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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest panda84

Hi goguma fans,

I'm an Adam fan but I got to WGM thanks to Yongseo (well, more like Kang Shin Woo ^^).

I read the article about the rating today, I hope this will not cause wars between the fans of the couples. Adam fans were angry at MBC, not the 2 current couples, because of their choppy editing toward the end of Adams. If you ask me, there's a chinese saying that I don't know how to translate to English but basically it means that something happens but you can't tell it's good or bad until later on. So it might be sad for me that AC left the show, but who knows it could be their chance to start sth else. Likewise, I'd think for this situation, the rating dropped, but who knows it might make the PD and staff work harder and result in the fans/viewers will have better quality/ even more interesting episodes to watch?

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Thank you YongSeo for bringing the information. I checked MBC's official site and saw that they already put up the schedule for Wednesday.
























































































There seems to be a special (must be for Lunar New Year celebration). However, let's not put all our hopes up. Considering how WGM's special are usually a re-run of past episodes. I hope there would be another update on what they'll show on Wednesday.
















































































Anyway, that's not the purpose of my post. (:
















































































But this.
















































































Okay, Jung Yonghwa, stare as long as you want. He was just practically doing that all the minutes that his mother was talking on the phone.
























































































credits: dc married
















































































You know what's the best about this couple? It's the balance of feelings they have for each other. I mean, for me, I can't say that Yonghwa likes Seohyun more or vice-versa. But I can totally see that the feelings they have for each other is balance. Both have their own share of showing obvious affection to each other. We can see how Yonghwa lovingly gazes at her, the things he does and many more. Seohyun's sincere care for him, the way she works extra hard just for him and the way her eyes lingers on his face (and lips) more. I just noticed that she now has the same gaze Yonghwa gave her every time. And this episode confirms that she, indeed, is showing her affection little by little.
































































































































































I realized that I didn't add how Seohyun act as Seo Joohyun whenever she's with him. I mean like we know how reserved she is on most shows. She acts so proper and all to the extend that people don't like her because she acts like a robot. But when she's with Yonghwa, she's totally a different person. The person that her family and SNSD loves.
















































































Shush, I can totally talk about this couple all day. -__-









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Guest uolam21
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































just wanted to share some screencaps from the latest episode...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i just love them!!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















argh seriously I cannot wait for next week's episode!! the preview is even already enough to make us happy! I just cannot believe my eyes that we are now watching their relationship like this, sooo different compared to their earlier episode........... I'm glad that I have been keeping the faith in their relationship. Honestly before, after watching the earlier episodes of YongSeo I was actually going to stop watching them, because I was sooo into people's comments saying "they are boring", "not fun to watch", "they don't like each other", etc etc. But at that time something tells me that if I don't continue watching them, I would regret.................. So I decided to continue watching these two, and BOY OH BOY, I MADE THE CORRECT DECISION!!! So then coincidentally I came across this thread (at that time 800 pages) and after reading all your posts from page 1 (that was tough!) I was relieved that YongSeo are loved by many people. That's why right now I really cherish and love this thread, because you guys encouraged me to make the correct decision, not the opposite, and the most important thing, I HAVE A BIG FAMILY where I can share my thoughts about YongSeo, good or bad, sweet or bitter.














Okay so back to the latest episode. I found this REALLY INTERESTING!!














Hyu~n! attracted to that lips huh?? :wub: :wub:







is it just me or Hyun looks SEXY here?? :D





















EDIT: ahn_annann ...... was waiting for your screencaps! anyway what software do you use to play the video?? coz the pic looks crystal clear!

















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Guest gettawa
























































































































































































Hello everyone.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I came every day, but can not write anything.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I watched several times, but I can not describe the feeling of all.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Because every event  every word, every action of  YongSeo






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It indicates a feeling of sincerity with each other.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It really cute. Then make me smile all day. :wub: 








































































































































































And this makes me think       Yong ...... you really cute and attentive.

















































































































































































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Guest mischa317
























this is my 2nd post in this awesome yongseo thread.








last saturday episode was more than i expected it would turn out for the lovely goguma couple. every moment was spazz worthy!








mrsjoker already pointed out the eyemask in the yellow couch and we can also see yong's bag on top of the stool on the right side of the couch. could it be that yong slept on the couch and woke up earlier than hyun then decided to prepare breakfast first before waking up his buin? yong seobang is so sweet and his playfulness is so adorable. hyun is such one lucky girl!









