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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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DONE!!! it's 9:26 AM ... and have to get up at 1pm... I'm OFF TO BED!!!


<Where is Yong Husband going to take his wife >


<this place is…?>


Y: Do you know where this place is?




S: oh wow it’s school! Wow!


<Yong husband’s high school!!>


Y: why did you suddenly feel better?!


S: I mean it hasn’t been long since you graduated.


<it’s been 3years since graduation>


Y: It’s been a while. Wow! It totally changed!


MC: Isn’t that something you say when you are our age?


MC: of course, it’s something you say after about 20 years.


Y: Oh! Students must still be studying now. Ah, I knew it, Namsan school is doing well.


MC: Oh that is where he played basketball.


Y: Hello!


OUT ofFRAME: It’s Jung YongHwa sunbaeneem (graduate)






Y: third year 1st class. It was… right.. over there.


MC: Have you ever seen your alma mater after you graduated?


MC: OH, I been there recently.


MC: not shower, alma mater,


(translator note: mo kuk means shower mo ko means alma mater, sounds similar right?!)


MC: It’s alma mater~


MC: Of course I went before. Since I am famous I go back to show off. I say this is who is am. Of course I went back. I went back with a good feeling.


MC: You felt so good you took a shower!?


Y: do you want to play school? It’s been a while.


S: school?


Y: you be the top student role.


S: pwahah


<top student>


<the carefree yong student>


<long distance>


S: what are you doing?


<to get away from punishment, student>


S: You over there! student! Hair Hair!


<Yong student with the long hair>


Y: ME?


S: What class are you in?


Y: I am 3rd year, 1st room…..


Y: you can’t go through the middle…


<that is how to the husband looked while dodging punishment>


S: So this is where you were before. I always wondered what kind of school you went too.


<since the wife likes it, husband likes it also>


Y: namsan school. Do you want to write a message here and go?


S: where?


<at the basketball hoops?>


Y: in the middle?


S: ok


Y: What should we write? How should we write it?


S: Is there a rock somewhere or some sort of twig?


Y: Ok, starting from there.


S: starting from here?


Y: Yep.


S: how long does I have to be?... I don’t know.


Y: YONG- SEO. It’s there… it’s crooked a bit though.


S: even though it’s a bit crooked it’s ok.


<next morning>




<YongSeo was here>


MC: wow the next morning when the students see that….


<Jung Yonghwa sunbaeneem was here!>


Y: Visiting was really fun, meeting up with old friends was fun,


< with the wife, Yong’s trip to Busan>


Y: seeing mom was really good too. But even through all that, I like that Seohyun now knows me more. And we also made lots of memories.


<what is husband you found during the busan trip?>


S: I believe he is the same. He was playful, active and positive. Did he also make some mistakes? ^^ Even though I wasn’t with Yong in the past, after seeing how he was, I liked how he was. I think I can see him more clearly now.


MC: Wow, it’s been a while since we saw the house.


<whistling noise at 9am>


<busy busy>


<it’s yong husband!>


MC: it’s after they came back from Busan.


MC: what is he keep dropping?


MC: Where is Seohyun?


< What is Yong Husband dong in the morning?>


MC: Do you think he is getting breakfast ready?


MC: and the wife is still asleep?


<Knew it!>




MC: Jung husband! You are doing well!


MC: that’s why the table has to go into the bed! Like a hospital bed!


Y: six spoons.


<in the other room>


<is she sleeping well?>


<carefully carefully>


Y: After “Hoot” performance, she goes straight away to Japan, It looks like she only slept for 1-2 hours.


Since she is busy all I can do is make food.


<I am Yong husband~>


Y: Now, I am going to put in the onions.


<now this is…?>


MC: what is he making?


MC: Meat?


<where have we seen this method of dunking the meat into the pot?>


<as suspected, from the husband of Seohyun>


MC: but what is he still making?


<with meat into the pot, what is he making?>


MC: It looks like sabu sabu!


MC: But he put the meat into the pot.


MC: oh.. it’s beef…


<the meat is placed >


<Japan style beef over rice meal>


MC: Oh it’s beef over rice.


MC: would it taste good?


MC: oh! He is doing well.


MC: put some chilli peper.


<green >


MC: oh it looks nice.


<carefully, carefully>


MC: how will he wake her up?


Y: Seohyun~


S: … ummm food?


S: (what) food?


Y: I made food, lets eat.


S: really?


<husband make breakfast?>


MC: Oh she’s still pretty.


MC: Girls have to look pretty after they sleep.


MC: Isn’t it a fact that girls are pretty right after they wake up?


MC: Umm.. it’s personal preference.


<can’t open eyes>






<husband’s first cooking>


Y: Try it.


S: I’ll eat it well.


Y: quickly eat it! Quickly eat!


S: hold on!


Y: Hurry!


<finally, first taste by hyun>


MC: after she came back from Busan, her mouth became wider!>


Y:it’s good right?


S: Yep.


Y: when I was in Japan I usually made this.


S: Oh really?


Y: eat kimchi.


<He even places the kimchi…>


S: thank you.


Y: It’s not the kimchi you made.


S: Even with first glance I know that.


Y: Do you want water?


< even bring her water…>


<Hyun, eating it as if it truly tasted good.>


MC: Oh now I want to eat it.


Y: it’s good right?


Y: Wasn’t it hard for you?


S: It was hard, but now I have strength.


Y: you were sleeping with your mouth open.


S: ayyyy~


Y: really! You don’t remember putting in my fist?


S: oh really! That isn’t it.


Y: Seohyun…


S: Yes?


Y: I heard that when you were going to meet my mom, you wrote in your diary.


S: oh! How did you know?


<list of questions to ask from hyun>


Y: I know.


S: how did you find out?


Y: I know all! Let me see it.


S: NO way!


Y: why are you getting angry over that?


S: I mean… no way~


Y: I want to see the diary!


S: Just wait a sec (in a Busan accent)


MC: She just spoke in banmal


S: Why !?


MC: She is still speaking in Banmal


< the diary that yong husband is wondering about>


MC: it’s cute.


S: You cant’!


Y: what!?


MC: Why does he suddenly want to see it?


MC: because she keeps hiding it.


MC: why did she bring it out if she wasn’t going to show it?


S: Wait. Wait!


Y: Am I dog now?


S: WAIT! (she said it as if she is commanding a dog)


MC: So cute~


S: Sit!


<already sitting… what?>


<finally seeing the diary>


Y: when I first see the mother and father.


S: must you read this?


Y: what was yong like as a child?


S: What are you doinggg?


Y: from kindergarten to high school, you were wondering about that?


S: yes.


Y: what foods he likes and dislikes. Have you seen any of his past girlfriends and whether or not they came over to say hello.


MC: Oh I wonder about this too.


Y: I heard that you called my mother.


