Jump to content

Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Do you had noticed that Yong was wearing pink bag? It's remind me of bookstore episode. 698a.jpg
































































































































































































































































































































































































That time Yong also hold the bag for Hyun and now he still do so. How a thoughtful husband Yong are. The more I watch this couple the more I want to dating!!! LOL

































































































































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More pictures:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits:dc married
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love that even though we know how cool Yonghwa is whenever he performs or just outside of WGM, he'll still do the most normal thing boyfriends do for their girlfriends. Just thinking, when I saw these new pictures.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































More more more:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seo Joohyun is the boss. XD

































































































































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Guest bizzie_b


OMO!  Shopping is definitely one of my wishes for Yongseo to do!  Just imagining how Yong picks a dress or any clothes for Hyun is so freaking cute!  Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!  I'm so imagining a lot of things right now!  I can't help it!  I'm imagining stuff like those from the movies where the couple are shown shopping together and then the guy's gets mesmerized when the girl comes out of the dressing room looking gorgeous on the dress he personally picked!  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!  I'm spazzing like crazy again! hahaha wub.gif


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Guest chilipadi_22

yongseo never fails to dissapoint us!!

thanks for all the pictures to show that they did film wgm today! :)

they are really really extremely comfortable with each other alr.

hyun wearing her nampyeon's jacket for the second time.

yong always being the thoughtful nampyeon, holding wifey's bag. ^^

so excited for this week's wgm.

but its only wed. 3 more days to saturday.

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Guest i.said.hi














looking at the picture i think hyun's wearing her own coat..












because it seems like yonghwa took his off because he was hot












asdkfj;akdjfaksdjf i can't believe they're filming today :)


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Guest fabiistar07



















i'm curious to know the reason why they went there...just for fun or a mission??




i love when i see Yong~ carrying Hyun's bag, he's such a gentleman :wub:




On another note...I uploaded a FMV of Yong~'s Banmal Song




It's the 3rd time I've uploaded it, if it gets taken down :tears: i think i'll give up -_-




(Eng/Hang/Rom] FMV - For First Time Lovers




Have a nice week Gogumas! ^_^





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@yongseolove i just comeback from dhiey23 unnie livejournal and read your post
































































































































haha it was just a fanfiction,,
































































































































yeah daebak XDXD
































































































































i love dhiey23 fanfic too
































































































































they seem real^^
































































































































uhuh im in heaven :wub:
































































































































































































































































And our couple filming confirm? yeaaahhh *cross finger*
































































































































was it yesterday?? today??
































































































































whatever!!!! myungdong date aaaarrggg
































































































































i wonder what they do XDXD
































































































































can't wait already
































































































































i wish they really filmung at 25th too
































































































































































































































































Whole in law family include
































































































































Good luck yoonggggg

































































































































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Omo, I can see Hyun new hair. She change to straight hair. Long time to see her in this stype.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now the most I wonder is how her react to Yong after hearing his song. ahhhhhhhhh.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Today is a fantastis day!





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I had seen the fancam. He arrived alone, then go to found his wife. Just like the Japan trip. :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I think this is a fanaccount: Click Click
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Compilation of the fan accounts: http://gall.dcinside.com/married/627087

































































































































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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































































































































Yongseo Filming Fancam!!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































~ ~ ~































































































































































































































































































































































They're such a fashionista...































































































































































































































































































































@Aneng: Yup, Hyun is the boss alright... Look at her strutting her stuff right there...happy.gif
































































































































































~ ~ ~
































































































































































Twitter is seriously a nice place to hangout right now... hahaha...































































































































































































































































































































































Every yongseo fan over there is having a field day... lol...happy.gif

































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Guest gogumaforever






waahhh they are filming. goguma land are rejoicing!!!


i was quit disappointed when i saw the post earlier about mbc staff in sandodong house. i was thinking that mbc employee was just lying saying they are fixing the heater.


they gone shopping!!! they never disappoint their goguma villagers.



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Guest Phoebechiu





* The PD smiled while he was looking at YongSeo.

* Yong went to restroom.

* Yong picked clothes for Hyun but did not buy any eventually.

* Just saw the sight of Hyun's back.

* They looked very sweet.






* Hyun wore Yong's coat as shown in the picture

* They help each other wear hats.

* Yong bought Hyun shoes high boots.

* They are having lunch

* Hyun bought Yong books

credit: China goguma couple baidu (translated from Chinese by Phoebe)




* The shooting is over.  Yong is heading to gag concert.






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Yonghwa alone:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It comes with this:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































나정용화랑말섞은여자임..코앞에서보면떨림 근데 사진못찍게해서 사진병쉰ㅇㅋ..자!!이제 정용화를 찾아봅시다!! 3분 전
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































saturnkr: Finished. Staffs are cleaning. YH must go to Gag concert filming.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They just went shopping together. XD

































































































































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Wow, great... They have filming today...
































































































































































































































I really surprise with our Gogoma power and ability... good tracking :lol:
































































































































































































































They look so lovely together and Yong is so caring as a boyfriend/ husband to carry all the goods for Hyun~~ :lol:
































































































































































































































They did not hold hand???!! :(

































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Guest ayanapunya
































































































































anyeong chingu...
































































































































so uri couple have they film today. Actually i didn't expect any news for this week, since both of them are super busy with their schedule. So I'm just happy to see ring ding dong again this few days. But then, this picture come out. Ok...time to spazz again... :rolleyes:

































































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Guest aya otohata

It's over already!?! I want more!!! lol but really shouldn't complain...have more than enough to spazz about! YAY!!!

My reaction when I saw the fan pics:


Of course Yong's facial expression was so much better than mine XD

Thank you for sharing the news with us Gogumas!!! You guys are awesome!!!

WGM staff should have let Yong and Hyun shop for the heater lol jk!

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Guest Phoebechiu


Some people in China goguma couple baidu suspect that there may have another filming later today at their house.  They are curious why all the sudden MBC employee went to fix the heater.  :phew:


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Guest bizzie_b


the filming was so fast!  Hmmm, maybe they are going to meet again after work and film at Sangdodong perhaps!? LOL.  Well, if they don't, the at least they we're able to spend some time with each other. wub.gif




BTW, thanks to all the fan account, fancams and pictures!  This thread is really GOCHUN!  I so love how "model like"  Hyun is on the pictures!  She looks so fierce with her straight her, strutting her stuff!  She's getting hotter and hotter!  I wonder how Yong thought when he saw Hyun!? Aish!  happy.gif


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So glad to see they are filming. But I have a little worry about both of them. It would be exhausted when had going around to shopping and then go ahead to Gag Concert. How poor uri Yong! And about Hyun? Could any gollums know what she will do afterward?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hope you guys right when say that they will filming later. MBC employee had fixed the heater. That is a clearly clue for our theory! {crossed finger, it 's true}:wub:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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  i like how we all freak out over something as small as yongseo shopping sigh, we're helpless. seohyun is looking hot in those boots/pumps?, and straight hair! ahh, i loved her with straight hair ( i want the black back too :( )!
































































































































































































































































and yong bought her boots aww, aww, aww. and seohyun bought him books... LOL. he's going have a whole library soon, haha.
































































































































































































































































dear seohyun, i know you probably bought those books with the utmost good intentions, but, how about something else for a change?
































































































































































































:phew: maybe something relating to music/guitar or shoes, ya know to add to his never ending collection?! HAHA.
































































































































































































and holy shizzles, 1000+ for a minute in this thread, and it's not even a saturday! the power of yongseo :o
































































































































































































































































































































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This topic is now closed to further replies.

  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..