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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Actually in Korea it's sort of a superstition as well as I've seen a variety show mentioning it. When you give someone shoes, they'll run away. Or so they say, but I don't think it's something they really believe in in Korea. Correct me if I'm wrong, lol. They do that in dramas without the whole superstition so I believe they don't take it that seriously.
























































Btw, I've roughly translated a fanaccount from a few pages back. I actually really hate to translate these, because the people often use slang and I'm already having trouble fully understanding it when written correctly, haha. But I thought it was cute. The fan obviously saw Seohyun really clearly. :lol:

[Ommitted parts that are not related to YongSeo [(S)he talks about his work and stuff like that]

I finally saw Seohyun
























































Of course, Yonghwa too
























































I came to Myung Dong in the morning after work finished
























































Seeing the kids I felt like cursing...No, though I thought of it, I didn't do it
























































Yonghwa also has his Gag Concert schedule and I thought it all ended after that (the filming)
























































People were walking for a very long time
























































With the camera also glittering ...The men holding the camera found a few minutes!! (Not sure what that means)
























































I met a Goddess, finally ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
























































Seohyun is really a Goddess
























































With only words, Seohyun's a Goddess. She's a Goddess.
























































You heard it right? ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
























































Her face is very small.
























































On that small face, because eyes, nose perfectly found their seat [meaning they fit perfectly on her face] ... *could not understand this part* (Larger eyes, straighter nose. On that small face they perfectly found their seat ㅠㅠㅠ)
























































Above all, her eyes totally sparkle sparkle!!
























































Really 작진들이 (don't know this word) since the first legends time, to Seohyun who sparkles sparkles I can understand the reason for what's written
























































Her eyes is different from people in general
























































When I hear other people, it's a fantasy/delusion. Even if it's a fantasy/delusion, I did watch
























































Seohyun's eyes (Seohyun-ah, what goes in your eyes? No matter how much I think, the look of her eyes.... Really, eyes like Seohyun's you can't forget ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ)
























































Also, my lip's on fire...!!
























































I was very shocked ㅠㅠㅠ When I meet Seohyun, Seohyun-ah~~~
























































And when she smiles, her eyes go 씽긋* That feeling ㅠㅠ








































































































































































I can do that expression without words. When the eyes just go 씽긋, talk and when you go 씽긋, smile ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
























































Just go Seohyun-ah, Seohyun-ah and cry ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
























































And the 작진들이 are really comfortable with Yonghwa. They talk and what not.
























































To Seohyun, the 작진들이 all go out of space.
























































I want to go like that too.
























































Also Yonghwa-ya
























































You also received a gift. No matter how I look, you're handsome. Above all too, the nose.
























































Also, I gasped looking at your eyes once more. (You two's eyes, they... how can they be like that... The viewer's heart melts.... Yonghwa's pupils are seriously big that I was shocked ㅠㅠㅠ)
























































The eyes are maybe so big that the pupils are electrifying*... Something in his look is delicate...
























































(I'm being delusional? ㅎㅎㅎ)
























































*[it says 똥글똥글 but that's another expression I'm not familiar with so I just use electrifying. Hopefully that's somewhat close to the meaning of it.]
























































Above all, I'm surprised with the height..!!
























































Seohyun gets taller and taller
























































So Seohyun is really slender/slim
























































Everywhere you look on the street there are people around
























































Seohyun with the body, face, size, it's the real story. Everyone loses their soul.
























































Also the two of them
























































It was really something matching, the pair
























































They are really well matched
























































Really whenever I see these two people they are matching (Yonghwa-yaㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ)
























































YongSeo YongSeo, I'll just cry ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ















































































































Edit: And oh, why is that no one has a clear picture of Seohyun?! Even the fancam doesn't show her face. Seriously, I want to see that smile they're talking about -_-









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Guest lovekin




hummm so we are on the discussion of "what should buy"?




Fist of all, well, the shopping date is really couple-like


After weeks, a couple hasn't met each other, they meet, go shopping, eat lunch.




