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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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상도동 우리집앞에 용서부부의 우결촬영..보고싶으나 난이미버스타고지나가고있는 안타까운현실..캬~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































7 minutes ago via
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sangdodong. Yongseo couple. Twitted today.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What does that mean? -__-
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Other info (?): Click Click
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































About 25th filming (I'm guessing): Click
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































these are the suspicious pictures... (psst. there's bigger version of these pics here)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i really think this rumor is true b/c of the leak by FNC staff on the CNBLUE calender :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































if today is true then there's a possibility next week's filming of WGM during SMTown Tokyo could be true as well :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cross our fingers

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest yasihsn

Hello everyone! This is my first post here and just wanna say that YongSeo rocks!

Regarding the previous post, I hope that they indeed had or still filming WGM today. And if their WGM filming on 25 Jan in Tokyo will push through, that's going to be DAEBAK!!!:w00t:

I mean, Yong would be one of the avid fans watching in front then later goes backstage to congratulate the SM family especially Seohyun and ask for her autograph. hahaha!:wub:

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Guest jazziejec





@ ajayuki 





I feel like posting this here, I hope you guys won't mind. It's about Banmal & Seohyun.





you know, I never quite understand why Seohyun can speak banmal freely and easily to only same age friends like Nicole (KARA), Jinwoon, Jungshin & Minhyuk. 



-- sorry to cut your post...i understand what you're saying..SeoBaby is really not into saying Banmal to the people older than her..not because she's not close to them..as you just said..that's her personality..that's how she is..she really shows respects to people older than her esp to those who matters to her..regarding her banmal with the 91liners..as she said..it's more easier for her to interact with them informally..sounds MORE awkward to talk to people around your age formally esp to those who are your friends..by the way to share this to you..before..she didn't talk banmal to SHINee's Key which also a 91liner and they have common friends like KARA's Nicole, 2AM's Jinwoon, and SHINee's Minho..



It's like she's programmed in her mind to automatically speak formally to those older than her like Yonghwa and her SNSD unnies. It is shown in one show called SNSD "Intimate Note" 2009 where the girls are really frustrated with the maknae talking formally even when the unnies asked (force?) her to drop the honorifics. Taeyeon even asked Seohyun to be more 'flexible'! 



-- in SNSD's "Intimate Note"..it's not Taeyeon who said that she needs flexibility..if my memory serves me right..it's Sooyoung..smile.gif








-- In my own opinion..i didn't see Seobaby talking formally to Yong as a barrier in their "relationship"..i don't know but it makes the relationship.."specially" unique.. it's adorable in it's own way..




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Guest lalanine


hi all !!




i realize that everyone keep saying 'put me on the list' what is that all about? hehe sorry im new here.




put me on the list to!! im from malaysia. ^_^


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Guest crystalblue
























Hello Everyone!!  Sa-was-dee-ka














Truthfully, I'm quite new to this thread and this is my second time posting here.







I'm a Thai fan and I really want to join the COOK BOOK project. I already have one menu for Seohyun. The menu is delicious, but easy classic one. ;)







Can anyone tell me how to join the project?







I've already type the recipe in word document file then I need to know who can I send the recipe to.
















Thanks in advance ^^
















Ps 1. Kindly add me to the fan list, I'm a sweet potato couple addict from Thailand :wub:.
















Ps 2. Thanks all goguma shipper here who share all the picture and news of YongSeo. I swear to you all that I will share some in return when CNBlue & SNSD come to Thailand. ( CNBlue concert on 27th Jan and MBC Bangkok music wave ,which CNBlue & SNSD both join the concert on 12th Mar).
























Looking forward to see some Real moment from them ^^.  :D



































Hi- you can message me, crystalblue and i will give you my email address. Put your recipes on a word document and include a photo of the finished dish (you can find one on the web). Thanks









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Guest butterfly_z










hello to all goguma villagers...smile.gif






this thread has been kinda quiet lately..hehe..but i think that everybody might been busy with works and such since it's a weekday..






since i'm a new follower here(late december 2010), the re might be a lot that i had missing..just read a bit here and there..haha..but now i'm totally a follower!rolleyes.gif






just wanna ask, can someone clarify me..






