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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest lovekin


will try to make this brief as everyone has touched on what i wanted to say. but apart from all the obvious and grossly cute skinship, there were "huh!" or "a-ha!" moments in this episode that made me snicker.







  1. so we all know that the more time you spend with someone - friend or partner - you start to pick up on habits the other one possesses.  we've all noticed that seo has started to work with yong's jokes and even participating.  and i think it's rather cute and very seohyun-esque the way she sometimes goes about it.  she'll tend to act affronted or say something that yong wasn't expecting (e.g., save me or the goguma), but then she'll laugh it off or play along with him soon afterwards.  and overall, when she's around him and not in a situation where she has to act a certain way, she's a lot more relaxed and excitable.  but yong has been very consistent, and i didn't really see any habits he picked up on from her until this episode.  i could be wrong, but i'd never really heard it from him until they converse about her necklace.  in thesonesource19's video, part 2, fast-forward to 06:19.  who does he sound like to you?  laugh.gif  i thought it was extremely funny.  i've only ever heard seo do that with that exact intonation.
  2. lastly, i know people are aware of this - that seo is arguing with him over such a small thing that doesn't seem important to discuss if neither one were taking this a bit seriously - but i have to say i was more fascinated with her black room interview where she expounds on her thoughts about the necklace.  not only is she very ... cheeky, for lack of a better word, but ... ah, i have no idea how to explain this.  there's a specific way she's carrying herself in this interview that's amusing to me, and perhaps whatever she's feeling for yong, in general, is affecting her (e.g. more self-assured, bolder, etc.), but it's striking because it's like seo is the one who knows what she's doing and yong is taken aback.  someone else mentioned it before, but yong has been so careful with her up until whatever point that when seo becomes more natural in the way she handles him, he doesn't know what to do with himself.




haha, okay, that's all.  everything else i have to say is probably a repeat~


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Why do I always feel like yongseo episodes are too short !!!!??... hmmm... 

We had a nice episode today, funny and sweet at the same time.... I really laughed  hard when they were attacked by the seagulls ^^

Now we have to wait one week.... aiyaiyai... I'm looking forwards for the preview of the next episode, I hope it will be released within this week !!!!

Gogumas fighting !!!

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Guest iluvlollipops

I love this couple as they didn't "jump into bed" as soon as they met..

they took thier time to get to know and get used to be eachother..


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Hello GO-CHUN PAEM!!! Thank you so much M3, your the best!!!Dduk your next...I read from previous post that some of our that our thread is slow today..and some commented that maybe some of them are sleeping already or just lurking around...hehehe...All i can say to this episode is WOW!!! i like the skinship but what i like the best is the interaction of the two...And yes i notice hyun knows now how to ride yong jokes now :D. Ahh i love when they run away from the flocks of seagull with matching the background song of Secret Garden, i was laughing too hard. And hyun getting upset over yong not noticing her wearing the necklace, i think yong forgot  what her mom just said about girls being upset over small things...hehehehe ...hyun was so cute raising her voice over yong for not commenting that she is wearing the necklace or saying something about it. I know most of the girls can relate to it :). I'm imagining the next episode will be yong's friend will expose yong childhood mischievousness.Then yong will deny it and hyun will have fun discovering things about the husband's childhood. And friends wishing them well and thanking yong for the oppurtunity to meet as a celebrity...:lol:



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Guest aya otohata

I love the first part! They were so cute!

I have so many favorite scenes on the first part...seagull attack...seohyun choosing goguma over yong...the united states joke...scarf sharing...and of course the cute arguement about the necklace...

Basically, I love everything about the first part.

I can't say the same thing about the second part though, the meeting with Yong's friend.

I don't know why, I just feel so uneasy and so uncomfortable watching it.

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i just went to the FC page and thanks for putting up the Episode Recap page under the wiki..  it's great to look back and remember all the early episodes..




I have a suggestion for a wiki page dedicated to spazzable gifs hahaa.. *u guys know what i mean by spazzable :D*  how should I say this.  Each week, there's always at least 2-3 moments that gogumas capture and made gifs -- like last week's episode on the thumbs action / hand holding.   I think it would be great if we could collect those gifs , of course we should give credits to whoever creates them.   Maybe we can organize them by episode too. 




so what do you guys think?  Once the page is up, everyone can contribute and edit the wiki page.



