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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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in fact, i don't want to post here tonight because i am ashamed of my simple-minded thoughts, as compared to the insight many fellow gogumas have. but after deleting my posts several times today and after reading the posts in this thread from day to night, i decided to share my simple world with you. when it comes to talk about yongseo couple, i tend to become very simple-minded. not saying that they are simple, but i tend to believe their relationship is simple and pure. why shall i interpret them in another way ?




i noticed that after his first step on snow, yong became very tough. hyun complained him by saying that 'what a teacher is like'. hyun noticed that too. i guess it's all because of the worry yong had. he was worried about hyun's safety. he of course is a good snowboarder, but it's a personal sports. even he is always next to him, he cannot ski on her behalf. even he is good at snowboarding, he cannot assure hyun would learn well. unlike playing guitar, it does not harm if it goes wrong. i mean snowboarding is no joke. it can be a very dangerous sports when you handle it carelessly. i hurt my knee last year and it took me more than six months to recover. i learnt snowboarding from the ski teacher, not from my friends. my friends once told me 'you never know how to snowboard if i teach you'. i did not get it at first. but later, i know the reasons. i would rely on my friends, beg them to be not far away from me, help me to stand up if i cannot manage to stand on the slope, ask them to carry the snowboard for me when i am tired. i would reject them when they ask me to go to steeper slope. but my ski teacher would not listen to me. he made me skiing non-stop, going to the intermediate level slope after skiing once, .... though i got very very tired, i really learnt the basis skills and became less scared of skiing on the steeper slopes anymore. that's why i understand why yong had to be tough to hyun.




about yong's 'holding back', i have another interpretation. rather than 'holding back', i think he has become more comfortable when facing hyun after the japan trip ep.. in the past, he was so careful to hyun's response as he did not want to hurt her feeling. but i really think he understands her so well now. also he has confidence that hyun won't misunderstand him. so he is off guard in front of hyun and he is more himself in front of hyun now.




some of the fellow gogumas mentioned that it's a show. it hurts me when reading this. though it's a fact, i think it another way. yong and hyun have tried so hard to show the sides they want to show us, though we never know what's going on between them, shall we just trust them they are not that fake ?




we did not hear if there was any filming last friday. but i hope they did film secretly. it's valentine day today (at my place). hope that they will meet later today. where are they today ? in seoul ? anyway, knowing that they are in the same place, not one in japan, one in seoul, is already good enough for me.


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Guest moniertu

Hello friends!! Long time no post.. I hope it's not too late to wish our Hyun and Yong a very HAPPY 1st Anniversary, may your lives continue to be blessed with lots of happiness, and may each of you maintain your humility and pleasant personality no matter how successful you become. 

The reason I decided to de-lurk is due to the bittersweet feeling that I got from watching the last two episodes.  I mentioned before that the Busan trip managed to convert this ahjumma from a realist to an idealist because I loved how both of them reacted towards each other, and the vibe that they were giving out was so HOT that it could melt glaciers in Alaska!! But alas! "Me and my big mouth! Did I speak too soon?" I ask myself.. 

Like lovekin, firsttimelovers, d3j1k0, missyx, yonghyunforever, and blumistlaydee I sensed that Yong was a bit restrained.  Yes, like many of you had pointed out, it could be because of the overwhelming schedule, pressure from his fans and a myriad of reasons e.g. award and concert anxiety,tiredness and deteriorating health.  However, I may be overly sensitive due to my age or some of you might think that this ahjumma is over-analysing, but there were two distinct incidents in the snowboarding episode that pained me to watch.

  1. When he was measuring the snowboard against Hyun's body, he pushed down Hyun's hand from the board.

  2. When he threw the snowboard on the ground which not only surprised Hyun, but also the MCs in the studio.  But they managed to cover it up, by saying "Oh, he's acting tough".

Unlike older episodes where we just love to watch Yong's meaningful stares and eye contact, in this episode it seemed like he was avoiding much of it.  The last two episodes also showed us almost zero hand holding during their walks.  Our Yong appeared to be pre-occupied and lacked focus, thus he didn't behave like his normal playful self.  Of course, as a snowboard instructor, he passed with flying colours, but as Hyun's virtual better half, he did not give Hyun-buin his undivided attention.  I guess PD-nim erred in scheduling this snowboarding trip during this hectic time of the year, with never-ending award shows etc. I miss the old Yong, please come back!!

