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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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another FMV.. lets watch it! :wub:















































































































































































































































































thank you guys for always making yongseo mv's.. i really like it...especially to Ichigokawai2 and youmustknowme88..please keep making mv's...hehe
































































































































YHSH|YongSeo - Sweet (fanvid)
































































































































cr: cr:baramsori @ dc / bgm:밀크티 - 초콜렛군오렌지양
































































































































title: 초콜렛군 오렌지양 - 밀크티
































































































































































































































































초콜렛은 달콤해 달콤해 달콤해 오렌지는 상큼해 상큼해 상큼해
































































































































초콜렛은 달콤해 달콤해 달콤해 오렌지는 상큼해 상큼해 상큼해
































































































































널 볼 수 있는 내방의 window 두근대는 나의 마음을
































































































































너의 싱그러운 웃음소리 너는 내게 달콤해 달콤해 달콤해
































































































































날 볼 수 있는 너의 black eyes 두근대는 나의 마음을
































































































































널 웃게 만드는 나의 미소 나는 네게 상큼해 상큼해 상큼해
































































































































두근두근 내게 내게 다가와서 속닥속닥 내게 속삭여줘
































































































































내 마음에 담을 수 있게 달콤히 내게 더 다가와 줘
































































































































알콩달콩 내게 내게 놀러 와줘 나의 웃음 떠나가지 않도록
































































































































이 행복이 영원할 것 같은 맘 너도 나와 같은 마음인걸
































































































































Always I'm thinking your smile
































































































































니 이름으로 가득한 paper 설레이는 나의 마음을
































































































































아무 생각 없이 써내려 간 너는 내게 달콤해 달콤해 달콤해
































































































































알록달록 내게 내게 무지개처럼 너는 내게 매일 새로운걸
































































































































나에게만 보여줄 거지 난 네가 찾아온 sweet lady
































































































































쌔근쌔근 너의 너의 어깨에 기대 곤히 잠든 나를 토닥여줘
































































































































이 행복이 영원할 것 같은 맘 너도 나와 같은 마음인걸
































































































































널 처음 본 그 순간 떨려오는 이 느낌 음 어떡해 나 어떡해
































































































































그런데 니가 날 좋아한대 그날 잊을 수 없을 거야 아하
































































































































초콜렛은 달콤해 달콤해 달콤해 오렌지는 상큼해 상큼해 상큼해
































































































































너는 내게 달콤해 달콤해 달콤해 나는 네게 상큼해 상큼해 상큼해
































































































































사랑은 달콤해 달콤해 달콤해

















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Guest Crystal392










This pic has been photoshopped right? But it looks so real! I remember they took a pic like this but with the store owner in the middle. Anyways I think is really cute... brings back lots of memories. It's been 6 months since they took that pic! :o It's amazing how fast time has passed... first year anniversary is so close :wub:








































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I've been thinking about this Yejie situation ... my group of guy friends too had a girl we were close with and that would hang around with us a lot. We would even hang at her house because her Dad loved having us around; he was a Dad of only daughters so I think he liked having guys around and guys he could trust. Later I got a girlfriend I got serious with and she HATED my friend that was a girl. We even had fights about her especially when she would call me like a friend would do. It's really hard to put into words what my girlfriend was feeling but basically she felt that my relationship with her should fill any void of friendship I might need with another girl ... that if I needed a friend and/or the company of the opposite sex it should be her.

Basically and forgive me girls, but I don't think guys and girls are much different in this regard ... we don't like sharing! Guys don't like their girlfriends to have guy friends (unless they're homosexual) and girls don't like their boyfriends to have girls that are friends unless they too are very tomboyish, manly, ugly.

If I'm judging Hyun's questions and face correctly, I don't think Hyun likes the idea of sharing Yong in any way with another girl either. When I look at Hyun's face in the car it seems to me she got one of those uneasy stomach looks on her face. Like luvtokki described in her post about Yejie, Hyun is coming to terms with the idea of a girl that is a friend with a group of guys logic, but in my opinion, she's not liking the initial logic of it at all.