S: yes.


<hyun, who had a phone call with yong’s mom>


MC: oh she called?


Y: What did you talk about?


S: It’s a secret.


MC: She is doing well.


S: how many times to you call you parents in a week?


Y: Once.


S: once? Since we are on the subject, let’s call your mother.


Y: What?


MC: wow, she has full confidence with the mother!


S: now, calling!




S&Y: mother!


YM: YONGHWA! Where are you?


Y: I’m in my house eating food.


YM: OMOMO! Who made the food!?


Y: Of course I made it.


YM: .. pwahah this is interesting. When you’re at home, you won’t even cook ramen!


Y: I make it when you aren’t home.


YM: did it taste good?


Y: It tastes good


YM: even though there aren’t any side dishes does it still taste good? Pwahha?


Y: talk to seohyun.


YM: Seohyun~


S: Mother!


YM: have you been well?


S: yes!


YM: After meeting you once, I want to see you again!


S: me too!


MC: look they got so close to each other!


YM: If you don’t know how to make something call mother. (me)


S: yes~


YM: eat well! And please take care of the husband!


<Aigoo…mom.. you really…>


S: yes, I understand!


YM: Ok I’ll see you again soon!


S: Yes! Goodbye!


Y: Mom I’ll call again!


YM: ok!




S: NO!, she has to first hang up!


MC: of course!


S: If you just hang up like that she will be hurt!


Y: since when was it like that?


S: It’s been like that here!


Y: we shut it off like that.


< starting with the nonsensical talk>


Y: thanks


MC: when I hang up I always hang up first because I feel as if I am winning.


MC: don’t you usually take the picture before you eat?


<yong’s wife first breakfast meal>


MC: OH!~ it came out nice!




<what is between the hair?>


Y: OH! Seohyun! You wore your necklace!!


S: what is this!?


< you wore your necklace>




< I saw your butterfly necklace!>


S: oh really. It’s pretty right!?


<hyun is feeling better>


<one more time>


Y: what?


S: it’s funny!


Y: What’s funny?


<you’re the best>


S: I did well?


Y: Seohyun, you are the best!


S: thank you


Y: I’ll be like this.


Y: what?


Y: It’s so pretty!


S: thank you.. heehee!


<with apples as the full course!>


<choding husband is starting…>


MC: Usually you do that when you are under a table.


S: don’t touch them.


Y: what what?


S: mission txt message has arrived


<what kind of mission can it be?>


<where there is health there is a happy couple to prepare for 2011 for >


MC: Idols don’t take care of their health too well now a days.


MC: yes, some days I can’t even eat.


MC: you should be worrying about growth.


S: are you being healthy?


MC: oh ~ he is so busy .


Y: uh… I am doing well.


S: eating well….


Y: I eat small meals.


S: but you always never eat breakfast!


Y: I eat breakfast.


S: but you used to never eat it.


Y: I used to not eat but now I do.


S: you eat?


Y: I also eat vitamins. Are you staying healthy?


S: Oh, I am doing so well.


Y: what have you been doing?


S: I always eat blended garlic, and I have never skipped breakfast.


Y: what about exercise?


S: Of course I exercise. I also eat vitamin C and other general vitamins. I also take things that is good for my intestines. Whenever fellow SNSD member s get a cold, I never get it. Also, when you are tired and getting up is hard, I never felt that before. I think my body is in good health right now.


Y: I don’t think that I was really ever sick. I am also not the person to get a lot of cold. Whenever I slept and get up I feel better.


<the style of when sick, sleep is best medicine>


S: right now, we have to find out if our bodies are healthy or not.


Y: How will we find that out?


S: we have to go and find out.


Y: where?


S: hospital.


<the chosen place to find out if they are healthy= Hospital>


Y: AY~ why hospital? We get hurt when we go to the hospital.


S: What do you mean get hurt?


Y: get hurt, get hurt. You only go to the hospital when you get hurt.


MC: Of course, you only go to the hospital when you broken something.


S: this is why you have to go to the hospital for a checkup before something bad happens.


Y: I’m going to live long


S: that’s why we should go to the hospital.


Y: I don’t need to go.


< frustrated>




S: what do you mean until now? You mean you are only going to go if you get hurt?


Y: I’m still young.


S: that’s why you have to go when you are still young.


<I will never go>


MC: why is it when guys are asked to go to the hospital they don’t want to go?


< It’s not we are sick>


< and we have to get a shot>


MC: when you go to the hospital they give you a shot on the butt!


MC: isn’t that a definite thing!?


S: And also, you go to the bathroom a lot. So that means your stomach hurts. So I’ll do it for you.


Y: what? Do what?


S: make you healthy.


Y: you’re going to be the official for the bathroom?


S: NO~


<starting to play around with the elephant>


S: whenever he touches his stomach he says it hurts, and he keeps going to the bathroom. So maybe there is a problem, that worries me.


S: what do you think?


Y: I’m not doing it.


MC: He is slightly scared


S: are you scared?


Y: it’s far


S: it’s not far.


Y: you get a shot in the butt.


S: exactly you have to get one.


<mother pose>


Y: lets do something else.


S; what do you want to do that is different?


Y: lets go and get a massage


<yong’s choice of getting healthy is a massage?>


MC: Of course, that is to get healthy, get a massage


MC: that’s only on the outside, you have to get treated internally.


S: no. your health is more important!


Y: lets get a massage


S: you don’t know anything about your health right now!


Y: when you go get a massage they let you know.


MC: he’s right! They say that if they touch this area, your intestines is not good.


Y: because I played guitar for so long It got hard here.




Y: pwahah you just blew wind from your nose


S: exactly, so listen to what I have to say.


MC: Oh she is mad!


Y: aigoo, a coin is inside.


S: then lets go get a checkup and then get a massage


Y: it really got hard. Look, touch it.


S: wow really!


S: as a mother, I shall take yong the child and take him to the hospital.


<mother hyun and her following son yong>


MC: he is constantly playing around.


Y: I have confidence that I am healthy.


S: you are confident? And your stomach doesn’t hurt.


Y: my stomach.. sometimes hurt when I don’t sleep.


S: this is it.