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Guest fabiistar07












First to thank M3 for translations :D




I seriously love each episode soo much, now they're all my favorites ^_^




In this epi I cracked up seeing them feed the seagulls, the way they were running when they were all in a big group ... it looked soo scary!!




But it'll be a memorable moment for them




Holding hands and linking arms :wub: especially when they talked about their Japan trip ... I really wanted them to talk about it or at least remember it together :)




Also when they shared the scarf, Hyun seemed so natural and pretty when she wrapped her husband with the scarf :wub: you could see in Yong~'s face that he was completely exited about it, and when they rubbed their hands together so that they would be warm ... wahh~ DAEBAk!




I don't want to make this too long




but something else i LOVED was when Hyun mentioned wearing the butterfly necklace and she wanted Yong to say something about it (probably how pretty she looked, every girl likes to be complimented, uri SeoHyunnie is growing more each day :D ), Hyunnie is really expressing herself more, it was cute seeing them argue, it's good for a couple to argue once in a while too :lol:




EDIT : oh! i topped the page







I'll share this FMV that took me like 2 weeks to get uploaded b/c YT & my internet connection don't like me -_-







hehe well i hope you enjoy and share it as well







it's my first fmv




Yong~'s For First-Time Lovers





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Guest archiehon








































Hi, popping out from my lurker mode. Just want to say THIS EPI IS DAEBAK! I noticed a few people have voiced some thoughts about missing their awkward earlier eps moment. But you shouldn't...... It's natural for a relationship to progress.Tthose moments had passed but they would always be a part of their history together and i'm going to embrace those time with fondness. However it gives us such a feeling to see them doing so well now. Because of the pass we have hope for a future. They give hope to us that a meaningful relationship can be developed even with the most unlikely person. Back to lurker mode.
























BTW, crystalblue i hope you get the recipes that i've send to you. Please inform me if you haven't.   









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omo, first time posting here... (but not first time going in this topic!kk)

i've watching this episode two, not, three times already , especially the last part, and i don't know if you guys notice this but ...  look carefully at yong's hand







is it me or our lovely yong wanted to getting closer (with miticulous care)  to our shy seohyun? and maybe grabbed her hands .. 8D

Oh also, many people complaining about the fact that seohyun don't show any jealousy towards yong but for me, i do think that she is, jealous but in her own way. Don't forget that she is seohyun, the girl who did'nt have any relationship before and prefered goguma over boys; so yeah even with all this time passed with yonghwa, she still clumsy with her feelings.

In the last part, if you look at 04:22 when yong smiled 'tenderly' when he called the girl, she did the "snif" things, like if she was 'upset' (actually it's what i do when i'm feeling jealous aha) and her smile looked a little fake for me at 03:38 like if she did'nt trust him when he said he didn't see his friend like a female, so yeah for me seohyun is a jealous girl but in a shy way kk. and yeah, i hope in the future she will  be more expressive ^^

anyways, like everybody said THIS EPISODE WAS DAEBAK! :D Thank you M3 for your translations!

ah, sorry for my poor english >_>...

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Guest omgirly
















































first and foremost, special thanks go out to all of you who've been throwing out precious bits and pieces of this episode (screen caps, gifs, links to uploaded segments) onto the thread, especially m3 for the quick translation!!! i missed the live stream so I look forward to next week! 































































what was particularly interesting was seeing the 3 faces of yong in one day over the span of the past 3 weeks.















































    yong #1 - with hyun and his mother. what was nice was that he was mellow and seemed a bit upright. although playful, he wasn't overly so. it appeared like he was trying very hard to stay calm since the meeting for hyun might have been nerve wracking for her. he wasn't overly expressive and didn't dominate the discussion, and as many of you mentioned before, he sat silently supportive.















































