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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































Thank Dduck and M3 for your guys translation. Thank u so much. And thank sonems for sub and everyone for caps and comments.
































































Luvtokki oppa, I like your post so much blush.gif
































































My thoughts about YongSeo couple. After the ep 42, I keep thinkin and smile happily. Can't stop smiling
































































I am happy to see this episode because of all the smiles, happy memories, skinship, their eyes, teased Huyn, because they're completely comfortable and happy together. And for another thing, because they had a long journey to have today like this. I really feel happy to think about it. My eyes have some tears. I am the person does not believe in "love at first sight." You can only have good impression  with someone from the first sight, but to call that love,it is not possible. I always think when two people love each other, they had  to go through a long journey, know each other, and gradually feel love. Because "something's easy to have, it's easy to lost too". Love is too.






























































































































































































































































YongSeo couple, they have happy moments together like today because they've spent together for a long journey. From the early days Huyn was embarrassed because she had no experience in the love, she just was a little girl. Yong did not force her to do anything, he can easily "attack" her with his fun and active. But he waited, he waited and patiently, until she was really comfortable and happy with him. He did everything to comfort her, thinking how make her happy, make her smile, to not have any pressure for her. He's hardworking, caring and sweet. Not force or teach her how to hold hand too early, only after they met for a time, when Huyn gave Yong the couple ring, he request her to hold hands. And then gradually because of his attention, waiting, patiently, sweet, he has "Huyn today", when Huyn was really comfortable and open with his heart. Even if they really love each other or have a secret relationship or anything then this also is a wish come true for him. Because Yong is always sweet, caring, sincerity and patience with Huyn. and Huyn, she keep on trying, learning each day... They like getting their way to come together. Like to go a long way and now Yong & Huyn's souls have met.






























































































































































































































































I felt my eyes have tears when thinking about both of them had a long journey, and now they're here, completely relaxed and happy together.  "something is easy to have, it's easy to lost too". After trying and trying, they're worth to have it. Their comfort is not easy to come so I believe it is not easily lost. and I believe they absolutely can be together. Because they went through a long journey and not easy for both sides. Yong & Huyn






























































































































































































































































And I think if Yong truly "steal" of her first kiss ( I wish one day :">), I think it will not be "steal" if two people really want, if she really want. It is fully worthy with Yong with his sweetness and caring, love, sincerity by all of his heart <3






























































































































































































































































Yooong!  Just say she's right and do whatever she wants - you can't go wrong in life, as long as you have her as your wife!  (luvtokki's post)       































































































































I love you guys, YongSeo couple <3






























































































































































































































































From Seychan with love.






























































































































































































































































Edit: Waiting for next ep. How sweet they are <3 I think when Huyn just hold Yong's pinkie, looks even more sexy and attractive when they hold hands hihi :">
































































































































Honestly, I love see Yong wear the couple ring, especially this pic from dreamyboo,  just couple ring in his hand. I don't know why but I always like when see a man wear wedding ring :wub: My heart huhu































































































































































































































































































































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Guest omgirly
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*quoted image*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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sorry to cut your post. random thought. i keep remembering how in the recent gag concert, the comedian mentioned to yong that he has an "old face", which may be why hyun can't use banmal with him. thinking about his middle school pics his friends shared in the last episode and his recent dye job to black, is he actively pursuing a more youthful look? he looks 2-3 years younger in this picture... like he's a 91'er and a same-age friend of hyun. banmal, anyone?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this past week's episode was daebak, particularly when yong woke up hyun. i was holding my breath, secretly hoping maybe he might lovingly guide the hair off her face as he whispered her name. gah! and if only the PD didn't edit out the moment he sat on their bed as she was getting up. anyone have the feeling that this couple has LOTS of skinship, but the film editing is being ultra selective about what gets on air?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks to all the translators and subbers!! these episodes are getting better and better. can't wait until next week!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Aww, YongSeo never fails to present us with a great episode each and every week.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks to all Gogumas that provide us with many spazzworthy moments, translations and many, many screencaps and also my favourite - sharing our own POV/spazz in this episode. I've yet to read each and every post- but I've surely enjoyed reading the ones that I have. One particular moment that I like is this one :





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr video: sonemssubs






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Aww, Hyun is really concern about her Yong's health. And not to mention, doesn't this scene indirectly saying that they're frequently communicating outside filming?? :wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































How I wish everyday is Saturday!

































































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more scaps Im on spazzing mode right now :D






































































































































































































































































































Hyund massaging Yong's shoulder





































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong feeding Hyun with Apples





































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just seating next to each other so close and  comfortably





































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the footsie fight, how can they be so cute




































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and I think my fave part is this Yong Hubby waking-up Hyun Wifey so freaking adorable



































