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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest dangshin

hahaha.. no Stopping now, Finally I'll be filing my Vacation Leave for Saturday so I can Relax and Indulge myself in YOngseo Overload,Daebak, Romantic Episode! only 2 days to go! :-)

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Guest aneng
















































































용서부부의 웨딩 촬영, 뽀뽀 신 있나??




































































지난 주, 웨딩드레스를 입은 서현의 여신 자태로 화제를 모았던 용서부부. 이번 주 방송에서는 두 사람만의 추억을 바탕으로 한 스토리 웨딩 촬영이 본격적으로 펼쳐질 예정이다.




































































두 사람은 여느 신랑, 신부처럼 턱시도와 웨딩드레스의 자태를 뽐내며 촬영에 몰입했고, 기타, 반지, 책 등의 소품을 활용하며 두 사람의 스토리를 표현해 나갔다고.




































































한편, 웨딩촬영장에 응원차 방문한 김나영, 임슬옹은 간식을 먹던 도중 용서부부에게 이제 가글을 해야 하는 것 아니냐며 은근히 ‘뽀뽀 신’에 대한 기대감을 표현해 두 사람을 쑥스럽게(?) 만들었다는 후문.




































































역대 ‘우결’ 커플들의 웨딩촬영을 돌아보면 ‘뽀뽀 신’은 많은 커플들이 거쳐가 이슈가 되기도 했었는데.




































































과연 용서부부도 역대 ‘우결’ 선배 커플들처럼 ‘뽀뽀 신’을 찍을 것인지, ‘용서부부의 웨딩 촬영 2탄’ 편은 오는 3월 5일 오후 5시 10분에 MBC [우리 결혼했어요]에서 공개될 예정이다.




































































OMFG JUNGSHIN WILL BE ONE OF THE GUEST MC.LKSJDFASJKDAS I'm sorry for spazzing more about it than the picture. I'm biased just like that.





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Thanks aneng...






















































But I can't understand enough using uncle google translator here...































Lee Sang Woo visit?? KISS photo????






















































What?? What???






















































Now I really... really appreciate for all translator to be here now....































M3, can you help....





















































































they are perfect for CF. Why don't any goguma product just hire them as their ambassador???








































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Guest pink2loveful




just want to give you another info...jang dong gun already with his curent wife which is also an actreess and often to call an ideal woman in korea....for 18 years not only 10 years but 18 years ...


and he often said that his wife is his bestfriend first and than girlfriend and now the mother of his kids....


let's all hope yongseo have this kind of reltionship and in the end of their journey they will find each other...forever....:lol::rolleyes:



thanks for your correction n i  agree with you too.....lets all hope n pray together....


(sorry just reply today because i'm just read your post)


@winbros...thanks for like....i also like to read your post about yongseo,its make me understand to see how improve their relationship now...:D



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Guest lovekim

































































































































M3, lovekim (you are here again ^^) thank you so much for the translations... OMG!, I need to prepare psychologically for next episode :wub:, my poor heart!!! LOL.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Magdal dear!! erms, yes, i pop in occassionally. dun hang out here as before until i resolve some personal issues i have with....LOLS!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Well, at least i contribute when i'm here....(diva lovekim) hahahaha! ok fine...only we old-timers are that shameless. hahaha! didnt realise i've been with soompi for soooo long! time flies!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I totally understand your concerns. Coz we've seen the side effects of not staying on topic before and we love the thread too much to see it being shut down or locked by moderators if we are deemed out of topic. But glad to see the moderators giving us bit of leeway these days. Love ya all!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yes, we can't ignore the brothers and sisters of YongSeo coz they play a huge part in their lives and WGM. we love them just as much too! Even YongSeo themselves bring in their career lives into WGM, so all the more we would wanna understand their careers, music and perfomances to get to know the couple better.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Well, i'm sure all of us have a heart for YongSeo and their careers. if not, we wont be here posting and spazzing. No offence but my motto is, we do not create "trouble", then the "trouble" wont come to us. LOLS! Thanks to all posters for their insights, CSI and opinions.

