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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest myblue










Sweet Morning Gogoma Land;) hope i can share this with you.. CNBLUE's IMAGINE is out;) i like the melody.. quite similar to one of JAZON MRAZ songs.. very soothing.. enjoy watching..




























saturday paliiiii.. keep on wondering what will be seohyunie's"singn of thanks to Oppa Yong"


















@Winbros oppa... anything in mind? what ever it is... i know seohyun will love to give that sign to her loving nampyoen...



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Guest zenluvbi
































I want to join in this " kissing game". I guess that:
















Yong looks at Seo lovingly and touchs her hair when Seo's sleeping
































1 day till happiness

















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Guest ayanapunya
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just sharing
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun went corso como with manager ..(today???  :blink: )
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































**꼬르소꼬모 = 10 corso como (near SM ent)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit DCmarried & atomhero twitter & MerrysHoo twitter































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































dear blue shoes,






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm sorry for bothering you. Since nobody ask about this, so I think that's only me who didn't know about corso como. And I feel embarrase to ask this. But I really don't know what is corso como.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Can anybody tell me what is corso como?

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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" KISS Gues Game "

Kiss in forehead

1) YongSeoRockin

2) SeLeNe_Alai07

Kiss in hand

Kiss in cheek

1) Anink "( hyun kiss yong cheek)"

Simulating a kiss

Something even better





Even though I wouldn't mind a kiss anywhere... I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it if he there is a picture of Yong kneeling and kissing her hand... KYAH!! ok... but i guess that kiss would fall into the something better category!?



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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
































dear blue shoes,






























































I'm sorry for bothering you. Since nobody ask about this, so I think  that's only me who didn't know about corso como. And I feel embarrase to  ask this. But I really don't know what is corso como.






























































Can anybody tell me what is corso como?































Actually I was going to ask the same thing I don't know what Corso Como is? Does anyone knows that could give us a heads up???






























































Anyways just one more day until WGM...............tic toc tic toc

















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Guest angels.disguise
































































































Corso Como is a cafe, bookstore, boutique, & gallery all wrapped up in one.
































































It's very chic and expensive lol.
































































Oh and Yonghwa's new "Bag Hug" CF is out!
































































The new song being promoted in there sounds really good.
































































He's full of aegyo too (:
















































































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Guest myblue








Actually I was going to ask the same thing I don't know what Corso Como is? Does anyone knows that could give us a heads up???


















Anyways just one more day until WGM...............tic toc tic toc











@selene and Anyana;) hello! I hope i can answer your question.. Corso Como is an italian brand for Shoes;) but they have for bags as well.. Yes, no appointments for tommorow! Saturday is Only for YongSeo no more no less;) kekekeke



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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































Kiss Guess Game
































































Kiss in forehead
































































1) YongSeoRockin
































































2) SeLeNe_Alai07
































































Kiss in hand
































































Kiss in cheek
































































1) Anink "( hyun kiss yong cheek)"
































































2) Seychan (Huyn'll kiss)
































































Simulating a kiss
































































1) soshi3
































































Something even better
































































































































































































































































































































No Kiss































































































































































































Thank M3 for your trans :)
































































Nayoung & Seulong's appearance is the best. They're so funny & always do something romantic like YongSeo lol Seulong want Yong & Huyn have a kiss, like a close friend's wish for his friend's cute couple. MCs Nayoung & Seulong deabak hihi
































































I think the "high-intensity" pose will be Yong carry Huyn based on what I guess about the action of photographer at the preview B)
































































and more, it's a kiss :wub: there'll probably have kiss for YongSeo. I believe I believe
































































Every photographer is so brave and funny lol they always request some thing wide skinship with couple (like WGM season 1), all of couple at season 1 is so shy although they're so close & intimate at other ep.






























































































































































































































































But they don't hate to do it, never hate it  ♥   they're just shy.































































































































I like the CrowJ's words at his interview after the question for a kiss: "Inside me, What kind of man dosen't want to do it?" lol































































































































































































About  the "sign of thanks to her oppa" that the photographer specially ordered from Hyun? Just a kiss on cheek from Huyn, Yong can fly to the Go-chun for that hihi ♥   but we don't know, what can Huyn do? Remember ep 33, Huyn link Yong's arm make us & Yong surprise & happy. that's true, she did everything when she wants. At her special day, when they wear beautiful grown & tuxedo, stood together with Huyn bride & Yong groom. They was so so happy from their eyes to their reation. I hope Huyn will do more than a kiss on cheek :wub: kiss in cheek for minimum.
































































Whatever Huyn do, I bet Yong'll fly to the Go-chun with her  "sign of thanks to her oppa" lol hihi he don't need wings because he's also an angle, the best handsome angel :wub:
































































Thank myblue for your link, like it. New song, Like it so much, gently & sweet, agree with u, quite similar to one of Jason Mraz songs.. because Yong keep listening JM's songs....very soothing..
































































I like the video's color, so bright and gently and Yong is so cute.































































































































