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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts
















yeah he is single, but Taken.








haha single as in not married yet. (in REAL situation) of coz...








aigoo why do we always have to analyse every single thing they says & do...








if they end up together in the near future thats great.








but if they dont, just hope for the best on the both of them...








i dont mind spazzing but really over-analyzing is just too much...








chill young gogumas, just enjoy while we still can...








anyway Saturday is just round the corner...cant wait...





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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































Don't worry chingu. Like the way how to find a true man for every girl "Don't listen to him speak, look at what he does". Look at what he did for Huyn, always patience, caring and sweet with her. Waiting for her comfortable and not force her anything.
































































In the end, look at his couple ring at Thailand make me comfortable. I agree with you guys, idols = single, even if idols are really dating, no one will know it. Because with fans, they're always idols whom just belong to fans. I think Yong's best leader, even if he fall in love, he will cover it. Not only for his career but also because for CNBlue boys. Because he's big brother in CNBlue family. He's leader.
































































Hope will have fancam or anything about this meeting. Don't worry Goguma. Keep calm and waiting for Saturday with full of sweetness <3






























































































































































































































































































































Sorry guys :( I don't have to share.
































































































































































































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Guest justbulan
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong... at Tailand fanmit.. on Q and A said that he said still Singel...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but if you said soo why you still wear the ring at fanmit...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































some yongseo tailand fan not happy @@
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yong you batter careful what you said if hyun see this she gonna give you Hammbergur...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































why they are not happy with it anyway -.-" didn't he wear the ring at the event?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anyway if he aswered about single or not single question and he aswer yes.. he is single.. i think we shouldnt be upset about it..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































since WGM is a virtual marriage..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































which mean a "pretend marriage" between two idol for the sake of entertainment...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(but i hope they'll be real... they are so good in a pair and complete each other :tears: omo... why i'm contradicting my own aswer... fovgive me gogumas.. this labil me -.-)

































































































































































































































































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Guest monkie2804

I didn't think the "i'm single" answer could create a discussion because I don't think any reasonable fan would expect him to say otherwise regardless of the truth that he's dating sb or not. And since it's his meeting with CNBLUE fans, isn't it more appropriate for him to say so rather than mentioning about Seohyun as we are all well aware of the fact that not all BOICEs are Goguma lovers?

Us fans on soompi don't seem to be too disappointed at that, which is a good thing. And if there are really some Thai fans that are upset about this answer [like some post mentioned], then they really should do him a favor and forget about it bcuz it just makes it 10 times harder to be in his shoes right now, with BOICES being unhappy if he's "In a relationship" and Goguma upset about he's still "Single". And actually, we can always think positively like, if he really is not YET in a relationship, it doesn't mean there's absolutely nothing going on behind the scene between them. At least he's wearing the ring.

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yong is 'officially' single but he is taken  ;) kekeke















why else would he be wearing the precious... :rolleyes:






























i can understand that yong's answer is NOT the answer gogumas want to hear..















but poor him is put in the spot with that kind of question don't u think?













































Hi JNJ and sorry for cutting your post but I agree with what you said. In the first place they have not made any confirmation on what the real status of their relationship is even with the speculations that are spreading around.  So officially he is indeed SINGLE (cause they are not really married) , but may I just add, that, he maybe SINGLE BUT NOT AVAILABLE? phew.gif ...hehehe... Also, I guess that usually is the automatic answer of any celebrity when asked about their lovelife, they initially deny the rumors but in the end they would always admit it.  In the case of our fave couple, we can only look at their actions cause it speaks louder than what they are trying to make the public believe and I guess we will just have to play with the idea of  "what you see is what you get" hehehe... well I'm not saying that they are already on the boyfriend-girlfriend relationship but definitely this two have something special really going on between them.  I am still hoping that they'll end up together later blush.gif









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I wont be affected that YONG HWA said he is single because i know he has a reason and one reason for that is the WGM reality show,its in in their contract that they are not allowed to date so if he will reveal he is in a relationship(seo hyun) then WGM will end for him and HYUN
































































































































































































































































i found an old interiew about yonghwa (cnblue)
































































































































[lady] What’s your favorite behavior or face expression of women?
































































































































Yonghwa: Smiling face --SEO HYUN AEGYO?????
































































































































Jonghyun: Simple clothes with white shirt.
































































































































Jungshin: Sweeping her hair up.
































































































































Minhyuk: Gazing my eyes.
































































































































i know he cant resist the smile of seo hyun and i can relate it to the next episode of WGM.... letting YONG go to the hospital for check-up but doesnt want and because of HYUNS SMILE... HE OBEYED!... keke
































































































































cr: codenameblue
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































when he was still young
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































RING DING DONG 2010 pictures
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































110103 CNBLUE Fansigning session
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































some proofs that yong is really loyal to hyun..in all occasions...he have it!. im loving this guy so much!.
















































































































































































































































































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Guest karen90611





I think he is a smart guy!

He was answering "I am single "while he was wearing couple ring !

He satisfied SOME BOICE ,and at the same time ,he protected SEO and YONGSEO fans.

He always keeps low key ,right ?

Let's look forwad to SATURDAY!!!


(my Chinese is better than English,of course^^:sweatingbullets:










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Guest ahn_annann










in the concert, Now Yong's singing "Banmal Song" ... many fans screamed so loud ..






of course, all fans also sing a song together with him..


















"Banmal Song" C.N.Blue sang in the last song by 4 members ..



