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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest mrsjoker
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@jnj : LOL. jet setting? i wish i am... i merely dubbed it as work responsibilities...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































oh jnj didn't you just visit korea sometime last year? can i ask wear can i buy those cute idol character socks? can i find them in local street vendor? and Yong's backpack...the cemula brand one, do you happen to know is there any official flagship stores that sells it? the fnc official site is written in korean...me don't understand at all...:sweatingbullets:   If not then i just have to purchase it online and ask assistance from my counterpart there (an option i would like to avoid... kekekeke...)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@Luvtokki oppa : I always love your post... :lol:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm having another spazzing round again here at the airport at 7:30 am, barely awake. ah the life of a gogumas..... oh by the way...i just notice that Yong's cheeks looks like its about to burst any second from that constant wide smilling/grin... ain't he just the cutest boy? :wub:  and you know guys... of all my WGM stint back since season 1, i have never seen a couple that actually took LOTS of personal photos from their personal camera... for me that falls into the criteria of "the little things" that screams real to me without having to put through some kind of "logical debate" with my own mind. kekekeke... ;)

































































































































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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































I noticed that at beginning of SONEms engsub part 3, when Yong & Huyn begin go studio, we can hear their cheerful & happy laughter. It remind me of ep healthy check, YongSeo had happy moment when they walk to hospital. YongSeo always like this, when they walk together, they never lack of their smile & "love play" & some-unique-joke of normal couple & Yong can tease Huyn about everything & make her lol like this :wub: whether at on-cam or off-cam.
































































And when Jungshin chingu & Jongshin come, Yong greet them with a formal way hihi Yong tease them. His little bro had come at his special day. CNBlue boys're always so funny & playful. Like them. 4member of CNblue are playful boy with their ways. So cute. When they clapped hands when look at his SIL so beautiful, like a little fan meeting lol So cute, CNBLue boys love love love
































































Thank u aurora82 for your link, at this video, I can see Yong turn his head & look at Huyn, like the way he look at the of this newest ep.
































































It was December 31, two days after their wedding photoshoot.
































































Maybe Yong & Huyn had their interview for WGM at this day, Their hair style at this award look the same as interview, especially Yong. He looks so cool :wub:
































































I had captured some Yongseo's moment at this video....
































































































































I can see you, Yo~ng.
































































I love Huyn, love the way she has the widest smile because of Yong. her eyes are spaklie. She's so beautiful :wub:
































































































































My favourite words at newest ep:
































































Y: you look absolutely pretty.
































































Y: I somewhat felt as she was an angel. I felt that.
































































S: My husband from time to time does something call Yong Choding.
































































Y: I WAS a fan.































































































































S: and now?































































































































Y: now… we are a married couple... :wub:




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































P.S: Thank u winbro oppa & luvtokki oppa, love to read your post very much. I'm your fan too ^^
































































































































































































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Guest pink2loveful






hi goguma....i really hope yonghwa like jang dong gun always said he is single but in reality he got girlfriend n their relationship is almost 10 years(if i not wrong) n hope yonghwa gf is not other girl than seohyun because they are loved by many fans.



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hi! shifting the mood back to the SUPPORT YONGSEO mode.


got this from Yongseo fb.:

 credits to people in charge there.

Vote for Yongseo Couple as best wedding photos here

Credit: rxp_sonoiceguma


best wedding photo

sorry if I do it wrong. its my first time posting links.

credits to lutvokki oppa, winbros oppa and everyone else for the amazing posts. It's a joy to read.

here's My POV,

lets not compare one person to another and have negative thoughts about anything. Everyone is different. Different individualities makes a relationship fun. Yongseo is fun because both of them are different people beyond their similarities. I bet they are having fun with each other because there is always something new to discover about one another.We know how great they are, individually or together and I know Yonghwa knows how great Seohyun is and Seohyun knows how great Yonghwa is. Isn't this what relationship is all about? Experiencing life together and constantly content just by having each other despite individual hunger in getting better individually. A couple is each other's half. Isn't that what Yongseo is?  

Lets put negativity behind. (no one is perfect anyway -.-") Believe in the power of love, believe in individual greatness, believe in the power of unity Yongseo has show to us because I bet that is what this thread is all about.

Sorry for rambling... and sorry if I break any rules.