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ohh Yong with his Hyun Today @ Inkigayo




































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































now I'm off to finally watch the epi. with sub.






































































































































































































































































































By the way THANK YOU SO MUCH M3 for the live tid bits translation,Dduk for fast full transtalion and to the subbing team thank you soo much its super fast as in like a lightning strike fast


























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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The only imperfection I can find in him is this: commitment. Why has this truly wonderful young man not been 'caught' yet?

i LOVE ur post! just wanna comment on the part where u mentioned that yong's lacking commitment... well, there was this interview (sorry my evidence is lost somewhere... but i believe some senior gogumas would know about this... crytal! xD) and they were asking a question (can't remember the Q but i remembered the answer though LOL) & he answered something like this: i hope to have a more stable relationship. and that was after the 1st few meetings but definitely before the japan ep (if i'm wrong, pls do correct me)

kasia3goguma, thanks for the pic! yong looks even hotter with that kinda hairstyle... a real rocker! :wub:

celticheart & luvtokki: LMAO! that's so funny! but sinchaa... u guys have got a point there about yong frequenting the washroom! i never thought of that :ph34r: since uri yongseo always gimme the perception of PURITY.

oh ya! i've been ninja-ing around since i'm very bad in expressing myself with words :blink: so i haven't got the chance to...

THANKs a lot Dduk, M3 for the trans! and also thanks so much tetsuya for the subbed vids! *hugs ya all* :wub:

but i still can't help to express myself! sorry, pls bear with me! :P

i was spazzing with my mom. and she told me that in the beginning, yong was the type of guy who's very flexible. if the girl likes him or dislikes him, so be it. we can very well see that throughout his journey in exploring hyun, he found that she's a jewel in a rough packaging. to have found such a precious jewel isn't easy to come by. and it's also not easy to keep such a jewel as many will eye for it too. however, he found himself mesmerized by her inner beauty more & more till he could no longer hold himself sane any more that he would do anything for her. these are evidences in the way he carries himself during shows, and how he answers some questions during interviews, etc.

as for hyun, it was her 1st time to everything & it was wonderful to her. yong was such a gentleman & still is. she learns a lot about RELATIONSHIP/LOVE with yong. and she can't control what she's feeling for that very much sought-after guy, yong. and so she wanna test him to see if he really likes her enough for her to make the next move... she had already tested him & i guess she prolly still will (i won't mention the rest. pls look-up yongseo's history book :P) pretty much like a fairytale eh!

so, they were testing each other. and thank goodness they really do like/love each other. for hyun to personally call MIL is SOMETHING! i won't do that if i know my guy isn't really into me or committed to me. so i guess, from there we can draw a line to say that they both love each other equally. ahhh i agree withjastubee, their romance is what attracts us to them! :wub: hmmm i can see that hyun won't let go of yong easily. and even if she does, it'll take her a long time for her to fall in love again.


mrsjoker, jnj: having each others' belonging...i bet they're boyfriend & girlfriend already! muahahahahhha they must be!!!!

btw, HI IN-GO-PAEM!!! ^^

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Ahhh my first post on the Sweet Potato Couple thread. And I just want to say that when I first heard about Seo Hyun and Jung Yong Hwa being a couple on WGM I didn't have much interest in them, and as time went I heard from some ppl that they were a boring couple to watch, so I never had watched their cuts. That is until 4 days ago. I guess it was the fact that the Adam couple was done and I was already caught up with Khuntoria couple that I was like "eh I guess I can watch them and see how their relationship is."






And I say WOW I really like this couple! It's like innocent first loves. ;D As I watched the first few eps. I was like ehhhh I don't know it seems like Yong isn't really into Hyun as much and it seemed like he was just putting on a front in front of the cameras. BUT of course as time progressed I can see that he is as much into her as she is him. BUT again I'll like to wonder what if there wasn't cameras and lets say the so date in real life would he really treat her like that? Being nice? and etc???? I'm just saying I have my doubts too and hopefully it changes.






And again I really hate how the episodes are so late to the real time line. Why can't they air WGM twice a week! lol I already want to see them snowboarding. ;\






I can't wait to watch them more, I'm really hoping this couple well last at least 2 years on WGM??! lmao!!! hey it can be possible. hahaha






OH and WTH they haven't even done a wedding shoot or whatever yet!!! When I saw Hyun in the wedding dress I was like wth they are "married" they didn't even do a shoot yet. But sigh* then again maybe it's bc their schedules aren't timing well. HOPEFULLY they do one on their 1st year anniversary!!! ;D






YongSeo <3



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HI EVERYONE! I just discovered another way to vote @ http://sports.chosun...nking/main+.htm
















You're gonna vote at a faster rate (in terms of the number of clicks) without having to click the mouse so many times till your finger's in spasm.
































