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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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they are killing me with their adorable flirty goodness. i swear if yong leans into her one more time i will find a way to jump into my computer screen and make them kiss
















I agree with u, they are so sweet together. but i feel yonghwa is more comfortable in Busan, he was holding hand with her all the time. but today he is more careful. anyway, hyun is sooooooooo beautiful.

@Mrssojisub: im lol when i see ur account name [spoiler/]

















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Guest Goguma52
































Ohhh man!
















I think I seriously just died and went to heaven!!!!!
















Yong was so handsome making the breakfast and Hyun looked so cute sleeping
















And I love how he checked on her, and then went and woke her up.
















AHH! He was whispering her name and the way she looked up at him...*dies*
















And when they were sitting down they touched a lot, and then when they were sitting down, playing footsie!
















Seriously, I think I just woke up half my family with all my squealing since it's 3 in the morning here. Hehe
















And Hyun was kinda giving Yonghwa a massage? Either way cute!
















And he noticed her necklace! I really wish I knew Korean right about now...
















Sorry if this makes no sense, I'm so excited/tired!
































Thanks for the subs ahead of time^^

















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^^ week by week we will watch daebak episode ^______^,,i will waiting for the link,,,,love u all gogumas :lol:





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Alright hello my lovely goguma angels! <3


I got my tea, my cookies... I'm ready to roll with the translations... just warning you guys it might take longer... the Busan dialect is killing me~! pwhahah


also, reminder! if taking out the translations, please tell me where they are going... thanks!!



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Yaaaaa....>< I missed Yongseooo Nooo !!!!!
































checking out all the links...and then finally 1works for me...BUT then yongseo's broadcast was already over--
































whoa I'm so pissed off right now guys....
































at least you guys already have some screencaps...or else I would have a collapse hehee
































.Thanks to those who posted them ~~
































Gogumaaa Village 4ever :))

















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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yongseo flirting each other. lol WAYLT, Yongseo whyyyy Hahaha

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I wanna watch it again on YT! HHAHA =))))) Spazzing forevaa

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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woah! the second half was just epic! full of touchy touchy moments! <3
































































































































































































































































































































































yonghwa cooked for hyun and i LOOOOVE how yong woke up buin (whispering to her).
































































































































































































































































































































































i agree with nayoung unni, that girls look the prettiest after waking up, yong your wife's really pretty even after sleeping. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































i love how hyun initiated calling MIL. it gave me a newly wed feel (rather than the bf-gf stage i was getting before). they were so playful and flirty while having breakfast. but what really made me laugh was how yong noticed the butterfly necklace and they flattered each other. hahaha. how they played each other's feet! (yong's over hyun's). and then the overly cute bickering of visiting the hospital! it was really nice. they're just too comfy and skinshippy with each other now. and who's complains right? :wub::wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































i just can't get enough of these two, seriously! every episode makes me love them more! :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































i just wanna see them like this forever, (I MEAN IT T___T).
































































































































































































































































































































































yongseo is just PURE LOVE.
































































































































































































































































































































































thanks m3 for the live trans and dduk in advance!!!!!

































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Guest MountainMadman

First of all...so sorry I had to cut out halfway through the episode, the lagging was getting so bad with every stream I was trying...to the point where it was freezing up my computer. (although that might be because my laptop's approaching 4 years old now....)

Dduk, good luck on the translations...feel free to shoot me a PM if you have any questions, I think I'll stay up for a while replaying the raw vids. smile.gif

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Guest Crystal392








Dduk: Thanks in advance for translating it! :D












Now I am waiting for the preview ^^ I think I missed the preview T___T Did anyone see it?




Btw, does anyone know why they were going to go to a hospital/clinic?



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Guest DJHinata

aaaaaaaaaaaaaa !! that previewwww !! WAS THE BEST !!

Preview. YongSeo went to the clinic, then went a spa for massage, and they're touching with is pinky fingers to eachother  !!


 *o* Sooo nice !! They are so REAL !! ♥ 

Im sorry i have bad english and right know i cant think very well XDDDDDDDDDD

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Guest bbblyzu3
































































just finished watching their cut
















































today episode daebak... :wub: i was  :w00t: went yong waked her up lol
















































Im going to wait for raw cut .I need to watch it  again just can't get over it  :D









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Guest Beluga14
















































i just finished watch preview...all i can say it ahhhhhhhhh....at the end their finger join together so sweet......can not express my feeling right now... this is more than the special episode....so lovely couple.

















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omo omo omo....I really like this episode...yong wake hyun up....soo sweet and make breakfast for her...
































did you guys saw the preview....omo omo...*DIE" they hold hand while massage in the sauna placeee...
































aiggooo...cant wait for another episode...DAEBAK....YONGHWA please date Seohyun forr Real....hahahahaha





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have you watched the preview? hahaha omgee.. it showed that they went to a spa... and then when they were lying face down on the massage table, hyun was holding yong's pinky.. so sweet.. waaaaaaaahhh.. wub.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i'm excited for next week.. hmmmmm i hope someone uploads today's episosde quickly.. rolleyes.gif

































































































































































































































































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OMONA OMONA OMG OMG the preview is DAEBAK, i cant wait for next week. they are going to do some massage, and hthey are holding hand while massaging.



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It was getting a little hot in there on that floor.... :lol: Such a cute episode! Loved every minute. And looking forward to next week!

















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Guest vmasterpiece
















































hi.. dropping some links on tudou
































credit : yongseo baidu
































part 1: http://www.tudou.com...ew/OlnP-IKi7cA/
































part 2: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/ZxTc9FQf7cM/
































-PS:  i don't if this allowed, just tell me i'll delete the link -









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Guest biancacoolio










omg someone please make a screencap when yonghwa was waking up seohyun.....












that would my screencap  wallpaperfor months to come. lol






and i completely missed the preview. tears.gif



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Guest kasia3goguma
































































































































Yong waking up Hyun, photo, footsie....... I just love them! They are too real, I just can't describe it with words! But Seohyun is so comforatble and natural with Yong, and He just can't stop smiling and looking at her, and he loves skinship kekekeke
































Ok, I have to go, but I made screencap of the preview: They went to hospital and then SPA and LOOK:
































































AAAND bigger version from dc married:
































































PS Thank You IN ADVANCE for every post here, pics, links to video and translation ! :wub: Love You gogumas, have to study now, I will be here later !

































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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07








































I can spazz with you much cause I could not for the life of me get a link to work tonight computers just hate me or like wireless in a hotel just stink but whatever by the sound of it was a truly spazzable episode.









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