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Guest ahn_annann










soshisoshisoshi Thanks.. I use Gomplayer for capture with 800*600p .. , photoscape for editing. I captured more 800 pics for this ep.. (just check in recycle bin kekeke)












20110130 C.N.Blue making , do you watch this video ? what they're talking about goguma? so fun






credit : guitarpianocouple@ youtube










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Guest scatterbrain

List of Hyun's questions for MIL

credit: 爱国 咪路


1. How was Yong during his childhood? kinder, primary,junior, high.

2.Yong's favourite things

3.How filial is he, memory of his presents or surprises

4.food and drinks he likes/hates

5.When did yong start to dream to bea a singer?(when do parents noticed yong oppa's talent)6.How did yong prepare his dream so that parents are not against it.

7.parents want yong to be what kind of person?

8.do parents face any challenges, what kind of challenge?

9.Do you pay attention to his activities?

10.How do you celebrate yong oppa's b'days?

11.what should be done for parents' birthday?

12.Seeing our marriage live, how do you feel?anything you want to say to me?

13.Have you ever met yong oppa's past girlfriends? have they ever visited you?

14.what do parents hope for in a daughter in law


the questions...seems like hyun genuinely wants to know more about yong. and the question wether MIL has met yong's past GF before...isn't that too straitforward?hahaha...that's so hyun though

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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































ahn_annann: Thank u for link. I don't understand anything but I like when MC give them goguma :w00t: why is goguma? It remind of Huyn. hihi Sweet potatoes with big ribbons are so cute and funny :wub: And Yong seobang wear the couple ring, ring ding dong :wub: Yong, why do you always so handsome? =((
































































scatterbrain: thank u. Look like a interview haha. But it's good coz it's show that Huyn really want know more Yong. Why she can think of so many questions like that? So cute, Huyn. At ep 42, Yong also expressed interest in reading her questions and he felt happy because she was very caring with him. The way caring of Huyn is unique (like her) and cute :wub:
































































aneng & YongSeo: thank for ur news. I want to watch it. I hope Yong and Huyn will appear together in this program. If they appear, this is the first time they appear official together outside WGM's eps.They appear very beautiful in reality shows of separate activities and now if both appear, will be more brilliant hihi look how our YongSeo couple is good together even outside WGM's eps. I think they're much better.
































































I hope they'll share funny memories together, and of course there are some special videos what WGM didn't show for us.
































































Waiting waiting.... ;)

































































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22




























I have been lurking lately due to work and other stuff. and while I was watching our YongSeo couple these past weeks, as well as reading news about them, some random thoughts ran through my mind.




















1. the banmal song album cover. I could be over-analyzing things but the girl in the cover kinda reminds me of how Seohyun looked during SNSD's debut. with the long hair and bangs and all. and the hair of the guy looks like Yonghwa's hair during the I'm a loner music video. reading the english translations of the song really tells how he feels towards Seohyun.




















2. Seohyun. the girl who is always reserved in variety shows is very open towards Yonghwa. I watched Night Star with SNSD (rdrsubs) and Seohyun is very different from what we see her do when she is with Yonghwa. I don't know, it could be because of the format of the show. but comparing her from other shows she appeared in, she is different.




















3. Yonghwa. based on what his friends said, he is still the same guy from when he younger until today. his mom also said that Yonghwa is a lovable kid and everyone loved him. that could be true. he has a lot of close celebrity friends. even 2am's Seulong loves him (from the 2am cd that they gave Yonghwa).




















4. both of them laid the "ground work" for a very strong relationship. Seohyun calling Yonghwa's mom, meeting his friends and eagerly wanting to know him better, plus taking care of his health. Yonghwa always caring for Seohyun. monitors her, and the way he made her so comfortable with him.




















5. comfort level. they are comfortable enough to even discuss Yonghwa's "bathroom time" hehehe. and how did Seohyun know that Yonghwa never eats breakfast? my guess would be they have talked about it outside the show or it could be that Seohyun checks and asks him if he eaten breakfast (just like what a girlfriend does). she wants to take care of him.




















6. the seagull attack. it kinda reminded me of the time when they went in the amusement park. in the haunted house, Yonghwa hid behind Seohyun. I think he is easily shocked or frightened. but during the seagull attack, although he was scared, he still remembered to take care of Seohyun.




















I still have a lot on my mind about his couple but I can't put it into words. I have never been like this over a TV show. 





