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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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lovekim, or any other SINGAPOREANS pls click the spoiler... i wanna ask u guys about something... :D

i know winbros got his RE-MAINTENANCE from lovekim. i still can't find it here in East Malaysia. i dunno if they have it in West Malaysia but it seems like CNBLUE isn't very well received in Malaysia or maybe just East Malaysia? it's like only a few out of many ppl would know about them. and i've been visiting the music stores to hunt for any CNBLUE DVDs or CDs but i still find the same BLUETORY & BLUELOVE only. the flow of things here are pretty slow... so, i was wondering if anyone could help me get RE-MAINTENANCE & courier it to Kuching, Sarawak? -.-" i'm sorry, i'm just too desperate to grab anything CNBLUE. i really hope to hear from someone, anyone... that is if there's still some left in SG, if not... i'll just hafta place an order (but IDK how & where to order >.<) kamsahamnida in advance ^^

rxp~!! i was browsing DCinside... and i saw ur version of yong's Hazzy pic in there! it's cropped though, with hyun in the frame. LOL! clik HERE to check it out.

blueshoes, thanks so much for the pics & info! u're really a very resourceful goguma! keep it up ;)

M3 & juhee, thanks so much for the trans! wow... i wonder if he wrote that lyrics, even better, maybe right after their wedding photoshoot... 'cause the lyrics totally yield SEO JOO HYUN~! :wub:

gahh wanna write more 'cause i've rewatched the latest ep quite a number of times & noticed some random things... BUT my office PC doesn't have all the tools (hah! maybe i should install some of my tools in it eh :phew: ) & tonite i've to go for another social event... sigh! i wanna spazz so badlyyyyyy! :( sighhh i guess there'll always be a next time.... SORRY, FOR MY EMPTY POST ^____________________^

back to misery for now....

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Guest teuksunghae




















Yong's CF with CNBlue's new song is out!
















Yong's Hazzy Bag CF
















behind the scene (its actually more like a longer version of the CF, more scene, longer BMG)
















YongHwa's Hazzy Bag CF behind the scenes
















OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Yonggggggggggggggggg, he is so cute on thissssssssssssssssss. Oh just how much I want the girl to be uri SeoHyun
















Im loving CNBlue's new song, I listened to it once and already addicted































Yonghwa's new CF is similar to Genie's SNSD mv with the hand thing....














































 around 1.30 Seohyun hold the "guy's " hand.... if only we can connect the hands together sweatingbullets.gif I can't find a cap or gif for that specific scene sadly but this is just an extra goodies :-)




































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Wow, this thread jumped about 30 pages since last week! Daebak! Need to backtrack all the posts. :sweatingbullets: But before I do that, I just need to post my spazzing for the last episode. I know I’m super late for this, but too much YongSeo is never a bad thing right? :P Bear with me ayte Gogumas? One week not visiting this thread is pure torture. So here goes :






























































































































I love it when Seohyun just let go and be herself when she is around Yonghwa. One perfect moment is this when Yonghwa complimented her, she replied it by making a pretty pose.Even Yonghwa had to turn and look at her (in disbelieve I guess) It’s not everyday we see Seohyun showing aegyo to a guy =p
























































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa and his endless compliments towards his buin. Just how many times did he said she’s pretty/looks like an angel or simply sings ‘Oh my Goddess’ in the short span of 30 minutes airtime? Yonghwa, I guess the girl in your Love Revolution is standing right in front of you all along :wub:
























































































































































































































































































































































































































































The BIL/Groomsmen reactions are also the best!!






























































































































Jonghyun – Just by one look of Yonghwa’s facial expression Jonghyun can tell that his hyung is excited for this moment.
























































































































































































































































































































































































































































Jungshin chingu – let us compare his look with the earlier episode shall we?






























































































































When he watches Yonghwa happily showing off to them his wife’s talent in playing the guiter.
























































































































































































































































































































































































































































When he watches the happy smile exchange between Yongseo. Ahh, how transparent can Jungshin be? He looked like he’s genuinely happy for them!
























































































































































































































































































































































































































































Last but not least my fav statement by MC Misun.



























































































































































































































































































So that's it. End of my spazzing :P I'll be back after reading all the 30 pages of awesome posts that I've missed this week!! Keep spazzing Gogumas :lol:






























































































































EDIT: OMG black dragon looks so handsome in the hazzy's cf!! Lucky Hyun buin :wub:

































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@juhee.. A big thanks! please extend my regards to your brother.. get well soon;) Yup, i'll do that, just having trouble with my internet connection this morning, thank you for reminding me;)


^uhhh I'm a girl teehee hello this is me~

OH and Juhee (my sis) corrected a mistake that she found on the first translations. She says she's sorry!~

Im guessing b/c of the cold medicine~ pwahah I went on my computer and just started to fool around w/ my ps tool instead of sleeping... oy. this is what I made.


