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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest aya otohata

@bittersweet_ Is your mom a Yongseo fan too? lol What episode did you make her watch? I have this plan to convert all my cousins (which are all guys) to Yongseo fans. I already succeeded with one...it wasn't hard since he was already a big fan of Seohyun to begin with lol.

About Seohyun treating this whole WGM thing as an experience...in beginning maybe...but now not anymore...I honestly think Hyun is now also crazy about Yong lol.

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@bittersweet_ and @kellneriner ... don't forget though when the SNSD unnies come to their apartment they tell Yong she's taking this seriously (I think Tiffany said that?) and then she begins asking if Yong hearts flutter when he sees Hyun. The unnies were I believe asking to find out if they were having reciprocal feelings. Also the girls tell him she sings in the shower to his music and keeps her roommate Hyoyeon up all night talking about her husband. That sounds like a girl with some kind of feelings to me. The reason this is so important to me is Tiffany is more American like myself and Americans like putting their cards on the table and I believe Tiffany was putting the cards on the table. Koreans are more reserved but not Tiffany! Tiffany, bless her, she wants to get all up in their business and seal the deal if there's a deal to be made.

Hyun is going to be logical in all things that's her personality and if you asked her today she would probably say WGM has been a great learning experience ... what she isn't going to tell us because she's a celebrity and idol is that it's been a great learning experience to experience love and/or really liking a boy with all her heart. The business they've both made a career for themselves in Korea don't allow that kind of stuff yet without potentially huge negatives.

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I just want to shared vid... from Japan concerts ^^
































On this vid you all can see... Ring ding dong...
































Yoong~~~ seobang... ^^How sweett~~~































































































































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Guest ajayuki




























@ajayyuki - where did you find that MV of Seohyun getting the call from Yong?  Is that recent?  Who is she sitting between, is that Tiff and Sunny?  Thanks - just curious!    






















luvtokki, niiychan  Yes, the first clip is from SNSD's Chocolate Love MV. Tiffany and Sunny are the unnies with Seohyun, you can see from Sunny's hairstyle (she's sporting blond hairdo now) that this was from 2008/2009 (?). Yonghwa's picture is taken from CNBlue's CF Sony Ericsson Xperia, you know, the one with CNPink, CnBlack, CNGreen.








Sorry for confusing you guys, it never happens. There's no phone calls from either Hyun or Yong...they're 1 year apart with their phone commercials! sweatingbullets.gif








but still, I do wish they make one CF with Yongseo couple vs SNSD & CNBlue. heheh! wishful thinking wub.gif








but I'm not sure about the last image. I found it on the net, thought that it probably happened during rehearsals before the final on stage performance. looking at Jessica, the girl in front, I'm guessing it's around 'Run Devil Run' or 'Oh!' period.



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Guest gogumaforever






@ anink, thanks for the link. that was cute. he wears the ring during interviews and during the concert. so sweeet!


wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif our ever so faithful yongwub.gifwub.gifwub.gif


any news regarding wgm filming?




i hope yong borrows the line of joo-won in Secret Garden and tell this line to hyun  "It’s not



because I love you. It’s because I love ONLY you."  kekeke





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I need to get about 20 more recipes!!! I have 32 right now that I have compiled with photos for each recipe.

I need your help NOW to get 20 more needed recipes for the book. I need them like NOW!

Here's the list of what I have so far: (Thank you to those who have emailed recipes to me! You know who you are!  :D )

America - 3 recipes

Italian - 3 recipes

French - 1 recipe

Bulgarian - 4 recipes

Guatemala - 3 recipes

Japanese - 1 recipe

Indonesia - 2 recipes

Singapore - 2 recipes

Vietnamese - 3 recipes

Philippines - 7 recipes (but they are not Philippino dishes so I need some native dishes please!)

