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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i love this episode for all the sweetness and skinship and yongseo-ness!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































favorite parts are:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hyun laughing at yong's pictures.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hyun calling jinwoon for the girl friend.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yong cooking for hyun.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yong waking up hyun.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yong and hyun couch flirting.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































these two seriously know how to keep us hooked and lined~!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the 2nd half was probably my favorite. i was squealing :wub: how yong sits down on the bed to wake her, like its so natural, yong have you done this before ;) and hyun, how do you look so freaking pretty after waking up?! and she must have been really tired to be sleeping during wgm recording and super hungry cause she ate a good portion of that meat! :wub: these two and their footsie.. kyahh.... that might be my favorite part. its tied with the waking up scene at the moment. i want to watch it again already... but i NEED to go to bed. gosh!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































well have a goguma day everyone!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry for the repeated spazz :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































kasia3goguma OMG~~! that must have been the 1 single part in the preview that lagged and skipped. awww!!!! thanks for posting so fast!

































































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Guest rjcm127
































































































































































































































wahhhh... I gotta spazz about the preview. They are pinky holding..omo!!! This episode is sweet and fun. We see a different side of our loving couple. Seohyun is a "Goddess" even when just waking up...Even without subs, you can tell that they're naturally comfortable around each other now...
































































































































































Great job husband on cooking for the tired and overworked wifey...I'm sure she will return the favor and cook u a great meal as well...I love the sofa scene. Yong's body language was just screaming as if he wanted a hug or something. How he was playing footsies :wub: and leaning into his wife...If Seohyun was uncomfortable she wouldn't let him lean on her and have her head tilted towards him..
































































































































































I can't wait for the next week...but I gotta say when is entire SNSD inlaws gonna meet Yong? All of 2pm already met Vic..

































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Guest gettawa
























































































































































































Hi every ones






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This Ep its Veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Qute













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh  Busan effect ?????????????













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I can't say anything now  555555555555555









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oph my god, who has preview. i missed that, he stupid me, i just go away to wait for the preview and back it is over. i am on cloud now.


i need lovekin to make me on the ground again. they are just speed up their skinship, and my brain not really funtion well now. why they speed up too fast. :wub:


and thank you Dduk and M3 so so much :wub:


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MountainMadMan: as usual your live updates are great that we kinda know what's going on. don't worry about the lagging part. afterall the live updates is a bonus to us.
































































































































Dduk: thank you so much for the translation. make sure you take care. wish i can help!
































































































































the episode is as usual daebak :):) am sure there will be more and more spazzing. the doo-mac-pan bonding, the cooking, the soft whisper to wake her up, the selca, the flirting, etc... :wub::wub::wub:
































































































































the end of the preview the couple was lying down getting a back massage and Hyun was holding onto Yong's pinkie!!! AWWWW i could really just die :wub::wub::wub: from all that sweetness overflowing!

















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Guest love~eastsea~
































































































































































1006 users! Daebak!
































































































































































































































































Okay I'm so on diabetes mode! Too much sweetness!
































































































































 Some sweetness to share
































































































































- Back home, Hyun was seen on the bed sleeping and Yonghwa cooked him breakfast. In the black room he said due to her 'hoot' schedule, Hyun barely had sleep, just 1-2 hours a day so he cooked for her
































































































































- The moment when Yonghwa noticed the necklace was cute! He remembered that he needed to say something so he keep on touching and complimenting how Hyun looked good with that necklace. His face was so close to Hyun until Hyun had to draw back. Yes, endless touching.
































































































































- The moment where they had 'socks fight' on the sofa. 
































































































































- Yong used to leaned on the side of the sofa but now he was leaning onto Hyun's side, not exactly on Hyun's shoulder but at least close to Hyun's face which was so cute.
































































































































































































































































They went to hospital and massage. At the end of the preview it showed they held fingers while having their massage♥

















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Guest Crystal392








I still can't believe I missed the preview X_____X Hopefully someone will upload it onto YT soon ^_^












kasia3goguma: I love you!! Thanks for that amazing screencap ♥












Seriously this ep was just amazing :wub: too amazing... I am super hyper glad I streamed WGM











Woah 1214 users on Goguma Planet right now! ^^












Powerof9: Thanks for the tweets! :D Btw:






Hyun asking Yong's ex gf how he was when he was little







-I think you mean Yeije, she wasn't his exgf... she has always been one of his best friends :P



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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9
































































































































































































































































































































































these are my tweets from while I watched the stream. start reading them from the LAST tweet or else you'll get confused ^__^ daebak episode!
































































































































































































































































Highlight of the preview: YONGSEO had their pinky promise fingers together while they had their massage.. Gogumas will die over this xD
































































































































































































































































Next weeks preview: YongSeo going to the hosiptal, Sauna and getting massage.
































































































































































































































































































Hyun convinced Yong to go hospital
































































































































































































































































































haha Yong teasing Hyun.
































































































































































































































































































Hyun massaging Yong's shoulder. Hyun is really comfortable around him now
































































































































































































































































































Hyun tells Yong to go to the hospital
































































































































































































































































































Yong being a choding stepping on hyun's feet and hyun had her revenge muhuaha
































































































































































































































































































Yong feeding Hyun an apple
































































































































































































































































































Yong noticed that Hyun wore the butterfly necklace
































































































































































































































































































YongSeo taking their selca
































































































































































































































































































Anyway YongSeo is talking to Yong's mom rn
































































































































































































































































































Umm did Hyun have a phone call with Yong's mom? i think i misunderstood them :P
































































































































































































































































































Haha Yong acting as a puppy
































































































































































































































































































Hyun is supposed to show Yong something
































































































































































































































































































They have their couple shirt on too
































































































































































































































































































Yong whispered "Seohyun~ah" to wake her up .. ah so cheesy! :)
































































































































































































































































































