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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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i think we should move on with sweeter discussion. still 6 days more to go and we just discussing about nagging. :vicx:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































personally, i think this is a good point in their relationship. if they never do that, they not reach to the comfortable level yet, or just try to maintain their image. when they are comfortable they will show more their true color, not nice but real. nagging too much is not good, but hyun just start nagging, and Yong start against it. then they will balance it together,less nagging but also less junk food. that what you have to learn in relationship. but everybody is different.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































compare with the first epsiodes, they are now on the level of discovery bad side of each other not impress each other to get attention anymore :rolleyes: how they can manage to see another side of your partner. can you accept that. less romantic but reality. i experienced that with my husband. but it not means your love reduce. it just make your love stronger when you accept or adjust the not-so-nice side of your partner. they cant just stay at the romantic level and speak all sweet thing, or do all lovely stuffs.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i can say WGM is cruel show, they play with the casts feeling, audience's feeling. we audiences, somtimes also become cruel, because we just put too much pressure on the couple if they dont act like the way they want. but one thing can not deny, the show is successful to make us delusive or at least me.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































now i just want all good news from our couple to wait for next 6 days. want everyday is happy go-chun :wub:

































































































































































































































































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Guest scatterbrain

please stop debating over this 'nagging' issue. yes, yong complained that she nags.so what?

it doesn't mean that his admiration for hyun lessen. he still bought her expensive stuff!(i read in baidu regarding the fanaccount about yongseo shopping. it said yong bought seohyun the same pair of boots that he has(the red boots), but in purple. they say it's quite expensive. and i read somewhere that guys will only shower a girl with gifts if he loves her and it's worth it. so does hyun's nagging put him off? i don't think so. maybe he got a little bit frustrated(remember his friends said that yonghwa gets mad often.)but yong must really have really thanked hyun for caring for him

yong comparing her nagging with his mom, i don't think hyun would be offended, since yong is comparing it with his MOM, the only female in his life!

and what's wrong with hyun nagging?? girls like to nag and i think we all admit it. it doesn't give you a bad image. girls are just born like that. if we can see hyun nags, that means she's very comfortable with yonghwa. if i'm not mistaken, even the SNSD unnies said that hyun likes to suppress her feelings. but with yonghwa, she seems to rap a lot!

we just scrutinize too much. Chill!

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Guest ahn_annann










Thank you so much for all Tranlations ..






Semi-fly, thanks for raw videos and your helps.. ,I love you






Ep43 Take care and Together






share my caps :






my farovites





































































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Guest seohyungeneration
































































I hope CNBlue will have a dietician just like SNSD. 
































































Wish out of the blue Yongwha buys Seohyun flowers. 
































































































 And if I were Seohyun's unnie, hugging is just fine but of course since her first kiss is very important she'd rather have it after wgm especially with her true first boyfriend. Just save this one for the first true one.
































































































For me the best "date" would be thinking what the other find it memorable and not just all about me. 
































































Someday all of these (including nagging and our endless discussion about it) will be gone and all will remain memories. And I hope this someone will remember that nagging was worries about his health because this unexperienced girl truly caresicon12.gif.
































































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Guest krissylia
































































































































































the nagging issue should stop..... it´s not even an issue..... hyu~n was like a real wife to tell her hubby what´s best for him.... and yo~ng was a typicall husband to tell his wife to stop nag at him.... i think that particular scene was the best proof that they really behave as a couple.... so stop the nagging issue... let´s join the wish project from Indi aka bezbezbez.... GO-CHUN is always on the brighter side no negatives aloud....kekekekekekke.... love u my IN-GO-PAEM ^^

















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Guest soshisoshisoshi








Hi all!! gosh I really miss this thread! it's only been only 2 days since I last checked this thread and BAM! heavy discussions here!!!






First of all, the episode is definitely AWESOME, as always. They really enjoyed their time, and even Yong said that it was 'THE BEST DATE EVER". both of them really need to get a health check-up regularly! going together secretly is not really a bad idea. Since Hyun knows about his hubby's health now, she sure will be worried sick if anything happens to Yong, and yeah, she's make a good BUIN!






