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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest quisty86
































































































SGajumma I think it's Hyun's right hand just trying to fix her hair.
































What is being crazy stupid at work? I giggle on my own bec. suddenly the scenes would just come back to me. I would remember Yong's "fried brains" stare and Hyun tilting her head asking for "oppa's opinion". Yongseo, WAE YOU DO THIS TO US?!?
































Dear saturday, be kind to me. Love, a loyal goguma.






























































































































































At the next frame with the cameras behind them, you'd see the movement of hyun's right arm (hand dropping down). Just too lazy to cap it.

































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Guest yonghyunforever




SGajumma I think it's Hyun's right hand just trying to fix her hair.




What is being crazy stupid at work? I giggle on my own bec. suddenly the scenes would just come back to me. I would remember Yong's "fried brains" stare and Hyun tilting her head asking for "oppa's opinion". Yongseo, WAE YOU DO THIS TO US?!?




Dear saturday, be kind to me. Love, a loyal goguma.












it his hand, because maybe you think the sence at the sofa but not, when they stand up and his head and her head really close, they cut that sense and then he already at another spot. it is really fast, Pdmim what you want to hide us. watch carefully. i did 20 times.kekekek, but now so happy go-chun






Jossa had another fanfic in her blog, please read and comment




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it his hand, because maybe you think the sence at the sofa but not, when they stand up and his head and her head really close, they cut that sense and then he already at another spot. it is really fast, Pdmim what you want to hide us. watch carefully. i did 20 times.kekekek, but now so happy go-chun




























SGahjuma and Yonghyunforever,



























































Sorry to burst your bubble, but it is Hyun's hand. I've slowed it down to play at 0.25x speed, and it is definitely her right hand fixing her hair near her left ear.




























I wish it was Yong's hand though...




























I used VLC player and started at 8:49 onwards...





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are u guys talking abt this scene?

its obviously hyun's hand trying to fix her hair...

had to make a quick cap just for this? :rolleyes:

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Guest senbonsoul






Backtrack a little. I was rewatching ep 28 and i was wondering wad song was yong humming to when he was going to have a hairwash. Can any1 tell me wad song it is?



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  Please guys stay on topic...moderators are watching us and this is YongSeo thread. If you want to talk only about CNBlue, or only about SNSD  without any conection to YongSeo please go to the CN.Blue thread or SNSD thread and talk all you want.

Even we were told before that we should not talk about SeoHyun or YongHwa individually, but that´s something so hard to do for us that I think the moderators decided to condone us for that,  but this talk about CN Blue is seriously, really, quite out of topic.

Thank you guys ^^, please let´s take care of our beloved Go-chun ^_^.

As for limiting our discussions to only Yongseo - how can we seperate the members of SNSD and CN Blue from our couple?   They are as much a part of the Yongseo story as the couple themselves.   i just feel like I've been exposed to an entirely new family, with the SNSD sisters, the CN Blue bro-in-laws, Yong's mom, the WGM MCs (including Jinwoon and Seulong), Adam and Khuntoria couple and all the other wonderful people who have touched these 2 on their journey.  This has been a real eye-opener into an new culture.   Through WGM, I have developed a strong admiration for Korea and her people.    

magdal, thanks for reminding us. however, like luvtokki, i also think it's pretty unreasonable for us to not just spazz anything about yong or hyun as an individual. but of course, if we still insist on spazzing about them as an individual, there is this thing called SPOILER ;) it would be even better though if we could relate the individual topic with yongseo.

i think magdal's post is referring to the posts abt cn blue music only which has

nothing to do with wgm..am i right, magdal?

spazzing abt yongseo, we CANNOT leave SNSD SILs and CN Blue BILs aside,

since we see them as yongseo's 'family'..

and abt spazzing only on hyun/yong as individual in yongseo thread..

well, somehow or rather...

everything and anything they do..there is ALWAYS some connection with yongseo.. :phew:

BUT, intimate pics of yong and his other partners is a definite no-no in this thread.. :P

come to think of it, we gogumas are as open-minded when it comes to these two.

wgm links shared over at the boys thread is ... :vicx:

the same links gets a thumb's up at gg thread...

and over at hyun's thread we can spazz freely abt yong..

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Hello!!! Good morning/noon/night guys.































Just to clarify all question...































I just "full fill" my time.. hehe...































Since this page moving in slow motion today...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Conclusion: Clearly it's Hyun right hand.... Sorry to disappoint you...






















































MC Jake tweet + Mr. Lee Jae Ho blog : DAEBAK. Both of them totally leave a very teasing word for us... Now everyone must be prepare to be in heaven this Saturday.... Let's gather here guys...Thanks for all the translation.






















































To all fiction author.... Thank you for updating guys.. Trent, could you create another story???





















































































For those wanna watch cn blue zepp tour : visit here






















































































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Another bunch of pic.. hehe..































So the picture from Yong when he goes back @ Busan, actually is his house or bachelor pad????






















































The tweet pic by Yonghwa...




















































































































From interior designer picture. Is it correct????




















































































































Pic him at his family home.. away back then... Posted by him on their twitter...





















































































It got the same vibe. From a higher place..






















































How bout you guys?? What do you think? Bachelor pad or his family house??































