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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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wow... great posts these past few days, especially winbros. i think you should take it out of the spoiler tag.














i've also been thinking about the upcoming wedding photoshoot episode and hope that the photoshoot would reflect the experiences that yongseo couple had gone through...














hopefully, some version of the following images come up next week







EDIT: got to share this MV...loved it (i'm sure most of you have come across this long ago), and it reinforces why i want the rain scenes for the photoshoot














[FanMV] When It Rains - A Sweet Potato Movie by genxv































i hope there is one where yong – along with the BIL snapping their fingers – serenading hyun with his guitar.





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Halloo all gogumas..




 what th. said is true there's no need yet for them to have that kind of 'kiss', just enough if on her cheek or her forehead...


 i really want to see them as a real couple :unsure:


 i'm top of the page!!w00t.gif   but i'm sorry sweatingbullets.gif nothing special to share..http://www.youtube.c...h?v=qjU-D9jeGWs fmv.



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(hopefully it doesn't lag the page that much). be forewarned this is a fangirl with an overactive imagination.
































































































































































































































































soo this scene was 40seconds or so. but i loved it as much as that little contouring scene. haha.
































































































































































































































































idk why he did it, but :wub: for blatantly staring.                       blatant stare #2/smitten.
































































































































































































































































yongbb.gif    yongstare.gif
































































































































































































































































yonghwa, your hand!!
































































































































































































































































unconsciously he needs to be physically closer to wife.     too close! my heart can't take it.
































































































































































































































































handa.gif     tooclose.gif
































































































































































































































































cr: me.

































































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Hello my second part of my two shot (The Limit) is finally complete.















































































I had a hard time with the second part because I didn't know how to end it















































































so I figured since YongSeo's relationship is almost always interpreted by us viewers,















































































I would leave it to the readers to come to their own conclusions too.






























































































































Please take a look if you haven't already (:






























































































































Part I















































































Part II













































































































































































































"It’s the kind of pain that wrenches you almost breathless















































































and you can almost, just almost, agree that it’s worse than death."









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Guest yongseomania
















I read from somewhere...They said the contact will only end at june....Am i right???? :D









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Another great topic to be shared – thanks soshisoshisoshi for the question. I’ll put it on spoiler because it is long and winding and I’m afraid that it might be boring for some of you to read on =p





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Well for me it has been about 4 years since I started liking the kpop scene and I was 1st introduced through Super Junior Happiness MV and then the rest was history.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































My journey in becoming a certified Goguma shipper goes like this:































































































































































































































































from a SONE, to Shinwoo Hyung fan, to a dedicated BOICE, and the final stop—YongSeo shipper.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































I was a fan of SNSD from the start as they debuted with INTW as I find these 9 charming girls that is full of spirits and love towards each other as sisters but never really followed them closely since I was into the boy groups like Super Junior, DBSK, FT Island and SS501 during that time. I just like their songs and that was it. This changes when I found a subbed clip for one of the girls’ earliest shows GGTS in youtube where SNSD had an honest talk with each other during Tiffany’s birthday celebration. Maknae Seohyun caught my eye and heart ever since I saw her crying while sharing her thoughts on how other people see the celebrities as someone who does not need to continue/pursue their studies as they have already find what they wanted to do with their life. Her determination as a young girl to excel in whatever she does and her burning determination made me her fan. After that I, kept on searching for SNSD shows, talks and many others but to my disappointment, maknae Seohyun was always being overshadowed by her 8 sisters and I was not easy to find her appearance on TV shows.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































And for Jung Yong Hwa, I first watched him as the rookie actor on YAB alongside the 3 famous and experienced actors Jang Geun Suk, Park Shin Hye and FT Island Hongki. He was the only one that I didn’t know of and I have to admit it was funny watching his awkward acting as Shinwoo Hyung. However, like many others and as Park Shin Hye dubbed him as BulMaeJung –Jung Yonghwa: the more you look at him the more attractive he gets, his character beginning to grow on me and I became his dedicated fan when I heard him sing ‘Song for a fool’ in the drama-the first ever song that I heard Yonghwa sings. I thought to myself that this guy really got the talent in singing. Then I was introduced to CN BLUE, got hooked to their Japanese album and come 14th January 2010, I was a BOICE. Lol. They’re the 1st group that I’ve followed since their debut days.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