  2. yong #2 - with hyun only. when they were in the train, hyun was nervous, so he was mellow, but after meeting his mother, he totally opened up and was back to his playful, yet caring self. the skinship was non-stop. amazing. also, his reactions to her joking back at him and her grumbling about the necklace were sweet. i think she totally caught him off guard on several instances. his face said it all.
























yong #3 - with hyun and friends. the guy is obviously an extrovert and loves the company of other people, particularly that of his friends. these friends have known him forever. he knew it would be awkward and so he did everything he could to make both his friends and hyun feel comfortable by guiding the discussions, asking the right questions, being playful. the last part of the episode was awkward, but i have a feeling things will get better next week. i'm just amazed his friends were down for being introduced to appearing on the show.























































the whole episode was cute, but here are the moments when i couldn't stop smiling:























































    when hyun said she'd save the goguma instead of yong - when she made her choice, she looked straight at his face to watch for his reaction. she knew her answer would get him huffy, but she said it anyway and anticipated his response. they're totally in sync when it comes to the playful banter and she's not oblivious anymore to his jokes.































































  2. the hand-warming on the boat - i liked how comfortable she spoke with him when she asked him if he was cold. absolutely no awkwardness whatsoever before she started warming up his hands with her own.
























when hyun told him "what?" in the bickering scene (5:41 of thesonesource19, part 2) - i don't remember her voice sounding so course before. she usually speaks cutely, softly and gently, so when it came out, it was a pleasant surprise and a definite sign that they are very comfortable and close.
















introducing hyun to his friend, jinsuk, in the van - when he introduced them, he said it so quietly and sweet, i about died.
















bragging skinship to his friends on the walk to the cafe - first, he hooks his arm with hers and calls his friends to look at him. she seems comfortable enough with letting him draw attention to them. then, they slip back into holding hands. it would have been interesting if his friends were behind them as they strolled hand-in-hand. i wonder what they'd say then?
















introducing her to his friends as seo joo hyun - i mean seriously, the guy kept saying her real name at that table, even though she introduced herself as "seohyun". i thought to myself, "does she only want people close to her calling her by her real name?". delusional, i know. he also never introduced her as his "wife", which i thought was interesting. he was incredibly proud and excited to introduce his famous celebrity wife to his childhood friends who were clearly starstruck in her presence.























































i think next week's episode is going to be VERY good. as others have mentioned, when there's no preview, something good unfolds.
































the skinship is coming fast these days, so i think closer contact will be coming up soon. it kinda started on the train with her resting her head on his shoulder and in this week's preview, it looked like he draped his arm on the back of the seat behind her on the boat (which they didn't show in the episode). so i think the next will be that they sit next to each other and he'll drape his arm around her shoulders or the back of her chair and she may move closer to him and/or lean against him. a hug will soon follow.









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Guest jazziejec





hello Gogumas!!



-- now, i felt so left out:tears: ..still not watched the recent WGM episode..just reading all your spazzing makes me feel something is missing..i'll make time to watch it..but still contemplating to wait for the subbed videos though..:P



YongSeo Daebak!!



Gogumas Hwaiting!!


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Guest moniertu

Firstly, a big 'Thank You!!" to MountainMadman for the fast translation, and everyone else that contributed wonderful screencaps, gifs, insights, spazzes etc.  I really appreciate everybody's effort in making our thread such a heavenly Go-Chun (redundant, eh??).

Anyway, I watched the latest episode via live-streaming, and re-watched it twice before the translation was out, and twice again after our chinggu MountainMadman completed the translation. And still can't get enough of all the sweetness that spells 'DIABETES' with a capital D! In fact this particular episode was able to derive all sorts of feelings/emotions out of me that somewhat surprised me. Here I am, an almost-45-year-old ahjumma, giggling, oohing and aahing non-stop and the best & weirdest part about it all is that I am able to relate, empathise, and reminisce whilst watching our YongSeo...

YongSeo's constant holding of hands just screams "I'll-miss-you-if-I-don't-hold-your hand", then there's that leaning against each other action (on the bench before the boat ride and during the boat ride), and also the 'touch here, touch there' incidents (hand rubbing on the boat & Yong touching Hyun's neck etc).  So natural and innocent, not too much, not too little, but what we see makes us go crazy like a bunch of mad sweet potatoes!!  Maybe because this episode is a bit longer, we get to see an overload of non-stop skinship, and PD Nim must be in a good mood during editing. Before I proceed, I hope I don't come across as a pervert (well, maybe just a little bit), but I do have a few essential points to share.