Seriously, we're talking about the "Nagging" issues now?? you guys are just funny and awesome :lol:. I didn't expect that matter to become very big now. I suggest we should get over it and discuss other things! Personally there is nothing wrong about Yong's statement. Come on!!! we couldn't do anything anyway. It's natural for guys to be like that when they go to hospital. even when I once went with my mom for a health check-up, I would be very nervous that I end up telling my mom to stop nagging at me. Hey, it's a spontaneous reaction you know. So back to this, like linh80 said, this is actually a good point in their relationship, because they - especially Seohyun - now know their health levels and they can take care of each other more. so....... LET'S MOVE ON!!








we have sooo many things to anticipate next week! 1 year anniversary on friday and Ski episode on saturday!!








oh, I almost forgot! what was Seohyun thinking when the doctor asked Yonghwa to pull up his shirt for check up?? she was very shy, and also Yonghwa  :lol:.








also, about this scene, callmedaydreamer posted this before








when Yonghwa pulled Seohyun's leg to the pool/tub (idk what it's called), I swear to God I was literally squealing over that scene, particularly because Yonghwa's hand slide down before he pulled her leg. must be feeling that sensation huh??? I can tell he enjoyed it  :D. Omo pervy me! ok carry on!!












EDIT: ahn_annann!! great caps + great quality as usual!! :w00t:








oh, I almost forgot about the 365 wishes thing!! I have 2 main wishes...











2. GO TO ITALY!! (If WGM have the sufficient budget :lol:)









EDIT2: linh80, not only the MC. I also reacted that way... Yonghwa BAD BOY! LOLOL :P








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:w00t: yeah, lets spazz about legship and die together :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i dont know how YOng feel at that moment? high pressure or just pure like a small boy. we can see that all the Mcs speechless, they didnt show their faces, but i can imagine they all open their mouth, hahah .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































from the gif, hahah he just take the opportunity to touch almost whole under part of her leg, hahha, and then seohyun's hand on his hand. double sensation :w00t: i become real pervert. sorry me.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and Seohyun, we should die together. suddenly she speak out, is that sweet of her? and then goodbye. hahah i really love her because all of her unique things. i saw alot of more beautiful girls than her, cuter, more attractive, but unique, Seohyun really has that.she never tried to act cute, but just really natural cute :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































forget my wish:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































please treasure what you have and have experienced. dont give up your love.!!!! Yongseo together fighting :wub:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Another DAEBAK episode...
































I guess they do feel for each other...the legships...was hehehehe...:)
































and the times flies soo fast...they almost have their anniversary...
































I just want also to contribute on my wish..
































that they REALLY DATE and will get marrieddddd in future...they really cute together...
































aaaaaahhhhh can't wait until SATURDAY...





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I have a QUESTION:
































































































































[now that I've gotten your attention, lol]





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Does anyone happen to know what Yong says in response right after Hyun says "We need to die together"???? It was some simple/very quick phrase that was skipped over in ALL the translations I've read so far, and I was just curious.  It is in this sequence of their conversation, right after her line: [credits to MountainMadman]
































































































































Y: How old are you going to live?
































































































































H: I’m going to live healthily.
































































































































Y: Around 100 years?
































































































































H: That seems about right.
































































































































Y: Then I’ll live until 101.
































































































































H: That’s too much.
































































































































Y: Why?































































































































































































































































H: We need to die together…
































































































































Sub: blurting out random comments in the middle of pain






























































































































































































































































































































































































I was wracking my brain from all the various Korean phrases I've heard subbed over the years and I couldn't figure it out...Anyways, any help is appreciated.































































































































































































































































AND can I say I just loved the massage part of episode 43.  We Gogumas are taking skinship anyway we can get it!





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Just going to post this little thing since its going to be our couple anniversary soon :D
























































Their first meeting together (2nd epi) they both wrote a letter to each other (well hyun did,yong was kindda asked to do it.lol) Its been almost a year now and our couple have grown and learned a lot from each other this past year.I am so thankful to the pd's for bringing them together.
















































































































Hello ,I am going to be your future wife, Seohyun















































































































Even though we don’t really know each other we ended up getting married,















































































































In order to inform you of my resolutions ,I decided to write this letter for you,















































































