Hey! where are Malaysian and Chinese recipes? Looking at that spoiler list of Gogumas from around the world, I didn't think I was going to have to BEG this hard to get 52 recipes together. Ching cha!!! Come on guys, please make some time and send them to me!

snapback.pnghi Crystalblue,

oppss! there are  no recipes from Malaysia?

okay.. i will send  it to you later! The recipe is very simple  but i have to translate it first!

ah! maybe kaptenkeirin & naz can help me!B)

love from me: Ahjumma63

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Guest aya otohata

Since celticheart47 brought the 'ideal girl' topic...I'd like to share this again...





I can see the similarities.

According to Yonghwa: "The picture I drew is exactly what my type is. It would be nice if she was a woman who is pure and innocent and could be a wise mother and a good wife." (credit)

SNSD's maknae is pure and innocent. There's really no doubt about that. Wise mother and a good wife?

SNSD’s Seohyun chosen as “Girl Group Member That Will Be A Good Wife and A Wise Mother”

hmmm a lot of people think so...so yah Yong! If you're not aware yet, open your eyes your ideal girl is just right in front of you! lol

Oh and she will also make a good daughter in law...but I think you already know that!

I'm not saying that Yonghwa drew his ideal girl with Seohyun in mind. Rather, I would like to think that he painted this picture of the perfect girl for him and then, Seohyun came along and fulfilled everything he imagined and...the rest is history!

I miss the black room interviews!

from USA here, please add me :)

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Guest YuyuSaiyuki
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ahnyeonghaseyo goguma villagers~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the deadline is today rite...:tears: please put me in the list~..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i'm from ~MALAYSIA~

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I've found this picture that's even more alike with the drawing. I find it quite cute, haha. Yonghwa has always said he preferred girls younger than him though. The other members all said to like older women (WHY?!) LOL
















































































































Yesterday I was in my room reading and I heard my nephew (who's 14) talk to his friend on Skype. They talked about kpop and new dramas and my nephew suddenly started talking about WGM. It's hilarious and so cute!
























































"Dude, there's also this show called WGM. You know it right? There's the guy from CNBlue, Yonghwa. He's married to one of Girls' Generation. Seohyun, you know her right? My aunt has every episode of them in High Quality. She also has subbed ones. I think they like each other. You should check it out. There's also another couple but they admitted they liked each other." (He was talking about the Adam couple.)
























































I'm the aunt by the way, but I'm not old, lol.









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Guest niiychan
































































































































maybe its a old picture.. but i' really happy to see this pic because in Yong mind, he cant forget about WGM.. 
































































































































































































and.. seobaby also ..

















































































































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well. Im on the country list, but im curious...what is it for? is it for a proyect or something? sorry im lost there hehe
















































































































































about the cook book, im going to send my recipe! im just waiting for my mom's help...she is the one who knows how to cook that dish, and i want to take pics of it! hehehe
















































































































































in other side, that last pic of hyun really looks like yong's ideal type...and thats good!! n_n

















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Guest lovekin




i get what you're saying.  though it would seem more fair if other translators had to work to get an SRT file.  even if someone would be willing to set one up, it's less work for others than it was for the first person.  and let's face it, there are people who don't give credit where it's due.  better leave it as it is now, which seems to be working for everybody.




thanks, by the way!








and i wanted to address seohyun and the whole bit about WGM being an experience.  i think she did come into this with the intention of learning about relationships and what to take away from this experience for her future marriage.  i do actually believe that she still looks at WGM from a very practical angle to gain an emotional understanding about romance and the idea of marriage.  however, what i think will never be addressed - and this could be due to any number of things, such as their idol status - is the feelings that arise from doing this program.




this goes back to what i said earlier about how i tend to have a bone to pick with WGM.  as i said before, it does play on the emotions of the participants, but here's the thing:




from a purely psychological/sociological standpoint, it wouldn't surprise me at all if, during the course of WGM, yong or seo developed some feelings for each other.  it may even be strong enough to withstand the idea that this is all virtual and actually play out in the real world.  however, it's the other factors that have undoubtedly affected how we see them and what they actually feel.