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Guest Aki_yongseo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The Best Couple EVER!!!!  Love the preview!! the piggy holding hands:wub:  it seem Hyun hold Yong yong hands really tight.. :rolleyes:
































































btw.. who is the MC guy beside Uncle Kim?? hhe.. I dont know sorry :sweatingbullets:
































































Good Night Everyone.. And Happy Spazzing...  (sorry for long post :sweatingbullets:)































































































































The other guy in the studio is KwangHee from ZEA. (Just happen to know him as a result of following too closely to Kpop news.:sweatingbullets: Not a fan of him but also not an anti.)
































































Well, talking about the guests they invites, I really hope they can find people who are close to the couples. Like members of the same group, same company's friends, close friends who may be from other company etc. 'Cos I really feel that having someone who are close to either couple will make the studio's conversations/ their remarks interesting. The guests today looks a bit awkward to me. Hopefully we can see some fun studio conversations/ comments.
































































About today's episode, I totally LOVE it!! I especially like the following parts:
































































1) Yong makes a meal and softly wakes Hyun up. He is so sweet! He do the cooking for his tired wife! Hyun is so lucky!!
































































2) Yong-doggy part, it is totally hilarious for Yong to think that he is being commanded like he is a doggy!! hahaha.
































































3) Conversation with MIL!! Good Job, Hyun!! MIL will love you more! ;)
































































4) The necklace praising  part. (hmm.. Initially I thought Yong was staring at Hyun's chest hahaha) Good thing Yong remembers to praise her, or Hyun might really not wear it. And his way praising is melting Hyun!
































































5) Feet playing/ overlapping part. If they are not close, they won't be playing using their feet! And today is the first time Hyun put her legs up on the sofa, usually it is only Yong doing that.
































































6) Shoulder massaging by Hyun for her hubby Yong. She is so touchy!! I like it, we likes it, Yong LOVE IT!! :D
































































Sorry if I dun make sense some where in my post. :sweatingbullets:
































































edit: Oops! I forgot to THANK DDuk and all who provide the translations!! I can't remember all the names so hope you guys don't mind. :sweatingbullets:

















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hi..ya i did as well..and its working..now our yong has a chance for at least 3rd place..but we have to do it laboriously..coz the 3rd place so far has a thousand vote leading still..ill rest rest for a bit then continue to vote..today and to morrow ill just stay at home to concentrate on voting...hahaha i know its crazy but its the least i can do ..coz i luv so much yongseo and banmal song is such a wondreful song..so fighting..


hey gogumas join us to vote for yong..anyway our yongseo has a loving episode today...

to DDUK..i dont have anymore points so i owe you ..hahaha thanks a lot your such an angel..

hello guys! im voting as well now;) it really works.. clapclap! we can make 1million hits right! fighthing!;) can get over with today's episode! will be patiently waiting for the translation... i cant say anything now except i love them both!

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After watching the latest ep for the 100000000th time, I just saw that while they were discussing where to go to for their mission, Yong was playing with Hyun's phone. Can somebody verify if this is true.

































































































































I have TOEFL test tomorrow and all I can think/read/watch is this couple. And I've never watched an unsubbed ep before, usually I just wait but I can't help it, this ep is too adorable! Why oh why does the TOEFL test have to come after this adorable spazzworthy episode!

































































































































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before I begin, pls forgive me if i broke any of the rules..


I'm from singapore and this is my second post here and I've been reading this whole thread! I'm SO HAPPY that there is 1000+ other people who loved this couple just as much as I do, noticed their changes as clearly as I do, and feel their love.


I was first introduced to WGM through the Khuntoria couple because my cousin thinks I'm hiding under a hole where r/s do not exist. I watched the first few episodes and somehow or rather feel uncomfortable then tried watching YONGSEO. My 'trying' lead me to being willing to wait for Saturday to come so I can filll my heart with tons of Goguma love and settle down my curiosity and all sorts of questions as to how it is like being in a relationship. I feel comfortable watching this couple as I'm comfortable with the way their relaitonship grows and is still growing. 

 I'm SO HOOKED and SO INSPIRED  to this couple that I wrote a whole poetry on it when I'm suppose to write a dedication for my classmates! I told my grandma about it and she said, yongseo's relationship is similar to the relationship in the old times, only that it is happening in the 21st century. LOL

 Seohyun and Yongwa, if you're reading this, please please please, continue to let your relationship grow even outside WGM because your relationship is so unique that it can even be felt thousand of miles away from where ever you are. If fate decides that you two are meant to be together, then we will all support you.  YONGSEO HWAITING!


I love the way the Busan trip went especially the part when Yonghwa introduced seohyun to his friends. Clearly we can see how different Seohyun's world is. She maybe blessed with a great career at such a young age but Yonghwa and most of us are blessed with friends who might have known us our whole lives! I'm just so grateful that Yonghwa showed that side of the world to Seohyun. & I guess I'm comfortable with their skinship "development". No need to over-analyzed anything, lets let our hearts speak for itself.


 As episodes go by, I am now enlightened by lots of things relationship can bring. Thanks PDs for putting these two people together, thanks everyone for reading my LOOONG post (sorry -__-"), thanks YONGSEO for being so amazing, thanks to the translators for ALWAYS BEING here for us who cannot understand Korean, THANKS GOGUMA FAMILY for always making my day with your posts! THANK YOU SO MUCH! GOGUMA FAMILY TOTALLY ROCKS.. Sorry again if I broke any rules.


ps, I guess real love is felt from the heart and delivered through actions that show we care. :)


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Guest chandrawd












THANK YOU SO MUCH dduk !!!! Soompi go-chun villager love you too much!!!!




now you better get some rest, u must be tired after translating 35minute conversation :* :wub:




damnn after less than 5hour, y'all finish uploading and translation those looongg episode. AWESOME





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Guest wallpaperfood

LOL man!!!! it really works. I think I have made more than  100 votes in 40 seconds :lol:. so my hand now is really tired. I used firefox and believe me, it's much easier than google chrome LO. it's quite fun, feels like playing a game or somethin......

I second this! Been on a clicking spree for the past half hr and we're now third :D ...but Gd/TOP have hardcore fans who keep on upping the number as well -.-"


Anyway, I think Yongseo is deeply infatuated with each other now.

And when I say "deeply", I mean it literally! This isn't some shallow crush or love-blindness. (Ok maybe it could be a mixture of these too ^^..)

Ironically, they have only reached this stage after building a solid relationship on a stable foundation. Neither is half-hearted, both of them give their all.

I guess that's the beauty of WGM. In fact, it's just occurred to me that WGM is practically an arranged marriage, only where the participants have agreed to be filmed ofc. Thus, it tends to reverse the usual stages of love and courtship, and as we can see with Yongseo, they don't fall for each other and then start building the trust.

They've built their trust first, then started to fall for each other, which is a winner, really, and which is also what sets them apart.  

Now I find much more meaning in the fact that WGM PD said "neither had a particular choice" for a WGM partner.

I wonder if there are such wonderful experiences from real-life arranged marriages. I'm sure that amongst the many unfavourable first impressions, there must be great couple-work/bonding along the way, where in the end, they do fall in <3 with each other - and for the luckiest couples: when they realise that Fate blessed them, that the rare gem they ended up with is indeed their soulmate, their best friend and their other half whom they could never feel the need to replace. They take such a different course from the norm that it's just so fascinating.


