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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392










I agree with you jnj, or maybe some are still sleeping or went to sleep ;) Or maybe some Gogumas just don't feel like posting and are happy by reading what others post...


















I woke up half an hour ago and already watched the latest YongSeo cut ^_^ It was soo cute! Thanks to everyone who has shared news, screencaps and translations (Dduk, MountainMadMan you are awesome! ♥).


















I loved loved loved the latest ep ♥ when I was watching it I kept spazzing over every little action they made hehehe :lol: It was so funny when they were feeding the birds, scary too xD This ep is probably one of the happiest eps for Yong because he is with Hyunnie on his hometown (Busan) and met with his mom and then best friends. :)


















hehehe I love their little bickering (about the butterfly necklace) and when they held hands and warmed each other hands I squealed blush.gif


















It's awesome how much they've changed... now Hyunnie understands Yong's jokes and jokes back ^_^ (she is been like this for a few eps already ;) ). It shows how closer they've become...


















YongSeo ftw <3



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Guest pinkksoupp
































































































































































































































thanks MountainMadman for the fast subs! ^^ i had no idea you were doing live subbing during the streaming cos i only opened this thread after i was done watching the streaming..will you be doing live subbing again next week? *is hopeful* heheh..
































































































































































mm, some thoughts on today's utterly daebak episode. hello awesome skinship!! :D based on our observations of the couple earlier on, i think some of us mentioned how they were not prone to showing skinship in front of a lot of people..i'm guessing cos seohyun is still kinda shy about these kinda things, especially since yonghwa is practically the first guy she's linked to romantically. it may not seem like a big deal to some people but seohyun strikes me as being quite conservative when it comes to skinship and relationship stuff, maybe it's due to her upbringing? but anyways, that aside, hooomygawd they were super adorable today!! especially when yong grabbed her hand on the boat and claimed that he was cold..heheh..and hyun buin was so sweet to rub his hands with her own to try and make them warmer. that was a total AWWWWW moment :)
































































































































































i was super amused when hyun went like "do you notice anything missing from my neck?" and yong just like grabbed her collar to peek in..LOL. i was like "did he just look down her shirt?!" and it turns out he was looking for the butterfly necklace. but i could see that yong was really surprised by the fact that hyun had expected him to mention that she was wearing the necklace during the times that they met up. and it's typical of men to do that. a good example to quote would be my hubby..LOL..he won't say it to my face if he notices that something's different with the way i dress etc. i have to ask him specifically if he notices anything, otherwise he won't say a word. so yes, yong is just being a typical man. not that he doesn't care if she wears the necklace or not, he just doesn't think he should make a big deal out of it cos it may make him look less macho if he were to care so much about a necklace. and he did defend himself by saying why would he forget about it if he was the one to buy the necklace for her..hahaha..poor yong, you've still got a longgggg way to go to understand the way a woman's mind works ;)
































































































































































oh and i loved how yonghwa's group of friends called themselves the Doo-Mac-Paem (Doosil Macdonald's Family)..i wonder if yonghwa was the one who came up with the moniker..seeing how he's made up a couple of monikers on WGM like Go-Chun..heheh..then there was that episode at the salon after the milddang period where he called seohyun Mi-Chin (miyong chingu or hairdresser salon friend i think?) oh you choding, yonghwa :D so should we call ourselves the In-Go-Paem? (International Goguma Family..LOL) or Go-Chun-Paem? LOL
































































































































































happy weekend gogumas! :D

































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aneng: Yeah, it is weird, Why are we spazzing that little today? This is not normal for this thread :tears:.
































































































































































After reading translation I was enjoing even more their bickering! LOL Hyun is just a normal girlfriend!!! She is so cute, cute cute ^^! and Yong and his "of course I remember, I paid for it!" hahahahaha LOL. We, gogumas, had spazz so much about the butterfly necklace and he didn´t say a thing until Hyun asked for it!... hahaha, but I believe him, I know he noticed, he is such a retailer man, there is no way he didn´t :).
































































































































































I´m very happy about something, I don´t really know how it is for others couples but for our YongSeo, since they have their meaningful story, they can recall  their older episodes everytime, everything is connected in some way and all makes sense. It feels like this is a very good drama with a good story line, but it is not, it is just our YongSeo story :wub:.
































































































































































Come on Gogumas, come out! we are waiting to read you here :P.
































































































































































EDIT: By the way, Thanks a lot again M3 and for Dduck I think he/she asked about WGM time???. WGM starts around 5:05 o´clock at Seul time (you can convert to your local time)

































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Guest loybing

@Mountainmadman thank you very much!

another daebak episode. full of sweet moments.

this couple continuously amaze me.

to everyone who posted caps,pictures and videos "THANK YOU"

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Thank you MountainMadman for the subs ! *bows*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I LOVE this episode. They looked soooo comfortable together. I lost count how many times they held hands. When Yong freaked out like hell during feeding the seagulls, I laughed so hard! It was supposed to be romantic but then turned out to be a horror hahaha! And at the boat! OMG! My heart went dugeun dugeun. I even had to pushed pause button and took a deep breath. Sharing scarf, heating each others hands......Zero awkwardness!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I was surprised that Hyun was so upset because he didn't say anything about the necklace. I died again when she asked him to peek inside her collar? I don't know for me it seemed like something.......hot? Hahaha. Yong was surprised with her being so upset too.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































His friends were nice. They treat Yong not like a star, but the Yong they knew. And Yong was so down to earth too. I guffawed when two of his friends chose to look at the ceiling rather than to Seo Hyun haha. And I was suspicious of Yejie. A thought flashed through my mind, "Would it be his ex gf?" But I guess no sane guy would invite his ex to meet his current girlfriend.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The whole episode just screamed "Real couple to me".