i won't get too into it, but the basic idea is that if you feed someone a role (e.g., you are to be married to this person), they will eventually begin to act like they're actually married to that person ... provided that there is a solid foundation for that to work, such as two people who are equally attractive [to each other].  so this is one of those unknown factors (to the viewers) where what we perceive isn't actually what's happening.




and yet i do get the sense that seo might actually like yong.  i can't say to what extent, but it would be very difficult for someone in her position (no experience) to completely disregard what's happening to her.  she has this boy who treats her with the respect she deserves, who is very kind to her, and also very affectionate.  and while they may not see eye-to-eye on some things, it would be near impossible for her to come out from WGM and saying she felt absolutely nothing for yong.




if asked, will she say that the show was beneficial for her (and ignoring the emotional impact it had on her)?  most likely.  but then again, i don't really see her admitting to anything on air.  she's a very careful person when it comes to her image.  but from what we've seen of her on WGM, she does admit to things that she would probably never say during non-WGM interviews.  for example, in a black room interview after meeting up with yong, she admits that she missed him a lot.




that genuine happiness you see on her face when she says that is kind of hard to attribute WGM as being just some experiment for her.  and this happens more than once too but to lesser degrees as the show progressed.  it's been more and more difficult to gauge how either of them are feeling because of what little we see of their personal interviews.






and as for that ideal drawing ... (don't read if you don't want to be offended)






not to rain on the parade, but i actually prefer to dismiss that picture.  i believe that show he was on was taken pretty early in the year, about the time i am convinced he hadn't really felt anything for seo.  and that ideal drawing ... i always found it weird that people brought up one of seo's earlier photos because if she was his ideal, he should be drawing her the way she looked at the time of that drawing.  and furthermore, that drawing bore a strong resemblance to his ex






hence my general disregard for it.








and the following is just an extension of what i was saying about seo being careful about her image.






she has never been forthcoming about her feelings, which i feel attributes to how nonchalant she seems to be about the emotional experiences she has on WGM compared to yong, who seems to be more obvious about how certain events affect him.  a perfect example of seo keeping up with this image she has is something that was brought up recently, which was the SNSD guerilla date.




it was filmed quite a while ago, but i remember someone brought it up to prove that seo admitted to liking yong.  tiffany had asked her if yong made her heart flutter.  if you watch carefully, seo hesitates.  and it's definitely not the kind of hesitation where a girl is embarrassed to admit something because she then pointedly looks at tiffany and sort of bites out the word, "yes" ... because she had no other option.  i mean, she had an option, but it would be unbecoming of her to say no.




so i feel like she is hyperaware of the way she needs to appear to her fans when she's not actually filming, and i definitely think she dislikes it when she's put on the spot.  and i honestly can't blame her.  if she did feel something for yong, i highly doubt she would be very appreciative of people forcing it out of her in public.  she's never really struck me as that sort of person to be very showy about her feelings (keeping in mind that, if true, yong is her "first").  of course she'll act differently BTS, but it's a time where she's under no obligation to save face.  does that make sense?



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Guest _d3seohyun

Gogumas! :D

so many awesome caps had been shared already (thank you) but i thought i would still drop in a couple so i can join the spazzing about the most recent episode.

* <3 this part! the way she turned towards him and the way he stared at her


* <3 he even repeated it twice while looking at wifey. making sure wifey understands: "Only For You" :D


* was making caps for these particualr scene while Yonghwa's song was playing.

waaaaa! I wanted to bawl like a baby!


* <3 instead of giving it to MIL herself she looked and gave it to hubby first


* probably my favorite scene from this episode (not counting the HH part)

Yonghwa's expression as he asked her this cute question, and the look he had afterwards tugged at my heartstrings.