I finally turned 20,but I lack experience in many things,















































































































Even though the whole marriage is far ahead of me,















































































































I thought it would be a good preparation for my future















































































































With an open mind ,I would gladly enjoy this experience,















































































































Please treat me well,Seohyun
















































































































To Hyunnie















































































































Since we got married when we didn’t know what was going on,















































































































You and I were both awkward with each other,















































































































And I think we don’t know what to do,















































































































However despite the short time we have spent together,















































































































I feel like we already got close,















































































































So I think it’s going to be enjoyable for us,















































































































Even though we are a would be married couple right now,















































































































Let’s try to learn about each other quickly,Hyun~















































































































From Yong~
























































credit to the subbers!
























































Hopefully on their anniversary they would reminisce the time they spent together from the moment they first met, Share this past letters and write new resolutions for the future.
























































My wish for them is to always look out for each other and have a special place for each other in their hearts. Even if things don't work out, they will always cherish these memories and smile at them every now and then.
























































Always be healthy and happy in whatever that they are doing and live a life full of adventure and love :wub:









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I don't know what he said, but his expression said it all.


He love his Buin's answer. Inside Yong's heart, let's live and die together.. :wub:


I am rewatching this week's episode as i am typing this.




Anyone translate the news in the before page??


My link



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Guest sarahcnblue


hi ,, what's wrong with the nagging issue ,,




i think its good thing that mean they are real they don't act ,,




and why ignore all good things and focus about bad things ?!!




discuss about how they care about each other , their looks when they were do blood test , the thikle ,the leg ship 




yong & seo are in wgm to enjoy their self & to enjoy us 




so why we analyze any movement and think of it negatively enjoy people and try don't take sides (yong side ,seo side)




this what make fan war this is yongseo thread not yong thread or hyun thread 




i appreciate every pov but i actually i feel sorry for yong when you  said that he will hurt hyun , why he will hurt her ??




do you see him bad boy or don't care about her anytime ??




 sometime i think boice get mad coz of this comment ..




so enjoy yongseo shipper don't hurt anyone .. i wish i do to ..




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Guest meeychan



Annyeong goguma villagers ~ !!



it’s my 1st time dropping my words here, hehe.. 4give me 4 being JUST a lurker in dis thread since..umm..ONLY GOD knows when.. :P u can see that I’ve been joined soompi since almost 5 years ago, (oops, i don't know whats wrong with soompi, but i was registered here since 2006)but.. NEVER write even a singleword!

I know this couple from my lil’ sister 2 months ago and IMMEDIATELY falling in love with both of them!! KYAA~!! Their awkwardness, shyness, pureness.. ooohhh.. ~~ (can’t describe by anywords,hehe..). I love the way they react with each other, so natural.. not JUST act 4 viewers’ happiness..

YongSeo are my bad-mood-RELIEVER!!! Whenever I feel bored with my activities, I just rewatch them and my day become “sparkling” again.. what a DAEBAK couple they are!

And, for their 1st anniversary wish

I just hope they become REAL couple.. live happily ever after like Seohyun said.. until death do-them-apart..


YongSeo!! Love U always… HWAITING~ !!

Best Regards,

One of ur fan from INDONESIA

PS : i'm so SORRY 4 my bad English... :(


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Guest meeychan
















I have a QUESTION:








[now that I've gotten your attention, lol]













































Does anyone happen to know what Yong says in response right after Hyun says "We need to die together"???? It was some simple/very quick phrase that was skipped over in ALL the translations I've read so far, and I was just curious.  It is in this sequence of their conversation, right after her line: [credits to MountainMadman]















i'm sorry for cutting your post.. did u mean that what's yonghwa said right before seohyun replied "annyeong (goodbye)"? from what i heard.. yonghwa said "102 years" just because he realised what seohyun said "because oppa is 2 years older than me)...








sorry again if i can't really help u... :(









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No, actually that's not the part I'm talking about, but thanks for trying to help! lol
































































































































I'm talking about BEFORE this, Yong's quick reply right before she says [credits to MountainMadman]:

H: We need to die together…

Sub: blurting out random comments in the middle of pain
































































































































H: What am I talking about? It’s nothing. Pretend I didn’t say it.































































































































































































































































Yong speaks as the caption appears on the screen, so it looks like the caption got subbed, but his words didn't.

