I don't understand what he said but I love the house at CF :wub: so beautiful and I imgine lol it suits for YongSeo couple's house hihi, it have a piano for Huyn & have Yong's pic above the piano, so many Yong's pic around the house & , house's wall is pink (SNSD's color), The bedroom is so beautiful. Wa dream house.






























































































































































































































































Thank myblue for your lyrics, so sweet, I like it.  I hope Yonghwa composed, if he done, OMG Yong always express his emotions through lyrics, look at the lyrics. Like he like he is in  L.O.V.E  :wub:































































































































The song I keep playing on my ipod.... think of Yongseo's couple






























































































































































































































































"I just wanna hold you,































































































































I just wanna kiss you,































































































































I just wanna love you all my life.































































































































I normally wouldn't say this,































































































































but I just can't contain it.































































































































I want you here forever,































































































































right here by my side....♥ "































































































































(By my side - David Choi)































































































































































































Always expect the unexpected from uri YongSeo couple ♥ 






























































































































































































































































Tomorrow tomorrow... ♥  

































































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Guest myblue








Corso Como is a cafe, bookstore, boutique, & gallery all wrapped up in one.






It's very chic and expensive lol.






Oh and Yonghwa's new "Bag Hug" CF is out!






The new song being promoted in there sounds really good.






He's full of aegyo too (:
















hi angel.. yes i've been replying it for amlost an hour now.. cant get over it.. i got  this from Bing english translation..
























You first saw the moment of a dream, I thinkAngel as pretty as your smile ~Such is my love, you think?Just imagine a happy girl ~Imagine you every day Each half imagine us being Resemble each other going ~ oh ~My dream have done way ~I love you My love I love you for it The courage to confess my ~ oh ~ oh ~You're my imagine love~


















I hope Yonghwa composed this one;) now  i want to imagine that seohyun is his inspiration for this song.. :wub:



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Guest blueshoes












dear blue shoes,






I'm sorry for bothering you. Since nobody ask about this, so I think that's only me who didn't know about corso como. And I feel embarrase to ask this. But I really don't know what is corso como.






Can anybody tell me what is corso como?













it's not bothering me ^^ w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif
























website :: http://www.10corsocomo.co.kr/








There are Store , Bookshop and Cafe ..





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i'm in the office right now and not doing anything but browsing to find news about yongseo^^, and i watch the cf even without sound(my comp at office doesn't have speaker so.... :rolleyes: ), i like the cf and i'm dying to hear the song, can't wait till i get home!!!!!












and about tomorrow ep and the kiss thing:












i don't think there'll be kiss scene, maybe an almost kiss scene?? though i hope a peck on forehead :w00t: that'll make my day!!!!!





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Watched the preview again and I think maybe the photographer asked to re-create the second piggy-back scene but with Seohyun in the short pink dress and stockings, not leggings, prompted the weido comment. If the lying on the floor is re-creating the wake-up scene then maybe the photogrpher asked for what we all wanted, as in a forehead, cheek , or hand kiss. What ever is going to happen, I think she said yes.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































All I can say is, WGM don't let us down.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have watched both of them on other shows and Seohyun is always very reserved and careful on the other shows but so was Yong. I don't think I have ever seen either one of them laugh and smile the way that they do when they are together. I think looking at Yong's cheeks is a very good indication. He can smile without the cheek burst but given some of the footage of the spa and all the other episodes, the bursting cheeks are only for Seohyun. Just my POV. And Seohyun's smile and laugh is priceless. It should be bottled and sold. And seems to be only for Yong and her new WGM family. There is something about the comfort level with our couple and at least the bil's but I think it does extent to the sil's as well. The sil's may not be at the photo shoot but I think they really would have liked to have been able to come and I think there is a closeness with Yong and the bil's going on that we don't see on the WGM cameras.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I do think that everyone in their tight circle of idol friends knows that something is going on, and respects it, but nothing will be said about it.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Even if you go back to the HaHaMong show with the MC's, both Yong and JoKwon were not paired up with any of the girls for the games, they played with each other. Since going on WGM, I don't think Yong has been on any shows that would pair him up with a female partner. And we know that Onew won't hold Seohyun's hand, and Jinwoon has said that our couple is good together. Add all the comments and I think, but don't know, that this is a real couple. Add to all this the constant wearing of the rings, except when outside forces get in the way, descriptions of ideal girl and wanted or unwanted comments by bandmates, and just about everything related to this virtual, make believe reel couple screems REAL COUPLE!!!!!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Maybe it is just me but looking at the awards shows starting with the GDA's and going to the end of the year when Yong wasn't or couldn't wear the ring, he really never looked like a happy camper. It was only after their concerts were over and the last concert in Busan where he wore the ring that fans said he looked happy and all the band mates looked happy too. Maybe I am thinking too much or reading a lot more into things than what is there but that's they way it is.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry for long posts but I tend to hold it inside and then just sort of burst out in one posting.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest myblue








Even though I wouldn't mind a kiss anywhere... I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it if he there is a picture of Yong kneeling and kissing her hand... KYAH!! ok... but i guess that kiss would fall into the something better category!?

