1.if this is a reality show, and since it is not scripted......why are the need of writers in WGM?






2.are yonghwa and seohyun really live in that house?






the reason of me asking question becos i've read somewhere about tha wgm staff blogging about writers love this cuople and had visited their house found personal belonging(books, fan gifts etc).am i question looks kinda stupid hahaha..sorry since i'm a newbie here.i hope that someone can really clarify this..






for the recipe book, is the last date is today?can u extend the date?how to post the recipe to crystal blue...






many2 thanks to all goguma..keep on spazzing for our favourite couple..u'all made my day by all your translation,summary etc....wub.gif



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Guest Phoebechiu


A MBC car is parked in front of YongSeo house.  The light inside the house is on.  A MBC employee sleeping inside the car seems to wait for shooting.

credit: goguma baidu (translated from Chinese by me)

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Guest ajayuki















































































































































@ ajayuki 































































































































I feel like posting this here, I hope you guys won't mind. It's about Banmal & Seohyun.































































































































you know, I never quite understand why Seohyun can speak banmal freely and easily to only same age friends like Nicole (KARA), Jinwoon, Jungshin & Minhyuk. 
































































-- sorry to cut your post...i understand what you're saying..SeoBaby is really not into saying Banmal to the people older than her..not because she's not close to them..as you just said..that's her personality..that's how she is..she really shows respects to people older than her esp to those who matters to her..regarding her banmal with the 91liners..as she said..it's more easier for her to interact with them informally..sounds MORE awkward to talk to people around your age formally esp to those who are your friends..by the way to share this to you..before..she didn't talk banmal to SHINee's Key which also a 91liner and they have common friends like KARA's Nicole, 2AM's Jinwoon, and SHINee's Minho..
































































It's like she's programmed in her mind to automatically speak formally to those older than her like Yonghwa and her SNSD unnies. It is shown in one show called SNSD "Intimate Note" 2009 where the girls are really frustrated with the maknae talking formally even when the unnies asked (force?) her to drop the honorifics. Taeyeon even asked Seohyun to be more 'flexible'! 
































































-- in SNSD's "Intimate Note"..it's not Taeyeon who said that she needs flexibility..if my memory serves me right..it's Sooyoung..*quoted image*















































































































































-- In my own opinion..i didn't see Seobaby talking formally to Yong as a barrier in their "relationship"..i don't know but it makes the relationship.."specially" unique.. it's adorable in it's own way..































































































































jazziejec thanks for replying my post. personally, I don't think that not being able to speak Banmal to Yonghwa is restricting Seohyun in her new-found feelings in her relationship. I merely think that it's really unique, this trait of hers that's more like having a mindset to automatically talk formally to the those older than her and be more at ease with her same-age friends. (oh yeah, I purposely didn't add Key from Shinee because both Key and Seohyun said that eventhough they knew each other since trainee days, they still greet each other awkwardly. so I can't say that Seohyun speaks Banmal to all same-age people, even to the same people who work in SM company. I just give out names of friends that are more familliar to her... that is, according to whatever I've seen and read on the net :sweatingbullets:. but thanks for pointing it out ^__^)
































































I don't know about you guys but all my life, I never knew that someone like Seohyun exists! she's so perfect, it's unbelievable.kudos to her parents!
































































Seohyun, being awkward in speaking Banmal, for me I think it's all for good reasons. If not for that *unique* character then Yonghwa won't burst into songs like what he did in his latest song made for Seohyun "For the First-time Lovers". And because of Banmal too, one of the big turning points that made Yongseo closer than ever, starting from the school uniform date with CNBlue brothers and SNSD sisters' encouragements. and because of Banmal, I love Yongseo more than ever. yeah.... all for good reasons, right? :wub:
































































P/s: In 'Intimate Note'    oh? Sooyoung did? ^__^ my mistake. I thought it was Taeyeon. sorry about that.
































































































































































































jazziejec Um, okay. I found this screencap from my friend. It's actually Taeyeon who asked Seohyun to be flexible/versatile. :P































































































































you can see the picture in the spoiler.


















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Guest YSforever






Hi everyone!