A girl tries to find some boots, looking around, and her boyfriend helps her pick. He picks ones, and buys it for her. SWEET right?




And then the girl buys books for her boyfriend, like she usually does




Actually, I find it really ridiculous, that we want them do that we want them to do, not what they want to do  Yonghwa really doesn't like reading books, but who says he hates it?




Seohyun may not have that much experience with guys, so , so if she has some experience, she will buy something else for him, not books? So all of the girls who buy books for their boyfriends are now considered as unexperienced?




You know what, Yonghwa won't ever buy books! that's why Seohyn bought books him, because she knows Yonghwa won't buy it




And u know what, I think they were having fun shopping together. Please don't analyze something like "this gift means.... or that means...."








I don't think Yonghwa bought pair of boots for Seohyuun, it means that he wants to run away with her, or break up ....gezz WTH? :crazy:




I find it really sweet, Seohyun seemed like she wanted to buy them, so there Yonghwa is, picked for her ones and bought it!  








Don't apply what u see in Kdramas to this couple please, they have proven us wrong many times already!








i feel like people are completely missing the point to this.  






and i don't appreciate the assumption that those of us who disagree with seo's constant book-buying means that we want them to do what we want them to do.  and we NEVER said he hates it, jfc.  





yes, they have fun shopping together and yes, gifts don't mean anything.  HOWEVER, the fact is that SOMETIMES you have to give a little to break even.  he already knows she gives him books to broaden his horizons and to help him appreciate it, and he probably already does.  but sometimes it IS necessary - as far as gift-giving is concerned - to give something that actually interests your partner, as superficial as the item might be.




and i NEVER said that because she buys him books that she must be inexperienced.  i said it might be a matter of inexperience because of how she focuses on this one aspect of gift-giving.  again, her intentions are meaningful and gifts don't put a value on a relationship, but a relationship is not always about giving the other person stuff for their sake.  sometimes people want to receive things as a treat.  that's all.  there is nothing drama-like about that; that's reality.




anyone who says they're okay with constantly receiving the same item is a liar.  sure, we might grow to like that item, and we will forever appreciate the gesture that comes with it - especially if it comes from someone we respect and/or like - but it's human nature to want to bask in a little frivolity.




and as for the user who talked about giving shoes away as a symbol of an ending relationship, (s)he was bringing up a cultural difference and meant no ill will to yongseo.  (s)he ALSO mentioned, which you seem to have overlooked, that there's nothing in the korean culture to suggest this.  what she mentioned was an interesting factoid, which should be intriguing, but why people take offense to it i have NO idea.









watch what you say the next time, or at least read carefully what people's messages are saying before jumping on the defensive and attacking what others have been trying to convey.  i probably wouldn't have taken issue with your opinion if it wasn't so insulting half the time.


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During break time, they are still chatting non-stop inside the restaurant. 














Hello fellow Gogumas! I delurked just to spazz about the above phrase which I couldn't resist putting it in bold and coloured in red for emphasis. :w00t:














YongSeo behaving the same on- and off-camera indicates to me that their interactions are genuine. It is not for the cameras. To those who have followed WGM S1 would know that there were some couples who do not interact off-camera. :wacko: Also, this is not the 1st fan account that reported off-camera interactions. The Busan trip fan account also attributes to YongSeo interaction off-cam.














Another fan account during yesterday's shopping trip that got me spazzing was the part where YongSeo were having their lunch, then Yong went to the counter to pay while Seo stayed back. Then after paying, Yong went back to Seo and they continued talking. I really liked this part. Why? It's because it is so NORMAL! This is what my husband and I would be doing! This simple act of YongSeo is so spazzworthy! :lol:














Let us spazz about their day together, and not about their shopping items. Items being bought are just "things" or the tangibles. What we should spazz and be glad about are the intangibles: the fun, intimacy, sharing and strengthening of emotional ties of Yong and Seo. Now... those are things which money cannot buy!





