My instinct said it his bachelor pad....






















































& why did he/they need and interior designer????































Did he/they just moving in???































Did Hyun know bout this??? hehehe...
































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Guest aneng












































































Oh my randomness...




































































A fan from DC Married randomly posted this too.












































































































































COME ON. When I saw this a while ago, I was like 'WTF AWWWWWW' and I really felt my eyes got teary. This happened December 29 2009 and they didn't give a damn about each other back then (Maybe Yonghwa does just because he's a self-proclaimed Sone). Looking at the picture, who would ever thought they'll soon be journey-ing together as...sigh...I don't even know what to call them anymore.




































































Oh God Yongseo. The things you do...why so precious? D:




































































lol if the staff diary is legit...and adding up MC Kim's tweet, they're all very excited about the wedding photoshoot too. Aish. I don't even care...I just want to see them together as soon as possible.





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@ me272 .. Woww Thank you so muchh. At first I thought it was western singer's song. Just knew from you that it's Indonesian band




Million thanks :lol:







When i read that it was Indonesian band, i immediately went to search it and it is an Indonesian indie band. And i stumble to the video, but i think this is fanmade, or maybe not... I don't know... It Must Been You - Funny Little Dream




And don't forget to keep voting for our couple's wedding picture.









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 i think if i'm not mistaken, u meant this song:

 it must've been you by funny little dream.. this is an indonesian band.. wow i dont know that WGM listen to asian countries song too =) ..

@me272 really? I shocked when i read your post and hurrily watch again that scene together with finding the song.. suddenly proud for indonesia (haha)

Thanks for  the info.. ^^

and hooo.. Saturday please come fast!! I need our YongSeo for being my good-luck charm during my mid-term test.. ^^

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dreamy, i wish i can take a breather like u and spazz on yongseo while at work.

u lucky girl u :D

every 30mins or so, i will visit the washroom, taking my iphone with me. :sweatingbullets:

well, the last time i check, there is nothing wrong with my digestive system,

BUT this yongseo addiction is v hard to deny. i need to feed it like every minute.

day in and day out, i just have to check on yongseo's thread.

when there is nothing new..my mood is down

when there is an update or fan accts...i smile broadly! :phew:

see how addictive yongseo is?

i told myself that i need a diversion, and so i watch Secret Garden

but when they play the song..that one particular song..

aigoo..it reminds me of yongseo running away from the seagulls in Busan..

so i ended up watching the Busan episode again.. :sweatingbullets:

yongseo is indeed my drug and i am a yongseo addict... ^_^

and because i am soo yongseo deprived...thus this kind of post.. :lol::lol:

soshi3, looks like u are an addict too hahahaha

lovekim, M3, thank u soo much for the trans.

it makes my day or should i say night...

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i think magdal's post is referring to the posts abt cn blue music only which has































































































































































































































































































































































































































































nothing to do with wgm..am i right, magdal?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































spazzing abt yongseo, we CANNOT leave SNSD SILs and CN Blue BILs aside,































































































































































































































































































































































































































































since we see them as yongseo's 'family'..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and abt spazzing only on hyun/yong as individual in yongseo thread..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































well, somehow or rather...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































everything and anything they do..there is ALWAYS some connection with yongseo..  :phew:





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































BUT, intimate pics of yong and his other partners is a definite no-no in this thread.. :P





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































come to think of it, we gogumas are as open-minded when it comes to these two.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wgm links shared over at the boys thread is ... :vicx:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the same links gets a thumb's up at gg thread...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and over at hyun's thread we can spazz freely abt yong..




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you jnj ^_^... I was talking about the CN Blue posts talking only about music, without connection to YongSeo in it.
































































































































































































































 I guess I still can´t forget the last time we saw a moderator here, when she/he told us that we can´t talk about SeoHyun or YongHwa out of WGM ... that was a big, What the hell? for me too, (but I think they decided to allow us that ^^?) That is why I got a little scared when I started to read the CNBLUE  posts talking only about  music without  connection to YongSeo in it.
































































































































































































































Sorry if I offended someone, it was not my intention.blush.gif
































































































































































































































M3, lovekim (you are here again ^^) thank you so much for the translations... OMG!, I need to prepare psychologically for next episode :wub:, my poor heart!!! LOL.
































































































































































































































It is Hyun´s hand... too bad! but maybe we'll have more luck next episode :). Thanks for all the goodies Gogumas, please keep bringing them ^_^.
































































































































































































































EDIT: I´m sorry, I hate myself for be on top of page again -_-

































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Guest nikijenlo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So the picture from Yong when he goes back @ Busan, actually is his house or bachelor pad????






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































How bout you guys?? What do you think? Bachelor pad or his family house??































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My instinct said it his bachelor pad....






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































& why did he/they need and interior designer????































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Did he/they just moving in???































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Did Hyun know bout this??? hehehe...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry to cut your post zealous...