^anyone can use it if they want too~


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Guest SophiaPia
























































Thanks juhee for translations. It's pretty obvious who is the inspiration of hubby Yong while writing the lyrics phew.gif








































Tomorrow is another wedding day, for sure we are all excited again wub.gif Advance thanks to all who will share translations, screen caps, raw videos, sub videos. Huge thanks to all of you.























































































Cheers to all









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Guest myblue



*quoted image*






^uhhh I'm a girl teehee hello this is me~






OH and Juhee (my sis) corrected a mistake that she found on the first translations. She says she's sorry!~






Im guessing b/c of the cold medicine~ pwahah I went on my computer and just started to fool around w/ my ps tool instead of sleeping... oy. this is what I made.






*quoted image*






^anyone can use it if they want too~






oH! :sweatingbullets: sorry my dear.. ;)  please have some oranges and drink lots of h2o.. ;)  see you at the spdbox tommorow;)  saturday come quickly your making us sick! super excited for tommorow's broadcast!  have a blessed day Gogoma's!



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Guest DJHinata




Our faces when we hear the teaser






















Thanks for the translations !!! 





and  rxp080100 OMG!!  fool me XD i was like O___O!! what?!! Hyun in the Yonghwa CF ?!!! WHEN ?!! hahaha thank you for that ! ♥ 





The song was reallyy beautiful i can't wait 21 march paaaaaaliii D__D !! and thank god today is friday !! Tomorrow our yongseo wedding !! 





and about the kiss





for me is in the forehead ~~  ♥ 



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I love it when Seohyun just let go and be herself when she is around Yonghwa. One perfect moment is this when Yonghwa complimented her, she replied it by making a pretty pose.Even Yonghwa had to turn and look at her (in disbelieve I guess) It’s not everyday we see Seohyun showing aegyo to a guy =p














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry for cutting your post maybe07 and for borrowing your gif. Am so glad you brought this up.




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When I first saw Seo Babe making the hand gesture, it reminds me of when Korean Ladies formally pay respects to elders.














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Question to DDuk & Juhee, the lovely sisters, could you enlighten me if this is purely an pretty aegyo pose or something more significant?














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Really appreciate both of you for sharing korean-english translation duties with MountainMadman, lalacakes & kay77, thus allowing us clueless non-koreans speakers to enjoy new YongSeo episodes! :wub: It's also fun to learn more about the korean culture. ^_^














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I miss j2dlee and genxv. Have you both vanished into thin air? :mellow:

















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Sorry for cutting your post maybe07 and for borrowing your gif. Am so glad you brought this up.

*quoted image*

When I first saw Seo Babe making the hand gesture, it reminds me of when Korean Ladies formally pay respects to elders.

Question to DDuk & Juhee, the lovely sisters, could you enlighten me if this is purely an pretty aegyo pose or something more significant?

That's just a Aegyo pose that she did. pwahah She is learning how to openly show her aegyo more often. I remember in the beginning of WGM, when the couple just started she was stiff as a board but now she is supa relaxed around him.


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Guest juita_ejet77








OMG!!!! My hand now hurts like hell for clicking so much!!! yongseo couple wedding pictures from lagging behind 10,000 vote and now finally managed to pass ahead by 4,000...!!!! Hwaiting guys!!! We can make it go higher....





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Guest honeyjade11
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Good Day, GOGUMAS!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You know what I love about YongSeo couple. This 2 can make us excited and spazz right away with just a single pic and a preview. I still wonder how could they do that. Maybe I really been infected by ♥ YongSeo ♥ Virus 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@winbros, I love how you wore back your wedding band. Nice job!! :-) And I guess we both share the same thoughts about the ring. Why wear it, if it isn't important, right?!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































M3, lovekim, aneng, luvtokki, Dduk, soshi3,  seychan, winbros, and etc. (can't say a lot), Thanks for the translations, tips and your opinions. I love reading everything from your point of view. We're lucky GOGUMAS that we have you!! (More power!!)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hmn, about the game, I can't choose between the hands or cheeks. It's quite difficult... And regarding the CF of Yong, the audio teaser of "Imagine" is nice, and the lyrics (thanks btw for translations), he used Angel again?! That's how he describe his buin, right?! (I spazz too much, gotta go back to work... ).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lovelots In-Go-Paem!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(ohh, and my another edited version of YongSeo pic) muahh!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest niiychan
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































just a random thought... :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this caps taken from SNSD CF for Daum :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now we know she wants to go with ... blush.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Gollum spotted : :phew:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































all caps credit by niiychan
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































video link http://www.youtube.c...h?v=d4UOLfyKYlo

































































































































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Guest luna21












i need to be at work in a few hrs... but here i am spazzing about the CF version that i made. hehehehe....i also can't resist! had to see seohyun in the CF. this was fun...the wait was slow and no replay button which sucks!














one more day for part 2 of the wedding photoshoot! :w00t:







see ya fellow gogumas tomorrow...can't wait for what is in store for us!




































































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Guest DJHinata


A long Version of the New Song of CNBLUE !! can anyone translate it please ?