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Guest sarahcnblue


hi blush.gif




i want to say something about Yong  friends yejie, i felt something but i cant say that hyun doesn't understand that he have a girlfrined 




because she has one "jinwoon" ?!!




and she know that jinwoon likes her like everyone knows !!




i am not good to express my idea but i hope someone understand my point sweatingbullets.gif




hope that there'll be wgm filming today  rolleyes.gif


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Guest loybing

don't forget it's against soompi rules to post less than 20 words... I know it may be a bit tiring to some Gogumas to remember all the rules, and maybe some are a bit afraid to post in case you break a rule; but with time and practice you will learn them by heart :D Don't let fear keep you from sharing your thoughts~~! :)

this was my problem before. I'm afraid to post that's why I've been a lurker for ages.kekeke.my problem was not just the rules but i don't know how to express in words what/how i feel then and I even got (-)minus remarks.

thanks to all gogumas who are very appreciative and supportive. now here I am finally.

you guys who are still lurking get out.hehehe. its nice to voice out what you really feel.

gogumas here are kind. so come out

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I've been thinking about this Yejie situation ... my group of guy friends too had a girl we were close with and that would hang around with us a lot. We would even hang at her house because her Dad loved having us around; he was a Dad of only daughters so I think he liked having guys around and guys he could trust. Later I got a girlfriend I got serious with and she HATED my friend that was a girl. We even had fights about her especially when she would call me like a friend would do. It's really hard to put into words what my girlfriend was feeling but basically she felt that my relationship with her should fill any void of friendship I might need with another girl ... that if I needed a friend and/or the company of the opposite sex it should be her.
































































































































annyeong! sorry to cut your post. i agree to a certain extent and just wanted to input little thoughts on the above so i will put it in the spoiler as it's not totally related to WGM.
































































































































actually, i hang out with guys a lot. no doubt, some of the guys' girlfriend might feel a bit threaten (i think that's the word for it) but at the same time, i also feel that it's the girl - friend's part as well and the vibe given out. if the girl - friend gives out an unfriendly vibe then of cos, as a girlfriend i myself also won't like it. eg: i did not really like this girl that my boyfriend used to hang out with. in fact, they went dancing together (before we got together) but after getting to know her, in fact now we are good friends.
































































































































nope i don't think anyone likes to share but at the same time i think it works two ways - if either girls don't want to get to know each other then it still would be a disaster. so it takes two hands to clap. think it's kinda women's intuition that you can feel either a good vibe or bad vibe from the other party. well, that's how i feel.
































































































































then again, girls and guys work differently. think for guys, it's shake hand and bond over some sports but for girls, it takes a while. although we might smile and all but still there will be reservations.































































































































































































































































someone translated the additional part that yong said to yejie to make the situation comfortable for seohyun cos there a lot of guys. i think it's sweet of yong :wub: though i think he himself is doing quite a good job of doing so. no doubt, i agree that hyun still have reservations about yejie no matter how yong constantly assured her. i mean which sane minded girl won't? afterall, it was suppose to be a bunch of guys hanging out and suddenly pops out a girl. i guess we wait and see also then....

















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Guest kodoque_1




















Hello all..I hope this is nott off topic, but can someone help me out ?












In the episode where they were greeted by the Jungshin and Jonghyun in CNBlue's dorm, there is this REALLY cute duck plushie !!












I cant for the life of me shake the feeling of reaaaallly wanting to have it ! It's TOO CUTE..












Or in the words of Agnes from Despicable Me.."IT'S SO FLUFFY I'M GONNA DIEEEEEEE !!!!"












Check this out if you dont know what I mean : Agnes Cuteness...












Please help ? Thank youu !





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Guest MrsAthenaG




With regards to Yong's friend, who happens to be female, well, I hope that SeoHyun is open minded and accepting of the other female in Yong's circle of friends.  I believe that it's all up to Hyun on how she will react to the situation.  It still boggles my mind why friendship between men and women are constantly questioned and tied to "relationship" issues.  I'm not really sure what Yong's true relationship with YeJie was but if he says that she's "one of the boys", then we should believe him unless proven otherwise.  If Hyun is as mature as we think she is, she will accept YeJie as the female friend in Yong's circle of friends and not as a threat to their relationship. Everything should turn out fine since they're still looking happy after their Busan trip. 