But Hyun, being the wonderful and sweet person that she is, saved the day with her cute antics and strong willpower to succeed in anything ventured.  Even the-more-serious-than-usual-Yong,couldn't help but smiled/laughed at her cuteness and unexpected blurts.

Maybe I became a bit greedy after the showing of the Busan trip; skin-ship, eye-ship and emotional sweetness galore.  But the disparity between the two i.e. Busan vs snowboarding trip, was a bit too much for an ahjumma to take.  Well, like my dear friend shawie829 always mentioned time and time again, it is a reality show, but why are we so affected after every episode? I guess our Yongseo couple has placed a deep emotional mark in our hearts, and because they are wonderful charismatic individuals, we are captivated with their togetherness.

Looking forward to the next episode.  Yongseo forever!!

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Found something interesting just now
































































































































Apparently our Goguma ski outfits are now called "The Couple Ski Outfit" I believe it is now sold in SK. Goguma power!!
































































































































































































































































Credit: vfmtwla @ Baidu

































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hmmm i think i forgot to thank some gogumas in here -.-" mianhe~! THANK U juhee for the trans, & THANK U tetsuya for the subbed vids. HEART U GUYS! :wub:

hakkai20, love ur post :) looking forward to more from u~! btw, i heard ur request kekeke since i'm quite free, i made some gifs. but there're two that i can't seem to upload. anyways, here're the only two gifs (that i managed to upload) of my favorite scenes on the latest ep. :w00t:

after watching this scene the nth time, how could he not be loving the damsel in distress?


just 'cause i love the scene... i mean who won't? it's not even necessary for him to do that. ohohohho yonggg~ we know what's on ur mind xD


off to bed... nitez~!

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Um, first of all, I'm really really sorry to cut all your interesting discussions about Yonghwa's behaviors ._. personally, I think this episode is a nice episode, Yong seems so excited but he still taught Hyun patiently, lmao. Anyway! I'm not good at writing my thoughts in English, and I don't want to deep-analyzing their actions and gestures, because as some people said, there are many occurrences and things outside WGM, not only WGM (and it's just 30 minutes... while they filming for more than 6 hours or more.)














So... What am I doing here? Tee-hee. Yes this is me and (another) wallpaper of Yongseo -- as usual, it's simple. I didn't make it to cellphone sizes, though. Also, dreamyboo and lovekin, glad you like my stuffs :lol: I hope other villagers like my designs, too. I'm happy if I found my stuffs useful. ;)














I'm sorry their pictures are... kinda bad. I don't have HQ videos, so the caps were bad, and I still love my Harddisk space (lol) -- that's why I prefer to download medium quality videos (but if you have DL link to HQ caps, let me know :) ). Hope you like it. It's from that epic Japan episode. Looking forward for next ep, too! They're really unpredictable. :wub:











































































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Thank you all so much for all the links and pics and gifs and translations and sharing your insights which i find intriging to read! A big thanks to all of you!!
































































































Many seem to have thoughts about yong distancing himself aways from hyun, being too quick in teaching hyun the backwards boarding, being a little annoyed etc. Well just to share my thoughts on this one. I personally like this episode alot as I got to see Yong's never ending patience with hyun and of course hyun being such a cutie and a fast learner too. Firstly, I guess why yong was all tough was to protect hyun and prepare her as to what might happen. I do not know much about snow boarding but it definitely seems like you can fall easily if you are not careful or being too complacent. So regarding yong throwing the board on the ground, well throwing is not good, but i would think that yong does not want to spoon feed hyun too much and let her figure some stuff out by herself. afterall, its her who will be snowboarding, yong can't help her in this sense...I do not know if anyone is getting the point here haha. Regarding yong teaching the backwards movement, hyun agreed to try when yong first suggested, so i guess he knew hyun wanted to do well and thus the greed to teach her more. Judging from his face when his buin fell, he was equally worried and scared for her. Afterall, they would be attending the awards the next day and his wife is and idol as well right? Thats why i really love this epi, yong knows when to joke, be serious and strict in his teachings and hyun her usual bright and cheery self!

















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Guest ysdarren




yo people! a newbie here. it's my first time joining and commenting on a forum (my gf was so shocked i did :sweatingbullets:)

well my gf was a Adam couple shipper so i got to know WGM. She always ask me to join her watch but i wasnt interested.


