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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest MountainMadman

A pink avatar ... yeah. I'd be extremely grateful if my male co-gogumas (M3, Otty, warfare!) would show change their avatars, too.

Best regards,


Done. I shall sacrifice my masculinity for a few days on behalf of YongSeo.

I changed my Facebook profile picture, as well...I can only imagine my friends' reactions. vicx.gif

Looking forward to February 11th...only a few days away! And also, coincidentally or not, the release date for my new fanfiction! *coughblatantadvertisingcough*

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@Trent  and @MountainMadman I LOVE YOUR POSTS!!! I'll find a way to have a blue version of the avatar :)































































































To the others out there, grab this opportunity to be active and have fun at the same time!!!
































OUR THREAD is THE BEST thread here at SOOMPI!!!

































































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Guest wallpaperfood

Whoa, I wasn't planning to post anything until I had something substantial to say (I envy all of you who are constantly brimming with things to spazz about!), but I somehow managed to feel guilty after reading all the posts telling lurkers to quit doing what they do best -.-"

Guess your "nagging" (chill, I'm not about to revive that topic ever again) finally got to me ;)

I have a (shocking) confession =.=

I haven't watched the first part of ep43 (!), hence that could be why I don't have much to say. (Couldn't stream live because I was having a merry CNY)

I actually felt for Yong when Hyun suggested the hospital. Don't worry, I'm not going to bash Hyun. I just personally have this...fear of hospitals/doctors/anything that has the cability to expose myself to the unsavoury, undesired truth that is the state of my health. Am I weird since I'm a girl? The general theory here seems to attribute Yong's reluctance to undergo a checkup to his gender, see (man's pride, perhaps?)... haha. 

I managed to catch a glimpse of the raws for part 1, and felt squirmish, so I've been depending on your posts to be updated ^^.

Anyway, my point being? 

Is it possible for Yong to ever do something that will lower my impression of him? He's forever great at getting me to set my standards higher - my future half will have very big shoes to fill. I could be biased, since I'm insanely anti-checkups - my parents have given up forcing me to go since half my lifetime ago - but still, to agree to have a checkup on national television, knowing it will be broadcasted?...?!?!?! I don't know about you guys, but if I was aware that my health might not be the best, and that furthermore, I would be going with a health-nut who would most likely own me during the 'revealing' of those dreaded results...I would have rather faked a rush of nausea or diaorrhea on-set rather than agree! XD

Yong sure is brave, and is so willing to bend over backwards to please Hyun, :") . He's such a keeper. There is no way I would have lifted my shirt/weighed myself/blown into that lung-capacity measuring thing in front of a camera. In this case, I'm not complaining about checkups, but I just wish that they didn't have to show practically ALL of it. I get that this took up half a day's worth of filming, but ...>< , a visit to the doctor is something that is just so private, you know? WGM could have just filmed some of the tests, such as the eyesight test, and them receiving the results. I felt that I was physically walking behind Yongseo as they were in the hospital :X. I think that's what put Yong off as well, you could slightly see this look on his face when he was told once again to blow like a madman into the instrument. He shot a weary/no-energy-left-to-look-pissed-at-the-cameraman look. He took it so well. *in awe*

Nevertheless, I'm not hating on Hyun either. I think it rather endearing that she was so concerned about his health, and props to her to compromise with the massage!

Oh yeah, to be honest, I can't stand massages either! My nerves are damn sensitive and if you poke me I'll howl. My experience with the fish spa made me laugh till I cried . Sooo, I could empathise with what Hyun was feeling here :P

(I've never felt like I could relate to Yongseo so well before LOL)

For those of you who love massages, and who have the ability to feel 100% relaxed, I salute you, but I just want you to know how beyond agonising it can be for someone who can't or who's not used to it. It can feel like knives/some metal utensil slicing you (omg the foot massage) and probing you till you can't control your focus on anything else but your deathbed. I'm only being just a little melodramatic, but this is most likely what Hyun felt, so I have to marvel at how strongly composed she was - all for the sake of her nampyeon <3. Although, I wouldn't have minded if she "let go" a bit in front of the camera - it would have been kinda cute if we got to hear more of her fish-spa squeals (which by the way, were the best in this ep - something I have replayed over and over again)

I'm curious about one thing though - I recall Seohyun's foot massage on the HahaMong show, and if I remember correctly, wasn't she the only one in SNSD who didn't feel pain? Everyone was saying how it was because she was always so health-concious that she didn't have any "problem areas" to pinpoint. I really wasn't expecting her to feel pain during this massage based on my recollection of that scene...but whatever, her face was cute and I wanted to reach out and hug her! lol

Anyway, the headline of the day for me would be:

How on earth did a girl underweight by 9kg piggyback a guy slightly over(the healthy)weight by 1.3kg?!                  :D 

So sorry for the essay! I can never be brief...and I don't mean to offend anyone with my post!