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Aneng.... just like what jnj said, don't worry, all the goguma's are here.  I for one, has been watching the video over and over.  I want to spazz but I can't because I don't know or I don't know where to start.  All I know is I am happy watching the show and I can't wait for the continuation next Saturday.  This two has gone a long way indeed, their "skinships"  are becoming natural and I just love the idea of Yong introducing Hyun to his friends.  I think it's a big move on Yong's part to have convinced his closest friends to appear on the show, and to have the one closest girl pal on the group to meet Hyun says a lot, I think.  We all know that he doesn't have a sister, so to get the approval of a close girl friend aside from his omma and family of course is just something. 
















...... so Aneng, if you think about it, you just made me post something tonight....hahahahaha.
















Anneyeong Goguma's :wub:
































Thank you M3 for keeping the promise.  Staying awake till 5am just so you can provide us with the translations, wow, this thread is soo lucky to have you indeed as part of the family.






























































To everyone else who shared the links and gifs...thank you.  For someone who misses the streaming, those are what I really looked for the moment I get in the thread....and now we have live chat translation to go with the streaming??? who ever started that idea, that's so nice of you, hope I can also join you guys next Saturday blush.gif































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I don't have much time to post (and watch) - it's so depressing, but I want to point something out:

In this video:


(It's the first part uploaded by TheSoneSource19), around 1:09, they hold hands while their fingers are interlaced???

Can anyone confirm or debunk this? Or even gif it??

What do you think?

Best regards,


PS. Oh, I topped the page. Unfortunately I have nothing to share, so I'll repost the parts and M3's translations again:

Here you go. Good god, it's 5:55 AM here. Good night, everyone.

Part 1: http://www.youtube.c...ex=1&playnext=1

Part 2: http://www.youtube.c...n_order&list=UL

Part 3: http://www.youtube.c...n_order&list=UL


Starting at the 0:22 mark.

H: First of all…the weather was beautiful. And the meeting with my mother-in-law was over, which I was worried about. And now all that’s left is, to just enjoy myself.

Y: Ah, the ocean smell!

H: This ocean smell?

Y: Yeah. You don’t smell it?

H: I do, kind of.

Sub: Hyun getting excited over seeing the ocean

Y: Should we buy some snacks and herd the seagulls?

H: Seagulls? Okay.

Sub: The traditional game of any ocean trip à feeding the seagulls…

H: You’re not scared of seagulls?

Y: I’m not scared.


At the 1:00 mark.

Y: Seagulls would like shrimp crackers the best, right?

Owner: Yes, they do.

MC: It must be a present to the seagulls.

MC: Oh, shrimp crackers.

Sub: buying supplies to feed the seagulls…

Y: Yah, I finally get to step on to the white sand beach of Haewoondae.

H: I want to go down there!

Y: Just jump!

H: Let’s go!

Y: Look, it’s a seagull!

Y: Busan seagulls~ [NOTE: It’s an old Korean song.]

MC: Oh, the Busan natives should know this song.

MC: It’s the national anthem of Busan.

H: Look over there! It’s like they’re sunbathing.

Sub: Seagull flocks in the middle of tanning (?)

MC: Oh, it’s my first time seeing them up close.

H: Wow, it’s so cool.

H: Oh, they’re cute!


At the 2:00 mark.

Y: Yahh, they’re scary!

H: What?

H: I want to go down there!

Y: Did you ever try this before?

H: No, I haven’t.

Y: Yeah, me neither.

Sub: Both of them trying it for the first time…

H: Really?

Y: Yeah. I’ve always wanted to do it.

Sub: finally going down to the beach…

Y: Hey! Galmaeg~! [NOTE:‘Galmaegi’ is seagull in Korean.]

MC: I did it there once too.

MC: With who?

MC: With…er…my 2AM brothers.

MC: They told me they had never been there. Who did you go with?

Y: Should we walk down?

H: Okay.

Y: Kids! Let’s eat!

H: Maegi, maegi! [NOTE: See above note.] They’re running away?

Sub: the seagulls not paying much attention…

Y: Hey, guys!

Sub: suddenly!

Sub: the seagulls reacting to the shrimp crackers…

MC: Oh, it’s like in that one Hitchcock movie, with the birds...

Sub: the seagulls catching everything that’s thrown at them…!


At the 3:05 mark.

MC: It’s like a horror movie.

MC: The seagull brigade…

Sub: in the middle of that…

Y: Seohyun, let’s go!

