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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































currently spazzing this hilarious scene: 
































































































































































































































































Hyun frustrated w/ her Hubby
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong finding her frustration adorable (we all find it adorable!)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And then for the Kill:
































































































































































































































































Yong imitating Hyun's frustration
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(I think if Hyun were to see this pic she would remark that Yong "Looks like a deer" or something similar. You know how she makes the weirdest analogies!)

































































































































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Guest DJHinata

omg i had the craziest dream , i dreamed with JongHyun from CNBLUE and he was mad at me for no razon lol, and then i was watching we got married and in the blackroom interview yong said, Yes i like Hyun/ yes i love her and i was screaming like crazy , minhyuk and jonghyun was there, my god so crazy goguma fan am i.

Thanks for all the captures and the translations, Yong and hyun had the best wake up/breakfast , So romantic. And i can't wait for next week~~  so so so cute!!!. This episode show to us that they spend 2 days together~ a romantic fun weekend? I also hoping the 12th of february We got married show to us the mision of the wedding photoshoot, but probably will show it the 27th also aniversary of yong and hyun. February is the month of love.

February Month of YongSeo Love

11/12- Anniversary from the first meeting

12 -Proof of Couple Ring in music bank

17-Date at bookstore and amusement park

23-Trip to Insadong (music store) and future house

27 -Anniversary from the first trasmission of YongSeo couple



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yongseo is really a match made in GOCHUN.. i mean in heaven.. wub.gif i was just done watching the raw episode for the 3rd time and i really like how they interact with each other especially in the 2nd part of the episode.. we can see how they were sooooo comfortable talking with each other on the (in)famous yellow couch.. the only thing missing was yong's arm wrapped around hyun..rolleyes.gif waaaah.. they really look good together.. and the selca!! they look really alike.. they can pass as twins or as brother/sister or as A REAL COUPLE.. 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yongseo is sooo real.. i firmly believe it.. wub.gif

































































































































































































































































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tks dduk and vmasterpiece for the translations.

no matter how many times i watch the raw..i'm still feeling tingling all over..

yongseo, once u start with the skinship, nothing can stop u now..

but go ahead...gogumas are not complaining...

we welcome them instead and we want more phew.gifw00t.gif

and just because these are among many of my fave scenes..



just seeing them sitting close like this has already caused me to shoot to the moon..

am soo in love with this couple.. :wub:

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Hi everyone, my first post here...
































I realise there is a faster way to vote for the Banmal song on http://sports.chosun.com/enter/ranking/main+.htm by spamming a lot of clicks at one go (before the pop-up comes up) then deleting the cookies. So you need a really fast finger!
































Sometimes it works for me, sometime it doesn't, but I'm just sharing in case. (: It's working for me now!
































Btw, I don't know if it's me, but Firefox doesn't seem to be able to do it. I'm using Google Chrome.. Did not try it on IE..
































Try it and see if it works! (: We have about 2 days left!

















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Guest skyrise


Latest episode was a gem; I couldn't stop laughing near the end, YH is just so freaking funny. No wonder SH is having such a good time, he really amuses her.


The gathering with YH's friends was really nice and warm, you could tell that SH while feeling a bit awkward (natural, I mean ehh, it's her first time meeting with them) she was happy being around them.




The waking up part was also sweet but ouch for YH, seemed like SH's foot pat really hurt him, haha.


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Helooo... my goguma friends :lol:










i'm sorry for become a lurker,, sorry :tears:










welll, actually since monday i have final examination and will continue until next saturday.. wooo... i'm stressed:mellow:










and lucky me (us) have YongSeo :wub:.. hhe.. they are really decreased my stress level (sorry my english... )










Welll I have one word for them LOVELY really a DAEBAK episode..










I love when they are hanging out with Yong's friends, visit Yong's high school, and Off course in Sangdo-dong their love nest :wub:










how sweet Yong cooked for his wife and Hyun really beautiful ;)










The Best Couple EVER!!!!  Love the preview!! the piggy holding hands:wub:  it seem Hyun hold Yong yong hands really tight.. :rolleyes:










btw.. who is the MC guy beside Uncle Kim?? hhe.. I dont know sorry :sweatingbullets:










Good Night Everyone.. And Happy Spazzing...  (sorry for long post :sweatingbullets:)



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Yong's flirt at full blast!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































She has flirted a little in some episodes
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But I firmly believe that
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun will be able to catch this full blast flirt.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































She's a fast learner as we all know.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong, you are really good
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But watch out.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Students can outdo their teacher at times.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And when that happens, you can never go back.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"All you gotta to is hold her’ and KISS HER’ and squeeze her’ and love her.




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And after you do’ she will be yours."
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: manners, hacker, manners... thanks to vmasterpiece, Destinedsone_tiffany, and Dduk!!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest chandrawd



Annyeong Go-chun Villagers! can wait for the translation uh? same here lol


Yongseo DOES can drives us crazy, even made us scream,squeal even thinking about each episode for days with just that small acts that they showed to us, like holding hands, stare each other eyes, even though a small (yet cute) debate.

And really difficult for me to imagine that they are just ordinary friends outside the show WGM. Those sparks of love that they show on tv was very real. very reassuring. (And deep down inside my heart, i 100% sure that they DO have feelings of love for each other in their hearts)

Anyway I'm confused, they had pictures taken at the time the food has been eaten. But the spoiler photo selca that we see, why the food in the bowl is still intact/full huh?