Dduk, THANK YOU!!! It is so very much appreciated. I can't imagine having to stay up till 9am to translate a lengthy episode, you deserve much credit and praise for you hard work :D

Guys, keep on voting to maintain the lead!


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Guest just_a_dream
























i feel bad for myself.,i slept a lot because of my damn tooth which gives me too much pain..grrrrr..and for that i missed the live translation of M3..








i am now viewing the 3rd part and my brother and sister, who called me "crazy" for stucking myself infront of the laptop because of Hyun and Yong, joined me in watching the first two episodes..kkkkk..i'm so happy that they were able to understand why am soo hooked up with this thread and with YongSeo couple,though they give up on the 3rd part because they said it will make them go crazy also (because they were smiling even though they didn't understand a bit on the conversation,which makes me their instant translators)..but anyway,it was a blast watching these two magnificent people with my sis and bro, at least am sharing my smiles to them.rolleyes.gif








well, shall i say that there isn't any best part of this episode?.but only the whole episode is the bestest!.. oops!.hehe.,i really,really,really like everything honestly,.it's so hard to pick specific parts..though every episode is really DAEBAK for me, but this episode steps to another level again..OMO!.what's with all those flirtatious actuations there Yong?.hmmmn,keeps getting better everytime..gaaaah..wub.gif








the thread went soo fast that i have to backread several pages just to find any translations, and BAAAAM..dDuk and vmasterpiece had it,gomawoyo!.and how can i not thank M3 also for the live translation in FC spazzbox (though i wasn't able to catch up on it, still you deserve a lot of thanks for the effort, i know that it was more than hard as we imaginecrazy.gif).








i should not forget those who posted caps,links and others..CLAP,CLAP,CLAP guyzzz..smile.gif








BTW,abitan..what's cookies?.hehe.,sorry for the lack of knowledge with that..i really would like to indulge with this voting thing,it's just that i don't know what's cookies is..thank you so,so much!.laugh.gif









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Hai Gogumas..

I want to say thanks to MountainMadman for the live translations back then and DDuk for the full translations!

You two jjang!

And I just want to share some caps of my favorite scenes from today's episode..

The YongSeo bed scene sgdhaskjhfalf (lmao my imagination goes wild)




*OMG SLEEPING BEAUTY wub.gif (and the first comes into her mind when she wakes up is.. food? Lol SeoHyunie)* 



I love these scenes the most!!

Yong's whispering "SeoHyun" is soooooo sweeeeet!! Maximum sweetness!! Daebak!! <33333


*back to lurker mode*


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Hi just_a_dream! The cookies will eventually not allow you to vote a second time in a day, hence by deleting them, you can re-vote again! (:


You can delete them by going to: 


Settings->Options->Under the hood->Clear browsing data->Check 'Delete cookies and other site data' (For Google Chrome)


Tools->Clear recent history->Check 'Cookies' (For Firefox)


Tools->Delete browsing history-> Check 'Cookies' (For IE)  





Okay, to all the awesome people voting like crazy, the counter has hit 19,000 already! We're doing a really great job!! (:


Keep it up so that the third spot will remain as it is...  





Just a suggestion: Synchronise your clickings, perhaps you could do it in counts of 10 or something ;)



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come to this couple make me have no rational sense anymore. when i watch them, i cant watch film or drama with full enjoyment, because i said they are so fake. i always compare they have to do like Yongseo. now just watch reality show, hahah.


after reading translation, can someone give me some logical reason this is show. because i cant see it anymore. why she has to call his mom if this is the show. why he has to show her to all close friend, and even his closest friend said that dont divorce. what they mean with that. i want they want other partner to know more about themself. hmm i just tell my parents the person i love the most, i just let my clost friend now my bf (husband). but not when im not sure we are really fall for each other.


this couple. what they are doing is just so real, their stare, their caring and parents involve. it cant be just a show. really. just see khuntoria went to meet parents in law. you can see totally differernt with this couple. i like all the couples but yongseo just so apart.


why i stay in go-chun so long? ....please make me on the ground but not so hard:-) :wub:


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Guest hottest-generation

i cut some parts from today's episode (:

omg today's episode is so cute! especially

waking seohyun up part. that's practically

my favourite part of today! :D

Selca CUT

waking up , breakfast CUT

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Guest anne0129





F: means friends!~

< > Means the captions
















<Hyun, … meeting the husband’s friends part II>
















Y: OH it came.
















<drinks came out>
















Y: back then we couldn’t drink drinks like these.
















S: When Yong was younger, I was wondering what he was like.
















F: He fooled around a lot.
















F: he was the mood maker.
















<of course!>
















S: really?
















F: he always sang songs and rapped. He also did impersonations.
















JW: OY my stomach!
















<Even when he was younger he did impersonations?>
















F: He did them a lot. “are my eyes red?”
















F: (I’m sorry I don’t get the slang here!)
















<this is how Yong played around when he was younger>
















F: Didn’t Yong, when he was in junior high school started to record songs
















Y: I recorded some songs until the neighbors complained that I was too loud.
















<Even then he loved music that much!>
















<Yong’s cellphone rings>
















Y: Hello?, Oh! Is this Dongyoung?
















<a friend who is more funnier than Jungshin?!>
















Dongyong: “You can film me!”
















<the friend who yelled “ You can film me!” >
















Y: where are you?
















<who is it?>
















DongYong: are you in Busan?
















Y: I’m in Busan.
















<in the army Dongyong>
















DongYong: You’re in Busan!? So am I!?
















Y: You’re in BUSAN?!
















<coincidentally the friend is in Busan?>
















DongYong: I on leave right now. Where are you?
















Y: Really!? This is great, … you’re not lying are you?
















DongYong: of course I’m lying.
















<the friend who always fools around!>
















<the busan friend who is in the army calling…>
















Y: Do you know who this is?
















S:…. That that…
















Y: it’s the friend who said film me! in the video.
































<It’s a shame that he isn’t together with the friends>
















Y: talk a bit with Seohyun.
















DongYong: Oh, put her on.
















S: Hello?
















<in a Seoul accent>
















DY: Hello, how are you?
















F: He changed his voice!
















Y: WOW, you really are a soldier. Don’t hold back your accent!
















<speaking again >
















S: Hello?
















DY: Do you really like Yong?
















S: YES YES! Where are you currently?
















DY: I’m in Kawangdo . I am doing my best to protect this country.
















S: Have strength!
















DY: oh, I… am… I do have strength….
















F: He is enjoying it.
















MC: all the friends notice that he is enjoying it.
















DY: Please like Yong a bit more.
















S: Yes.
















DY: he is a kid who liked to be loved. Since he hung around me a lot, he didn’t get much love.
















<yong’s tone of voice is…>
































DY: PWAHAAHA… I’ll call again soon. Be well!
