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Guest honeyjade11
































































































































































































GOGUMAS, good day!!






























































































































































































































































I can't say anything else with the latest episode.. it's truly DAEBAK!! I love every moment of it..































































































































I love the way Yong can't take his eyes off his wife. The way he was mesmerized with Hyun's beauty. And I can say that Yong really participated in the wedding prepation for his wife. Even though he used to tell her that she can choose whatever she wants, he ended up choosing what he wants for her. (I'm rambling... hahaha). Just like her hair, he chose it, and the wedding gown. He just can't let go of the elegant dress once he noticed it. And to be honest, it really suits Hyun a lot. She's really pretty on it. Even though she look beautiful in every gown she tried on, she stands out with Yong's pick. Maybe that's the reason why he loooked so weary when she tried on other dresses. He might feel that Hyun didn't like what he suggested even though for him, it's the best. And on Hyun, she also pick something for her husband to try on. The two of them really had a mutualism relationship. They fit perfectly.






























































































































































































































































About the concept of the photoshoot, I'm surprised that it wasn't a random photos. But this is just what I wished for. They're own story, their own history. A wedding photos that no one can claim but only the 2 of them.






























































































































































































































































The great groomsmen. Haha I laughed at the reaction of JongHyun and JungShin. They really lighten up the mood. I think their good interaction with their SIL Hyun, we owe it to Yong. He had disciplined CNBLUE brothers to be polite and caring. And he really established a good relationship between his wife and his brothers. And look how they were to Hyun. Always caring and protective. And Hyun was able to find great friends to them too.






























































































































































































































































When they started the photoshoot, their first meeting, I expected them to be like that. Awkward. Why? Because how could they act how was them before, when they're too close now. How can they avoid each other gazes anymore if they are used to looking in each others eyes. It would be difficult to go back the past when their relationship have improved a lot. Thanks to JungShin, JongHyun and the photographer and staff. They were able to bring back memories. I guess they already notice how long they have reach.






























































































































































































































































And how could you ignore JongHyun's reaction when his hyung turned down the coffee... He was shocked. And I like how Yong refused it before Hyun could start saying he must not drink it. It's either Yong still drink coffee at the CNBLUE dorm or he avoid coffee secretly that his brother didn't noticed it.






























































































































































































































































Seohyun, a real Goddess. When she's doing her solo photoshoot, you can't blame YongHwa if his mouth was left open,, hahaha... She's beautiful how could he stop staring at her if he knew she was his wife. This Goddess in front of him is his wife. YongHwa, a modern knight. Always protective and always make sure she's comfortable. And no one can deny that he really good at posing. Even Seohyun was amazed.






























































































































































































































































I love how this couple compliment each other. How the other fill up the weakness of the other. If you see them, you could always wish this thing is true. That they are really getting married. How I wish. This two, both have talents, ambitions, and goals in life. But I believe this two also have their HEARTS.  It doesn't mean that being in a relationship can hinder everything you dreamed of. It's only a matter of adjustment and time management. It's not neccessary that they'll be together everytime but knowing that they have each other is enough. For me, no matter what they end up to, if they end up together, it's great, if they don't, we can't do anything about it.  I just have to treasure what I had seen on them. ♥YongSeo♥ i really love them.






























































































































































































































































hmmnn,, another one, I just realized this thing about Hyun. She never wear that ring just for media thing. I guess she wears it 'cause the ring is important to her.































































































































look at this photos:































































































































































































you can clearly see the ring with those individual photos above ... but look how she covered her hand with these group photos...































































































































































































































































































































what I mean is, she could just remove it if she isn't taping WGM if it's just for a show. But no, she wears it even in other occassions and performances. She can't cover it when in individual photos because she doesn't know who took pictures of her, but when she knows every media is on them, she covered it with her other hand, so it won't gain a lot of attention. Haha I wanna believe she wears it 'cause her hearts tells her to. :-) sorry for the looooooooooong post. Lovelots GOGUMAS!!

































































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i am looking forward to todays filming, IF there is one

because my fragile heart is so restless, and i want to put

my mind at ease.

aigoo, why do i let yongseo affect me this much?

nvr have i cared for any idols as much as them..

mrsjoker, i've sent u a PM.

will get back to u again tonite

u are making me want to fly back to Korea and join u shopping!

anw i couldnt find the bags that yong endorses.

dont even know where to find them there

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back to epi 45....this convo...i am just as curious.






























JH: are u excited?















YH: no i am not. i don't know what i am doing













































Like jnj, i'm perplexed with this. At first, I found it sweet. It seemed like Yonghwa was too excited to feel anything. Mixed emotions, maybe?