So here is the final country list of goguma fans around the world!




1. waladligirl




1. Wallpaperfood


2. goguma1207


3. maybelove


4. ck1Oz


5. silvergrey


6. FallenAnjewl




1. tinkershellsoompi




1. yonghwa




1. Dollua


2. BiIH




1. mje411


2. Soshimunky


3. twiddle10




1. Parisita




1. T-e-z-u-k-A




1. Goguma06


2. intoxd (Vietnamese)


3. sweetcandy1061


4. mklavo2 (Im from canada..but am i filipino)


5. gogumacraze


6. MQPheartsYS


7. Yma


8. YongSeoForever


9. gmanalangster (I was born in the Philippines but living in Canada)


10. shopgirlgoguma


11. 9enigma0




1. magdal




1. icyychong


2. camjenny




1. DJHinata




1. French_Neko


2. Ae-Rin


3. Nat-sshi




1. Trent


2. aurora82(Indian origin)


3. Nett_Prinzessin


4. Krissylia


5. th.


6. SwEEtGoguma_7




1. SeLeNe_Alai07




1. Rushgiri (Currently living in Malaysia)


2. gauri92




1. K1L1On1Mr4


2. soshisoshisoshi


3. Puge2


4. zero_one


5. starsundaepower


6. MissBarbietch_0106


7. rRelina


8. isomerkyaa


9. transformer86


10. nadihee


11. likelove8993


12. neviza


13. maggiemeisje


14. niiychan


15. deep_sea


16. bee_ichigo


17. ayanapunya


18. ainigoguma


19. gita_cinta


20. justbulan


21. luv_yesung


22. pen(..^^..)


23. deeana55


24. LennieYongseo


25. dezadee


26. bamz


27. karenliez


28. Erythrina


29. morningblue


30. R4TU


31. aeria9


32. daphneedel


33. yoreizei


34. lain_laen


35. rere25


36. vmasterpiece


37. dhedhede


38. aoi_enma


39. rumwow


40. kyung16


41. yongseocouple


42. pikoo


43. Nepp


44. sequoi


45. lovelynaa


46. mrsjoker


47. laila-chan


48. wa2kingkong


49. yongieaddict


50. nafa_yongseo


51. ichigo_kawai


52. gembul10


53. blackcat_kim


54. blueeye


55. athrun_azzoe


56. nurulzminoz


57. constantia11


58. Love_yongstar11


59. littlebiebie


60. scatterbrain


61. boomboombebe


62. InTokgoguma


63. reinyudhist


64. Hikari1309


65. ceri




1. fabregas215 (originally from Malaysia)




1. carrots98


2. charmkitz15


3. Stefania




1. Durianzi




1. MountainMadman


2. sprinkle_kitty (I'm Korean but i was born in the US)




1. Nettaya




1. LiyLiy14


2. munie87


3. Hapiangle


4. alah91


5. Avelyn


6. shml


7. rieyzajunkisshi


8. Dontwhy


9. kiddywiddy


10. twinkystar


11. faraashah


12. mambo7


13. lisa628


14. hafiq890


15. areu1510


16. pau-chan


17. genevieveshaun


18. isomerkyaa


19. zealous


20. ayutie


21. yongseo_fighting


22. melibu


23. aallyyaa


24. nikijenlo


25. bluebubblebee


26. manimani25 (I'm Malaysian but I live in Tokyo)


27. ahelasumi


28. fittif


29. bubbly_zu


30. nazweena


31. yaya_ismail


32. adriana_kian86


33. eastlight


34. waniey_haha


35. ummihany


36. winnieho


37. Jess22803


38. ajayuki


39. moniertu


40. monster


41. glem74


42. ninashelovely


43. seolove


44. kaklongshah


45. maybe07


46. fatin83


47. Yukai


48. 95397


49. prinzestanna


50. kubih


51. naddynadd


52. athi90


53. michelle


54. ying


55. wenn


56. khairun


57. farah


58. ain


59. erra


60. ziera


61. atiq


62. reen


63. yongseoisreal


64. kellneriner


65. YuyuSaiyuki


66. lalanine




1. anatisha


2. bluesu




1. Seoshi.love.


2. aisuo415


3. Msashnak


4. barbaradwi (Indonesian)