Hyun x Yong = most compromising, caring, understanding, selfless couple ever to be born. Very well depicted this week. <3


ooh I wish I knew how to post pics without the links :( . Otherwise my fave ep would always, always be ep27. It was the first time she reciprocated that way, and it was a beautiful moment. The looks they had on their faces were pure gold. It was the ep that made me realise I couldn't continue spazzing by myself week after week, and thus was what led me to discover this awesome thread. Oddly enough, the ep I tend to replay the most is ep1, however, like aurora82, I can never watch it in one go...I have to skip around, hahaha.

Also, I've been seeing some serious big-richard simmons eyesmiles lately (Hyun after being complimented about the necklace, and Yong having fun tickling her feet), so my 1st anniversary wish for them is that I hope they will always continue to do whatever it takes to get those eyesmiles blooming! <3


okay, I'm sorry once again if I've offended anyone. I didn't think I was being critical of either Yong/Hyun at all, nor have I broken any of the rules (I hope) so I don't understand the negatives. It's just my own problem I have with hospitals and massages -.-". I thought Yongseo were really cute this week. Anyway, I've put the bulk of my post in a spoiler and going back into lurk mode. ><

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cr: xhachimitsu























































































































































































































































































































































































































BTW. GOGUMAS at SPD, GO-CHUN, and GOGUMALEAKS  are also expected to change their avatars at CHATANGO with the PINK and BLUE AVATARS!!!!
































































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hello gogumas..
































































its done..i now change my avatar..whew 2 error b4 i makde it...now ill change as well my avatar to my face book...
































































gosh the magic of this couple...kekeke
































































fighting gogumas...

















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HeY Everyone!!
































































































I'll be changing my avatar in a while -when i actually figure out how to U-U - 
































































































I'm so excited !!
































































































So i was thinking about doing a sort kind of special blend/banner for the anniv.! 
































































































However, there are so many pictures that i can't decide, so i really need you guys! 
































































































Please post your favorite screencap/pic of yongseo here if it's possible HQ or decent quality and lets see how it goes. 

































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Guest yonghyunforever

Which epsiode is the most favortite one?

It is really difficult to pick up just one epsiode to be my favorite, because it is all related progress, if there is no beginning then there is no another step to keep it going on. i love all of them, because that like everystone to build a house. for me the most important epsiode must be the first, because that is why we have yongseo today. but if i have to pick the most favorite/beautiful eps than it should be eps27. why?

this is the first epsiode of Yongseo make me cry, because it just so beautiful to keep your tear inside. this is the epsiode make these two beautiful go to the next step of their relationship

for Yong:this the epsiode make Yong the first time see the another side of Hyun and the first time he call her Seo Ju Hyun, the first time he really touched by Hyun's action. and the first time he has enough confident to hold Hyun's hand

For Hyun: this is the first time she opens her heart for  a man to come inside. the epsiode makes us know that she trusts her yong totally to do such a beautiful event for her yong. she shows us her true side. she looks like a kid on the field, and like a little girl who start liking one guy and sing for him. her eyes are sparkling so shine. she is just so beautiful when she sing for him with just a normal outfit, with messy hair. she made all goguma melt, mcs melt and her Yong is totally melt because of that action.

i am not good with words, i just want to say a lot about this epsiode but hmm, cant write what i am thinking. but will think more to add it up. Yongseo = love

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Guest fabiistar07



Annyeong Goguma Villagers!

This thread is starting to look so pinky & blue with the new avatars ^_^

I can't believe it's been almost a year since uri YongSeo first met and had their first date.