But probing deeper, let's see the context. This was December, awards season, three Gayo Daejun events, two major concerts for CNBlue, and a crammed filming of WGM before the year ended. We could expect a tired Yonghwa. Even Seohyun, noticed it when she said, he looked like a pickled kimchi (isn't that redundant?). Since this is a reality show, I don't think the PD directed them to be into their character, since that was already given. Without a director's guide, I don't think Yonghwa would had really known what to feel. A 21 year old guy, who has dreams of being successful in the music industry, has the thought of marriage far, far from his mind.








For Jungshin, who is a spectator like us, initially knows that it is exciting to be getting married or doing wedding photoshoots. But for someone who is "doing" it but not for "real", someone who's floating in tiredness, and someone who's maybe, like what we want to believe, trying to hold his feelings at bay for a girl, he might really say, "I don't know what I am doing."








Ah...small things, short sentences that can consume our thoughts. I can't believe that this couple can do such things to us.








Sometimes it tortures me.








Still I watch them every saturday,








Logs in here at soompi everyday,








And fervently wish for them to be real, everytime.








PS kay77... good to read your posts. Reading you makes me feel that these two persons are more than what WGM potrays them because you always talk in a broader context, specifically Korean entertainment industry and culture. Thanks and please continue posting, even it's once in a while.








PS2. jnj, me too. restless is the right feeling. almost everyday, when i wake up, i automatically wonder if they are going to film this day. :(









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Guest redbeans84
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hii to all goguma villagers, yongseo lovers.. Another lurker is coming out!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just wanna share.. these are some of the songs from latest ep..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































B.O.B feat Bruno Mars – Nothin’ on you





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sky Sailing - Captains Of The Sky





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Colbie Caillat – I do





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry, i don’t put the direct link,, I’m afraid of breaking the rules (‘coz I’m new here…)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Btw, I really2 love yongseo couple.. coz they seem so natural,no pressure, just go with the flow, such a cute couple...well suited, complete each other.. they enjoy it so much..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And every time I watch them, I always smiling :rolleyes: , make me feel like I’m in love,,, :wub: Just look at their eyeship (yong’s banmal song ”now look at my two eyes and tell me I love you.. Looking into your eyes, my two eyes they’re talking to you I love you.. “) Well no doubt that they’re in love.. (In my heart,, they are really a couple,and hopefully they will bcome the real husband & wife :wub: :wub:)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yongseo,, fighting!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest myblue
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hi! shifting the mood back to the SUPPORT YONGSEO mode.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































got this from Yongseo fb.:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 credits to people in charge there.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Vote for Yongseo Couple as best wedding photos here































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credit: rxp_sonoiceguma































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































best wedding photo
































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry if I do it wrong. its my first time posting links.
































































































































































































































































































































































































credits to lutvokki oppa, winbros oppa and everyone else for the amazing posts. It's a joy to read.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































here's My POV,
































































































































































































































































































































































































lets not compare one person to another and have negative thoughts about anything. Everyone is different. Different individualities makes a relationship fun. Yongseo is fun because both of them are different people beyond their similarities. I bet they are having fun with each other because there is always something new to discover about one another.We know how great they are, individually or together and I know Yonghwa knows how great Seohyun is and Seohyun knows how great Yonghwa is. Isn't this what relationship is all about? Experiencing life together and constantly content just by having each other despite individual hunger in getting better individually. A couple is each other's half. Isn't that what Yongseo is?  
































































































































































































































































































































































































Lets put negativity behind. (no one is perfect anyway -.-") Believe in the power of love, believe in individual greatness, believe in the power of unity Yongseo has show to us because I bet that is what this thread is all about.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry for rambling... and sorry if I break any rules.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi.. sorry to cut your post.. thak you for the link.. can you please provide the steps on how to vote?Guys lets give pur best on supportting our couple..;)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@winbros&luvtokki.. Oppa!! both of you are jjijang!!!! I'm your fan too;)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@seychan.. thank you for cpaturing those yongseo moments at Gayo! I want more!(kekekeke)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@jnj.. likewise here.. been waiting and anticipating for a filming today! but yesterday i think their together...coz dc gave the gifts from YS international fans..

































































































































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Guest joshua27

















back to epi 45....this convo...i am just as curious.








JH: are u excited?