<and with that DY ended his phone call>
















S: Oh it’s so funny.
















<the anxiety has gone a bit>
















F: I’m scared.
















Y: what are you scared of?
















F: the people over there is going to watch all of this…
















Y: Over where?
















F: the studio.
















F: Yeah, Jinwoon might see this.
















MC: OH she likes Jinwoon!
































<YeeJin, the fan of Jinwoon?>
















JW: OH wait she said the she likes me? aigoo.
















Y: You’re face is all red, YeeJin.
















F: frustrating, frustrating, frustrating.
















Y: Why are you folding the napkin!?
















<during this time>
















S: hold on a sec….
















<anticipation, anticipation>
















JW: Hello?
















S: hello!
















<it’s a man’s voice!>
















S: Jinwoon !
















F: Oh! What should I do!!
















<Jinwoon was >
































S: It’s me, Seohyun.
















<Hyun, who wants to get close to YeeJin>
















<calls Jinwoon to get to meet YeeJin>
















S: Right now, I’m with Yong’s friends at the moment, and there is a Unnie (older person who is a girl) who is a fan of yours.
















JW: Oh really?
















S: yep. Hold on a sec, I’ll put you on.
















<right away, giving the phone to YeeJin>
















JW: oh okok.
















F: What should I do!... Hello?
















JW: Hello.
















F: Is this really you?
















<First she checks if it is really him >
















F: what are you doing now?
















JW: Oh, I’m exercising by myself at the moment.
















JW: I was at that time exercising.
















F: It’s nice to meet you.
















Y: why is she holding the cellphone like that!?!
















MC: She prob. just wants to see his face….
















F: I don’t want him to be disappointed when he sees my face.
















MC: She didn’t want you to be disappointed
















JW: Oh I wasn’t disappointed!
















F: you can’t be disappointed when you see my face.
















MC: He’s not disappointed.
















Y: OH wow, was Yeejin originally demure like that?
















F: I’ll go to your concert!
















JW: The concert, is on December 24, 25…..
















Y: Jiwoon~ don’t promote…. (can’t figure out what he is saying here.) Her face has gotten all red!
















JW: I’ll see you later!
















Y: Ok
















F: But… I already have a boyfriend.
















<but I already have a boyfriend!!!!>
















MC: She already has a boyfriend!
















JW: Oh what is this!
















MC: they are fans.
















<with that they know each other even more.>
















MC: that is good.
















MC: is it bread?
















MC: It’s honey bread.
















Y: oh it’s really good.
















MC: did he really want to eat that whole when SNSD was right in front of him? He can’t even chew it properly.
















F: Since you are around Yong a lot, is there anything you have questions about? Like why is he like that… and such?
















S: Hummmm…, when he gets annoyed is he the type to easily say that he is?
















F: he gets really annoyed doesn’t he?
















<as suspected>
















F: since I’m here can I just say it? He has the feel of a kid?! I mean you know there is…when, even though he gets annoyed if you do something for him he quickly isn’t annoyed anymore.
















<Right now sadden, sadden>
















F: he doesn’t say anything at that moment but brings it up later.
















F’s : “Friends… I’m sadden”
















<without the friends, Seohyun would have been clueless to this side of Yong>
















<the friends who prepared something for the couple>
















F: I have something that I want to give you guys.
















Y: what is it?
















<anticipation, anticipation>
















S: oh what is this? Thank you so much.
















<the friends who prepared something in advance>
















F: Its… it’s it’s.. you’re wedding present.
















S: WOW, oh really?
















<the present is… pretty couple tees!>
















S: wow it’s cute!
















MC: Wow it’s cute!
















S: Thank you so much
















F: wear it now, wear it now!
















S: you want me to wear this now?
















F: Just wear it… once.
















< after a while>
















F: Let’s clap!
















Y: you thirsty!?
















F: I also have something.
















Y: I knew you did so that’s why I asked.
















<a white envelope as a present?>
















Y: what is this?
















F: Seohyun has to look at it.
















S: when was this?
















MC: Oh wow! So pretty!
















<Photo of husband when he was younger>
















MC: wow he was good looking back then!
















<amazed , amazed>
















MC: that hairstyle is like Lee So Llong
















S: When was this?
















<A present just specially for Seohyun>
















Y: I think it was during junior high school.
















S: Who is this?
















<Hyun, who is the >
















F: it’s … just a close… friend.
















MC: Of course when you get a boyfriend you become prettier.
















<no >
















S: this is you (speaking to YeeJin).
















































<because of Seohyun, laughter erupts again>
















S: is it?
















F: the present isn’t all that important.
















F: I know that it’s hard to understand his feelings and it’s aggravating, but Yong is a warm person. Don’t bottle the feelings and just tell him anything.
















MC: His friends are really good.
















MC: They are good friends.
















<the friend who has an excellent heart.>
















F: During the winters, he usually likes to ski.
















S: oh…
















F: he really knows how to snowboard well.
















MC: Oh he knows how to snowboard?
















MC: yeah, he knows how to snowboard.
















S: Do you want to teach me?
















Y: NO.
















S: why not?
















Y: If you learn I won’t be able to snowboard.
































S: what is that? oy really…
















<Even in front of his friends he is like this>
















Y: I’ll teach you!~
















S: I understand
















F: when you see yong, he is very kind, and treats people well.
















<the friends who will talk warmly before they leave>
















<thinking, thinking>
















<thinking seriously about what he is going to say>
















F: I’ll be watching you guys, in a fun way.
















< and that is how DH friend ended his speech>
















S: thank you.
































<Eukhuh oppa>
















S: The burden must be high.
















































F: Well…show all the sides, couple fights, but without divorcing. Don’t let a scandal erupt.
















<what scandal!?>
































S: Thank you so much.
















S: if you know the friends, you will also know what kind of person he is…. That is what the elder people told me. Oh he has very good friends.
















<husband has good friends>
















S: I think he looks even better now.
















<Yong husband looks even better>
















S: even though it was a short time I felt them. I really want to see my friends.
















< in the short period she misses them.>
















<Yong requests a photo to be taken>
















S: it was delightful to meet all of you.
















F: we are more sorry (?)
















<A special meeting between the Yongseo couple>
















F: HEY! I have my eyes closed!
















<and so again!>
















<taking pictures with hyun.>
















Y: Let’s go.
















<and that is how I met my husband’s friends>
















<after the friends leave>
















Y: pwahah
















S: where is this place?
















Y: this place…? It’s really been a while.
















<wherever he goes, he always pulls the wife to go with, Yong>
















S: where is this place?
















Y: this is where Jung Yonghwa spent most of my days.
















S: AH! I think I know. Your school!
















<Where is Yong Husband going to take his wife >
















<this place is…?>
















Y: Do you know where this place is?
































S: oh wow it’s school! Wow!
