They MUST do something special, especially since their anniversary is so close to Valentine's Day, it should be an extra special celebration! :D


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Ok this is what i call a disaster! Only happens when i'm too bored to do something decent enough...tears.giftears.gif
































































































Well this was not what i was thinking to do at the first place ohmy.gifsad.gif it's not want i want still...but whatever,  i'll keep working...
































































































isn't it horrible?? crazy.gif
































































































As soon as i ended it, i though: dude it's so weird!! that i didn't even care to look for a nice font to use...U-U tears.gif
































































































Trust me i've done way better things than...this... T-T 































































































































































































































I do like my signature though, Mm quite simple but yea...i  don't have anything better 'till now...=/ unsure.gif
































































































































































































































































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Oh, the thread looks soo nice in Yongseo colors .

















Just droping to share the third chapter of my on going fanfiction for who wants to read it.











The art of love , Chapter 3:A step closer to become a married couple, Part  2








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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07








































Ok hope I did the avatar change thing correctelly. Anyhow, about favorite episode there so many I don't know that I could pick one this is an excellent excuse to watch YS episodes.
























In the mean time I want to share a quote I hear from some one a long time ago, I was going down memory lane when I found this and it make me thing of uri YongSeo
























Love is born of a single look and a smile, grows with hope, it sustains of a caress and reaches glory with a kiss. :wub:.









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Guest YongSeoCP4Ever

Hi,everyone!! I am a new member~So glad to become part of soompi~~Just curious that is there any activity that will be held by soompi to celebrate wuli YongSeo couple's 1st anniversary??? The event likes the 300th days anniversary~~Thank you for answering!!!wub.gif

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Gogumas here are really bad. All I can think of is  hug! kiss! hug! kiss!  hug!!! kiss!!!



Okay a kiss seems somewhat impossible(maybe behind closed bars?!) but a hug is a must must  must!!!


Lately I feel a certain tension between our lovely Yong and Hyun, they have to do something before they explode :)


Note to me: to much fanfics are not good for your health :sweatingbullets:


but goshhh I love reading them :wub:





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Guest aya otohata

Changed my Avatar!

Favorite episode would have to be, well, it's a tie between birthday episode and the school uniform. The birthday episode was seriously daebak. We finally found out the truth behind love light. I watched the two of them from the very start and I've always thought that they were cute together but the birthday episode was like a Eureka moment to me because that's when I really thought that they have this great potential to be a real couple.....and that they're relationship would really work. For the school uniform episode, I liked it a lot because of all the eye flirting....the episode was so simple and yet it made a mark. It proves that they don't really need any special setting to set up the sweet atmosphere, them alone makes everything beautiful. I felt really touched for the both of them, their gifts to each other are truly daebak. In her letter to Yong, Seohyun talked about ambitions/dreams which made me think that they've had a serious talk about the future. Ok, so far these two episodes are my favorites but it could change because come on, their episodes keeps getting better and better.

hmmm......actually it changed already lol.....I'm loving the "we need to die together" episode and the episode before that....the "husband needs to wake up wife not just to eat but to have skinship party with."

Edit: Did I top the page? No! Otoke!?! I hate this lol

Ok sharing this,

Hyun's Future Family


(Yong's brother looks younger?)

Here's one more........


Edit: I didn't know we were playing a game. I thought we were just sharing our favorites. It's ok if you don't count me, coz I can't choose one.

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Guest Fluorescent.Flower
































































































































































































































I'm going to be a cliché here and say episode 27. It started out funnily when Seohyun missed Yonghwa's present by an inch. The way she ran after  planting the remaining goguma cutting had me rolling with  laughter. Then when Yonghwa gave his thoughtful present, in the most thoughtful way - under goguma soil. Lol. And when he said the present was a couple necklace for her and her Mum - I wanted to bag him and carry him home right there and then. The letter was also very touching, I'm sure when I marry and have a daughter, I'd want my son-in-law to assure me that he'd be good in his behaviour towards her. It was short but contained all the important elements:
































































































































































  1. Thanking mother-in-law for bringing (beautiful) Seohyun into the world
Apologising for not having the opportunity to visit nor greet her formallyAssuring mother-in-law that he'll be good to her only child
































































































































































































It was comedic - perhaps one of the funniest expression I've ever seen, is the face Yonghwa pulled after sitting on dung.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Playful - Yonghwa placing Seohyun and himself in a K-drama scenario.
































































































































































































































































































































