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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest BluMistLaydee
































































































































































































I wasn't sure that I was going to comment because so many people had pretty said what I wanted.
































































































































































However after watching the latest episode and the preview for the 30th time (yes I counted) I just had to make a comment.
































































































































































This is really a response to questions or in better words the statements that some of ahjumma members have brought up. Personally and this is just my own personal opinion, after some serious deduction and self-rationalization I can safely say that there is definitely something there between the two, whether they acknowledge it or taken steps to seeing where it goes, but something is there.
































































































































































Why I came to this conclusion? Well there's no way for anyone who's put this these types of situations to not develop some feelings for each other. Look how many actors and actress have gotten together after being in a movie or shows together. It's a common phenomenon. In Seohyun's case, with Yong being the first guy that she experience a lot of things she would if she was dating someone in real life, the chances of her developing deeper feeling increases by the tenfold. As LoveKin had once mentioned, shows like these are very dangerous. Dangerous to fans because even though it's just a show and it's going to end, we still get emotionally attached to our couples. It's even more so to the couples because feelings can develop and once it's over, you're left wondering if they were because you were in that situation or because you actually do feel that way for the person.
































































































































































One of the reason YongSeo stands out to me, and I'm a longtime WGM watcher, is not just their general progression; it's the fact that you can tell they do keep in contact with each other. Which was unlike the couples from the 1st season. Who pretty much all admit that they didn't keep in contact outside of shooting. And once shooting was over, the contact between them was over. YongSeo however let it slips here and there they know of each others' schedules, especially since the Japan trip. And there is genuine care between them. As much as I absolutely loved the couples from the 1st season, none of them can really compare to the genuineness that YongSeo brings. Yong and Seohyun aren't the best actors around and not even the best actors out there can really generate the pure and unguarded look that these two send to each other, when the other party isn't looking or in the case of Yong, who always snap to attention once he remembers there are cameras there. And to be honest. I'm dying to steal their cameras from them. They don't release a lot of selcas but from the brief glances here and there, we know that Seohyun at least have tons of pics of Yong in her cameras.
































































































































































And I find it pretty funny that SNSD and some of SM management are pretty vocal about their approval of Yong for Seohyun. They know her better than us fans and even though we watched her mature this past year, they have a better understanding of exactly what happened. Maybe as someone said, they are preparing fans for something (lmao ok yes that's pure delusional on my part...SNSD fanboys and uncle fans wouldn't take that news well. At All).

















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Guest fabiistar07
















































Claude71 thanks so much for sharing that!































i think that poster/ad is unbelievably cool :D































YongSeo is gaining so much popularity ^^
















I'm also glad to hear that CN Blue is on a break































it sorta reminds me of mildang period, when they met at the hair salon Yong said he was on break































Since they (hopefully) still go to the same hair salon, maybe they'll meet often there ^_^
















And...I want to post my vote for the GOGUMA AWARDS
















Since it's a pretty huge thing, i'll put it in a spoiler :lol:
















































EDIT: waahh~ it came out smaller than it was meant to be (maybe b/c it was too long)































But you can still see what it says...i need some sleep now haha All fixed :D
































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Hello Goguma...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think we really are in heaven right now.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ep 45 is totally worth to spazz, BUT, I don't know which part should I spazz...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The whole episode???































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Or from the beginning??? Include ep 44 also...





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hehehe... & now I try...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. Yong the "Spartan" instructor.
































































































































































































































































If I in Hyun place... Just like Nayoung unnie, i will stop in the middle of training... Hahaha.. with instructor like Yong, eventhou he's "jjang", handsome + cute, but with "TOUGHER" training, "just like in army commander", with only 'GET UP','IT'S OKEY', 'IT'S NO TIME FOR REST', etc..etc...But he still gentle, take care of his wife
































































































































































































































































2. The tougher student, Hyun.
































































































































































































































































I really salute Hyun for hers determination to learn something her husband like.
































































































































































































































































And I salute her also, in 1 day she can learn so many things. Even she do "sacrifice her butt" here, just to learn how to boards backwards styles. (& she need to performed also in the Melon awards...!!!). Really congrats to her.
































































































































































































































































3. Comfortable Level
































































































































































































































































From both episode (44 & 45), the comfortable level for both of them increasing so much. Even they did not feel any akward moment for that. (I think the skinship moment is just for them to enjoy. And not in front of other people, exclude the PD and cameraman.). Just like the snowboard training, Yong just go and pick Hyun to stand up.. Just like that. And Hyun also, doesn't seems reluctant by that. Not to mention at the condo moment. At 1 moment, I really wish, Yong with his boldness will kiss Hyun. Maybe not on the lips, but maybe on the forehead or nose.. He really like to tease her bout her nostril....hehe
































































































































































































































