1. moinny




1. Kerube-Chan




1. Dinatale (Natalia)




1. lizsch


2. fabiistar07


3. crystal_malfoy


4. sixpence16




1. bezbezbez


2. just_a_dream


3. Faith_memory


4. shawie829


5. gmanalangster


6. xxraqSTAR


7. yeobo


8. cooleet


9. bettechai


10. rainie029


11. myblue


12. luv1822


13. hannahgarrido


14. buge1087


15. glennpaulo


16. ematot


17. gogumaforever


18. biiianx


19. masamii


20. enahs124ever


21. bluenix_me


22. revgail


23. lookah


24. eishazumi


25. jazziejec


26. one_isa


27. loybing


28. Xanshi


29. bizzie_b


30. digidigibob


31. CallMeDayDreamer


32. SophiaPia


33. unnieria


34. ladygahee


35. belle_ivy


36. eran_31


37. pretty_92868


38. magicaL.chubi3


39. lookah


40. hazelnut


41. uolam21


42. arwenarya


43. tinybeatingheart


44. mairk0501


45. d_?????


46. heartbreak_warfare22


47. chyme_31


48. kimipot07


49. averille_05


50. icegabrielle


51. vayz


52. ancru


53. lilmssunshine


54. lhizbrit


55. rhonskee


56. princess_miche


57. haemin13


58. hiddentala


59. kimtasticallicious


60. lils


61. issagutierrez


62. jerbear89


63. rizeleth


64. eugenie


65. deutzy_ice


66. miel_1301




1. kasia3goguma




1. lunasol




1. ancaemma10




1. amalmal




1. zXavier


2. yongseo_forever


3. sherlyn275


4. chilipadi_22


5. Aki_yongseo


6. Applehaven


7. roy_lover


8. genevieveshaun


9. wishwash


10. jo_ce_lyn


11. babypillow


12. blurkimchi (Kimberlyn Tan)


13. yongseorockin


14. pinkksoupp


15. whitezephyr


16. oceanprince


17. pink2loveful


18. tpy01


19. wting89


20. glitterspark


21. tangyberry


22. YongSeo


23. l1nn3


24. redtulip


25. andalasa


26. lovekim


27. tripplemama


28. Yukilovesyou


29. hallyucraze


30. Deeomfg


31. woollylamb


32. Norabella


33. mach8infinity


34. jastubee


35. ningyit


36. sapphire18


37. mochiling


38. starsapphire


39. hilaria


40. aleanasha


41. oops08


42. shadow_of_Atum


43. xia_87


44. cheekyfoo


45. jnj


46. gatorlow


47. andyhitman


48. finalemarch


49. lindayeahyeah


50. pointyui


51. lopeytop


52. Germbaby


53. victoria1_1




1. Hesperide




1. ♥♥PowerOf9




1. tecle




1. YSforever


2. Phoebechiu




1. kun_cheero


2. womingzzine


3. Psyche86


4. lovelybee


5. AsianKateBella


6. CheriMerci


7. Dandelion7


8. zheezy


9. keemaster


10. ahn_annann


11. prow7


12. BigSmileAgain


13. lanladay


14. blueshoes


15. Nutchy_1


16. porporja




1. souhir




1. teoki61




1. yani-sakura (I'm from the U.K., England to be exact, born in Abu Dhabi but half Indonesian)


2. maryclaude


3. Fluorescent.Flower


4. synykiss


5. snsdblue_lurker


6. missmoomin101




1. rxp080100


2. crystalblue (I am Vietnamese but a U.S. citizen)


3. BluMistLaydee (from Haiti)


4. BRoze2001(of Indian descent)


5. MaeDang (from Vietnam)


6. kenjisam


7. ikekeyou


8. sweet_spy


9. twayblade


10. k.rivera19


11. DDuk


12. full-of-love(from Vietnam)


13. hafunohane ( i'm Indonesian.. but i grow up in LA)


14. harajukudezz (Phil-Am)


15. clrais


16. luvtokki


17. ladeeao (I'm Filipino! & U.S. Citizen)