My advise to all, trust your partner/friend and be confident of your relationship ...assert your position in his/her life and make that position clear to everyone...without being arrogant...thus gaining more friends.  When I say relationship, I mean it from both sides of the coin, whether you're the friend or the girlfriend/boyfriend.  Believe me, it will happen to everyone at least once in their life and if it doesn't (or didn't), well you're one of the lucky ones, because it happened to me in my teens, 20s, 30s, 40s and even 50s and it was really ... educational.




On another note, it seems that the sightings of Yong shopping and buying things for Hyun has been discussed.  Since his "First Time Couple in Love" song is a success, I guess it's just right for him to share in his wealth with his inspiration for without her, there would not have been any song,  So Yong, keep sharing with Hyun and enjoy the fruits of your labor...throw some to your brothers and sisters in law, too...after your parents. 




Hoping to hear that Yong did go to Japan for SMTown...stay tuned...




A Valentine & Anniversary Note - Don't let a date in a calendar be the only time you celebrate your love, make everyday a Valentine's Day or an Anniversary ... make everyday special!!!





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Disclaimer: I’m just a 2-weeks-old fan, so pardon my shortcomings~








Hahaha…you guys are crazy!! I hope both Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun don’t read this thread or else they’d die out of shock! Kekeke…no worries, I’m one of you guys as well…in fact, maybe crazier than half you might’ve been…forthe past 2 weeks I practically eat, sleep, drink & walk goguma rolleyes.gif…managed to finish the entire thread in 5 days[Phewww!! sweatingbullets.gifHard work!!] and entire episode 1-41 in 4 days [longest marathon ever taken -Proud!- biggrin.gif]….








So far, am enjoying their relationship, the skinship, the pull-and-push thingy, how SeoHyun sulks at every single thing YongHwa missed out, how YongHwa makes up for every single thing that he missed out, and when she cheers up again whenever he makes up...they have everything in place; chemistry, respect, fondness [or should I say love? wub.gif] and most importantly trust…so yeah…hands down, this couple is the most compatible couple I’ve ever seen and I hope they really end up together.








I leave the spazzing/analyzing to all of you, though it is very enjoyable to read, sometimes I wonder if we expect too much that it becomes a burden for them [that’s why I said they’d die out of shock if they read this thread..too much details peeps…too much~~it’s like reading a detailed forensic reports…hehehe tongue.gif]….What’s more important is not what we see on screen, but rather what happen off screen~coz on-screen is for us, off-screen is for them…althoughI really want to see uri Yong Hwa to be brave enough to steal a kiss ortwo wub.gif, but heck, if they have a better development off-screen [that we don’t know of], I’ll be more than happy~








So thanks a lot for the pics, news, vids, mvs, translations andeverything~ You guys rocks!! biggrin.gif





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Hi my fellow members of the Goguma Planet, or is it the In-Go-Paem now? I hope that I'm not too late to spazz about the latest episode. There were alot of things I loved about the episode, ranging from the hilarious seagull attack to Hyun and Yong's little thing about the necklace.




One of my favorite things about the episode was Yong taking Hyun to meet his childhood friends. Did anyone else notice that Jonghyun mentioned he knew Ookhun after they picked up Yejie? Does that mean he hasn't met the other members of the Do-maek-paem? In that case, is Hyun getting to meet people that Yong's CNBlue brothers, his bandmates and arguably some of the closest to him now, haven't met (other than Yejie meeting Jungshin)?? If so, that is certainly spazzworthy. Hopefully i'm not overthinking things too much...



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Guest soshisoshisoshi






Disclaimer: I’m just a 2-weeks-old fan, so pardon my shortcomings~




Hahaha…you guys are crazy!! I hope both Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun don’t read this thread or else they’d die out of shock! Kekeke…no worries, I’m one of you guys as well…in fact, maybe crazier than half you might’ve been…forthe past 2 weeks I practically eat, sleep, drink & walk goguma *quoted image*…managed to finish the entire thread in 5 days[Phewww!! *quoted image*Hard work!!] and entire episode 1-41 in 4 days [longest marathon ever taken -Proud!- *quoted image*]….




So far, am enjoying their relationship, the skinship, the pull-and-push thingy, how SeoHyun sulks at every single thing YongHwa missed out, how YongHwa makes up for every single thing that he missed out, and when she cheers up again whenever he makes up...they have everything in place; chemistry, respect, fondness [or should I say love? *quoted image*] and most importantly trust…so yeah…hands down, this couple is the most compatible couple I’ve ever seen and I hope they really end up together.