& the headlock scene... How can it be like that hahhaa...
































































































































































































































































I thought it will be lovey dovey scene.. after they exit the room....with hand in the shoulder and so on... hahaha
































































































































































































































































4. "Hidden Filming"
































































































































































































































































From the 1st rumors bout aquarium appear, we been waiting for the episode. Then, there's still not any info bout this so called filming.
































































































































































































































































Maybe it's a secret date or meet together for this couple somewhere arrange it by WGM team....;).
































































































































































































































































Who knows right....
































































































































































































































































5. Wedding Photoshoot
































































































































































































































































I hope PD still include a scene for them to choose the wedding dress.
































































































































































































































































Just wanna see how Yong in "awwww" or jaw drop moment in the time Hyun try her wedding dress.
































































































































































































































































In 1st season, that was the most memorable episode where the husband in waiting room where as the wife go and try a few dresses the.. wallah..... Most of them in jaw-drop moment + speechless + suddenly shyness to see their wife... I love that moment...
































































































































































































































































Some caps from 1st season :































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































6. Blackrooms interviews
































































































































































































































































& I love all the black rooms interview......
































































































































































































































































specially this;

Yonghwa: "When I saw her face up close, she had a lot of aegyo skin. I kept seeing her eyes...... and..... they look very cute".

Seohyun: "His eyes were really large, and he had long inner eyebrows. It was slightly feminine. I think there's a sense of lovability in his face, something like that"































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now, that's something to talk. No wonder Yuri unnie go crazy at the awards session...;)
































































































































































































































































& I'm to lazy to post any screen caps here.. maybe update it later..
































































































































































































































































Happy spazzing everyone..
































































































































































































































































And to M3, Dduk, tetsuya, bee_ichigo, all screen caps owner, all spazzers... TQ.. for make this thread alive again...
































































































































































































































































Now I wish Saturday is tomorrow again... gosh.. I am crazy..

































































































































































































































































































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Guest calmocean






hi everyone.  never posted before from L.A california.  are there antifans of this couple?  it seems those antifans are malicious when they are angry.  don't you think it's hard for them to admit to anything outside of the show with so many antifans lurking?



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ME: JUNG YONGHWA SSI, do you take SEO JOOHYUN SSI to be your wife? Do you promise to be true to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love her and honor her all the days of your life?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ME: SEO JOOHYUN SSI , do you take JUNG YONGHWA SSI to be your husband? Do you promise to be true to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and honor him all the days of your life?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































gaaaah~ i'm so torn this saturday, T____T

why must the wedding shoot episode coincide with ss3! why????? i love yongseo as much as i love suju and now im in a REALLY BIG DILEMMA. (deep sighs) i can't believe i will be missing yongseo's most anticipated and most epic moment.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































tell me if those eyes don't speak LOVE! TELL ME FELLOW GOGUMAS! :sweatingbullets::wub:

































































































































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Guest nirv_suria
































Wooo.. I can,t wait until this saturday...
















wedding photoshoot...!!!! Daebak!
















but I keep thinking what can happen for next scene..
















I'm scared.... TT









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Guest solangesingky






hey guys something's been bugging me.....


i realised from the 2 gifs here that when yong put cupped his hands on seohyun's head, the scenes from the 2 different camera angles are actually different. such as her response and the starting position of his right hand.


but what he says as he's holding her head is the same, which makes me think that either 1) the second one is directed or worse 2) both times, it was directed.




someone plese convince me out of this with an explanation :(





BOW WOW WOW. This episode is ............................................DING!!!



Okay, I've gone crazy.









Hahaha...Naughty YONG about the BUTT MASSAGE.



And Yong is such a beautiful girl.






I was kind of disappointed I didn't get to see Yong FLY, but



I got over it because every scenes in this episode made up



for it.    


I'd seen a lot of  gogumas already posted up really awesome



screencaps and gifs, here some more.








Hyun got all shy and took his hand away.



She should've reciprocate and hold his face.





*quoted image*


This shot looks like I'm spying on a couple having an intimate time



in their room. Ahhhhhh..... *cover eyes*  *giggle giggle*



So lovey-dovey!





*quoted image*


HYUN wanted a HUG from YONG unnie, but.....





*quoted image*


but she got a headlock instead.