PS:I wished Seohyun had a lil bit longer sleep. poor her, she was look exhausted

Big hugs from Indonesia :wub:

For anyone who in progress translating 42 ep, HWAITIINGGG!!! ^^; \m/


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..seriously..my face is going to explode from so much smiling from this episode..aigoo..dear god i pray that even if these two don't get together ,let them at least stay good friends..owh heck lets all pray that our yongseo couple will end up together oneday along the road married and with kids!
























































even after a few hours i still have this stupid grin on my face and this fluttering feeling in my stomach. Aiyo yongseo i feel as if i have no right to intrude on your beautiful moments. Sometimes i wish you could just share it with only yourselves and treasure those moment just the two of you.
























































Busan episode was so warm and touching especially for hyun. Being around normal friends must have been a really good experience for her .Its hard growing up in the entertainment industry,there are somethings that you cannot talk about with your school friends.Hyun was probably busy with practice and stuff for their debut,she mustve went straight to practice after school and doesnt spent much time with people her age.Yong is lucky his teengae years was probably full of fun and mischievious endeavours .He has the pleasure of knowing good friends from his childhood ,that he will always have forever.
























































I love you yong for letting her for at least that moment experience a little bit of that chilhood memories of yours and innocence. For planting this special memory in our precious hyun's heart. You are just daebak dude!
























































Aiggooooo..spazzing like crazy again at the house scene. I love it when they spent their time in their little haven .Unlike with outdoors filming where you need a whole crew, In house filming probably needs only one pd-nim. I guess thats why they feel more comfortable with each other.
























































Where..where should i even start? the whole cooking breakfast thing? the whole waking up, the cute banter about the diary?the necklace scene? the feet scene? Their body language speaks a million words about them, yong with his intense stares and adorable hyun with her aegyo just for yong?
























































i have to spazz later...i need to finish my pleadings for a hearing tomorrow. Kyaahhh gogumas thank you for all the vids and translations!









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Guest soshisoshisoshi
























Hi everyone, my first post here...
















I realise there is a faster way to vote for the Banmal song on http://sports.chosun...nking/main+.htm by spamming a lot of clicks at one go (before the pop-up comes up) then deleting the cookies. So you need a really fast finger!
















Sometimes it works for me, sometime it doesn't, but I'm just sharing in case. (: It's working for me now!
















Btw, I don't know if it's me, but Firefox doesn't seem to be able to do it. I'm using Google Chrome.. Did not try it on IE..
















Try it and see if it works! (: We have about 2 days left!


























LOL man!!!! it really works. I think I have made more than  100 votes in 40 seconds :lol:. so my hand now is really tired. I used firefox and believe me, it's much easier than google chrome LO. it's quite fun, feels like playing a game or somethin......









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When did we ever see Seohyun look really happy in a show?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I watched the episode and I'm literally speechless. I mean guys how can you put into words what you just watched? =_=

































































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as usual another cute and romantic episode from this two, this is the problem with Saturdays, the moment the latest episode ends, I can only wish for next Saturday to come right away just so I can watch the next episode and  though I know there will be nice news or updates from this two between Sundays to Fridays still hope that I can just get stuck with Saturday with the episodes going on continuously....hahaha...going crazy because of them!








The only thing that really made me sad on this episode though was the part Hyun said something about missing her friends, not so sure if she's referring to her own set of friends or Yong's friends.  That only shows how she really missed out on the most interesting stage of teenage life when she decided to pursue a career in the entertainment industry.  On the other hand, maybe this is the reason why fate brought Yong into her life, this is to let her enjoy the things that she missed out with the help of her wonderful, talented, considerate, loving, adorable, patient so and so forth nampyeon :wub:  I hope that they would both realize how lucky they are to find each other in the chaotic world that they're in, they called showbusiness blush.gif








To JNJ, thanks for posting those photos, those are few of my favorite scenes today. 








To Dduk and Vmasterpiece, thank you for the quick translations can't wait to read the whole thing.









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Why did we fear before that YongSeo will end?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































All those posts about YongSeo following Adam Couple's footsteps,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































being busy and tired, new drama, held hands and nothing more to see, etc.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But after the Busan trip, it seems that
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































a new chapter has started!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































With this new level of comfort,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I do feel that they still have a lot to show us.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo, you really do the unexpected!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































PS. Aneng, in your posted image, I find Hyun looking like Jang Geun Seuk, who's smile is really cute and to die for!!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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must you still hold your wife's hand while reading her diary??? can't get enough of her huh? :wub:;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































who's complaining anyways? ^_^ ^_^:sweatingbullets:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































gaaaah you two! your subtle skinships kills me more! :wub: :wub:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest jitluvyongseo

hello guys...

sorry to ask u all something. maybe i misread because the page goes really fast.

Who the 2 person at the studio today replaced jinwoon and seulong? I didn't know them even i always watck KPOP.

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LOL man!!!! it really works. I think I have made more than  100 votes in 40 seconds :lol:. so my hand now is really tired. I used firefox and believe me, it's much easier than google chrome LO. it's quite fun, feels like playing a game or somethin......































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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hey gogumas join us to vote for yong..anyway our yongseo has a loving episode today...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































to DDUK..i dont have anymore points so i owe you ..hahaha thanks a lot your such an angel..

































































































































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Guest jitluvyongseo

 To lookah & luxuba...

Thank u for your answer...It's really help me. i wonder why they are there....

hope that's nothing related with new couple...

I really enjoy just the 2 couple right now...

they have more time airing for now...

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