<Yong husband’s high school!!>
















Y: why did you suddenly feel better?!
















S: I mean it hasn’t been long since you graduated.
















<it’s been 3years since graduation>
















Y: It’s been a while. Wow! It totally changed!
















MC: Isn’t that something you say when you are our age?
















MC: of course, it’s something you say after about 20 years.
















Y: Oh! Students must still be studying now. Ah, I knew it, Namsan school is doing well.
















MC: Oh that is where he played basketball.
















Y: Hello!
















OUT ofFRAME: It’s Jung YongHwa sunbaeneem (graduate)
















































Y: third year 1st class. It was… right.. over there.
















MC: Have you ever seen your alma mater after you graduated?
















MC: OH, I been there recently.
















MC: not shower, alma mater,
















(translator note: mo kuk means shower mo ko means alma mater, sounds similar right?!)
















MC: It’s alma mater~
















MC: Of course I went before. Since I am famous I go back to show off. I say this is who is am. Of course I went back. I went back with a good feeling.
















MC: You felt so good you took a shower!?
















Y: do you want to play school? It’s been a while.
















S: school?
















Y: you be the top student role.
















S: pwahah
















<top student>
















<the carefree yong student>
















<long distance>
















S: what are you doing?
















<to get away from punishment, student>
















S: You over there! student! Hair Hair!
















<Yong student with the long hair>
















Y: ME?
















S: What class are you in?
















Y: I am 3rd year, 1st room…..
















Y: you can’t go through the middle…
















<that is how to the husband looked while dodging punishment>
















S: So this is where you were before. I always wondered what kind of school you went too.
















<since the wife likes it, husband likes it also>
















Y: namsan school. Do you want to write a message here and go?
















S: where?
















<at the basketball hoops?>
















Y: in the middle?
















S: ok
















Y: What should we write? How should we write it?
















S: Is there a rock somewhere or some sort of twig?
















Y: Ok, starting from there.
















S: starting from here?
















Y: Yep.
















S: how long does I have to be?... I don’t know.
















Y: YONG- SEO. It’s there… it’s crooked a bit though.
















S: even though it’s a bit crooked it’s ok.
















<next morning>
































<YongSeo was here>
















MC: wow the next morning when the students see that….
















<Jung Yonghwa sunbaeneem was here!>
















Y: Visiting was really fun, meeting up with old friends was fun,
















< with the wife, Yong’s trip to Busan>
















Y: seeing mom was really good too. But even through all that, I like that Seohyun now knows me more. And we also made lots of memories.
















<what is husband you found during the busan trip?>
















S: I believe he is the same. He was playful, active and positive. Did he also make some mistakes? ^^ Even though I wasn’t with Yong in the past, after seeing how he was, I liked how he was. I think I can see him more clearly now.
















MC: Wow, it’s been a while since we saw the house.
















<whistling noise at 9am>
















<busy busy>
















<it’s yong husband!>
















MC: it’s after they came back from Busan.
















MC: what is he keep dropping?
















MC: Where is Seohyun?
















< What is Yong Husband dong in the morning?>
















MC: Do you think he is getting breakfast ready?
















MC: and the wife is still asleep?
















<Knew it!>
































MC: Jung husband! You are doing well!
















MC: that’s why the table has to go into the bed! Like a hospital bed!
















Y: six spoons.
















<in the other room>
















<is she sleeping well?>
















<carefully carefully>
















Y: After “Hoot” performance, she goes straight away to Japan, It looks like she only slept for 1-2 hours.
















Since she is busy all I can do is make food.
















<I am Yong husband~>
















Y: Now, I am going to put in the onions.
















<now this is…?>
















MC: what is he making?
















MC: Meat?
















<where have we seen this method of dunking the meat into the pot?>
















<as suspected, from the husband of Seohyun>
















MC: but what is he still making?
















<with meat into the pot, what is he making?>
















MC: It looks like sabu sabu!
















MC: But he put the meat into the pot.
















MC: oh.. it’s beef…
















<the meat is placed >
















<Japan style beef over rice meal>
















MC: Oh it’s beef over rice.
















MC: would it taste good?
















MC: oh! He is doing well.
















MC: put some chilli peper.
















<green >
















MC: oh it looks nice.
















<carefully, carefully>
















MC: how will he wake her up?
















Y: Seohyun~
















S: … ummm food?
















S: (what) food?
















Y: I made food, lets eat.
















S: really?
















<husband make breakfast?>
















MC: Oh she’s still pretty.
















MC: Girls have to look pretty after they sleep.
















MC: Isn’t it a fact that girls are pretty right after they wake up?
















MC: Umm.. it’s personal preference.
















<can’t open eyes>
















































<husband’s first cooking>
















Y: Try it.
















S: I’ll eat it well.
















Y: quickly eat it! Quickly eat!
















S: hold on!
















Y: Hurry!
















<finally, first taste by hyun>
















MC: after she came back from Busan, her mouth became wider!>
















Y:it’s good right?
















S: Yep.
















Y: when I was in Japan I usually made this.
















S: Oh really?
















Y: eat kimchi.
















<He even places the kimchi…>
















S: thank you.
















Y: It’s not the kimchi you made.
















S: Even with first glance I know that.
















Y: Do you want water?
















< even bring her water…>
















<Hyun, eating it as if it truly tasted good.>
















MC: Oh now I want to eat it.
















Y: it’s good right?
















Y: Wasn’t it hard for you?
















S: It was hard, but now I have strength.
















Y: you were sleeping with your mouth open.
















S: ayyyy~
















Y: really! You don’t remember putting in my fist?
















S: oh really! That isn’t it.
















Y: Seohyun…
















S: Yes?
















Y: I heard that when you were going to meet my mom, you wrote in your diary.
















S: oh! How did you know?
















<list of questions to ask from hyun>
















Y: I know.
















S: how did you find out?
















Y: I know all! Let me see it.
















S: NO way!
















Y: why are you getting angry over that?
















S: I mean… no way~
















Y: I want to see the diary!
















S: Just wait a sec (in a Busan accent)
















MC: She just spoke in banmal
















S: Why !?
















MC: She is still speaking in Banmal
















< the diary that yong husband is wondering about>
















MC: it’s cute.
















S: You cant’!
















Y: what!?
















MC: Why does he suddenly want to see it?
















MC: because she keeps hiding it.
















MC: why did she bring it out if she wasn’t going to show it?
















S: Wait. Wait!
















Y: Am I dog now?
















S: WAIT! (she said it as if she is commanding a dog)
















MC: So cute~
















S: Sit!
















<already sitting… what?>
















<finally seeing the diary>
















Y: when I first see the mother and father.
















S: must you read this?
















Y: what was yong like as a child?
















S: What are you doinggg?
















Y: from kindergarten to high school, you were wondering about that?
















