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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Well, 4 more days to go, our YongSeo 1st anniversary~~~ congratulations~~!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong & Hyun, I would like to wish both of you, stay healthy and love each other more and more day by day. Looking back the pass 365 days that both of you've passed, how both of you walk thru this year, from 1st meeting at the MBC lobby, awkwardness & shyness expression and be seen on your faces. Slowly, both of you have develop a slow and steady trust and relationship with each other and now, after 1 year, it is so glad to see both of you are so close and caring for each other. This is the memory that belong to both of you. And of course, this is also a great memory for me to grow with both of you throughout this one year.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm glad to came across YongSeo couple in WGM and they are the first couple I watch in WGM. I wanted to thank you for bringing me such a romantic and beautiful love story. Once again, both of you, plzzzz love each other more and more. Fate has brought both of you to meet, so pls treasure this opportunity and make it real, cos I know, you both deserve to have each other. :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongHwa ah~~ pls send her a bouquet of roses, hug and kiss her on your 1st anniversary. If you can't make it on that day, pls do it on Valentine day. [if you have done all this already (off cam), just ignore my sentence here...]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Love is all around in this thread~~ Love Love Love~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Happy 1st Anniversary to Yong & Hyun~~!!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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JNJ unnie, I have already posted the avatar for soompi and actually I'm using it already...kekeke





























































































































































here it is again...




















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and for TWITTER, we will use this...



























































































































































































































































































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Guest yongseorockin


Hey guys, I have helped repost the 1st year anniversary picture onto YongSeo Fan Club.




so that its easier for Gogumas who missed previous posts to be able to find it.




 Alternatively, an easy solution is just to click on any Gogumas with the display pic, save and upload it yourself. haha. at least thats what I did because I had difficulty finding the previous posts.:rolleyes:


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3 more days before YongSeo's First Year Anniversary!!!!






















































































































































































































































































































































































































































Let me share to everyone one of the songs in the "...With Love" Album that we have prepared for YongSeo


















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I never had this feeling before































































and i just can't figure it out































































i'm stubborn, am i selfish?































































i just can't get you off my head































































i need you here instead





























































































































































































Since when?































































Since When have i felt this?































































It's so new































































Yet so true































































Yes. i'm in love































































I'm so in love with you






























































































































butterflies in my tummy now































































i want to giggle it all out































































i'm confused, am i crazy































































my head is battling with my heart































































an i know now who's winning





























































































































































































My love































































My love's growing deeper































































It feels good































































to be next to you































































yes, i'm in love































































I'm so in love with you































































































































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Hey guys, I have helped repost the 1st year anniversary picture onto YongSeo Fan Club.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so that its easier for Gogumas who missed previous posts to be able to find it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 Alternatively, an easy solution is just to click on any Gogumas with the display pic, save and upload it yourself. haha. at least thats what I did because I had difficulty finding the previous posts.:rolleyes:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Haha, thx yongseorockin for sharing this. I have just done as what you have mentioned... Let's all looking forward to Friday and Saturday~~  parli parli... :wub: Since our thread has been recognize by k media, just hope that, they will have a big great news across the whole Korean nation on the 1st anniversary we have for our beloved YongSeo~~~

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest zero_one
































theres my name at the batch of picture at the top from ysinternational...








still feeling that watching our couple is like watching me and my girlfriend even after almost a year watching them...








after seeing the latest episode, i think that i should ask my girlfriend to go to a massage place...








so we could be like yongseo hahahaha









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Guest soshisoshisoshi








OK, so I have officially changed my avatar.......... it's still 3 days to their 1 year anniversary, yet I'm already feeling giddy. well, when it comes to YongSeo you always have that feel anyway :lol:






so, come on out everyone!! don't tell me you want to lurk all day!! we need your participation on this 1 year anniversary celebration because it is a special day not only for both Yonghwa and Seohyun, but also for ALL OF US! we have come very far, witnessing their blossoming realtionship, from the so-awkward-that-i-feel-like-going-through-the-tv-to-make-them-just-hold-hand-once relationship until the present oh-my-god-when-are-they-going-to-kiss-and-hug-each-other relationship (oh my god that's very long).








during those times, we have come to realize that we share the same love, YONGSEO LOVE :wub:, that transcends all differences between us.....








I'm not going to be tired repeating this message again and again! do you want that SECOND THREAD??? if you do then GET THE HELL OUT OF YOUR SHELL RIGHT NOW! :lol:or you will be thrown HAMBURGERS!









