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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Soshimunky






I am jeopardizing my Youtube account for this http://www.youtube.c...h?v=mJw9C2hIc4o


Watch it fast before it got deleted :) (for gogumas who can't access MBC website)


But please keep on watching it on the official channel http://www.imbc.com/...t/wedding/svod/



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Forever loling and re-watching that BTS.... See, our hyunnie, she can match Yong's jokes and fad now, kekeke :w00t: and Yong said "Thank you, Seo Joohyun-sshi" makes me laugh more 8DD Because of the somewhat nostalgia-feeling in this thread (re-watching earlier episodes again), I watched some, too -- especially when they were filming in their house... Hyun is so shy and Yong's still nervous (and maybe confused about what to do), they're sat a bit far from each other... and now she's being lazy at couch, then playing footsie and leaning each other :rolleyes:














Last summer, Seohyun was being his number one boice... and now, Yong is her dedicated soshi fan! How cute is that?





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Guest bolmaejung


cr. yonghwa twit. kkkkkkkkkkkkk

from 흑룡 (흑=black 룡=Dragon)

After dyed black, 흑룡 is yongs's new nickname

a poor translation. lol

It's cold night at Paju(city name)... Everyone!! Happy new year.

If you have many blessings, give it to me. kkkk

Have a nice holiday. Let's meet on sunday!!!

from. black dragon

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Guest mimayree




can someone help me? I can'twach the MBC video.


does anyone know where I can watch it? youtube? ugh Frustrating.=)


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annyeong everyone! Soshimunky have uploaded onto YouTube for those who have a harder time to access the iMBC website. I also did one but the quality not that good...you can check it out here LAZY MORNING. Do still check out the iMBC link if you can for view count.
































































































































that cnblue boy and that snsd girl is so cute the way they banter and followed by a impromptu sing-a-long of Gee. that cnblue boy is definitely a fanboy....hehehe
































































































































why did MBC cut out this scene anyway?
































































































































Credits to 小茴 @ baidu
































































































































translated scatterbrain & Lumpiere
































































































































Y:I'm very good at doing the dishes
































































































































































































































































































































































































H:Aigoo, ahh i'm really, ... really
































































































































Y:take a rest
































































































































































































































































Y:All you do is stay at home and laze around,
































































































































H:[pretends to not hear] Go cook something!
































































































































Subtitle:Reenacting some real life couple scenario
































































































































H:Ahhh, i'm so full
































































































































Y:I can't do this anymore!(x2)~I can't live with you anymore.You don't work, nor do you earn money, you only sleep!
































































































































h:Make me some (the drink that hyun always makes for yoong, forgot what its called suddenly!)
































































































































Y:Do it yourself!
































































































































H: What?
































































































































Subtitle:Washing bowls together
































































































































]Y: Sing a song, Gee, sing Gee!
































































































































H:Gee? use the soshi fanchant version!
































































































































Y:Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby baby Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby baby
































































































































subtitle:soshiHyun and Fan live performance
































































































































H:Lyrics in Gee
































































































































































































































































H:Well done!
































































































































Y:Is it really like that?
































































































































Subtitle:Finally done with the dishes
































































































































H:Well done
































































































































Y:Thank you, thank you Seo Ju Hyun
































































































































H:It's ok!

















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Guest gogumaforever
































































many many thanks to soshimunky for the youtube link. scatterbarin and lumpiere for the translation and annik for the mbc link.
































love the unseen cut, hope mbc will share more... MBC, CAN WE ASK FOR MORE!!!!
































goguma villager, advance Happy Chinese New Year everyone. may we receive lots of goguma sweetness this coming moths!
































Kung Hei Fat Choy

















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Guest dan_glitz
















hey guys! while typing "snsd girl and cnblue boy" on youtube search box, I fell upon this video, Run Devil Run Parody It's mostly about snsd, but the parts that Seohyun sings, it's all yonghwa related! haha! damn funny! check it out... :) 








btw, the bonus clip imbc shared was AWESOME. 





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Guest Rouenna

































































































































that cnblue boy and that snsd girl is so cute the way they banter and followed by a impromptu sing-a-long of Gee. that cnblue boy is definitely a fanboy....hehehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Haha! Hi, melibu! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I know, right? They are so cute just being this way. Yongseo seems to like role-playing a lot, like the last episode when they played "school convo" by the gates and during their 200th anniv. And Hyun now easily goes along with his jokes! :lol:

































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















YAY!!! another BTS clip! that scene is sooo cute! the display of YONG BUIN AND HYUN NAMPYEON!!!














the whole scene is so funny, and I like how Seohyun spoke in banmal. You can really see that Seohyun felt really tired and just wanted to have some fun, playing with her husband......... Yong looked a little bit dumbfounded, but I think he enjoyed Seohyun's attitude ALOT! Seohyun should have said "Yonghwa-ya! Go and cook some food!". Yonghwa would definitely die because of HAPPINESS, if his dream (a girl calling him "Yonghwa-ya!") come true!