The MCs are trying to figure out what Yong is making
































































































































































































































































































Aw Hyun is sleeping so peacefully
































































































































































































































































































Yong making breakfast for Seohyun
































































































































































































































































































YongSeo spelling something on the playground
































































































































































































































































































They went to Yong's school
































































































































































































































































































Hyun taking pictures with every one of Yong's friends
































































































































































































































































































Taking a group photo
































































































































































































































































































They're talking about skiing and that I think
































































































































































































































































































Hahah they brought pre-debut photos of Yonghwa!
































































































































































































































































































They've changed into their couple shirt rn.Yong has a white one and Hyun yellow
































































































































































































































































































Aw that's sweet! She gave them a couple shirt.
































































































































































































































































































Yong's gf gave YongSeo a present
































































































































































































































































































I think Hyun asked his friend if Yong express it when he gets irritated or something along the way
































































































































































































































































































Aaah.. Yong's gf likes him (Jinwoon) xD
































































































































































































































































































Hyun calling Jinwoon?!
































































































































































































































































































Yong's friend called him
































































































































































































































































































Hyun asking Yong's ex gf how he was when he was little
































































































































































































































































































































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Guest rockinghorse




Can I just say -- I love Yejie. She seems really fun to hang out with.




OMG. That whole breakfast scene. I didn’t understand a word of it but asjflfasdfjlknklcmsigsjv!!! The amount of flirting and the skinship just about made me pass out. They seem uber-relaxed and just.. guh :wub::wub: (I hate mornings but that whole scene just made me like them a little bit. ^_^). Yong softly waking Hyun up is possibly the most precious thing in the world. For a moment there, I thought he was going to completely climb into bed with her. Hahaha! I wish.




Yong was seriously hilarious as he was complimenting her on her necklace. Hyun eats like a Busan native now (from what I understood from the MC’s words and the little facts about Busan culture we’ve seen from the show)!




And that couch gets all the action, I swear. It’s big enough for 4 people and yet there’s no space between them two. :lol:




Oh! And playing footsie! And shoulder massages (to find knots, perhaps?)!




/end spazz



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Hey gogumaaaas...I just found the 1st  Part from today's eisode :))....so proud of myself chinchaa hihiiii




Now I'm gonna watch it as well for myself YEY!




& just want to share it with you guys of course ^^







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Guest LennieYongseo
































OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! ohmy.gifohmy.gif
















I CAN"T STOP SMILING when see this couple..
















hyun is sleeping and the husband cooks for her..
















and yong woke up hyun.. romanticccccc >!!!!<
















































they have many SKINSHIP too..
















LaLaLa~~ and they wear hoodie couple (presents from yong friend's)
















when they play with their foot..
















CHONGMAL!! i can't STOP SCREAM as crazy people..
































wait for the video and translations..
















and the preview.. i missed it!! *babo* :(sad.gif































GOGUMA FANS ARE DAEBAK!! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif









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Outlurking for a while.































































































































Gonna spazz about today's episode.































































































































They're sooooo cute flirting with each other. Hahaha.































































































































I can't stop smiling. Kkkkkk~






























































































































































































































































Yong's childhood pics, daebak! Handsome as always. :)































































































































Hyun sleeping, such a beautiful sight to see.































































































































Yongseo eating, talking, playing in that yellow couch, LOVE it!






























































































































































































































































Thank you M3 for the live translations.































































































































Dduk, thanks in advance for today's full translation.































































































































I'll patiently wait.






























































































































































































































































Gogumas! Let's spazz!! :D

































































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Seems like Yonghwa complimented her about the butterfly necklace and how beautiful she is(I think heard yeppuda).
































































































































































































































































The way he flirted with her with his head tilting infront of her with the set of eyes staring up towards her face. I think if I am her, with those flirtatious body gestures and sexy set of eyes staring at me, my heart will stop beating which means I will die which leads to me flying up to heaven.

































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and we not expect this happen, we think they wil go ski, and now more awesome. how many video pds still have, i want they have alot alot. i dont care if i have to watch not update one. because when they are busy we will always have our YOngseo moments. :wub:


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is everyone back already from go_chun already? i think not! lol

OMG...its totally daebak!

yong lean over to wake up buin...oohh..so romantic!

and why does hyun have to look pretty waking up?

what a sleeping beauty..


me bad! forgot to say my tks..

m3, sleep tight! tks for the trans.

dduk, no pressure. u need your rest too

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oh! this 2 lovebirds sweet so much
































































































they're close now very close
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































preview last scene cute!!!
































































































































































































Thank you M3 for live tran and DDuk for episode translate this week

































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black room































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































waking up sleeping Buin
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































talking to MIL & trying Hubby's breakfast

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest loybing




Omo! i hate my pc huhuhu. the stream suddenly stops.



i keep smiling right now. kekeke. thanks everyone for the updates.


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i dont want to spam this thread but i cant help. i am so high now. Thank you all the translation and cap. ah. so awsome.


what is a day today :w00t:


and he used the telefoon of hyun to make a photo, what he want to say. here is your husband, and he made food for you, so always miss him? hahaha G0-CHUN, GO-CHUN AND GO-CHUN :wub:


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Guest gogumacouple4ever
































wahhh. thread moving quick. i just wanted to share a screen cap from the ep today =]...credits goes to a passionate fan over at spd chatbox lol. here it is..
































sorry if someone post this already. i guess if thats the case. heres a repost since i love it so much!
















































































(look at the red arrow showing his hand behind hyun lol ) ^_^
















































































looks like i topped page;
































heres the preview for next week =]. credits also goes to a passionate fan over at spd chatbox =]
































































sorry again if the preview was posted already. im still behind on soompi but couldn't resist to share lol =]

















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