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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest deeana55
































































hi guys, i want to spazz about this episode but apparently all the post in her already summarize all my thought and the picture really gorgeous and great as ussual.
































































but, i see that everyone said that yong eyes tell everything, but if you see hyun eyes at part 3 at around 6.20 you see her eyes to yong it's scream love every body  wkwkwkw....and i really mesmerize over that 1 minute it's show hyun realy like (love)  yong...
































































btw this is my random thought after i visiting cn blue thread apparently there is debat over there about yong and WGM, turn out there is a lot of cn blue fans that still not grown up, they even don't want to say hyun name and only saying "that women" and cal this show 'those make believe show" ...so my conclusion is....IF they are really together i really don't want them to announce it, just let that relation becoming their secrets because i think korean fans or fans of the korean artist still don't have a maturity to except their idol having a love relation....
































































that's my conclusion of the days guys.... and crosing my finger now and prayer hopefully they are already at the stage of bf/gf relationship...

































































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Guest rizeleth



Hello Fellow Gogumas ^_^!!! There is a new poll for best WGM couple.

right now, uri YONGSEO are in 3rd Place. currently, first is lettuce, then followed by adam couple.


how to vote:

use internet explorer, since it's written in korean.... the characters won't come out in mozilla...

click the link, then there's a box in the left upper corner...click "join"....

you need to sign in to vote (it's very easy) then after signing in, you can already vote.

just click the red button in the lower left or just below the sign in box.

Then a bow will appear and written there is 'UP 1"

You can click it as many times as you want. NOTE: The "UP1 change position every 50 votes. you can only vote for 199 counts but you can vote again. after reaching the 199 counts click the "+" sign so your vote will count.



Disclaimer: I only new this from my friend who is also a fellow goguma and I translated her instructions from tagalog

so I'm not sure if I made the instructions clear enough. :sweatingbullets:


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Guest basketsfruit89
































































































































































































I was rewatching the earlier episode, from the one where they made the Banmal Song and now i'm watching the Busan episode, the skinship explosion... And now i'm wondering the dates of their filming. Was it wedding photoshoot first or Busan first. So if there's anyone here have the complete Goguma calendar/timeline, do you mind share it with me??































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just want to share their filming timeline:































































































































































































































































































































+ Nov 29th or 30th (I can't remeber exact): filmed Busan































































































































































































































































































































+ Dec 8th: filmed Massage (300th day anniversary)































































































































































































































































































































+ Dec 14th: filmed Skiing































































































































































































































































































































+ Dec 26th: filmed Banmal song































































































































































































































































































































+ Dec 28th: filmed Wedding photoshoot































































































































































































































































































































@deeana55: I don't know what's wrong with those fans, they really immature, why they can be selfish like that. Seriously, they just so intolerant. But I want Yongseo will be announce if they truly have relationship, at least, they still have many fans support them now. Antis, they always be here, in everywhere, everytime, so if Yongseo date secretly, they will do that until when?? Someday in future they have to announce, antis still there but Yongseo fans I'm not sure we still have many as right now.

































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Guest calmocean






btw this is my random thought after i visiting cn blue thread apparently there is debat over there about yong and WGM, turn out there is a lot of cn blue fans that still not grown up, they even don't want to say hyun name and only saying "that women" and cal this show 'those make believe show" ...so my conclusion is....IF they are really together i really don't want them to announce it, just let that relation becoming their secrets because i think korean fans or fans of the korean artist still don't have a maturity to except their idol having a love relation....


let me say this yong and hyun is really romantic remind me of my first.   this wgm show has boosted their popularity more than either expect.  i think what is more special and incredible is all you guys and myself that are so dedicated to this couple!   kinda weird people get too emotional about any celebrity though.  they do get paid to "entertain' us.  this is like a transition for hyun into acting.  she needs more practice and i think sm told her that her image is to be the cute naive persona.  but like yoona said she is wise beyong her years.   at her age any dating would be career suicide.  espcially in society like korea.  for male like yong it would be more a boost for his career to be with hyun.  but i think she is a lot smarter than that.  but they are both very likeable.  or the way they act is very adorable and innocent.  but entertainment industry is not innocent and pure like them with suicides and anti and greed or companies like we've  seen in the news. 


i'm not anti or pro.  just have been enjoying the ride with them and all of you guys and gals out there all around the world it's great =).  so is it too much to ask you guys to tell me i'm wrong here =).....



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Hello Fellow Gogumas ^_^!!! There is a new poll for best WGM couple.




right now, uri YONGSEO are in 3rd Place. currently, first is lettuce, then followed by adam couple.
















how to vote:








use internet explorer, since it's written in korean.... the characters won't come out in mozilla...








click the link, then there's a box in the left upper corner...click "join"....




you need to sign in to vote (it's very easy) then after signing in, you can already vote.




just click the red button in the lower left or just below the sign in box.