He seemed emotional..so touched...proud. His serious/i'm-trying-to-hold-my-tears-here kind of smile

kinda sums up for me just how heartwarming that meeting between his buin and mom was like




* love love the preview! spazzing at the smile he had while buin was talking about looking like kimbap and how and where his left arm landed:P


* probably watched this particular scene more times than any parts of the recent episode.

the sight of seeing Seobaby busily fixing (not just simply putting) the scarf on hubby had me spazzing, awwwing and nearly in :tears:

having watched and followed these two from the beginning, i just can't help but get emotional seeing things like this nowadays.


Endless thanks to our awesome translators and subbers and to the rest of the goguma family.

Not sure if the deadline is up already, but just in case...count me in for USA. tnx :D

jnj chingu, tnx for the reminder (:

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Guest wallpaperfood

Wow I didn't expect to get that many positives from my self-skinship confession! -.-"

You're right, shawie, only Yongseo can affect me this way. Ssincha...

In response to celticheart, I have to say I LOVE your theory (and I had never considered it before), BUT (here goes - I'm really sorry if anyone gets upset, but it's just my opinion, which you don't have to take seriously) :

I'll admit that your theory is very convinvcing, and if it were not for my skepticism, I would totally be delusional now. 

However, I've seen pre-WGM clips of Yong saying his ideals/favourties were Taeyeon (89er chingu) and Sulli (94-er). Both have outgoing and vibrant personalities that one would expect someone like Yong to find himself attracted to. Hence, his answers made sense...also from my stereotypical POV, I guess.

Then comes the first ep of WGM where we find out that Yong was a major SNSD fan pre-CNBlue's debut. I think that explains the excited/shy/blissful look he had when Seohyun walked through those MBC doors. (Maybe also because she was the maknae?)

Sometime during their first meeting, Yong realises he's going to be responsible for a lot of her firsts. Considering various factors, he's definitely going to be treading egg shells - maknae, inexperienced, SM, SNSD's fan base, pure...

Thus, he starts making sure that he doesn't hurt Seohyun through anything he says in interviews and variety shows. (It was all during the early period when they were still getting comfortable, and he probably didn't want to have to deal with negative remarks about his virtual relationship.)

His ideal type suddenly changes to Hyun/a girl who clearly resembles her. Of course, it's for promotional purposes too, and probably because it just seems more appropriate. Whatever it was then, the overriding reason was to make sure he never hurt Hyun like he promised.

Therefore, to me, the drawing of the girl with thick bangs was just him implying that his ideal type was Hyun - wow he's a verrrrry self-conscious/careful and guarded guy - and instead of making a more obvious statement, he drew Hyun's debut look. He must have known that many people would eventually link it to Hyun (like we did), and that was most likely his intention.

If Hyun truly was his ideal type back then/who he fanboyed over, I think he might have:

(a) either dated girls like her (which is not the case, as Yong himself said that he had never dealt with someone like her before), or

(b ) known much more about Hyun (at least he knew about her knowing how to play the piano), as you tend to net-stalk your ideal, lol (like Jinwoon, who clearly showed how much he knew about Hyun in the first few eps), or

© said something about it in his first backroom interview. (I've seen past WGM participants saying that sort of thing - e.g. "I've always liked him")


It is as lovekin (credible backup hahaha) also said - since the drawing on that TV show was done in the early stages of WGM, I don't think he had any ''feelings'' for Hyun back then. I strongly believe that they were not attracted to each other in that way at first, but they've built it up over time, which is why Yongseo makes my heart flutter. :P

Having said that, you can see that this is gradually becoming irrelevant as of now, as Yongseo is doing very well in their relationship. They developed at a peaceful pace, and Yong managed to accomplish all this, regardless of whether he had already liked her before or not, so that possibility would just be a nice bonus for me if it was confirmed to be true =), but I'm not going to go gaga over the fact that it might have been the case. (ok...I might be suppressing myself a bit, haha).