YH: no i am not. i don't know what i am doing















Sorry if I seem to be always cutting people post. I just watched (again) another chinese sub video and it has a different translation (like what aneng said, I tend to choose the one that make me happy(living in denial?))
















JH : How are feeling? Must be very happy








YH : (his face bursting)  have been preparing for this day








and in the video, when the make-up artist congratulated him for their big day, YH did say : we will live well together for eternity.








Hope no rules are broken here. Just wanted to share my relief after watching this vid, cos the other translation sounds so disheartening.











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Guest bittersweet_
































































































































































































































Ahhh my lovely two Sweet Potatoes always make me happy!!! ^_^ Usually I watch episodes at least 3 times but I have been busy with school so can't comment on details.
































































































































































But aren't they just too adorable? Always bickering, teasing, and laughing with each other. Now isn't that what all couples should be all about? There's gotta be fun in there. These two are definitely big teasers now.
































































































































































Seohyun is the prettiest bride I have seen so far in my life. Honestly.
































































































































































Yonghwa is the best of the best groom I have known<3
































































































































































Everyone should respect their mutual respect for each other. If you are a Seohyun fan and you see her wearing the couple ring on events, it says that she appreciates and cherishes it. So have some respect for YongHwa!
































































































































































If you are a YongHwa fan and he is doing the same thing, have some respect for Seohyun!
































































































































































They wouldn't be the way they are right now without each other.
































































































































































I hope by saying this I am not like offending anyone.
































































































































































I can't wait for the next episode and CN Blue comeback. I think we would have to do lyric examining ;) I bet there are Seohyun inspired songs in there :) I bet 200%! I wouldn't be surprised if he has lyrics with "sparkling bright eyes" and "long wavy hair" hahahaha
































































































































































Be Happy GogumaLand! I wish we could delete some comments that don't belong in this thread and kills the happy momentums!

































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@myblue, no problem. thanks for reading my post.

@myblue and everyone else voting for our couple,

you just have to click on the cat with the red gloves underneath uri yongseo's photos. You'll notice the numbers increasing at every click.



sorry if the way i'm replying is wrong. sorry.


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Guest winbros
































































































































































































Annyeong go-chun chingus































































































































































































Firstly, big thanks to all (jnj, kay77, mrsjoker, bubbly_zuzu, seychan, nrlfrhna, etc.) for the kind words, I’m thankful someone reads my rambling, all for the love of uri Yongseo…  We are all fans of Yongseo, 1 big happy family yah!!































































































































@ kay77 – thanks for the tip on the japanese album “Thank U”, that will be my next mission now, to buy the album somehow or “obtain” the songs by any means possible.  I prefer to do it legally if it helps CNBlue’s revenue but will resort to more dastardly means if forced to…. LOL.  I listened to Arigatou and really loved it, seriously both Yong & JongHyun write great songs!  Having followed them since their indie days, would you be able to provide insights on Yong’s songs, if there has been a change since he went into WGM with Hyun?  The romantic in me would like to think that, we’ve heard from him that he finished Love Light thinking of her but he did admit that he started the song before WGM.  We know he wrote Banmal/FFTL for her, just curious if there has been any other songs “influenced” by his new outlook (cough*relationship*cough) in life.  I love Sweet Holiday as well, so catchy, plus the fact that they used it for the Wedding Ep preview just pushed it to the top of my playlist for last week.  I’m so looking forward to their latest Korean album despite the delays.
































































@ mrsjoker – thank you for sharing your POVs too, and I completely agree with all you have said, my heart tells me the same thing as your heart too!  I love it when you post about uri Yongseo especially when you have Korean colleagues/friends who may provide additional info or insights.  I’m tempted to contact my Korean colleagues but I think it’ll shock them as I don’t deal with them and out of the blue asking about 2 Korean idols rather than work.  LOL.  So I’ll just live off what you and other posters provide from your Korean friends or knowledge of K-Pop/Entertainment. 
































