Also, YONG FANBOY is back! You can tell that he must have been a die-hard SNSD fan when he sings GEE like those fans!















anyway, I don't get it why the PD must edit that scene out from last episode? Is it because to fit the 15-minutes part 1 and 2 thing?? Actually I prefer the episode to be straightforward 30 minutes, so that the PD will have easier work in editing, since he can just take in or out scenes right! Arrgh, what am I rambling about??? this BTS is already a GREAT gift for us!!








































EDIT: seems so quiet today. maybe gogumas are either getting ready for Lunar New Year celebration or did not expect a BTS to be uploaded by MBC :lol:

















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Good morning/night In-Go-Paem of Gochun! haha... I´m so happy with this new BTS :wub:... they are so freaking cute, Hyun and her "go and cook" was Lmao!!!... Now I wonder how many good BTS we have missed T_T. They should show us all... ALL!!! hahaha.
































































































































































Seychan: You did it!!!! I love the photoshop ^^, thank you so much for sharing ^^
































































































































































Thanks to scatterbrain and Lumpiere for the translation, OMG why so cute? and YongHwa fanboy! LOL. Hyun should performs Gee for her nampeyeon, he is asking this song since forever!!!!
































































































































































Thank you guys for the caps, links, that fanfic collection seems Wow! and for all the goodies ^^.
































































































































































Waiting for tomorrow New Year special and crossing fingers ^^
































































































































































Love love love for you gogumas!!































































































































































































































































































































 Edit: I just thought about this, there must have been scenes that Yong and Hyun? (mostly Yong I guess) really, really wanted to watch and PDs edited out!!! there must be frustrating for them, since they all know all about the episodes -_-. We should ask for some DVD with the BTS! hahaha I would buy it for sure ^^. 






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit 2: In the first episode of YongSeo, translation says that Yong or Yo~ong means dragon, or at least that is what I remember ^^, and Yes, thanks to ANINK for the alert!

































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*quoted image*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr. yonghwa twit. kkkkkkkkkkkkk
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































from 흑룡 (흑=black 룡=Dragon)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































After dyed black, 흑룡 is yongs's new nickname
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































a poor translation. lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's cold night at Paju(city name)... Everyone!! Happy new year.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If you have many blessings, give it to me. kkkk
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Have a nice holiday. Let's meet on sunday!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































from. black dragon































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































He was called "dragon" before, right?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just can't remember when, where, and what context.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And what is he doing at Paju?!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's Tuesday, maybe filming WGM with Hyun?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Or maybe having alone time before the come back?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Skateboarding, skiing before the next season melts the snow?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Since it's Lunar New Year Holidays
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Maybe vacationing with the family?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Or with the CN Blue bros?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ok, just rambling...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ANINK, Thanks for the BTS alert!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Scatterbrain, Lumpiere, thanks for the quick translation!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest winbros
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Big thanks to scatterbrain/Lumpiere for the translations and Soshimunky for the link, gazillion gogumas to you! :D
































































































































































































































































Watching the BTS and the last episode, I'm amazed at how their relation(friend)ship continues to grow, the effortless way in which Maknae Hyun banters with Rocker Yong now.  Was it only 40-41 episodes ago that the 2 had their first awkward conversation?  What's really going on now?  Is she as comfortable with Yong ala her unnies or is there something more than meets the eye? :wacko:  This from the Maknae who chose goguma over men?
































































































































































































































































Ah we're in goguma heaven..... bring on the hospital/massage episode and thereafter the snowboarding or wedding shoot ones, we can't wait!  :P
































































































































































































































































In other news, I have successfully converted my better half (wifey) and a colleague and her boyfriend, they are Yongseo-shippers now.   Keke.....
































































































































































































































































edit:  ah my manners!  Wishing all goguma villagers celebrating the Chinese (or Lunar) New Year a prosperous and blessed year of the Rabbit!  May Yongseo answer our wishes ...... i.e. they be together for REAL  :wub:

































































































































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Guest dramafre4k

He was called "dragon" before, right?