So, being a fan for both SNSD and CN BLUE and to top it off Seohyun and Yonghwa being my fav in their groups, you cannot imagine how happy I was when the epic article/news on their casting for WGM was out on Allkpop. I was literally screaming in happiness and I ran up and down my house telling my younger brother about the news. (I can still remember clearly how my brother looked weirdly at me when he saw me spazz like crazy.lol) Being an avid follower of the 1st season of WGM(I stopped watching them when the Lettuce couple left and just watch some episodes for other couples after that) I wondered how this couple will turn out to be. As predicted, their 1st episode became the most awkward episode in the WGM history but it didn’t fail to make me see the attraction that they have for each other. I was curious on how the ever outgoing and fun Yonghwa will handle the famous goguma princess and I’m-not-interested-in-boys Seohyun.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































I’m confident that somehow or later Seohyun will definitely warm up to Yonghwa but it never crosses my mind that they’ll be this close and comfortable with each other. Quoting Tiffany from WinWin –“ It really seems like they’re dating!” I wonder if this true too, but in my opinion it is their personal and private life and it depends on Seo Ju Hyun and Jung Yong Hwa as a person not as Seohyun,SNSD maknae and Yonghwa,CN BLUE leader to decide on that.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































In the end, every that beginning will have its ending and I wish that YongSeo’s couple ending can be more beautiful than anyone else’s and that us Gogumas, Yonghwa and Seohyun will enjoy the moments that we have now. (borrowed from SNSD’s Jessica statement)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































Wow, I can’t believe I wrote an essay for this! Lol. For those who read till the end thanks for your time and hope I can read yours too!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































p.s : If you wanted to watch the clip in GGTS about Seohyun that I mentioned above (it’s around 4:48 mark)




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sharing a random moment that I love






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest biiianx
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Good Afternoon from here everyone :) Nothing news about our couple filming today T_T































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's the first time I take a look at DC and I found this post(I cannot understand a thing but Mr. Google translator says about vacation. I am not sure myself so i hope anyone can help :D































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































용서 백만년만에 입갤인데 정전입니깡♥
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































일+휴가 때문에 정말 오랜오랜오랜만에 입갤했는데 떡정전! ㅋㅋ
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































얼마 안계시겠지만 횽아들 앙영들하시렵니깡-
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































잠시 한가한 틈을 타 입갤했어요-
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































일주일동안 휴가가있었는데 휴가 가있는 동안에도 대박에피 예감에 용서금단증세에 2프로 부족한 휴가였슴다ㅠㅠ
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































어제 한국오자마자 늦은시간에 지난 방송보고 쳐울고 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































왜이리 친해진거시야 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































간지러워서 눈을 뜨고 볼 수가 없네잉 ㅋㅋㅋ
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































새벽 2시만 아니었다면 복습 열번은 했을텐데 딱 세번만 하고 잤어요! ㅋㅋ
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































너무 늦은 빽드럼이라 민망하지만, 방송봤다고 생색내고 가효 ㅠㅠ
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































이번주엔 숨을 못쉴듯 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































일줄잡고있느라 맘속으로만 우갤 들락거리는 서혀이요옹♡입니당,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































용서사랑 한결같은 횽아들 ♥ 좋은 일 많으시길!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: DJHinata, those projects are REALLY NICE :)

































































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Guest pink2loveful






hallo goguma......i want to ask question about coat yonghwa wear at hospital is the same with seohyun wear at busan?



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Guest Seychan
















Thank blueshoes & biiianx for your post.








winbros oppa, I love your post. So amazing. U, your wife & your sons is a cute family. Hope someday I'll have s family sweet like this <3 with my husband is fans of famous girlband hihi and my child sing famous songs of Korean (hihi my little version) :wub:








I play again & again newest ep and I smile when look at this smile of Yong. Don't look like he's becoming Huyn's doll.








