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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest deeana55


hi there...


regarding yong hwa statement about he's single but yet he still wearing the ring, maybe because he doesn't want other people to know about his relationship with seohyun because it's his private life....


and i think us as a goguma shipper know better even though he say that he is single, the ring that he used outside WGM speak by itself...






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*quoted image* is this a fan account or your account?
































i actually find this ... a little strange.  and i'm not reading deeply into it, thinking that this is his way of thwarting everyone off his scent, so to speak (because i'm sure many people would like to think that this is the reality), but ... yeah, i find this odd.  mainly because in similar situations where he's asked of his status, he's usually quick to answer/remind people that he does have a "wife."  acknowledging that would only seem appropriate.
































and again, i'm not trying to imply anything.  it could honestly go either way for all we know, but i just think that's an answer that's kind of off the beaten path.  beware the spoiler:

the only reason i would find it worrying at all ... and i'm not worried so much as :\ at the situation because i have no idea what to make of it ... is that by acknowledging his single status outside of his show, it implies that there isn't an overlap between WGM and his real life by way of his relationship [with seo].
































any more info on this by anyone present at the meeting would be interesting.
































EDIT: and while i don't expect any fancams of that event, i'm curious to know how exactly he answered that in conjunction with his facial expression and body language, two things that could totally betray his answer.

































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Guest raia1303
































i think i saw pictures from the fan meet in thailand, which was just posted in the cnbluestorm website. Yong looks good with his new do' as well as the other members. Anyway, in one of the photos, it was clearly seen that he was wearing THE RING! so i hope we could just get some fanvids/other fan accounts of how he was asked, and how he answered. 















































this is the link of the pictures in the fanmeet. 































































cr: CNBstorm twitter account

















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Guest sirius1430266457
































































































































































hi guys..
















































































































































about the interview and YH said that he is still single.here what i think.
















































































































































tell me,how many idols have ever reveal that they are dating??(except jjong n sekyung-that becoz they got caught)none right??do you guys think all of them are single??i dont believe it at all.same with yongseo,if they are really dating, i dont think we will know.so guys just take it easy.WGM is just a show afterall....dont think too much and enjoy the show while we can.
















































































































































so i hope people dont start to analyze things from this interview.thats is not a big deal to me coz that is how kpop works.
































































































































































































































































































sorry my english is not very good.









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Here pic from today fanmit ^^
































































































































I love the last pic  ^^ how can i angry with you
































when you said that u still singel with ths kind of face ^^

































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*quoted image* is this a fan account or your account?
































































































































i actually find this ... a little strange.  and i'm not reading deeply into it, thinking that this is his way of thwarting everyone off his scent, so to speak (because i'm sure many people would like to think that this is the reality), but ... yeah, i find this odd.  mainly because in similar situations where he's asked of his status, he's usually quick to answer/remind people that he does have a "wife."  acknowledging that would only seem appropriate.































































































































































































































































i agree with lovekin (sorry to cut your post). don't read too much into what he say. i realize yong has a tendency of giving variety of answers generally although yes he does seem to answer/remind people that he has a 'wife'. i guess perhaps he might just want to throw off the scent? then again, even if both of them are really dating for real, i don't think they would really admit it for real. it would be quite tough for them to handle as there are a lot of factors involved such as fans, antis and who knows it might affect their members as well. so no matter what yong's answer to the world is, the real answer only he himself knows it for sure.
































































































































just a little pov on idols dating:
































































































































i watched one of the strong heart episode where they were talking about celebrities dating. in actual fact, we might not know but there are many celebrities that are probably dating as we speak - at the sbs studio, han river in a car or they are probably driving around. one of the older generation of idol mentioned that she and another idol were secretly dating and when their companies found out, they were cut off from each other that they did not have the time to even say a proper goodbye to each other. danny from GOD mentioned that because they cannot really totally show it, so they will look into the mirror and try to catch the gaze of their other party. kim hyun joong also admitted that he dated someone for about 5 months although there weren't any announcement about it. in fact, his members were pretty surprise when he revealed it on the show.
































































































































i guess the entertainment companies might be more lenient towards the current idols compare to the older generation of idols but i don't think it means announcing that you are in a relationship as you please. as mentioned by danny from GOD and tony from HOT, all the idols date around but just that it's pretty hush hush so i guess unless you are running in somewhat the same circle or unless the idol is caught or getting married, i don't think anything will be said for sure
















































































































