When I watched all this take place, I can't help but rewind my own experience as far back as 24 years ago when I first started being in love and dating my boyfriend (now my husband). We behaved the same way, as YongSeo did, wanting to feel close to each other, couldn't be 5 cm apart when in the same room, forever holding hands and so forth.  The thrilling excitement that we get during the early stages of falling in love - I'm sure my fellow gogumas who have experienced being in love would understand.  So, the big question, what is REALLY going on with our YongSeo couple, everyone???  Are they starting to feel like how I felt aeons ago?  I don't think they're just doing it for the cameras, or else all the Hyun Bins, Won Bins, Park Min Youngs and Ha Ji Wons out there would be rivalling with our YongSeo for awards this year.  When I watch Yongseo, I can't help but think that their physical closeness mirrors their emotional closeness.

And the bickering about the necklace was so fun to watch.  I loved seeing Hyun putting her points across in a subtle manner, but Yong's reaction was simply daebak! Especially the part where he said "Why would I forget about that, I paid for it!".  Again I find this incident so familiar, but let me tell you, Hyun, you don't have it as bad as I do!! My husband and I bicker about WHO BOUGHT my rings, he says stuff like, "I bought that for you last year, didn't I?" and I would reply, "You wish!!"  

Sorry friends, for such a long post, but this episode brings back so many good memories for me personally..As for our Hyun, she has experienced so many FIRSTS with Yong, holding hands, walking & playing on the beach with a guy, midnight basketball, playing pool, making kimchi, writing a song, meeting MIL, meeting other half's childhood friends, etc.  Will she also, for the first time in her life, experience "falling in love" with Yong? Let's keep our fingers crossed and pray hard everyone..Now, let's go and listen to Yonghwa's "For the First Time Lovers"...

p.s. I am a classic case of a realist turned into an idealist.

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Guest lovekin




agree with you on both those things.  i noticed that his arm was out, but it's how far out he has it that i find awkward.  from experience and just from conversations i've had with my guy friends, they tend to provide subtle gestures like that.  sometimes it's unintentional - like they don't really expect you to respond or pick up on what they're trying to do - and other times it is intentional.  or it may even be a subconscious attempt, as i think it was in the case of yong.  maybe.




and i also feel the same way about jealousy.  seo being clumsy with her feelings is a good way to put it, but i also think those jealous feelings don't quite register with her the same way it does with other people.  like she knows it's an unlikable feeling, but she doesn't know what to do with it or what to say, so she expresses it by being silent and appears as if she's mulling over the situation.




then there's that bit where she asks if the girl is a tomboy.  now i'm not saying this was the case for her, but just because a girl hangs out with a group of boys doesn't automatically make her a tomboy.  and what's interesting is that people have a tendency to want to rationalize "negative" feelings by asking seemingly innocuous questions and gauging verbal and facial expressions of the person with whom they're asking questions in hopes of hearing a suitable answer ... which, if we're going according to her own expressions, seo wasn't sure what to make of it.  tongue.gif








now this is mostly me talking aloud and being somewhat curious over the matter, but i wonder if she places any distinction to those who call her seo joo-hyun and seohyun.  when i was watching that part where he introduces her as seo joo-hyun, she doesn't correct him in any way, but she introduces herself as seohyun, which makes me think she introduced herself using her stage name instinctively.  strangers, fans - it's always seohyun.  with SNSD, i know they've addressed her as joo-hyun before, and i imagine it's because she grew up with them; with yong, i don't think there was ever a point in which they discussed their given names; yong seemed to start calling her joo-hyun just because.




so basically, my whole purpose of the above paragraph was just ... lmao, i don't know.  for instance, people i've just met can't just call me by my shortened name to address me.  if they do, i kind of think they're a little weird because i'm not close to them, and so i prefer they call me by my full name.  therefore, with seo, i wonder if it works the opposite way for her in that only those she considers close are able to refer to her by her real name (in a personal setting anyway, as i'm sure her fans must have chanted seo joo-hyun at one time or another).