He was perfectly happy & slightly awkward with his bloom check. So cute. He was totally excited. Wonder just because he can see Huyn so close. He can't stop looking at his wife <3 His heart is duguen duguen.








It's my cap hihi I always love Yong, especially his smile... always happy and attractive.
















From the day I love YongSeo & become YongSeo shippers, I have a habit: after stream YongSeo, I always scream 3 sayings like "Why is so short? I wish everyday is Saturday & Saturday pali pali & How sweet they are.... ". My younger brother keep teasing me: "Mom, waiting for my sister, she was going to say that these three sayings. She was always saying that  at this hour at every Saturday" & he imitated me.








Hihi I had shared my cute collection about YongSeo for him and now :phew: he become one Goguma shipper like me. hihi :">








My mother is a Goguma couple's fan too because she like to eat Goguma (My country have many goguma) & like nice girl whom has beautiful eyes and good good girl like Huyn. She also think Yong & Huyn look so good together <3 My mom is so cute. Love mom








3days to go their wedding photoshoot. Saturday pali pali ♥


























I ♥ you, YongSeo couple


























Edit: Thank ummihany for ur sharing. Wish Yong'll see big poster of YongSeo. Busan ♥ YongSeo :wub:








After Yong'll send a cute sms for his Huyn or call for she with the beginning: "My mother is missing you" ♥.... and me too *shy smile* :wub:





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Yonghwa tweet ~~~ @Busan
















*quoted image*
















*quoted image*































[TRANS] Yong) it's BUSAN! Its heartwarming to look at Busan from the 50th floor!!! Can even see the Kwang An bridge, have to come here at night again~~ It's not long before the album is released, please look out for it!






















































용) 부산입니다! 50층에서 본 부산은 참 정겹네여!!!!! 광안대교도 보이니까 밤에 다시 봐야겠어요~~ 앨범 얼마 안남았으니까 기대하세요!







































































eng translation credit:@blue_jus7
















shared by:vv@we ♥ yongseo&cnblue
















yong finally in busan nowwwwwwwwwwwww!hopefully he will came across the big poster of him and hyun!!!!!!









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Guest SGajumma








This is certainly a very interesting thread. We have ‘ajusshi’ and ‘ajumma’ fans idolizing a young lovely couple. What have YongSeo done to us?  :D








Winbros, I enjoyed reading your article. Thanks for sharing. 








Much has been said and wished about this Saturday. I would like to share my wild guesses on the significance of the couple’s rings instead.  (Sorry I am not a techie so I am unable to share any pictures or videos.)






1)     In episode 2, we saw Hyun suggesting the couple cups and Yong selecting the 2000 KRW rings as proofs of their engagement besides the couple socks. Hyun went along with Yong’s idea despite showing some initial hesitations. My guess is: Wearing the couple rings served as a reminder of his and her commitment as a to-be-married virtual couple. It also helped put some reality into the show due to their initial awkwardness. (Good thinking by Yong).






2)     A few months later during their combined birthday celebration (we witnessed in episode 27), Hyun presented a custom made ring to Yong to replace the 2000 KRW ring. When both of them put on the new rings that day, I have the impression that it was a renewed commitment but with a different meaning. This time, the commitment is no longer for their role as a virtual couple but for something more meaningful in real life. Perhaps to turn the fairy-tale story into reality.








3)     Fast forward to the wedding photo shoot. If they had taken the rings off during the photo shoot to re-enact their love story from the beginning, putting them on again will hold a new significance for both of them.  I am imagining the scene whereby both of them don their wedding outfits and put on the rings on each other’s fingers in the presence of the in-laws.   Hmm… that is something for me to ponder about till this Saturday.








I would like to think that the rings are SPECIAL to both of them. That is why both of them continue to wear their rings outside WGM. And Yong has been displaying his faithfulness in wearing the ring by putting it back on his finger after each CF shoot. 