S: yes.
















Y: what foods he likes and dislikes. Have you seen any of his past girlfriends and whether or not they came over to say hello.
















MC: Oh I wonder about this too.
















Y: I heard that you called my mother.
















S: yes.
















<hyun, who had a phone call with yong’s mom>
















MC: oh she called?
















Y: What did you talk about?
















S: It’s a secret.
















MC: She is doing well.
















S: how many times to you call you parents in a week?
















Y: Once.
















S: once? Since we are on the subject, let’s call your mother.
















Y: What?
















MC: wow, she has full confidence with the mother!
















S: now, calling!
































S&Y: mother!
















YM: YONGHWA! Where are you?
















Y: I’m in my house eating food.
















YM: OMOMO! Who made the food!?
















Y: Of course I made it.
















YM: .. pwahah this is interesting. When you’re at home, you won’t even cook ramen!
















Y: I make it when you aren’t home.
















YM: did it taste good?
















Y: It tastes good
















YM: even though there aren’t any side dishes does it still taste good? Pwahha?
















Y: talk to seohyun.
















YM: Seohyun~
















S: Mother!
















YM: have you been well?
















S: yes!
















YM: After meeting you once, I want to see you again!
















S: me too!
















MC: look they got so close to each other!
















YM: If you don’t know how to make something call mother. (me)
















S: yes~
















YM: eat well! And please take care of the husband!
















<Aigoo…mom.. you really…>
















S: yes, I understand!
















YM: Ok I’ll see you again soon!
















S: Yes! Goodbye!
















Y: Mom I’ll call again!
















YM: ok!
































S: NO!, she has to first hang up!
















MC: of course!
















S: If you just hang up like that she will be hurt!
















Y: since when was it like that?
















S: It’s been like that here!
















Y: we shut it off like that.
















< starting with the nonsensical talk>
















Y: thanks
















MC: when I hang up I always hang up first because I feel as if I am winning.
















MC: don’t you usually take the picture before you eat?
















<yong’s wife first breakfast meal>
















MC: OH!~ it came out nice!
































<what is between the hair?>
















Y: OH! Seohyun! You wore your necklace!!
















S: what is this!?
















< you wore your necklace>
































< I saw your butterfly necklace!>
















S: oh really. It’s pretty right!?
















<hyun is feeling better>
















<one more time>
















Y: what?
















S: it’s funny!
















Y: What’s funny?
















<you’re the best>
















S: I did well?
















Y: Seohyun, you are the best!
















S: thank you
















Y: I’ll be like this.
















Y: what?
















Y: It’s so pretty!
















S: thank you.. heehee!
















<with apples as the full course!>
















<choding husband is starting…>
















MC: Usually you do that when you are under a table.
















S: don’t touch them.
















Y: what what?
















S: mission txt message has arrived
















<what kind of mission can it be?>
















<where there is health there is a happy couple to prepare for 2011 for >
















MC: Idols don’t take care of their health too well now a days.
















MC: yes, some days I can’t even eat.
















MC: you should be worrying about growth.
















S: are you being healthy?
















MC: oh ~ he is so busy .
















Y: uh… I am doing well.
















S: eating well….
















Y: I eat small meals.
















S: but you always never eat breakfast!
















Y: I eat breakfast.
















S: but you used to never eat it.
















Y: I used to not eat but now I do.
















S: you eat?
















Y: I also eat vitamins. Are you staying healthy?
















S: Oh, I am doing so well.
















Y: what have you been doing?
















S: I always eat blended garlic, and I have never skipped breakfast.
















Y: what about exercise?
















S: Of course I exercise. I also eat vitamin C and other general vitamins. I also take things that is good for my intestines. Whenever fellow SNSD member s get a cold, I never get it. Also, when you are tired and getting up is hard, I never felt that before. I think my body is in good health right now.
















Y: I don’t think that I was really ever sick. I am also not the person to get a lot of cold. Whenever I slept and get up I feel better.
















<the style of when sick, sleep is best medicine>
















S: right now, we have to find out if our bodies are healthy or not.
















Y: How will we find that out?
















S: we have to go and find out.
















Y: where?
















S: hospital.
















<the chosen place to find out if they are healthy= Hospital>
















Y: AY~ why hospital? We get hurt when we go to the hospital.
















S: What do you mean get hurt?
















Y: get hurt, get hurt. You only go to the hospital when you get hurt.
















MC: Of course, you only go to the hospital when you broken something.
















S: this is why you have to go to the hospital for a checkup before something bad happens.
















Y: I’m going to live long
















S: that’s why we should go to the hospital.
















Y: I don’t need to go.
















< frustrated>
































S: what do you mean until now? You mean you are only going to go if you get hurt?
















Y: I’m still young.
















S: that’s why you have to go when you are still young.
















<I will never go>
















MC: why is it when guys are asked to go to the hospital they don’t want to go?
















< It’s not we are sick>
















< and we have to get a shot>
















MC: when you go to the hospital they give you a shot on the butt!
















MC: isn’t that a definite thing!?
















S: And also, you go to the bathroom a lot. So that means your stomach hurts. So I’ll do it for you.
















Y: what? Do what?
















S: make you healthy.
















Y: you’re going to be the official for the bathroom?
















S: NO~
















<starting to play around with the elephant>
















S: whenever he touches his stomach he says it hurts, and he keeps going to the bathroom. So maybe there is a problem, that worries me.
















S: what do you think?
















Y: I’m not doing it.
















MC: He is slightly scared
















S: are you scared?
















Y: it’s far
















S: it’s not far.
















Y: you get a shot in the butt.
















S: exactly you have to get one.
















<mother pose>
















Y: lets do something else.
















S; what do you want to do that is different?
















Y: lets go and get a massage
















<yong’s choice of getting healthy is a massage?>
















MC: Of course, that is to get healthy, get a massage
















MC: that’s only on the outside, you have to get treated internally.
















S: no. your health is more important!
















Y: lets get a massage
















S: you don’t know anything about your health right now!
















Y: when you go get a massage they let you know.
















MC: he’s right! They say that if they touch this area, your intestines is not good.
















Y: because I played guitar for so long It got hard here.
































Y: pwahah you just blew wind from your nose
















S: exactly, so listen to what I have to say.
















MC: Oh she is mad!
















Y: aigoo, a coin is inside.
















S: then lets go get a checkup and then get a massage
















Y: it really got hard. Look, touch it.
















S: wow really!
















S: as a mother, I shall take yong the child and take him to the hospital.
















<mother hyun and her following son yong>
















MC: he is constantly playing around.
















Y: I have confidence that I am healthy.
















S: you are confident? And your stomach doesn’t hurt.
















Y: my stomach.. sometimes hurt when I don’t sleep.
















S: this is it.