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Guest ciel_andina

aissshhh, let's all leave that nagging issue.let's just enjoy the show:w00t:

this week episode is really daebak. we can see how close Yong and Hyun now.

that "we should die together" part really make me scream..... where the innocent Seohyun gone?:wub:

Hyun really want to grow old with Yong:phew::phew:, live long together and then die togetherB) how romantic these two kids!!!!

it's almost 1st year Yongseo anniversary, my wish is Yongseo live long together and then like Hyun wish "die together" and we all gogumas can go straight to go-chun.

happy spazzing all:w00t::w00t:

Edit: can anyone help me,please.i got warn status.what is it about?i'm not pretty familiar with soompi.thank you

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Guest chandrawd












Oh now we're discuss about Nagging issue?







From my POV, I think that's a okay if health nagging thing-y from Seohyun slightly annoyed Yonghwa. Because he felt that he was healthy and did not need any special/knotty treatment for him, that all health treatment was too serious (since he's not serious typical guy).







Men are usually feel a little bit annoyed when they got lectured things like that (health nagging), they want to be perceived that they are strong and healthy. For Yonghwa, sick = not manly.














Hey would you guys mind teach me how to make 'spoiler' in here? and to be frank i'm so clueless about spoiler tool thing-y. thanks in advance btw














Edit: omg this is the first time ever i'm on the top of this thread. errrr and i got nothing to share actually....














Maybe this picture of Emotional driver Hyun and Yong the frightened passengers drives us laugh out loud














*sorry for my bad english





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^ To put spoiler: [ spoiler ] YOUR TEXT [ / spoiler ]
















































Remove the spaces :)
































































































































































































No, actually that's not the part I'm talking about, but thanks for trying to help! lol
















































I'm talking about BEFORE this, Yong's quick reply right before she says [credits to MountainMadman]:
















































Yong speaks as the caption appears on the screen, so it looks like the caption got subbed, but his words didn't.































































































Yonghwa stopped in the middle of the sentence when he said 내가 널... (Well, that's what I think he said.) Now that's a something you can't really translate because of the difference in grammar. 내가 means I (subject) and 널 means you (object) in the sentence he never finished. An example sentence: 내가 어떻게 잊어 ... How can I forget you. You can see that in Korean the subject and object comes right after each other in a sentence unlike English. Yonghwa didn't say anything after that so you're stuck with just these two words, lol. Hope that helps?
















































Edit: Check out these stares. Sure, bore holes in each other while you're at it. Why not?
















































































































































































































































Cr; DCMarried









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ANSWER FOUND!!!!!!!!!!
















Thanks for your answer to my dilemma. Hahaha, as someone who doesn't speak Korean I'm always picky when little things in dialogue don't get subbed, I always feel I might be missing out on something...BUT obviously now I know WHY it was skipped over in the translations!  I thought it might be something important to add to the context of their discussion, but I guess he just didn't get to finish his sentence...
















Thanks for your help once again! I'm gonna go back and listen to his words, to find the "subject" and "object" structure.  It's always interesting to see how different languages order their sentences.  I'm gonna pay more attention the next time I rewatch the episode to this detail :).





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Hello, everyone.

Just away for a day and we have already something to nag about, haha. Anyway, personally I very much liked this episode, mostly, because when they would talk they would look at each other, especially when they left the hospital (this has been captured one or two pages before), when Yonghwa says "I don't have any luck" and Seohyun slaps him with her brochure and ...

(and this is my personal favourite)

... when they had the conversation with the doctor and the doctor said something and Seohyun did not only look at him, but also craned her neck  towards him and leaned towards him, smiling. Ahhh, my heart, really. (How Korean men refrain from skinship in publicis well beyond me - I admire your self-control, guys!)

As for the nagging: Being a male having grown up in a very female-dominated household, I first wondered: Seohyun nags? When? Where? She's maybe mildly concerned, but it's nowhere nagging. Nagging is what my mom does and my sisters do. Seohyun is maybe prodding a bit. (Or maybe I'm already wearing nagging-resistent armor, I don't know.)

What concerned me more was Seohyun being so ticklish and having a hard pain to endure the massage: She's probably prone to be the tensed, eats-up emotion kind of person and you need to relax yourself if you get massaged. Otherwise it can be very painful. Also, since a massage requires to be touched by someone else - a stranger maybe - I immediately expected Seohyun to tense. It's really interesting that Yonghwa got her to open up that much. She touches him now a lot.

Best regards,


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