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My guess:-  it is his bachelor pad... B)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The reason why, if its his parents house, why the displayed pics only have Yong's individual pics + one family pic?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Why no individual pics of their other son, Yong's bro?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Do they have individual photo corner for each member of the family or something??  which is unlikely...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Another possibility....the pics display are actually located in Yong's room..thats why we see only his ...make sense?:phew:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































idk...but if its really Yong's bachelor pad.. WOW!! :w00t:

































































































































































































































































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since this thread was warned twice, its understandable that u are being paranoid, magdal. me too..

but everyone is doing a good job at keeping this thread safe.

like the mods said before, we just have to remind each other.. :)

from lovekim's trans..

What usually is a common wedding style(pose) to most couples,

(in fact) made them nervous~

all i can think of is a kissing pose..

no! no! of course not kissing on the lips! :rolleyes:

that is too much for both of them..and for me too hahahaha

erm...kiss on the forehead then..

but IF they do a pose like what yong/psh did..i'll be dissappointed.. <_<

where is the originality, mr photographer?

*if u guys need to repost that pic of yong/psh with a book..pls use spoiler* ;)

and i just had to quote luvtokki oppa cause it is beautifully said

and it also represents what all of us feel

there is no one else I can talk to about this (other than my daughter) , so it is therapeutic for me to write about Seohyun and Yonghwa to all the gogumas in go-chun who understand and sympathize with our mutual addiction to this wonderful couple.

and this is making me teary eyed too..



u are still lucky, dreamy.

i don't even have internet access! -_-

but your daily routine is kind of fun and funny lol

i wish other gogumas (i see so many familiar names below)

would share how addictive yongseo is

and what this addiction do to their lives..

but one thing i can say..

our social life has been taken over by yongseo! :lol:

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wow, lovekim! thanks so much for providing us the trans! :w00t: this coming ep must be so daebak that even the staffs couldn't contain themselves any longer LOL! aigooooo i hope i won't strain my jaw by smiling very widely now ^_____________________________________________^

jnj, i'm actually not as lucky as u think haha! since soshi3 & M3 have revealed their stories... i'll reveal mine LOL :lol: (sorry, mine isn't much to boast xD)

- wake up, brush teeth, get ready for work, drive to work.

- reach office, go toilet, back to my room that is shared with my junior. once junior is out of sight, my hand will quickly open the firefox browser & go straight to yongseo thread to check for update. once i hear any suspicious footsteps, i swiftly close the browser & do my *coughs* work xD

so the longest time i can browse is during lunch break. i used to always wanna eat out for lunch but ever since i discovered this thread... i'll always try to make excuses if possible LOL! danggg i'm becoming more like a cave-yoja now! i don't even talk to my junior when i become too absorbed with this thread during lunchtime... i do feel bad about that -_- aigooo what have yongseo done to me.... >.<

- before finishing the day, i'll try not to have anything left undone at work so that i can go back early & go straight to yongseo thread/ rewatch past eps/ make fmv/ make some weird yongseo fanart/ wait for my yongseo HQ dl to complete/ watch out for any yongseo update in YT/ play games or watch other dramas while waiting for updates from this thread, YT & etc... xD aigoooo

that's basically what i've been doing for this past 2010 till to date. :P

yahhhh aishhhh for the sake of a healthy social life, tomorrow i've badminton! ahhh i don't feel like going.... :phew: i wanna do any yongseo-related stuffssss

ohya, magdal~! don't feel bad... u didn't do or say anything wrong. so don't worry ya. :)

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Guest Germbaby





Hi fellow gogumas,



I was just spazzing through when I found out something. Seohyun's photo is in Yong's Busan house! Look carefully! Inside the couple's figures display box, there is a photo of the couple. DAEBAK! Can't wait for Sat to come....Times flies so slow....


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Guest soshisoshisoshi








jnj, yes I am an addict! in fact, WE ARE ALL ADDICTS!!!!!








people, if you open this thread everyday at least once, or when you work/study suddenly YongSeo popped inside your mind (again even just once), you are an ADDICT! if you are saying you are not, nononono, you are lying to yourself :lol::lol:








okay, this may not sound fun, but I want to try not visit this thread PURPOSELY tomorrow, plus holding myself from looking at YongSeo-related things (episodes, MVs or articles - if there is one)...... let's see how will this turn out for me :rolleyes:. Don't be angry! I'm just testing myself (honestly I doubt If I can resist the temptation for even 6 hours).... my test is coming, so yeah...








Okay, don't be surprised if I don't show up tomorrow, just take it as a "YongSeo-avoidance Meditaion". LOL that sounds weird!








wokay GOGUMAS, goin to bed now, see ya......... LATER! B)









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Guest honeyjade11






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Saturday is still far away.... Before I go to bed, just wanna share this, I made this since I'm a bit bored.. Lovelots gogumas!! (haha!! I made this, my wallpaper..)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest yongseomania


Ermm...Is it just me or everyone notice that Seohyun kept calling yonghwa "Oppa" ?




Oppa mean older brother rite ? I googled it and i found this




Additionally, when girls want to specify whether or not they are interested in a guy or if he is just a friend, they specifically say that he is just an Oppa (meaning he is like a brother and just a friend to her) rather than a boyfriend or Eyin (애인).








Is Seohyun trying to be respectful or she wan to ___________ ?


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