Reminder: YongSeo stuff stay in YongSeo thread okies! I've been seeing otherwise in other threads and not so happy campers are voicing out. (though we have supporters too.keke!) Stay cool gogumas!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































winbros, no prob my friend! glad u loved the Re-Maintenance album. Yeah, let's meet up soon! Will let ya know if i spot the Thank You album.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yippee!!! Saturday come quick!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: OMG!! aneng!! thanks for the pic and post!!!oh my...seul ong and na young make the couple kiss? KISS!?

































































































































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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
































































Thank You aneng for the pic Yong and Hyun look so adorable with the bicycle and the sweet potatos.
















Jungshing  MC ing that is fantastic I can't waited for Saturday.
















Saturday Paliiiiiiii!!!!!!!!
















EDIT: BTW I been reading that there is a rumor running around about BIL's visiting YongSeo house for dinner anyone has any info about it.

















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Guest Yamapi77
































Thanks aneng for the post!
















okay I don't know why I'm so captivated by the photo above! :w00t:
















They look happy and so natural, like a real couple. This is by far my favorite pic of them. So cute!!
















What's this kiss?? : :rolleyes:









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Guest fabiistar07
















































aneng thanks so much for ur post :D
















the picture is seriously so cute!































i hope uri YongSeo can get to ride their new bikes soon ^_^































i just love how many gogumas there are in their basket [their little children/jasshik haha]
















& don't they just look like the most PERFECT COUPLE you could ever find in this world?! :wub:































they look so good together it's no joke!
















bing&google translator doesn't help much <_<































i keep seeing the word "kiss" [waaah~] i hope someone can translate :)

















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Guest ayanapunya
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks Aneng for this beautiful pic. They look so happy together
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I would like to say this "Prince and Princess with their Goguma." I think this couple should make a CF together.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit : I just think whether seo hyun look as happy as this if she being paired with the other male idol  :wub:

































































































































































































































































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Guest Puge2
















































































































































































































@M3 thank you for the translation.. really thank you :)
















































































































































































@aneng  thank you so much for sharing the pic!! OMG!!! ME Speechless :wub:
















































































































































































cute, kawaiii overload!!! huwaaa... I'm happy right now!! Ottokeee~~~~ :D
















































































































































































huwaaa, this couple really~~~
















































































































































































@all goguma chingoos thank you for sharing all about YongSeo :wub:
















































































































































































well everyone share about how much addicted about YongSeo!!
















































































































































































hmmm... I'm Very Addicted!! hhoo...
















































































































































































actually i have dreamed about YongSeo twice last night and yesterday night ahahaha...  :lol:
















































































































































































and even just 5 minute free time, i will always check Soompi or SPD...
















































































































































































and smile all day along when theres something good about uri YongSeo.. Yeaaah!! All my friends addicted to YongSeo tooo...
















































































































































































and they like the Legendary Birthday Epi. 27.. hhe... Spread the Goguma Viruses ;)
















































































































































































cant wait for Saturday!!

































































































































































































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Guest MissBarbietch_0106
















































Anyeonggg Gogumas..






























































Seriously, i think I'm going crazy if anyone in this thread is not translate the article as soon as possible.. i feel giddy reading the "KISS" word in translation that i got from goggle..  (I'm jumping from my seat now, actually) :wub::wub::wub:
















Ps: Please Help us M3, or another Korean Gogumas??? please, pretty please.. you will be our savior through this day..
















Ohh.. About the addiction:

To be honest i don't know how to through my days, how can i survive and be patience every single week just to reach Saturday.. this couple really got me ADDICT to them.. i check this thread almost every hour, whether in home/office.. i cry-laugh/sad-happy, every time i see them, every time i hear their news, and everything their personally or SNSD/CnBlue do. this addiction is reach to the moment i feel really really jealous to Yonghwa every time i hear rumor about him and other female celebrities other than Seohyun, i just can't stand and feel the heart ache, and sometime wondering, what is Seohyun feel or will do when she hear this kind of rumor. and the weird part is i don't feel jealous about getting news if any of male Celebrities confess or state that they like Seohyun. maybe i just feel insecurity, insecurity that Yong can change his heart (Oh God Please don't ever let this happen, *Knock on the Wood*) and Hyun is the one can't easily do that because Yong is Her every FIRST.
















enough what i said.. just enjoy the upcoming episode.. Happy Thursday Gogumas, 2 days more to go, get ready to faint then.. hahaha.. i just prepare my heart for this Saturday "KISS" episode..

















