Sub: hurriedly taking care of his wife…

Sub: running away…

MC: Oh, look at that!

Sub: in the end…!

Sub: gives up the entire bag…

MC: They lost it.

Sub: barely escaping…

MC: They must’ve bought it to look romantic…

Y: I looked up, and…I really couldn’t see the sky at all. Because the seagulls, just…I was so surprised, I left Seohyun behind.

MC: He ditches Seohyun to save himself.

Y: And then I remembered, so I went back to get her.

H: Why did you throw it away? We need to get it back.


At the 4:00 mark.

H: The chips, the chips.

H: Hurry.

Sub: being led by her hand…

Sub: on their way to rescue (?) the shrimp crackers

Y: How do we get in there?

H: Do it while yelling “Wuuhhhhhh.”

Sub: Charge…!

Y: Go away!

H: Go away! Pigeons!

MC: She called them pigeons.

Y: I wonder how they smell it?

H: I know, right.

H: I think they’re going to surround us again.

Sub: trying again…

MC: A lot of them are coming again!

Sub: success!

Sub: with their luck…one more time!


At the 5:00 mark.

Sub: the seagulls flocking from the smell!

Y: Hey, run away!

MC: That looks fun!

Y: No, no, I’m not giving you any!

MC: The seagulls’ love for shrimp crackers is close to godliness

MC: When the seagulls turn angry, they take a dump.

MC: On their heads.

MC: Look at his leg!

Y: They look like kites.

MC: Not giving up, trying to feed them again…!

Y: Yeah! Okay, next!

MC: When I do that, I don’t do itlike that.

MC: How do you do it?


At the 6:00 mark.

MC: You have to call their names. Jonathan! Sebastian!

Y: Here, you try.

Sub: Hyun tries it too…

Y: Stay still.

H: Wow! It’s fun.

MC: It’s fun, she says.

Sub: looks like they’re getting closer ^^

H: Now it’s getting…a little tired. It’s really fun, though.

H: The next day, I got cramps in my legs. Really. At the time, it was so fun and exciting, so I didn’t notice, but then I thought about it and I realized that I had run so much.

Y: I now know…how to go back to our house with the seagulls in tow. I can go back to Sangdo-dong with them.With the cookies…about 300 seagulls.

Sub: after spending some time with the Busan seagulls…

Y: Move! I’m leaving, I’m going to leave! Don’t come near me!


At the 7:00 mark.

Y: Hyung’s going to leave.

Sub: just then!

H: Waaaah!

H: They went to the grandmother over there!

Sub: the seagull-calling maiden

MC: Wow, I never saw that happen.

Sub: Haewoondae seagull ahjumma appears

Sub: suddenly!

H: Wahh!

Sub: seagull master trainer Yong…?!!

Sub: b.u.t.!

Sub: his seagull friends all flying away

Sub: after running their hearts out with the Busan seagulls

H: Ahh~it’s nice.

MC: Both of them seem tired out.

Y: Let’s go ride the boat!

H: Boat?

Y: Riding the boat.

Sea: suddenly bringing up a boat…?!

H: What boat?

Y: “Busan’s Landmark, Amazing Tours.”


At the 8:00 mark.

H: Is that what we’re riding?

Y: Yeah, that goes all the way to America.

H: Really. How many days does it take?

Sub: Hyun’s jokes getting similar to Yong’s

Y: Around 35 days?

MC: That boat goes around Oryook-do. [NOTE: An island off the coast of Busan.]

MC: Oh, on the boat.

MC: There’s a song about that, “The boat going around…” is that what it’s about?

Sub: coming to ride the cruise ship

Y: If both a goguma and I fall into the sea, which one would you save?

H: Of course I’d save the goguma.

MC: She would save the goguma.

MC: Well, they’re the goguma couple, after all.

Sub: time to ride the boat…

H: Wow, it’s so nice~!

MC: It’s really nice!


At the 9:00 mark.

MC: Jonghyun, you know that place, right?

Sub: today’s Busan guide, Jonghyun

MC: Actually, Busan natives probably don’t know Oryook-do that well.

MC: From all the Busan people I’ve known, you’re the only one that doesn’t know about Oryook-do.

Sub: the boat finally starts…

H: Should we sit here?

H: Oh, thank you. You’re cold, right?

Y: No, I’m fine.

H: Isn’t it a bit like a kimbap? [NOTE: Korean sushi roll, where you roll a black piece of seaweed around the insides, usually consisting of white rice and a variety of vegetables.]

Y: Kimbap?

H: I’m not really cold…are you cold?

Y: My hands are cold.

H: Is that warm?

Y: Yeah.


Moving on to Part 2.

Sub: finally…!

Captain: I’ll be giving a talk about Oryook-do.

Sub: the captain’s informative talk begins

Sub: the two people deeply~falling into the Haewoondae tour

Sub: Oryook-do, depending on the direction in which it is looked at…can be either 5 islands or six islands…[NOTE: 5 = ‘oh’. 6 = ‘yook’. Put together, it is pronounced ‘oryook’, or literally, ‘5-6’. So the island’s name in English would be “five-six island”.]