18. zcanby


19. uh-ohxev


20. sweetcake_(from Vietnam)


21. biancacoolio (born in Philippines)


22. celticheart47


23. toomuchsmiling


24. MrsAthenaG


25. Goguma52


26. szoku85


27. InLove_WithU


28. jojuel


29. bluemoonlight


30. Yamapi77


31. bobacha (originally from Indonesia)


32. rjcm127


33. gogumacouple4ever


34. prncsscharming (born in Phillipines)


35. emely325


36. linlixeng


37. sweetpunze25


38. –insideout (Korean)


39. k_tin


40. NENA_2066


41. aya otohata


42. _d3seohyun


43. is2kwharss501 (from Hong Kong)




1. Seychan


2. santak


3. LifeMadeSimple923


4. quynhu


5. keira53


6. Smabi


7. yeuyongseo


8. one_shot


9. hamster_seung


10. shenibabi


11. etou_okano


12. albeechan


13. FrB_vn


14. ricevol


15. keno174_1


16. hannah_cao89



406 fans from 45 countries! ^_^ Impressive, isn't it?:lol:


Thanks for participating and I believe Yong & Hyun will be really happy to see that they are loved by so many people worldwide.


@magdal and all who had helped update the list in the beginning..THANK YOU!!


@lizsch and others wondering what the list is for...please find below the explanation from bezbezbez(the project manager):






I'll be using it for the fan project so please make sure that you're name is there if



you want the YongSeo Couple to see your name as their fan. [Page1682, article#33623]


Also I truly appreciate those who encouraged me while sending messages.


Originally I was doing this because I love Yong & Hyun..but now..I can't help but loving the fans as well:lol:


I mean..the posts are always great but the lurkers are also so lovely..Thanks!!


Anyway..my job is done here and please help bezbezbez and crystalblue if you can. :)


EDIT: deleted the fan account since Phoebe already translated it..Just so excited that



THERE MIGHT REALLY BE A WGM FILMING LATER TODAY! after the intel product launch I think.


I'm so excited!!:wub: waiting for more fan account!!


P.S. Last thing about the list...I did go back for 50 pages and double check...



       But if by any chance there's still anyone missing...I'm really sorry..



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Guest Seychan































































A MBC car is parked in front of YongSeo house.  The light inside the house is on.  A MBC employee sleeping inside the car seems to wait for shooting.






























































credit: goguma baidu (translated from Chinese by me)






























































Thank u Phoebechiu :rolleyes: So they were filming as the schedule of FNC. I'm wondering what did YongSeo do in their house. They had not met for a long time. And after the release of banmal song sing by Yo~ng, concert of CNBLue, Yo~ng seobang at Japan and Huy~n buin at Korea.  Remind them that I have found it sweet and romantic. I love u guys YongSeo couple everyday :wub:

































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hello to all goguma villagers...*quoted image*
















this thread has been kinda quiet lately..hehe..but i think that everybody might been busy with works and such since it's a weekday..
















since i'm a new follower here(late december 2010), the re might be a lot that i had missing..just read a bit here and there..haha..but now i'm totally a follower!*quoted image*
















just wanna ask, can someone clarify me..
















1.if this is a reality show, and since it is not scripted......why are the need of writers in WGM?
















2.are yonghwa and seohyun really live in that house?
















the reason of me asking question becos i've read somewhere about tha wgm staff blogging about writers love this cuople and had visited their house found personal belonging(books, fan gifts etc).am i question looks kinda stupid hahaha..sorry since i'm a newbie here.i hope that someone can really clarify this..
















for the recipe book, is the last date is today?can u extend the date?how to post the recipe to crystal blue...
















many2 thanks to all goguma..keep on spazzing for our favourite couple..u'all made my day by all your translation,summary etc....*quoted image*































Hi butterfly, welcome to our thread :wub:
















Hope the following answers your queries:
















1) WGM is  a reality show, and I wouldn't say that the show is scriptless because in a way they do have script, except it comes in a way of a mission task.  What makes it unique from the usual shows that we watch though is,  their script is  free flowing, their conversations and actions are not memorized, the writers leaves the couples to portray the task in any manner that they want for as long as it is acceptable for viewing purposes.  With regards to,  why writers are still needed?  There are writers simply because without them the show wouldn't have any concept.  They are the ones who creates the scenarios for the show.  They are the ones where the director's gets the idea how to go about the shows weekly episode.
