EDIT: new FMV by orihararan@YouTube............ soooo lovely!!! :wub: :wub:



CNBlue & SNSD's thought about YongSeo









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Guest bbblyzu3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@YSInternational thanks for posting the avatar again ;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































to all gogumas out there come out from your cave
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































lets join to celebrate their first anniversary together B)

































































































































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My wish for YongSeo couple  (Yoo-ong~ & Hyu-un~) -

You both were placed together by fate, and now you’ve spent a year together in Goguma Heaven!  You’re young, you both have so many dreams you still want to fulfill, and now you’ve each found someone special to share those dreams.  Your wonderful journey on We Got Married will someday end, I hope not soon!  But when it does, I hope and pray you both will evaluate and examine your lives and come to realize that having each other is more important than whatever fame and fortune will give you!  Having someone who truly loves and cares for you is more important than all the loyal fans in the world!  Be strong, follow your hearts, and those fans who really love you will continue to support you on your journey together.  Remember, love conquers all.  I wish both of you all the health, success and happiness this world can give you.  You are both beautiful, inside and out!      

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tks YSI.

i'll change my avatar when the clock strikes 12!

i get more excitement with countdowns like that.. ^_^

okay...something to share from DC

i sure like to take something from there.. :sweatingbullets:

since some gogumas wish for yongseo to kiss..

yongseo heard u guys and have been practising..

(the caps below)

and where else if not in the clinic...

well..u know..since the dr is arnd.. ;):P:lol:



when yong grabbed hyun's leg, there is no comment coming from the MCs.

all have gone quiet.

were they too shocked or too stunned with yong's action? :rolleyes:

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Guest bbblyzu3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































>>YSInternational can I use the avatar  as my primary pic in fb ??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and my wish for yongseo cp:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wouldn't ask too much I just hope that both of you will cherish the memory  and journey that you've created with each other and may your relationship wouldn't end whether as a friend @ real couple( someone can wish rite ;) ).

































































































































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Guest yonghyunforever

i change to new avatar, kekek. im not the first here, just change my username to be the same as in Sweetpotatoes day ( my old user name is linh80:-)

some wild imagination:

on the first anniverary

Yong: hyun, i gonna kiss you

Hyun: hmm

Yong: i really gonna kiss you even you against it

hyun: chonma

Yong kisses hyun :w00t:

Hyun: hm ,so this is how the kiss is. but is it a french kiss oppa

 Yong:unsure::hmm, not yet a french kiss

Hyun: opa, lets do french kiss

YOng :w00t::wacko::wub:sweatingbullets.gif:rolleyes:


sorry i am a liitle bit out of mind today because of Yongseo

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Guest 08trip08
































































































heyhoo all GOGUMA VILLAGERS :)
































































first of all i want to say thank you very much to all of you, this is the best thread (forum) i've ever seen. seriously! :D
































































actually, i'm usually being a silent reader, because i don't know exactly how to making quote, spoiler, or put a pict, and i'm afraid of breaking anyrules, so better for me to keep silent, kekeke. and since i made this account, i don't have any avatar for this, but now i have my own! so lovely pict, thank you very much to you for making and sharing this.
































































now i decide to out of my cage, and join with all the GOGUMA VILLAGERS to celebrate the 1st Anniversary of our loveable YongSeo Couple. if all the silent reader will join this celebrations, i don't know how fast this thread will jump. LOL. seriously, we have a lot of readers in here.
































































my wishes for YongSeo are:
































































1. Please make it real as COUPLE! :wub:
































































2. Wish SONE, BOICE, and all fans can support this couple as well, no more antis and bad rumors :vicx:
































































3. May Yong and Hyun have great career and good health
































































and my wishes for all GOGUMA VILLAGERS are:
































































Hopely we always be happy family, always support this couple, support each others, and we have a good life too.
































































Sorry for being to blablabla :)

















































































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Gogumas, I think we should start some kind of game related to the first aniversary, cause it is the easiest way to take us out of the shell :lol:. So where are the games inventors? LOL (I have not creativity for this ¬¬).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































While waiting for a fun game (if you wanna play), How about sharing our Love story with YongSeo?, for me it was because of JoongBoo couple, I watched all their episodes in January 2010 and I liked them so much that one day  in March I thought, I think I´m going to search for a new WGM couple as awesome as ssangchu couple, so I googled WGM and there they were, YongSeo´s first episode, She was so innocent, he was a funny guy, and for me it was love at first sight (never happened to me with a real person but it did with YongSeo LOL) .At the very moment that Hyun asked the difference between like and love I knew I was going to love them forever, and the rest is history :wub:.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Happy aniversary week In-Go-Paem :wub:.

































































































































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08trip08, thank u for coming out of your lurk. :)

again, as we have urged u all...do not be afraid to post.