But im a big fan of national MC cum comedian Yoo Jaesuk so i chance upon SNSD on Happy Together show.


Back then i wasn't fanboy of any girl group cos i find that they're made of bimbos (NO OFFENSE!!!):sweatingbullets:

NOW! Im proud to say im a huge fanboy of SNSD! B'cos of Seohyun.:D


I was so surprised such innocent, pure and super polite girl existed in a idol group. So i was curious about them since. 


Found out that i was so wrong in my stereotype. Each of them have their own unique personality and talent.




So when the news of Seohyun and Yonghwa being the new couple of WGM. I was very curious how Seohyun who have no bf before handle it. (Aside swearing that Yonghwa was damm lucky!! You know.. everything will be her firstt..)




I must say kudos to Yonghwa for leading Seohyun in every ways.. He took step by step to let Seohyun comfortable, trying to understand her..So was kinda satisfied he was pick for Seohyun (i sound like a father..lol)  he really put we guys as a boyfriend to shame..:sweatingbullets:




my gf was saying me why i didnt make a photobook for her.. why didn't make a guide for her.. why didn't write a song for her.. why didnt buy her a land.. why didnt make breakfast for her.. why didnt wake her sweetly.. alamak...welll...wait i form a band CN Purple. wahaha:P  




anw, the main point is..


chill people~ from a perspective of a guy.. Yonghwa was just being cool~


you know we guys if good at something.. would like to show our serious and cool side esp uh hum in front of somebody we like.. kekeke :P so i suggest those who feeling a little off, watch it again.. will think otherwise






after watching the latest episode my gf 'nagging' me why i not patient like Yonghwa when teaching her bowling.. sighed. hahahaha


Happy V.Day PEEPS! :wub:



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Guest snow_dream89







I try to keep myself not come out, just only lurker because of many reasons. First, my English is suck so I can't express my feeling abt our cpl well like many of u are doing, second I am more YH bias so sometimes I afraid my point of view must spoil the great feeling u guys are making in this thread. But the first and the only time I have to come out of lurking because of some posts. I feel quite sad when u said abt YH in the recent ep. I don't blame u or smt but I want to give u this inf to help u look YH in a better way. All of us know that the next day after the skiing day is Melon award, but do u guys know what after Melon award is? The second CNB concert in Korea "Listen to CNB" where they sang 20 songs or more and YH like all u know is the main vocal. Frankly, Yh should have practised at that time, but instead he had to spend all day long in cold weather to teach SH. Many of u must say that this could help he relax and have fun coz he got SH next to him. I agree. But it doesn't help his health, his throat. That why the concert in the next day, YH was in a bad condition, his voice was not stable, he couldn't reach his high note as he used to.





I dont want to blame anyone coz I know all of u just come here because of the same reason like me coz we all love YS . But I hope u stop talking abt ur dissapoint abt YH.





To be honest, I don't find any wrong with his attitude toward Sh. He was still like that when in front of Huyn, take care, worried and choding.





Why dont we forcus in how YH, SH take care of each other. Yh even prepaired a little thing like socks for Huyn, and how he worried when she fell, he even clawling to get to her as fast as he can. And look at how sastified Huyn was in the ep and in preview. I think Sh understand YH more than us, agree?





I think we should stop talking abt not good things. Change to better things like what do u think Huyn's wish in the next ep is or something.





I should stop there, hope my post doesn't bother anyone coz it's not my purpose when I post this. Now I should come back to lurker and enjoy this ep again before going to bed.


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Guest bbblyzu3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@snow_dream89 I agreed with you about seohyun understand yonghwa more than us ;):)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I also wondering what is seohyun wish :phew: she look kinda shy in the preview

































































































































































































































































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Hello to Goguma villagers...Wow what an advance gift from our yongseo couple has given us before the Hearts Day...they are so sweet...making us sweety before the Valentine's day...In this episode i can see yong as the cool, stern teacher, because as they would say if your a good teacher then you will have a good student. And as we can see yong is indeed a good teacher because hyun easily pass the beginners round. And the patience yong is showing...wow...and the determination of hyun ...wow...they are really a pair...:wub:




As the episodes are moving its like their wishes are being fulfilled.Is this just a coincidence or the PDnims just have a good research team?