Thank you Gogumas, for being so fast in your news, pictures and translations! :wub:



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Guest ayanapunya
































































































































I wanna ask you guys..what the different between yongseo thread and yongseo fanclub? is that mean we will leave this thread and go to fanclub to discuss our couple?































































































































And about shopping at Myung Dong, I think Yong treat Hyun because his banmal song doing well on chart. ^_^

































































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Guest SophiaPia








































Congratulation's bezbezbez and thank you to moderators. Now we have YongSeo fans club w00t.gifCHEERS 
























Thanks aisuo for the translations. And thanks every one for sharing all the filming photos, all fan acct. Really thanks to kgogumas and to all who has tweet about what's happening yesterday. All that people who witness the sweetness of YongSeo couple yesterday are so so lucky. And yes! wife Seobaby is indeed beautiful, goddess. I love my Seobaby :) and hubby is handsome = Yongseo really match cool!
























Our YongSeo couple having a good time together yesterday. So so happy to see them together and it's quiet right thing to do after there hard work they go out and chill, have some fun. And go on a date coz they are real couple wub.gifwub.gif i wish they continue their filming yesterday night :)  Can i say saturday paliiiiiii again kekeke! 
























We are YongSeo loaded daebakkkkkkkkkk. Cheers to our lovely and real YongSeo couple yeah baby!
























Cheers to all chingus























































edit: WinnieHo YongSeo couple real hahaha!























































edit: ayanapunya i think this will still stay no worries :) 
























btw! tonight Seoul music awards. I wonder who's gonna stream.









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Guest i.said.hi














hey guys...












umm.. i don't know how to say this, but i'll just say it as it is..












i think we need to kind of make sure whats "actually real" before we post it up here..












i know seeing this couple makes us all happy.. but i think i mentioned it before, but some people need to either tone it down a little or be careful of what they post up here...












i'm bringing this up because remember that false fanaccount about how "yonghwa wanted to protect seohyun from people seeing her up close and how when people saw her in person, they thought she was so pretty so he wanted to buy her the earmuffs".. the one someone posted up here because they saw it at the yongseo facebook but we later found out that it was just a spazzing-moment made up story?












WELL, some people at dc gall actually saw that and thought it was real, so they posted it up on the dc gall and next thing you know people are clarifying that it's fake, erasing it, and others are feeling a bit uncomfortable how hard working people (who film for hours) are being portrayed falsely..












I KNOW, it's going to be hard for some of you to understand because obviously it's all fun and games, its what we feel at that moment and we're simply expressing it..












but PLEASE do realize that this is a reality show in some sense...and that sometimes, false claims that you "feel" as you watch through your screens are what is what (i see some previous posts over analyzing a "bit" about why yonghwa bought seohyun boots and what the true "meaning" about why seohyun is buying yonghwa books)..












the thing is.. i don't think some of you guys realize this..












but this thread is in the spotlight of a lot of international activity.. A LOT of people from korea actually visit this thread as well, and obviously from seeing the previous list.. globally this thread is well known...












that's why sometimes the things posted on this thread should be cooled down just a bit..












in order to prevent misunderstandings and raw emotions flying about












you guys can throw tomatoes at me.. but from seeing the posts from korean sites.. yeah, that's i see it. :)


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Guest Phoebechiu


Fanaccount (credit: China goguma couple baidu.  Translated from Chinese by Phoebe)

mini0214: 꺄!!!!!!!어제밤에시청스케이트장에서우결찍는거밨따ㅠ.ㅠ용화랑서현......근데옆에경호원아저씨한테안물어봣으면몰라볼뻔..엄청좋아라하 는정용화를내가몰라보다니ㅠ.ㅠ엉엉..째든...서현은내팔뚝만한다리로스케이트를타고있어땅..ㅠ.ㅠ.. 30 minutes ago via web

There was WGM filming in the skating rink of the city hall last night.  I almost missed it if I did not ask the security.  I did not recognize my favorite YongHwa.  Anyway.....Hyun was skating with legs which as lean as my arm.  30 minutes ago via web

Wow!  They went to skate.  How romantic!! :wub:


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Hello! I would also like to post my opinion about YongSeo's shopping mall date!! I came back from school and saw that the thread had jump paged a lot since I last saw it yesterday night! I was hoping for some good news and was thrilled with the pictures and various fan accounts!!:wub:  They're soooo cute oh my gosh! I really hope during their meeting that the "For the First Time Couple In Love" song that Yong wrote was mentionned! I really want to know Hyun's reaction to it! 