Just can't remember when, where, and what contex

i think it was an ep. 1

Seohyun gave his a nick name "yong" which is "dragon".

i wish i can make a screencap :sweatingbullets:

n also they called him YONG i think on his early childhood (i read somewhere b4..)

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MBC Cut Shoot from ep 42 OUR couple
































































































































































































































































http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/ent/wedding/svod/<br /><br />































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks a lot Anink for sharing the link! =) and also a million thanks to scatterbrain and Lumpiere for the translations!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: seems so quiet today. maybe gogumas are either getting ready for Lunar New Year celebration or did not expect a BTS to be uploaded by MBC :lol:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































soshisoshisoshi lol. yup, i think so too-maybe other gogumas are busy for the celebration. So, to spice things up a lil bit(i hope so =p) I'll post some of my goguma findings (lol,i sound like i'm doing a research for my university assignments)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yay!! Yong has fulfilled one of Hyun's expectation for her future husband!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And not to forget, she now can freely gives compliments to Yong~































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































At last, Yong got to hear his buin sing and dance to GEE *throws confetti* :D
































































































































































































































































































































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i think it was an ep. 1








Seohyun gave his a nick name "yong" which is "dragon".








i wish i can make a screencap :sweatingbullets:








n also they called him YONG i think on his early childhood (i read somewhere b4..)






















dramafre4k, you're right! "Yo~ong," i think means dragon. Thanks!








Now, just looking over allkpop:








HYUN! why are you wearing a BLUE hoodie?








Seohyun's Blue Hoodie

















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hello gogumas..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































really our hyun are now learning the art of teasing kekeke..yong is such a good teacher...hope the pdnim will release some more bts...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































fighting gogumas..lets keep on watching the mbc bts to show the power of gogumas...

































































































































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Yong Choding~Epi36 :wub:
















































































































and now presenting
























































Hyun Choding~Epi42 (BTS) :wub:
















































































































PD-nim..more BTS please :D
























































Thank you everyone for sharing vids and translations :wub:









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Guest shinhdeplol

What happened after Yonghwa made breakfast for Seohyun?


Today, the We Got Married website released unseen footage of the YongSeo couple.

Having seen Jung Yonghwa make breakfast for his wife, Seohyun, in last week’s episode, this short clip, which was edited out from broadcast, gives fans a view of what happened thereafter.

In this clip, fans will get to see the couple act out scenes normally depicted in Korean daily sitcoms, while you will also get to hear Seohyun singing SNSD’s ‘Gee‘ while Yonghwa plays the enthusiastic fan with rough fanboy cheers, as they wash the dishes together.


Source: MBC’s We Got Married Official Site

Tip: sweetmelon

Taken from: Allkpop

His fanboy chant is hilarious :P

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hi guys~! just something i found in CNB thread :D

The nights in Paju is cold... Everyone!! Happy new year. If you have a lot of good luck left please give some to me kekekek Spend the holidays carefully and see you on Sunday !!! From HeukRyong (*Black Yonghwa)

HeukRyong (黑容) is Black Yong. His new nickname since he changed his hair. He knows it already.

There are big filming studios in Paju. 'I am loner' MV was filmed in Paju movie set and Paju book center.

He is filming something outside?

hmmm HeukRyong = Black Yong, Yong = Dragon... and the result is Black Dragon. ah so it's like that! uhh sorry for typing out my thoughts. ^__________^

Anink, thanks so much for the info & link!

scatterbrain & lumpiere: thanks so much for the trans!

soshimunky, thanks so much for uploading it into ur YT acc. u're jjang!

really appreciate u guys~! :wub:

that surprise BTS... LOVE U PD-NIM!!!!!!!!! poor yong, he looked tired after washing the dishes. did he unconsciously sigh loudly after the dish-washing? and hyun... LOL! she's showing another playful side of hers. i knew she won't stay lazy for a long time. she ended up helping yong LOL xD


winnieho, jnj & gogumas who are celebrating LUNAR NEW YR: GONG XI FA CAI~! and HAPPY HOLIDAY~! :)

btw, jnj ~! thanks for the vid links~! yong was definitely guarding hyun close by... ahhh protective seobang! :wub:

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Guest honeyjade11
























whoo.. I love the BTS a lot... looks like Hyun is enjoying getting spoiled by Yong a lot.. . The whole interaction is really sweet... :-) :wub: 















Arghh!! It's getting harder not to believe there's something real between YongSeo couple.













































by the way... seems like this thread is faster than allkpop when it comes to YongSeo related stuff!! You're DAEBAK!! ♥ ♥ ♥









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