@jnj – on your question about why Yong said “no I am not. I don’t know what I am doing” to JongHyun.  Someone mentioned that it was singing part of FFTL, I’m not too sure since he said it rather than sang it, and we know our couple tends to sing parts of songs at random, e.g. Hyun singing SNSD’s “Kissing You” when they first held hands in Ep27; Yong singing TRAX’s “Oh My Goddess” in the latest episode a couple of times in response to his gorgeous Hyun.  My guess would be there are emotions involved that he is trying to come to terms with, i.e. she is someone special and he can’t put it in exact words.  It would be like when I first saw my wife in wedding dress, absolutely S.T.U.N.N.I.N.G…. did I comment on the cut of the gown or the lace or whatever?  To be honest, I’d have to re-visit our wedding pics to remember what the gown looked like.  All I know was that she was the most gorgeous person I’d ever seen and we were about to embark on a life journey together.  So how do you put that in words?  I can’t remember what I said really. (wife :wub: if you’re reading this, CNBlue latest CD for my birthday yah? Brownie points hehe).  It doesn’t answer your question but that’s my view.  Only Yong (n maybe his CNBlue brothers) will really know what he thinks.  But if we look at the wedding shoot episode alone, the episodes lead up to it, all the stuff happening outside of WGM shooting, a guess could be he feels like he’s the luckiest guy in the world at that moment?   On the other hand, it could be like what hacker8 says and he’s just tired from all the activities/schedules and wondering what he’s doing at that time?
































































@luvtokki – I really enjoy your posts, you spot the smallest details and remember to write them out.  When I watched the wedding shoot ep, I had the sense that there was a degree of comfort that the 2 had and couldn’t put a finger on it or break-it down as well as you did.  We’re lucky to have you as a fellow-shipper.  Re: honeymoon filming, maybe they could do the honeymoon after the Bangkok concert, honeymoon in Phuket??  Or honeymoon in Jeju, I think Yong had let slip that he would like to go Jeju with Hyun, that was seriously funny seeing that he was totally “caught”/busted LOL, link is here (































































































































) credit to sweetpotatosubs































































































































































@intoxd – I watched the Season 1 couples up to episode 25/26 and didn’t follow the ones that came after Ssangchu couple.  IMO as the couples were generally older, they appeared to “act” better in front of the camera.  But for the wedding photoshoots, for the original 4 couples + Ssangchu, I remember that only Ansol had a kiss, Andy planted a peck on the cheek IIRC (Solbi seemed to want Andy to kiss her more throughout their series more than any other couple it seems), the other couples had close proximity but no contact, the current batch of MCs would have been majorly disappointed if they had watched them, anti-climatic.  Ssangchu couple had something near to a kiss, HJ to Hwangbo’s cheek I think but I believe there was no contact.  In fact, the only couple that I know that actually kissed is Adam couple?  But I’m only saying that since I didn’t watch any of the earlier Season 2 couples, and I think Khuntoria has not “bobo” yet.  In any case, skinship for uri Yongseo couple will happen in its natural course, I wouldn’t fret too much about it if I were you.  No need to compare couples cos they are different in terms of their upbringing and personalities.  I’d find it weird if Yongseo were to launch into full makeout session, not that I wouldn’t enjoy it of course, but it would be W.E.I.R.D.  I can’t help you with the K-fan-culture thingy, it’s foreign to me as well.  In fact the entire K-entertainment is foreign to me.  The fact that groups have to live in dorms when their homes could be in the city just baffles me.  We definitely don’t get that in South East Asia I think, not sure if it’s the case anywhere else.
































































@honeyjade11 – that’s a fantastic observation, and I love your pics on Hyun wearing the ring!  Thanks for that!:lol: 
































































































































And everyone, if you can, please use nrlfrhna's link and vote for uri Yongseo, currently standing at 116,817 for yongseo vs. 138,630 for adam couple…. :(
































































































































































































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Guest MrsAthenaG




Wow...the village is abuzz again!  Well, this Elder Goguma is out and about again, enjoying the different opinions and healthy arguments regarding these 2 children.   Allow me to respond to the current controversy regarding Yong and Hyun.  As everyone knows, I am a great admirer of YongHwa as a person, an actor and a musician.  Do I know him personally?  No...but I read and search about him and CN Blue and from what I see and hear, suffice to say that I'm content to conclude that he is one young talent...really a great talent.  For someone so young, to be able to create the music, put lyrics and arrange a song, perform and create a great atmosphere with your music, and be rewarded by the acknowledgment from fans, media and his peers, how can this man be labeled as "naive", "lost puppy" and "won't last long..."?  I guess these words can describe each and everyone of us in a way.  I may be old, but I am also naive to the thoughts of the youth of today, I'm a lost puppy amongst the sea of various changes in this world...and I know I probably won't last long... but not yet..hahaha.  Sooooo ENOUGH of this discussion and forward we go!