*quoted image*


During the live streaming, I was actually watching it like this....



 *quoted image*




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Guest soshisoshisoshi








BluMistLaydee, i want to say something regarding your post. LOVE IT! yeah sometimes casts of movie can date while they are filming the movie. In YongSeo's case, they are in a show which requires them to be a "married couple", not because of scripts or whatever.......... So the possibility of them dating in real-life (or they are now :P) is quite high, I would say.I mean, look at their stage of relationship now!!








Ok, just for the fun of it, I would like to ask you guys something, especially those who have been following YongSeo SINCE the RUMOR OF THEM BEING CASTED ON WGM.... be honest!! sorry for late followers, didn't mean to separate you guys heheehehe.








Do you guys expect their relationship to be very comfortable like now????? perspective from SONEs and BOICEs






from fans that I asked  the same question, most people (esp. Hyun-biased) said that they didn't expect their relationship to be like this :lol:.






ok seriously I'm sooo bored that I came up with a post like this..... need to adapt to college environment :D









EDIT: annann.... thanks for the reply. I'll try it by myself. hmm editing take alot of time right?? hehe









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Guest lovekin












hey guys something's been bugging me.....








i realised from the 2 gifs here that when yong put cupped his hands on seohyun's head, the scenes from the 2 different camera angles are actually different. such as her response and the starting position of his right hand.




but what he says as he's holding her head is the same, which makes me think that either 1) the second one is directed or worse 2) both times, it was directed.
















someone plese convince me out of this with an explanation :(













wgm uses multiple cameras to film, with close-ups being held by actual people and wide-shots are usually mounted on walls - and both should typically be rolling at the same time.  even if it was the same shot, showing it from a different perspective gives variety and keeps viewers interested (yay, high school film class~).








as for the same saying, he has a tendency to repeat himself (e.g., "seohyun likes it?  she likes it?" - lol that sounds horrible out of context).  and if he didn't repeat himself, then it's just the editing.  wgm has this weird penchant for editing scenes back-to-back (from different angles) but with the same voice-over, even if the actions are different.  case in point of said weird editing:










in the japan episode, prior to seo latching on to yong's arm, they're walking out of the convenience store, seo sighs, yong looks back and asks if she's tired and she says no and takes her hand out of her pocket.









the scene cuts again to her sighing (up close) with yong looking back at her, and it's only in this shot that we hear the MC say, "oh, look at her arm!"  i remember a lot of people saying that yong looked back at her twice when he actually didn't; they just saw the same shot twice

.  but because of the wonky editing, it looked like a new scene.  i really don't know how to explain it other than mentioning that it was irregular.  you can watch it again, though, i'm sure.










so yeah, chock it up to choppy editing and odd consistency.  i don't know why they do it because it's pointless and completely throws viewers off at times, but that's entertainment for you.








i'm pretty sure yong reached out to her twice and not at the behest of the directors to film it more than once or because it needed to be scripted.  if it was, i don't think seo would've reacted the way she had.  smile.gif





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I really love the way that yonghwa look at seohyun in the preview...realllyyyyy cant wait. I was trying to "compare" with the other photoshot with model...it's obvious the look that Yong gave is only for Seohyun. sooo really in love stare... check this video then you can understand what I mean. :)
































yonghwa photoshot
































ps: I am like "crazy" woman now....smiling everytime I remembered YongSeo....cant really wait until saturday to come...
































































































I've decided to write about our Yongseo. This two has a big impact for me....like MC Jake tweet, following all the thing that Yongseo couple did...it's somehow funny for me. especially Seohyun, I let my hair long just like Seohyun and I start to eat healthy food, try to read book alot very detail and organize and last...try to looks like SNSD hahahhaha...
































when I was looked them from 1st episode, I felt abit bored cause they were really AWKWARD but the same time, Seohyun character is the same character with her. like, I dont really talk with everyone, but only to the one I close with, I really take like "rapping" hahaha..
































This couple, even the elders keep teasing Yonghwa and SNSD also wants them to date in real. I guess they did well we dont know, from couple of episode you can saw that they did contact each other maybe phone or sms....how sweet is that? they dont need to meet everyday but once they meet, they spend time only like just both of them ( WGM without camera) you can see the different when they on interview or other places.
