Also, regarding everyone speculating and what not about Yong and Hyun's gift giving. I agree with I.said.hi, we shouldn't be too overanalyzing things. I mean, I know it's in our nature because we love this couple so much and want to spazz at any possible detail we can find, but sometimes I feel like it's best if it's kept low key. I mean, we're allowed to express our feelings about Hyun giving Yong books and such, but I feel like right now, we can't really have much of a say since it's only a fact. For all we know, Hyun might have bought Yong other things, not just books! 


To share my opinion on that matter, to be honest, Hyun hasn't just been giving Yong books...It's not as if it was the first time she was giving him a gift anyways. I think it's just natural for her to give him books because it's something that she particularly likes and wants to share with Yong. She's still growing and learning, so I think that just the gesture itself means a lot to Yong already. And I think Yong knows not to expect too much out of her since it's her first 'real' experience with someone. He's been so patient and kind, under that choding self of his, he really does care for her and I think he knows what's best for Hyun out of all of us. So let's just wait it out and see what the unexpected brings to our couple :lol:


[edit] omg!! they went ice skating, that's so sweet!! hopefully we get to see skinship hehehe :wub:



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Guest MountainMadman

Seriously, guys? We're bursting into flames over something that shouldn't have been an issue in the first place? I'm disappointed - with both sides of the aisle.

I've always felt that we sometimes overanalyze things a bit too much in this thread - something unavoidable, given the massive concentration of fans of a very particular subject. I've always read everything posted on here, and sometimes, the level of "Goguma Analysis" that we do here rivals those of police anti-crime units. Seriously.

But I've always been fine with that, since it's not doing anyone any harm, and I've actually enjoyed reading through all of the analysis, debates, and sometimes arguments that happen.

However, this latest incident compelled me to post something. I'm totally fine with analyzing their gifts to each other, debating what they mean, whether or not Seohyun should've gifted him books or something else, Seohyun's feelings towards Yonghwa and how it changed based on a gift, what Yonghwa's reaction would've been, how normal couples do it, etc. etc. etc. etc.

That's all fine.

What isn't fine, is when it crosses over into borderline slander, personal attacks, and mis-representation.

Also, about the fake fanaccount being posted as real: come on, guys. The poster made a simple mistake. S/he probably feels very bad about it right now, and whoever's breathing down his/her throat because s/he made a mistake is, to be blunt, rude.

Drop it, everyone.

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Guest SophiaPia








































wowwwwww! yeah babyyyyyy thanks Phoebechiu so meaning they continue filming last night after hubby gag show guesting weeeeeee daebak daebak. Happy happy couple. They miss each other kekeke!























































edit: yehey! i feel that hubby Yong will come back to his wife Hyun kekeke! 























































edit: MountainMadman and Dduk thanks in advance for translations this saturday kekeke! 























































We are loaded of YongSeo yeah baby!
























Cheers to YongSeo stay happy together and cheers to all chingus here.
























Thanks Kgogumas, DC, Baidu Thanks to all of you.









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Guest quisty86












HAPPY DATING EVERYONE! hahaha what am I even saying?




I'm just so happy with the recent filming. They're happily dating hahaha. 




And yes I do wonder if this was AFTER the gag concert filming? 




Okay my post doesn't have much gist I'm just really happy with the photos, fanaccounts and stuff lately. 