Then a bow will appear and written there is 'UP 1"




You can click it as many times as you want. NOTE: The "UP1 change position every 50 votes. you can only vote for 199 counts but you can vote again. after reaching the 199 counts click the "+" sign so your vote will count.




















Disclaimer: I only new this from my friend who is also a fellow goguma and I translated her instructions from tagalog




so I'm not sure if I made the instructions clear enough.  :sweatingbullets:

















Sorry to cut your post and thanks for sharing.








I followed your instruction but it seems like you will need to put ID no. in as well. Does this vote only apply to Korean or what kind of ID no. that they want as I clicked for more info, but nothing came up. Pleaase help:tears:





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Guest rizeleth


Sorry to cut your post and thanks for sharing.

I followed your instruction but it seems like you will need to put ID no. in as well. Does this vote only apply to Korean or what kind of ID no. that they want as I clicked for more info, but nothing came up. Pleaase help:tears:

I'm not sure :sweatingbullets: ... I only put my username in the ID number and it worked for me. so I guess you'll just have to put that.

I've already voted 1200+ and still counting. it's kind of fun.

Well, hope that helps :)


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Guest lovekin




















i agree with you... i think the subs could be a little clearer during this scene.




i just rewatched the scene without subs and here's my translation of that part of his blackroom interview...




yong (in the blackroom): she was trying on one dress after another. they were all pretty, so why was it taking so long? i was thinking "what is going on here?"








so basically he just didnt understand why she had to try on so many dresses when they were all pretty on her.




and he was getting tired cause it was taking so long.








hoped that cleared things up ^^













yay, thank you!  i knew it seemed a little weird.  but now i wish my initial thought process was right.  haha, not that this is bad at all.  such a typical boy, though.  laugh.gif  again, thank you!





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I'm not sure  :sweatingbullets: ... I only put my username in the ID number and it worked for me. so I guess you'll just have to put that.








I've already voted 1200+ and still counting. it's kind of fun.








Well, hope that helps :)

















Thanks for your fast reply rizeleth, i will try again tonight:D





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Guest yongseorockin




raw video all episode available at yongseo fanclub


for anyone to want to d/l


it's avi 600p each episode have been split in to 2 or more part you need to join it after finish d/l every part (can join by hjsplit or 7zip)







I have all 1080i episode but I don't understand what do you mean in your spoiler, PM me if you want any help







Oo, didn't know you provided raws as well. Sorry that I don't really know who provides what.:tears:

But a BIG THANKS YOU!! I have pm-ed you regarding my spoilers.




really need to keep thanking people who have provided so much in this thread. I don't think we can ever thank them enough!


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Guest RockerLovesBookworm

Not to be rude or anything, but can we stop this fanwar discussion here in goguma thread. 

This topic being opened here in go-chun is getting into some people's nerves. 

It's already a given fact that some fans don't want Yonghwa to be in WGM and we can't do anything about it.

They don't like our couple? Fine. Let them be. Let's just stay here in go-chun and spazz.

That topic is sensitive for some of us gogumas and discussing it here is not helping and it will only make it worse.

So let's drop this and move on.  And oh, let's AVOID bringing this topic here in the future.

Sorry for the rant.

*Back to spazzing mode*

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Guest yongseomania
























Hello Fellow Gogumas ^_^!!! There is a new poll for best WGM couple.








right now, uri YONGSEO are in 3rd Place. currently, first is lettuce, then followed by adam couple.
































how to vote:
















use internet explorer, since it's written in korean.... the characters won't come out in mozilla...
















click the link, then there's a box in the left upper corner...click "join"....








you need to sign in to vote (it's very easy) then after signing in, you can already vote.








just click the red button in the lower left or just below the sign in box.








Then a bow will appear and written there is 'UP 1"








You can click it as many times as you want. NOTE: The "UP1 change position every 50 votes. you can only vote for 199 counts but you can vote again. after reaching the 199 counts click the "+" sign so your vote will count.








































Disclaimer: I only new this from my friend who is also a fellow goguma and I translated her instructions from tagalog








so I'm not sure if I made the instructions clear enough.  :sweatingbullets:



























Are you sure the red color button 16% is yongseo? I can only see the button.... Voted 600 votes... will continue spamming later... :)
















Dear Gogumas,
















Please follow rizeleth steps to vote for our yongseo couple.... We need alot more manpower to spam the vote count..... Just have to put in username, nickname, password and email to create account... You dun even have to log in back to ur email to confirm e registration...You just need less than 20 sec to create account.... One click = 1 vote...So we need more spammer :D .... Every vote count and every goguma play a part....You might think a person cannot make much diff but we have to shows other couple fans that we gogumas are united and show them which WGM couple is the BEST COUPLE!!!!!