YONGHWA as Your BoyFriend- Imagine Long Version♥














2-26 YongSeo Wedding pictures ♥  Also my Birthday ♫





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Guest aneng












































































With rxp080100's idea of using Seohyun's picture on Yonghwa's new CF/game (whatever you want to call it) and also other fans (probably all over the world), it caught Korean media yet again.








































































































































정용화 연인 광고, 깨알같은 서현 사진 '화제'




































































This is a good news for us but I wonder how will Boice will react to this...





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Guest teahoney

I warn you guys, this will be a long post because I am feeling EMOTIONAL and very HAPPY so I will put it in spoiler! *quoted image*

Maybe that is what the entire World needs, to just hold hands and feel.

Now here we are once again. After many such wonderful euphoric moments, we saw the preview for the Wedding Photoshoot and just one of the Wedding photos and we are once again over the moon just because we want two faraway people to be happy. That right there is BEAUTIFUL.

Now lets cry and celebrate together in Go-chun while seeing our lovable Yongseo in the nearest thing they can have for now for a Wedding! *quoted image*

Lunasol, u just made me cry.. cincca! i just don't know what will happen to me once their WGM end :tears::(

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Guest puang


With rxp080100's idea of using Seohyun's picture on Yonghwa's new CF/game (whatever you want to call it) and also other fans (probably all over the world), it caught Korean media yet again.


정용화 연인 광고, 깨알같은 서현 사진 '화제'

This is a good news for us but I wonder how will Boice will react to this...

i think yonghwa is genius to used he popularity in WGM to promote his album and his ads...


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Guest Jess22803








































































































HI, all gogumas,
























































































The second wedding photo of yong and hyun is so cute and pretty, i just can't concentrate on my work after seeing that, actually i have 
























































































control myself not to come out from lurker mode so that i could finish all my work and relax on saturday watching the deebak episode, BUT
























































































i failed.
























































































Hyun looks so happy linking yong's arm.  Hyun who always shy and reserved seems so enjoyed beside her nampyeon. I watched all seobaby
























































































cf and photos and i never see her with that sweet and happy smile.  Only yong can made her feels so happy and comfortable. I trust hyun will 
























































































follow the photographer's instructions and shows her love and appreciation for yong. She will at least gives him a hug.
























































































As for the bobo, i just hope for a kiss on her forehead, then i will be happy.
























































































Yong hazzy's cf chinca deebak.  i love the song very much.
























































































My sincere thanks to all the all gogumas that do translations, caps, writing interesting post, give POV  and many many more ........
























































































Tomorrow is the day i am waiting for since last week, lets enjoy the episode and spazz againnnnn.









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Guest vmasterpiece
















































hi guzz!! dropping link to 2:00 "imagine" mp3 ^^







































































































I Like the lyrics ^^: 
































If connected to yongseo couple
































I can "imagine" it as continuation of banmal song LOL :
































after getting close with hyun ~~ yong start imagining things happening between them ^^
































Quoting the lyrics :
































"Imagining you, imagining you sleeping in my arms
































You're kissing me~ Oh~ Oh~
































Imagining sweetly"
































 cr: klaritia @cnblue soompi
































(so nice if its not just imagination(-_;)
































Nice prelude mood  for next episode --> 24 hrs to go 









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Guest nikijenlo
























Full translation of CN Blue new song..






























IMAGINE (2 min version, BAG HUG bgm)























When I first saw you, it was like a dream















Because of your smiles which are like that of an angel















If this you could become my love, what would I do















Just thinking about that had me feel so happy













































I will let you know















I'm imagining you















Imagine you looking at a smiling me















You who are holding my hand~ Oh~ Oh~















Under a spell you become my love















Imagining you, imagining you sleeping in my arms















You're kissing me~ Oh~ Oh~















Imagining sweetly













































In a white house on a small green green hill















We are sitting on a yellow swing















I serve you morning coffee when you wake up in the morning













































I imagine to be with you every day















Imagining myself holding you~ Oh~ Oh~















Imagining sweetly













































Every day we can imagine our being the other's half















We imagine that we become more and more alike















My dream will come true













































I love you, be my love















I love you, I pluck up my courage and confess















Oh~ oh~















You're my imagine love :wub:








Korean to Chinese: cnpink @ weibo








See Chin version here > http://ww4.sinaimg.c...dewnsazgovj.jpg








Chinese to English: cr to klaritia @C.N Blue thread








Hahaha..trigger any memories, people? :D






























btw, anybody have any idea this song + lyrics composed/written by who?









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