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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































I have to say this, this is a wish come true, YongSeo skating... please SH fans, please tell me that she doesnt know how to ice skate... arghhh I am wishing YH knows how to skate... but expecting the unexpected from YongSeo probably SH is a master skater and YH is having difficulty.... kekekekekek Just mere speculation, but this is like a K-Drama... They make my life happy!
















































































And on another note Clumsy is fic is over... What a great ride that was... I will miss my wednesday update... If you are a new goguma you have to check the super fanfics from our very talented gogumas.
















































































Clumsy´s fic: http://www.soompi.com/forums/topic/335264-complete-and-other-stories/
















































































Goguma Community in Livejournal: http://community.livejournal.com/gogumafics/
















































































Jossa´s Fics: http://shippingheart.blogspot.com/
















































































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!! Have a nice day... and make love not war, we are entitled to our own opinion but we must respect each other... Today I lived in Go-Chun!!!
















































































P.S. Maybe I can use my goguma wishing power and wish for a Bunjee Jump episode... ahhhhhh!!!! I know I am delusional dont worry... XD
































































































































































Remember to Join the YongSeo Fanclub: http://www.soompi.com/fanclub/yongseo
















































































YongSeo Chatroom in SPD (Sweet Potato Days): http://sweetpotatodays.chatango.com/

















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everyone is given the chance to give their own views, so i think we should respect that...


the filming yesterday i always thought it is a little short, that's y i'm a bit disappointed when i heard that yonghwa is going to film for the gag concert...


they just met after weeks, they have so much things to talk about, but have to cut short due to the gag concert that makes me feel a bit sad as i was hoping that it would be a full day somewhat akin to the japan trip.... a time for them to talk to each other and share with each other...


regarding the gifts, its not as impt as i think. Cos  as stated above, to me, i rather have them having quality time with each other, chatting, catching up, to have a "LOOK" at the actual person rather from news and internet.


The resume of the filming at the skating ring is quite encouraging and its a happy news for me...


A given quality time together in between the hectic schedule they have... the more the merrier...




actually kerube_chan i wish one of them don know how to skate... imagine the amount of skinship and interactions... kekeke... 


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Guest bittersweet_
































































Hello Everyone :)































This thread is getting out of control. Not that I am a moderator or anything, but let's keep the bashings and predictions as little as possible. I just read an article that Korean media is directing others here to the thread. Means we're being watched. ^_^































The ice-skating date sounds fantastic. I wonder if there's an eagle eyed netizens who took their pictures?! please be one.































Uri YongHwa is the BEST. I mean how sweet can a boy get? He is a perfect boyfriend material. He is holding all the shopping bags by himself, he is helping Hyun with her coat. He even bought her boots. That's the sweetest thing ever! If a boy buys me nice shoes, I would be sooooo happy. Superstitions are overrated. He even wrote a song. Is there anything else sweet that he didn't do?? ^_^































Hyun is the perfect definition of a girlfriend too. J'adore YongSeo!

































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Kyaaa~ Is it true?!? Our couple went ice skating!? Before or AFTER the Gag concert??? :w00t: hehehe. Either way, I'm just glad that they are finally spending some time together after being "apart" for a while. Not to mention them buying gifts for each other without any special occasion or anything.
































































































































We, as the audience, have seen this girl bloom, grow from an inexperienced, naive young girl to a graceful, beautiful and bubbly young woman on screen--thanks to WGM and more specifically her experience with YongHwa. She was so shy and awkward, it was evident she was so innocent about a lot of jokes or some teasing (ie, when Yong teased her and refused to tell her his first impression of her on their 1st meeting). Yet here she is now, able to bite back Yong when he makes fun of her. Take episode 37 for example, where Yong imitated Hyun and she immediately replied to him, "Keep munching on your ice."
































































































































I'm not implying that the way she has become is bad, on the contrary, it is actually much better and more refreshing to finally see this side of her that is kept hidden from the world. You don't see her or hear her say things like that to her unnies, and at times she has to put up a front (act cute) in order to save face and protect their image as idols on other shows. It is only with Yong (on cam anyway) can she get comfortable enough to show her chodingness, or her real, non-idol self.
































































































































This is what makes me love these two being together so much. Whenever they are together, they leave their idol-statuses behind and just go about their lives as two ordinary citizens, people, who are very much enjoying each others company. They don't have to be in a fancy restaurant all the time or go do some outrages stints in search of fun. No. These two just simply enjoys being together and nothing else matters.
































































































































