Hi Dduk;) sorry to disturb you.. can you please translate this..;) please, please.. Thank youso much!! it reminds me of seohyunie.. (hope it's ok to post it here;)






[Lyrics] Imagine '상상'






널 처음 본 순간 꿈인 것 같았어






천사처럼 예쁜 네 미소 때문에~






그런 니가 나의 사랑이 되면 어떨까?






상상만으로도 행복해 지는걸~






매일 너를 상상해






서로의 반쪽되는 우릴 상상해






서로 닮아 가는걸~ oh~






나의 꿈들이 이루어지기길~






나는 너를 사랑해






내 사랑이 돼줘 너를 사랑해






용기내~ 고백 할게 oh~ oh~






You're my imagine love~






Cr..YongSeofacts..via twitter



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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
























blush.gif  Thanks to all that respond to my question I even got a satellite pic and everything..... I know this is going to sound repetitive and all but you guys rock.








Every time I come to this forum I'm never feel let down this place is truly a heaven. ^_^









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Guest sweetcake_










Yong's CF with CNBlue's new song is out!






Yong's Hazzy Bag CF






behind the scene (its actually more like a longer version of the CF, more scene, longer BMG)






YongHwa's Hazzy Bag CF behind the scenes






OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Yonggggggggggggggggg, he is so cute on thissssssssssssssssss. Oh just how much I want the girl to be uri SeoHyun






Im loving CNBlue's new song, I listened to it once and already addicted



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So Yonghwa's Hazzy's Website is AWESOME!































































































































































































































































You can upload your own photo & the website will input it into the cf in various photo frames...































































































































































































































































My Yongseo shipper's heart couldn't resist:
































































































































Seohyun in Yonghwa's Hazzy's Diary:
































































































































































































































































Seohyun in Yonghwa's Hazzy's bedroom:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You can check out my version of the CF on the Hazzy's site































































































































































































































































































































& you can have fun by making your own as well!






























































































































































































































































































































































































another epic thing is the clock on the night stand has 2:26 on it...which is a special date for me....


























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ALSO: anyone know how i can save my fanmade hazzysbaghug cf? it takes too long to load.... :/

































































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Guest winbros

































































































































@Winbros oppa... anything in mind? what ever it is... i know seohyun will love to give that sign to her loving nampyoen...
































































































































Hi myblue, sorry to cut your post.
































































































































Like all of you, I'm not sure what Hyun's sign of love to Yong may be, I suspect that it will either be a hug or a peck/kiss on the cheek maybe.  Let's wait in anticipation for tomorrow yah?  ^_^
































































































































@celticheart47 - you ma'am just posted what I've been thinking.  There are just too many signs.  Its interesting though that you noted that he looked unhappy during the GDAs when he could not wear the ring and thereafter beaming (cheek-bursting) Yong when he could.   Ah...... young love...... :wub:   Yongseo IS REAL






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@blueshoes or anyone who knows - was Hyun at Corso Como to film??  Or just a personal errand/shopping?
































































































































Tomorrow seems so far away........ 27+ hours to go.....  Saturday paliiiiiiiiiii!
































































































































LOL @rxp080100 That's just too funny!!!!  You're FANTASTIC!

































































































































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Hi myblue!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































dduk is currently sick with the flu so i'll translate it for you~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[Lyrics] Imagine '상상'
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When i first saw you it was like a dream
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Because of your angel-like smile
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wondered what it would be like if you became my love
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just imagining it makes me happy~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I imagine (think) about you everyday~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I could imagine us coming together
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We're becoming alike~ oh~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I hope this dream come true~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love you....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Be my love, i love you
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Have courage, i will try to confess oh~ oh~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You're my imagine love~

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest myblue








Hi myblue!!!






dduk is currently sick with the flu so i'll translate it for you~












[Lyrics] Imagine '상상'






When i first saw you it was like a dream






Because of your angel-like smile






I wondered what it would be like if you became my love






Just imagining it makes me happy~






I'll love you everyday






I could imagine us coming together






We're becoming alike~ oh~






I hope this dream come true~






I love you....






Be my love, i love you






Have courage, i will try to confess oh~ oh~






You're my imagine love~











@juhee.. A big thanks! please extend my regards to your brother.. get well soon;) Yup, i'll do that, just having trouble with my internet connection this morning, thank you for reminding me;)



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Guest luna21








Hi myblue!!!




dduk is currently sick with the flu so i'll translate it for you~








[Lyrics] Imagine '상상'




When i first saw you it was like a dream




Because of your angel-like smile




I wondered what it would be like if you became my love




Just imagining it makes me happy~




I'll love you everyday




I could imagine us coming together




We're becoming alike~ oh~




I hope this dream come true~




I love you....




Be my love, i love you




Have courage, i will try to confess oh~ oh~




You're my imagine love~







Thanks, juhee, for the translation! you're jjang!







loving the song and with the lyrics, it's even better. it's on reply now...can't wait for the album to come out







i can't help but imagine him writing this song - if he wrote it, that is - thinking of seohyun! :w00t:














One more day! saturday come quickly!!!




























@ rxp080100







your screencaps are awesome. thx for sharing! i want to see the full CF...it's still rebuffing, though.







seriously, it's taking a long long time :crazy:



















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