, let her learn slowly...

i think all 3 couples are great eventhough this is the first time i watch khuntoria.....each of these couple have their own strength and specialty.......

Fighting YONGSEO...



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Rating for this ep. drop a little, i don't know why coz i really enjoy this week very much.






‘We Got Married’ is plummeting in ratings




MBC’s “We Got Married” currently stars six of the hottest idol stars but that isn’t doing the trick.




The episode on the 18th received a viewer rating of 10.7%. That’s a 1.6% drop from the previous episode, when their rating was 12.3%. The week before that, it was 13.5%.




The ratings have been going down each week and nothing seems to be helping. The problems seem to source from the fact that the couples are doing similar activities every episode, and it’s getting boring for the viewers. Additionally, the non-realistic scenarios the couples get put into make it less like a reality show.




Is this show more enjoyable for the couples than it is for the viewers?







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I am proud of GOGUMA fans, you guys are awesome for not bashing other couple at Allkpop. I read about it and recognise your username..




As much as it is hurt a lot when read about our couple getting bash and all..dun be sad ok cuz we knew our couple very well..and there r so many people love our couple..




Believe me, our thread was the most viewed..almost 700 users online yesterday. And until today it is constantly at 200++ ...that is LOVE :wub:




So until then , just continue to love them..










For a new goguma aliens welcome to our GOGUMA 's planet





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Guest 12cupcakes

I am really happy for this special episode...it was what we had been waiting for :w00t:

but did anyone notice when yong and victoria were talking,seohyun started to pout keke

And we have all noticed whenever seohyun is pouting she has something on her mind.

Did anyone notice this?

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Guest blueshoes
































































































































































































































































Yong from running man
































































































































He is HERO of this game again































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit yongseofacts

































































































































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Guest k.rivera19












I am really happy for this special episode...it was what we had been waiting for :w00t:








but did anyone notice when yong and victoria were talking,seohyun started to pout keke








And we have all noticed whenever seohyun is pouting she has something on her mind.








Did anyone notice this?
















hahaha I noticed this too ... it seemed like she was thinking ... "Yong look at me" ... it was cute :P








i made a video dedicated to this episode .. i used cnblue's new song i dont know why ... but its not done processing .. ill put it up once its done
















heres the video .. hope you guyz like it =)











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Guest Angel27391




@ Caliope Rice balls and fruits are really like SeoHyun's style. Healthy!! :D




This episode was awesome!! uri YongSeo couple has potential in wrestling. Once again,Yo~ng has proven his statement that couples are alike!! :wub:


and when Victoria won over Ga In, Yo~ng said that he missed it because it was too fast, but "someone" was actually giving something to Hyu~n ...Haha!!


Really proud that only YongSeo couple managed to solve the Maths problem.


But I would love to see Hy~un's reaction if they didn't manage to solve the Maths problem in time though...keke


They were holding hands all the way!! :lol:


but I wonder what did Hy~un said to Yo~ng on their way up to the second floor...



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i read the news at allkpop too, but i don't have the energy for a fight. :rolleyes:

we, gogumas living in goguma planet, are not 'brought up' that way... :lol:

rmbr yongseo's message 'Make Love Not War'? hehe

but u know, that is not the only place that i see ppl bash our yongseo... :vicx:;)


okay, enough for that, lets continue with our spazzing.


seeing those 'ghosts' in the classroom for the first times, i scared a bit.

after watching it for countless times, i thought those 'ghosts' look more

like students having night classes. and grandmother totally failed!! :sweatingbullets:


the way yong lead and protected buin, he deserves a sack of gogumas from me :lol:


tks for helping me update this list, gen


29/6 - Fishing Trip - PDnim don't u dare forget this one

??/? - Rumored filming

03/8 - Filming in a park - Hyun wearing a pretty dress.

Afterwards go to Make A Wish event with CNBLUE

17/8 - Horror Special - lovey dovey. daebak! daebak!

29/8 - Incheon Music Festival - we were over the moon, thinking they held

hands for the first time. :rolleyes:

01/9 - ueno juri - the infamous b incident. haha. i can laugh abt it now.


in another word, we have at least 3 unshown episodes.




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uwaaahh!!this episode is REALLY a daebak!!!
































i really love the fact that they are closer to each other now...and yo~ng ..very manly indeed and i'm falling again...
















hy~un buin is very genius, solving the math problem within a minute...she's strong too!we were surprise and even her husband..kekekelaugh.gif
















but i wish they didn't solved the problem fast, i want to see their reaction when the sadakos appear and how yong will protect his buin right??like what happened to the khuntoria couple..
















and also the hand!(cursing that hand for being slow..)laugh.gif wonder how yong will comfort hyun because of that hand, but he's smart because he already sense that there's something in the sofa...
