EDIT:  oh, oh, oh!  haha.  omgirly brings up a good point that i missed.  i mean, who's to say it's actually significant but, from a viewers' perspective, it is interesting that he doesn't introduce her as his wife.  to introduce her as his wife would suggest that yong is aware of that invisible wall where they're only a virtual couple.  i personally wouldn't read too much into it, but it still makes you think.  of course he referred to her as his wife with his mom, and in comparison, there really shouldn't be any difference.  however, i still think it's cute that yong wasn't being formal in the way of their respective roles ("husband" and "wife") but actually introduced her the way he probably would an actual girlfriend or something.  phew.gif


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Guest Yangie12



and i also feel the same way about jealousy.  seo being clumsy with her feelings is a good way to put it, but i also think those jealous feelings don't quite register with her the same way it does with other people.  like she knows it's an unlikable feeling, but she doesn't know what to do with it or what to say, so she expresses it by being silent and appears as if she's mulling over the situation.














Sorry to cut your post, lovekin. I agree with you and kimel about Seohyun's jealously. On top of these quoted points, I would also like to add that it seems like Seohyun knows that she doesn't have to be jealous. I'm prety sure that she realises that his female friend doesn't neccessarily have to be a 'threat'. After all, girls and guys can be friends right? I remember in the early episodes, Yonghwa was jealous of Johnny Depp and her college friends. Seohyun merely answered with a astounded "Why?" and discarded the topic, as if telling Yong that it's nothing and he doesn't have to be jealous. At that time, you can clearly see that Seohyun has never felt jealous like this way before. But now she is actually going through it -and it's so obvious from her facial expressions-, you can quite see how see is struggling with her feelings. I'm pretty sure she is rationalizing it (she is Seohyun after all), just like how she did with Yong -Yejie is just a good friend, nothing more- but on the other side, as a girl who is interested in Yong, she probably thinks: "Who is this girl?!" She doesn't know how to deal with these conflicting feelings, and therefore try to hide the fact that she is jealous by being silent.



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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































So I was not crazy, this morning during the livestream, I watched that part and even if I didnt understand a single word, I watched SH is change during that conversation and when I read in the Chatroom that YH was talking about Yeiji, I was like "Woah, I think she is jealous"... For a few moments it remainded me of how I try to control my emotions, when I am upset about something. I really do that, but you can see in my face the change...
















































































I just found this bit very interesting, before she didnt understand why YH was altered when he was talking about her photos with her classmates/fans... but now I think she was upset and when I read the translation, she actually said that the girl must be a tomboy, I was like Woah! she is trying to downplay the issue, but YH inmediatly corrected her... It was really interesting with the translation. And maybe she began to ponder the issue...
















































































I dont think he brought his girl friend to make her jealous, I think he did it to help the situation and make SH more comfortable.
















































































I am dying to know what they are going to say about YH, his friends look really nice... Cant wait for next episode!
















































































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!!
















































































Edit: An about the issue with the necklace, this is the dilussional me, but I think SH is taking things seriously, YH have been doing that for a while, but in this moment in time I am 99.99% sure that SH is taking things seriously and at the very least has a really big crush on him... I dont want to say love yet, but she really really really likes him to some extent...
















































































I want to add what my crazy imagination is thinking... I think the weeding photoshoot was another turning point, that episode was filmed a day before the end of the year shows (Dic. 29, 30, 31) for some reason, I think after the weeding photoshoot YH didnt know how to handle the issue, what make me think that??? Well, with some fancams and photos I have seen how intensely he looked at her and this just give me a different vibe... I know he has looked at her intensely before, but this was totally different, and my biased YH shipper self tells me that he was feeling possesive or something in that line... This is just my personal opinion, with a lot of crazy imagination filling the gaps... XD
















































































This new filming that happened this week with the appearance of the rings in the awards show, had me thinking that something is really different now, and I think they have become really real.... In my crazy imagination... :phew:
















































































Well, happy spazzing!!! Just time will tell!!!
















































