I really hope for this couple the BEST...now we just enjoy them on WGM. when it's end dont be sad or something, cause it's only a show that they need to end sometimes, but the moments will never ever end for us and I believe for them as well, they would see WGM as a beautiful moments that they can share together and it's like a new beginning for them.
































sorryyy for my long post hehehehe
































and I thank you all as well, cause I guess YongSeo couple fans is AWESOME...heheheeh DAEbAKK





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To answer soshisoshisoshi question here.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I've been following this couple since before the broadcast.. Hehe if you include all the articles bout this couple thou.... hohoho...Since the 1st announcement, that they will be newest couple in WGM.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I can say's that I'm more to Boice's. Since the beginning. Not a Sone's since I don't much bout them.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































& it's kinda a "Beautiful Crazy" surprise for their relationship here. But it just beautiful..(what I'm talking about!!!). But I'm glad for that. I'm happy with the progress..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































& happy to watch it.. with all of you here...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































From unknown to each other --> to "engagement" moment --> to their date moment --> meeting the in-laws --> declaration of married couple --> moving houses --> failed driving test --> B-DAY moment --> Mildang moment --> Performance together --> 1st honeymoon (Japan meeting) --> Meeting MIL --> Meeting husband friends --> Honeymoon moment (snowboarding type?? condo??? 2nd honeymoon for me...:) )--> & now WEDDING PHOTOSHOOT.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For me, this is how a relationship suppose to grow up... Slow and easy styles... hehe..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Full of unexpected. Full of honest. Full of respect. Full of care towards each other. Full of understanding. Full of love for us to see. ;)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Soshimunky
































































































































Ok, just for the fun of it, I would like to ask you guys something, especially those who have been following YongSeo SINCE the RUMOR OF THEM BEING CASTED ON WGM.... be honest!! sorry for late followers, didn't mean to separate you guys heheehehe.
















































































































Do you guys expect their relationship to be very comfortable like now????? perspective from SONEs and BOICEs






























































































































































































































































































































































from fans that I asked  the same question, most people (esp. Hyun-biased) said that they didn't expect their relationship to be like this :lol:.






























































































































































































































































































































































Yo goguma :) I was first a Sone before a Boice and despite my love for YongSeo's awkwardness in the 1st few episodes, I will be honest - I truly didn't expect YongSeo would be able to reach this level of closeness. In fact, I thought their WGM stint will last only for a few months because I knew how busy SNSD was and because many people said they were boring back then (so I assumed they didn't have many fans) - I didn't have that much faith in their stay. How wrong was I, how very very wrong. Now they're even running for the longest couple staying in WGM -  reaching that one year made me so sentimental - I should've had more faith, I guess. But at least I have loved them from the very start. That, I'm proud. That, I'm proud :)

















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Guest honeyjade11
































































































































































































I almost can't get over about the latest episode, so I'm spazzing.. 































































































































I put it on the spoiler,...






























































































































































































































































































































Yong had been a very good teacher. Even sacrifices the day teaching his wife rather than to ski alone. And Hyun, she's a very very good student. Who else can learn ski in a day. And she has an unending determination. I praise her for that. They're clearly taking care of each other, even though they're tired. What a couple!






























































































































































































































































I smiled when Yong granted her wish even though she haven't completed the task. (I remembered a cheesy line saying something like 'It's better to lose an argument with her rather that to lose her.') my friends told me that's one of a nice traits of a guy who love.






























































































































































































































































Honestly, I was surprised that she asked him to be a wife that time. And even more shocked when he agreed. This couple reach a lot of understanding. My stupid mind keep questioning this move of her, My mind keep asking me... "Does she suggests that to have a chance to get closer to him? To see his face closer than she used too? For her to get a bit intimate and closer to Yong with a very good EXCUSE!!" The way she touched him, it sends me thoughts of her INDIRECT flirtation on him. And Yong seem to forget that there's a cameraman there. Touching her beautiful face ... The way he looked at her, it never shows any irritation on what she's doing to him. You can see admiration clearly shown on his eyes.






























































































































































































































































And I'm happy to see them so brave enough and naturally start skinship in each other. The awkwardness that has been there when they started everything completely diminishes. You can see from their eyes, the way they move, it's all natural now. No pretentions.






























































































































































































































































Full of surprises, that's how YongSeo couple moves. Some other weeks there's no skinship visible, but then they're coming back with things that can make us GOGUMAS forget how to breath and send us to GO-CHUN... How could they do that..?! I'm still trying to figure that out! hahaha






























































































































































































































































Every episode is daebak!! Love them.






























































































































































































































