COUPLE PHOTO? DAEBAK INDEED..wish that the plate their holding can be replaced..how about a baby??phew.gifphew.gif hehehe..that would be w00t.gifwub.gifw00t.gifwub.gifwub.gifw00t.gif
































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Guest SophiaPia






my goodness i don't know how many times i've watched (again and again) this horror special kekeke! 




@blueshoes and yongseofacts thanks for running man i hope we can see the whole running man w/ Yong 2nd time around hero kekeke! 




k.rivera thanks for that video i luv it. Like i said i watched this epi again and again :) I Don't know why i don't know why kekeke! yes! i notice that too, when hubby Yong chatting w/ Vic wifey Hyun pouting again kekeke! 




we still have Tuesday and Thursday of goguma then saturday again yahoooooooooooooo 




about the rating, hmmm! maybe if their looking at numbers they will say it's low. But OMG! they have lots of commercial, lots of advertisement. In my country as long as u have advertisement/commercials/sponsors i think that will be the matters most. They also talking about viewers in Korea, how about wgm YongSeo INTERNATIONAL if they will put all YongSeo International i think ratings is nothing. The important is YongSeo got married "Click" and same w/ other couples. 




So YongSeo lovers, pls continue to love our YongSeo Fighting! wgm PD must know that we want more than rating SKINSHIPS hahahahahaha!






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tks for helping me update this list, gen
































































































































































































































































































































































29/6 - Fishing Trip - PDnim don't u dare forget this one
































































































































































































































































































































































??/? - Rumored filming
































































































































































































































































































































































03/8 - Filming in a park - Hyun wearing a pretty dress.
































































































































































































































































































































































Afterwards go to Make A Wish event with CNBLUE
































































































































































































































































































































































17/8 - Horror Special - lovey dovey. daebak! daebak!
































































































































































































































































































































































29/8 - Incheon Music Festival - we were over the moon, thinking they held
































































































































































































































































































































































hands for the first time. :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































































































































01/9 - ueno juri - the infamous b incident. haha. i can laugh abt it now.
































































































































































































































































































































































in another word, we have at least 3 unshown episodes.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yongseo Timeline
































































































































































































































































































































































19/6 - Mu Core - pending
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































29/6 - Fishing Trip - pending
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































03/8 - Filming in a park & Make A Wish event with CNBLUE - pending
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































17/8 - Horror Special (airing 18/9)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































29/8 - Incheon Music Festival (dunno if they had a shoot new eps in this event)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































01/9 - Ueno Juri (airing 11/9)

































































































































































































































































































































































































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look at that twisted right hand


it must've hurt so much..


tks for the timeline geumjandi.


i'm making the timeline so that when the backdated episode airs, and when

we see them acting awkward, we don't have to 'scratch our heads' too much !! :lol:


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Guest ilovesnowwhite
































































































.:love_ya:. s0leil123 guys ive noticed that too! another fail hug of yong!  YA! yong! when can we able to see the real hug?HUH? haha.































































































































jnj thankyou so  much for posting the timeline looking at it, im kinda sad in a way because we're going back to ":no holding hands" most probably episode. (well i keep my hopes up!! ofcourse! ahahah)
































































shane09 thank you for thoselovely gifs and im gonna grab some. thank you so much!
































































and one last thing. i think ichigo_kawaii will have to download the whole episode/part ofyongseo because its full of SEUKINSHIP, im excited for the vid. :))
































































and deeomfg and _d3seohyun thank you for the lovely capssss!
































































off to watchit.. oh wait. the video  is private,. huhuhu. can anyone please share me the link?please *seohyun's aegyo*...

and about the decreasing ratings. the only concern i have for it that if it will continue to drop and will reach below 2 digits i fear that this couple's life span will decrease. and ofcourse, early divorce WHICH I CANT IMAGINE. really. --___-- but let's hope and pray that after this episode the ratings will soar up.

















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hi all,

finally i have an account,


please let me join this goguma land because i have stalked this thread since long time ago,


i'm yongseo shipper and totally love them, i think that they are real and match to each other,

nice and caring couple

can't wait to see them in tuesday, thursday, and saturday..!!

goguma week!! ^^

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i have a question:sweatingbullets.gif
































































































































did they filmed after yong's birthday? my friend told me that they did, june 23 i think? but i'm not sure..

































































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