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Guest luna21




i've always wondered why this poll come out now when yongseo's wedding photoshoot hasn't even finished broadcasting yet… although the featured wedding picture of yongseo where they're wrestling is certainly beautiful and sentimental, i'm betting - and i'm not really a gambling person - that there are more daebak images to come... saturday come quick!!!



thx to m3 and lovekim for the translations, btw! i think i'll watch out for the stuff who said he/she helped seohyun arranged her dress for the floor scene….hehehe


can't wait for sat. for the "intimate" scene! from the preview, yong was the one who is more nervous… i'm thinking because he'll be making the move…while hyun stays still with her eyes closed? :wub:



also, regarding the oppa conversation few pages back… wasn't there an interview of SNSD after "Oh!" came out that seohyun had the hardest time singing her part because it made her cringe? pls. other gogumas correct me if i get this wrong… but i think she was very uncomfortable about the lyrics "oh oh oh oh, oppa, i love you" that it was revealed she had to record this line separately? and now look where she is now…she can say oppa without hesitating and cringing…and with that special tone of hers, too, to yonghwa! she seems very comfortable being with yonghwa!



and since people have been revealing their day-to-day schedule…


mine is pretty much the same as other gogumas… i'm as addicted to yongseo because:





  • i check this forum from morning to evening - yes even at work and my precious lunch break! (though i don't log in)




i spazz with every little yongseo news




i bought books to read (okay maybe not this one because i love reading books prior to yongseo but might as well mention it)




been reading/watching/buying/collecting more SNSD and CNBLUE related stuff




sleep deprived - specially when sat. comes




catching myself doing seohyun's lips habit - the puckering of lips when she has something on her mind




thinking of getting ipad2 when i have the $$$ and have seohyun's motto "the final winner is a good person" (or is it " the ultimate winner is a good person"? pls let me know if this is the correct translation) encraved on the back, or maybe the helen keller quote - can't decide yet




watching yongseo episodes over, and over, and over…





@fanfic authors


pls. keep those fanfics coming...love reading them!!!





i'm thinking that would be yong's parents' house instead of his pad… like you've mentioned, the picture could have been taken from his room, thus the lack of family portraits - where they would be typically located in the living room. also, it would not make sense to have a bachelor's pad in busan when in yong's case he would be spending most of his time in seoul due to his busy schedule. why spend that much money if he would not use it? he should request a bigger apartment from the label company for him and his members… i mean his room is getting a little cramped with all of his equipments.





wahhhh….thx for posting! that picture! :w00t:


i was wondering when they'll bring out the sweet potatoes!!! i remembered seeing two bikes though…maybe more bike scene's to come...


saturday come quick!!!



speaking of biking... maybe most of you have seen this Daum CF, but i think it's worth spazzing over! :lol: look for the ring as well!


seohyun and sooyong's part comes at 00:35 mark. i sure hope yongseo go there!





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News from allkpop






















































Will the YongSeo couple have a kiss scene in their ‘Wedding Story’?






















































Last week, the YongSeo couple revealed a photo from their wedding photoshoot, capturing the avid attention of many fans. During this week’s broadcast, the story of their wedding shoot will be revealed through the reflection of their memories.






















































Seohyun will appear in her bridal gown, and Yonghwa will wear his groom tuxedo, and together they will tell a story using various props like a guitar, a ring, and books.






















































Meanwhile, Kim Na Young and Im Seulong visited the set and expressed interest for the YongSeo couple to do a kiss scene, causing the pair to become embarrassed. Looking back on ‘We Got Married‘, a lot of former couples did have kiss scenes during their wedding photoshoots.






















































Will the YongSeo couple follow the trend and have a kiss scene? Find out on March 5th!






















































Source: OSEN via Nate




























































































Link : allkpop






















































Additional Info :































CLumsy a.k.a Lyra has posted new story. Visit her story. ;)































License To Love: Marry Me
































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Guest Kerube-Chan












































It is in allkpop





































Last week, the YongSeo couple revealed a photo from their wedding photoshoot, capturing the avid attention of many fans. During this week’s broadcast, the story of their wedding shoot will be revealed through the reflection of their memories.

Seohyun will appear in her bridal gown, and Yonghwa will wear his groom tuxedo, and together they will tell a story using various props like a guitar, a ring, and books.




































Meanwhile, Kim Na Young and Im Seulong visited the set and expressed interest for the YongSeo couple to do a kiss scene, causing the pair to become embarrassed. Looking back on ‘We Got Married‘, a lot of former couples did have kiss scenes during their wedding photoshoots.




