*Disclaimer:  the above are purely my own wild guesses. Should there be any similarities to anyone’s thoughts or possible realities, they are purely coincidental. :)  





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*coming out from lurker mode*
































































hi goguma villagers it has a very loooong time since I post in this thread.
































































since the topic 'how we start to like this couple and what we think about them' come out,
































































I struggling to get out from my lurker mode to share my experience.
































































as for me I am not really a sone and of course not a boice in the earliest episode. even though I am not a big fan of Snsd but I d listen to their songs religiously since one of my friend is a big fan of snsd (and my +/- fan girling at snsd starts during gee days). but frankly speaking... Seohyun never caught my attention. My bias in snsd change from Yoona~ Tifany ~ Yuri ~ Sooyoung (but now I can say that I'm a big fan of Seohyun)
































































Jung Yong Hwa... he's a rookie. I watched him in YAB, and I did read (before he debuted as CNBLUE member)that he's Hongki best friend. but How should I put this, I like him, I tried to find his song from Now or Never album (b4 cnblue debuted) but it is just so-so. I don give much attention toward him and his band.
































































but my life as a Yongseo shipper starts when one of my friend told me about Jinwoon jealousy towards seohyun in wgm. I was like so excited especially when she said seohyun's husband is Shinwoo from YAB. It was in the 2nd episode when she told me that, so I start to watch them during 'book shop and amusement park' episode. and this is how it all start. now I am so into snsd and cnblue and yongseo. I have cnblue's cd even though I rarely listen from it, cause I prefer the mp3, but I just want the copy of it.
































































i've been to this thread since the day I start to know Yongseo. I think i never(?) miss to check every page in this thread and some of my friends told me that, I can get good marks if I spend reading my book like how I spend my time reading this thread. LOL. I can say that I had witness the ups and downs that happened in this thread, especially during the MBC strike. I think that is the hardest time... we goguma didn't get our dose and Yongseo episode keeps delaying. when MBC said special,actually it is just a rerun.. even though the other couple get BTS.
































































Then the subber (nulsaranghae) for this couple stop subbing their episode because of youtube strike and at that time the other source is soshified... and because of that many gogumas come out to help and if I'm not mistaken it was during the 22 days (am I right?). then we have J2dlee..mountainmadman,dduk ( argh actually there are many.. but I need to back track if I list them.. poster in this thread comes and go. Sometimes I do wish to see all the old and new poster to spazzing in this thread like cazy. haha. Thankx to all poster for making this tread moving and soon we are going to get new thread. ah..the time when moderator warned us about the posting issue.. frankly speaking I'm so scared if the moderator close this thread. thankx god they didn't.
































































going back about this couple. Yonghwa.. I never thought that he is so funny and I like how he tried very hard to make Seohyun feels better and Seohyun..never thought that she is like what she is now. I'm happy for both of them and I wish that their relationship will last longer at least as a friend.
































































want to share a present given by my friend since she knows that I am so into Yongseo
































































































































ok I should stop babbling now.. I wish I will able to post here again. and sorry for my bad english and thankx to all translator and poster 4 ur hard work.
































































p/s Laila,farhana,syazlin if u guys happened to read this..Haha

































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Hello!! all of my goguma chingo!! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































after read all the opinion I think i want to share it too :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Here we Go...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Well, I know WGM because of Yonghwa.. First i watched his Drama YAB and like him,, hhe..  after that I search through grandpa Google and he is CNBLUE member .. And I LOVE CNBLUE:wub: All of them!! Their Song is Good and Became BOICE.. and find out that Yonghwa join WGM..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Actually, I know SNSD but not really a fan.. After I know Seohyun married with Yonghwa, I'm curious and started to watch it from 1st epi.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and became Sone too.. hhe...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