2) Yonghwa and Seohyun DO NOT live in the apartment.  They only use it when they do their filming.... A lot of Goguma's would definitely be in go-chun if they really live in the apartment 24/7 :w00t:.  About the WGM staff blogging, you might wanna reread it again, cause you might be reading an excerpt from a fanfic posted somewhere.  Someone mistakenly read it as an interview article, that was corrected sometime ago though.
















If you have other questions feel free to air for sure a lot of lovable goguma's would come to your aid :wub:

















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Seohyun wearing bling-bling color at tonight's Intel performance:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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She looked tired though. Okay, go back to Sangdodong and rest. (: Changed it to more Yongseo-ish. XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh yeah, thank you magdal for answering my question!

































































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hmm..instead of being 'concern' that wgm is a learning experience for hyun,

and wondering if she does or does not share the same feelings with yong,

why not be 'concern' that wgm is also a learning experience for yong?

no doubt yong was in a relationship before, BUT

to being paired up with a pure & innocent girl like hyun, is indeed a totally

new experience for him too..

so, can we just say that BOTH are in this learning experience TOGETHER.. :wub:

while one wears his heart on his sleeve, the other one is still

v cautious in sharing her feelings to the whole world..

but i believe there IS certain bond that they share..only time will tell.

in the mean time, lets just enjoy this beautiful journey..

and i can't imagine hyun being flirty with other boys except with hubby.. :phew:

lastly, i hope they will meet today and share a quiet moment in the house.

so tks for the tweet, phoebe! :)

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TQ for sharing the tweet.






















































































































































Hyun must be going back to "HOME" after the Intel performance right...































































































For "goguma-llum"...































































































"Fierce" Hyun but still wearing the ring






























































































































































































cr as tag.































































































share by soshified.com






















































































































































Bout today's filming, what will they do??;































































































* Will Hyun go to the performance from "HOME"??































































































* Will Hyun ask Yong bout the song??































































































* Will Hyun congratulate Yong bout #1 on chart [all-kill moment]































































































* Will Hyun prepare something to eat to.. since Yong just coming "HOME" not less than 48 hours??































































































* Or will Yong the 1 cooked dinner for them.






















































































































































ooo.. can't wait...






























































































































































































































































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Guest greed_island
































































































































Hello Gogumas
































































































































This is my first time posting here. I've always watch this forum but I haven't write anything, because I guess I couldn't share anything useful for you guys.
































































































































First of all I want to say thank you to all of you. I've had soooo~ many fun watching this thread. And this forum is on the top list on my internet browser. Thank you to all of you for sharing links and your thoughts about yongseo. For so many months I just stayed and watching this thread, and in the future I will try to be more useful for you guys and share just anything I can find about yongseo...
































































































































Next, I want to share my thought about 'ending episode' of WGM. This thought might be taboo for some of you. But with the ending episode of Jo-Kwon and Ga In, I freaked out. Seriously freaked out. And I've been thinking 'What is the best way for yongseo couple to end their episodes?'.
































































































































Don't get me wrong. I don't want THIS to end. Never. But it will be impossible. However they will end it at some point. And I am thinking some ways to end it without me (and maybe thousands gogumas in the world) getting hurt. And this is my idea. I presume they will end it after June (I have read it somewhere about SME want Seohyun celebrate her birthday in WGM). And I think it will be veee~ry good if at that time Seohyun will be speaking Banmal to Yonghwa comfortably..I really hope their will be in REAL relationship by then (Of course), but if not, at least I hope she will make yonghwa's dream come true.
































































































































This is just my opinion (after having some serial daydream).
































































Thank you for reading anyway.
































































































































But the way. I might be late, but I'm from Indonesia

































































































































































































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Glad they're meeting up again. It's been about 2-3 weeks since they last filmed. I'm really happy that this time it's at their home. I kind of miss that cozy environment where they can both comfortably do their own thing.
























