MC: Oh, so the number of islands can change depending on the direction.

Sub: And…!

Captain: you will see a white substance(?) flowing down the island.

Sub: a white island on top of the blue ocean…!

Captain: those would be the excrement of birds.

MC: excrement of birds.

Sub: a whi~te work of art…!

H: Wow, it’s the best, right?

Sub: the captain’s lecture(?) ends~!

Sub: going around the Haewoondae sea


At the 1:00 mark.

Sub: returning to the pier~

Sub: the couple finishing their cruise

Y: It’s getting dark.

H: Those people don’t seem scared.

Y: They’re veterans.

H: It seems to be getting colder.

Y: Seohyun.

H: Why did you do that?

Sub: Had done a lock-armed version at their Japan trip

Y: I thought a lot about that.

H: What kind of thoughts?

Y: Seohyun actually did it.

H: Ha! Really?

Y: This is important.

H: But I was comfortable…

Y: Really?


At the 2:00 mark.

H: Yeah, it’s comfortable when it’s like…but your hand…

Sub: then…

H: Today, something…is missing.

Sub: something is suddenly missing…?!

Y: What?

H: What can it be?

Y: What is it?

H: I…my neck is missing something.

MC: Does she want a scarf?

H: I wonder why?

Y: Huh?

H: Sit.

Y: Why is your neck feeling empty?

H: It’s just missing something.

Y: The necklace?

H: That’s right.

Sub: about the necklace…

Y: the butterfly necklace?

H: Yeah!

MC: Oh, the one he gave as a present?

Sub: his birthday present to her at Ganghwa-do

H: Do you remember what it looks like?

Y: Of course I remember.

H: Do you think you would know if I had it on?


At the 3:00 mark.

Y: I would know if I saw.

H: Ahhh, really!

Y: What?

H: You don’t have very good eyes.

Y: Why?

H: Do you know how much I’ve been wearing the butterfly necklace?

MC: She had it on in Japan, too. And in Ganghwa-do.

Sub: if it’s with Yonghwa, the necklace is always there…!

H: You don’t know, right?

MC: His face doesn’t know about it at all.

H: I did it the last time, and the time before that, and I always had it on! And you didn’t know about it.

Sub: But Yong didn’t know!?

Y: Oh, I knew about that!

H: What?? Really? Are you sure you didn’t know about it?

Y: Why wouldn’t I know that?

H: I thought you didn’t know.

Y: Why wouldn’t I?

H: Because you didn’t say anything.

Y: Oh, like “You have it on today~”?

H: Yeah.


At the 4:00 mark.

MC: She wanted to hear things like, “Oh, it looks pretty…”

MC: That one phrase…

MC: Is that so hard?

H: I thought you had forgotten about it.

Y: The present? Why would I forget about that, I paid for it!

Sub: this is the way a man works(?)!

MC: So simple.

H: I thought you didn’t know.

MC: But if he doesn’t express it, how would she know.

H: I shouldn’t wear it next time. I think Yong oppa’s, like, he wouldn’t say anything when I do it, but would ask about it if I’m not wearing it. Should I try doing that?

PD: Are you upset?

H: Not exactly upset, but…yeah, I guess I’m upset.

Y: I always saw her wearing it, but I didn’t know I was supposed to say something about it. Next time, when I see it, I’m going to mention it a lot.

H: Then I guess I’ll put it back on.


At the 5:00 mark.

Sub: was hiding the necklace…

MC: She has it with her?

Y: But then, in the morning,you…#$@%$!^!^& [NOTE: Undecipherable, sorry…I tried my best… ^_^]

H: You didn’t do it!

Y: Okay, okay. So that’s what you wanted, our Seohyun…

H: What do you mean, want? Ah, really…

Y: I was just looking at it, like “oh, she has it on…”

H: Ahhh, really, my…

Y: What?

H: Nothing.

H: Really…

Y: You probably wouldn’t know~ if you had the butterfly necklace on~ [NOTE: Another popular Korean song, back in the day.]

Y: You should’ve asked about it.

H: I was going to…but…I forgot. From now on, tell me.

Y: Okay.

H: Let’s go. Go!

Y: Go where?

H: Somewhere.

Y: You know the way?

H: Let’s just go somewhere.

MC: They’re in Busan, where would she go.

Y: I need to call my friend.

Sub: Yong husband’s friend!!


At the 6:00 mark.

MC: Yonghwa’s friends.

Friend: hello?

Y: Oh, where are you?

Sub: Yong’s friends…perhaps…

Friend: I’m on my way.

Sub: your friends…do you still meet them?

Friend: hang on a few minutes, I’ll be there quickly.

H: I’m curious.

MC: This should be interesting.


Moving on to Part 3.

Y: He should be here by now…

Phone: unable to connect to caller. Please leave a…

Sub: his friend still seems to be lost…

H: Are you sure he’s coming?

H: I wonder where he is…

Y: I think there’s going to be around 4 people.

MC: Yonghwa’s friends really got daebaked, meeting a member of SNSD. [NOTE: That’s the best way I can phrase it…the close translation would be ‘really really lucky’.]