gogumas are just gogumas...very sweet! ;)

to those out there or just join us

no one-liner, no quoting of pics.. that is abt all..

oh! and one more thing...since this is yongseo thread,

pls do not post pics of yong's ex or his other pairings...

some gogumas are sensitive.. ;)

use spoiler if u want to make it a point in your post.

okay..i think i've post enough for today..

i love yongseo for bringing gogumas arnd the world together

to share this lovely journey.. :wub:

god! i topped the page when i don't have anything else to share..


okay..reposting YSI's avatar for the big day


and this one is for twitter


ahh...YSI..u should be the one to top the page..sorry dear

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OK. Let's have a game!!!!




























































































































































































I'm not yet done listing the episode titles, but who cares??? let's just proceed with the game




























































































































































































Everyone is tasked to pick his/her favorite episode among all the 43 episodes that has been aired. It is STRICT RULE that you can only pick ONE episode as your favorite. Grab this opportunity to rewatch/reminisce all the episodes YongSeo had within the past year of their marriage. 





























































































































































Once you have chosen your favorite episode, you have to explain why you chose it as your favorite among the other episodes. You can also add some SCREENCAPS to make your explaination more appealing and convincing for the readers.





























































































































































Do your best on this activity because the GOGUMA that will have the most liked/+ post, with regards to this activity, by the end of the week will receive a FREE CNBLUE'S FIRST FORMAL ALBUM!






























































































Good Luck Gogumas!!!!




























































































































































































OH BTW! In go-chun, we don't cheat
















:) DON'T USE YOUR (-) POWERS TO LOWER EACH OTHER'S CHANCES OF WINNING!!!! This game was meant for pure fun and goguma love only :)
















































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Guest yonghyunforever

nice idea Magdal: share how you know YOngseo

for me, i know YOnghwa in YRB, but i never like him there. not put any attention but love anjell, somewhere in may or june 2010, i am still addticted to YRB and bored. i watched WGM of YOngseo, the epsiode when they did for their drive licence.:wub: honestly i dont like it a lot. but i click the first epsiode and dang i felt in love with YOngseo. unlucky the website i watched they cancelled all the videos. I started looking for the videos everywhere, but soompi is good place to find these kind of thing :wub: . i read the thread from page one till 600 ( at that time). finish all videos in 2,3 days and download all the videos of them. and quiet lurking here till october and then i really enjoy myself spazzing with everybody here. do all kind of craxy stuff. now im boice and a little bit sone. but i love Hyun more:-). my love and my addiction is increasing rapidly . somehow it makes me scared. but they help me when im sad and down. just need to watch them i can forget all the bothersome. they remind me of my first love, my childhood, my innocence,  everything.....and more crazy i made kimchi from Hyun's receipt. the worst kimchi ever, kkeke. because in their video, they didnt show that you have to put cabbage in salt water for 4 hours. and i did exactly like seohyun and my kimchi is like a  raw cabbage with salt. :wub::tears:

i wish yongseo will last forever, it is luxury wish but i realy wish for that. they are so young, but if they can overcome every difficulties, that just make their love more beautiful. I hope everytime they misunderstand each other, all goguma here will uderstand them instead of overanalyze them. because they are just normal person, still a lot of mistakes to come. we just hope that we and the Mc and pds can help this lovely couple overcome all obtacle and end up dieing together when they are 100 and 102


Yongseo love :wub:

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A pink avatar ... yeah. I'd be extremely grateful if my male co-gogumas (M3, Otty, warfare!) would show change their avatars, too. BTW, I wondered - two weeks ago, we made a game to name which clothes Hyun was wearing in what episode in the clothes ads pictures that popped up - shall we do the same for Yonghwa, too? To bridge the time until the weekend.

Best regards,


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@YSinternational: this is a great task. I'll try to join it for the fun otherwise its to much pressure for me, lol.  I am off watching the episodes again. And with this I am confessing that till now I couldn't watch the first episode of YongSeo Couple in one go, it was it's still so awkard  for me lolol.


Ahhh this Couple has come a long way


<3 <3 <3



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A pink avatar ... yeah. I'd be extremely grateful if my male co-gogumas (M3, Otty, warfare!) would show change their avatars, too. BTW, I wondered - two weeks ago, we made a game to name which clothes Hyun was wearing in what episode in the clothes ads pictures that popped up - shall we do the same for Yonghwa, too? To bridge the time until the weekend.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Best regards,































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Your post gave me a good idea about suggesting to have a blue avatar for the male gogumas. So that we can differentiate the guys and the girls in the thread, it would be quite cool to realise that some frequent posters are actually guys. So far I only know that there are 3 guys in this thread.

































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