Could it be... that they are checking out their wedding pictures together? :w00t:









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Guest butterfly_z








Hi butterfly, welcome to our thread :wub:











Hope the following answers your queries:






1) WGM is  a reality show, and I wouldn't say that the show is scriptless because in a way they do have script, except it comes in a way of a mission task.  What makes it unique from the usual shows that we watch though is,  their script is  free flowing, their conversations and actions are not memorized, the writers leaves the couples to portray the task in any manner that they want for as long as it is acceptable for viewing purposes.  With regards to,  why writers are still needed?  There are writers simply because without them the show wouldn't have any concept.  They are the ones who creates the scenarios for the show.  They are the ones where the director's gets the idea how to go about the shows weekly episode.






2) Yonghwa and Seohyun DO NOT live in the apartment.  They only use it when they do their filming.... A lot of Goguma's would definitely be in go-chun if they really live in the apartment 24/7 :w00t:.  About the WGM staff blogging, you might wanna reread it again, cause you might be reading an excerpt from a fanfic posted somewhere.  Someone mistakenly read it as an interview article, that was corrected sometime ago though.






If you have other questions feel free to air for sure a lot of lovable goguma's would come to your aid :wub:











shawie829, thanks for your explanationwink.gif..it is somehow gave me the idea on how the show was actually flow..and about the article..i reread again few pages back in this thread, and somehow it was conform that it is a fake!how i wish it was real....sad.gif






anyway, how i wish they were real..they are really sweet together and thinking about the end day(like adam couple) might somehow crush my hearttears.gif..yongSEO,please be REAL!



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YSforever: It was nothing, this is what a Goguma must do :). Thank U for taking the job and help us, gogumas around the world ^^.






























































































































aneng: nah, anytime fellow goguma ^^.















































































jnj: You are right, this is a learning journey for the both of them. Lately when I think why I love YongSeo I come to the same conclusion. The raw emotions, the magic between them and the learning they are having together just like real couple...















































































Phoebechiu: OMG, OMG!!! thank you, I´m so happy and I feel nervous too. This meeting is going to be something!!! Yong just released his song to Hyun, the song that seems a love conffesion!!! :wub:. I like the idea of staying at home cause everytime they are there, something real spazzible happens. Can´t wait for more fan accounts. Thank You so much!!!








































SNSD spoiler

Visual Dreams (Intel Collaboration Song) _ MusicVideo the new song of SNSD... I wonder what Hyun is singing ^^








































EDIT: Oh my, I kept forgetting... WELCOME TO THE NEW VILLAGERS!









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Guest tennistensai






greed_island, i also think that this couple might end at around june. sadly.. T-T since yonghwa's new drama is said to air around that time right? i still remember that hwangbo-hyunjoong couple ended because of drama filming if i'm not mistaken. hyunjoong looks so tired towards the end that he kept falling asleep during filming. i'm sure we don't want yong to look so tired when he is with seohyun. well, instead of thinking of the end lets think of now. lol


so the filming is true? yayyy!! i seriously can't wait until the wedding photoshoot eps. they should show some preview of the pictures. i'm dying of curiosity~~ >-<


anyway, i'm new here. some presents for everyone. yongseo wallpaper!!





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Guest Soshimunky






Annyeong :)





What a perfect day for Gogumas (and Gollums). Yongseo shooting, SNSD Virtual Dreams & the preciousssss (can't help it but say it Gollum-style nowadays). Hehe :P





I have questions to ask though, about the wedding photoshoot. Does any goguma know for which magazine it is for? And when it will be published?


Wow I sound impatient. Haha. I'm sorry but I'm just curious.





Also, huge thanks for YSforever for taking time compiling the gogumas country-list. And Mountainmadman, aren't you the cutest? I feel sorry about what happened to your translation previously (damn those computers, we humans are supposed to rule them!) but I can't help but laughed reading your post/reaction to the fiasco. Really, are you a guy or a girl? I'm sure I've read it sometime ago, you telling your gender, but now I'm not sure anymore. Please, no offence. I sincerely adore your hardworks :) And Dduk too. You guys are heaven-sent.





Lastly, you gogumas rock my world. Keep posting. Gomawo!



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