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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest just_a_dream
























i really can't smile myblue..it's like my chest is going to burst and i can hardly breathe..OMG!.








the inevitable did come this soon?.well at least it's considered an early notice though,








but i just can't stop myself,..























am going offline for how many hours from now, so that maybe when i'll again visit the thread,








some good news will delete and replace what am feeling right now..























forgive me gogumas, but i'm really saddened 'bout the news..tears.gif









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Guest AngelVillian

Wow, i saw that someone said that article = Yongseo leaving we got married.

I don't know why, but im like inclining to the hopes that the news is false.

I strongly believe in that.

But usually DC Married news are accurate right...

Let's just hope this time it's wrong.

Btw, im trying to write my first fanfic.


Currently i'm still thinking of who to add into the fanfic.

But i have some stuff in mind already.

Sooo.... it'll be coming out soon :)

 Check it out :D

Of course, Yonghwa and Seohyun would be in it.\

Edit :

Am glad that the news is fake.

Somehow, from my feelings i didn't really cared about it from the start.

LOL! Maybe from my instincts knows it's fake XD


Oh yes, do check out my fanfic xD

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Korean Gogumas, Please translate those news for us (the international Gogumas) since this news are shocking.. we need to know the real meaning.. OMG, i hate to hear this news, this is so Heart breaking...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If this true, this will be shaking the GO-CHUN.. Gogumas i'm hysteric mode.. This can't be happening while we still in GO-CHUN after the BTS of ep 42.. nooooooo.. i'm refusing this news....






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My Mood drops to Zero :(  :(  :(































































































































































































































































Hi barbie.. as Bolmajeung says.. its all fabricated, lies.. someone just made this to ease their boredom.. no need to worry guys! as long as there's no announcement from both parties, lets stay calm.. 
































































































































bezbezbez aslo informed me that this is not true ;) 

































































































































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hello gogumas... i can't stop myself to come out..










































































if its true, at least we still have a few months to adjust our emotions... Time will come that our couple will end their filming...
























This few months, our couple showed us what we wanted to see them.. I've never been a die hard fan before of any artist and this is my first time to like someone/couple or even get addicted of watching the program every Saturday... 
























... I'm also thinking what will I do if there's no yongseo couple every Saturday since I've been used to it... but reality bites and we have to move on... Guyz, be strong...
























If its not true, then great.. looking forward to every Saturday... wub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gif
























I hope anti's are happy now...





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Guest gogumaforever
































































i hope this is not true, this antis looks really bored. i hate them fury.giffury.giffury.gif















































































i have check other news portal and non are reported yet... lets all cross our fingers that this is not true. SM Entertainment released a statement before that Seohyun will celebrate her birthday on we got married right? that was widely reported.  i hope we can still hold onto their words.















































































keep on fighting fellow gogumas.smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

















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Hey gugumas, do refresh and read the updated post, the article is created by a sadistic anti-fan who wants to dampen the lunar new year mood of the Yongseo fans.
































































































































































































































































Actually if you are a businessman, you will not want to report about your illness or your departure/resignation 4 months in advance, you are giving time for investors to lose interest in your business and sell their stocks as soon as possible. Your value of the business will drop drastically.
































































































































































































































































Same here, MBC is not so stupid to inform everyone that Yongseo is leaving in April when we have just reached the climax of the Yongseo couple, they would expect to see a drop in ratings for the next few episodes since everybody knows that Yongseo is leaving soon. They are just killing themselves that way. Companies and advertisement companies would pull out immediately and how is MBC-WGM going to survive with lesser sponsorships and advertisements for the next 4 months?
































































































































































































































































Furthermore MBC would not release this kind of bad news just before lunar new year, that is the reason when I saw the "news", I didn't believe it and I waited till more confirmation that the "news" are fake.
































































































































































































































































Before you digest a news and whether you should believe it anot, think about these 3 points.
































































































































































































































































1. Where is the source? (MBC or Nate? If it originates from DCgallery, it may not be a credible source)
































































































































































































































































2. Does the news make sense? (If they mention that Yongseo's fliming is ending in 1 weeks time, probably more realistic)
































































































































































































































































3. What is the season? (Would they post bad news on happy occasions such as Lunar New Year? Is it a season whereby Yonghwa would need time to flim for his drama?
































































































































































































































































Think about these questions before believing the news and jumping into conclusions.

