It was all about togetherness - throwing the rod  together, failing to catch fish together, laughing together, sitting through it together no matter how boring the hours got, but I guess when you're with someone you love spending time with, even the most boring things can be endurable.
































































































































































































































































































































Romantic - Seohyun surprised him with Senorita's mask and sang her feelings through 'Love Light' to him, his expression was like Keroro's, rofl.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I adored the YongSeo book she made, it had love written all over it. The  care, attention and warmth put into making it was evident and anyone would be a fool to call them fake after seeing that. And also, we made an indirect appearance in it. Hehehe.
































































































































































































































































































































It was the premiere of the legendary "Ring Ding Dong" a.k.a "My Precious" ^^
































































































































































































































































































































Towards  the end where Seohyun said "It's getting really dark", I thought something very intimate was going to happen but it was a false alarm and my reaction was like Seohyun's when she thought she caught a fish -  Ya!... Oh, it's nothing.
































































































































































Lastly, it was the episode where they had their first directly intentional skin-ship - holding hands.
































































































































































































































































































































It was a night of many revelations, expressions and feelings. The episode was just daebak! ~❤~
































































































































































P.S. The MCs commentary was hilarious in this episode as well. Jinwoon (with his goofy smile) saying "We're all experts here!" and Seulong's "I'm going to cry, really..." after seeing YongSeo hold hands. Jake's "If you cut the episode here, you're dead meat!" that's what I say after every episode *sigh*. And when he screamed his head off at Nayoung "Please be quiet!! Let me hear what they're saying!!"
































































































































































Lmao @ his expression

































































































































































































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Guest DJHinata

Done! Pink Goguma Avatar!! wub.gif

 This week is very important to us !! the goguma villagers! 11th february it's the beginnig of everything to us and obviously for yongseo , so many changes, not only for them, we've changing too, we are more happier, and we are more considered with the other people and we can't forget, thanks to yongseo we can know this amazing thread, and the beautiful and wonderfull people who form part of it. 

thank you for all the comments, images, screens, wallpapers, avatars,  gifs and more !! Have a nice 1 first year anniversary of YONGSEO LOVE


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Guest sarahcnblue


i changed my avatar   w00t.gif




sorry i cant decide witch ep or moments there is a lot sweatingbullets.gif






starting from '' piking her  real husband'' to " the pinky ship" wub.gif




and i wish their happines still  ever&ever  blush.gif 


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Guest MountainMadman

Hmm, might as well throw my hat in the ring.

I'm going to have to go with Episode 27, but not for the usual reasons.

See, when I first got into Kpop (last summer), I hated SNSD. I listened to their songs once, didn't like them, heard the rumors about plastic surgery, heard their live performances and didn't like them, and I saw them on variety shows all over the place, so I assumed that they were, at best, grossly overrated, or at worst, total fabrications. 

Suffice to say that I didn't care at all for SNSD...until one random day I came across a news article about how SNSD's Seohyun was "married".

At first, I was completely stupefied; I didn't know that idols could marry so young, and I thought that it was like in the States, where celebrities would go through marriages like they were a dime a dozen. Until a kind friend explained to me that no, Seohyun wasn't actually married, she was on a variety show called "We Got Married" with her virtual husband, Jung Yonghwa.


Just out of pure curiosity, I tried searching around on Youtube to see what it would be like. I discovered the FMVs, which were beautifully made, and one scene struck me in particular: the infamous lake scene.

But again, I wasn't struck by the rings or the handholding (keep in mind I didn't know ANYTHING - ANYTHING - about WGM), but by how normally Seohyun was dressed. She had her hair tied up into a pigtail, wasn't wearing much makeup, a baggy shirt, and jeans that came down to her knees. 

I guess the thing that struck me, for the first time, was that these girls were real. They were more than faces on TV; they had actual physical bodies, they could talk normally, they had friends, they had their own private lives...

Anyways, because of that one FMV I watched (forgot which one), I started to give SNSD another chance, and this time, I looked past their mediocre songs (because, let's face it, they are mediocre) and started to look into their personalities.

It was around this time (early November) that I discovered RDRSubs, and I started watching the episodes from the beginning. And the rest, as you know, is history.

So, to wrap it up: Episode 27 kick-started my SNSD fandom, and especially my respect (it goes beyond simple admiration and fanboy-ism) for their maknae, Seohyun. And that's why it's my most memorable episode.

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