To Dduk, Thank you so much for your hard work. We truly appreciate your translations and I love how it is so detailed and helped us understand this wonderful episode.
















To MountainMadman for live translation earlier in the afternoon during the live streaming. To vmasterpiece for the earlier translation, thank you also and also to Tiffany (forgot your soompi id) for the initial translation.
















This episode is by far the best for me. I love Yong's friends and it gave us a different side of Yong. Yong cooking? I love a man who cooks so amazing.....this guy is truly talented. Hyun is so funny and pretty in these episode too. Love how she handled Yong when he refused to go to the hospital. She seems closer to Yong's mom.





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Guest Melda1430270038
































































































Hi everyone my name is Melda, hihihi... :D































































Nice to meet u all.. :)































































I'm from Indonesia..






























































































































This episode is REALLY DAEBAK... hihihi... :wub:































































Thx for the translation and the video guys...































































I really appreciate all of your hard work... ^_^































































I'm looking forward for the next episode.. :D






























































































































(I'm sorry if my english is not good)

































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Just finished watching the episode with Dduk sub!! Thx a lot Dduk..
















How should I say this, this episode is different from all the previous episodes. Meeting with Yong's friends, well Yejin did most of the talking. Nice for Hyun to know Yong's friends. And the 2nd part, I didn't even imagine a time where they both are flirting like that.. It was so cute that I got a tingly feeling when watching it.. This really proves how far their relationships have progressed. I'm in Go-chun now!! They are both now fine with skinship, or are they thinking to progress it even to a higher level?? Hug!! :).. But I'm fine if they don't do a lot skinship because their interaction itself is very lovely to watch.. And with the preview, their pinky is locking together!! So sweet...
















I've been saying this since I watched the first episode. And I'll say it again!!








"Can't wait for Saturday to come!!!"









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Guest dan_glitz
















(Finally out of lurker's mode after so many episodes) keke








I do not know how much thank yous I have to present to dduk and MountainMadman. Omg, you guys are jjang! the best EVER. And you know it. :) 








I have so many things to spazz, that I have kept silent all these while, reading other fellow yongseo fan's comments... wow, this is really a gochun for people like us. And I'm really proud of it. :)








Firstly, I would like to spazz about their relationship development level. wow, they're really a notch higher than ever. My POV, it must be an achievement for Seohyun to be able to do this comfortably with Yonghwa. At 19, life starts for her. 








Though I only understand like 0.01% of the raw video, I really really like Yongseo's airtime after the second half. To me, that was really intimate, and it gave off a husband-wife on a Sunday kind of feeling. 








Cooking for the wife? Waking her up? Well, maybe some would say that only happen in the 1st year of marriage... anyway, back to my point, that is soo soo soo SWEET of Yonghwa. I bet that was what he wanted to do for Seohyun all along. 








Then after the breakfast, the relaxing on the sofa part. I know that a person only lift his/her legs on the sofa if they are feeling comfy/at home. Yonghwa did that since the earlier episodes but never Seohyun(good editing maybe?). But yeah, in this footage, Seohyun lifts her legs up on the sofa, and then, jajjan! Feet wrestling??!! aigoo... which 20 yr old girl would do that with a 22 year old boy unless she really likes him?








Ok, I know, it's getting long. I understood the part about Yonghwa praising Seohyun about wearing the necklace. Initially he was looking down at her, so I could feel that Seohyun may feel a bit awkward.Like eh, where's he lookin at? The point is that he keeps tapping and touching her. Oops, gotta put this in spoiler 








One time, he tapped Seohyun's hand while her arms were crossed just below her chest... I was so scared for Yonghwa. Luckily he didn't accidentally tap any part higher.















All in all, YONGSEO----> daebak.













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Why I am getting all giggling looking @ them,like as if I am the them, feeling like having butterflies in my stomach or being on my early teens again Hmmmmmmmm
































































































This couple makes me look like crazy just laughing in every little gisture or simple touch or pat on a shoulder they do....... Aigooo
































































































Will this scaps says it all
































































































Reading the diary or is it a questioner :D
































































































































































































































































































Yong praising Hyun




































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































While talking to MIL









































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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YAY. After dozen of times (literally) of watching the second part of the episode today, I can finally put into words how I felt about today's episode. The first half is really entertaining, I liked that Yonghwa's friends slightly eased up around Seohyun (especially Yejie, she's so adorable). But the second half is totally...beyond any words.
































































































































































I love the fact that besides the obvious scene of the couple being totally comfortable leaning on each other is that all throughout the couch scene Yonghwa was playing with Seohyun's cellphone. I mean, come on, it's totally annoying when people (even friends)just randomly play with the most personal thing you own. But in their case, Seohyun didn't mind that while she was nagging, Yonghwa's attention was on her cellphone. And please, don't get me started with that leaning thing. I'm totally speechless by that, seriously. So PD should I start saving my energy for your upcoming episodes? They're totally mind-blogging for me already. The flirting, comfortable level and all...
















































































With the comfortable clothes and littlest amount of make-up, I'm glad that they were able to see each other like that. And they totally didn't mind any of these. They still look at each other as if they're wearing the most beautiful clothes in the world. And also, hands down Jung Yonghwa (again) you are busy as your wife girlfriend Seohyun but you still let her rest and treat her like a princess. What a caring and understanding guy.
















































































One thing that became more obvious in this episode: They are smitten by each other. Okay, make that two things: Eyes will never lie.
















































































The way they act in this episode is like a real set-up of a couple spending overnight together.
















































































It's midnight here so pardon for the confusing sentence construction. And also thank you for the translation! With this I think I need _d3seohyun like now! XD









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:wub:At the end of todays epi
























































Yonghwa: "you know.."
























































Hyun: "I want..."
























































Yong: "ho! haa..!"
























































Hyun :'Get get get your love"!
























































dan_glitz. that part was so cute to watch. Maybe hyun was feeling awkward/shy at where yong was staring. Those stares of his could kill people. Hyun pulled up her legs and rested her head on her knees there for a bit. lol. Probably feeling a little embarassed.
























































Yong nampyeon was getting a little too flirty on the couch with their feet.Hyun's "don't touch'!with that hard kick she gave him.lol.
























































kyaahh.note to self:.must.finish.work.must.not.spazz.anymore.today. :wacko:









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Guest Lumpiere




i'm really amazed at how close they've gotten since 41 episodes ago. 


they never used to sit so near each other on the sofa, it was always one on each end and now they just lean on one another lol, eager much now bbs?


And seo keeps in contact with yong's mum behind the scenes! How amazing is that, i mean my friends who met their other half's parents don't even do that!


I try to make myself less delusional about this couple but they reel me in deeper and deeper after each new ep zzz


why are you so addictive gogumas? wacko.gif


omo topped the page accidentally! 


shall repost the raw ep again!




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