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Not to be rude or anything, but can we stop this fanwar discussion here in goguma thread. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































This topic being opened here in go-chun is getting into some people's nerves. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































It's already a given fact that some fans don't want Yonghwa to be in WGM and we can't do anything about it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































They don't like our couple? Fine. Let them be. Let's just stay here in go-chun and spazz.
































































































































































































































































































































































































That topic is sensitive for some of us gogumas and discussing it here is not helping and it will only make it worse.
































































































































































































































































































































































































So let's drop this and move on.  And oh, let's AVOID bringing this topic here in the future.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry for the rant.
































































































































































































































































































































































































*Back to spazzing mode*































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi! Sorry to cut your post.. Your absolutely right. Reading those statements makes my heart weary. let's be happy for one another! spread the love and enjoy the journey of our beloved couple;) 






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































good news!  [ANNOUNCEMENT] DC delivered the gifts to YongSeo and their managers today. Yes, Yong and Hyun plus their managers received gifts from us.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr..from bezbez






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































by the way i love your username.. COOL;) happy Go-chun everyone..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest rizeleth
















Are you sure the red color button 16% is yongseo? I can only see the button.... Voted 600 votes... will continue spamming later... :)








Dear Gogumas,








Please follow rizeleth steps to vote for our yongseo couple.... We need alot more manpower to spam the vote count..... Just have to put in username, nickname, password and email to create account... You dun even have to log in back to ur email to confirm e registration...You just need less than 20 sec to create account.... One click = 1 vote...So we need more spammer :D .... Every vote count and every goguma play a part....You might think a person cannot make much diff but we have to shows other couple fans that we gogumas are united and show them which WGM couple is the BEST COUPLE!!!!!















Well, my friend told me that the red button is uri YONGSEO so I'm believing her. haha... but based on the photo ranking. our couple is third and below the red button is the third highest so I think that's it. haha :sweatingbullets:








Sorry if I'm not giving much help. :P









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Guest kirakiraSuru




Hello gogumas!

I just wanted to share that I posted the "yongseo's filming dates" on my blog (I just opened up a blog so it's the only post there :sweatingbullets:)

I usually lurk around dc married and yongseo soompi thread and noticed some of you asking about the filming dates.

There's a yongseo couple history page at dc married so I thought it would be great to have one in English.


Hope you guys like it!




Here's the link:





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i also have many first with this couple.  i like you don't ship.  but really are they compatible in real?  she idolizes un secretary, and he bon jovi.  seohyun really is a role model for all young women.  yong is like most naive young men dreaming of being in a successful band and making it big.   my opinion is seo has big dreams she has already set a path to accomplish, and would not be help with real life distractions like yong.  she is only child and in korean society she has big aspirations to fulfill.  yong is more like a lost puppy when i watch them.  he is the lucky one.  too much competition for entertainers in kpop.  he prob won't last so hopefully he will learn more from his wife.  

woah...where does this come from?

i would appreciate it if u do not judge yougseo

(yong is naive? lucky? distractions? wont last long?)

huh? come again?

pls give credit to their credibility to go far in the field that they have chosen.

i agree that luck does play a part BUT so does TALENT..

btw this is my random thought after i visiting cn blue thread apparently there is debat over there about yong and WGM, turn out there is a lot of cn blue fans that still not grown up, they even don't want to say hyun name and only saying "that women" and cal this show 'those make believe show" ...so my conclusion is....IF they are really together i really don't want them to announce it, just let that relation becoming their secrets because i think korean fans or fans of the korean artist still don't have a maturity to except their idol having a love relation....

that's my conclusion of the days guys.... and crosing my finger now and prayer hopefully they are already at the stage of bf/gf relationship...


whatever is happening in cn blue thread, it should stay there.

yongseo just had their wedding photoshoot...its a joyous occasion

we are a happy bunch! lets stay this way..

we are in go_chun after all.. :D


and because i topped the page, just had to make this quick cap :sweatingbullets:


Jpn will always have a special place in yongseo's heart.

yong mentioned that he can't forget the first time hyun took the iniative

to link arms with him and this is also the place where they finally

had the heart-to-heart talk.. :wub:

so if they want to date..Jpn is just a 2hr flight away.. :phew:

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& There's it go again....































The -ve vibe comes again...





















































































Sometime I fell funny bout this...































When we feel happy and rilex, there's must be a glitch thing try to make us feel down..





















































































Just think it like this,































"We cannot make everyone satisfy just like us, but if we let it go, it will never hurt us, in any kind of situation."































& 1 more thing, let's don't start any fan wars.































Think, we should say something like, "Thank you for your impression/opinion/suggestion for this couple."































When they make a comment like that, it means, they also watch the episode, they just make a "different comment" from us.






















































That's what I do, I take what I wanna read, just to make me happy.































Let leave the -ve vibe outside this thread.