I leave the spazzing/analyzing to all of you, though it is very enjoyable to read, sometimes I wonder if we expect too much that it becomes a burden for them [that’s why I said they’d die out of shock if they read this thread..too much details peeps…too much~~it’s like reading a detailed forensic reports…hehehe *quoted image*]….What’s more important is not what we see on screen, but rather what happen off screen~coz on-screen is for us, off-screen is for them…althoughI really want to see uri Yong Hwa to be brave enough to steal a kiss ortwo *quoted image*, but heck, if they have a better development off-screen [that we don’t know of], I’ll be more than happy~




So thanks a lot for the pics, news, vids, mvs, translations andeverything~ You guys rocks!! *quoted image*






Gosh man!! that's the funniest thing I have ever seen in this thread!! I was actually going to backtrack every pages but I stopped halfway!! YOU ARE A TRUE GOGUMAS YOU KNOW THAT!! we welcome you here, and please, share your thoughts here and analyzing....... It's better to see things from everyone's point of view :lol: :lol:


Well, I'm in college right now. since i'm having a free period I can't help but spazz a little bit with you here.....


So about this rumor of Yong going to SMTown Japan concert, there is still no confirmation yet right?? Hope out Japanese Gogumas will find out about that, and the rest of us will go high to GO-CHUN :D


I noticed that some of you are discussing about Yejie. From my point of view ( a guy like me^_^), I think Yong bringing Yejie is a good effort by him to ease the awkwardness, because Hyun is not the type to be comfortable around guys. For example when they just came inside the car, Yong offered the drink to Hyun but she didn't answer anything, just nodding silently. because she was too shy....... we're talking about SNSD Seohyun guys. So I think bringing Yejie  is a good thing. But then, you wouldn't know that she would feel jealous of whatnot, and I personally did not sense the jealousy coming out from Hyun. Come on, Yonghwa himself kept showing off in front of his friends by constantly showing affections :). And I REALLY LIKE THAT! Nevertheless I understand your point of view here. HOPE YEJIE AND SEOHYUN BECOME GOOD FRIENDS. Just like MC Misun said, it's either "they are going to be friends of they are going to HATE each other............


Oh well, enough at the babbling. Gonna go back to class now thinking about YongSeo couple :wub: :wub:


Once again, hope the rumor is true and please IF ANYONE HAS NEWS ABOUT YONG COMING TO THE CONCERT  share it with us here


cheers ^^



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Guest DJHinata

Intel Inside SEOHYUN ♥

omg i've found this funny video !!  seohyun in the end OMG i'm laughing so hard right now i didn't see it that comming !! XDD 

Our Beautiful SeoHyun !

i have the hope that yong came to the concert to see his wife !!  That would be awesome ! Fighting 

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our seo hyun goddess!...she is so pretty!..lucky yonghwa!..














































































































































































































































































































































































































snsd pictures in thailand photoshoot..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: sonems

















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Guest luvlichan

This pic has been photoshopped right? But it looks so real! I remember they took a pic like this but with the store owner in the middle. Anyways I think is really cute... brings back lots of memories. It's been 6 months since they took that pic! :o It's amazing how fast time has passed... first year anniversary is so close :wub:

*quoted image*


yeah you are right! i think this was when they planted gogumas.. i remember SeoHyun's cloth... ^^, BTW, thanks for sharing!! thats pic looks soooo real! hehe..

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Hey all..hm i'm just giving my opinion on yejie since i've been in yejie's shoes.. some of my guy friends would tag me along to meet their gf, first of all, to make the gf feels comfortable.. they love the gf so much that they hate the idea of the gf being awkward among many guys so they are just being thoughtful by bringing some girls or girl along.. then, they would love asking opinion on their gf after we meet.. when i said all nice thing about the gf, he would be like super proud of the gf and that's just some opinion they like to take, maybe to boost their morale.. and then they would keep talking about the gf till i cannot take it anymore..haha.. as from my POV as the girl who is being introduce to the gf, i would try my best to make her feel comfortable and eventually, we'll end up being good friends..but hey, i dunno, mind that i said, maybe..anyway i think there's nothing to worry about if a gf is being introduced to a guy's friend who is a girl. I mean, if there's something between them, he would definitely not introduce the girls.. unless he is mean.. oh but can u see how proud yong is with seohyun? and he's like, "dudes!! she's my gf and please like her bcoz i love her"..haha

p/s:  can't wait to hear the friends' and yongseo conversaation. saturday come quick!!