This episode was great, love those dresses, reminds me of my own wedding.  Difference being was, my husband saw me in my wedding gown on the day we married as I walked down the aisle to meet him at the altar.  Words were lost...he even forgot his vows...couldn't repeat what the priest wanted him to say...repeating the words for him to say once more...still silence but staring at me with eyes that can melt an iceberg...bringing laughter to the entire congregation.  That's what husbands/grooms feel as their bride come forward towards them to the tune of the Bridal March.  In the same token, I was mesmerized by the vision of my husband standing there, waiting for me, and in this case, wearing a pure white Tuxedo, looking straight into my eyes as we meet together to face God and the Church to bless our union.  Now I may not be a raving beauty like SeoHyun but to my husband, I was the most beautiful bride and he, the most handsome groom.  Correct me if I'm wrong, my fellow married Gogumas, weren't the sentiments similar to your own wedding? 


So to change the mood and divert the direction of this thread, let me request the following.  As I am a romantic person, I would love to hear about your wedding, this to the married members of this community.  Please share your wonderful day to these young, unmarried and eventually going to be married gogumas so they can picture their future wedding and find the similarities to our couple so far.


Some things I noticed about this episode:


At home receiving the mission - they were tired and yet another mission.  But...could Hyun get any closer without getting on his lap?  They were pretty close and Hyun was leaning towards him while reading the mission card and looking at the pictures.


Make up - constant teasing and banter between them...they're really close now.


At the salon - More eye communication between these two...looked like Yong was doing "Morse Code" with his eyes...he just kept staring at her...blinking his eyes to make sure that he sees her clearly.


Bridal Shop - I believe that Hyun's comment about Yong not being concerned was merely him being a man, no offense to the male population.  They are decisive, unlike us women who can try a hundred dresses and still want to try more, asking whether this or that was better than the other, etc... Yong made his choice, and a good choice at that (he really knows his fashion) and to him, that choice was the best for her, everything else after that fails to compare to what he chose. 


Photoshoot - I really admire the CN Blue boys and how they support each other.  Jonghyun & Jungshin came to support their leader (it's been known that all the members went to Minhyuk's final drama taping, and YongHwa and Jungshin went to the "Acoustic" movie premier and promotions).  Nothing else can describe Hyun's beauty but I did notice that SHE is HAPPY...her smile just stretches from ear to ear.  No doubt Yong knows how to work the camera, he does show the emotions that the photographer wanted him to portray...that's because he feels them.


They can't even remember or know how to re-enact their awkward moments at the beginning.  This means that their comfort level is way up there and they are not acting.


Well, here I am again taking up so much space.  Looking forward to the next installment of the Wedding Photoshoot...and more...and more...love...  Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy and enough of this nonsense about who's better than whom.  Just think of this...to us in this village/planet YONGSEO IS THE BEST!!!







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Guest deeana55
































































































hi goguma....i really hope yonghwa like jang dong gun always said he is single but in reality he got girlfriend n their relationship is almost 10 years(if i not wrong) n hope yonghwa gf is not other girl than seohyun because they are loved by many fans.















































































































just want to give you another info...jang dong gun already with his curent wife which is also an actreess and often to call an ideal woman in korea....for 18 years not only 10 years but 18 years ...
































and he often said that his wife is his bestfriend first and than girlfriend and now the mother of his kids....
































































let's all hope yongseo have this kind of reltionship and in the end of their journey they will find each other...forever....:lol::rolleyes:

































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Guest uni343ver











Just drop by to share something for some of us to get through the day or through Saturday...Hope u guys like it.


















YongSeo's Life So Sweet


















Watching hubby master the art of posing in front of camera



































Her eyes say SARANGHAEYO...






































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Guest goguma_power

plz help vote uri yingseo My link

our couple still far away from adam,so vote as much as you can :tears:

sorry if the link have been shared already:sweatingbullets:

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Guest WLingNg37




Hi all, This would be my very 1st post in soompi.I'm from Malaysia, I'm a Malaysian Chinese. Forgive me for my not-so-good english.


To be honest, I have been lurking since last may and i have decided to create a account on yongseo's 1st anniversary.




I have NEVER joined a forum, but the power of our lovely couple changed me.


Because of this thread,


I get to know the fastest information about goguma couple, and i will quickly tell my friends about that,


they would say : 'HEY! YOU STALKER!!!' fury.gif haha.