I used Firefox! All you need to do is get ready your right index (or any other, whichever you prefer) finger on your mouse and your left index finger on the 'Enter' button.
















Then after you click on the song, before the pop-up comes up, just hold the 'enter' button and there you go, MANY VOTES.
















It's effortless compared to clicking on the mouse, even though the latter's pretty addictive, as though you're playing a game or something.
















































Hope this helps in voting! (:
















Have fun!
































Edit: better still, you could place a weight or something on the enter button.
















But do it at your own risk! The enter button might spoil LOL :X

















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Guest Fluorescent.Flower
























HI EVERYONE! I just discovered another way to vote @ http://sports.chosun...nking/main+.htm




















You're gonna vote at a faster rate (in terms of the number of clicks) without having to click the mouse so many times till your finger's in spasm.




















I used Firefox! All you need to do is get ready your right index (or any other, whichever you prefer) finger on your mouse and your left index finger on the 'Enter' button.




















Then after you click on the song, before the pop-up comes up, just hold the 'enter' button and there you go, MANY VOTES.




















It's effortless compared to clicking on the mouse, even though the latter's pretty addictive, as though you're playing a game or something.




















Hope this helps in voting! (:




















Have fun!




















Edit: better still, you could place a weight or something on the enter button.




















But do it at your own risk! The enter button might spoil LOL :X







































Even though Yonghwa has more votes, if you look at the top right  hand corner of the page, you can see that GD&TOP are still number 3.  I think our votes are not being counted because we're doing it more  than once.




















@kenjisam: Yonghwa looks really yummy good in  that black suit, and polka dots is really fitting on him as it is on Seohyun. If I'm not  mistaken, he wore something similar when he performed his first duet  with her. They both looked so gorgeous in black~!




















Edit: @greed_island: The votes are increasing but they're not accommodating the chart.








































As you can see, GD&TOP are number 3 instead of Yonghwa.




















P.S. Yay! I found out how to take screen-shots~~




















Edit (2): @abitan: Oh okay, thanks for clarifying it. I shall resume my clicking then!





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Guest greed_island
































































































































































































































































































































































































HI EVERYONE! I just discovered another way to vote @ http://sports.chosun...nking/main+.htm
































































































































You're gonna vote at a faster rate (in terms of the number of clicks) without having to click the mouse so many times till your finger's in spasm.
































































































































































































































































I used Firefox! All you need to do is get ready your right index (or any other, whichever you prefer) finger on your mouse and your left index finger on the 'Enter' button.
































































































































Then after you click on the song, before the pop-up comes up, just hold the 'enter' button and there you go, MANY VOTES.
































































































































It's effortless compared to clicking on the mouse, even though the latter's pretty addictive, as though you're playing a game or something.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Hope this helps in voting! (:
































































































































Have fun!
































































































































































































































































Edit: better still, you could place a weight or something on the enter button.
































































































































But do it at your own risk! The enter button might spoil LOL :X































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Wow!! Thanks...I've tried it! I hold the 'enter' button for 3 minutes..and the vote for yonghwa is up about 250 points...
































































































































































































































































If our thread members put about 5 minutes/ person we can reach about 200.000 in no time.  Come on gogumas! Show our power for Yong!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































Even though Yonghwa has more votes, if you look at the top right  hand corner of the page, you can see that GD&TOP are still number 3.  I think our votes are not being counted because we're doing it more  than once.
































































































































































































































































@kenjisam: Yonghwa looks really yummy good in  that black suit, and polka dots is really fitting on him as it is on Seohyun. If I'm not  mistaken, he wore something similar when he performed his first duet  with her. They both looked so gorgeous in black~!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Really? So by holding the enter button we won't help the counting anyway?
































































































































I guess we need to put our effort here.. No Pain No gain!
































































































































































































































































Happy voting In Go Paem!

































































































































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Guest bettechai
























i just voted.. my finger is swollen due to excessive clicking..LOL










it all worth it for yong..:)










i really really love the episode today... pls let me spazzzzzzzzzz.. ahhah










firstly - yonghwa cooking for hyun... and god the waking up time that was totally sweet... i really envy seobaby at that time.. ahahah . so sweet of yong... whispering to her to wake up..kekeke *giggles*










secondly - the foot fighting hahaha that was totally a daebak.. hahaha i can see that they are really really close to each other now seobaby and yonghwa isnt awkward to each other any more.. and actually its the first time i saw seobaby to sit like that feet up from the sofa..hahah










thirdly - the sofa scene did you see how close they are.. really.. really really close ...... :wub::wub::wub:










Fothrly - the selca.. oh gosh thanks for the caps hahah his hands very gentleman..










and lastly - seobaby massaging her husband....aaaw.. they really look like a married couple.. hahahah










FOR REAL..!!!! ahhahah










this episode did really melt my heart .. hahaha i love the boys cooking for their wife/girlfriends.. hahaahaha who wouldn't agree.?? keke



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Even though Yonghwa has more votes, if you look at the top right  hand corner of the page, you can see that GD&TOP are still number 3.  I think our votes are not being counted because we're doing it more  than once.