Y: They’re friends that I’ve been close with since elementary school.

Sub: his closest friends for his whole life!

MC: They’re his closest friends.

Y: They’re my friends from the neighborhood, I know them better than anyone else, and I really wanted to introduce them to Seohyun.

Phone: unable to connect to caller. Please…

H: Were you left behind?

Y: Impossible.

MC: I think his friends are going to be very masculine.

Y: We’re doo-maek-paem.

Sub: Yong’s friends =doo-maek-paem

H: What does that mean?


At the 1:00 mark.

Y: Doosil McDonald Family. [NOTE:Doosil is the neighborhood where Yonghwa and friends grew up. Doo-Mc-Fam, or doo-maek-paem.]

MC: Oh, that was where they all met?

Y: They’re all very kind and nice.

H: Really? They wouldn’t be uncomfortable around me, right?

Y: It’ll be okay if you’re not uncomfortable around them.

H: Okay.

MC: She needs to do well when she meets his friends, it’s a way to boost his morale.

Y: He should be here by now…Jinsuk!

H: Where would he hear that?

Y: He could hear it. Jung Jinsuk!

Sub: Will Jinsuk show up… [NOTE: the music playing here is from a TV show called “Love Through the Television” where a celebrity would be reunited with their long-lost friends. The show would reach its climax when the celebrity would shout out the name of his/her friend, who would appear through a door.]

Y: Oh, Yonghwa…did you call me?

MC: I wonder if he will show up.

Y: Oh, he’s here!

H: Really?

Sub: Finally!

Sub: Jinsuk chingoo arriving after going seven times around the block

H: Oh, is that him?

Sub: Yong very happy at meeting his best friend


At the 2:00 mark.

Y: This is Jinsuk.

H: Hello…this is my first time meeting you.

Jinsuk: Hello, I’m Jinsuk…I was Yonghwa’s friend since elementary school.

H: Oh, really? Glad to meet you.

Jinsuk: Sorry, you waited a long time, right?

MC: He looks cute.

Jinsuk: I went on the wrong road, so…

Y: Jinsuk, this is Seohyun…

H: doo-maec-paem…of course.

Jinsuk: let’s be comfortable…go comfortable…let’s just go…ugh.

Sub: the person more nervous that Hyun wife

Jinsuk: we need to stop by Busan-dae to pick up Yejie.

Sub: Yejie! A female name??

MC: Oh, it’s a female name?

Y: Her name is Yejie, she’s the sole female member of our doo-maek-paem.

Sub: there’s a girl among her husband’s friends!


At the 3:00 mark.

MC: There’s a female?

H: Yejie unnie…

H: She must be a little…tomboyish.

Y: No, she’s not really a tomboy.

H: Then what?

Y: She’s a comfortable friend.

MC: She might be a little upset atthat.

Y: Hey, do you remember how we grew so close to Yejie?

Y: She’s really comfortable to be around, you know…I don’t see her as female.

MC: If he says that, what’s Yejie’s position going to be?

Sub: meanwhile…arriving near Busan-dae

MC: Budae is the Busan equivalent of Hongdae in Seoul.It’s narrow and small, but it has everything. [NOTE: Both are popular places for teenagers.]

MC: He finally said something.

Sub: Calling Yejie…

Yejie: Yeah.

Y: Where are you?


At the 4:00 mark.

Yejie: I’m at #$@%.

Y: I’m almost there with Jinsuk.

Yejie: Yeah.

Y: Wait outside, we’re almost there.

Yejie: Okay…Jung Yong…

Y: Jung Yong…really.

MC: I wonder what her reaction would be to seeing his close female friend?

MC: Whether she’s better than me or not.

MC: And on top of that, if she’s prettier…

MC: It’s either she hates her, or they become friends.

Sub: Finally…!

Sub: Arriving in front of Busan-dae!

Y: Oh, I see Yejie.

H: Where?

Sub: There…

Sub: Yejie chingoo entering…

Y: Yejie!

Yejie: Hello…yah, what am I supposed to do?         


At the 5:00 mark.

MC: She’s cute.

Yejie: It’s so hard to look ather. [NOTE: Not 100% positive. Busan accent…]

H: Hello.

Yejie: Hello…omona.

MC: Omona.

MC: Oh, they’re doing well.

Yejie: You have a really small face.

Y: Yejie! Aren’t you happy to see me?

Sub: Yong becoming invisible thanks to Hyun

Yejie: It’s a celebrity…#$@%. [NOTE: GOD, I HATE TRANSLATING DIALECT.]

MC: #$@%.

Y: She’s a Busan-style girl.

H: At first, I thought the doo-maek-paem would be all guys, but…I was really surprised when I heard there was a girl. But when I saw her, she was really cute, and her face was really white, and she looked pretty.


At the 6:03 mark.

Sub: on their way to pick up their last friends

Yejie: Actually, you know what. Do you think I should’ve put on more makeup?

Y: No, it’s fine.

Sub: Busan girl paying attention to her face for her first broadcast

MC: Because she’s on broadcast.

Jinsuk: Now we need to get Ookhun and go straight up.