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Disclaimer: I’m just a 2-weeks-old fan, so pardon my shortcomings~

Hahaha…you guys are crazy!! I hope both Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun don’t read this thread or else they’d die out of shock! Kekeke…no worries, I’m one of you guys as well…in fact, maybe crazier than half you might’ve been…forthe past 2 weeks I practically eat, sleep, drink & walk goguma *quoted image*…managed to finish the entire thread in 5 days[Phewww!! *quoted image*Hard work!!] and entire episode 1-41 in 4 days [longest marathon ever taken -Proud!- *quoted image*]….

So far, am enjoying their relationship, the skinship, the pull-and-push thingy, how SeoHyun sulks at every single thing YongHwa missed out, how YongHwa makes up for every single thing that he missed out, and when she cheers up again whenever he makes up...they have everything in place; chemistry, respect, fondness [or should I say love? *quoted image*] and most importantly trust…so yeah…hands down, this couple is the most compatible couple I’ve ever seen and I hope they really end up together.

I leave the spazzing/analyzing to all of you, though it is very enjoyable to read, sometimes I wonder if we expect too much that it becomes a burden for them [that’s why I said they’d die out of shock if they read this thread..too much details peeps…too much~~it’s like reading a detailed forensic reports…hehehe *quoted image*]….What’s more important is not what we see on screen, but rather what happen off screen~coz on-screen is for us, off-screen is for them…althoughI really want to see uri Yong Hwa to be brave enough to steal a kiss ortwo *quoted image*, but heck, if they have a better development off-screen [that we don’t know of], I’ll be more than happy~

So thanks a lot for the pics, news, vids, mvs, translations andeverything~ You guys rocks!! *quoted image*

u are such a witty girl (or guy?), u know that? :lol:

its your maiden post in yongseo thread and yet u call us crazy?

first time someone calls us that :sweatingbullets:

but hey! u are right!

gogumas are indeed crazy....crazily in love with yongseo! :P

and i love what u wrote..

it is such light hearted that it brings smile to this tired face.. ^_^

am looking forward to more of your wittiness..

like hyun, every girl will feel insecure in the first meeting.

so it is up to yong, yejie and hyun herself, to make things enjoyable for everyone.

and i think yong knows that yejie is the girl who doesn't harbor any feelings for him,

except friendship.

but aish..why must yejie turned out to be cute too? :sweatingbullets:

okay...yong mideoh, yong mideoh..

in regds to wgm..

yong has yet to fulfill his promise to attend buin's concert.

so if there is nothing on his schedule other than wgm filming..

yong would and should go to Jpn today


gie, unnie wants to hug u for the latest MV. daebak!

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Guest winbros
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Dear fellow Goguma-Yongseo-spazzers (2nd post, thanks for the warm welcome on my first, I'm in on the ride now :rolleyes:),
































































































































































































































































Regarding the rumour about Yong in Japan for SMTown Concert, can I ask someone to enlighten me as to what SMTown Concert is?  I'm guessing it has to do with SM Entertainment and would it be SNSD's concert or featuring some/all of the SME groups?
































































































































































































































































Reason why I ask that is IIRC back in Ep5, Hyun asked Yong to attend SNSD's concert since he missed their concert in Korea due to schedule conflict, she suggested he attend the Thailand or China, or Japan concert.  Did he ever make it to their concert?  Especially since she attended CN Blue's concert secretly.  I think he promised her he would attend, and knowing our Yo~ng, he'll go to great lengths to keep his promise to his Hy~un.  :wub:
































































































































































































































































Thanks in advance to anyone who can enlighten me/us.

































































































































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Guest just_a_dream












just dropping by..




anyway,about that yejie topic,i can relate to that. back when i was also the only girl in the group and there were seven boys,




i mean the feelings that i had for each one of them was just merely friends, a companion, and someone to have fun with doing sports and even sharing funny thoughts. and as i dissect Hyuns expression when she heard the name yejie up to the time that she met her, i can sense no jealousy there. her expression was just too friendly to be mistaken as jealousy. (my POV though)




oh! and i somehow notice that the thread is going slow, i just laughed at the thought.. why wouldn't it be so slow for me when i'm checking on it every 30mins?.gosh! the irony of it.




