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네이트 연예기사에 떴네요 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

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anti!!!!!! >.<

































































































































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hello all gogumas 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I found on DC  please translation
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credit : DC;WGM
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































'용서커플' 정용화-서현 스케쥴상 문제로 4월 중 하차 확정
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































용서커플 정용화와 서현의 스케쥴상 문제로 4월 중 하차한다. 팬들의 아쉬움을 사고 있는 가운데 ‘우결’ 제작진이 당분간 새멤버를 투입하지 않겠다고 밝혔다. 용서부부가 하차하는 이유는 바쁜 스케줄 때문이다.'우리 결혼했어요2’의 강궁 PD는 “가수 활동 일정이 겹치면, ‘우결’ 촬영시간을 조정해줄 수 있었지만 일본활동이 심화되면서 “어떤 날은 2~3일씩 밤을 새고 녹화장에 오기도 했다 , 그럴 때는 준비한 아이템을 진행하는 게 미안할 정도였다”고 말했다.이런 식으로 계속 하게 되면 결국 출연자의 심신이 피곤하게 된다는 것이다.강 PD는 최근 한 언론과의 인터뷰에서 “좋은 인물이 있다면 만나볼 계획이지만 일단 닉쿤-빅토리아 한 커플로 끌고 갈 예정”이라고 밝혔다. 이어 “한 커플의 방송 분량도 꽤 있다”면서 “그렇다고 새 커플을 투입하지 않겠다는 말은 아니다”라고 덧붙였다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































네이트 연예기사에 떴네요 ㅠㅠ































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG!! the unwanted day has come~~~ I'm so disappointed and feeling sad... why so fast~~ I feel like crying after reading this....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I believe all of you here will have the same feeling with me now~~~ Sorry guys, I have to excuse myself.. to rearrange my emotion~~~

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































uhm can we not jump into conclusions???
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Let us all calm down ...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Let's just wait for the translations first...

































































































































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If the news is true.
































































Remember dear gogumas:
































































































































Please *cross my fingers* do not bash or hate on anyone.
































































Don't jump to conclusions w/o confirmed news.































































































































































I know gogumas can survive this right?
































































Have strength!
































































& Think Positive!

































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using google translate, it seems its true and it said from Pd, not a rumor. why they announce that on new year day. our mood will all spoiled. but we know the day willcome. i just wish they can make it till their birthday.


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Guest yongseorockin




uhm can we not jump into conclusions???




Let us all calm down ...




Let's just wait for the translations first...






I translated using google translate. what was said seems to be ****. Even though that, I will keep my hopes up and hope that it isn't. Hope so. Or perhaps PD is just going to reti** all of them like season 1.:tears:


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Guest bolmaejung
































































hello all gogumas 
















































I found on DC  please translation
















































Credit : DC;WGM
















































'용서커플' 정용화-서현 스케쥴상 문제로 4월 중 하차 확정
















































용서커플 정용화와 서현의 스케쥴상 문제로 4월 중 하차한다. 팬들의 아쉬움을 사고 있는 가운데 ‘우결’ 제작진이 당분간 새멤버를 투입하지 않겠다고 밝혔다. 용서부부가 하차하는 이유는 바쁜 스케줄 때문이다.'우리 결혼했어요2’의 강궁 PD는 “가수 활동 일정이 겹치면, ‘우결’ 촬영시간을 조정해줄 수 있었지만 일본활동이 심화되면서 “어떤 날은 2~3일씩 밤을 새고 녹화장에 오기도 했다 , 그럴 때는 준비한 아이템을 진행하는 게 미안할 정도였다”고 말했다.이런 식으로 계속 하게 되면 결국 출연자의 심신이 피곤하게 된다는 것이다.강 PD는 최근 한 언론과의 인터뷰에서 “좋은 인물이 있다면 만나볼 계획이지만 일단 닉쿤-빅토리아 한 커플로 끌고 갈 예정”이라고 밝혔다. 이어 “한 커플의 방송 분량도 꽤 있다”면서 “그렇다고 새 커플을 투입하지 않겠다는 말은 아니다”라고 덧붙였다.
















































네이트 연예기사에 떴네요 ㅠㅠ















































































































































This article was fabricated. (made by anti-fan)
















































Do not worry.
















































There is no such information on nate news.

















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If the news is true.

Remember dear gogumas:


Please *cross my fingers* do not bash or hate on anyone.

Don't jump to conclusions w/o confirmed news.

I know gogumas can survive this right?

Have strength!

& Think Positive!

I agree with rxp080100.. though its unexpected news for today, atleast they informed us, as early as now, so we can prepare ourselves with this goodbye.. lets be positive on this.. there are still upcoming episode to spazz..;) for sure both yong and seo are sad with this sudden situtation..

smile everyone! let us show them our love no matter what..;) ( though im hurting inside;(

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Guest krystala

if it's not true then it's good.. i can breath now... a little.. gawd! antis can really break ur heart in just 1 second.. can i wring their necks? i would love to do so..

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Guest MissBarbietch_0106
























Korean Gogumas, Please translate those news for us (the international Gogumas) since this news are shocking.. we need to know the real meaning.. OMG, i hate to hear this news, this is so Heart breaking...






























If this true, this will be shaking the GO-CHUN.. Gogumas i'm hysteric mode.. This can't be happening while we still in GO-CHUN after the BTS of ep 42.. nooooooo.. i'm refusing this news....






























My Mood drops to Zero :(  :(  :(









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Guest loybing


if it's true then it's good.. i can breath now... a little.. gawd! antis can really break ur heart in just 1 second.. can i wring their necks? i would love to do so..





i don't know what to do with those Anti. may 2011 bring this anti BAD LUCK.





i can breath right now. hope the news really is not true. thanks gogumas for clearing this matter.





oh my!i topped the page without much information.





but really i wish anti will stop doing not sense.


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Guest i.said.hi














hey you guys..












that article is a fake.. just to let you know..












it was written by an anti..












and there isn't any other news outlet reporting that...


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