The first thing i would do when i turned on my laptop is to visit this thread. Not facebook or twitter. But this thread! :D


I'm familiar with all the names in this family...


our translator, M3,dduk, and lalacakes.


and friends who keep this thread lively, lovekin, beeichigo, winbros, jnj, magdal, luvtokki, j2dlee, soshisoshisoshi, dreamyboo, semi-fly, rxp080100aisuo415, ahn annann, trent, zealous, seychan, scatterbrain, wallpaperfood.........many more. Sorry, i can't list out everyone here. Thank you, yes you, everyone in this thread.




I felt like a 'lost puppy' :unsure:(saw it frequently in this thread these few days) when i started to fall in love with this cute,lovely couple.


I don't know what to do...It's like an angel side and evil side of me fighting with each other.


evil side of me will say something like 'come on, it is just show'


then the angle side will say ' b..b..ut its a REALITY show, look at them, look at their eyes, look at their interaction...there is no way to say that they are acting'...




yeahhh, something like that happened to me until i realize there are so many people out there are also having this 'incurable lovely yongseo couple disease'. Even daddy and mummy love goguma couple too!


I am no longer a lost puppy, i can confidently say that I love yo~ong and Hyu~un!'


I was really surprised when some of you revealed that you are married and even have children. jinjia!


You are an adults, and you have experienced lots of things, and yet you guys are in love with this 'make-believe' couple.


I thought only fan girls like me would do these kind of things (spazzing).


Also, I found that there are quite a number of guys in this thread, which is unusual(for me).


But yeahh, THIS IS THE POWER OF GOGUMA COUPLE, they treat each other with their true heart.




I love the way hyun calls yong 'oppa'.


and yong will answer in a manly way-'hmmm?' Now, That is l-o-v-e. :rolleyes:




I have noticed something. Other couples in WGM act like normal couple who have skinship frequently, they can have cheesy lines oftenly. but not out couple:blink: I feel that they are controlling their feelings, Come on, this is a show, you have to show people that you are a couple. FORTUNATELY, they can't do that easily...that's their charm.because i believe, they have developed feelings for each other. Maybe they are typical koreans, which are conservative, and shy. Maybe they don't want people all around the world to know there is something going on off-cam. tee-hee. To our lovely couple, I am so sorry to say that we all knew.:P




For the wedding photo shoot next week, i truly hope that there will be a kiss scene. :rolleyes:


But...they are the charismatic CNBLUE boy and the popular SNSD girl which are so important to the K pop entertainment industry. Is that possible? hmmm, *Crossing fingers*




I am so proud to say that whenever i visit this thread, there will be at least 100 of them who is viewing this thread.


No offense, but when i visit the other thread, there is only 30? 20?readers. hmm. we are indeed a HUGE family!  hehe.




By the way, Im quite confused with the time line.


They had their wedding photo shoot on the 28th? after skiing?


But, did anyone of you notice yonghwa's watch in last episode? It actually shows the date in the 3rd yongchoding's piece.


I'm so sorry. I do not know how to insert image. :vicx: You may refer to zealous's post on page 1919.


I saw a '7'? anyone with eagle's eye to clarify this?  Thank you very much!






I know that WGM,  our lovely couple will end one day. =X


But I hope the great god will give them enough strength/courage to continue this beautiful love story. ;)


God bless them , God bless everyone in this thread! Cheers!~




I saw this meaningful quote somewhere, which describes our couple.




LOVE: Two eyes that locked together, two people that destined to meet, two hearts that are connected.




I'm so sorry for this long post, kindly inform me i have violated any rules. Thank you. Have a lovely day!






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Guest myblue
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry guys dont know how to put it in the spoiler section..Yong at NAN Episode 16.. everytime i see him wearing the ring ring dong my heart is in go-chun') <IMG style="BORDER-BOTTOM: black 2px solid; BORDER-LEFT: black 2px solid; VERTICAL-ALIGN: top; BORDER-TOP: black 2px solid; CURSOR: pointer; BORDER-RIGHT: black 2px solid" id=paranimg_m_0 >

































































































































































































































































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Guest kaydee_






i don't have anything new to contribute to the spazzing for the first part of the wedding photoshoot that hasn't been said before. i love reading everyone's POVs regarding everything and anything about this couple. i remember when my sister told me about this forum, she said that they discuss everything there and she was very right. haha! and i've been really enjoying it.


anyway, wallies! here's the last two from my paint explosion series - wedding photos style. hope you guys like it!












links for bigger versions:


th.efb977bbe4.jpg th.5eb427c63e.jpg



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