And the PREVIEW. The MOST AWAITED, ANTICIPATED, WISHED, ASKED and PRAYED of every single Gogumas who feel their love, is finally given us the glimpse of the YONGSEO WEDDING PHOTOSHOOT for us to spazz on. When I first saw the previous, I wanna faint. hehehe. It gaves me the feeling that they're nervous. As if they're really getting married this time. I'm happy that I've seen JungShin and probably JongHyun, it means that CNBLUE brothers are very supportive. Maybe they know that their hyung could not be there alone, without getting nervous. I hope that SNSD unnies will be there too. I really hope so.






























































































































































































































































I love how one of the concept of their photoshoot, is their unique arm wrestle. This makes their photoshoot very special and one of a kind. I hope it's something that tells their story. Not just for us, but for them to take notice how far their relationship have come to this. For them to remembered everything they have started. And for others to see, so they can appreciate what YongSeo has to offer. That's how LOVE should grow, slowly but surely...






























































































































































































































































Regarding their appearances, I knew even before that they both good in any clothes since they're really models. But my gosh! They FIT PERFECTLY in wedding dress and tuxedo. PLUS their eyes, once again, sending chills down on my bone. These 2 really has something... :-) I really love them. I NEED TO SURVIVE THIS WEEK TO WATCH THE NEXT EPISODE!! I MUST.. I MUST.. I MUST!!!!!






























































































































































































































































oh, about the NEGATIVE thing about them coming to the end. here's my side:






























































































































































































































































Every show ends. Every relationship has its end. EVEN the greatest Adam couple ended. Or real life relationships also ended sometimes. But why took things that way.? My chingus, let's just enjoy everything that Yong and Hyun is showing us. So when the time that the FINAL BOW came, we have got no regrets. Let them be REAL or REEL. Just believe on what you want them to be. Always support them. That's all we can do. Don't give yourselves a hard time. Just love them, love everything they do. Whatever happens, just always remember, YongSeo teach us that no matter what race, country, group and beliefs we have, we can be like this. UNITED. PLEASE LET US LOVE THEM WITHOUT WHY, HOW, WHAT. Let us treasure YongSeo couple with our hearts. ♥






























































































































































































































































pardon me for a very long post... ♥
































































































































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Guest yongseoisreal






i would like to answer soshisoshisoshi quest..



well, more to that i would like to share my story of how i fall in love with yongseo..






at first, i was shipping khuntoria couple..(but not anymore~~)



i've known about yongseo way before but never had the tendency to watch them at all..(stupid me!!)



since you know, i'n not really a boice and i not really a hardcore sones..



until one day, i was very bored that i got nothing to do, then i choose to watch yongseo couple which i got from my friend..(i' so thankful to this friend of mine for introducing me to this yongseo love~~)






from the first episode, i've been wondering why this couple is so awkward unlike khuntoria couple at their first episode..



and i've been wondering a lot of how this can be called a married life..



but i chose to keep watching when suddenly, i got this sweet feeling tingling in my stomach and i end up watching their 15 episodes in one night..



then, i realize of how this couple really bring an impact to me..of how finally i fall in love with them..and how i chose to watch their episode every time i feel bored and never got tired of them..


and now i really couldn't believe myself..


how i watch their relationship progress from nothing to something..


from a very awkward couple to a very sweet, cute, comfortable, romantic couple..


this is really an epic, one of a kind love story..


and i thank God to give me this opportunity to experience this with them..


now i'm proud to say that i'm a BOICE, a SONES and a GOGUMA~~ ^^


p/s:: sorry got nothing to share again..


just another babbling..


and sorry if my post hurt some of you..


never meant to be~~



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Guest wallpaperfood

In response to soshisoshisoshi's question as well:

okay I was 3 months late in following, but that's because I wasn't into Korean entertainment then -.-"...i still want to answer :) (btw I'm more Hyun-biased, but not a hardcore Sone)

Honestly, I knew that Seohyun would eventually develop some feelings towards Yong, regardless of her love of gogumas trumping whatever sentiments she has/d left for boys. The situation calls for it - as bluemistlaydee explained - and I'm pretty sure love is one of those things that just hits you when you're not aware at all. Case in point when you compare Seohyun now and the Seohyun before who obstinately said she would never get married young, that she had no interest in guys, that guys would just be a hindrance to her goals.

In fact, that was practically the only reason I bothered watching their stint in WGM. I don't usually follow series as my attention span is way too short, but I just couldn't wait to see the sparks that could take place between the two.

Having said that, I knew Seohyun would open up, but I wasn't sure by how much.