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hello all gogumas 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I found on DC  please translation
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credit : DC;WGM
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































'용서커플' 정용화-서현 스케쥴상 문제로 4월 중 하차 확정
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































용서커플 정용화와 서현의 스케쥴상 문제로 4월 중 하차한다. 팬들의 아쉬움을 사고 있는 가운데 ‘우결’ 제작진이 당분간 새멤버를 투입하지 않겠다고 밝혔다. 용서부부가 하차하는 이유는 바쁜 스케줄 때문이다.'우리 결혼했어요2’의 강궁 PD는 “가수 활동 일정이 겹치면, ‘우결’ 촬영시간을 조정해줄 수 있었지만 일본활동이 심화되면서 “어떤 날은 2~3일씩 밤을 새고 녹화장에 오기도 했다 , 그럴 때는 준비한 아이템을 진행하는 게 미안할 정도였다”고 말했다.이런 식으로 계속 하게 되면 결국 출연자의 심신이 피곤하게 된다는 것이다.강 PD는 최근 한 언론과의 인터뷰에서 “좋은 인물이 있다면 만나볼 계획이지만 일단 닉쿤-빅토리아 한 커플로 끌고 갈 예정”이라고 밝혔다. 이어 “한 커플의 방송 분량도 꽤 있다”면서 “그렇다고 새 커플을 투입하지 않겠다는 말은 아니다”라고 덧붙였다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































네이트 연예기사에 떴네요 ㅠㅠ































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Again, I am repeating what bolmaejung, jastubee, bezbezbez and myblue have said before: THIS IS NOT TRUE! so let's all chill with the tears ok? it's just some hamburger who are jealous and trying to wreck havoc on our little peaceful Go-Chun. it goes to show that hamburgers are really harmful.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































if you calm down and think properly, the article doesn't make sense. why would WGM PD announce it so early? they are basically killing themselves by doing so. when adam couple was leaving, it was like a week before. so take a deep breath and calm down ok? All's well's in Go-Chun :) let's all look forward to this Saturday :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































pS: Happy Chinese New Year to those celebrating or Happy Holidays to those who are on holiday! 새해 복 많이!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Uri Couple

































































































































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Guest Sagua85
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yup, the article is totally fabricated. If you search for the supposed PD quotes, you can find that they're ripped from an Adam Couple article a month ago about THEIR departure. Have a happy Lunar New Year. :D

































































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Guest MissBarbietch_0106
















Hi barbie.. as Bolmajeung says.. its all fabricated, lies.. someone just made this to ease their boredom.. no need to worry guys! as long as there's no announcement from both parties, lets stay calm.. 








bezbezbez aslo informed me that this is not true ;) 















Hi MyBlue and Bolmaejung.. Thanks for the explanation, for now i can breath easily after know that this news is ANTIS-MADE.. i hate the ANTIS, why they like to ruin our GO-CHUN happiness World.. can they found another happiness while not ruining others??! ahhh Those ANTIS.. i hope they get their Karma this CHINESE NEW YEAR.. you get what you give, right??
















H-3 to Another day in GO-CHUN (Yongseo ep 43)..PALI!!!









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Guest soshisoshisoshi








OH MY GOD!!!!!! I was like SHOCKED when I saw that news, but then it turns out as fake..................... seriously my heart was beating really fast just now. I don't know what to say if that article was true sweatingbullets.gif........... SO THANK YOU VERY MUCH BOLMAEJUNG, JASTUBEE, BEZBEZBEZ, MYBLUE FOR CLEARING THINGS UP! tears.gif buT then I still want to know the whole content of the article, can anyone translate the whole article?








I warn everyone of you, especially those who like to take articles from korean website (DC and etc). make sure there is the link to the original news, because it is really important.
