Happy hearts day everyone:):wub:




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I've been dying to post since yesterday morning, but I couldn't because I was going off on a trip. So I will spaz now--although it's a bit late and redundant.
































































































































































Maybe this is just my opinion, but in the beginning of their relationship, I had a feeling that Yonghwa was quite 'intimidated' by Seohyun. He might be fearful of his actions around her because to an innocent girl (innocent in that she never had close friends who were boys or been in a relationship), touching the wrong areas or joking at the wrong times will make her uncomfortable. But in this episode, I can tell that they have warmed up to a degree where this is no longer an issue. Yonghwa is not scared/intimidated of touching her, and Seohyun has no worries of where he touch, because she trusts him to know her and know better enough not to make her feel uneasy.
































































































































































video credit to SONEms! Thanks for the subbed video, too. ^^ And thanks juhee for the awesome subs! <3
































































































































































I LOVE THIS PART. <3 I died inside when I saw this. Personally, I'm the type of person that hates having my hair/head touched, ruffled, whatever. I can not tolerate people touching my hair/head unless they're someone close or someone I have a liking towards. And I wouldn't hit someone on the head if I wasn't close to them. This is such a simple action, but extremely cute and shows just how close they are.
































































































































































And when Seohyun fell, I would feel embarassed, too, if I were her, but Yonghwa's reaction to it just saved the day. When she asked him if she looked okay, he honestly told her 'Ani/No' XD I find that so cute because if he didn't see her as a close kin, he would've/could've just said 'Yeah' and continue their lesson. He not only tell her that, but he also fixed her hair for her! Which girl wouldn't swoon at the thought of Yonghwa touching her hair? And which guy wouldn't swoon at the thought of touching Seohyun's hair? They're perfect for each other. And his smile after he told her no is so childish and adorable.
































































































































































Now, all I have to do is find a guy that would teach me a sport without losing his patience, fix my hair, bring me socks, put on my hat for me, dance to Single Ladies (haha! This is precious), climb up an icy slope for me, tell me 'it's okay' over and over again, look as handsome as Jung Yonghwa *cough*, and just about everything else...Why did this Yong give himself a 60/100? He deserves all the points in the world, really.
































































































































































And last but not least, they haven't hugged yet, but all that touching and proximity beats a hug any day. <3 Well, not really ahah. But it does for now until we see that hug! And the preview = <333 Yonghwa is so cool. He doesn't overreact or do anything spontaneous or crazy (ei. giving her sensual glances, touching, making sexual innuendos), but he just lay there like he's tired. I think, well, he must be really tired with that hectic schedule and all that skiing, but he probably didn't overreact because he didn't want to freak her out by giving her wrong thoughts. He wasn't going to go 'Seohyun-ah, I love you, and I want you, now.' [Okay, sorry, that was totally inappropriate and exaggerative, but I hope you get my point XD] He's still playing the role of the oppa and easing her into the relationship by acting as if it's okay for a boy and a girl (who sincerely like each other) to lay in the same spot without getting strange thoughts. His heart probably exploded under that thick yellow jacket, but he hid it! Well, at least that's what the preview showed. [And plus, there are probably ten crew member there. Not quite the romantic-cuddling moment eh.]
































































































































































Anyway, my posts are always tiringly long, so I will stop now. Thank you everyone for the posts, updates, caps, subs, videos! You guys are awesome. Goguma couple fighting!

































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hey everyone :)
















































~this is my first time posting sooo hope im not breaking any rules ^^
















































i really dont see anything wrong with YH's attitude. i personally thought he did a wonderful job teaching SH.With these kinds of things such as snowboarding, skiing, or ice skating, it is best to learn by doing it yourself bc if someone is always by your side, you will always rely on that person and in the end, you will not be able to do it on your own. i thought he was very patient and encouraging!! and i know some ppl said that they thought he was feeling annoy while teaching her??? ahhhh i say cut the guy some slack. he has a lot of things on his plate....not to mention have you guys seen how excited he was when he got that mission text??? lol im surprised he didnt even leave SH..... he hasnt been skiing for years so of course he is itching to get on that board and ski. he is afterall human :) but he didnt!!!
















































i just found this episode really sweet ^^ and i love how he was so worried about her!

