Ep12 - when the SILs guested, I think that was the first time I was alerted to the fact that Seohyun might be devloping an inclination towards him, what with all the evidence they gave (singing Loner in the shower, her sisters asking him if his heart beat whenever  he saw her - obviously seohyun must have been experiencing that to some degree for them to ask him outright!, the face masks Hyun puts on the night before meeting him.). I'd like to add that yes, ep9-11 were cute, and I could sense she opened up a bit, but that's all it was - "opened up", not "liking".Thus, my first "instinct" came in ep12...

Anyway, from then onwards, I would always look out for subtle hints that she liked him. The piggyback was the next thing that caught me off guard a little, because that involves practically full body contact (arms around neck, hands grabbing thighs lol). I thought, okay that was a very un-Seohyun thing to do, wt#??!! (but in a good way). I then figured that if not feeling "love/like" yet, she had found someone she could really have a ball with and laugh comfortably without having to keep her guard up. As you can recall, the shoulder bumps garnered comments from the MCs about how "couply" they had become. I think that was the time I felt I was "ready" to look  forward to some hand-holding. XD

Ep27 just knocked me out. It was a long-drawn-out ep, what with the goguma field digging, but after the confessions, I knew she was at least, wanting some skinship by then. (Well, if you watch the eps in time order, that is)

The recent episodes...I never expected their comfort level to have soared by that much, to be honest, and yes, like the rest of you, I'm damn proud. The Hyun from one year ago has completely vanished. I would be lying if I said I had predicted their closeness, because why else would I continue getting shocked and surprised each week?

What I like best is how her personality&values never changed. I have many friends who immediately changed once they "got to know guys", and a lot of the time, it's not pretty. Uri Hyun always kept true to herself, and as a result, her mindset's improved and taken a turn for the better, but she still has the same character we all know, love and grew with while watching her. Like her true fan Jinwoon said, she's become more beautiful through WGM, and i really look forward to more. I think the WGM producers obviously agree too, since they finally gave them the wedding photoshoot. :)


omg before I forget - dreamyboo! I got so carried away typing that I forgot to thank you for the awesome gif you created based on my random scenario! I sent you a PM earlier, but I'm thanking you now in case you missed it :D kamsahamnida~

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wow! so many daebak posts today.

long or short, i love them all...

as usual, thank u to gogumas who share

links, caps, gifs, trans and EVERYTHING else..

there are too many to name...

so to ALL..thank u

opening this thread early morning and saw uni343ver's

post with the cute gifs, really cracked me up! :lol:

yes, it does look like we are invading or eavesdropping yongseo's intimate moments,

but we love it, don't we?

so the boys are having a short vacation now, and yong is in Busan.

how will MIL react seeing her manly son getting all dolled up?

i'm sure both mother and son will have a good laugh..kekeke

feel so proud looking at the big ad of yongseo in Busan..(tks claude)

so yongseo is now the face of Busan? awesome!

and i'm already thinking of yejin and the guys...such a cool bunch!

like someone posted (sorry didn't catch your nick)

from awkward couple to awesome couple.. :phew:

that is really yongseo..

to blumistlaydee, i wish u would post more.

and to jess, tks for coming out to support our mission (2nd thread)

to the rest of the gogumas..hwaiting!

btw, there is no such thing as late spazzing...or is there?

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Additional: Black Dragon is lonely!!!































































Yong newest tweet:






































































































































멤버들 없이 매니저형과 있는 집은 외롭구만…좋은 곡을 위해서 시간을 쓰겠어 ㅋㅋ 내 방 작업실 좀 좋아졌나요? http://twitpic.com/425yjl































































Translation :































































The members aren’t here, feel lonely at home just with the manager hyung… Gonna use this time to write a good song kekek my recording room is looking good, isn’t it?


































































































Credits: CNBLUE_4@twitter































































Translations by: blue_jus7@twitter































































Re-posted by: Euni@cnbluestorm
































Don't you guys think he already add another keyboard there in his room??? Maybe the 1st anniversary keyboard... Does anyone have the pic gift for their 1st anniversary??





































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@ zealous: that could be indeed The keybord :wub:  hopefully he'll compose some awesome songs using it *dreaming*


Btw how can you make the picture more clearer? I assume he is wearing a ring but you cannot really tell, so witty.


Don't kill me I already confessed being a Gollum-Precious hunter :phew:



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To aurora82:































































I don't know how to make the picture more clearer.































































But the possibility is high he's wearing it, since the pixel at his ring finger is much more "clearer" rather than his other finger... but who knows right... ;)







































































































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