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OMG! what is this??? hahahaha ... I really don´t care about his answer,  I don´t don´t don´t  LOL. It is not a big deal. He Is an Idol, He just can´t say "Yeah I´m in love" that would be like suicide!. I want to watch a fancam though, this sounds interesting :lol:.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you so much gogumas for the latest goodies, I´m so waiting for Hyun taking Yong to Hospital! Remember how it was said that Yong was really sick after Busan trip? (and some boice even blame WGM for that? ¬¬). Well I think she noticed it too so that is why Hyun wanted Him to go to the doctor, awww she is so cute and a good wife! How Yong could avoid to  fall for her once and again? :wub:.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The radiography looks very bad, you can´t see his lungs there, I hope it is because of the camera, light or something like that :(, cause if it is not, then Yong was really sick...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks MountainMadman for translation and aneng for the links, thanks for pics and the fan accounts too. Hoping for some fancams ^^.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ahn_annann : OMG!! Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest lovelybee
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa sing Banmal song in consert. For first time lover, First Live IN Bangkok. WOOOOOw!!!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































First time live , Thai fans special!!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Moonoiii































Banmal Song in Thailand !!!












So happy...... I can't say everything.......GREEZZZZZZZZZZZZ























I'm thaifan...GREEZZZZZ





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haha thanks anink for the info... it's understandable for us gogumas to react to such answer. it's just our initial normal human reaction without much thought put into it.

and i'll hafta agree with most of u gogumas (aigoo so many of u!!!) that this is most prolly how he's supposed to conduct himself amidst his goguma fans & boices despite the REAL situation which we're still unsure of... but one thing's for sure, i'll quote jnj: OFFICIALLY SINGLE BUT TAKEN... LOL i love that phrase!!! :w00t:

yahhh i'm not sure which pic came 1st but did u notice that in one of the pics, he wasn't wearing the PRECIOUS & the other one showed him with PRECIOUS?? kekeke we're gollums alrite! :ph34r: i'm hoping that the sequence would be him not wearing PRECIOUS 1st, then, wearing PRECIOUS after Holika event almost ended :phew:

without PRECIOUS




cr. uploader

*waves to all gogumas* ^__________________^ shawieeee, magdalllll! :P

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Guest gadis_bumi

hopefully can be there....coz now my friend are going to Thailand 4 study tour,,,if I know CN Blue come to Thai..maybe i'll attend study tour...

hopefully can be there....coz now my friend are going to Thailand 4 study tour,,,if I know CN Blue come to Thai..maybe i'll attend study tour...

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Guest porporja
















Yonghwa sings Banmal song with all cnblue member. He smile and sing with sweet voice, that seem so full of feeling. May be he's thinking of hyunn :) . All the fans sing along with him, I wish he could feel that we all support goguma couple  <3 ps. Yonghwa hug two teddy bears which are gifts from thai fan, one for him and another for seohyun. I hope he would bring it to his lovely hyun.









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Guest angg_jagiya
















please yongseo fan don't be angry at yong about single statement. please understand yong, he kpop idol and leader CNBlue. where I think we all know how they work.








i think hyun understand her husband better, and we also have to understand them.







































yong with sister-in-law
































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So lucky of Thai fans there~~ and of course, you guys are really DAEBAK as well with all the gifts to YongSeo~~ applause ~~!! Hope that we have some fan cams later on to see on the performance... so sweet~~ :wub:
































































































































































































































Oh, regarding Yong's new hairstyle, I personally feel that his hair is a bit short but with the black color of his hair, it brings out the sharpness of his features-- handsome~~ Guess I have to re-adapt his black color hair image since I first saw him starting WGM is not black.. :lol:
































































































































































































































I was wondering, did Yong tel Hyun about tonight that he is going to sing the banmal song?? Wondering will he recorded his performance (you know, perhaps with those staff's help or his manager's help for video recording) to show to Hyun? His first ever "live confession" to Hyun~~~ :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































Oh ottoke~~ so sweet~~:wub:

































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Guest lovelybee
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The most precious thing today is He sang Banmal Song  in CNBLUE concert. Everyone in Hall sing along loudly especially chorus part > <
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is the first performance offical right? Why he choose to sing in Thailand? Is it prepared or planned before? or such suddenly decision after He know that he get more and more supporter for his Vitual Married-Seohyun.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I Hope that in Korea ,fans, Boice and sone will support our couple as much or more. If they could annouce how they love each other.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Because Love is the most beautiful thing in the world.and Because of Yongseo 's truly pure love that made Thai fans support this couple to be real. 

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest skyrise


Regarding YH's statement about his single status, no matter if he is with someone right now/dating/etc (whoever that person might be, SH or not, generally speaking), no way he would admit that aloud in the public; how many idols give the exact same answer when they get asked the same question? Pretty much everyone says they are single a) to protect their relationship and be kept out of spot and B) because most of the times that is what fans want to hear.




With that said, preview for the next epi looks really neat. As does YH's new hairstyle.


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Guest Germbaby





regarding Yong's hair colour. I still like his brown tone. This black hair makes his eyes look swollen and make him look like Octopus like what Seohyun said in one the the epi. Haha!



As for his reply that he is single. Just my personal thought maybe he purposely said it because he is jealous as he knows that Seohyun is having duet with Kyuhyun at SM town Concert Japan?  Or am I thinking too much. Just a concept! Heee..... Cant wait for Sat.


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Guest Moonoiii











































Ummm... I can't write in eng language, but i want tell you about couple ring.... SO REAL 












Banmal Song in Thailand !!!












Couple ring in Thailand !!!























I'm so happy, 




























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