MC: Oh, I know Ookhun.

MC: You know him?

Yejie: Would you like some gum?

Sub: Friendship flowing through a piece of gum

Sub: Finally arriving at their last pick-up place!

Sub: Here…!

Sub: Doosil’s hamburger place


At the 7:00 mark.

Y: There they are.

Sub: Last friends for today!

MC: Oh, he’s really happy!

MC: He’s meeting them after awhile.

MC: He must’ve been busy, so he wouldn’t have had the time.

MC: That’s right.

Y: Why did you two dress up so well?

H: This my first time meeting you, hello. [NOTE: In case you’re curious…the phrase “this is my first time meetingyou” is a standard way of greeting when you’re being introduced to a new person.]

Y: Lee Donghyun, and Kang Ookhun.

Sub: finished with bringing together Yong’s close friends!


At the 8:00 mark.

Y: Ookhui. [NOTE: Ookhun with an accent.]

Sub: starting for Bhumuh-sa…!

MC: Where’s Bhumuh-sa?

MC: It’s in Busan, it’s a very famous temple.

MC: There must be a famous café nearby?

MC: Oh, the café…well, I’ve never been there, so…

Y: How’s meeting SNSD’s Seohyun?

Ookhun: Never thought a day like this would come in my life. [NOTE: Korean idiom, this is the closest English translation.]

Yejie: I’ve only been seeing you through posters.

Jinsuk: Me too, me too.

Ookhun: From about 100 m away…

Donghyun: I have the calendar.

Sub: everyone having an interest in Hyun wife

H: Oh, really?

Y: What are you doing?

Donghyun: getting acclimatized.

Y: Why are you being so shy?

Ookhun: Aigoo…don’t be like this.

Sub: Don’t be like that…^^

Sub: going through mountain roads

Sub: heading to a café nearby Bhumuh-sa…!

At the 9:00 mark.

Sub: finally here!

Y: Yejie! You lost some weight!

Yejie: Don’t even say anything. It was hard.

Y: Why? What did you do?

Yejie: All I ate were gogumas.

Yejie: I like gogumas too.

H: Uuooooh!

Y: Jinsuk! Wait.

Sub: affection display in front of friends

Sub: mass ignoring

Y: Why is Yejie going first?

Sub: heading towards the mountain café that Jinsuk scouted…!

At the 10:00 mark.

Sub: friends attempting to sit according to their preference(?)

MC: It’s not really a fancy café, but more like…

Yejie: You two should face each other.

Sub: in conference…for a while

Sub: finished adjusting places…!

Jinsuk: glad to meet you.

Y: what do you mean, glad?

MC: It’s awkward.

MC: Awkward.

Y: Jinsuk has a knack for finding out these places.

Yejie: picking out places where other people don’t know about…

Jinsuk: we need to formally introduce ourselves now.

Yejie: you start first.

Oohkun: No, don’t start with me.

Y: Seo Joo-hyun.

H: It’s Seohyun.

Sub: united…applause!

Y: You guys are applauding to that?

Y: Jung Jinsuk.


At the 11:00 mark.

Y: Moon Yejie.

Yejie: What?

Y: Don’t worry about your image.

Y: Lee Donghyun and Kang Ookhun.

Y: How is it, seeing Seohyun? Now that you’ve seen Seo Joohyun.

Ookhun: Aish…stop calling on me first.

MC: He’s a friend who cares for others.

Y: He’s the kind that butts into other people’s conversations.

Y: Jinsuk…how do you feel?

Jinsuk: Well, just…I can’t say anything.

MC: He must’ve done some research.

MC: He seems to be the type who handles all the work between his friends.

Yejie: But, you know. I didn’t know it when I was watching TV, but your face is really small.

Ookhun: So you’re saying her face is big on TV?

Yejie: No, no, all I’m saying is, honestly…


At the 12:00 mark.

Y: This is Busan style. They’re not fighting or anything.

H: Okay.

Sub: innocent boys find it hard to even say their first impressions

Donghyun: Well, I feel really happy, after seeing you so much on TV, so…

Ookhun: blessed.

MC: Ookhun talented at paring down words

Sub: then Hyun wife’s first thoughts?

H: They’re all very nice and innocent, I think.

Yejie: You don’t know us yet.

Y: Don’t make up things to say on purpose!

Sub: but all they’ve done is go through introductions

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People is busying rewatching video i think, or they have to go to sleep because of time difference. but i hope our thread will run fast tomorrow morning.

it is not the thread run slowly, but i see that the fanfic also get slowlier. i really miss the old days when i wake up, there are at least 3,4 fanfics waiting for me and at least 3 pages of thread to read:-)

Our couple now is so comfortable together, may be that make us less spazzing and crazy like the first time they hold hand :wub:

But thank you so much for translation and caps. they really made my day :wub:

this epsiode, just so funny with the birds, i cant stop laughing, they are really like 2 kids playing around.. thats why i love them so much, they just do like normal people do, most of the time they wear normal cloths, no fancy thing. always choose really normal service while their families are quite wealthy. that is one of the reason make me feel so close with them compare with other couples.