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hi guys..

about the interview and YH said that he is still single.here what i think.

tell me,how many idols have ever reveal that they are dating??(except jjong n sekyung-that becoz they got caught)none right??do you guys think all of them are single??i dont believe it at all.same with yongseo,if they are really dating, i dont think we will know.so guys just take it easy.WGM is just a show afterall....dont think too much and enjoy the show while we can.

so i hope people dont start to analyze things from this interview.thats is not a big deal to me coz that is how kpop works.


sorry my english is not very good.

@sirus_feez.. you are right, we should not dwell to much on his statement, or else will be feeling disappointed, sad, doubtful.. as the preview, it says that after meeting yongwa's mother and his childhood friends their relationship became stronger.. in reality, we really dont know whats on their mind and heart but for sure whatever it is both are happy and inlove ;) in thier state right now. so hang on, theres alot of episode left to watch most esp their wedding photo shoot. ;)

so for now we sould relax and wait for futher fancams and photos, they will be having their mini concert and will be hearing his banmal song for the first time on stage;) happy weekend everyone!

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Guest bonbon31



I just want to ask that: did Yong answered He is still single or No one special or he did not answer the group question " Is Single?". There are many different answer I heard until now. So I want you guys to confirm that before You discuss about this issue. If Yong actually said He is still single, I will a little bit disappointed, he can answer I am married now like a joke. However, nothing wrong with him if he said he is still single now because WGM is only a show and in fact that he is still single. But, idols cannot said that they are dating now. So you guys cannot expect that he will answer he is not single.

I just hope that there will be someone can help us clarify his answer in the meeting.


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Guest vero_vero






actually i'm not worried with his answer.kekeke.its totally expected,he can't say he's dating when on cam. But who know behind the camera he has someone special *cough* hyun *cough*. :D and we


know even if they're


dating,we wont be hearing anything about it. Anyway I'm happy he's still wearing the ring,,Gogumas knows what's that mean,he's already taken. Lol. For thaifans wow guys you're really daebak!! :) Waiting for another fancam and fanccc especially about banmal song. Hehee



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Guest bubbly_zu




im not sad with the statement


because in reality both of them were single


we shouldn't over analyze it  :sweatingbullets:




Yong look cute when he pout :)


I can't wait this saturday .. :D



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Yong answered He is still single , i think this the best way or if he answer he not single/dating everyone outomatic think that girl is hyun...
































then will be Tons antis after hyun.. even got knife flying to Sangdo-dong...
































And some BOICE will hate yonghwa..
































After all yonghwa is Leader CN BLUE he must becareful what he said/answer
































But we don't know inside on yonghwa hearts/mind

































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Guest lovekin


it's a circus out there


in light of recent news, i decided to write something of it.  it's definitely not what i'm used to since it's not very serious at all and is more of the cracky variety.  also, to say it's strictly about yong/seo is inaccurate.  just a heads up.  sweatingbullets.gif  i figured we all need to take a break from this.  just for fun~





"Thanks to you, I can't date anyone else."
Wherein Yonghwa pouts, Seohyun is unaffected, and Jonghyun cuts fruit.



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Guest Faith_memory









kekeke.. about the single-statement.. well we should not worry that much. both him and seohyun are single. I believe that their feelings are REAL but i will never know yet if they are dating, they wont say it for sure. haha! the good thing if for sure when yonghwa was asked by that question, he thought about hyun~ kekeke ♥ at him wearing the ring-ding-dong?? come on! :rolleyes:







Yonghwa suits ROCKS in his new BLACK HAIR! he looks very young!







I hope seohyun pictures from the smt concert will spread, so that we'll see her ring-ding-dong. :w00t:







anyway, im so excited for next episode! at the clinic again?? lol!