and please can someone give us some hint if there is really filming in SM town?. that would really be great news. i haven't been over with their shopping yet,




and i replayed episode 41 for who knows how many times.w00t.gif




d_?????..thanks for the Seohyun's beautiful picture there with her unnies. rolleyes.gifreally beautiful Hyun.




winbros..i guess it's not just SNSD but including other artist under SME. i really am not that familiar though, but that's what i think.




that's all for now gogumas, i have to study again,my brain might overheat anytime




and this thread somehow cools down my brainy2..




favor please..




please include me in your prayers!.i'll be having my comprehensive exam for my masters studies this thursday!.please,please gogumas..just for my heart not to falter...thanks soo much!.








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Guest gita_23








oh! and i somehow notice that the thread is going slow, i just laughed at the thought.. why wouldn't it be so slow for me when i'm checking on it every 30mins?.gosh! the irony of it.




favor please..




please include me in your prayers!.i'll be having my comprehensive exam for my masters studies this thursday!.please,please gogumas..just for my heart not to falter...thanks soo much!.










sorry to cut ur post since i feel the same way too. :) i'm so curious but there's no news about them. but i have to have a positive thinking that they prepare something 'daebak'. :)




i hope you'll pass ur exam. goodluck :)





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Guest pinkksoupp
































































































































































































































Hi everyone in In-Go-Paem! ;) Hope everyone's been having a good week so far. Wow, so Yejie is the hot topic of the week eyy? Here's my take on her, sorry if I'm repeating what the others have said before.
































































































































































Ok based on what I've seen on-screen, Yejie seems alright. I know some gogumas are inclined to be protective of Hyun and worry about what Hyun thinks/feels about Yejie. Personally, I feel that Yejie is harmless. She's a girl who happens to hang out with a group of guys, who knows how they became close - maybe they were in a lot of classes together or maybe she just happened to strike up a conversation with them.
































































































































































If you recall, Yong actually commented on how Yejie had lost weight as compared to how she was last time. I don't think she was that pudgy, but not too ugly either that the guys saw her as a turn-off. She's probably one of those girls who grew up with plenty of brothers and have no qualms about being close to guys in school.
































































































































































Whereas for our Hyun, growing up as an only child probably made her wary of boys since she's been around mostly girls for the most of her life. Even with the other SME oppas, she's not thaaat close to them. Comfortable, maybe yes. But close and tight-knit like how Yejie is with the rest of the boys in Doo-Mac-Paem? Probably not. Therefore it's completely natural for her to be wary of what to expect when she meets Yejie.
































































































































































She's probably wondering whether Yejie is gonna be awkward/huffy with her for "stealing" one of the Doo-Mac-Paem boys, hahah. Actually if I were Yejie, I'd be super protective of the boys. You could see it in the way she said "Oh, you haven't seen the real side of us yet" or something along those lines. Clearly indicating that she's been hanging out with the boys for a long time and knows them inside out. I'm sure she's seen them through love and heartbreak and I guess for her part, she just wants to be sure that Hyun isn't stringing Yong along like a puppet.
































































































































































I'm glad Yejie added in that bit about eating only gogumas to lose weight (which I find hard to believe cos aren't gogumas supposed to be starchy, therefore equals to lotsa carbo? LOL I think too much!) because you could see Yong and Hyun picking up on that and laughing, probably because Yong has found another goguma-obsessed friend. ^^
































































































































































So gogumas of In-Go-Paem, let's not over-worry about Yejie being a threat to Hyun or worry if Yejie has gone out with Yonghwa before. Whatever that happened in the past within the Doo-Mac-Paem, stays in the past. I'm sure that even if something had blossomed between them before, there isn't anything there now, otherwise it'd be too awkward for them to be in the same "family" for so long. Plus, can you not tell how much Yong is into Hyun right now? The skinship and eyeship is getting better with each episode - impossible to miss!
































































































































































Ok back to marking for me (ugh. i hate.)..have a good week ahead everyone! Looking forward to the preview and Saturday! :D

































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