Let's be happy.































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi








I second jnj, I suppose we should make this thread a happy one, ALWAYS!








calmocean, with all respect I have to say something regarding your post saying Yonghwa is "naive", "won't last long". I know that Seo is a person who has set her dreams in the future, a person with a strong foundation on her life, and I admire her for that. But Yonghwa, he has his own big dream too! he has spent all his life enjoying music, as his passion. As a guy I'm quite disappointed for what you said. He has been through hard times, eversince CNBLUE's debut in Japan, and to reach the point where CNBLUE is right now, it's everything because their music, the songs Yonghwa composed and other factors other than that...... But the best thing about him is, he was able to open this pure-innocent girl named Seohyun to have an adventure in the world called LOVE, and as a "husband", he has done REALLY well. Sorry to say this but to me it's Seohyun who was "lost"  - in the very beginning. the reason of their relationship now is because Yonghwa trying very hard to lead Seohyun, and in turn Seohyun has been catching up!................ I hope you understand this. If I didn't catch the meaning of your post correctly, I'm terribly sorry!! I hope you won't be mad, because I'm just stating my opinions...








If I offend anyone with my post, I'm really sorry








like I said in the beginning, let's keep this thread happy!!












EDIT: zealous, I couldn't agree more with your post. hey, that's the fun thing about this thread right?? I love making opinions/analysis, it makes me become more mature in my thought :w00t:












EDIT2: calmocean, thanks for the reply. I appreciate it. yeah, actually that's the problem that I always have with the Korean entertainment industry..... their lives are virtually controlled by their respective managements. Even after the managements' effort in spending money to train the trainees, it's still hard to justify about it...








tinababes, "Yongseo could be in love"??? they ARE *cough*IN*cough*LOVE*cough





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Guest joshua27










this is a repeat for some, but i was hoping a translator could get back to me on this.  i'm actually not sure if it's a translating issue, or if it's simply my misunderstanding or what, but this is bugging the living zombie out of me:





























  why are you not concerned?





























  what do you mean i'm not concerned?





























  look in the mirror, you look like you're not concerned.

























seohyun BRI:











  he was like a pickled kimchi.  he looked very tired.  but since he wasn't, i just thought, ah i have to choose it.


















yonghwa BRI:











  after all those dresses, why does she beat around the bush?  i kept thinking what are you thinking about?















I just watched the chinese sub for this epi. The chinese sub has a different translation:
















SH : why do you look so moody?








YH: I'm not moody








SH BRI : he doesn't have much to comment so I have to choose it








YH BRI : she keep changing and  they all look quite pretty, why is she taking so long, what are they doing inside?








YH : (with concern) SH ah, you take your time to change, I will take double your time when it's my turn



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Guest calmocean






thanks for the reply, of course i am not in the least disappointed or mad at all.  just my opinion this is big business $$$.  this wgm show has really helped both their careers.  getting together in real is just a bad idea (busy schedule, both still chasing dreams, fans, anti fans, and $$$)  their lives are controlled by their management companies, and why?  maximize profit through all channels and avoiding anything that could get in the way of making more $$$.  we read about those contracts these idols sign.  their schedules. aren't most celebrity couple problems because of time apart with their busy schedules?  more i think the sadder i am that this is controlled by the big guy manipulating the viewers heartstrings.   i just read contracts these idols sign and it's rediculous!  but they are famous!  i'm not anti at all.  i think those anti ppl are kinda extreme... scary ppl.


I second jnj, I suppose we should make this thread a happy one, ALWAYS!


calmocean, with all respect I have to say something regarding your post saying Yonghwa is "naive", "won't last long". I know that Seo is a person who has set her dreams in the future, a person with a strong foundation on her life, and I admire her for that. But Yonghwa, he has his own big dream too! he has spent all his life enjoying music, as his passion. As a guy I'm quite disappointed for what you said. He has been through hard times, eversince CNBLUE's debut in Japan, and to reach the point where CNBLUE is right now, it's everything because their music, the songs Yonghwa composed and other factors other than that...... But the best thing about him is, he was able to open this pure-innocent girl named Seohyun to have an adventure in the world called LOVE, and as a "husband", he has done REALLY well. Sorry to say this but to me it's Seohyun who was "lost"  - in the very beginning. the reason of their relationship now is because Yonghwa trying very hard to lead Seohyun, and in turn Seohyun has been catching up!................ I hope you understand this. If I didn't catch the meaning of your post correctly, I'm terribly sorry!! I hope you won't be mad, because I'm just stating my opinions...


If I offend anyone with my post, I'm really sorry


like I said in the beginning, let's keep this thread happy!!


EDIT: zealous, I couldn't agree more with your post. hey, that's the fun thing about this thread right?? I love making opinions/analysis, it makes me become more mature in my thought :w00t:




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