About the Ueno Juri issue, I actually found that episode interesting albeit a bit heart wrenching to see SeoHyun a bit jealous. I was glad that her own idol can evoke such a profound emotion from her that she actually realized and admitted it herself. She was confused about that unknown feeling of jealousy and that just proved to me two things, that was the first time she experienced that, and Yong already had a special spot in her heart (in my mind anyway). Did anyone even notice that as the three of them were on their way to YongSeo's house, Hyun walked right in BETWEEN Ueno and Yong? Or how Hyun followed Yong when Yong went to assist Ueno to get a spatula? How Hyun, being the obstinate person she is, actually let her pride down and asked Yong for help?
































































































































Heck, neither of them even had enough attention span to even pay attention or recognize Ueno when they were in the sushi restaurant. It was a bit of a dull episode for me but it was enough to keep me entertained and see how much Hyun has grown attached to Yong. For me, she has always been the harder one to read :phew:































































































































































































EDIT: I do want to apologize to anyone who I may have offended from my post. I just read MountainMadman's post after I've posted this.
































































































































Goodnight fellow goguma villagers (^-^)v

































































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Guest fabiistar07












Hello Goguma Villagers ^_^














I love this forum and how passionate each one of us is about our couple, even if we over-analyze things sometimes, but come on, how can we help it, especially with a couple that looks like they were made for eachother.







I like how each of us expresses their opinions, but hate it when some things get out of control. Like with the incident of the earmuffs spazzing, it was someone's mistake and the person probably feels bad about the accident that ocurred. Let's not blame anyone (I'm not saying that we are but..) everyone makes mistakes, as little as it could be, let's learn from mistakes and move on :)














Phoebechiu Thanks for the translations!.. Ice skating is so romantic :wub:







I hope our couple holds hands (they have to if they're a couple skating right? keke)







But with such a romantic and calm place, it sets the perfect mood for skinship or maybe just talking (hopefully they talk about Yong's Banmal Song) :D





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Guest maybelove






Can any kind-hearted Goguma confirm this?

















YongHwa's "Banmal Song" will be available/released in a physical disc?





























source: http://www.rainbowbus.co.kr/contents/work_list.php?ptype=view&idx=5139




Am I getting such info correctly? If so, then that would be great!












First, digital sales... and then later, disc sales --- a majority of which would be in YongHwa's account, I suppose.







I'm pretty sure it will be in YongHwa account since he's the one who created this song in the beginning :wub:




BUT is this confirm?? Gogumas please help clarify!!




If so i would DEFINITELY get the CD!! the cover looks too cute and sweet for me!! And since the song had been released, i've been listening to banmal song EVERYDAY! Don't you guys do the same? Yo~ng's voice melts in my heart~




and thanks for sharing the fanaccounts. Yo~ng and Hy~un shopping in the mall sounds like only real couple who would do that. Buying things for each other. Trying out new things together. I just wish them to be real! then it would be perfect :)




Can't wait for Saturday to comeeee!



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Hi!! I have a question regarding Yong Hwa. A goguma lover here mentioned that Suju boys warned Yong about Hyun. I know about Onew and Jongmu's warning to Yong but I didn't know the Suju oppas did it too. Can somebody please please tell me where and when did they do that, so I can, you know, spazz? LOL. Thanks in advance.
































































































































Oh and can I add I REGRETTED not knowing her before WGM? Before I wasn't even really interested in SNSD, the only oe that caught my attention was Hye Yeon. Now I'm rewatching all the old videos so I can watch the sweet maknae. Yong's not an issue for me. He's been my crush since the YAB days. LOL. Thanks for reading my pointless post! Have a good day all!

































































































































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Guest loybing

Mountainmadman you are really awesome!

to all gogumas who posted pictures and translation thank you.

a warm appreciation to all your hardwork.

YES to Yongseo official fanclub!

About the gift hyun and yong give each other. actually the most important thing in gift giving is not the gift itself but the feelings and the thought you have while giving it.

continue loving Yongseo couple!

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