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Thanks for all Thai Boices & yongseo fans with all the updates,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Don't worry too much about the 'I'm Single' statement...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We all know how playful Yonghwa is,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm sure he's just trying to be funny & make his fans laugh,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































because he could see how well received Yongseo couple are in Thailand,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Some fanaccount said CNBLUE will perform 6 songs plus a surprise song tonite..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so let's hope the banmal song is the surprise song? hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway, waiting for fancams & fanaccounts later on, have fun you guys..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lovekin, I always follow your work, I love it, so. gonna read your new one right after this :)

































































































































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yong is 'officially' single but he is taken ;) kekeke

why else would he be wearing the precious... :rolleyes:

i can understand that yong's answer is NOT the answer gogumas want to hear..

but poor him is put in the spot with that kind of question don't u think?

so just enjoy yourselves tonite. :)

and be surprised!! (i really envy u guys now)

to ann_anhn, cheri merci and the rest of Thai gogumas..u guys are jjang!

the gifts are all so awesome! daebak!

Thai gogumas hwaiting!!

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Hello goguma villagers!
































































































































































































































































































































































I'm in the middle of my exams, but I wanted to say "hi" =D
































































































































































































































































































































































First, Yonghwa is totally HANDSOME with that new haircut... I really like it. The other one was too orange... I prefer him with darker hair ;)
































































































































































































































































































































































Hehe, this week's episode looks funny, can't wait to see it! Clinic? Seohyun clearly doesn't know anything about dating! Hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































And about the "I'm single" thing... Stop overreacting and don't worry too much. It's not like he would say "I'm dating Seohyun", even if it was the truth. He is supposed to answer this way, whatever his real status is because... well... He's an idol, you know. Idols have to behave as if there were nothing else but their fans in their lives... If they don't act like this, antis become crazy.
































































































































































































































































































































































Don't speculate too much :) He's the only one who REALLY knows the truth ;)
































































































































































































































































































































































I have to go, I pass Economics/Management/Laws this afternoon ;_; I'm gonna die, seriously ;_;

































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Guest bettechai














hahaha ...










hey everyone can say that they are single even if you'r taken..hahah










i understand you yong.:) hehe i know you need to protect your precious hyun...










what a black night... LOL :wub::wub:










and i totally love his Black Hairstyle... Yummy...hahaha :)










oh gosh cant wait for saturday.. 2 More nights then its Saturday...yahoo..!! :):ph34r:



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Guest lovelybee
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The interview from Press conference at Dusithani Hotel, Bangkok.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Question : Do you guys have someone special?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CNBLUE answer :  No
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I Think, The interview  moderate in formal way to present HolikaHolika products and Concert eventstonight so the Q&A are scripted and specific answered.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Gogumas don't worried about NO answered or feel dissapointed because the question before this they asked about
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What styles of making up of girls do you like?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and then the question 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Do you guys have someone special? followed































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But something that we can comfirmed what is in his mind by wearing couple ring all the time in Thailand

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Hi peeps!


First when I heard about the "I am single" comment, yeah i had to digest it at first, lol. But then come on, those questions again. I mean what is he suppose to answer?! If he says no then everyone on earth can count one and one together and the answer would be?!!  blush.gif


And I don't know about it for sure but isn't there a rule that you cannot date your "husband,wife" for real while your still shooting WGM?


It would be kinda awkward to know that they are dating and married simultaneously  if you know what I mean.


On the other hand while saying he is Single he is wearing the precious and again everybody knows about it so yeah it totally contradicts.


About the Busan episode I hope they will show what Yong's friends are studying or doing. It would be interesting to know what Yong would have become if he hadn't chosen to become an artist. And is he studying like Hyun or solely concentrating on his career as an artist?



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Guest butterfly_z










hello goguma villagerswub.gif






i might be delusional,hahaha..but it's kind of hard to believe that they aren't fall in love with each other after watching their episode by episode...i'm 






100% sure that yonghwa had some genuine feeling for seohyun..after all, how can he got the inspiration of writing the banmal song right?wink.gif






he's an idols..eventhough yongseo have many fans all over the world but still he need to be very careful..becos saying that he's in a relationship is a way too big step for him..i think he just want to, protect any unharmed event to cnblue career,to seohyun and to their relationship as well...duhh, they r just young people..it wasn't impossible if they were both in a relationship..but in their situation right now, it's kind of hard to revealed it...as there are many risks to be consider..to be safe,SINGLE is the wordwink.gif






just my own thought,it might be true..n it might not be true...hahaha..only yong n hyun know the real truth..i dont know whether it's real or reel..just wanna enjoy the show till the end of their episode!wub.gif



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