I don't mean to offend those who bring up articles, but this is for our own good. rumours spread really fast you know.....














so I don't want any coming speculations from all of you okay! it's almost their 1 year anniversary and DON'T LET ANY RUMOURS RUIN OUR CELEBRATORY MOOD!








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Guest full-of-love
































































































































































































































































Hello gogumas.. i know that you guys are panicking about the "yongseo ending" thing .. but it has been confirmed that it's not true. Some goguma found out that the "fake article" was created based on the Adam couple leaving article. You can find some identical lines in the Adam -leaving article and the fake Yongseo article. >>> Chill down goguma ... Still alot of goguma moments to look forward to :D

































































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Guest SophiaPia
































































apparently the news is FAKE guys! i learn my lesson well. If it's coming from YongSeo and MBC yes! i will react but yeah the news is fake so let's all rock and roll again. Advance happy 1st Year Anniversary to our lovely couple YongSeo. 

















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- i' m out again.. -



























Thank you so much for the clarification... 












I hope antis can have their hamburgers by themselves and not share it to us gogumas.....



























I was out a bit as i've become emo!!! and good thing you guyz cleared this false news..... 



























Can't wait for Saturday... I need to watch all the recent episodes again.... 












This is my way to celebrate the chinese new year... rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif










































Happy Chinese New Year !!!!



























-back to my cave-





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Guest vhigolda







c'mon guys..don't be sad....wait until they confirm it..hmm..I'd heard before that Hyun's manager said their contract until mid of this year because they wanna hyun to through her birthday in WGM..hmmm...that day will happend right :(:(..just still pray for them so they will be true couple..GBU and happy lunar new year....:rolleyes:


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Guest bbblyzu3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































antis..it's not funny at all
































































































































































































































































































































































































I was really shocked at first but thanks God its not TRUE at all
































































































































































































































































































































































































why they always try doing something like this <_<
































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks to bolmaejung & myblue for clearing up the rumor :)

































































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Guest vhigolda







Hurrrraaaayyyyy.....Thanks God...that's not true... :w00t::D














don't worry be happy gogumas...just like uri Yongseo... :wub::wub::wub:







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Guest winbros
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Gong Hei Fatt Choy everyone.  Please enjoy the Lunar New Year with your family and friends and not be saddened by senseless news created by people who have too much time on their hands. tongue2.gif
































































































































































































































































Man, I thought us shipping Yongseo already is an investment of time, love and energy.  For people to create articles against them just to get us upset and all, just speaks of too much time on their hands..... they need a life. :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































In any case, personally I have come to terms that one day this lovely couple will stop showing us how good they are together.  And when that day comes, I'll be sorry and will miss our weekly dose of their shennanigans but I'll give them my blessings for whatever path their careers take them, and hope/pray that they "come out" in the open on their REAL relationship :P 
































































































































































































































































So don't be sad, don't fret, be glad that we have them for now, and we have a real community of international goguma villagers who ship and spazz them and all that they do.
































































































































































































































































PS: remember to grab whatever episodes if you haven't already done so, plus youtube links, plus pictures for that inevitable day, I have mine already....  B)

































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest billieberlian

OMG, i already cried after reading the fake article!! i can't imagine if it's real...........thank God it's not real..but i guess all of us have to be ready because good thing always come to an end..suddenly im so thankful that even though i dont live in korea, im still able to watch this show! I love Internet!!

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Guest honeyjade11
































































































































































































My gosh!! I almost lost a breath upon reading the STUPID article from an anti. I mean a minute before, we're celebrating their grown closeness then suddenly news like this came out.. I hurriedly read all recent posts. Thanks for all gogumas who proven it wrong.!!!  THANKS A LOT!!!!!






























































































































































































































































This anti is trying to destroy our celebration. Maybe that person envies our community!!




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YONG♥SEO fighting!!































































































































































































~ oh sorry, I topped the paged but I can't share anything, I'm still trying to calm my anger from the anti... ♥♥

































































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