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20110130 C.N.Blue making , do you watch this video ? what they're talking about goguma? so fun
































































































































































































































































credit : guitarpianocouple@ youtube






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks for the video, Yonghwa looks very handsome in this brown hairstyle. I am trying to get used to his new black hair, he looks neater and younger now but with the brown hair, he looked more ruggard and manly.
































































































































































































































































GUGUMA on his right, RING on his left. He is holding 2 things related to Seohyun, haha. During the photoshoot, he didn't wear the ring, but he wore the ring during the interview right after the photoshoot, seems like he knows Seohyun would be watching the interview, so he wore the ring to assure her. haha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Bonus from the video. Yonghwa's charming smile and his eyes sparkles. Bling Bling! He resembles a little of Kim Hyun Joong.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Picture caps credit to HD video BOICEMinShin3. Thanks ahn_annann for the tip.
































































































































































































































































【Filming】llOl3O SԑcᴛionTV Bang Bang CF filming - CNBLUE.徐孝琳
































































































































































































































































EDIT: Thanks mrsjoker for sharing the gif, I am definitely saving that hot gif. When he was breathing out, I was breathing in and holding my breath. haha.

































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Guest mrsjoker
































































































































































































Hi all...  i should've been in bed right now...work tommorow *sigh*, but just had to drop by and share a little something for all the ring ding dong gollums out there (me included...). :lol:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































This 2 cap is from Bang Bang CF filming and photoshoot feat CN Blue and Seo Hyo Rim, the full clip is here CN Blue ft Seo Hyo Rim bang bang cf filming


























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Tadaaaaaaaa... ring ding dong present. :wub:































































































































































































































































This is after the photoshoot done though, He doesn't wear it during the photoshoot (of course...as expected). 































































































































































































































































aigooo... why do i find him smexier by being so filail to his precious ring ding dong... mianhe Hyun, but your Yong~ .... is just so irresistable! *i am such a bad unnie* :phew:  oh and Yes. They were holding goguma.. (speaking of coincedences huh...), the mc brought it for Hyo rim though.  ^_^






























































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks YongSeo and aneng for the update. WGM lunar special huh... hmmm maybe that's why they filmed on the 7th and also 8th dec. perhaps the 8th dec is for the lunar episode? maybe... well anyway will stay tune for that...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































Hookay...i'm off... bye all~~
































































































































edit : ah jastubee posted it already... mianhe if it's a repeat then, but i guess two is a charmer? kekekekeke.... ^_^
































































































































edit 2 : promise this is my final edit.. i just a found a gif file to Yong pic that jastubee posted.































































































































































































































































































Reminder: BREATHE! BREATHE... PEOPLE BREATHE!!! and don't forget He's married. LOL. :rolleyes:































































































































































































































































































cr to omonajungyonghwa@tumblr

































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:wub: Thank you everyone for sharing screen caps and translations!
























































i was wondering though..from the busan epi till the one in their house. Yong mentioned in the busan epi that he heard rumors on what hyun was preparing when meeting MIL and in the recent episode he said that he heard she wrote what she would ask MIL in her diary . How did yong find out what hyun was up to all this time? ^_^ lol. I am spending way too much time on this couple.
























































Also there were no translations for this one bit at the end of the recent episode. What did yong said when he was elbowing hyun? i think i heard kumanhe? anyone care to translate :wub: pretty please :D









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What the F are they eating? Sweet freaking potato? Seriously, are they serious?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This post is so abrupt but I just had to post my shocked reaction. I was like, reading mrsjoker's post and saw the caps...omfg. I'm going to punch each one of them if that didn't remind them of Seohyun. COME ON. SEOHYUN=SWEET POTATO
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's really funny that they are eating a sweet potato in an interview. Gosh that's so random and weird. And bravo Yonghwa for always bringing your couple ring with you.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I bet he hides it in his shoes whenever he needs to take it off.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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First post here on Soompi, and that too, in the thread I most frequent and lurk in, haha.

Would just like to say I enjoyed the latest episode of our goguma couple. From the first episode up till this one, the progress they have displayed is truly heartwarming and endearing to see. And of course, their growing level of skinship, haha.

I can't wait for next Saturday to come so I can watch the next episode. I was so excited when I saw Seohyun holding on to Yong's pinky when they were getting the massage; it's crazy how this couple plays with my emotions so much.

I'm looking forward to seeing their relationship progress even further. :)

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Just watched the episode again & again..
































































































































Seeing how close they are now and how comfortable Hyun about doing skinship with Yong. Can we expect something more?? Will they kiss?? I'm not expecting a kiss like the Adam couple, maybe just a kiss to the cheek?? Will they do it before their time ends in WGM (but please don't leave, I'll go to depression)?? And who will initiate it?
































































































































So what do you guys think about it??
































































































































Sorry for such trivial question...

































































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Hi In-Go-Paemers!!!