Will the YongSeo couple follow the trend and have a kiss scene? Find out on March 5th!




































Source: OSEN via Nate











































































































Edit: Sorry for repeating the news.... to make this different the only thing I have to say is AHHHHHH!!! Please I am not asking for much, just a little tiny kiss in the forehead or cheek, nothing more, YongSeo let gogumas die of happiness!!! Please!!!




































So sad, I would not be able to spazz with you, this weekend is carnival weekend and I am going with my brothers to spend the time in another town... so no internet access for me until tuesday.... I am going to cry, my cellphone is my only hope... Please share a lot of pics!!!!





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OMG that picture is just too cute~!

seriously they are the picture perfect couple for CF's. OH I just noticed... ARE THOSE GOGUMAS IN THE BASKET!? pWAHHA they are seriously just too cute for words!

& ACK! To be honest I want a kiss scene between them and yet I don't want to be one. I want them to have a kiss scene because... come one who wouldn't want these two to kiss RIGHT!?

But at the same time, things might get awkward between them if they kiss.... (unless they are a real couple but conclusion is only for my imagination...TEEHEE)


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Guest lovekim
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My version....lovekim style...hahaha!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo couple wedding photoshoot, is there Bobo?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Last week, YongSeo couple raised many discussions as SeoHyun looked like a goddess in the wedding gowns. This week, the couple will move into the photoshoot with their story as blueprint. These two, like every other brides and grooms, did their best to showcase the gowns and wedding poses, indulging themselves in the photoshoot.They made use of guitar, books, rings to tell their story. On the other hand, to show their support, Kim Na Young and Im Seul Ong came to the shoot. While eating snacks, they asked the couple whether they needed to rinse their mouths. Hinting at the hope of seeing them bobo, and in turn making the couple very shy. (Muahahaha! i love the SeulOng NaYoung couple)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In the past recordings of WGM couples' wedding photoshoots, many couples had bobo and that became hot discussion topics. Will the YongSeo couple be like their WGM sunbaenims and photograph bobo pics? Part 2 to YongSeo couple's wedding photoshoot will be broadcasted this Saturday, MBC, 5.10pm.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credits: Sweetpotato Baidu Bar

































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Guest scatterbrain

translation of the article. i may make some mistakes, i apologize in advance

credit:baidu goguma

Last week, yongseo couple made the topic by wearing the wedding dress and looking like a goddess.this week, the couple is using their story as the blueprint of their wedding photoshoot. both of them look like a real bride and groom, enjoying their photoshoot. using guitar, books, rings to express their story. Seulong and KimNayoung came to show their support. during snack time, they asked yongseo couple whether it's time to gargle, faintly expressing their hope for this couple to bobo(kiss), making both of them very embarassed.

many of the past generation's WGM couples bobo(kiss) in the wedding photoshoots and has become the topic. can yongseo couple have bobo(kiss) scene like past generation WGM couples? yongseo couple weddin photoshoot part2 will be shown on MBC, saturday 3.10pm

i have a feeling that this article is letting us know that they won't have kiss scene. i'm hoping everyone can enjoy saturday's wgm with or without the kissing scene. and please don't be dissappointed if there is no bobo...

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Guest vmasterpiece
















































THX for all the translation ^^
































i always waiting for today, where they usually post new pic about our couple,
































and here they are.... 
































(and news on CNBLUE album too what a great day ^^)
































definitely goguma couple, even in their wedding photoshoot they can't forget about it. 
































this pic teaser is killing me.. making the already very long saturday seems longer...
































now that i am waiting for 2 biggest thing happening in march (yongseo photo & cnblue full album ^^)
































march is the best, and its just begin ^^







































































on kiss : 
































i do think that 'bobo' is out of yongseo couple skinship range, so i am not hoping too much on it
































but I would scream!! if they actually do that. 
































as usual expect the unexpected has become the motto of yongseo couple 
















































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Guest fabiistar07
















































Thanks for the translations! :)
















Just something I'd like to say/comment on...































would they mention a kiss if they're not going to show it?
















We've always spazzed about uri YongSeo kissing ever since we found out about the wedding pics































I hope they're not playing with us <_< lol































In my perspective, if theyre mentioning it then it means a kiss or something very close to it might happen
















Because.. why else would they bring it up, right?

















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