P.S. Something funny I am making a backpacker trip to Europe in May and I added one more day in Florence so I could appreciate the Duomo, I am even staying right next to it... To think that YongSeo will be there in 10 years.... kekekeke I am really crazy... I know dont worry... :sweatingbullets:

















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New shipper! I'm so slow with this couple, but I just watched WGM lately and they are absolutely adorable! Hoping I can get through the later episodes, because from the sound of what everyone is saying, their relationship has grown alot :w00t:

















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Guest SophiaPia































































1st year anniversary and Vday messages
















To: YongSeo































Happy 1st year anniversary. Your relationships grown so much and i'm wishing you all the happiness and love in this world. Pls. stay as sweet as you are. Stay healthy both of you. And stay together forever. Cheers 































To: YongSeo































Happy Valentine's day. Have a great Vday together. Love each other, and say 'i love you' to each other and to your love ones cause life is too short. Love love love. Cheers































From: SophiaPia (Philippines, but i'm here in Brunei Darussalam)
































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Hi all .... it's nice to be here!








I am so loving this episode .... I am re-watching earlier episodes and seeing the progress of our lovely couple makes me wants to scream! :-P








Watching the earlier episodes, I see that Yong had always been a 'touchy feely' person.  He's like me (I think) .... I mean, when I like someone, I feel like I want to touch the person, just to feel how it feels (not sure how to express it).








There were so many signs that showed Yong already like Hyun, but he was being cautious, very GENTLEMAN of him to think of the other person ... he didn't want to scare Hyun off.  I think that's a wonderful trait of any man, to be understanding towards the feeling of the girl he likes.








Anyway, I just want to say I think .... YONG LOVES HYUN!!!!





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Such a fun episode. Yonghwa is hilarious. I love him. :)
















Talking about Hyun's jealousy... it's funny b/c as I watched the clip of them in the car and saw Hyun's expression suddenly turn a bit somber, I wondered what happened that she looked a little upset. I was wondering if that had to do with Yong's "insensitivity" (as I read in the preview, but turned out that was about the necklace), but now I see it was b/c of a girl joining them that Yong spoke with on the phone that she did not know much about. So that was interesting to watch play out.
































Still, being as shy as she is (and remembering how shy I once was), it has been pretty cool to watch Yong in the past 2 episodes watch out for her-- to encourage her and pay attention to her and walk with her and hold her hand. To try and draw her into their group. He knows her and his actions show that he is sensitive to her, and thus really cares for her. The girl has to be someone special for a guy to do this, especially when he is around his friends. From ep 1 until now, she's lucky to have him, and I'm glad she acknowledges and responds to him now.
































edit: also have to mention that I thought it was absolutely adorable that Hyun's screams as they were running from the seagulls sounded exactly like a seagull! :lol:

















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Please don't let me be top of the page besause I don't have anything to share.



There is a couple of thing that have been bugging me.



1. I think that the final concensus was that the video taken at C.N. Blues concert was by someone other than WGM. So, in theory, WGM didn't know she was there or met his fammily.



2. I know we are not supposed to mention other couples but Kungtoria got their mission message to go to Thailand to meet Khun's family while they were apart, but Yongseo didn't get any sort of mission message.



3. S I was wondering if maybe Yonghwa had a lot of messages from his Mom saying "So, when are you going to bring her home" or if he just wanted to do the traditional thing and bring her home to meet family and friends.



4. I was wondering if going to Busan was his idea and he went to the WGM staff and said that he wanted to take Hyun to Busan but he knew that they couldn't go without a cover and he asked the WGM staff to help them out.



5. I think it would be hard for the WGM staff to get together his friends without his help. I really do have a feeling that this was Yonghwa's plan and the WGM just helped him out.



Am I crazy or does anyone else think this might be the case.



If this is what happened then OMG.



Thank you to all the translators, subbers, fancam suppliers, fan video makers, fanfic writers, and all of the people on this thread and to those who joined the fan club. I grew up in the golden age of rock and roll, beatles, beach boys, etc, but this is the first time I ever joined a fan club. They say that you get younger as you grow older and now I think that is true.









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