Dduk: thank you so much for the translations!


and a big thank you to everyone who provided links, gists, news  actually for everything concerning YongSeo Couple.


loved loved loved this episode:wub: everyone's fav. parts are also mine:blush: 


Don't you think that Yejie is really pretty?!! noone has mentioned it before but I think she is very pretty and I actually replayed her conversation with Jinwoon many times and was thinking that they would actually look good together. At all fanfic writers, it would give an interesting side story *hint hint* And Jinwoonie looked kinda sad to hear that she has a boyfriend, perhaps my imagination,lol.


Anyway she has this natural beauty that caught my eyes and yes she is very pretty.




And regarding the ratings and allkop. how serious can you take this site anyway?! I read some posts earlier on some threads that allkpop is not a reliable source etc. I wish one could prohibit those negative rumours, it makes me sick to my stomach.:crazy:


But I guess this is how entertainment industry works



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soshisoshisoshi Thanks.. I use Gomplayer for capture with 800*600p .. , photoscape for editing. I captured more 800 pics for this ep.. (just check in recycle bin kekeke)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































20110130 C.N.Blue making , do you watch this video ? what they're talking about goguma? so fun
































































































































































































































































credit : guitarpianocouple@ youtube






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wow,yong looks so extremely good looking in this photoshoot interview and of course ring ding dong spotted!but as i watch this video attentively,eventho i can understand only about 0.0001% of the interview but i think(hopefully true)i found out something,the reporter said something about seohyun.i can hear clearly she said something along the line"...seohyun ssi.."right when the video showed the female model(seo hyo rim)hug yong on the shoulder on 1.04 min..i guess maybe the reporter said,seohyun will get jealous if she watch this later.just wanna share with my in-go-paem!^___^
































































































































































































































































hope oori in-go-paem who speak korean can clear this things.maybe M3 or dduk?thanks.=)

































































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Guest Fluorescent.Flower
























Just watched the episode again & again..




















Seeing  how close they are now and how comfortable Hyun about doing skinship  with Yong. Can we expect something more?? Will they kiss?? I'm not  expecting a kiss like the Adam couple, maybe just a kiss to the cheek??  Will they do it before their time ends in WGM (but please don't leave,  I'll go to depression)?? And who will initiate it?




















So what do you guys think about it??




















Sorry for such trivial question...







































It's really hard to tell because you never know what you're going to get  when it comes to YongSeo. I mean, who in here would have thought that  one day they will have a feet fight? I sure didn't! Even if we were to  compare them to the Adam couple who, by the way, were a very flexible  pair (in terms of skin-ship), it took them so long so Goguma  God knows how long it will take YongSeo or worst yet, if it's even  going to happen. But then again, never say never. I hope it happens,  even if it's on the cheek or on the forehead, I'd be happy. If it does, I  think Yonghwa will initiate it and I think Seohyun will also imply it by standing still. You'll know when someone wants you to do  it or not, and knowing Seohyun it's almost easy to see through her. At  least, to a girl it's easy but to a guy like Yonghwa, I'm afraid he  might be a little too reserved and concerned about her feelings that he  will over think and not do it. Anyway, for the time being I'm overjoyed  at the fact that they are leaning on each other, kissing would most  likely send me to the heavens. It would be interesting though to see how  desperate Seohyun becomes, I couldn't stop myself from laughing when he  rejected her attempt to speak banmal on their 200th Anniversary,  you could see that she really wanted to speak informally to him. Her  expression was that of disappointment and for a few moments she couldn't  shake it off, so the expression just hung, meanwhile, oblivious Yonghwa  just kept on talking, like a true choding. Just imagine her expression  if he leans in, she feels it coming and then "Oh, there's something in  your hair...oh there's something here too, and here, here, here and  here...Hahaha...just kidding. Jashik, you believed me right? Oh, why are getting you angry?"




















Don't you think that Yejie is really pretty?!! noone has mentioned it before but I think she is very pretty and I actually replayed her conversation with Jinwoon many times and was thinking that they would actually look good together. At all fanfic writers, it would give an interesting side story *hint hint* And Jinwoonie looked kinda sad to hear that she has a boyfriend, perhaps my imagination,lol.




















Anyway she has this natural beauty that caught my eyes and yes she is very pretty.







































Sorry to cut your post. Yeah, I think she's really pretty as well, and her personality looks very kind and humble. Her skin is a major plus, it's really clear and flawless so much that, even Seohyun brought it up.





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Guest lovelybee
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Many time we mentioned eyeship of our sweetpotato couple.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Almost a year passed, they have more unique skinships.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Now I want to share the unique Yongseo's skinship.
































































































































































































































































































































































































credit to omanajungyonghwa @tumblr.com
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The Feetship
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The Pinkyship






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The Hands-pocketship































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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