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like most of u..i lol at these scenes..

hyun giving out the hint...


and yong took the bait...what are u doing yong?! :w00t:



can someone do a gif of them running away from the seagulls?(the secret garden OST)


we were at soompi yongseo fanclub chatroom, panGG.

it was soo nice seeing many gogumas there..awesome!

so, join us next week?

aneng..looks like gogumas have slowly coming back to earth.

see? many new posts already..

don't worry.. :)

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so since i've been away and i kept reading about "yongseo's fanclub this, yongseo's fanclub that" i was like WHERE IS THIS FANCLUB?! lol. then yesterday night while i was reading posts, i realized it was the soompi yongseo fanclub! lol. i've been slow lately, please forgive me :(
















































































































































jnj i didnt know there was a live chat going on... i had read that M3 was doing live english updates, but i didnt know where. so i just did my normal and streamed it alone. lol. but thanks for the heads up. are you talking about the chat in the fanclub, thou? or is there somewhere else to go?
















































































































































bezbezbez your working so hard! thanks!! :) was just curious if you needed us to pm you our congrats or write it here. :)
















































































































































M3 thanks for the subs ;) your the bestest!!
















































































































































yongseo sure made my day. after only 4 hours of sleep, i'm good to go for the day because yongseo has put a smile on my face. :)))
















































































































































have a goguma day/night everyone!

















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Guest SophiaPia
































edit: the soompi are playing up i need to type again :(







































Thank you M3 for live trans and full trans and thank you also to Dduk. Thanks to all who shared the raw videos, screencaps. Thank you in advance to all who will do the sub.







































jnj : yes MIL is right wife/gf will get upset w/ small things not w/ big things. Mother knows best :)














































I guess my favorites scenes are the boat ride, then necklace scenes. But of course every thing in today's epi are lovely indeed. NATURAL SKINSHIPS so so natural yeah baby!































Saturday paliiiiiiiiii hahahahhahaha







































Cheers to all























































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Guest Germbaby





Aigoo, this ep is so cute. Especially the seagull chasing them. Very very funny! The few moments I like best are"



1. When seagulls chasing them. very funny and even though Yonghwa left Seohyun because he was shocked, he actually went back for her. At leastm he is taking care of Seohyun



2. Yonghwa holds Seohyun hand while walking toward the ship. So natural and shows that he really like her.



3. Again holding her hands while on the boat claiming he is cold. I bet its just an execuse.



4. Linking her hands after the boat trip. Saying that he kept thinking about her initiative to link hands with him in Japan. I think he is deeply in love.



5. Telling her that he never see Yejin as woman. reassuring her that she is just a friend nothing more. very considerate and smart.



6.  Showing off his hand holding to his friends. So deeply in love and proud of wife. And wife also hold hands with him so naturally in front of his friends.



Overall, this ep spells REAL COUPLE! I think not so much posts here as many gogumas supporters could be at fanclub.


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Guest _SmileGuest_






yay ! i just be a member of soompi :wub:! thanks for translations, picture and other B)! treat me as well, correct me if i wrong and anything :rolleyes:! Im new at here :D thanks



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Posting my very own spazzing part..lol





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: You’re not scared of seagulls?































































































































































































































































Y: I’m not scared.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Okay YongHwa, we believe you! Hehe (yeah right~)





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: I want to go down there!































































































































































































































































Y: Just jump!































































































































































































































































H: Let’s go!




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































At the 8:00 mark.































































































































































































































































H: Is that what we’re riding?































































































































































































































































Y: Yeah, that goes all the way to America.































































































































































































































































H: Really. How many days does it take?































































































































































































































































Sub: Hyun’s jokes getting similar to Yong’s































































































































































































































































Y: Around 35 days?




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: If both a goguma and I fall into the sea, which one would you save?































































































































































































































































H: Of course I’d save the goguma.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun’s really getting more and more playful and she can reacts to Yong’s jokes more naturally now.































































































































































































































































Like YongHwa always says- Couples really do become more and more alike =)





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































At the 4:00 mark.































































































































































































































































MC: She wanted to hear things like, “Oh, it looks pretty…”































































































































































































































































MC: That one phrase…































































































































































































































































MC: Is that so hard?





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lol at MC Misun and Jonghyun’s brief bickering exchange- she’s the sole female there and can truly conveys what was Seohyun’s or any other women would feel regarding the matter. Love her!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































Last but not least, my favourite part






























































































































































































































































































































































































































H: The next day, I got cramps in my legs. Really. At the time, it was so fun and exciting, so I didn’t notice, but then I thought about it and I realized that I had run so much.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Nothing really to matters if you are having fun with your loved ones right?
































































































































Eventhough both of them were really scared during the attack of the seagulls, they happy smiles never left their face =)

so should we call ourselves the In-Go-Paem? (International Goguma Family..LOL) or Go-Chun-Paem? LOL
































































































































pinkksoupp both of your suggestions sound great! =)
































































































































Thanks a lot to all gogumas that provides us with caps, news translations and many others!
































































































































Let’s keep the love for Goguma family going!

