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Guest .:love_ya:.
















































































This would look cuter on a big screen. Idk somehow it feels like the .gif doesn't really show what I originally want to point out :sweatingbullets:
































































doesn't it look like Hyun is saying "oppa, hands" ? :wub:
































































(maybe it's just me, you know I'm going crazie with every little thing 'bout this couple :rolleyes: )









































































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Guest yongseorockin


Hi Gogumas,

Just wanted to share with you all something after watching the Chinese sub of Night After Night Psy episode. There was this part on how to get the girl to like you part before Psy interrogated Yong about his " how to get a proper girl to like you" question. Read carefully. This was what I understand from what he said after his " What's up with him" strategy. Especially for pretty girls like Uee, after they have the reaction of "what's up with him", the killer move is " when you are seeing each other better, to stand up the other party on a date." For beautiful people like this , being stood up for a date is a ridiculous idea to them. Then they will think again, "what exactly is up with him, he actually did this to me." And using this "he actually did this to me" thought in to make girls fall for the guy. This was filmed probably a month before the skiing trip. I wonder if he maybe trying a slight slight bit of mildang here because he isnt very secure about the relationship? Of course, they already promised each other, they are not gonna do the not contacting each other for a month thingy again. But there hasn't really been any firm confessions of any sorts yet. Also another point to note is probably after the hospital trip, he may not want to be seen as "henpecked" and be seen more as a man.




And I have also noted that the hospital trip is only in one day where they didn't hold hands at all.



The next trip was the skiing trip. I have looked carefully at the show. I realise that they were carrying lots of things and there were bags in between them making holding hands a difficult task. So to ask them to hold hands while carrying lots of stuff would have been a little too overwhelming for them. Even when they were at the slopes, Yong was carrying the board for Hyun at the start. and later on as they moved on to Intermediate, with the boards strapped onto their legs, its a little difficult to be close together to hold hands. With that said, I find ourselves quite amusing sometimes (myself included). We can often only spazz about the latest episodes but that was like a month ago which doesnt accurately reflect their current relationship status. On one hand, I would have really preferred a dateing episode that was filmed that week. On another hand, I am worried that such a just-in-time production would lead to a shortage of YongSeo episodes when they dont have the time to film together and lead to an outcome like the Adam couple. So between YongSeo having a very up-to-date dating episode and having backlogs of WGM videos, I would choose having a backlog of videos anytime.

Oh one more point to note: Yong often buy stuff for Hyun! ( I dunno which fake boyfriend/husband would actually keep spending money on their fake wife like this.)

Guitar, expensive boots, protective gear for snowboarding, Necklace, Glasses...

Mind you, some of these items aren't cheap at all unless the PD-nims have been sponsoring Yong for all his purchases.






PS: Sorry if my post sounds confusing as to whether I think YongSeo are still awkward to each other. In this post, I have analyzed both sides of the coin. And the more I analyzed, the more I realise there isnt much of a point because its not a recent videoed trip they have and therefore, its perhaps best to just enjoy watching the episodes. (But I still love to read others analysis though.)


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Guest Sagua85
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi Gogumas,






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just wanted to share with you all something after watching the Chinese sub of Night After Night Psy episode. There was this part on how to get the girl to like you part before Psy interrogated Yong about his " how to get a proper girl to like you" question. Read carefully. This was what I understand from what he said after his " What's up with him" strategy. Especially for pretty girls like Uee, after they have the reaction of "what's up with him", the killer move is " when you are seeing each other better, to stand up the other party on a date." For beautiful people like this , being stood up for a date is a ridiculous idea to them. Then they will think again, "what exactly is up with him, he actually did this to me." And using this "he actually did this to me" thought in to make girls fall for the guy. This was filmed probably a month before the skiing trip. I wonder if he maybe trying a slight slight bit of mildang here because he isnt very secure about the relationship? Of course, they already promised each other, they are not gonna do the not contacting each other for a month thingy again. But there hasn't really been any firm confessions of any sorts yet. Also another point to note is probably after the hospital trip, he may not want to be seen as "henpecked" and be seen more as a man.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm pretty sure you didn't mean to be confusing in your post, but I just wanted to clarify that the "What's up with him" strategy was said by Psy, while Yong was still interrogating him on his tactics in pursuing a beautiful girl.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Still, there were quite a bit of hinting at Seohyun when Yonghwa eventually took to the hotseat right afterwards after slipping out and asking Psy "how would you pursue a proper girl", and was really amusing to watch nonetheless.

































































































































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Guest pretty_92868








































After reading so much post,different point of views, and over analyzing things
































my heart feels up and down and up and down...
