AND I LIKE IT!! :wub: my feeling said "There will be something between this two" and its true right!! ahahaha.... So watching them like a  how to said it, like a chart.. Always increasing!! (bad english sorry)  that's why I really adore this Couple...  They are like a medicine when i get stress because my college task.. hha.. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and I viruses :phew: all of my best friends to watch WGM YongSeo and It Work!! hha... they like them :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Cant wait for saturday nee Everyone :)  sorry for bad english :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you :)

































































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Guest yong_hyun
































i juz need u olls help..








i cant find download link 4 episode 41..anyone can share da download link plz...becoz all of it already removed..








sorry 4 my bad english.. :(:(:(








edit: with english subtitle...tQ~~









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Guest moniertu

WINBROS, thanks for writing about your experience with our Yongseo in such an interesting way!! And the best part about it all is that I am able to relate to so many things you penned down, and it's always nice to hear from our male gogumas..

Despite my age, I've always been an avid fan of k-pop and k-drama, so I've followed SNSD ever since their debut and loved CNBLUE since their debut in Jan 2010. Pre-WGM, Seohyun was never my favourite SNSD member, in fact I used to take note of everyone except Seohyun and Hyoyeon.  On the other hand, Yonghwa melted this ajumma's heart the very first time I heard him sing "I'm a Loner"!!  So, when news broke out about them appearing in WGM as a couple, I was skeptical at first.  But surprisingly, the first episode was able to capture my attention from start to finish.  Maybe, since I was a Hyun Joong-Hwangbo shipper, Hyun and Yong's awkwardness reminded me of the Joongbo couple.  And now, after 45 episodes, what can I say, like all of you here, Hyun and Yong have grown on me like a fungus that can never be cured.  They have taken over my life!!  Seohyun is now not only my FAVOURITE member in SNSD but she has become one young individual that I admire and respect.  Both she and Yonghwa are good role models for youths in today's world and age.  

24/7 I think about our Yongseo.

  1. The words that I google or you-tube everyday would be "YONGSEO", "SEOHYUN", "YONGHWA", "SNSD", "CNBLUE", "GOGUMA", "SWEET POTATO", "SEOHWA", I scout the internet for any news about them whether individually, or as a couple.   Any blogs or fan-sites on the couple, I would never fail to visit, of course, my favourites being Soompi, Sweet Potato Days, Seohyun Forever, I love Yongseo, Yongseo Couple on Facebook.  If that's not enough, I use google translator and other translating tools to try to decipher news about them on non-english sites.

  2. Like WINBROS, I, too have invested in some purchases such as CNBLUE and SNSD CDs, calendars, posters, mugs, bags, cushions, badges, handphone chains, stickers, glowsticks, pencil-case, note books, files, t-shirts, and jackets.  Sexy and tight-fitting SNSD t-shirts and jackets, which do not seem appropriate for me to wear, I 'force upon' my daughters.  Unlike WINBROS, who has an understanding spouse who also enjoys K-pop, my husband (and my sons, too) thinks that I am too obsessed at the brink of going crazy!!  I always tell my 12 year old daughter to study very hard so that she could further her studies in one of the universities in Seoul, she told me "Okay, but don't even think of trying to stalk Yonghwa, because you'll be too old by then!"  Maybe one of these days, fellow gogumas all over the world should try to meet up in Seoul, that would be great...

I am so looking forward to this coming wedding photo-shoot episode, Adam & Eve, Romeo & Juliet, Rhett Butler & Scarlet O'Hara, Robin Hood & Maid Marion, Antony & Cleopatra, Barbie & Ken, and now ladies and gentlemen, we present to you YONG & HYUN...

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Dropping by, would like to share this. The Korean standard 6 mathematics question~~~ YongHwa & Seohyun name appear!!! I bet the mathematics teacher is one of gogoma shippers like us, wahaha~~~ :w00t:
































The power of YongSeo~~~ :wub::wub:
































































Source: DC
































Cr: Baidu
































p/s: out of curiosity... what is the question about actually? Simple mathematics question I guess... ^_^
































































Edit: Thumbs up to WINBROS!! Your post is amazing... and I love reading it~~

































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