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remember last episode?...but still in busan trip































































































































when yong mother told him that girls are more sensitive to small things...































































































































so this speaks a lot..
















































































yong dont forget to pay more attention to those little things..































































































































i was thinking...now that i have seen the busan trip with lots of skinship and love...






































































































































































































how about the banmal song being release?...im really wondering whats hyun reaction to that because its a confirmation and confession!..






































































































































































































seo hyun ah!...ottoke?.. :rolleyes:































































































































also do seo hyun or yong hwa visit this official yongseo soompi?...not to boast but we are now known to have lots of news about them based on the article in korea






































































































































































































and they are monitoring through net.









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Guest LiyLiy14
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyo Haseyo GOGUMAs..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































First of all thumbs up to MountainMadMan for your prompt translation. Really appreciate your kind work. Hope you will get a good rest.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credit goes to Semi-fly and TheSoneSource19 for raw material.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Regarding today episode, I can conclude that Yong andHyun are in COMFARTABLE LEVEL. Holding hand, sharing same scarf, Hyun patting Yong’sshoulder and Yong patting Hyun lap are the sweet memory in this episode.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong naturally holding Hyun hand in front of his friends,showed that Yong appreciate Hyun as his wife. He care about Hyun feelingwhether she is comfortable with his friends, whether she likes to be around hisfriends, whether she can mix around his friends. To me, they are REAL. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sharing some pictures here:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong grabbing Hyun hand
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun, now your are comfortable with Yong already right
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Closer and closer now.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Message to Yong Hwa + Seo Hyun(1st anniversary)
































































































































































































































































Chuka Hamnida on your 1st  anniversary. Faith brought both of you together as husband and wife and gave each of you a best friend for life. 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Valentine Days Message
































































































































































































































































Yong, without your love--- Hyun's days are sad day, moan day, tears day, waste day, thirst day, fright day, shatter day. So be in love everyday. Happy Valentine to Yong + Hyun





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Having GOGUMA COUPLES to celebrate Valentine together this year bring alot of happiness to me and the best birthday gift on my birthday this 14 February. 

































































































































































































































































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Guest kasia3goguma
















Ok, I'm in the middle of studying for my exams, but just had to look on soompi thread once, or twice, oh well... ;)  :rolleyes:














Actually, I really missed the darkroom interviews, because lately we didn't have many chances to see them:














c:dc married
















I love how they looked here, I just can't stop thinking, that they look sooo perfect and beautiful t o g e t h e r ! ! !
















About the necklace thing, I think that Seohyun really preciously thinks of time of their birthdays, and she wants to see if for Yong it was as important as for her. . . 
















JNJ... I know what You mean! Hahaha, Yong's actions are becoming more and more  brave!








Well there was a wedding photoshoot, so... ! :P If I remember it correctly, every other couple in WGM (also 1st season) while making a wedding photoshoot had some 'kiss actions'. I feel kinda weird and excited about it !








I should stop thinking and get back to work...argh, Gogumas are eating my whole time :D ! But I love it!
























Oh! And I would forget! Gogumas don't forget to click from time to time on YOUTUBE SITE AS WELL OR LEAVE SUPPORTING COMMENTS! I guess it's still good to click on it ;)

























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Guest Crystal392










Trent: I understand you! I also don't have much time lately... :( or if I have some free time I just want to sleep xD hehehehe


















Btw, we reached 1000+ more Gogumas on Goguma Planet a few hours ago right? (soshisoshisoshi I saw your screencap! ;) ) :w00t:


















_SmileGuest_: Welcome to Goguma Planet/Heaven... aka Go-Chun!!! *throws lots of confetti* :D


















hehehe I am sure Yong's friends were really happy to meet Hyunnie. Remember Yong used (and I am sure still is) a big fan of SNSD? He said once he skipped classes to go to their concert in Busan xD and I am sure he didn't go alone...


















SophiaPia: Yeah everything about the latest ep was lovely :wub:


















Also I am sure that after uri Goguma couple visit to that not very famous but good little café it will become more popular ^_^ Goguma effect! hehehehe :lol:



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waaaah, finish watching for the third time hehe.... i really22222 owe a lot to M3 thanks for the trans, u have work to do urself but u gave joy to all goguma village who don't know korean, really KAMSAHAMIDA!!!!!!!!!!!, through all this ep i can't stop laughing like fool esp the seagull attack it's soooo hilarious, watching it makes me want to visit busan (wish me have the luck to go there....)
























about yonghwa friend (the girl) yejin, for me it's nothing to worry about, me myself happen to be the only girl between my bestfrind, 8 boys and 1 girl, we really close and when one of my friends got girlfriend we do what yonghwa do, we go to cafe to eat and get to know eachother, they just want me their bestfriend to know their girlfriend and if we click and became good friend that's make them really happy, seing their bestfriend and girlfriend get along....
























so, i just wanna say again to all of you (you know who you are) for the fancam, the recap, the post, the trans...really222 thank u so much!!!!! :wub:









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i saw lily posting her congratulatory message already.

is there any dateline for it?

the message would be a combination of both their 1st ann. & valentine's day is it?

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