Oh my lovely gogumas really are genius and not lost of words,that's why I love this thread.
































But on my personal opinion,there's nothing wrong with Yong's behavior.He only acts as teacher-
































boyfriend that's why he's a little bit tough at one time.
































That's why I love Catkat post, to give us insight of how difficult to
































learn snowboarding.
































to ysdarren , welcome and I really love your post,lol,I adore you on
































how you praised Yong by even belittling yourself,bows 90%.
































Now I hope that everybody read your post.Please post to this thread more often,for we need more
































male point of view
































to snow_dream89 ,I feel for you. but don't worry,over analyzing those
































behavior of of our lovely couple doesn't mean a bad thing.
































It only means that we care for them and we love them.
































this is still IN-GO-PAEM.





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Guest monkie2804

Hi guys, I've just watched the latest episode and I want to join the discussion about Yong's change of attitude towards Hyun. First off, I started watching the ep after reading your comments about his change, so I kinda had a mindset that he'd act distant and cold to Hyun or sth. However, after watching it, I couldn't really feel the change here, or not to the point that you guys are saying. He did act tougher than normal, I admit that. But I didn't feel it was very serious since he always smiled right after it. For example, when he threw the board which surprised everyone, the action gave a little cold feeling, but his face was actually smiling rather warmly. I consider his attitude to be something like he was just trying to act cool [since skiing is his strength] and he felt a bit serious because he needed to protect her from injuring herself, and teach her probably.

I don't know if what I wrote is clear enough to make you guys understand. I experienced this kind of thing before with my bf. When we do something that he knows better than me, e.g. swimming, math, he tends to try to act a bit less bubbly and a little cold, so he can look cool like a professional or something, esp when he teaches me Math, he can even be a little harsh sometimes. So I just kinda relate their case to ours. As for Yong, he can also be tired and stressed with other things, which might make him a bit less excited, hence the distant feeling.

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Guest Faith_memory
















WOW, im very happy of everyone's post here. I love this thread so much. And i like to read your different points. It is okay if there is analysis of the episode while waiting for next saturday. This thread is not just for spazzing purposes, this is also for opinions and curiousness. Meeting people who can connect to your points and people who doesn't go with your opinions. but, remember we are still a FAMILY. ♥ ekeke







anyway, on my part, im not sure about the timeline and stuffs of when this skiing happened. I'm a bit confused, i'll visit the calendar again later on. I've been a faithful follower/fan of yonghwa at all kinds, on this skii date, I think he's a less hyper. I just feel like there is something going on in his head maybe like "I should take care of my wife. She should never get hurt" those things. even the MC said it at the end. and he kept on repeating "You will fall alot" at the start. XD but anyhow, i think he did really well in teaching his wife. he's very cool.







as for hyun.. i think she's thinking much about how she would look like after falling. I think she's thinking about her image too much because she kept on saying "I dont want to fall". If im at a skii tutorial like that i think it's fine for me to fall, but since she's an idol i think she's thinking too much about looking messy on television. Anyway, she enjoyed it. kekekeke!!! She loves to look good on her husband's eyes huh. ♥ that is love kekeke!







can't wait for next week, i have a feeling that the "INLOVE ATMOSPHERE" is coming. keke do you know what i mean?







about less skinship.. keke it's fine guys..!! ♥ Yonghwa knows how to make both boices and gogumas happy at the same time.. kekeke!! well I am. XD ♥


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Guest raindrops_919

annyong GOGUMAS :lol:

long time no see, i was a silent lurker for quite sometime..

honestly i was hesitate to post since i don't have much to share, well i'm not so good with words.. so reading every post of yours are so enjoyable for me, like every words describe what's on my mind, i'm glad that most of us think in the same way about YongSeo.

each day each time i read this thread, the more grateful i get, for knowing YongSeo, me personally learn so much from this young couple, in fact that their story is better than any drama i've ever watched for my entire 24 years life.

The more i'm grateful for everyone of you, i feel like having my secret family, my happy place. And i'm amazed with you guys who dedicates their time, talents and efforts to give other gogumas such a daebak live translation, super speed translation every week and crystal clear subbed video.

it's valentine's day already at my place, i wish everyone love of your life, CHEERS!

here's a little treat: YongSeo Beautifully Fierce


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