Please don't let me get your mood down though! Feel free to blast me with other theories XD


Regarding Seohyun's "learning curve" - I think it's impossible to participate on a show like WGM and not develop any feelings. No matter the time or situation, once you're in a relationship, it   is   a   relationship. I won't specify what category the 'relationship' belongs to - it varies among different couples - it could be really good friends, soul mates, love interests, mutual dislike , etc... One is bound to develop them, even if they try to not express it as clearly (Seohyun's case, IMO).

Given the surrounding factors, I would say that yes, she does like Yong, being careful at the same time as she knows this is after all a show in reality, but that does not stop her from caring and giving to him. Likewise for Yong.

I've decided to just sit back and enjoy everything that's been shown to us, while we can :D (credits to Catkat - wonderful quote - I've also bought the book but have yet to start it)

---2nd edit---

I just realised that I topped the page, so check this recent poll conducted by Daum (17th Jan 2011): (sorry if it's been posted already)


Doesn't it make you feel so proud of uri Seohyun? :") (they are all 91-ers btw).

Credits to SNSDcentral.net

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Guest deutzy_ice








annyong haseyo gogumas!!! this is my first time to post here but i've been a lurker since the start of YongSeo in WGM. i have been a YongHwa fan since YAB and later came to love CN Blue; then loved SeoHyun and SNSD because of WGM. kekeke. i just want to thank all of you for the translations, subbed videos, pictures, and everything related to YongSeo. You guys are DAEBAK! :)






PS: would appreciate it very much if you could add me up in the fan list. i am from the Philippines. thank you.





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Hello goguma lovers! It's my first time posting here. I really enjoy following this thread and thank you for sharing all the links, caps and translations. Please add me to the list, I am from Indonesia.

I began watching WGM with Adam couple because my sister told me to watch as it's a very interesting show. When Yongseo couple started airing, I found it even more interesting because of Seohyun's unique and shy personality. Some people may find it boring during their early episodes but it made me curious on what Yonghwa will do to make this girl closer to him and more comfortable with him and I became addicted to Yongseo couple as I watch them every saturday to see their progress. And I'm so happy that they are so much closer right now.

I've been downloading their every episodes and rewatching them so many times that my husband said that I'm crazy. From Yong's and Hyun's eyes and actions, it really looks like that they like each other. Especially Hyun who changed so much compared to the early episodes. I really hope that they will date for real after the show.

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Guest bettechai




0.37986700 1232142131.jpg


try here if you cant see the pic i posted..->My link


just want to share this picture...


i saw it in SNSD's thread...:) dont know where to credit..:)


recognize the dress.?? heheh its the dress of hyun when she met the mother of Yong in Busan...so pretty..:):wub::wub:


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상도동 우리집앞에 용서부부의 우결촬영..보고싶으나 난이미버스타고지나가고있는 안타까운현실..캬~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































7 minutes ago via
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sangdodong. Yongseo couple. Twitted today.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What does that mean? -__-
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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About 25th filming (I'm guessing): Click
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married

































































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Guest ikekeyou
























Sangdodong is where their house is located
















so maybe they filmed at their house today or yesterday?
















i hope its true!!





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Guest porporja
















Hello Everyone!!  Sa-was-dee-ka














Truthfully, I'm quite new to this thread and this is my second time posting here.







I'm a Thai fan and I really want to join the COOK BOOK project. I already have one menu for Seohyun. The menu is delicious, but easy classic one. ;)







Can anyone tell me how to join the project?







I've already type the recipe in word document file then I need to know who can I send the recipe to.
















Thanks in advance ^^
















Ps 1. Kindly add me to the fan list, I'm a sweet potato couple addict from Thailand :wub:.
















Ps 2. Thanks all goguma shipper here who share all the picture and news of YongSeo. I swear to you all that I will share some in return when CNBlue & SNSD come to Thailand. ( CNBlue concert on 27th Jan and MBC Bangkok music wave ,which CNBlue & SNSD both join the concert on 12th Mar).
























Looking forward to see some Real moment from them ^^.  :D

















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