@kenjisam: Yonghwa looks really yummy good in  that black suit, and polka dots is really fitting on him as it is on Seohyun. If I'm not  mistaken, he wore something similar when he performed his first duet  with her. They both looked so gorgeous in black~!






Mmhmm, perhaps that was the vote results of last week's (2011.17-23), as you can see it from http://sports.chosun.com/enter/ranking/main+.htm?month_num=002&go=prev


The photos at the top right hand corner of the page aren't similar to the ones they've posted for this week's votings.. (:




I hope I got this right ^^



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oh GOD!! I'm die.. totally die in happiness..

fly to Go-Chun and don't know when I'll comeback to the earth..

YongSeo, what you have done to me??

when I saw the last episode, I just stared to cry.. I cried for happiness and of course enviness..

they became THAT real!! ooooohhhh... really, I think they're too much for me..

And YOONG~....

why you look so... yummy cool in today's inkigayo??

I really loves boy with his hair up

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Thanks to all the translators, Dduck and M3 !


Of all the gifts Seohyun has given to Yonghwa, I think, the  most precious gift she has given him is her real self. The sweet, funny, choding Hyun that no one gets to see except for people who are really really close to her (& every one knows that it is difficult to get close to her). Episode after episode, I think Yonghwa sees that. which is why, he hardly ever ask her to do anything for him. Looking at the recent episode,  Even her Banmal comes out without Yonghwa asking her to do so. He might be the first guy outside her small cirlcle of "family" whom she allow to touch her. I surely hope that we get to see more of the real Hyun in the upcoming episode. I hope she'll use  more Banmal to him naturally, be the rapper Hyun, sing songs for him and bring Yonghwa (and us) to see her side of the world.


While Yong, has given her something precious too. His world that she has never known. Everything she has wondered about him even without her asking to do so. His feelings are so sincere, esp the part when he checks on her when she's sleeping and uncautiously looking out for her when they were with his friends. These small gestures, speaks A LOT.


Gosh..  whenever I listen to Jojo's Underneath, especially the chorus its like I'm hearing Hyun saying it to Yong.. I'm totally goguma-ed!  


Yongseo Hwaiting!


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awww hello Goguma fans.. as you can see from my avatar i'm a huge ADAM couple fans and yeah i still am.. :) 












i just wanna say to all of you here that i really appreciate your support when ADAM couple left WGM... really means a lot.. 












And i just want to say also that SP couple are becoming so so sweet and i just love their episode now too... i'am watching their episode with interest.. hahahaha.. :) i really love how far they have come from the first episode till now.. the affection they have for each other are just so cute and real and sweet... :) 












and about the ratings.. don't fret about it... WGM is still number one in their timeslot as compared to KBS which only got like 4% so yeah no sweat.. i think WGM will go a long way.. 












and Lastly, i know the one year anniversary of SP is fast in coming so lemme wish them a happy one year anniversary in advance and yeah i will continue to watch them with interest.. :) 



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Guest ahn_annann
















share my caps :






What's up Yong? What's Hyun's shampoo? keke ..






so close..





































































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Guest BigSmileAgain


Have anyone share this yet??




110129 SNSD _The 20th High Seoul Music Awards - (Behind The Scenes)




110129 [HD] SBS Plus Asia Model Festival Awards SNSD - Hoot       RING DING DONG ^^


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Guest hunniez_chan
































Hello..annyeonghaseyo everyone..!! I'm a newbie here in Soompi..This is my first time post in this forum..Glad to join here..^0^

















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Guest YongSeo












I love seohyun always being so sincere in trying to find out more about Yong. she is meticulous, taking care of his health etc.really a good wife and a wise mother!! What a rare gem! anyway, I'm happy to see that yongseo never failed to use all their body parts for skinship e.g. shoulder bump, head bump, normal way of holding hands, now their legs!




And yes! I saw Yong's hand over Hyun's shoulder. It's like a bf/gf  kind of photo, unlike the earlier photos that they took during their 200th anniversary, in their uniforms.




Hope PD nim takes their time to find 3rd couple or better still if they don't find one. I'm satisfied with these 2 couples! :rolleyes:




Edit: I just read from Khuntoria's forum that there will be a WGM special on 2 Feb 2011 3.20pm(Korean time).





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